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Mar 3, 2022 10:25 AM

Jan 2022
Do you consider yourself able to resist from becoming influenced by society's concepts that are present in the media, social media, ect?

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Mar 3, 2022 10:27 AM

Jan 2022
HatsuneYugi4 said:
Do you consider yourself able to resist from becoming influenced by society's concepts that are present in the media, social media, ect?

I create my own counter propaganda.
Mar 3, 2022 1:22 PM

Jul 2020
No, I've been sucked in before, but I can get myself out of the hole I've been dragged into. And that's the main thing. Now this is coming from an American perspective, but too many people's view of the world or their country is shaped by what they see on the news on TV. Instead of trying to figure it out and formulating one's own opinion based on how they see things, it's merely repeating talking points heard on TV. But then of course to figure it out for one's self, one's gotta have some previous knowledge of how corporate media works and the shit their government does. And lot of people don't got time for that or have any interest in it. So people fall down this hole of having a warped view of the world. People like to make fun that it's only in places like China, Russia and North Korea that have propaganda. But amazingly don't realize it's also in their own backyard and they've fallen for it. People seem to think propaganda originates only from bad places like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, but we in America were adopting British propaganda techniques starting in the early 20th century. And propaganda doesn't just effect people's view of the world or their country, it effects relationships. The fact people would end their relationship with someone over supporting Trump is absolutely absurd. Anti-Trumpers can be even bigger nutjobs than the most fervent of Trump supporters. Who cares if someone likes Trump, I don't care if someone does. I live in a place where a whole bunch of people love him. But The fact people judge someone based on their political views, show's what kind of person they really are. A judgemental brainwashed asshole

Also I think having Garfield there is so cute and hilarious haha
Mar 3, 2022 1:45 PM

Dec 2018
Definitely not, other people will tell the opposite but I know I'm very influenceable. But that doesn't mean I will lie there and take it. I usually make an effort to only get news from third hand sources until I have a more proper grasp on the situation.
Stuff in the streets, Stuff with drip in the sheets
Mar 3, 2022 1:55 PM

Mar 2022
>inb4 someone covid ""vaccinated"" will reply "yes" to this topic
Picture of me, taken 10 years from now and sent to the past:
Mar 3, 2022 2:09 PM

Jan 2017
No one is immune but it becomes increasingly unlikely to be influenced if you have your own extensive knowledge base to draw from [and thus recognize anomalies] and also to avoid herd like behaviours.

There's a very good reason I don't align with the modern day cults of the left and right and that is because no matter which direction you go you will eventually begin to see aberrations and these aberrations only grow in intensity the farther you go down either spectrum.

The mistake people make is that people are aware of these distortions at the farther ends of either spectrum but by thinking this way they end up believing said distortions aren't present in the more moderate opinions/situations of either the left/right and thus still end up influenced by falsehood and manipulated to various degrees.

The current situation with Ukraine is an incredible example of people being influenced by falsehood and propaganda especially when you look into incidents like snake island. The more these small lies pile up in ones subconscious the more they drift away from reality.
Mar 3, 2022 2:18 PM
Mar 2022
Check out how many people are wanking about "the ghost of Kiev" and "sunflower seeds in Russians' pockets" right now and you tell me.

The cosmopolitan managerial class (you know, the journalists, the blue checkmarks on twitter, the people who listen to journalists and blue checkmarks on twitter, etc) has gone from thinking borders are "imaginary lines on a map that shouldn't matter" to screaming "insurrectionist traitor to the republic!" at their political enemies overnight. The same people who were defending riots where American flags were being freely burned are now acting as gatekeepers of American patriotism.

