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Jan 9, 2023 10:09 PM
Sep 2020
I had Nier Automata in my game list for a while and thought of also watching anime.

But it seems the E1 adapted the game and seems like would be adapting stories (multiple endings or something).

Unlike Devil May Cry Anime, It really seems to be covering game story 

Hence was concerned and would like to ask those who have played Nier Automata.
Jan 9, 2023 10:14 PM

Oct 2014
Play the game, it's an experience. Episode 1 covered the prologue of the game.
It's Morbin' Time!
Jan 9, 2023 10:15 PM

Jan 2017
Cursed07 said:
I had Nier Automata in my game list for a while and thought of also watching anime.

But it seems the E1 adapted the game and seems like would be adapting stories (multiple endings or something).

Episode 1 did adapt the Prologue of the Game , but the creator already said that he would change a few things for it to be a different story.

In my opinion , play the Game before.
Nier Automata is really a great RPG , and a really peculiar experience.
Translating it in Anime format will not be easy , and will inevitably lose some of its charm.
You can already see a few peoples who didn't played the Game finding Episode 1 boring because it seems too much as if you are playing a Game , without actually playing it. (You know , like it's obviously a typical tutorial mission , where you discover the mecha etc but not the story itself.)
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jan 9, 2023 10:15 PM
Feb 2018
I have not play the game but I think is better than the anime
Jan 9, 2023 10:16 PM
Apr 2021
play the game, absolute masterpiece
Jan 9, 2023 10:17 PM

Sep 2020
Cursed07 said:
I had Nier Automata in my game list for a while and thought of also watching anime.

But it seems the E1 adapted the game and seems like would be adapting stories (multiple endings or something).

Unlike Devil May Cry Anime, It really seems to be covering game story 

Hence was concerned and would like to ask those who have played Nier Automata.

Just watch it, even though the staff only summarized the story in anime format and changed some aspects.
Every living being is a slave to something.
Askeladd, Vinland Saga.
Jan 9, 2023 10:18 PM
Nov 2020
I recommend playing the game first. Since the anime is being adapted based on the game, you should do that before watching the anime. I believe Yoko Taro, who created Nier, said things may be different in the anime because he didn’t want to do a exact copy of the game when making the anime. The game is worth the experience. You will not regret it. Gameplay is amazing, story is amazing, music is phenomenal. Trust me.
Jan 9, 2023 10:18 PM

Jul 2015
Well, you don't have to wait weekly for more game content.

Jan 9, 2023 11:25 PM

Feb 2021
I'd say you should play the game, imho one of the best of the last generation. If you are familiar with the game you'll love how they adapt each scene into the anime, and even using the same soundtrack.

I know that a lot of people didn't liked the first episode, but honestly it left me speechless at how beautifully adapted it is.
Jan 9, 2023 11:34 PM
Nov 2019
i recommend you playing the game first, literally a masterpiece
Jan 10, 2023 1:02 AM
Mar 2021
the game is great but if you're just looking to experience the story, it seems like the anime is covering it pretty faithfully. A lot of shots are even 1:1 with the game, so I doubt you'll be missing much – other than maybe some passing character dialogue during gameplay or random side content.
Jan 10, 2023 1:13 AM
Dec 2017
If you have the time, and the means, then play the game first, because it is a masterpiece with a great story, but much of your emotional involvement and immersion is tied to how the game works. The anime though while has nice 2D, has atrocious CGI (hopefully this will be less problematic after EP 1 with fewer flying scenes), sometimes questionable directing, and cuts between scenes. The anime also has to shorten things obviously, because the game's story is much longer, than 12 or 24 eps (even without chores, fighting, and running), which leaves less time to be immersed and emotionally involved, which can seriously hurt your enjoyment.

The game itself is about 35 hours, with the 3 "replays" (though they aren't actual replays, only the second, but significantly shorter with a different character, from a different perspective, with more available information) and with the more important side quests. 
Jan 10, 2023 1:33 AM

Feb 2020
Play the game 100%. Nier Automata can't even be adapted to an anime or any other form of media anyways. But I highly recommend the game. Even if the anime was a perfect adaptation I would still recommend the game because the games message can't be conveyed as an anime. Plus Taro already said he is gonna change the story to make is work as an anime.
Jan 10, 2023 3:32 AM
Jul 2019
play the game the adaptation is copium
Jan 10, 2023 3:34 AM
Oct 2022
I didn't play the game but still enjoying the anime tho..
Jan 10, 2023 9:17 AM
Sep 2013
Piromysl said:
Well, you don't have to wait weekly for more game content.

this is an excellent point, haha
Jan 10, 2023 10:49 AM

Dec 2015
Main reason why you should play the game is pacing. The Prologue lasted more than 1 hour on the game while it's 22 minutes in anime. This completely diminished the emotional impact of it. Do be ready for some annoying stuff like Ending B covering the same stuff of Ending A, but even then the experience of playing the game is much better. Trust me, no anime only will actually feel that Nier is a masterpiece, but there's a chance you might feel that with the game
Jan 10, 2023 10:58 AM
Nov 2022
After read this thread, I asked two friends which played the game the same question. They recommended me play the game before watch the anime because both of them have almost the same story, despite Yoko Taro (the creator of NieR Automata) said he would change some things. We can see this is not like the last animated series based in videogames, for example Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is set one year before Cyberpunk 2077.

