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Jul 18, 2014 4:14 PM

Nov 2011
gizter13 said:
AO968 said:

Lulu isn't really a Metallica album, but more a Lou Reed one where Metallica is simply his support band. The band itself doesn't list it as part of their own discography, either, but as collaboration.

As for St. Anger, I personally like it, though it has a few issues (for one, some of the songs are too long and repetitive; second, no solos; third, Lars drumming on what sounds like trash cans). Still, for an album heralding their return to thrash, I think it's decent, especially given the history behind it.

Admittedly, I'm more a fan of the Teutonic thrash bands myself (especially Sodom), but I can appreciate both Metallica and Megadeth as well, so I don't really care all that much about the fanbases arguing back and forth over who's better.

i just wanted to say i prefered Sodom over Kreator too.. Sodom is my all time favorite thrash band anyway, also the first one i listened too. there is this gig later this year where Sodom opens for Kreator. and its confusing to me, allways thought Sodom where more populair.
honestly only listen to Kreator for little over a year (did hear of them before that, but not that much to be honest), and Sodom for about 4 years now i think.

Sodom's Agent Orange sold more than any Kreator album but overall they weren't as big though obviously quite close. I love Sodom but they seemed to suffer a but of versatility issues and were guilty of recycling choruses. That doesn't change the fact they absolutely kick ass but its the main reason I chose Kreator instead. All the German 3 > The american Big 4 IMO. Voivod is my favorite thrash band but most of their best stuff was more in the prog department and are much more an acquired taste. Bathory is a black metal band but I prefer them over any thrash band tbh even though I'm not big on black metal save the first wave bands.
Jul 18, 2014 5:12 PM

Feb 2013
DragonQuest3 said:
Don't get pissed because someone doesn't kiss your favorite bands asses :D
But....they're not my favorite bands? I mean I like them and all, but they aren't my favorite.

Favorite Band = Iced Earth
Favorite genre = Thrash
Favorite Thrash Band = Slayer

Second favorite Thrash band would probably be Evile whom I got turned onto a few years ago. They started as a Metallica cover band, but I like their sound much more. I shared them with Intervision recently and I think he'll agree that they are/were (currently on hiatus) quite good.

Anyway, I knew you didn't like Slayer either, or at least didn't like KK and now I see you hold Anthrax in the same regard.

I don't mind listening to someone's opinion when it comes to a genuine difference in taste. But you just spout off that popular bands are bad and the read I'm getting is that you just do it because you think it's cool to hate on popular big deal. A lot of people do it. But I still won't take you seriously.
Jul 18, 2014 5:46 PM

Dec 2012
NTAD said:
DragonQuest3 said:
Don't get pissed because someone doesn't kiss your favorite bands asses :D
But....they're not my favorite bands? I mean I like them and all, but they aren't my favorite.

Favorite Band = Iced Earth
Favorite genre = Thrash
Favorite Thrash Band = Slayer

Second favorite Thrash band would probably be Evile whom I got turned onto a few years ago. They started as a Metallica cover band, but I like their sound much more. I shared them with Intervision recently and I think he'll agree that they are/were (currently on hiatus) quite good.

Anyway, I knew you didn't like Slayer either, or at least didn't like KK and now I see you hold Anthrax in the same regard.

I don't mind listening to someone's opinion when it comes to a genuine difference in taste. But you just spout off that popular bands are bad and the read I'm getting is that you just do it because you think it's cool to hate on popular big deal. A lot of people do it. But I still won't take you seriously.

Hipster within a hipster.
Jul 18, 2014 5:50 PM

Feb 2013
IntervisioN said:
Hipster within a hipster.
Jul 18, 2014 6:07 PM

Oct 2013
Fuck you all; Tool>>>Everything
Jul 18, 2014 6:59 PM
Jul 18, 2014 7:12 PM

Nov 2011
NTAD said:
DragonQuest3 said:
Don't get pissed because someone doesn't kiss your favorite bands asses :D
But....they're not my favorite bands? I mean I like them and all, but they aren't my favorite.

Favorite Band = Iced Earth
Favorite genre = Thrash
Favorite Thrash Band = Slayer

Second favorite Thrash band would probably be Evile whom I got turned onto a few years ago. They started as a Metallica cover band, but I like their sound much more. I shared them with Intervision recently and I think he'll agree that they are/were (currently on hiatus) quite good.

Anyway, I knew you didn't like Slayer either, or at least didn't like KK and now I see you hold Anthrax in the same regard.

I don't mind listening to someone's opinion when it comes to a genuine difference in taste. But you just spout off that popular bands are bad and the read I'm getting is that you just do it because you think it's cool to hate on popular big deal. A lot of people do it. But I still won't take you seriously.

Im a huge fan of The Beatles, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Rush, and Queen. I don't care for Metallica, Slayer, AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Nirvana and Radiohead. Doesn't matter to me if they're famous or unknown as long as they're enjoyable to listen to. I only find one Metallica album enjoyable and that's Ride the Lightning with fantastic tracks like Fade to Black and Creeping Death. The other albums are all boring or annoying to me. Slayer I liked the first two albums but RIB was mediocre and they only went downhill afterwards. I like all the first 5 albums by both Anthrax and Megadeth.

Assuming people are hipsters just because they don't like certain popular artists is utterly ignorant. I just don't care how popular or renowned an artist is if I think their music is crap I call it crap. A lot of my favorite bands are more cult bands but that's because i like a lot of styles that are not mainstream at all.
Jul 18, 2014 8:12 PM

Feb 2013
DragonQuest3 said:
Assuming people are hipsters just because they don't like certain popular artists is utterly ignorant. I just don't care how popular or renowned an artist is if I think their music is crap I call it crap. A lot of my favorite bands are more cult bands but that's because i like a lot of styles that are not mainstream at all.
Quell my assumption, then. Let's pick one band and one album. You're like "RIB was mediocre." Why? Just 'cause you say so? Like I said, right now, you're just spewing bullshit. You take what is revered as a masterful achievement by many and call it mediocre, but without saying why. Develope

If you just don't like it, just say you don't fucking like it. But if you can't explain what about it made it mediocre, then shut the hell up.

I feel like I've been troll'd
NTADJul 18, 2014 8:17 PM
Jul 18, 2014 8:23 PM

Nov 2011
NTAD said:
DragonQuest3 said:
Assuming people are hipsters just because they don't like certain popular artists is utterly ignorant. I just don't care how popular or renowned an artist is if I think their music is crap I call it crap. A lot of my favorite bands are more cult bands but that's because i like a lot of styles that are not mainstream at all.
Quell my assumption, then. Why are they bad? Just 'cause you say so? Like I said, you're just spewing bullshit. You're like "RIB was mediocre." You take what is revered as a masterful achievement by many and call it mediocre, but without saying why.