It doesn't make sense but it's not meant to. Most propaganda is meant to confuse and humiliate people into compliance, not persuade.
Mar 3, 2022 3:00 PM

Jan 2009
HoloisHolo said:
People seem to think propaganda originates only from bad places like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, but we in America were adopting British propaganda techniques starting in the early 20th century. And propaganda doesn't just effect people's view of the world or their country, it effects relationships. The fact people would end their relationship with someone over supporting Trump is absolutely absurd.
I completely agree with you. Also from the British came the extreme anti-German sentiments. Now people start to do pretty much the same thing towards Russians. It's like people have become too stupid to learn from history or they stay willfully ignorant

And relationships that depend too much on which side you support or even just not support enough are quite fragile. Now the scary part is when enough people follow a specific narrative where it starts to become "okay" to not treat people based on their ethnicity or medical choice
Mar 3, 2022 3:16 PM

Apr 2018
My whole country is full of propaganda, literally.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Mar 3, 2022 4:10 PM

Jul 2021
I do not think it is possible to be not swayed by propaganda in modern day. We're all on this forum so we get internet. We all get our media and news from someplace. And all those places put their own spin on what's good bad right and wrong.

I think the best way to be the least swayed by propaganda would be to grow up in and have friends in different cultures. That would give you a broad stance to tackle new topics.

Most people operate on the knowledge they acquire in childhood. But the world changes. I think it's the responsibility of enlightened people to grow and change with the times.
Mar 3, 2022 4:47 PM
Mar 2022
Also from the British came the extreme anti-German sentiments. Now people start to do pretty much the same thing towards Russians.

also the same Americans who were ridiculing boycotts of France & mocking the re-naming of food with "french" in the name back during the Iraq/Afghanistan war are currently boycotting Russia and pouring out Polish-made 'Russian vodka' to protest Russia lol

I eagerly await stores selling "freedom vodka"
Mar 3, 2022 4:57 PM

Feb 2021
That's almost impossible. You're likely to be influenced in some way, considering propaganda can be disseminated in manifold techniques that even the least gullible person could fall for.
Mar 3, 2022 5:23 PM

Dec 2021
Not immune, but being the beneficiary of the education vaccine and (stupid expensive) university booster has reduced the symptoms of propaganda and reduced the likelihood of me spreading propaganda to others.
Mar 3, 2022 6:39 PM

Nov 2009
well your meme image says it

im gonna say a big gigantic no, as long as people possess a brain or well exist then they aint immune, good education helps everyone with being more aware about it though, to counteract anything being blasted in their faces and by society and bla ^ said too

Amebix said:
No, and anyone who says they are is either a) naïve, b) arrogant, or c) both. Everyone is immersed in propaganda of some sort from the day they are born and it would ridiculous for someone to say that they are not influenced by it.


"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Mar 3, 2022 7:17 PM

Jul 2020
Noboru said:
HoloisHolo said:
People seem to think propaganda originates only from bad places like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, but we in America were adopting British propaganda techniques starting in the early 20th century. And propaganda doesn't just effect people's view of the world or their country, it effects relationships. The fact people would end their relationship with someone over supporting Trump is absolutely absurd.
I completely agree with you. Also from the British came the extreme anti-German sentiments. Now people start to do pretty much the same thing towards Russians. It's like people have become too stupid to learn from history or they stay willfully ignorant

And relationships that depend too much on which side you support or even just not support enough are quite fragile. Now the scary part is when enough people follow a specific narrative where it starts to become "okay" to not treat people based on their ethnicity or medical choice

Yup; and we've been doing the Anti-Russian stuff forever since it not only gives us an enemy, but our anti-soviet and communist red scare tactics at the time were used as a means to suppress labor movements.

Yeah Anti-German sentiments at the time were probably awful, just awful. Here's an example of how much people were overreacting. Kitchener, a city in Canada was originally called Berlin, changed it's name in 1916.

Yeah shows you what kind of people the people one knows might be, if they're willing to end a relationship because you don't agree with them.

Too much in recent years we've seen a cheering on of censorship, even if it's under a justification of censoring information that's wrong, it isn't right to do that. And it's not even about censoring information that's wrong to begin with, it's about censoring information that's critical and damaging.
Mar 3, 2022 7:27 PM

Jul 2020

Yup they're shill journalists who make a nice living spewing propaganda. Same people who hate Trump, but cheer him on when he's dropping bombs in Syria at the time.