However some people may watch the anime first, then play the videogame.
JaprisJan 10, 2023 11:05 AM
Jan 10, 2023 10:59 AM

Mar 2018
10000% play the game. Automata is one of my all time favorite games, it's an incredible achievement in game design and storytelling and absolutely deserves your time. I could gush for literal hours about Nier Automata
Jan 10, 2023 11:48 AM
Nov 2021
you MUST play it. even if they would do a great adaptation the game it's a unique experience; the ost, the story and the visuals that the game offers are really really really a pleasure. I'm not going to lie, I recovered the game series from Replicant (and you really should think of playing it too) and fell in love, currently on the second run of automata and I'm enjoying it pretty much.
Jan 11, 2023 4:08 AM
Jun 2021
but first play nier.
Jan 12, 2023 6:16 AM
Sep 2020
Hi, Cursed07 here

So I decided on playing first and postponed anime.

And already died last night 3 times in the first flight mission (Playing on "Hard").

Truly liked the gameplay, how challenging it is and adaptive.
Jan 12, 2023 2:45 PM
Nov 2015
I was trying to edit my message and accidentally somehow deleted it. There's no "confirm" button to actually delete your comment. I literally deleted it by accidentally tapping the delete button instead of the button next to it. Great design (sarcasm). ffs..
Thankfully I managed to "restore" it by going back in the browser because it was cached in it..
Here's the comment again..

How can you even ask this question? The anime basically didn't even start. No one can answer since no one knows what the anime is(will be).
And the obvious answer is obviously to play the game.
You will feel more because you will be more connected to the experience becasue your skill and what you do will steer your experience, you will not be merely served what to observe.

Spoiler for the entire first episode because I'll directly comment in what the differences in between the anime and the game are below:
Up until 9S is shown for the first time, it's basically the gameplay animated.
For now, one likely problem to me is that it seems likely that the anime mixes up into one the story which in the game is told via different "parts" of the story.
9S talking with 21O at the very beginning for example is not seen until you finish the first part of the game.
The big mining hand robot that 2B killed with a single charged shot by the pod did not have complete justice done to it in terms of how the anime shows what you experience through the game for that fight; In the game it's the first boss fight and it takes a while. All the while you are hearing the game's music.
But, well, that's fine. Would've been good had they animated the attacks that the drill hand does in the game, at least two, but it's fine.

The robots that stand still as 2B walks next to them and 9S explains to her that as of late such robots have started increasing in numbers; That did not take place there. In the game you fight against robots in that area wheras in the anime 2B walks past them.

Then, as she walked past those robots that did nothing to her, stuff is not in the anime in terms of how much area (and fighting and thus getting immersed into the story by being exposed to the music) there is in the game.
By the time she arrives to the Goliath enemy, a lot of fighting is skipped alongside some "inspiring" moments.
Prior to the Goliath enemy fight, the two mining drills that are the Goliath enemy's hands attack 2B and in the game you need to first defeat them by themself before 2B fights the Goliath enemy.
Again, all this time you spend in the game you are exposed to the music which is perhaps the strongest thing of this game. I mean, anime. haha
The fight against the Goliath enemy is also very much shortened. You don't see many of the attacks which are a peculiar aspect of this game because of how they look.
When 9S hacks the Goliath enemy, that is also something not seen in the game until the second part of the game. Only 9S can hack enemies and as you play the first part of the game, you don't even realize that 9S does something other than fly around and fight.

A big plus is that almost, if not literally everything, that is said in the first episode of the anime is from the game, I noticed only potentially a single voice line that isn't taken directly from the game, and it was by the Pod, not by either 9S or 2B.

The ending of the episode is well, also not what it is in the game. Only in the sense that you don't control 2B, but it is a big thing in this case because of what The Bunker is and the experience that walking on it for the first time  is. Everything else is almost 1-to-1 from the game.
Walking on The Bunker is special. Everything is black and white, there are no colors in the game in The Bunker. And the melody that plays in The Bunker is peculiar and important. That experience is missing from the anime, at least from its first episode.

This seems to be overall a great adaptation.
If you like it and want more, based on just the first episode so far, you might tremendously enjoy the game.

Once more, the music is of great significance in this game for me and for that reason alone I think that it's basically impossible to enjoy experiencing NieR:Automata in its anime form as much as if one does it through its game form.

