Aug 2, 2011
Please forgive any spelling errors in the below writing. \^_^/
First let me clarify my ratings: I usually try to refrain from giving 10s, I usually only select 9s if it is incredibly outstanding because all comics can always improve.
Chikyuu Misaki is a cute yet thrilling comic. The characters are loveable, and the story isn't so intense that you have trouble feeling calm while reading it. But it isn't too calm that you feel inclined to fall asleep while reading at it. The plot is very creative and it's very hard to predict its plot twists. Nothing gets old, and it keeps itself going very smoothly
and it intertwines themes very well.
One thing I would like to note is that the ending was a happy ending, but it seemed like a realistic ending at the same time. So you wont fin yourself saying "gee, that's cute and all, but not really realistic so Im not satisfied"
In my opinion the story kept itself very fresh.
The plot intertwines from beginning to end, most everything is explained, but in a natural way to where you don't find anything very akward or obvious, but you are still kept at the edge of your seat. There were a couple things that weren't explained, and were kind of fuzzy, but they weren't huge. The plot is very creative and you are left with a sense of justice, as well as reallness.
The art is very unique, and is well developed. It is sort of a more "childish" type of art, BUT, it keeps realistic features in check. It might be perhaps an aquiered taste in art, but I believe it is refreshing to see something unique, and not once did I find myself thinking "oh, another uninique artstyle. what is this gonna be another shoujo thing again?" So I didn't have any pre-conceived notions of what the story might be like.
The character's personalitys are engaging and you find yourself even identifying with some "bad guys" (again, which makes the story more engaging and realistic) One thing that I found interesting was that the characters has just ENOUGH background, and not a huge aweful past/backstory, but yet there were still engaging things to learn about them along the way, and the author really distributed those things throughout the story well, and very smoothly.
This will always be relative, and subjective..
As for fanservice and fun extras: not much. Fanservice is not really there. There are things that you could consider fanservice, but they aren't very "candied up". Its cute, but also believable. Most of it is just Neo, (one of the main characters) who is kid like. (very cute by the way.) The rest of the fanservice is girls with low cut shirts and such, which I've personally gotten used to, but I found everything believable. There's also some pages between chapters that were a bit much. ( being on the objective, and more conservative side of things.)
It's unnique, and I personally think it's worth reading. (this is coming from a female, by the way.)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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