Also your point in banning all things and athletes from Russia. There's no way we can be the only one who sees the hypocrisy behind it. But it looks like we are.
We say the Russian people aren't our enemy. But people sure are treating them like they are
HoloisHoloMar 3, 2022 7:45 PM
Mar 3, 2022 9:34 PM

Mar 2008
I try to be skeptical of any global politics since that's where propaganda really gets focused.
Mar 4, 2022 6:46 AM

Oct 2012
Everything these days is propaganda, so I make sure not to take part in anything political, it's too much effort anyway to try and find out who's right and what's going on. I try to focus on simple things like what to cook for dinner and what movies to watch, to stay calm and not panic.
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke
Then why am I dead?
Mar 4, 2022 6:52 AM

Apr 2020
im pretty immune, I still like gay people and communism even though society doesn't want me to <3
Mar 4, 2022 6:55 AM

Oct 2018
Not immune, but educated enough to tell the difference between dangerous propaganda and mild bias

Mar 4, 2022 6:58 AM
Oct 2020
i have anti social tendencies. when i see group think i want to distance myself from it. i remember when covid was starting, i was following right wing twitter accounts. they were making wild claims about covid being a chinese bio weapon to kill its old people and whatnot. at that point, mainstream media was still downplaying it. probably no human to human transmission and stuff like that. then it flipped. at the beginning i was a little nervous about it. then my grandmother called me and was half crying about it. my parents were apparantly watching hours everyday of covid news. i thought, i don't want to be part of this insane mass delusion. so i tried to ignore the news and live my life as if nothing was happening (i am socially isolated anyway, was nothing i could even do to reduce the chances of getting infected or whatever). i rememberr being freaked out by my first grocery store visit during the great panic. people were very anxious and really trying not to touch each other. i mean it is nice to have people not bump into you but it was also irrating to get aggresively stared and barked at for trying to pass someone, by people with scarfs in their faces.
Mar 4, 2022 9:16 AM

Jan 2009
HoloisHolo said:
Noboru said:
I completely agree with you. Also from the British came the extreme anti-German sentiments. Now people start to do pretty much the same thing towards Russians. It's like people have become too stupid to learn from history or they stay willfully ignorant

And relationships that depend too much on which side you support or even just not support enough are quite fragile. Now the scary part is when enough people follow a specific narrative where it starts to become "okay" to not treat people based on their ethnicity or medical choice

Yup; and we've been doing the Anti-Russian stuff forever since it not only gives us an enemy, but our anti-soviet and communist red scare tactics at the time were used as a means to suppress labor movements.

Yeah Anti-German sentiments at the time were probably awful, just awful. Here's an example of how much people were overreacting. Kitchener, a city in Canada was originally called Berlin, changed it's name in 1916.

Yeah shows you what kind of people the people one knows might be, if they're willing to end a relationship because you don't agree with them.

Too much in recent years we've seen a cheering on of censorship, even if it's under a justification of censoring information that's wrong, it isn't right to do that. And it's not even about censoring information that's wrong to begin with, it's about censoring information that's critical and damaging.
Yes, that's what the Red Scare was all about

I didn't know about this particular place, but I've heard of other such name changes

This sadly isn't restricted to personal lives, but also to professional lives. As in denying services or venues to people of a specific nationality and/or for voicing an opinion that is contrary to the authorized ideology and/or opinion

Yes, everything becomes a threat when it goes against the narrative. It's also funny how quickly people join on the support bandwagon when they hear it from their government and on the media that being for a specific thing is "good" and being against or just not voicing support is "bad". Most of those people don't show their support and actually care, because if they did, they would have done so before their media and/or politicians told them that it would be a good thing. No, those people just play "showing solidarity" in order to improve their standing in society. This is just like playing the fan of a football team and shunning off anyone that appears to be from a rivaling team

And then people say they're not being manipulated when they only react when they're being told to do so from the media and politicians of their country/region
Mar 4, 2022 12:28 PM

Jul 2020
Noboru said:
HoloisHolo said:

Yup; and we've been doing the Anti-Russian stuff forever since it not only gives us an enemy, but our anti-soviet and communist red scare tactics at the time were used as a means to suppress labor movements.

Yeah Anti-German sentiments at the time were probably awful, just awful. Here's an example of how much people were overreacting. Kitchener, a city in Canada was originally called Berlin, changed it's name in 1916.

