Jun 20, 2021
I'm surprised to not see any reviews here. Welp I shall be the first one!
I swear this manga was made for me. It's got handsome/beautiful vampires, a perverted vampire fanatic heroine, a cute romance with a bishounen vampire, crossdressing, and an entertaining cast of characters. Though, as much as I enjoyed the hell out of it. There were some issues I had, which I'll mention:
==Story (6)==
At first, I thought this manga will be light on the story. The vampire fanatic Heroine finds handsome vampire and teaches him the way of the vampire. With hilarious antics and growing romance along the way. While the first volume
does as you'd expect from the premise, the second volume tried to get a little heavy with the plot. So after finishing the second volume, I felt a bit unsatisfied because the author introduced interesting plot points and characters, but didn't have enough time to insert any of those. No joke, around the very end of the manga, they put a short summary of certain characters' backgrounds which would've made an interesting story if there were more volumes. I also can't tell if this extra page at the end regarding the twist of Granny and little brother was an actual thing... But judging from the author's notes at the end, I guess it must be but didn't have any time to expand on that. Which is a shame. I also wish the romance was a bit better between the heroine and bishounen vampire. There was some cute moments here and there, but I wish we got more.
==Art (9)==
I really enjoyed the art. I love the rough style and how expressive the characters can get. The heroine's expressions when she gets very passionate about vampires is just funny to look at. My only complaint is some characters looking the same. It can get a bit confusing unless they show the whole body or call out their name.
==Character (6)==
As I mentioned, this manga has an entertaining cast of characters. The heroine, Arika, was pretty hilarious to me. Probably because I love a good vampire story and vampire romance as she does. She's not really a deep character aside from wanting vampires and humans to coexist and having a whole personal stash of vampire fantasies written down. The bishounen amnesiac vampire, Divo, is adorable and quite the mystery. The more you read, there's just something about him. Especially his body as he's missing... a certain part and can weirdly handle a fight. If you're expecting to learn more about his backstory as you read. You don't. As I've mentioned, you'll get to know just who Divo is and why's he the way he is in the author's notes at the end. Which is honestly disappointing. The little brother and Granny are the same way. At first I thought they're the family members that get roped in to heroine's antics, they're both funny, but turns out there was way more to them but only mentioned in the author notes. So again, it sucks that we didn't see that in the story itself. There's a half-vampire and priest character and they're fine enough and get a few laughs. Though, their background is deeper than what the story shows and you'll only get it at the end in the notes. Last are the 4 vampire beauties. I love their design, but they're introduced halfway in the second volume. So, again, we don't learn much about them. Hell, I don't even think they revealed 3 out of 4 of their names? Once again, you'll get a bit more of their backstory and names at the end. Because of the overwhelming lore behind the characters yet doesn't show it within the manga, I have to rate them a 6.
==Enjoyment (10)==
As I've said, this is the kind of manga I've been waiting for! Luckily, I read this manga without expecting anything deep or heavy, so I made this into a fun read. Which does deliver! I found most of the scenarios entertaining and always enjoy scenes of Divo being Divo. I could relate to the heroine and her vampire passion. With or without lore, the characters are fun enough on their own.
==Overall (8)==
Definitely read this for fun. The lack of plot and character explanation will leave you unsatisfied and a bit annoyed. So it's best to enjoy as a fun, vampire story. To my surprise, the manga has some ecchi-ness to it, so careful if you decided to read this in public. I still wish the romance between Arika and Divo was handled a bit better and more romantic moments between them. It kinda just happens, but their relationship was fun so I wasn't too upset. It's still a damn shame that the author clearly had interesting ideas for this manga, but not enough room to put within 2 volumes. Despite that, I recommend this manga to anyone that would like a fun, cute vampire manga with touch of fanservice!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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