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Feb 1, 2020 10:02 PM

Nov 2007
Is super energetic and always wearing a smile √
Is a super athlete and has a super body √
Has sexy tan lines √
Can cook practically anything √
Can clean the house √
Looks after people when they are sick √
Has a dedicated fanbase outside school √
Is her juniors' favourite senpai √
Is her friends' beacon of hopes and dreams √
Has a beautiful singing voice and can actually sing √
Has the ability to bring the crowd on their feet with her dance √
Appeared in the newspaper as a child prodigy √
Is considered a national treasure √
Has faced and aced an English interview √
Has found the ticket to one of the best swimming schools in the world √
Is bound to be successful and famous in life √
Has kissed the boy she loves √
Has confessed to the boy she loves √

And most importantly, is the kindest and sweetest of them all √

And the list will go on and on and on...

Basically Takemoto Uruka is a Super Woman. The closest is Sensei but even Sensei cannot match Takemoto Uruka's abundance of qualities! She is the best girl whether she wins Nariyuki's heart or not!
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Feb 2, 2020 12:14 AM

May 2018
Nah sensei will always be best girl. Uruka 2nd best girl.
Feb 2, 2020 5:37 AM

Nov 2007
Only_Brad said:
Nah sensei will always be best girl. Uruka 2nd best girl.

Sensei is amazing. Yet Sensei cannot ever match Takemoto Uruka. You cannot even list half of the qualities Takemoto Uruka has in any other girl as individuals. I doubt all of the other heroines combined can match her qualities.

Takemoto Uruka is a Super Woman. And a True One at it. A Super Woman literally must possess the ability of saving someone. She has already saved Nariyuki from drowning - twice. And once from staircase accident in the snow. But most importantly, she saved Nariyuki's heart by making him overcome the most difficult period of his life. If Bokuben has a true heroine not just by appearance but by actions, Takemoto Uruka is the one.

You can say whatever you want, but Takemoto Uruka is the True Queen of the Bokuben Universe. And that will never change.
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Feb 2, 2020 5:57 AM

Jan 2018
Yeah because author made her that way so props to the author and yes I hate her so please don't @ me I know she's great and all but than it all come downs to one owns preference and I hate tomboys well, u can like her all u want but someone like fumino is my ideal girl than again u can like her all u want.

Also, your obsession with her is really terrifying dude.
Feb 2, 2020 6:06 AM

Nov 2007
Congintive said:
Also, your obsession with her is really terrifying dude.

I take that as a compliment. Arigatou na!

This is not just my preference but actual facts from the story. Whether she is my favourite or not, she is still the Super Woman.

I am usually not a fan of tomboys either (except for Akane, the bestest tsundere tomboy ever!). However, Takemoto Uruka is more feminine than the other girls in Bokuben and hence she is often referred to as Otome (maiden) or Ningyohime (little mermaid) in the story - both of which are directly associated with girliest of girl characters.
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Feb 2, 2020 6:21 AM

Jan 2018
shanimebib said:
Congintive said:
Also, your obsession with her is really terrifying dude.

I take that as a compliment. Arigatou na!

This is not just my preference but actual facts from the story. Whether she is my favourite or not, she is still the Super Woman.

I am usually not a fan of tomboys either (except for Akane, the bestest tsundere tomboy ever!). However, Takemoto Uruka is more feminine than the other girls in Bokuben and hence she is often referred to as Otome (maiden) or Ningyohime (little mermaid) in the story - both of which are directly associated with girliest of girl characters.

Maiden at hart huh bro well, if u say it that way then I guess every tomboy is feminine maiden no offense but her appearance is one of that and u can't convince me that she's not a tomboy and u always say that kami nomi dis and Dat but I hated the end girl tenri was the only best girl.
Feb 2, 2020 7:10 AM

Nov 2007
Like I said, it has nothing to do with preference. You can like Rizu or Sekijou or whoever you want. That is down to personal preference. I just pointed out that objectively, she is the best girl (irrespective of my terrifying bias). :)
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Feb 2, 2020 9:41 PM

Mar 2016
We get it. You ship Nariyuki and Uruka. Didn’t really need to make an entire thread just to get the point across. It’s already blatantly obvious from every single one of your posts in this forum (and your sig) lol...