Yeah shows you what kind of people the people one knows might be, if they're willing to end a relationship because you don't agree with them.

Too much in recent years we've seen a cheering on of censorship, even if it's under a justification of censoring information that's wrong, it isn't right to do that. And it's not even about censoring information that's wrong to begin with, it's about censoring information that's critical and damaging.
Yes, that's what the Red Scare was all about

I didn't know about this particular place, but I've heard of other such name changes

This sadly isn't restricted to personal lives, but also to professional lives. As in denying services or venues to people of a specific nationality and/or for voicing an opinion that is contrary to the authorized ideology and/or opinion

Yes, everything becomes a threat when it goes against the narrative. It's also funny how quickly people join on the support bandwagon when they hear it from their government and on the media that being for a specific thing is "good" and being against or just not voicing support is "bad". Most of those people don't show their support and actually care, because if they did, they would have done so before their media and/or politicians told them that it would be a good thing. No, those people just play "showing solidarity" in order to improve their standing in society. This is just like playing the fan of a football team and shunning off anyone that appears to be from a rivaling team

And then people say they're not being manipulated when they only react when they're being told to do so from the media and politicians of their country/region

Sometimes I feel the whole world has gone insane and lost common sense lol.

And on your point about how people react to things when they are told to/told to feel things. Instead of doing it before. I completely agree. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a perfect example. What's going on there is terrible, and people should be outraged and feel something. I'm not saying this applies to everyone, but for people who feel nothing when there's atrocities committed in the Middle East by the US and Israel. But now feel something; it's only because they're told to feel outraged.

And you're point on ""showing solidarity" in order to improve their standing in society. "" Yup often times people protest for self-righteous reasons of feeling good/morally superior. Or worse, for Social Media reasons

Mar 4, 2022 3:43 PM

Jan 2009
HoloisHolo said:
Noboru said:
Yes, that's what the Red Scare was all about

I didn't know about this particular place, but I've heard of other such name changes

This sadly isn't restricted to personal lives, but also to professional lives. As in denying services or venues to people of a specific nationality and/or for voicing an opinion that is contrary to the authorized ideology and/or opinion

Yes, everything becomes a threat when it goes against the narrative. It's also funny how quickly people join on the support bandwagon when they hear it from their government and on the media that being for a specific thing is "good" and being against or just not voicing support is "bad". Most of those people don't show their support and actually care, because if they did, they would have done so before their media and/or politicians told them that it would be a good thing. No, those people just play "showing solidarity" in order to improve their standing in society. This is just like playing the fan of a football team and shunning off anyone that appears to be from a rivaling team

And then people say they're not being manipulated when they only react when they're being told to do so from the media and politicians of their country/region

Sometimes I feel the whole world has gone insane and lost common sense lol.

And on your point about how people react to things when they are told to/told to feel things. Instead of doing it before. I completely agree. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a perfect example. What's going on there is terrible, and people should be outraged and feel something. I'm not saying this applies to everyone, but for people who feel nothing when there's atrocities committed in the Middle East by the US and Israel. But now feel something; it's only because they're told to feel outraged.

And you're point on ""showing solidarity" in order to improve their standing in society. "" Yup often times people protest for self-righteous reasons of feeling good/morally superior. Or worse, for Social Media reasons

Yes, the craziness has even increased in the recent years. Especially as a result of guided thinking where people are getting implanted thoughts

Yes but there have been so many atrocities and bad things happening that makes one feel indifferent about those, which is a form of self-protection

Exactly. I'd like to know how we ended up being in a mindset dictatorship
Mar 4, 2022 6:04 PM

Jul 2015
I've got my principles written down to avoid straying. I'm not immune, and I try to be aware of it. I try to look at the bigger picture and observe from different perspectives when possible.

I was initially into bitcoin. But I eventually realized it was never doing to be the value-exchange alternative I was envisioning and dropped it. People just want to hoard digital assets for the speculative value. Treat it like a quick rich scheme, rather than an improvement/alternative to existing financial processes.
I used to like communism and the concept of a cashless society. But after years thinking through it, I've come to the conclusion that it isn't feasible. Capitalism is flawed & should be refined, but doesn't mean it's worse than the alternatives.
The latest test was this COVID pandemic. This one is ongoing and controversial so I won't comment on it.

