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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Tags (reset filter)
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I love the art style.
6 20 4 Manga 2010, Horror, Mystery, Pretty Art
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Meakashi-hen
"Yes. This is all a bad dream. I mean, I'm just in my room like always, just having a nightmare. So then... where am I?"

My favourite version of the arc. Seriously, the anime butchered this so much it's not even funny.

"Why was I born? I wish I never had been. If I hadn't been born, I wouldn't have gone through this. Who would look for any meaning in such a meaningless life? If I hadn't been born, no one would have been unhappy.
"Thank you for being nice to someone like me. Thank you for teaching someone like me how to be in love. Someone like me...
"Everyone... I'm sorry...
"Satoshi-kun, if you give me the same chance one more time, I'll never make the same mistake again.
"Goodbye. I love you."

See this? This is a direct quote from the last chapter of the manga. None of this was in the anime. And it's the best freaking part of the arc. Fucking anime...

"I kept thinking how nice it would be if everything that's happened up to today has been a dream.
"That's why I wrote this... Believing it will become a dream.
"It's a long - a ridiculously long - dream. And it would mean I haven't slept for over a year.
"That's right. I lost conciousness in a car accident over a year ago and I'll finally wake up. When I open my eyelids, Satoshi-kun, who's cared for me all this time, will be there looking into my eyes. *giggle* I guess that really would be too perfect.
"But... it's okay, right? To make it into something like this?
"It's okay... right?"
10 21 4 Manga 2007, Ryukishi07, Horror, Pretty Art, Reread, Faves
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Minagoroshi-hen
Death scene was better in the anime, just saying.
7 25 6 Manga 2008, Ryukishi07, Horror, Mystery, Pretty Art
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Onisarashi-hen
Awesome twist ending.

"I've made a lot of mistakes. I've lost a lot. Even my one and only precious world. My world has changed. It's a very cruel world now, but..."
8 8 2 Manga 2005, Ryukishi07, Spin-Off, Horror, Pretty Art, Reread
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Kurayami ni Strobe
8 7 1 Manga 2011, Hayakawa Nojiko, BL, LGB Character(s), Pretty Art, Faves
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Tsumasaki ni Kourozu
6 8 1 Manga 2011, BL, LGB Characters, Pretty Art
Chapters: 89, Volumes: 7, Days: 82.95, Mean Score: 7.5, Score Dev.: -0.39

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