Apr 6, 2023
"My Classmate, the Former Idol, is Acting Really Suspiciously" is a light novel written by Korin-san with illustrations by Krki. It is a romantic comedy that follows the story of a high school student named Takuya, who has started to develop feelings for his classmate, a former idol named Midori. The novel is published by Media Factory and has been serialized since January 2022.
The story starts with Takuya, a high school student who has just started dating his classmate, Shimizu-san. Takuya is happy to be in a relationship, but he is also secretly in love with Midori, a former idol who is a classmate of
his. He feels guilty about having these feelings while he is dating someone else, and he struggles to figure out what to do.
As the story progresses, Takuya begins to notice that Midori is acting strange. She seems to be avoiding him and other classmates, and she spends a lot of time alone. Takuya becomes worried about her and decides to try to get closer to her to find out what is going on.
The story takes a comedic turn as Takuya tries to become friends with Midori, but she continues to act suspiciously. She avoids his questions and seems to be hiding something. Meanwhile, Takuya's relationship with Shimizu-san becomes strained as he becomes more and more preoccupied with Midori.
Throughout the story, Takuya struggles to balance his feelings for both Shimizu-san and Midori. He wants to be a good boyfriend to Shimizu-san, but he also wants to help Midori and figure out what is going on with her. The novel explores themes of love, friendship, and the difficulties of navigating relationships in high school.
One of the strengths of this light novel is its characters. Takuya is a relatable protagonist who is easy to root for. He is a bit clueless at times, but he genuinely cares about the people around him and wants to do the right thing. Midori is also an interesting character who is shrouded in mystery. The reader is left wondering what she is hiding and what her motivations are.
The writing style is straightforward and easy to read, which makes it an enjoyable light novel to pick up and read. The pacing is also well-done, with enough plot twists and character development to keep the story interesting without feeling rushed.
The illustrations by Krki are also a highlight of this light novel. They are cute and expressive, and they add a lot to the story. The characters are all well-designed and the art captures the mood of the story perfectly.
This LN is quite enjoyable romantic comedy that is well worth reading. The characters are likable, the story is engaging, and the art is delightful. If you're a fan of light novels or romantic comedies, this is definitely one to check out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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