The big one that upsets me is when people downplay the importance of space technology. You often see or hear people in the media or social media bashing billionaires like Elon for his space missions. Claiming that the money should be put to better use. I say it is being put to good use. Space technology will define future conflicts, with states wanting to set up their own information and weapons system in orbit, or to compete for resources in the void via space mining.

Another one is when people disparage christians. It has almost become a trend to bash christians because somewhere in the past few decades, it's become normalized to do so. They called molesters, sexually repressed freaks, stupid, extremists, etc. I'm not religious myself but I find this tragic.
Mar 5, 2022 12:03 AM

Aug 2020
I don't think it's possible to be completely immune to propaganda. Some of it is obvious and easy to ignore, but some of it is too subliminal to avoid because it's hard to tell it's even there.

「 𝕂𝕖𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤, 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞 」

Mar 5, 2022 1:57 AM

Dec 2018
I think anyone saying they're immune to propaganda are just completely oblivious, or just saying bullshit. I can think of a few exceptions, but most likely, they won't even be on MAL in the first place.

Propaganda comes in so many shapes and forms that it should at least frighten you. Most probably, at least a bunch of your opinions are fueled by propaganda unknowingly. To say you're immune, either you're in an almost government-free state with piss poor conditions, which is possible but you most likely aren't on MAL anyway, or you're so apolitical and insanely apathetic, even to yourself, that you actually just don't care (i.e. maybe the long-time suicidal people or the ultra-nihilists).
. . .
Mar 5, 2022 11:40 AM

Sep 2017
Mar 5, 2022 11:47 AM

Aug 2017
Yeah, at least I think so. I try avoiding one. You won't gonna know you're in it. I might have gotten into one that I haven't realized yet.
"I'm tired, Boss. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly at each other."
- John Coffey, Green Miles
Mar 5, 2022 11:50 AM

May 2021
I tend to believe what people say a lot so I guess I'm not immune, probably why there are so many fake people around me. everyone at least once has fallen for what someone has said whether it's lies or the propaganda the government sway out to get the people on their side.
Mar 5, 2022 11:52 AM

Jul 2019
I believe in the destruction of capitalism and the reformation of a more fair and balanced society around the world.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Mar 5, 2022 12:21 PM

Dec 2015
I am not 100% immune to it, but because I do study in history field I am taught and I am studying on books which are soaked in propaganga from ancient times, middle-ages, napoleonic times, XIX-XXI century, so I do try to avoid propagandas and manipulation and not let them change my mind/view but it is impossible to avoid every single one of them.

The best example which my promoter loves to give is that : What do you see when someone ask you how does a Druid look like? You would answer about the view from Panoramix in asterix and obelix movie or from video games right? So you would be surprised to know that a real historical druids (historical sourcers from roman empire times) were often walking in wild naked, were living on their own out of society, having "fun" with animals, doing very wild stuff and hardcore that even romans said that druids are "hardcore" including how romans were acting x),

or next question would be what was the most popular sport in Roman Empire? Most of you if not all would say that Gladiators, but not gladiators fight were not the most popular, the most popular were the race of "quadriga" -> races of chariots and at Hippodrome there could be at max 100k of viewers (nowadays biggest stadium can hold max 90k so well you can already tell x) )

So the nowaday popculture, movies, games already made it own propaganda on our views, that even pro historians are affected by sometimes so you already know that I am affected by propaganda, everyone is, some are slightly affected some others highly, you can already tell how powerfull a propaganda is by the stuff happening in my eastern neighbour country Ukraine x)
Mar 5, 2022 1:31 PM

Jan 2022
Not immune. I came up during a macho A.F. 1980s era as a kid, and back then at age 10 in 1988 boys thought they could beat up a grown man and wanted to fight Sovietski. Everything was about kicking ass and looking cool. ---These days I purposely only watch the news like once a week, 97% of what's on TV is negative and depressing and someone (if not the gov) is trying to convince the masses to think a certain way or act a certain way. No time for that shit. If contracted to do something (I was private sector Security Force Protection) I'll hold the line to the death both for professional and personal reasons (ethics), but beyond that, I won't be conscripted into anything, I'll choose my level of involvement in whatever it might be, and woe to anyone or group that tries to force an issue.