If ever there were a case where another person’s excessive fanboyism turned me off of a character where I was neutral toward that character before, this would be it. -.-;
Feb 2, 2020 10:29 PM

Nov 2007
Judgment526 said:
If ever there were a case where another person’s excessive fanboyism turned me off of a character where I was neutral toward that character before, this would be it. -.-;

Wow! Then it's working! I was kind of worried, you know! I want to make it such that more people are turned off so I get to have my OTP all on my own!
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Feb 7, 2020 4:37 PM
Feb 2015
shanimebib said:
Like I said, it has nothing to do with preference. You can like Rizu or Sekijou or whoever you want. That is down to personal preference. I just pointed out that objectively, she is the best girl (irrespective of my terrifying bias). :)

Please look up the definition of "objective." You are just mistaking your bias for fact.

shanimebib said:
Wow! Then it's working! I was kind of worried, you know! I want to make it such that more people are turned off so I get to have my OTP all on my own!

Even though you are obviously trolling, I will address your point.

Objectively, Uruka is not a super woman. Even in-series, she's known to be a bad student who manage to get by copying notes from Nariyuki. Her full-body greeting actually cause Nariyuki physical pain. She's terrible at teaching and gets easily flustered and indecisive (five years until she got cornered enough to confess). And failing in the most important aspect: being a heroine who is capable of carrying the series. She barely got a tenth of the votes. If it was just a series with her as the main heroine, the series would have been cancelled a long time ago.

Facts are, the one who got the most votes in the official poll is Kirisu Mafuyu. She has the actual numbers backing it up, is featured the most prominently in merchandise (including a color page in the current arc where she's not even the focus), and is the only character referred to in the series itself as a superwoman as in Chapter 74. She was so talented that she still have hoards of fans years after she retires. As for Real Life fans, she got enough fans that you can literally remove every other heroine and the series would still bring enough sales to be successful.
SincereCorvidFeb 7, 2020 4:45 PM
Feb 7, 2020 4:58 PM

Nov 2007
@SincereCorvid: Man, did I say who is the most popular? That's a silly argument.

Even I voted for Mafuyu-sensei as my favourite character in the polls. But my OTP is Uruka and Nariyuki. That will not change. She has been since the bike ride and only grew stronger over time.

But when it comes to actual comparison, Uruka is indeed a superwoman because she had shortcomings which she overcame as well on top of her already plus points. She overcame her shyness, her indecisiveness and passed the written exam and even aced her English interview which was once considered her Achilles' heel.

Also, the fact of the matter is Mafuyu-sensei appears Super Woman to everyone but Nariyuki and the readers know that she cannot even look after herself let alone her students. Objectively, she can never match Uruka. I mean just make a list of her best points. Sensei would give Uruka of the yesterdays the best competition out of all the heroines but she still would have struggled to beat her. And the current Uruka is out of questions. She is super S-class. Out of the charts. She has now gone through transcendence and no heroine can match the current her. They might put up a fight combined together, if they are given similar developments, but for now, Uruka is unmatched, unrivaled and destined for stardom.

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Feb 7, 2020 6:17 PM

Apr 2011
Well, it's certainly true Uruka has highest specs among girls. Of course there is question if she can make use of it consistently , given her life as proffesional athlete.

Well ch.146 pretty much confirms Yuiga definitely gonna find out all good and bad eventual life with Uruka bring him.
Feb 8, 2020 5:10 PM

Nov 2007
Tenzen12 said:
Well, it's certainly true Uruka has highest specs among girls. Of course there is question if she can make use of it consistently , given her life as proffesional athlete.

Well ch.146 pretty much confirms Yuiga definitely gonna find out all good and bad eventual life with Uruka bring him.

It's still 99%. Unless we are confirmed 100%, it can wait!

Also, a professional athlete's career is 10-15 years. She will get to have a loving and caring family after that and have 3 kids with Nariyuki.
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Feb 10, 2020 5:23 PM
Feb 2018
There is one of the most common arguments that I have read in the posts, If Mafuyu is the most popular, that makes her the best character who automatically deserves to win, that brings me a quote I´ve seen in both languages, "Millions of flies can´t be wrong" or for be especific, it is an "Argumentum ad Populum" a fallacy where the popular opinion its a fact by be popular, and not for the argument in itself, it´s like say that the Populism and Socialism where the right desition becouse in their countries were the most popular thinking within the people, if millions of flies eats trash, it makes the trash good, I´m not saying that of Mafuyu, she is my second favourite girl, but that something be popular, it doesn´t make it true.

