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Boku no Hero Academia Publishing
I really like superheroes, and even though at least for the beginning, I prefer the Tiger and Bunny anime, the manga has recently getting better and may ultimately end up better.

Some issues: I dislike Aizawa's cloth weapon that makes no sense, villains dont use guns and such even though they'd be effective, and some small stuff like this is handwaved. I'm also not a huge fan of Deku. For one, he feels a little cliche at times like when he pulls 100%+ of his punch and his cliche super strength and speed. But he's not bad and I appreciate that he thinks strategically.

At times, this even reminds me of Harry Potter iwth the school setting and Yuuei almost closing down too with pressure from outside forces. Quite an enjoyable show, but I hope it maintains this. I also like the theme of One For All VS All for One, and the buildup of the final villain in the shadows.
6 175/- -/- Manga See comments Low
Chapters: 175, Volumes: 0, Days: 12.77, Mean Score: 6.0, Score Dev.: -2.04

Chapters: 12135, Volumes: 730, Days: 73.95, Mean Score: 5.3, Score Dev.: -2.56
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