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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Priority
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Aflame Inferno
10 41/50 -/6 Manhwa 01-08-09 5707 Low
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10 372/705 42/74 Manga 20-01-09 5900 Low
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Kimi no Iru Machi
Also a very lifelike manga. I found the personalities very loveable and same as for Suzuka they are very good thought-out and matured.

The style of drawing matches the Suzuka manga, perhaps even a bit better. So it's simply awesome/amazing.

My rating would be around 9.3.
10 59/270 -/27 Manga 12-02-09 5877 High
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Onihime VS
10 11/27 1/4 Manga 00-00-09 5845 High
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Tenjou Tenge
10 89/136 -/22 Manga 01-08-09 5707 Low
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The One
10 60/110 10/18 Manhua 21-08-09 5687 High
Chapters: 632, Volumes: 53, Days: 3.51, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 2.41

# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Priority
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Ichigo 100%
This manga has nothing to do with realism but after you get used to the most stuipid man lead charakter in the world and the pure pervert and mind-free dialoges in the beginning, you WILL be suprised!

After the first 30-40 chapters you get used to the ecchi/harem-"slag" and you will mostlikely start to love the charakters (that's for me).

While reading it, it's getting profoundly little by little and the personalities get more structured.

My prediction: In the end you WILL just say: "WTF that manga was worth the effort because it has got one of the most beautiful ending I've ever seen...

My rating would be around 8.4.
10 167 19 Manga 00-01-09 00-01-09 1 High
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Lilim Kiss
9 24 2 Manga 24-07-09 31-07-09 8 Low
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I've re-read the 1st season about two times and the anime around 4-5 times for the reason that the story is far too relative to many expirience of mine =)

The 2nd season (til chap 114 "The Airport") even surpasses the 1st and I'm still looking forward for the next season!

My rating would be around 8.9.

update: now after finishing the whole manga I can't help but rating it 10,00!!!!! Masterpriece of romance manga.
10 171 18 Manga 00-12-08 00-03-09 91 High
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Toradora! Publishing
9 - - Manga 27-03-09 21-04-09 26 Medium
Chapters: 362, Volumes: 39, Days: 4.86, Mean Score: 9.5, Score Dev.: 1.84

# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Priority
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Well the name stands for itself, doesn't it?!

The manga surpasses the anime in my opinion even through there is no soundtrack/background =(

but anyways the thing is that the sytle of drawing is so much better than the anime, I dislike the "new" shippuuden style.

The story, sytle of drawing and enjoyment are certainly around 9.8.
10 413/700 -/72 Manga 00-00-08 6210 Medium
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Unbalance x2
Omg... never saw that coming... for the first sight that manga may got a weird opening, overwhleming with informations but then after continue reading you will be DEFENITLY suprised...

art: 11/10
story: 10/10
realistic: absolutly

Two things should be still said:
1. I don't know why this manga is under the genre: "comedy" but that's nonsense... that manga is a very serious one, believe me... there are no filler/playing around chaps though!

and 2: it's no rly a harem manga compared to others in that genre, the protagonist is a "good guy" (in many ways even his looking) and it's nothing unrealisticially to have serveral girls going for that guy and in that case the girls are not that penetrant -> chasing after him...

It's rly a masterpiece of realisticial manga for that genre (jn my opinion) the socialproblems, that personalities etc come very good out and for that

I would rate this manga +10

Ps: You know, normally i dislike romances between teachers/students but this one is increadible + the age differnet isn't that huge.
10 71/82 -/10 Manhwa 17-02-09 5872 High
Chapters: 484, Volumes: 0, Days: 2.69, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 2.12

# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Priority
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Kingdom Hearts
Well the manga is completly crap against the game...

Even through the story is the same, the hole story is compressed in far too less chapter, so it can't be helped, I love KH and also FF so that's why I won't rate it below 4 because style of drawing and storywise it's not THAT bad...
4 13/43 -/4 Manga 12-02-09 5877 Low
Chapters: 13, Volumes: 0, Days: 0.07, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -3.33

Plan to Read
# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Priority
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Hatsukoi Limited.
- -/33 -/4 Manga Low
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Suzumiya Haruhi Series Publishing
- -/- -/- Light Novel Low
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Yankee-kun to Megane-chan
- -/219 -/23 Manga 25-08-09 5683 Low
Chapters: 0, Volumes: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

Chapters: 1491, Volumes: 92, Days: 11.13, Mean Score: 9.4, Score Dev.: 1.75
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