Propaganda is always going to be there. And if something pushes the right button I highly doubt anyone is "Immune" to it. That said, I'm an actionable kinda' guy, so I'm still about my own level of cool and doing macho shit without Jingoist or Corporate shoving. *LOL*
Mar 5, 2022 4:05 PM

Jul 2020
Noboru said:
HoloisHolo said:

Sometimes I feel the whole world has gone insane and lost common sense lol.

And on your point about how people react to things when they are told to/told to feel things. Instead of doing it before. I completely agree. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a perfect example. What's going on there is terrible, and people should be outraged and feel something. I'm not saying this applies to everyone, but for people who feel nothing when there's atrocities committed in the Middle East by the US and Israel. But now feel something; it's only because they're told to feel outraged.

And you're point on ""showing solidarity" in order to improve their standing in society. "" Yup often times people protest for self-righteous reasons of feeling good/morally superior. Or worse, for Social Media reasons

Yes, the craziness has even increased in the recent years. Especially as a result of guided thinking where people are getting implanted thoughts

Yes but there have been so many atrocities and bad things happening that makes one feel indifferent about those, which is a form of self-protection

Exactly. I'd like to know how we ended up being in a mindset dictatorship

And it'll probably get worse lol; even with the last few years bringing about even greater craziness in what you can and can't say

I guess that's true, it is a bit too much to expect everyone to feel the same I do about it

We probably always have been. The term itself comes from the 20th century, but the idea of shaping public opinion, you could probably trace that back to ancient times.

If you're controlling information, you can dictate what does and doesn't get out. Although for the longest time now that's impossible to control what doesn't get out. But it's not about convincing everyone, it's convincing enough people to follow your propaganda.

The only propaganda I like is Holo Propaganda :D
Mar 5, 2022 4:21 PM

Jan 2009
HoloisHolo said:
Noboru said:

Yes, the craziness has even increased in the recent years. Especially as a result of guided thinking where people are getting implanted thoughts

Yes but there have been so many atrocities and bad things happening that makes one feel indifferent about those, which is a form of self-protection

Exactly. I'd like to know how we ended up being in a mindset dictatorship

And it'll probably get worse lol; even with the last few years bringing about even greater craziness in what you can and can't say

I guess that's true, it is a bit too much to expect everyone to feel the same I do about it

We probably always have been. The term itself comes from the 20th century, but the idea of shaping public opinion, you could probably trace that back to ancient times.

If you're controlling information, you can dictate what does and doesn't get out. Although for the longest time now that's impossible to control what doesn't get out. But it's not about convincing everyone, it's convincing enough people to follow your propaganda.

The only propaganda I like is Holo Propaganda :D

Yes, but it's also in parts because people have seemingly become more sensitive, so that's why we have all the additional rules and the CE board closed

Yeah, but quite some expect others to feel the same as them themselves. One of the major conflict potentials in human interactions is precisely when one side doesn't feel as much about the other person or about a specific matter as the other one

So I was right years ago when I was mentioning in some thread (forgot about which) that that time would one where we would still have the illusion of freedom. Which would make the illusion become more visible as such

Yes, it's all about influencing enough people to follow a specific narrative

lol, I was considering watching it, but I feel too unmotivated/tired for it, so that propaganda won't work on me xD
Mar 5, 2022 5:01 PM

Jul 2013
Regardless, I'm still impervious to mainstream media garbage and I prefer listen to regular people's side of the story.

It'll also take more than photoshopped pictures to prove that mainstream media's claims are far from bold.

Good thing I don't use big name social media sites. I still predict people posting photoshopped pictures on the likes of Twitter such as the ones made in response to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The epitome of garbage.

