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Oct 2017
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Interview #196 - @Head_Hunter47 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Hitman of Rivia

"I like using exclamation marks after every sentence, so let's get that out of the way early on!!"

Interview conducted by: @KatsutoSaki
Reviewed by: @Skittles & @SuzakuTsubasa

Could you tell us more about yourself?

Well, simply put... I'm a simple man with a simple taste in simple things... or maybe I'm just trying to look humble, but who knows!! (ಡ艸ಡ)

But really, though, most people call me 'Sanji' or 'Sanchy'… or 'Head'… and I like all those nicknames, but not many people say 'Hunter' for some reason!! (ノД`) If you ever got the impression that I'm a badass cook who smokes, then rest assured I'm nothing like that!! But I AM an ENFP-A, though, so maybe I do have a way with words!! I'd say I'm the type that has too many ambitions without the patience required to fulfill them, thus giving up before even starting!! I'm also a procrastinator, although I hope that's almost everyone here because I’d hate to be the only lazy one!! I like to talk... like a lot, especially with new people!! If being hypersocial is a sickness, then I probably have it!! I'd say I can get along with mostly everyone!! Most people like me and some don't, but I've managed to grow on them too!! And yeah, I like using exclamation marks after every sentence, so let's get that out of the way early on!! I'm weird... so the quicker you realize that, the faster you'll be able to understand me!! ( ._.)

I suffer from a disease called 'pride,' which I consider to be a positive thing!! A great man (who is totally not me) once said that pride is what separates us from barbarians, not etiquettes!! I uhhhh... can't handle awkward situations!! If a situation is awkward, I make it more awkward, so it becomes really, really awkward, and then I start to wish I was never born!! And most people don’t know this, but I’m actually a pessimist—not the bad kind, though!! I like to consider every outcome, and most of them ain’t pretty, I assure you!! (ノД`)

I tease my friends a lot and they bully me back, which is pretty much all we do together. We also have emotional talks from time to time, which I need to be able to stay positive!! Well... that's that, but trust me, if I say I care about you... then I genuinely care about you!! Buuuut... I have a tendency to hurt those closest to me by doing or saying insensitive things. I often don't think before I act, so this is truly something I need to start working on!! (ノД`) I'm never fake, which I consider as a good quality of mine... but it also means I get easily annoyed when someone shows me their baby!! I mean, don't get me wrong... babies are cute, adorable and innocent, but there's always that one nephew of a teacher who's not cute at all. They'll be like "he's so adorable, isn't he?" and I'd be like "well... I mean... babies are babies, and we're we, so... did you watch the game last night?" and there'd be an awkward silence after that!! o(TヘTo) Anyway, that's me... an open book containing a random mess, but at least my impression will be a memorable one!! (≧▽≦)/

How did you choose your username?

Well... when I was 12, my cousin invited me to a LAN party, which prompted me to create a username (because it wasn't "cool" to go with your real name). The first thing that came to mind was a PS2 game called Headhunter. I've never played the game, though I saw it in a store a while ago!! And yeah, I still don't know what that game is because I never looked up the gameplay, even though my name is based on the stupid game!! (ノД`) The name just kinda stuck with me, and I've used it ever since!! The username also needed numbers, and being the Hitman fanboy I am, 47 was the only number that popped up in my head. Unlike what most people think, it wasn't derived from the popular AK-47, so voila, I became the user I am today!! So yeah, next time someone thinks the name was made by a child... it literally WAS made by a child!! (*≧艸≦)

Could you give us your brief history of your time on MAL?

Hmmm... some of my friends know this already, but I went through some dark times early on. To make myself feel better, I tried joining a community online!! Facebook and other mainstream social media were never really my thing because of those damn stalkers, so after lurking around some more, I stumbled onto MAL!! I only liked the list feature at first, so I made a profile just for that. Three days after making the account, I got invited to the only club I've ever been active in and met some amazing people who are precious to me. Like everything in life, there are also some ups and downs on this site, but in the end, I'm really happy that I found this place!! And no, I'm not crying, you're crying!! o(TヘTo)

What led you to become a fan of anime and manga?

Like the majority of people here, I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon on Toonami. Following that, I saw Kaze no Stigma (which I remember nothing about except for the name) on some random channel, though I still hadn't realized the existence of anime!! But as I was bored and did not have a PC during the time, the only thing I could do was look up new TV shows. One thing led to another, and I soon found a list on IMDB which had shows tagged as 'aniem' (yes, I used to call it aniem back then because I was a normie). The show I decided to watch from that list was Hunter x Hunter, which officially became the first anime that held my interest!! Then one day, two classmates were talking about an anime I remembered watching for a bit called Naruto. When they saw me staring at them, they went over to me and we started a convo!! Soon, one of the guys told me to watch Naruto and another show called Death Note. That's pretty much the start of our friendship (funny how I'm more of a weeb than those two now)!! (눈_눈)

Any users you dislike/like and why?