If you just don't like the style, say you don't like the fucking style. If you can't explain what about it made it mediocre, then shut the hell up.

Obviously I like the style obviously but Metallica and Slayer are simply dull for the most part. Quit getting pissed over my opinion you ass I never said you couldn't like them but I don't like them and I don't see the issue with me saying I don't. What about RIB is so great? Why not listen to Darkness descends instead? Its got better riffs, its catchier, its more brutal, its got a better atmosphere, and is over all just more fun. No matter what me or anyone says I don't think I'm going to change your mind about Slayer and Metallica. What reasons can I give you other than they're boring and annoying? A large part of why these bands are so popular anyway is because of how well advertised they were.
Jul 18, 2014 9:13 PM

Aug 2010
No Doubt are better than both of these bands.
fuck everything and rumble
Jul 18, 2014 9:14 PM

Feb 2013
DragonQuest3 said:
Obviously I like the style obviously but Metallica and Slayer are simply dull for the most part. Quit getting pissed over my opinion you ass I never said you couldn't like them but I don't like them and I don't see the issue with me saying I don't. What about RIB is so great? Why not listen to Darkness descends instead? Its got better riffs, its catchier, its more brutal, its got a better atmosphere, and is over all just more fun. No matter what me or anyone says I don't think I'm going to change your mind about Slayer and Metallica. What reasons can I give you other than they're boring and annoying? A large part of why these bands are so popular anyway is because of how well advertised they were.
Except you DIDN'T say that earlier, genius. All you said was "RIB is mediocre" without any reasoning. Let me draw it in crayon for you:

You say: "I don't like Metallica because I think they're boring and annoying." That's fine. You don't like them because they don't cater to your taste. This makes sense and I can respect that.

You say: "RiB is mediocre." No explanation. That's like posting a review score for something and just leaving it at that with no elaboration as to why you gave it such a score. Nobody is going to give a fuck about what you say if you don't tell us why you think it was 'Yeh', 'meh' or 'bleh', especially if it gains otherwise positive reviews by a greater majority.

And their popularity has nothing to do with their musical talent, which is what we are discussing...or at least I am. Seems like you're just trying to redirect the convo.
NTADJul 18, 2014 9:22 PM
Jul 18, 2014 9:47 PM

Nov 2011
NTAD said:
DragonQuest3 said:
Obviously I like the style obviously but Metallica and Slayer are simply dull for the most part. Quit getting pissed over my opinion you ass I never said you couldn't like them but I don't like them and I don't see the issue with me saying I don't. What about RIB is so great? Why not listen to Darkness descends instead? Its got better riffs, its catchier, its more brutal, its got a better atmosphere, and is over all just more fun. No matter what me or anyone says I don't think I'm going to change your mind about Slayer and Metallica. What reasons can I give you other than they're boring and annoying? A large part of why these bands are so popular anyway is because of how well advertised they were.
Except you DIDN'T say that earlier, genius. All you said was "RIB is mediocre" without any reasoning. Let me draw it in crayon for you:

You say: "I don't like Metallica because I think they're boring and annoying." That's fine. You don't like them because they don't cater to your taste. This makes sense and I can respect that.

You say: "RiB is mediocre." No explanation. That's like posting a review score for something and just leaving it at that with no elaboration as to why you gave it such a score. Nobody is going to give a fuck about what you say if you don't tell us why you think it was 'Yeh', 'meh' or 'bleh', especially if it gains otherwise positive reviews by a greater majority.

And their popularity has nothing to do with their musical talent, which is what we are discussing...or at least I am. Seems like you're just trying to redirect the convo.

They're pretty basic reasons and even if I gave them yod still find reasons to get pissed. Honestly I think you need to chill dude your getting way too upset over musical opinions. I have every right to bash Metallica or Slayer. Its not like I was bashing everyone here for liking them I just blurted out my opinion and you start calling me a hipster which I find ignorant of you.

What reasons could I say I dislike them other than I don't enjoy them may I ask? I said I like Megadeth anyway they're fine. Anthrax is good as well. Voivod is better even though the vocals were poor they were much more creative musically and much more versatile going from sloppy punk inspired thrash to a cleaner more mature prog metal was quite a transition. Also Piggy was perhaps thrashes most unique guitarist and Away was a hell of a drummer.
Jul 18, 2014 9:52 PM

Jul 2013
IntervisioN said:
PrimeX said:
Metallica has Enter Sandman so Metallica.

As iconic of a song Enter Sandman is, it is by far the best Metallica song. Do you even Metallica?
you do know that's subjective right?
Jul 19, 2014 6:58 AM
May 2012
DragonQuest3 said:

No I'm not being a hipster. I like Megadeth and some of the other bands materials but overall none of them were that consistent or interesting. AJFA is boring as hell I have to quit every time I'm assaulted by that shitty chorus on shortest straw :/

A little late, but last night I wanted to ask what you mean by "consistent".
What I like about Megadeth and Metallica is their consistency. They both put out good albums that never sounded the same as the last. If you mean that they didn't keep putting out the same album, that's good thing.

UnoPuntoCinco said:
Fuck you all; Tool>>>Everything

TOOL is like St Anger, songs are too long, it's repetitive, and gets boring. The only difference is TOOL has a catchy bassline for some songs and the sound of the drums doesn't leave you with your ear ringing. But that's off topic.

DragonQuest3 said:
What reasons can I give you other than they're boring and annoying? A large part of why these bands are so popular anyway is because of how well advertised they were.

Objective reasons to start. I don't like Slayer and I used to not like Megadeth, but because I find a band boring doesn't mean they're not good. For example above, I don't like TOOL because I find them boring, and I can give a few personal reason why I think so, but that won't change anything why fans might like them.

PrimeX said:
IntervisioN said:

As iconic of a song Enter Sandman is, it is by far the best Metallica song. Do you even Metallica?
you do know that's subjective right?

I feel Ride the Lightning is their best album but everyone chants on about Master of Puppets :( Though I like both, Ride the Lightning had a better quality about their songs in my opinion.
"There is no more effective method of concealment than the broadest publicity."
"naw just be like "in facist america burger is you comrade""
"if maps are hard, suicide is impossible"
Jul 19, 2014 7:11 AM
Jan 2014
I'm more a fan of Metallica to be honest, although I don't listen to much of it anymore. As for megadeth I also like their sound, it's a close call between both but I simply prefer their nowadays albums.

