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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Priority
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20th Century Boys
Another godly manga from Urasawa and probably the one he'll most be remembered for, even if it isn't his best. The story is incredibly well-written, intriguing, and gripping. However, it falters some in the last third-- it doesn't feel like he had it planned out as well as the rest of it. Since it's Urasawa the characters are great, but not quite as good as Monster's. Still, an absolute must-read for anyone and a great accomplishment. Incorporates music in a brilliant way, too. Just inches away from being perfect.
9 249 22 Low
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21st Century Boys
The final chapters to 20th Century Boys. The ending isn't perfect but I wasn't disappointed by any means. Plus, the final battle was one of the most enthralling, awesome, emotional sequences I've ever experienced--how often do you have a mangaka write, sing, and record a song for the story? The final revelation in the last few pages is absolutely genius, too.
9 16 2 Low
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Only thing it really has going for it is the art. I couldn't follow most of the plot and none of the characters are particularly interesting/noteworthy.
6 13 2 Low
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Akai Kiba
Grandma made a sandwich and died.
5 - 9 Low
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6 10 1 Low
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Another great cyberpunk work by Nihei. Has a larger focus on the characters and story than Blame! did so that was nice. The art and environments are fantastic as usual. Has an absolutely amazing extended action climax in the middle that will blow your mind. Parts of the story kinda lost me at the end but still a great work and his second best behind Blame!
8 43 6 Low
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Blame Gakuen! And So On
5 10 1 Low
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Blame! somehow manages to be extraordinarily vague on almost every aspect of the story and characters, but still be able to invest you heavily in the plot and characters, even a main character who speaks and emotes vary sparingly. The primary reason for this is the visuals/artwork are, quite simply, absolutely incredible. In a series with as little dialogue as this, the art takes on a much larger role and it fulfills it wonderfully. I found myself stopping on almost every single panel to just so I could fully take in the mind-boggling, improbable, nightmarish architecture and horrifically amazing designs . My only real issue with that during a lot of the hectic action scenes, I just couldn't tell what exactly was going on, which occasionally got confusing and frustrating. Overall this is one of the most imaginative, visually-stunning creations I've ever seen and it was one hell of an experience. If you can handle extreme vagueness, you should definitely check it out.
10 66 10 Low
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I've never read something that was both so painful and saddening while also being so incredibly beautiful and life-affirming at the same time. For all the talk of being sadistic and nihilistic, Bokurano is the best argument for the absolute beauty and worth of living; every single unique life. I haven't encountered many works of fiction that I would call life-changing, but this definitely changed the way that I think about life and death. It's a masterpiece.
10 66 11 Low
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Bradherley no Basha
Why the fuck did I read this
- 8 1 Low
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Dead Heads
Nihei continues his trend of coming up with premises with a lot of potential and then immediately canceling/ending them.
7 1 - Low
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Pretty dumb twist and pretty standard fare overall if you're familiar with horror and these types of stories, but it was a decent ride while it lasted. I'd love to see something along the same lines but with a longer, better-written story and more engaging characters.
6 21 4 Low
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Really nice collection of creepy stories that rely more on atmosphere and imagery to be effective. Good stuff.
7 5 1 Low
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7 5 1 Low
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Gyo: Ugomeku Bukimi
The usual Ito - amazingly horrific imagery and ideas, silly/ridiculous plot. If you're a fan you'll enjoy it. It also has the greatest sound effect in manga history - GASHUNK GASHUNK.