Also there is another argument that I saw a lot of times in the posts in espanish;
"Uruka didn´d have development as character, so this last arc is forced..."
But when I started to see their other posts, there is another comment that they repeat constantly, they skipped all the chapters of Uruka, also I´ve seen racist coments against her.

PD: I´m still waiting for the translate of the new chapter, meanwhile i will post here...
miguelrexdFeb 10, 2020 5:27 PM
Feb 11, 2020 8:19 AM

Nov 2007
@miguelrexd: Perhaps they really just skip to whatever chapter they have their girls in. I mean the latest chapter directly connects the story with chapter 19, 25, 43 and so on.
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Feb 11, 2020 3:42 PM
Feb 2015
miguelrexd said:
There is one of the most common arguments that I have read in the posts, If Mafuyu is the most popular, that makes her the best character who automatically deserves to win, that brings me a quote I´ve seen in both languages, "Millions of flies can´t be wrong" or for be especific, it is an "Argumentum ad Populum" a fallacy where the popular opinion its a fact by be popular, and not for the argument in itself, it´s like say that the Populism and Socialism where the right desition becouse in their countries were the most popular thinking within the people, if millions of flies eats trash, it makes the trash good, I´m not saying that of Mafuyu, she is my second favourite girl, but that something be popular, it doesn´t make it true.

Also there is another argument that I saw a lot of times in the posts in espanish;
"Uruka didn´d have development as character, so this last arc is forced..."
But when I started to see their other posts, there is another comment that they repeat constantly, they skipped all the chapters of Uruka, also I´ve seen racist coments against her.

PD: I´m still waiting for the translate of the new chapter, meanwhile i will post here...

I didn't say that it's an automatic win for Mafuyu shipping-wise. I did say she can make the series successful just from her fanbase alone. The populism argument doesn't really fly when the success of a manga is measured by amount of sales.

In this case, I was comparing Uruka and Mafuyu because even in-series, Mafuyu is more admired and more talented in both academics and sports. She memorized a dance routine in one go and is an excellent teacher in spite of not being talented in that field (being flustered as a beginner teacher). For Uruka to be a super-woman she has to top that.

I also mentioned the real-life popularity because Shonen Jump regularly ranks the series they are running in comparison. Right now, the series is still in Uruka's arc and it is not looking good ranking-wise. So not just Western audience but also Japanese readers also find the Uruka arc weak. Any review of an artistic product like a manga is certainly an opinion, so you would instead go with the average of reader ratings. This is more an example of "wisdom of crowds." And right now, the average is that Uruka's arc is not rated high.
SincereCorvidFeb 11, 2020 3:49 PM
Feb 11, 2020 3:58 PM

Nov 2007
@SincereCorvid: There is no way to tell that Uruka arc is rated badly because the poll results are reflected after 8 weeks of the evaluation. So, the current ranking was from 8 chapters back which is outside the Uruka arc. Also, it has been confirmed that a lot of new manga have been serialized recently and usually they affect the ranking of those that were originally in the middle. It's not uncommon for WSJ.
shanimebibFeb 11, 2020 4:03 PM
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Feb 11, 2020 7:17 PM

Jan 2018
And 5 toubun is still selling like hot cakes lol even after this trash arc.
Feb 11, 2020 8:31 PM

Nov 2007
Congintive said:
And 5 toubun is still selling like hot cakes lol even after this trash arc.

Because if they complete the set, they will get the quintuplet postcards featured in the final volume. It's the marketing ploy most manga use.

Also, the Japanese fanbases are not THAT hostile toward the authors like the western ones are (including myself). Since I frequent 5 channel and follow official twitters, it's more sadness and surprise than anguish and disappointment in most cases when the most favourite heroine(s) do(es)n't win.
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Feb 13, 2020 5:41 AM

Nov 2018
shanimebib said:
Only_Brad said:
Nah sensei will always be best girl. Uruka 2nd best girl.

Sensei is amazing. Yet Sensei cannot ever match Takemoto Uruka. You cannot even list half of the qualities Takemoto Uruka has in any other girl as individuals. I doubt all of the other heroines combined can match her qualities.

Takemoto Uruka is a Super Woman. And a True One at it. A Super Woman literally must possess the ability of saving someone. She has already saved Nariyuki from drowning - twice. And once from staircase accident in the snow. But most importantly, she saved Nariyuki's heart by making him overcome the most difficult period of his life. If Bokuben has a true heroine not just by appearance but by actions, Takemoto Uruka is the one.

