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# Manga Title Score Chapters Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date Genres (reset filter)
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Imawa no Kuni no Alice
7 32/87 Raw insanity, TW: Suicide, Aggresively gore, Friendship strings, Deerstalker and pipe, Yield for nothing, Gender bender, Tragedy upon tragedy 28-08-21 28-08-21 Action, Horror, Supernatural
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Saiyaku wa Boku wo Suki Sugiru Publishing
8 65/- Shounen Ai, Howling of the moon, Tragedy upon tragedy, Grin on my face, So mushy, Hot Mess, TW: Taboo, Knightley syndrome, Gender bender, Richie Rich, Yield for nothing, The One Who Waited, 29-05-17 18-05-22 Action, Boys Love, Drama, Supernatural
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Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru
9 47/57 Howling of the moon, Shounen ai, Deerstalker and pipe, Yield for nothing, Grin on my face, Tragedy upon tragedy, Lines behind the thoughts, Raw insanity, Parental fondness, Hot Mess, 24-08-21 24-08-21 Boys Love, Mystery, Supernatural
Chapters: 144, Volumes: 22, Days: 38.96, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: -0.10

# Manga Title Score Chapters Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date Genres (reset filter)
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Kamisama no Iutoori 2
- 186 Friendship strings, Yield for nothing, Mustache Twirling Villain, Raw insanity, Howling of the moon, The One Who Waited, Clock turns back, Aggressively gore, Tragedy upon tragedy, Hot Mess 17-04-18 17-04-18 Action, Horror, Supernatural
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Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori
6 96 So mushy, Howling of the moon, Historical, TW: Sexual assault, Brainless human, Richie Rich, What personal space?, TW: Suicide, Laurus nobilis, Yield for nothing, Sibling bond, Cry-baby, Unwanted fanservice, Clock turns back, Aggressively gore, I hear the 06-09-17 09-09-17 Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Chapters: 282, Volumes: 49, Days: 203.33, Mean Score: 6.0, Score Dev.: -2.31

# Manga Title Score Chapters Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date Genres (reset filter)
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Natsume Yuujinchou Publishing
10 8/- Howling of the moon, Yield for nothing, Hot Mess, Grin on my face, Friendship strings, Parental fondness, Laurus nobilis 00-02-16 Drama, Supernatural
Chapters: 8, Volumes: 2, Days: 8.64, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 1.32

Chapters: 24707, Volumes: 3868, Days: 260.49, Mean Score: 6.4, Score Dev.: -0.79
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