Hmmm... can't really say I dislike anyone right now!! I mean, I did have misunderstandings with some people, so we either resolved them or just got over them... or at least I did!! ._.

Just for clarification, I’m only gonna mention those I met on MAL. Those who met me on other sites and THEN added me here shall not be mentioned, so no need to smite me if you don't see me write thy name!! ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻

@Dyunoctis - One of the coolest guys here who died too quickly!! Why do people have to get old!! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

@bringerofanan - Scary human being who knows waaaay too much about me!! But at least it's someone dependable, even though she hates me!! \(º □ º l|l)/

@Haruchhiii - Probably the one person I tease the most!! But he gets it, so it's fine!! (≧▽≦)/

@Blanchy - A mamaaa and himedere, but that’s what makes her… her!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

@Dyurna - My movie buddy!! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ (An emo and sadist, but we don't talk about that)

@LLENN - Used to be a friend... until I was betrayed by this traitor, so now I'm out for blood!! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

@TheKidon - A LOSERRRR!! (*≧艸≦)

@Infierno - If there's anyone shadier than me, it would be this guy!! I need to get him to be my assistant when I try to take over the world!! ¬o( ̄- ̄メ)

@Koko_ - Another victim of the ravages of time!! This kid is dead now!! Too bad no one is gonna mourn you, kid... booo booo!! ( 〃´艸`) (Is that too mean? I feel like it's too mean.)

@CecaniahCorabele - My biggest victim!! I almost bully them toooo much, but whaaa... I meant it as a joke, I swear it's a joke!! (ノД`)

@R-unknown - A shy turtle… and a beta tester!! (◕д◕)

@Kai_N_Walker - He's like a brother who can't hold a secret for his life, and is depressed... so almost identical to my real brother!! (⇀‸↼‶)

@SweetMonia - The person who helped me start my MAL journey, so I'll always be grateful!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

@Tea-chan27 - A grandma who is too old... like toooo old!! I can't even find a topic to talk with her about because of the age gap!! ┐( ´ д ` )┌

@Memor - My son who is like the nicest human I've ever met online!! ( T^T)ﻭ

@Mochigi - A man with infinite wisdom... and perversion!! (O_O;)

And uhhhhhh.....

@White_Knight-37 - Because he’s probably gonna feel left out, even though I really, really don't wanna put him here!! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Any hobbies outside of anime/manga and MAL?

Wait, there are hobbies outside of anime?!! (O_O;)

But yeah, nope. My days are mostly spent on video games, which can be really loooong, so anime gets barely any time!! Uhhhh, so have you ever had someone you love so much who doesn't love you back, so you start hating them more than you were capable of?!! Because that's my relationship with Warframe, the game I’m currently obsessed with!! ( ._.)

And also movies!! NEVER forget movies!! Apart from that... almost nothing!! o(TヘTo)

But when I'm bored, I just talk to my grandpa about history and politics (which I end up forgetting five minutes later, but it makes him happy, so I'm happy)!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ

As for novels… I've only read the Witcher series!! Can’t recommend it enough!! Though with my reading speed, it took me two years to finish all seven books!! o( ╥ω╥ )o

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.

Errrr... now this is an interesting question!! MAL is... a dying species!! I mean, it won't exactly die for a long time because of how dedicated the community is, but the lack of features is frustrating!! It's outdated, but why?!! All this time, we have been asking for one little thing (among a large number of things), which is to GIVE US THE EDIT FUNCTION IN THE CLUB COMMENTS as the absence of this is annoying to no end!! I mean, I'm sure they have their reasons, and there might be some issues in implementing it, but the UI just feels outdated!! Apart from that, never had any issues with mods, and they seem like a really interesting league of extraordinary gentlemen!! I mean, I have had an issue with the spambots banning me or something for three to four hours, but the mods put me back up as soon as they could, so can't complain!! (っ˘ω˘ς )

There’s a rumor that you’re gay for Asians. What can you say about that?
from @Blanchy

Interesting question!! I mean... they're hot... and they're super smart... so I shouldn't be blamed if I was... but nope, still as straight as ever!! ( 〃´艸`)

Where did your obsession with exclamation marks come from?
from @Memor

Lol, I kinda knew this question was gonna come up!! Can’t really say, though!! I thought it started somewhere in 2017, but found some old convos and posts from 2016 THAT HAD THEM!! So can’t really say why or when, but it's been stuck with me ever since!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