I like 2B's eyes and overal face a lot more in the game.
This is when 2B wakes up in The Bunker.
It is all black and white in the game.


GandeloftJan 13, 2023 2:09 AM
Jan 12, 2023 11:10 PM
Aug 2013
If you don't want spoilers for the game, play the game first.
Jan 13, 2023 7:13 AM

May 2021
Play the game but don't fall for the biased opinions in this site, If you don't like the game don't force yourself to ending it, if you don't believe that is a masterpiece and just consider it average, it's also ok. Those opinions can already put a burden on you expecting something that isn't there for some perceptive eyes.
Jan 13, 2023 11:36 AM

Jan 2014
Like my first reaction when I saw this topic was "how come you haven't played it already", so yes I would say that you should play the game first since it's just too good to skip. As the anime goes the first episode was quite nicely done imo but naturally can't speak for the whole anime yet, but since it's Yoko Taro we are speaking about here I wouldn't be surprised if we see some kind of spin to the story as he likes to do that in every medium imaginable, so also because of this I would highly recommend to play the game first and finish at least 5 endings which can take you around 40ish hours (it took me ~96h to 100% the game)
Jan 14, 2023 10:27 PM
Dec 2020
This is a story that works best as a game. Even the anime was forced to use the game's menu screens at points, and we've only just begun.
Jan 15, 2023 12:15 AM

Nov 2009
The game first, absolutely.
 - Games are more immersive.
 - The length of the adaptation is limited - content is cut.
 - The gameplay is excellent just like the rest of the game's elements (plot, characters, visuals, music, etc.).
 - I'm cursing everyone who watches the anime before the game to stub their little toe in corners/furniture every single day for the rest of their lives.
Feb 7, 2023 7:01 AM
Sep 2020
So I finished Ending A, now proceeding with S9 probably for Ending B. I kinda see it exhausting to have like 5 main endings and total 26 Ending Variations ( Aaah) but it is RPG and they are meant to be the type of time spent well. (Probably play 5 endings and watch on YT for rest)

Story was intriguing and so were the side quests, it's a game (RPG) where time spent well would yield one more.

I find spending time on it a bit tough for age now I am and particularly how nowadays have random moods like sometimes not of doing anything and sometimes of doing something. Hence I'm playing and would be Playing slowly and probably with alot of breaks instead of binge as used to do once. ( Grows up and that's out of hand heh)
Feb 7, 2023 7:06 AM
Sep 2020
SeproDep said:
This is a story that works best as a game. Even the anime was forced to use the game's menu screens at points, and we've only just begun.

That's kinda true. Playing it, I like the details of Skills system and side quests stories and stuffs. It isn't too much advanced to not be able to get ghist of it and not so much basic that can be adapted. Good as a game.

Completing Ending A, I find the Despair component of B2 not so much as I at first it should had ( considering the fanbase). Personally I'm comparing kinda with Kaneki Ken of Manga's despair reference.

The stories are interesting, my favorite one was the boss of that Play Area right beside Pascal Village.

I'd play Hoping to find the despair I first seeked for B2 character I had imagined.
Feb 7, 2023 9:12 AM
Feb 2019
I wanna to play the games but it was too late for me anyway I'll get it back
Feb 7, 2023 5:33 PM

Mar 2018
Absolutely play the game, the show will be at best a good way to relive it passively, but there's no way it can capture the experience of playing the game. Play it for sure.
Mar 8, 2023 4:52 AM

Feb 2014
Play the game, but start with the very first game Drakengard 3, then Drakengard, then NieR Gestalt/Replicant and by the time you get to NieR Automata the anime will be over and you have already watched everything, then you can play NieR Automata. There are also several other medias (drama CD, novels, comic books, stage plays...) to entertain you.
Mar 10, 2023 5:54 PM

Jul 2021
Gildesh said:
The length of the adaptation is limited - content is cut.

I'm kind of glad that they cut out farming materials for pod upgrades by running around an area and then reloading the area to reset the loot points.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 11, 2023 10:40 AM

Nov 2009
It wasn't all that grindy as far as I can remember. Not unpleasantly anyway. Especially compared to Replicant...
And if it wasn't obvious, I meant xy% of the story is cut out.
Mar 11, 2023 10:57 AM

Jan 2013
You already know you didn't have to ask this question, the answer is obviously play the game first. 
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 11, 2023 11:06 AM
Mar 2020
The anime is shaping up to be a very faithful adaptation, so I think its fine to do either.
I will most certainly be recomending this show to people who have not played the game if it sticks its landing.
Mar 11, 2023 11:27 AM
Oct 2020
100% play the game. Play the game it’s a masterpiece and deserves the hype. If anything play it to hear the ost in show
Mar 11, 2023 12:24 PM

Jul 2021
So far the anime is adapting it pretty faithfully.

I still recommend you play it, on the basis that it's really, really good.
Mar 23, 2023 10:24 PM
Mar 2023
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