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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Tags (reset filter) Priority Genres (reset filter) Demogr. (reset filter)
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Hana to Akuma
- -/60 -/10 Manga Comedy, Demons, Mystery, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural, 2007, Hana to Yume, Oto Hisamu High Fantasy, Romance Shoujo
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- -/8 -/2 Manga Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural, 2007, LaLa DX, Hibiki Wataru Low Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo
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Kaizoku to Ningyo Publishing
- -/- -/- Manga Pirate and Mermaid, BL, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Shounen Ai, 2007, Hana to Yume, Kiuchi Tatsuya Medium Adventure, Boys Love, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo
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The Bride of the Water God
- -/176 -/24 Manhwa Bride of the Water God, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, 2007, Wink, Yoon Mi-Kyung Low Drama, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo
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Tonari no Shugoshin
- -/8 -/2 Manga Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School, Shoujo, 2007, Cheese!, Shimaki Ako High Drama, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo
Chapters: 0, Volumes: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

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