You can say whatever you want, but Takemoto Uruka is the True Queen of the Bokuben Universe. And that will never change.

Feb 13, 2020 7:08 AM

Nov 2007
PersiaJuliet23 said:
shanimebib said:

Sensei is amazing. Yet Sensei cannot ever match Takemoto Uruka. You cannot even list half of the qualities Takemoto Uruka has in any other girl as individuals. I doubt all of the other heroines combined can match her qualities.

Takemoto Uruka is a Super Woman. And a True One at it. A Super Woman literally must possess the ability of saving someone. She has already saved Nariyuki from drowning - twice. And once from staircase accident in the snow. But most importantly, she saved Nariyuki's heart by making him overcome the most difficult period of his life. If Bokuben has a true heroine not just by appearance but by actions, Takemoto Uruka is the one.

You can say whatever you want, but Takemoto Uruka is the True Queen of the Bokuben Universe. And that will never change.

I have already discussed it in chapter 147 discussion thread. I don't think it warrants a discussion on that here. So, you might as well post there.
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Feb 14, 2020 2:38 PM

Nov 2015
>sexy tan lines

you misspelled skin cancer
Feb 14, 2020 3:31 PM

Apr 2011
Well here we go. Lot of happiness talk. Fumino and Rizu received lot of happiness hellping them achieve their dreams and now they want help Yuiga to find his own too. Rizu being badass destroyed Yuiga with facts and logic. Telling him go running after Uruka as it's up to her to decide whether she is willing ballance both carreer and relationship at once or not.

I didn't think this chapter would be bad, but Tsutsui handled it certainly smarter then I expected, especially making sure to point Fumi and Rizu aren't just bunch of sad leftovers (like 5T did) even that even if they didn't win in love, they still gained things they desired.

Tenzen12Feb 14, 2020 3:35 PM
Feb 14, 2020 6:32 PM

Nov 2007
^Let's see, so Uruka practically did nothing and won Nariyuki's heart, eh? Sounds like 5tb trash.

@AZY-sama: Here is something for you to enjoy.

Formula: NaCl
Molar mass: 58.44 g/mol
IUPAC ID: Sodium chloride
Melting point: 1,474°F (801°C)
Boiling point: 2,669°F (1,465°C)
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Feb 14, 2020 10:23 PM
Apr 2019
so Uruka wins?
Fuck my life
Feb 14, 2020 10:33 PM

Nov 2007
NakolHira said:
so Uruka wins?
Fuck my life

Unless he is running to the airport like his life depending on it just to tell her "Thanks for your confession dude but I love Emilia." then yes. Uruka wins.

Also, try not to overdo it. She just happens to be the best girl so effing your life over Nariyuki getting her is a bit too much I would think. But it's your choice. Nothing doing if that's what you wanna go and do with your life.

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Feb 15, 2020 12:41 AM

Apr 2011
Who is best girl really depend on what good trait anyone consider most important.As long as multiple girls has their own merit and no glaring flaw, best girl is not set in stone.

Uruka win being well deserved (regardless whether she is best girl) in other is objectively true in other hand.
Feb 15, 2020 4:41 AM

May 2015
"SoUnDs LiKe 5Tb TrAsH"

Feb 15, 2020 4:44 AM

Nov 2007
Tenzen12 said:
Who is best girl really depend on what good trait anyone consider most important.As long as multiple girls has their own merit and no glaring flaw, best girl is not set in stone.

Uruka win being well deserved (regardless whether she is best girl) in other is objectively true in other hand.

You are bringing in subjectivity here. Objectively, Uruka is the best. ;)
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Feb 15, 2020 9:25 AM

Apr 2011
Objectively she has highest specs across the board. Whether that is enough to be best girl depend on standard decided general consensus.

Objective evaluation is only possible if there is standarised method of judging.
Feb 15, 2020 9:48 AM

Nov 2007
What standards do we need? As a student of science (and related IRL), subjectively Rizu is out of the charts for me. For people who like sports more, or sports person themselves, they would probably rate Sensei or Uruka more, people of literature Fumino and so on.

That's why I give them one point for each merit equally to quantify. That is how Uruka becomes the best girl. That was the reason why I pointed out her plus points. No one listed their heroine's plus points in this thread anyways. I am not stopping them. They are not making because they cannot beat Uruka by points and they know it.