As for guitar playing, when I played guitar I used to prefer metallica's songs. They're simply fun to play.
Jul 19, 2014 7:32 AM
Jun 2014
Charles-Ingalls said:
DragonQuest3 said:

No I'm not being a hipster. I like Megadeth and some of the other bands materials but overall none of them were that consistent or interesting. AJFA is boring as hell I have to quit every time I'm assaulted by that shitty chorus on shortest straw :/

A little late, but last night I wanted to ask what you mean by "consistent".
What I like about Megadeth and Metallica is their consistency. They both put out good albums that never sounded the same as the last. If you mean that they didn't keep putting out the same album, that's good thing.

UnoPuntoCinco said:
Fuck you all; Tool>>>Everything

TOOL is like St Anger, songs are too long, it's repetitive, and gets boring. The only difference is TOOL has a catchy bassline for some songs and the sound of the drums doesn't leave you with your ear ringing. But that's off topic.

DragonQuest3 said:
What reasons can I give you other than they're boring and annoying? A large part of why these bands are so popular anyway is because of how well advertised they were.

Objective reasons to start. I don't like Slayer and I used to not like Megadeth, but because I find a band boring doesn't mean they're not good. For example above, I don't like TOOL because I find them boring, and I can give a few personal reason why I think so, but that won't change anything why fans might like them.

PrimeX said:
you do know that's subjective right?

I feel Ride the Lightning is their best album but everyone chants on about Master of Puppets :( Though I like both, Ride the Lightning had a better quality about their songs in my opinion.

Haha people exected Metallica to keep putting out Master of Puppets albums. Bet they would of got bored quickly if Metallica never changed their sound.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 19, 2014 10:58 AM

Nov 2011
Charles-Ingalls said:
DragonQuest3 said:

No I'm not being a hipster. I like Megadeth and some of the other bands materials but overall none of them were that consistent or interesting. AJFA is boring as hell I have to quit every time I'm assaulted by that shitty chorus on shortest straw :/

A little late, but last night I wanted to ask what you mean by "consistent".
What I like about Megadeth and Metallica is their consistency. They both put out good albums that never sounded the same as the last. If you mean that they didn't keep putting out the same album, that's good thing.

UnoPuntoCinco said:
Fuck you all; Tool>>>Everything

TOOL is like St Anger, songs are too long, it's repetitive, and gets boring. The only difference is TOOL has a catchy bassline for some songs and the sound of the drums doesn't leave you with your ear ringing. But that's off topic.

DragonQuest3 said:
What reasons can I give you other than they're boring and annoying? A large part of why these bands are so popular anyway is because of how well advertised they were.

Objective reasons to start. I don't like Slayer and I used to not like Megadeth, but because I find a band boring doesn't mean they're not good. For example above, I don't like TOOL because I find them boring, and I can give a few personal reason why I think so, but that won't change anything why fans might like them.

PrimeX said:
you do know that's subjective right?

I feel Ride the Lightning is their best album but everyone chants on about Master of Puppets :( Though I like both, Ride the Lightning had a better quality about their songs in my opinion.

I meant Metallica wasn't consistent because they didn't put out good release after good release. Even many of their biggest fans only like their first 4 to 5 albums and consider Load, Reload, St anger, and Lulu to be garbage. Most see Death Magnetic as a mediocre call back to their earlier stuff and some lump it with St anger as shit. As far as Lulu not being a Metallica album they performed in it as a collaboration. Its a Lou Reed and Metallica album but it still has Metallica contributing to this god awful mess. If you say Metallica was Lou Reeds backing band well that makes them sound more pathetic really.

Im a lil annoyed you seemed to suggest i might have been upset because they didnt rehash the same album over and over considering I praised Voivod for their transition from sloppy punk driven thrash to a cleaner more mature prog metal.

That said I'm not sure how a band can objectively be bad.
Jul 19, 2014 2:09 PM
May 2012
DragonQuest3 said:

I meant Metallica wasn't consistent because they didn't put out good release after good release. Even many of their biggest fans only like their first 4 to 5 albums and consider Load, Reload, St anger, and Lulu to be garbage. Most see Death Magnetic as a mediocre call back to their earlier stuff and some lump it with St anger as shit. As far as Lulu not being a Metallica album they performed in it as a collaboration. Its a Lou Reed and Metallica album but it still has Metallica contributing to this god awful mess. If you say Metallica was Lou Reeds backing band well that makes them sound more pathetic really.

Im a lil annoyed you seemed to suggest i might have been upset because they didnt rehash the same album over and over considering I praised Voivod for their transition from sloppy punk driven thrash to a cleaner more mature prog metal.

That said I'm not sure how a band can objectively be bad.

How I see it then, Metallica has been consistent both ways. Their first 5 albums are great records, all well received from a wide range of audience.
Same could go for anything after the first five, they were consistent that those albums weren't as well received/like by a wide ranging audience.
So 5 albums either way, good or bad, they were consistent.

As far as Lulu not being a Metallica album they performed in it as a collaboration. Its a Lou Reed and Metallica album but it still has Metallica contributing to this god awful mess. If you say Metallica was Lou Reeds backing band well that makes them sound more pathetic really.

This line right here seems to suggest you are annoyed at the band, or people who like these bands, for whatever reason.

As for bands that are "objectively" bad, check out Emmure.
"There is no more effective method of concealment than the broadest publicity."
"naw just be like "in facist america burger is you comrade""
"if maps are hard, suicide is impossible"
Jul 19, 2014 2:53 PM
Jun 2014
Why Metallica will be the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 19, 2014 3:17 PM

Nov 2011
Charles-Ingalls said:
DragonQuest3 said:

I meant Metallica wasn't consistent because they didn't put out good release after good release. Even many of their biggest fans only like their first 4 to 5 albums and consider Load, Reload, St anger, and Lulu to be garbage. Most see Death Magnetic as a mediocre call back to their earlier stuff and some lump it with St anger as shit. As far as Lulu not being a Metallica album they performed in it as a collaboration. Its a Lou Reed and Metallica album but it still has Metallica contributing to this god awful mess. If you say Metallica was Lou Reeds backing band well that makes them sound more pathetic really.

Im a lil annoyed you seemed to suggest i might have been upset because they didnt rehash the same album over and over considering I praised Voivod for their transition from sloppy punk driven thrash to a cleaner more mature prog metal.

That said I'm not sure how a band can objectively be bad.

How I see it then, Metallica has been consistent both ways. Their first 5 albums are great records, all well received from a wide range of audience.
Same could go for anything after the first five, they were consistent that those albums weren't as well received/like by a wide ranging audience.
So 5 albums either way, good or bad, they were consistent.

