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# Manga Title Score Chapters Tags (reset filter) Started Date Finished Date Genres (reset filter)
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50 x 50
4 5 Yaoi, So mushy, Brainless human, Non-existent plot, Shall be lifted - nevermore! 14-05-17 14-05-17 Boys Love, Comedy, Slice of Life, Erotica
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Usagi Drop
6 62 Josei, Laurus nobilis, I hear the bells, Knightley syndrome, The One Who Waited, Friendship strings, Parental fondness, Shall be lifted - nevermore!, TW: Taboo 28-03-18 07-04-18 Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life
Chapters: 67, Volumes: 11, Days: 203.33, Mean Score: 5.0, Score Dev.: -1.96

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