If someone tells me that Fumino cannot cook or Sensei cannot look after herself but those are their charm points for them and they think they are the best girl for that, that is subjective opinion. And I won't argue on that.

Just for an example - Takanashi Rikka. One of the greatest waifus ever created. When I say she is one of the greatest waifus ever, that is me saying it subjectively, for an example. I will fight every keyboard warriors ever existed to protect Rikka and just tell them off without being able to hold much of an argument. Because I am clouded by the fact that she is one of the cutest existences ever. Same will apply for other heroines of bokuben if they wanted to argue with logic.

If it weren't for Fumino fans berating my pick of Uruka in the first place, I wouldn't have been so hostile towards her character or her fans. They literally sweep it under the rug when they shit talk Uruka as if they are entitled to. Not everyone is at fault but they never disagreed the trolls within them so that was basically them giving their silent consent. So, I will not stop with mine.

Even if Uruka doesn't win, I will continue to shove it through their throat that Uruka is the best girl.
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Feb 15, 2020 6:48 PM
Feb 2018
I already post this in the chapter 146 discussion, but yes actually Uruka is the best written character in the Manga, since the begining the mangaka made her thinking about how to develope her for be the most important person for Nariyuki.
Feb 15, 2020 7:50 PM

Nov 2007
miguelrexd said:
I already post this in the chapter 146 discussion, but yes actually Uruka is the best written character in the Manga, since the begining the mangaka made her thinking about how to develope her for be the most important person for Nariyuki.

Yep. I read that. There's nothing for me to add there so I didn't comment. :)
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Feb 15, 2020 11:58 PM
Jan 2014
I pass this evaluation because Takemoto is a Super Woman! and one Super Waifu at the same time!

In addition, let's be honest, whoever is so energetic and cheerful is the fact that she is athletic and very healthy mentally and physically, girls like that are always beautiful and very attractive!

Feb 17, 2020 10:16 AM

Aug 2016
Uruka best girl for the MC. Mafuyu is overrated and being a milf won´t gonna save her.
Feb 17, 2020 1:19 PM

Mar 2018
I found it hilarious how salty ppl are getting over all this harems lately lol
Feb 18, 2020 1:56 AM
Jun 2010
Uruka like Fumino, Mafuyu and the other, is a well-written character. Sadly, people totally succumbed to Shippers or sheep effect. They just hate Uruka and ignore everything they admitted, but then they wonder that Uruka is likely to win.
Feb 18, 2020 9:17 PM

Nov 2007
HellTsukuyomi said:
Uruka like Fumino, Mafuyu and the other, is a well-written character. Sadly, people totally succumbed to Shippers or sheep effect. They just hate Uruka and ignore everything they admitted, but then they wonder that Uruka is likely to win.

That's a fact. If you even see the meme circulating around the internet that Uruka fell in love with Nariyuki because he praised her swimming in middle school is contrived, out of hatred and with no basis.

Anyone reading the manga would know she wasn't even in love with him when he said that. I mean there is an entire chapter on that alone, which ironically, the longest extra chapter of the manga adding an additional seven pages to the volume following her two parter.

Makes me want to slap these b!tches circulating the meme. :D
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Feb 19, 2020 8:03 AM
Jun 2010
shanimebib said:
HellTsukuyomi said:
Uruka like Fumino, Mafuyu and the other, is a well-written character. Sadly, people totally succumbed to Shippers or sheep effect. They just hate Uruka and ignore everything they admitted, but then they wonder that Uruka is likely to win.

That's a fact. If you even see the meme circulating around the internet that Uruka fell in love with Nariyuki because he praised her swimming in middle school is contrived, out of hatred and with no basis.

Anyone reading the manga would know she wasn't even in love with him when he said that. I mean there is an entire chapter on that alone, which ironically, the longest extra chapter of the manga adding an additional seven pages to the volume following her two parter.

Makes me want to slap these b!tches circulating the meme. :D

But I still didn't understand their need to hate someone, especially how ugly they were to Uruka. It is said that the most toxic community is in Star Wars, but when I read comments on Uruka, I feel I have found a much worse community.
Feb 20, 2020 8:15 AM

Nov 2007
HellTsukuyomi said:
But I still didn't understand their need to hate someone, especially how ugly they were to Uruka. It is said that the most toxic community is in Star Wars, but when I read comments on Uruka, I feel I have found a much worse community.