As far as Lulu not being a Metallica album they performed in it as a collaboration. Its a Lou Reed and Metallica album but it still has Metallica contributing to this god awful mess. If you say Metallica was Lou Reeds backing band well that makes them sound more pathetic really.

This line right here seems to suggest you are annoyed at the band, or people who like these bands, for whatever reason.

As for bands that are "objectively" bad, check out Emmure.

I don't see how you got that from my last line. I just meant to express annoyance at those who try to put it off as if that album doesn't count like they're so embarrassed by it they put all the blame on Lou Reed. Look I don't care if you guys like the band or not they are well received and commercially successful so why are you all so worried over my opinion? Your not going to convince me they are worthy of their title just like I'm not going to convince you guys they suck balls save a few tracks. I love thrash and have listened to tons of artists. Metallica never interested me that much in fact one of the few I found to be straight up annoying ast times. They don't impress me in the least bit.

That said I find it hard to take anyone seriously when they say Metallica is objectively the best band ever >.<
EmperorDemonGavaJul 19, 2014 3:23 PM
Jul 19, 2014 4:29 PM
Jun 2014
DragonQuest3 said:
Charles-Ingalls said:

How I see it then, Metallica has been consistent both ways. Their first 5 albums are great records, all well received from a wide range of audience.
Same could go for anything after the first five, they were consistent that those albums weren't as well received/like by a wide ranging audience.
So 5 albums either way, good or bad, they were consistent.

This line right here seems to suggest you are annoyed at the band, or people who like these bands, for whatever reason.

As for bands that are "objectively" bad, check out Emmure.

I don't see how you got that from my last line. I just meant to express annoyance at those who try to put it off as if that album doesn't count like they're so embarrassed by it they put all the blame on Lou Reed. Look I don't care if you guys like the band or not they are well received and commercially successful so why are you all so worried over my opinion? Your not going to convince me they are worthy of their title just like I'm not going to convince you guys they suck balls save a few tracks. I love thrash and have listened to tons of artists. Metallica never interested me that much in fact one of the few I found to be straight up annoying ast times. They don't impress me in the least bit.

That said I find it hard to take anyone seriously when they say Metallica is objectively the best band ever >.<

Metallica are the one the most diverse bands out there. They do more than just alternate pick and scream. You can diss Metallica all you want but there is a reason why they still sell out huge arenas and have a huge fanbase. Metallica even said Lulu wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 19, 2014 5:08 PM

Nov 2011
LashLethal said:
DragonQuest3 said:

I don't see how you got that from my last line. I just meant to express annoyance at those who try to put it off as if that album doesn't count like they're so embarrassed by it they put all the blame on Lou Reed. Look I don't care if you guys like the band or not they are well received and commercially successful so why are you all so worried over my opinion? Your not going to convince me they are worthy of their title just like I'm not going to convince you guys they suck balls save a few tracks. I love thrash and have listened to tons of artists. Metallica never interested me that much in fact one of the few I found to be straight up annoying ast times. They don't impress me in the least bit.

That said I find it hard to take anyone seriously when they say Metallica is objectively the best band ever >.<

Metallica are the one the most diverse bands out there. They do more than just alternate pick and scream. You can diss Metallica all you want but there is a reason why they still sell out huge arenas and have a huge fanbase. Metallica even said Lulu wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

Metallica are one of the most diverse bands out there? Your fucking kidding me right? They're fairly diverse but far from one of the most diverse bands. David Bowie and Swans are far more diverse. The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band. They're one of the few thrash bands who made some radio friendly tunes that helped them reach a wider audience. Its not entirely about quality as you may want to think.

Just because Lulu wasn't meant to be taken serious doesn't mean it doesn't suck. They even insulted their own fans for criticizing it. Lou Reed called Metallica fans illiterate. You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.
Jul 19, 2014 5:14 PM

Nov 2012
I vote for Metallica, because I don't know much of Megadeath.
Jul 19, 2014 6:08 PM
Jun 2014
DragonQuest3 said:
LashLethal said:

Metallica are the one the most diverse bands out there. They do more than just alternate pick and scream. You can diss Metallica all you want but there is a reason why they still sell out huge arenas and have a huge fanbase. Metallica even said Lulu wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

Metallica are one of the most diverse bands out there? Your fucking kidding me right? They're fairly diverse but far from one of the most diverse bands. David Bowie and Swans are far more diverse. The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band. They're one of the few thrash bands who made some radio friendly tunes that helped them reach a wider audience. Its not entirely about quality as you may want to think.

Just because Lulu wasn't meant to be taken serious doesn't mean it doesn't suck. They even insulted their own fans for criticizing it. Lou Reed called Metallica fans illiterate. You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.

What can I say, Metallica are smart and know how to do business. You ever watched The Apprentice? Marketing, marketing, marketing. " doesn't mean it doesn't suck." I didn't even say I liked it...Hetfield is a great poet and he has a good ear for riffs unlike other bands who just alternate pick that 6th string all the time. "Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good." Erm so tell me about the good reviews they've gotten for their past albums. These elitists say the black album was crap yet it was well received by a lot of people. It wasn't thrash at all but it was still a good album. It's just some elitists need to leave their rooms, expand their minds and try out new music.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 19, 2014 6:22 PM
May 2012
DragonQuest3 said:

Metallica are one of the most diverse bands out there? Your fucking kidding me right? They're fairly diverse but far from one of the most diverse bands. David Bowie and Swans are far more diverse. The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band. They're one of the few thrash bands who made some radio friendly tunes that helped them reach a wider audience. Its not entirely about quality as you may want to think.

Just because Lulu wasn't meant to be taken serious doesn't mean it doesn't suck. They even insulted their own fans for criticizing it. Lou Reed called Metallica fans illiterate. You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.

They are diverse. Have you not actually listened to their discography?
The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band.
That goes for any and every band. Might as well not listen to music or only listen to only "underground" bands. Metallica wanted to expand, and be more accessible, try new things. And now people like you hate them for it. We get it, you're a poser/hipster. You've turned a rather friendly Megadeth vs. Metallica thread into a thread about how much you hate Metallica.

You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.
Metallica hate is the norm and has been the norm, are you sure you aren't the one who lets the media control how you feel about certain bands?
FYI Metallica's "Black" albums still sells and has continued to be one of the worlds top selling albums in history.
"There is no more effective method of concealment than the broadest publicity."
"naw just be like "in facist america burger is you comrade""
"if maps are hard, suicide is impossible"
Jul 19, 2014 9:53 PM

Nov 2011
LashLethal said:
DragonQuest3 said:

Metallica are one of the most diverse bands out there? Your fucking kidding me right? They're fairly diverse but far from one of the most diverse bands. David Bowie and Swans are far more diverse. The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band. They're one of the few thrash bands who made some radio friendly tunes that helped them reach a wider audience. Its not entirely about quality as you may want to think.