Gyo also comes with two short stories - the excellent and legitimately creepy/disturbing 'The Enigma of Amigara Fault', one of Ito's most well-known works (for my money his best creation) and the humorous 'The Sad Tale of the Principle Post'.
7 21 2 Low
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Had a really fantastic premise but I really disliked how it would regularly spend almost two volumes on a single person's 'case' - it made for very little actual narrative progression.
7 166 15 Low
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A really fantastic, post-apocalyptic one-shot with great art that manages to tell a good story in a short amount of time. My only problem was the unfitting humor
8 5 1 Low
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This one-shot by ABe manages to accomplish a lot in a very small number of pages. Very philosophical, mysterious, and touching. Feels like a precursor to Haibaine Renmei. Definitely worth checking out.
8 4 1 Low
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Kami no Hidarite Akuma no Migite
The author can draw some absolutely fantastic, disturbing, gory imagery, but that's about all this has going for it. The stories are extremely silly and it's hard to take any of them very seriously,but they're still entertaining in a hilariously unrealistic and cliche way-- maybe that's what the author was going for? Also, when the action gets heavy and there's a lot going on, the page can get so cluttered that sometimes you can't even really tell what's going on or what you're looking at. If you like well-drawn horror imagery and don't mind dumb stories to go with them, this is worth checking out.
6 77 6 Low
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8 64 10 Low
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Narutaru: Mukuro Naru Hoshi Tama Taru Ko
Not really sure what to think right now. It definitely wasn't on Bokurano's level. The plot seems directionless for a very long period of time, Shiina has no real goal or role for an equally long period, and the only character I was really able to connect with, Akira, disappears halfway through only to show up for a handful of pages in the later volumes and then again at the very end. The ending is...weird, to say the least. I think I owe it a few days to decide how I feel about it (both the ending and the manga as a whole) but right now I feel like my lack of connection to most of the characters and the absence of the more grounded events and discernible underlying philosophy that was present in Bokurano has left me a bit disappointed. For all its death and destruction, Bokurano had a very clear, surprisingly hopeful message about not throwing life away, about appreciating every thing, moment, and person in it, and about reconciling all that with death. The characters and their struggles to do just that felt real and beautiful, but whether it's poor writing or the paranormal weirdness and reading it too fast that's preventing me from seeing any beauty in Shadow Star or or even the underlying point is something that I'm still unsure about.
7 68 12 Low
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Nijigahara Holograph
The one instance I feel thse use of the word 'mindfuck' to be completely approrpiate. This is probably the most complex and confusing plot I've encountered in an anime/manga (this makes Lain look like K-ON) - I don't think there's any way you can get everything (or even most of it) on a single read-through. That being said the extremely confusing structure ties into the themes about life and its interconnectedness, struggle for happiness, etc and they're are easily-graspable the first time around, so you'll still get SOMETHING out of it despite the enigmatic nature. I'm pretty sure it's not completely inscrutable but I'll definitely have to re-read it again (and again, I'm sure). The Primer of the manga-world?

P.S. One thing I can say for sure though is that Punpun and Solanin are far, far more immediately satisfying.
8 15 1 Low
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Provides some good background on the world of Blame! and how things got to be the way they were. Definitely could have stood to be longer, but still a pretty nice little prologue.
8 8 1 Low
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Omoide Emanon
A very bittersweet, beautiful story about a fleeting moment when someone has a very important impact on your life before leaving for good. It's short so there's no excuse not to read it.
9 9 1 Low
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Ore wa Mada Honki Dashitenai dake
Doesn't give itself nearly enough time to make the characters interesting or to have much of a point.
4 36 5 Low
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Oyasumi Punpun
my heart
10 147 13 Low
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It's Urasawa so of course it's great but so far it's the weakest out of his works. The ending is pretty anticlimatic and there is a lot of stuff left unexplained. Even if it's not 20CB/Monster level it's still pretty fantastic and has the addictive plot and great characters that you would expect.
8 65 8 Low
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Sekai no Owari to Yoakemae
Asano does a pretty fantastic job of briefly peeking into the lives of the characters and really making you care and feel for them. It also has his usual great artwork. A lot of bang for your buck with this one - highly recommended.
9 11 1 Low
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Serial Experiments Lain: The Nightmare of Fabrication
A fantastic one-shot by ABe that covers many of the same themes from Lain but in a direct, to-the-point way, which was a kinda nice change considering the style of the show. Also features ABe's usual beautiful art in full-color.
8 1 - Low
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An extremely gruesome exploration of a vile period in Japan's history. The art is fantastic and extremely fitting- grotesquely muscled bodies, detailed anatomy, and every kind of horrific act of violence you can think of- all greatly rendered and morbidly beautiful. For all its blood and guts, it never feels cheap or trashy. Ultimately, it's a criticism of the values endorsed during that era, many of which are still glamorized today. Paraphrasing an early line from the narrator, "it was an era made up of many sadists, and even more masochists". A great work if you can handle the violence.
9 84 15 Low
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Perfectly describes exactly how I feel in my life right now. This is one of the most realistic and touching works that I've ever read; it easily could have been cheesy and cliche but the writing is just fantastic. If you've ever felt scared, uncertain, and confused about your life and wondered just what the hell it is you're doing, then you need to read this.
10 28 2 Low
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Tesoro: Ono Natsume Shoki Tanpenshuu
6 15 1 Low
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Threads of Time
A good, entertaining read. It's really straightforward in it's story and execution, so there's not really much to it. Doesn't really do anything to make it stand out too much. Still, it was solid enough to make it worthwhile.
7 46 11 Low
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Ito comes up with some really amazingly horrific body-horror images in this one that will stick with you for a while, but most of the stories are the usual ridiculous ones all too common in horror manga, though they're definitely still fun. Still, it would be nice to see a 'serious' horror manga with a plausible story, especially by someone as skilled as Ito doing the illustrations.
7 19 3 Low
Chapters: 1349, Volumes: 164, Days: 8.2, Mean Score: 7.5, Score Dev.: 0.02

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