It doesn't take a dog's sense of smell to know fact from fiction.
Mar 5, 2022 5:08 PM
Jan 2017
If you are watching CNN then you live in a lie. Journalism no longer covers news they are a political agenda and the agenda isn't for you it's for themselves. Lets be clear the biggest weapon deployed by the left is the press.
Mar 6, 2022 7:23 PM

Jul 2020
Noboru said:
HoloisHolo said:

And it'll probably get worse lol; even with the last few years bringing about even greater craziness in what you can and can't say

I guess that's true, it is a bit too much to expect everyone to feel the same I do about it

We probably always have been. The term itself comes from the 20th century, but the idea of shaping public opinion, you could probably trace that back to ancient times.

If you're controlling information, you can dictate what does and doesn't get out. Although for the longest time now that's impossible to control what doesn't get out. But it's not about convincing everyone, it's convincing enough people to follow your propaganda.

The only propaganda I like is Holo Propaganda :D

Yes, but it's also in parts because people have seemingly become more sensitive, so that's why we have all the additional rules and the CE board closed

Yeah, but quite some expect others to feel the same as them themselves. One of the major conflict potentials in human interactions is precisely when one side doesn't feel as much about the other person or about a specific matter as the other one

So I was right years ago when I was mentioning in some thread (forgot about which) that that time would one where we would still have the illusion of freedom. Which would make the illusion become more visible as such

Yes, it's all about influencing enough people to follow a specific narrative

lol, I was considering watching it, but I feel too unmotivated/tired for it, so that propaganda won't work on me xD

That too. Also it's so stupid on how people can't have a spirited debate and discussion and exchange of ideas. Instead it has to be a who's right thing, defending one's point, while ignoring every thing the other person says. They shouldn't have taken down the Current Events thread. I find it fun. I mean if people are just gonna get mad at other viewpoints, then they shouldn't post on there.

Yeah of course we've always been controlled to think a certain way by those in power.
With freedom, It depends how we look at it from what perspective. We talking about, certain aspects of society or the whole thing altogether

Is it working XD

Mar 6, 2022 10:59 PM

Jan 2009
HoloisHolo said:
Noboru said:

Yes, but it's also in parts because people have seemingly become more sensitive, so that's why we have all the additional rules and the CE board closed

Yeah, but quite some expect others to feel the same as them themselves. One of the major conflict potentials in human interactions is precisely when one side doesn't feel as much about the other person or about a specific matter as the other one

So I was right years ago when I was mentioning in some thread (forgot about which) that that time would one where we would still have the illusion of freedom. Which would make the illusion become more visible as such

Yes, it's all about influencing enough people to follow a specific narrative

lol, I was considering watching it, but I feel too unmotivated/tired for it, so that propaganda won't work on me xD

That too. Also it's so stupid on how people can't have a spirited debate and discussion and exchange of ideas. Instead it has to be a who's right thing, defending one's point, while ignoring every thing the other person says. They shouldn't have taken down the Current Events thread. I find it fun. I mean if people are just gonna get mad at other viewpoints, then they shouldn't post on there.

Yeah of course we've always been controlled to think a certain way by those in power.
With freedom, It depends how we look at it from what perspective. We talking about, certain aspects of society or the whole thing altogether

Is it working XD

They shouldn't even click on the thread if they get mad that easily

It's getting closer to the whole thing

Nah, it doesn't work like that
Mar 6, 2022 11:40 PM

Oct 2012
The-Nsider said:
If you are watching CNN then you live in a lie. Journalism no longer covers news they are a political agenda and the agenda isn't for you it's for themselves. Lets be clear the biggest weapon deployed by the left is the press.
Hahaha, this made me laugh. Consider for a moment the fact that CNN isn't even left-wing, it's centrist. The vast majority of international news is to the left of CNN.
My subjective reviews:
Mar 6, 2022 11:48 PM
Jul 2018
i don't believe people who say they're immune to it, but some people are definetly more susceptible to it than others
Mar 7, 2022 5:33 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
No one is immune to propaganda, but some people are immune to evidence.
Mar 7, 2022 7:33 AM

Oct 2015
I am immune to propaganda, for I know that western MSM has said a lot of lies to push their neoliberal narrative.
Mar 7, 2022 7:44 AM

Oct 2015
Desolated said:
I am immune to propaganda, for I know that western MSM has said a lot of lies to push their neoliberal narrative.