Just because Lulu wasn't meant to be taken serious doesn't mean it doesn't suck. They even insulted their own fans for criticizing it. Lou Reed called Metallica fans illiterate. You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.

What can I say, Metallica are smart and know how to do business. You ever watched The Apprentice? Marketing, marketing, marketing. " doesn't mean it doesn't suck." I didn't even say I liked it...Hetfield is a great poet and he has a good ear for riffs unlike other bands who just alternate pick that 6th string all the time. "Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good." Erm so tell me about the good reviews they've gotten for their past albums. These elitists say the black album was crap yet it was well received by a lot of people. It wasn't thrash at all but it was still a good album. It's just some elitists need to leave their rooms, expand their minds and try out new music.

Oh god dude except that not everyone has to fucking like Metallica! They aren't the good business men their producers were. I'm not the elitist here you are. Your the one who thinks because they get good reviews they have to objectively good. Critics have a thing for pandering to certain artist for being popular. Why do you think Metallica is the only band on earth who doesn't abuse the sixth string? Maybe you need to expand to more artists because it seems like you know little.

Oh by the way Metallica's reviews pale in comparison to the reviews The Beatles got.
Jul 19, 2014 10:01 PM

Nov 2011
Charles-Ingalls said:
DragonQuest3 said:

Metallica are one of the most diverse bands out there? Your fucking kidding me right? They're fairly diverse but far from one of the most diverse bands. David Bowie and Swans are far more diverse. The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band. They're one of the few thrash bands who made some radio friendly tunes that helped them reach a wider audience. Its not entirely about quality as you may want to think.

Just because Lulu wasn't meant to be taken serious doesn't mean it doesn't suck. They even insulted their own fans for criticizing it. Lou Reed called Metallica fans illiterate. You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.

They are diverse. Have you not actually listened to their discography?
The reason they still sell out huge arenas and have a large fan base is because of how well advertised they are and the fact they are quite accessible as a thrash band.
That goes for any and every band. Might as well not listen to music or only listen to only "underground" bands. Metallica wanted to expand, and be more accessible, try new things. And now people like you hate them for it. We get it, you're a poser/hipster. You've turned a rather friendly Megadeth vs. Metallica thread into a thread about how much you hate Metallica.

You need to quit letting the media tell you what to enjoy. Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good. Also FYI the amount of people who see Metallica as a joke is constantly increasing.
Metallica hate is the norm and has been the norm, are you sure you aren't the one who lets the media control how you feel about certain bands?
FYI Metallica's "Black" albums still sells and has continued to be one of the worlds top selling albums in history.

I don't hate them for expanding to a new audience I hate them because their music I do not find to be impressive! I did not do this to the thread you guys did by bitching over one of my post and couldn't accept I don't like the band. I could care less if you guys do but quit acting like I'm a hipster because I don't like this one band!
Jul 20, 2014 12:49 AM

May 2009
Charles-Ingalls said:
How I see it then, Metallica has been consistent both ways. Their first 5 albums are great records, all well received from a wide range of audience.
Same could go for anything after the first five, they were consistent that those albums weren't as well received/like by a wide ranging audience.
So 5 albums either way, good or bad, they were consistent.

You got it backwards.

Their last 5 albums (that's including the BA) all became #1 on the album charts shortly after release, so that makes me believe they found a much wider audience.

Compared to those, the first 4 albums sold less and took much longer to became as well-sold as the later ones, indicating that the fanbase was limited and that it took much longer for more mainstream-oriented people to appreciate them.

And if you hadn't noticed yet, it's always the same type of people who whine about Metallica's change in musical direction, namely the old-time fans (the same ones who pretend the last 4 albums don't exist, and whom the band seems to be playing for most of the time, given that they always play the same old stuff and rarely give their newer material the chance to shine nowadays).
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 20, 2014 2:25 AM

Nov 2011
AO968 said:
Charles-Ingalls said:
How I see it then, Metallica has been consistent both ways. Their first 5 albums are great records, all well received from a wide range of audience.
Same could go for anything after the first five, they were consistent that those albums weren't as well received/like by a wide ranging audience.
So 5 albums either way, good or bad, they were consistent.

You got it backwards.

Their last 5 albums (that's including the BA) all became #1 on the album charts shortly after release, so that makes me believe they found a much wider audience.

Compared to those, the first 4 albums sold less and took much longer to became as well-sold as the later ones, indicating that the fanbase was limited and that it took much longer for more mainstream-oriented people to appreciate them.

And if you hadn't noticed yet, it's always the same type of people who whine about Metallica's change in musical direction, namely the old-time fans (the same ones who pretend the last 4 albums don't exist, and whom the band seems to be playing for most of the time, given that they always play the same old stuff and rarely give their newer material the chance to shine nowadays).

Just in case its not clear I'm not a fan of their old time stuff either save a few tracks. Their older albums boosted in sales when they went mainstream and produced more radio friendly material such as the black album. Not saying there's anything wrong with them doing that but making radio hits was a large reason why they sold so much more than other thrash bands.
Jul 20, 2014 4:35 AM
Jun 2014
DragonQuest3 said:
LashLethal said:

What can I say, Metallica are smart and know how to do business. You ever watched The Apprentice? Marketing, marketing, marketing. " doesn't mean it doesn't suck." I didn't even say I liked it...Hetfield is a great poet and he has a good ear for riffs unlike other bands who just alternate pick that 6th string all the time. "Don't think because a whole bunch of people like them means they have to then be objectively good." Erm so tell me about the good reviews they've gotten for their past albums. These elitists say the black album was crap yet it was well received by a lot of people. It wasn't thrash at all but it was still a good album. It's just some elitists need to leave their rooms, expand their minds and try out new music.

Oh god dude except that not everyone has to fucking like Metallica! They aren't the good business men their producers were. I'm not the elitist here you are. Your the one who thinks because they get good reviews they have to objectively good. Critics have a thing for pandering to certain artist for being popular. Why do you think Metallica is the only band on earth who doesn't abuse the sixth string? Maybe you need to expand to more artists because it seems like you know little.

Oh by the way Metallica's reviews pale in comparison to the reviews The Beatles got.