Apparently she is BORING and an Eternal Loser for being a Childhood acquaintance. Pretty reasonable excuse to hate her.
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Feb 27, 2020 10:09 PM

Nov 2007
A friendly reminder that the Super Woman won. :)
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Mar 11, 2020 7:25 AM

May 2009
shanimebib said:
Apparently she is BORING and an Eternal Loser for being a Childhood acquaintance. Pretty reasonable excuse to hate her.

She isn't childhood acquaintance.
Mar 15, 2020 5:39 PM

Nov 2007

The side heroines are getting their own arcs.
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Mar 18, 2020 8:05 AM

Feb 2017
here is the f
every heroine is equal lol xd hahahahaha

MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate
Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald
Mar 18, 2020 9:53 AM
Jan 2019
shanimebib said:

The side heroines are getting their own arcs.

"Side heroines"

Mar 18, 2020 12:18 PM
Feb 2018
EliAyaseLL said:
shanimebib said:

The side heroines are getting their own arcs.

"Side heroines"


LOL The "ROUTE IF" BESIDE the picture is the best way how the mangaka says;
"Yeah, all ending are conon but no exactly canon"
Like the What if of Marvel, stories where they explore alternative situation in the comic apart from the original story.
Mar 18, 2020 3:10 PM

May 2015
You really love to deny reality huh? 😂

Mar 18, 2020 4:04 PM

Nov 2007

Fingers crossed, but Uruka's panel will probably remain the closest to the original jinx panel with Akiramenai Nidoto-kun, Hetta Hara-kun and Aida Kono-san appearing in both of them. Not to mention the angle of the panels will also probably remain the closest. lol

Link: Truth will hurt.jpg
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Mar 18, 2020 4:17 PM
Jan 2019
miguelrexd said:
EliAyaseLL said:

"Side heroines"


LOL The "ROUTE IF" BESIDE the picture is the best way how the mangaka says;
"Yeah, all ending are conon but no exactly canon"
Like the What if of Marvel, stories where they explore alternative situation in the comic apart from the original story.

It's so sad that people want to deny the reality even if the author said otherwise and it's really useless to try to convince people that uruka is the main ending when the author said in his own words that it's not and that it's up to the reader

1)the title of the manga has not changed, the "what if" project is the set of 5 routes and Uruka is included :
2) the "closest firework prospective" it's the same for all the girls, the images in the preview are different from those in the manga :
3)Tsutsui on twitter :

Stop spreading misinformation, as Tsutsui said, It's up to you to decide that Uruka is the main ending, but don't force others to believe it because it's a fact that isn't so

Mar 18, 2020 5:52 PM
Feb 2018
In the whole Uruka´s route they never used the "Route If" the official count of BokuBen shared the tweet where it say "Route If: start" after Uruka's arc finished, really do you think that there wasn't any preassure from the fandom and the Shonen Jump for make this alternative endings??? just like in the alternative endings in sankarea, it just was pressure for the sales and the public opinion, this ain't Fate for have 3 lores, in fate exist 3 time lines and 3 differents canon endings, but here there is only one time line and 5 endings, call them all canon is contradictory when the mangaka and the editotial uses the word "alternative" for reference the other endings beyond Uruka, obviously the author can't say there is a ending more canon then othe if he doesn't want to be burned in social media again, and if you want to choose one, go on, but if it depends on the reader, which ending is the choosed by the author even when he doesn't say it? obviously he has a favourite one, and there is a lot of clues. Even if u pck one there can only be one original ending.
miguelrexdMar 18, 2020 5:57 PM
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Poll: » Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Chapter 24 Discussion

animefan8800 - Jul 24, 2017

15 by Celestialshard »»
Mar 2, 11:30 PM

Poll: » Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Chapter 187 Discussion ( 1 2 )

MegamiRem - Dec 18, 2020

71 by DavidM_27 »»
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Poll: » Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Chapter 176 Discussion

Stark700 - Oct 4, 2020

21 by _Zanga »»
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Poll: » Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Chapter 44 Discussion

animefan8800 - Dec 24, 2017

9 by T0PP4 »»
Mar 2, 2023 4:55 PM

Poll: » Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai Chapter 150 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

shanimebib - Mar 5, 2020

114 by _Zanga »»
Mar 1, 2023 5:57 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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