From one to the next and totally obliviously at that, aren't you just adorable? Because given how bad the profit incentives of sensationalism present in conventional media is, state-funded and state-managed must clearly be superior.
Mar 7, 2022 7:53 AM

Oct 2015
Auron_ said:
Desolated said:
I am immune to propaganda, for I know that western MSM has said a lot of lies to push their neoliberal narrative.

From one to the next and totally obliviously at that, aren't you just adorable? Because given how bad the profit incentives of sensationalism present in conventional media is, state-funded and state-managed must clearly be superior.
Oh well:
Mar 7, 2022 8:00 AM

Oct 2015
Desolated said:
Auron_ said:

From one to the next and totally obliviously at that, aren't you just adorable? Because given how bad the profit incentives of sensationalism present in conventional media is, state-funded and state-managed must clearly be superior.
Oh well:

Corporate State is a form of copium for when your policy positions aren't as popular as you thought them to be. "It's the deep state guys!!! In reality 97.87% of people want universal healthcare and socializing means of production trust me!!!"
Mar 7, 2022 8:04 AM

Jun 2019
Desolated said:
I am immune to propaganda, for I know that western MSM has said a lot of lies to push their neoliberal narrative.

You believe Chinese-state "media" like gospel and discard any other sources, and you even acknowledged that you were here to share propaganda, don't be hypocrite.
Mar 7, 2022 8:11 AM

Oct 2015
Meusnier said:
Desolated said:
I am immune to propaganda, for I know that western MSM has said a lot of lies to push their neoliberal narrative.

You believe Chinese-state "media" like gospel and discard any other sources, and you even acknowledged that you were here to share propaganda, don't be hypocrite.
I'm trying to make more people Marxist-Leninist by providing them with my sources, idk if that can be called as propaganda.

I don't really discard every other sources. I'm just extremely cautious when picking up news from western MSM because of their western bias.
Auron_ said:
Desolated said:
Oh well:

Corporate State is a form of copium for when your policy positions aren't as popular as you thought them to be. "It's the deep state guys!!! In reality 97.87% of people want universal healthcare and socializing means of production trust me!!!"
No? I mean, there are lots of working class people like in the US, who's in a Stockholm syndrome relationships with capitalism thanks to McCarthyism. And here I am will try to deradicalize them from McCarthyism.
Mar 7, 2022 8:15 AM

Jun 2019
Desolated said:
Meusnier said:

You believe Chinese-state "media" like gospel and discard any other sources, and you even acknowledged that you were here to share propaganda, don't be hypocrite.
I'm trying to make more people Marxist-Leninist by providing them with my sources, idk if that can be called as propaganda.

I don't really discard every other sources. I'm just extremely cautious when picking up news from western MSM because of their western bias.
Auron_ said:

Corporate State is a form of copium for when your policy positions aren't as popular as you thought them to be. "It's the deep state guys!!! In reality 97.87% of people want universal healthcare and socializing means of production trust me!!!"
No? I mean, there are lots of working class people like in the US, who's in a Stockholm syndrome relationships with capitalism thanks to McCarthyism.

Your "sources" are shady blogs and opinion pieces. Of course it is propaganda.

No, you are not being "extremely cautious," you ignore everything due to the so-called bias and cannot even fathom that your own sources are even more biased.

In short, your mindset is no different from the one of an anti-vaxxer who would use similar dubious sources to push his ideas. The only reason why you are an anti-anti-vaxxer is your political affiliation.
Mar 7, 2022 8:25 AM
Jul 2018
Desolated said:
Meusnier said:

You believe Chinese-state "media" like gospel and discard any other sources, and you even acknowledged that you were here to share propaganda, don't be hypocrite.
I'm trying to make more people Marxist-Leninist by providing them with my sources, idk if that can be called as propaganda.

I don't really discard every other sources. I'm just extremely cautious when picking up news from western MSM because of their western bias.
mean ur heart is in right place but ur brain isnt
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