I've studied the metal world. I had to study all of it for an art project. I know what inspired these guys.You sure you're not just hating on metallica because it's "in" thing to do? People hating on Lars for no reason when they don't even know how to drum smh. Bet you'd be digging metallica if they were underground.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 20, 2014 5:33 AM

Mar 2014
LashLethal said:

I've studied the metal world. I had to study all of it for an art project. I know what inspired these guys.You sure you're not just hating on metallica because it's "in" thing to do? People hating on Lars for no reason when they don't even know how to drum smh. Bet you'd be digging metallica if they were underground.

you do know the guy you are talking to is into Queen and The Beatles right? aswell as Black Sabbath and Judas Priest. someone who only likes underground bands would probably avoid those..

i also dislike Metallica. why do you have such a hard time accepting that he doesnt like them... if you can't take the critics you shouln't open a thread about the useless Megadeth or Metallica debate in the first place. thats just asking for trouble.
Jul 20, 2014 5:53 AM
Jun 2014
gizter13 said:
LashLethal said:

I've studied the metal world. I had to study all of it for an art project. I know what inspired these guys.You sure you're not just hating on metallica because it's "in" thing to do? People hating on Lars for no reason when they don't even know how to drum smh. Bet you'd be digging metallica if they were underground.

you do know the guy you are talking to is into Queen and The Beatles right? aswell as Black Sabbath and Judas Priest. someone who only likes underground bands would probably avoid those..

i also dislike Metallica. why do you have such a hard time accepting that he doesnt like them... if you can't take the critics you shouln't open a thread about the useless Megadeth or Metallica debate in the first place. thats just asking for trouble.

He has a right to hate my favourite band, I have a right to defend them. Simple.
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Jul 20, 2014 6:29 AM

Apr 2012
Megadeth are a good band, but I prefer Metallica.

Maiden would beat both IMO :P
Jul 20, 2014 8:21 AM

Apr 2014
Spinnerweb said:
Megadeth are a good band, but I prefer Metallica.

Maiden would beat both IMO :P

This ^...nothing else to add xD

Jul 20, 2014 8:43 AM

Feb 2013
DragonQuest3 said:
They're pretty basic reasons and even if I gave them yod still find reasons to get pissed. Honestly I think you need to chill dude your getting way too upset over musical opinions. I have every right to bash Metallica or Slayer. Its not like I was bashing everyone here for liking them I just blurted out my opinion and you start calling me a hipster which I find ignorant of you.

What reasons could I say I dislike them other than I don't enjoy them may I ask? I said I like Megadeth anyway they're fine. Anthrax is good as well. Voivod is better even though the vocals were poor they were much more creative musically and much more versatile going from sloppy punk inspired thrash to a cleaner more mature prog metal was quite a transition. Also Piggy was perhaps thrashes most unique guitarist and Away was a hell of a drummer.
For the last time, stop with the redirects. "Oh well, it's okay, I like these OTHER guys." I don't care about that.

I called you out because you DIDN'T say you "don't like the band because you just don't like them" I called you out because you called them bad with no reason as to why. An easier example to follow:

You: Metallica sucks.
Me: Why?
You: Because I don't like them.
Me: Yeeeeeeah.

That's the kind of answer you're giving right now. Something that makes more sense would be:

You: Metallica sucks.
Me: Why?
You: I feel like James Hetfield's vocals are lacking. It'd be better if he had more range, but he doesn't and Kirk Hammet's solos sound way too recycled.
Me: Indeed. *Insert further conversation here*

Whether any of that were true or not is beside the point. The idea is that you attempt to back up your statement with reasons.

Please stop making this harder than it really is. And please stop implying that I'm getting pissed off. If someone as ridiculous as you could piss me off, I'd be in jail right now. This is a simple search for a simple answer that you're doing your best to dodge, thereby making it way harder than it needs to be.

One last time, just for the record: Do you have a legit reason as to WHY Metallica sucks, or do you just not like them because you don't like them? Remember, simple answer.
NTADJul 20, 2014 9:05 AM
Jul 20, 2014 9:01 AM
May 2012
AO968 said:
Charles-Ingalls said:
How I see it then, Metallica has been consistent both ways. Their first 5 albums are great records, all well received from a wide range of audience.
Same could go for anything after the first five, they were consistent that those albums weren't as well received/like by a wide ranging audience.
So 5 albums either way, good or bad, they were consistent.

You got it backwards.

Their last 5 albums (that's including the BA) all became #1 on the album charts shortly after release, so that makes me believe they found a much wider audience.

Compared to those, the first 4 albums sold less and took much longer to became as well-sold as the later ones, indicating that the fanbase was limited and that it took much longer for more mainstream-oriented people to appreciate them.

And if you hadn't noticed yet, it's always the same type of people who whine about Metallica's change in musical direction, namely the old-time fans (the same ones who pretend the last 4 albums don't exist, and whom the band seems to be playing for most of the time, given that they always play the same old stuff and rarely give their newer material the chance to shine nowadays).

I get what you mean, slight misunderstanding on my end I think though.
What I meant was in the metal community the last 5 (or so) Metallica albums were not received well, whether or not they sold well. It's not often I see people talking positively of their most later records.
I thought Death magnetic as alright, they just have the problem of making songs too long.

Broeksnoek said:
Spinnerweb said:
Megadeth are a good band, but I prefer Metallica.

Maiden would beat both IMO :P

This ^...nothing else to add xD

Maiden was an inspiration to them both, you can't really make a comparison. NWBHM and American Thrash aren't the same.
"There is no more effective method of concealment than the broadest publicity."
"naw just be like "in facist america burger is you comrade""
"if maps are hard, suicide is impossible"
Jul 20, 2014 9:54 AM

Nov 2011
LashLethal said:
DragonQuest3 said:

Oh god dude except that not everyone has to fucking like Metallica! They aren't the good business men their producers were. I'm not the elitist here you are. Your the one who thinks because they get good reviews they have to objectively good. Critics have a thing for pandering to certain artist for being popular. Why do you think Metallica is the only band on earth who doesn't abuse the sixth string? Maybe you need to expand to more artists because it seems like you know little.

Oh by the way Metallica's reviews pale in comparison to the reviews The Beatles got.

I've studied the metal world. I had to study all of it for an art project. I know what inspired these guys.You sure you're not just hating on metallica because it's "in" thing to do? People hating on Lars for no reason when they don't even know how to drum smh. Bet you'd be digging metallica if they were underground.

I'm not even hating on Lars hell. Hell I generally stand up for him over the whole Napster issue. Also I'm not just part of the metal world. I prefer psychedelic and prog rock over metal and I'm equally as fond of industrial as I am metal.
Jul 20, 2014 10:06 AM

Nov 2011
NTAD said:
DragonQuest3 said:
They're pretty basic reasons and even if I gave them yod still find reasons to get pissed. Honestly I think you need to chill dude your getting way too upset over musical opinions. I have every right to bash Metallica or Slayer. Its not like I was bashing everyone here for liking them I just blurted out my opinion and you start calling me a hipster which I find ignorant of you.

What reasons could I say I dislike them other than I don't enjoy them may I ask? I said I like Megadeth anyway they're fine. Anthrax is good as well. Voivod is better even though the vocals were poor they were much more creative musically and much more versatile going from sloppy punk inspired thrash to a cleaner more mature prog metal was quite a transition. Also Piggy was perhaps thrashes most unique guitarist and Away was a hell of a drummer.
For the last time, stop with the redirects. "Oh well, it's okay, I like these OTHER guys." I don't care about that.

I called you out because you DIDN'T say you "don't like the band because you just don't like them" I called you out because you called them bad with no reason as to why. An easier example to follow:

You: Metallica sucks.
Me: Why?
You: Because I don't like them.
Me: Yeeeeeeah.

That's the kind of answer you're giving right now. Something that makes more sense would be:

You: Metallica sucks.
Me: Why?
You: I feel like James Hetfield's vocals are lacking. It'd be better if he had more range, but he doesn't and Kirk Hammet's solos sound way too recycled.
Me: Indeed. *Insert further conversation here*

Whether any of that were true or not is beside the point. The idea is that you attempt to back up your statement with reasons.

Please stop making this harder than it really is. And please stop implying that I'm getting pissed off. If someone as ridiculous as you could piss me off, I'd be in jail right now. This is a simple search for a simple answer that you're doing your best to dodge, thereby making it way harder than it needs to be.

One last time, just for the record: Do you have a legit reason as to WHY Metallica sucks, or do you just not like them because you don't like them? Remember, simple answer.

I dislike Metallica for the following reasons. I dont care for James Heitfields vocals at least after RTL he sounds like a hill billy. Their songs aren't that long yet they feel like they drag on forever. Some of their songs are really annoying like Jump in the fire and Shortest straw. I find their instrumentals pretty poor Orion is like the longest filler ever. They can come up with some great riffs but it feels like they're used in the most boring way possible. Many of their songs oddly sound good inside my head but when I listen to them they just bore me. I dislike the 90s rock style of their more commercial material so Black album, Load, and Re-load obviously aren't to my taste but St anger and Death magnetic are just really shitty albums. Lulu is a joke nuff said.

What else do you want? I have no issue with Kirk Hammett's guitar playing I think he was a fine musician and Lars is a good enough drummer.
Jul 21, 2014 1:10 PM
Jul 2018
megadeth >metallica after 1989
metallica 1983-1988>megadeth

it's a tough question though.slayer is better than both for me.
Apr 21, 2022 4:47 PM
Jul 2020
Very obviously metallica. Megadeth sucks and can't make cool soothing ballads. Also Metallica has James and cliff who are renowned for being some of the greatest musicians in their respective categories. DAVE IS A DICK and no one knows any megadeth members besides dave
Apr 23, 2022 5:46 PM

Jun 2016
My favourite album ever is Ride the Lightning. My favourite song ever is Orion. I do enjoy some of Megadeth's albums for sure (I mean, Rust in Piece is definitely a staple), but for me Metallica was life changing.
I'm no Weeaboo
I'm Katsura
Apr 25, 2022 3:46 AM
Mar 2022
Both good in the 80s, both shit after the 80s (yeah, no, you're not gonna convince me Dystopia or whatever is a good album).

Stuff that gives Metallica the edge:
Metallica never put out horrible remixes of their 80s material with programmed drums and re-recorded vocals.
Metallica had chemistry. Megadeth didn't, because Dave fires his bandmates every 5 minutes. The Peace Sells era was one of the greatest bands in metal. Oops, new lineup 5 minutes later.

Stuff that gives Megadeth the edge:
uh... Lars doesn't drum?
Dave's a better guitarist than Kirk, I guess? But who gives a fuck? Is there anything more boring than technical chops dick measuring? "Battery" and "Orion" have solos as soulful and memorable as anything in Megadeth, even if you get more "skilled" pentatonic meat-beating from Dave and his gofers.

Sometimes I feel like Ride the Lightning is about as perfect as metal gets. I don't really care about that overrated wankfest Rust in Peace drenched in the soulless noodling of noted boring virtuoso shredder/Jpop enthusiast Marty Friedman.

Metallica win overall.

Apr 25, 2022 4:02 AM

Jun 2021
i have unpopular opinions about both... the Black Album is really good, Load is actually one of my favorite albums of them (except for Poor Twisted Me, Mama Said and Thorn Within i never skipped a track while listening to the cd in my car), Reload isn't as great but still a 7/10, S&M is a very bad idea, St. Anger is at worst so bad it's good, the following albums are uninspired.

Megadeth... i prefer Countdown To Extinction to Rust In Peace even if this is obviously amazing (of course, considering tracks as Tornado Of Souls or Poison Was The Cure), i absolutely adore Skin O' My Teeth, Sweating Bullets, the title track, High Speed Dirt, Psychotron, and Ashes In Your Mouth.

Youthanasia is great from front to back and i get hyped so much when the sequence The Killing Road / Blood Of Heroes / Family Tree begins, Cryptic Writings (worse, but still pretty good) has some boring tracks as the two songs chosen as 3rd and 4th single, but also some badass deep cuts (Vortex, FFF), and Risk... it's very underrated. From Wanderlust to Time: The End i never skipped a song. I'm not very updated with the albums after the 2004 revival, however.

Had the chance to see Metallica in concert but had to back off... i managed to watch Megadeth instead even if a lot of songs, now that they aren't any more played in standard tuning, aren't as exciting to be honest.
Apr 25, 2022 4:09 AM

Jul 2015
MelonShark said:
Very obviously metallica. Megadeth sucks and can't make cool soothing ballads. Also Metallica has James and cliff who are renowned for being some of the greatest musicians in their respective categories. DAVE IS A DICK and no one knows any megadeth members besides dave

LMAO nobody ever heard of Marty Friedman before! Good joke, most famous lead guitarist in the metal community but ok. Meanwhile, everybody knows Lars and Kirk because of memes about their horrible (and regular) live performances.
When Megadeth was good it was at the top of the food chain. Rust in Peace is widely regarded as a masterpiece, and I can't say I heard a single thing from Metallica that can compete, in terms of aggressivity, conviction, or technique. Or that gets as much praise from musicians, of any circle.

"DAVE IS A DICK" xD. You can keep your 30yo dead horse of a drama to yourself. I'm not sure what "being a dick" has to do with the quality of the music, but we all saw that hilarious documentary on St Anger's recording. James and Lars would get gold medal ex-aequo in a douchebaggery contest, and I think I rarely saw so little professionalism during a reharsal, even in the least organised music schools :'D The dudes can't even compose to save themselves, they're throwing shit at a wall and Bob Rock has to make it stick into something vaguely coherent by mixing and mashing it all together and sheperding them from B to Z...

Anyway, they both haven't been relevant in more than two decades, and are getting absolutely demolished by every Accept album.
DeathkoApr 25, 2022 4:12 AM
Apr 25, 2022 1:15 PM

Feb 2018
Metallica is better, all of their albums are good unlike Megadeth who have a couple meh albums(mainly Risk and Super collider).
The answer to 1984 is 1776
Apr 28, 2022 7:57 PM
Jul 2020
Deathko said:
MelonShark said:
Very obviously metallica. Megadeth sucks and can't make cool soothing ballads. Also Metallica has James and cliff who are renowned for being some of the greatest musicians in their respective categories. DAVE IS A DICK and no one knows any megadeth members besides dave

LMAO nobody ever heard of Marty Friedman before! Good joke, most famous lead guitarist in the metal community but ok. Meanwhile, everybody knows Lars and Kirk because of memes about their horrible (and regular) live performances.
When Megadeth was good it was at the top of the food chain. Rust in Peace is widely regarded as a masterpiece, and I can't say I heard a single thing from Metallica that can compete, in terms of aggressivity, conviction, or technique. Or that gets as much praise from musicians, of any circle.

"DAVE IS A DICK" xD. You can keep your 30yo dead horse of a drama to yourself. I'm not sure what "being a dick" has to do with the quality of the music, but we all saw that hilarious documentary on St Anger's recording. James and Lars would get gold medal ex-aequo in a douchebaggery contest, and I think I rarely saw so little professionalism during a reharsal, even in the least organised music schools :'D The dudes can't even compose to save themselves, they're throwing shit at a wall and Bob Rock has to make it stick into something vaguely coherent by mixing and mashing it all together and sheperding them from B to Z...

Anyway, they both haven't been relevant in more than two decades, and are getting absolutely demolished by every Accept album.
You know damn well megadeth got like 2 good albums. Megadeth aint make no master of puppets or and justice for all. ALSO WHO IS MARTY FRIEDMAN
Apr 28, 2022 9:41 PM

Oct 2017
Megadeth all day long, I can rock to some early Metallica works but anything from ''And Justice for All'' onwards is just meh, metal-wise speaking Megadeth kept their core principles at the same time they keep innovation on each album.

You know damn well megadeth got like 2 good albums. Megadeth aint make no master of puppets or and justice for all. ALSO WHO IS MARTY FRIEDMAN


Megadeth has a better album consistency, complexity, heaviness, speed, and solos hands down.

The fact Metallica's best songs were all written by Mustaine speak volumes. The fact they had more success for coming in early and softening up so they accommodate the casual audience is a clear sign that Metallica never got over the loss of Cliff Burton.

If you want to listen to a band that constantly had reinvented itself you should listen to Megadeth. If there is one heavy metal band that is consistent it's Megadeth, with many surprise attacks, various song formats and sublime solos.

Dave Mustaine never lost his repertoire and he never recorded an album without solos because it sounded better. Ok, Mustaine is not the best frontman.
Hetfield has far more charisma. But that's it. Mustaine is much, much better than Hammett.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Apr 29, 2022 5:57 AM

Jul 2015
Fate_Saber88 said:
Megadeth all day long, I can rock to some early Metallica works but anything from ''And Justice for All'' onwards is just meh, metal-wise speaking Megadeth kept their core principles at the same time they keep innovation on each album.

You know damn well megadeth got like 2 good albums. Megadeth aint make no master of puppets or and justice for all. ALSO WHO IS MARTY FRIEDMAN


Megadeth has a better album consistency, complexity, heaviness, speed, and solos hands down.

The fact Metallica's best songs were all written by Mustaine speak volumes. The fact they had more success for coming in early and softening up so they accommodate the casual audience is a clear sign that Metallica never got over the loss of Cliff Burton.

If you want to listen to a band that constantly had reinvented itself you should listen to Megadeth. If there is one heavy metal band that is consistent it's Megadeth, with many surprise attacks, various song formats and sublime solos.

Dave Mustaine never lost his repertoire and he never recorded an album without solos because it sounded better. Ok, Mustaine is not the best frontman.
Hetfield has far more charisma. But that's it. Mustaine is much, much better than Hammett.

I don't like slamming Kirk because he really looks like a cool person. It's hard to deny that as Metallica's lead guitarist, his soli can't compete with Dave Mustaine's, a singer/rythm guitarist :'D

What kills me with Dave is his ability to sing while playing riffs that melt most people's brains on their own U_U
Apr 29, 2022 6:35 AM

Jan 2022
I've always preferred Megadeth tbh. Metallica's discography is a little more consistent in comparison, but I'd pick Megadeth's best albums over Metallica's best albums as of now. All that said, Slayer destroys both Megadeth and Metallica in a hit-for-hit battle.
Apr 29, 2022 6:01 PM

Oct 2017
Deathko said:
Fate_Saber88 said:
Megadeth all day long, I can rock to some early Metallica works but anything from ''And Justice for All'' onwards is just meh, metal-wise speaking Megadeth kept their core principles at the same time they keep innovation on each album.


Megadeth has a better album consistency, complexity, heaviness, speed, and solos hands down.

The fact Metallica's best songs were all written by Mustaine speak volumes. The fact they had more success for coming in early and softening up so they accommodate the casual audience is a clear sign that Metallica never got over the loss of Cliff Burton.

If you want to listen to a band that constantly had reinvented itself you should listen to Megadeth. If there is one heavy metal band that is consistent it's Megadeth, with many surprise attacks, various song formats and sublime solos.

Dave Mustaine never lost his repertoire and he never recorded an album without solos because it sounded better. Ok, Mustaine is not the best frontman.
Hetfield has far more charisma. But that's it. Mustaine is much, much better than Hammett.

I don't like slamming Kirk because he really looks like a cool person. It's hard to deny that as Metallica's lead guitarist, his soli can't compete with Dave Mustaine's, a singer/rythm guitarist :'D

What kills me with Dave is his ability to sing while playing riffs that melt most people's brains on their own U_U
Indeed singing and shredding is extremely difficult.

Besides Lars, all Metallica members are charismatic ngl, but it's not enough for me. I'm not the charismatic type of person anyway.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
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tsukareru - Mar 29, 2021

8645 by Rosy_Rose »»
6 hours ago

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DOSS300 - Aug 26

15 by README-win_txt »»
11 hours ago

Poll: » share your latest song/album purchases ( 1 2 )

DreamingBeats - Nov 3, 2023

55 by Sadahon »»
Yesterday, 8:44 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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