But to be honest, I don’t use exclamation marks regularly outside of MAL, like in-game chats or other places where everyone is normal!! ( ._.) So I guess if I use them when talking with you, I consider you worthy of being blessed by me!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯

Why doesn't your location on your profile have exclamation marks?
from @Memor

Errrr… that’s… I don’t know!! I guess I wrote it when I was new here. Also as I said above, I don’t use them in a lot of places, and MAL was one like that!! So yeah, never changed it!! I consider it to be a remnant of the time I thought MAL was a normal place!! (ノД`)

Why do you exclusively use Sanji avatars?
from @Memor

Lol, I kinda knew this question was gonna come up, too!! Well, Sanji is one of the most relatable characters for me somehow!! I guess it's because I’m really, really close to my grandpa since he practically raised me!! Then we moved away when I was eight, and after that, I spent all my vacations with him!! If I say I’m a gentleman (probably not anymore, but I swear I was like that before), then it's definitely because of him!! So yeah, that’s why I like Zeff and Sanji!!

Anyway, when I came to MAL, I was probably gonna go with 'Lancer' or something else, but then I stumbled upon a chibi picture of Sanji, so used his name instead!! After that, everyone started calling me Sanji, so it kinda stuck with me!!

This is the picture in case my friends don't remember it!! (≧▽≦)/

How can I become as lavishly manly as you?
from @Memor

Whaaa… compliments!! (*ノωノ) (I really hope it's not sarcasm because I'm a very sensitive human, I swear).

But yeah, being serious, I was pretty much a kuudere as a kid up until eighth grade!! Then I just got bored and decided that I wanted to be more social!! The thing that made me get over my lack of confidence was to just… welps… accept yourself as you are!! For me, I used to think I was boring because I was into games and movies, unlike the other guys who were into bikes and cars!! It was probably because I felt disconnected that I never opened myself to anyone!! Then I found people similar to me and accepted that I’m a weirdo, and welps… became how I am today, for better or worse!! ( ._.)

What kind of music do you listen to?
from @Memor

Almost everything!! I’m very, very open to all kinds of music, which is why a lot of humans send me stuff to listen to… except for mumble rap!! Really can’t digest mumble rap!! (ΦwΦ)Ψ

What game would you consider your most favorite other than The Witcher 3? What game would you love to play that you just haven't found the time or money for?
from @LLENN

I like how the question specifically tells me to not talk about The Witcher 3!! If not that, the answer would undeniably be Nier: Automata!! That’s not even a game, it's an experience that everyone needs to go through at least once in their lives!! Before I started, I read stuff like “its the most emotional game ever” and that “it’ll break you up on the inside,” so I thought I was ready and prepared to deal with anything the game would throw at me, but man, I was wrong!! I was depressed for a week after finishing it, and that was one of the best times of my life!! (つω`。)

As for something that I haven’t played yet, but I really want to… it would be every PS4 exclusive ever!! But seriously, though, it's Final Fantasy XV!! I need to upgrade my PC before I can run it in all its glory!! o(TヘTo)

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
from @LLENN

One of the hardest questions in this interview!! Probably because I’m the physical manifestation of greed, so I want EVERYTHING!! But if it's one thing, I feel like it has to be the healing factor of Wolverine which makes the body indestructible!! Life feels too short!! It's hard to separate one year from another apart from special events!! Plus, I wanna see where humanity goes!! I know, the cost for it is huge, and I would probably, no, DEFINITELY go insane because of mental age, but that’s just a price I’m willing to pay, I guess!!

What's the one thing most people don’t know about you?
from @CecaniahCorabele

Uhhh… that I really, really value my time alone!! Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with others, but sometimes I just wanna be left alone and not do anything!! (I know, I could go offline if I’m that desperate, but I just wanna rant here, so shush).

It's probably because I have trouble saying no to people unless I’m close to them!! And I can say no to people who know me well quite easily, but then they start to feel like I don’t wanna spend time with them. Trust me, though, sometimes I just don’t wanna spend time with anyone!! So no matter what I do, I always end up being the bad guy because apparently my time is “too precious to be spent with them now." I love you humans very deeply, but I just have a loner side that I don’t think is ever gonna die, so just learn to co-exist with me if you love me!! (ノД`)

Imagine moving to another country and you happen to be among the minority. Apparently, the locals don't really respect minority groups. How would you adapt and live in such a social life?
from @CecaniahCorabele

Wow, I wasn't expecting such a serious question!! This is very hard for me to answer since never in my life have I been a minority (probably because I barely go out into the world), but after thinking for a while, I wish I could say that I would try to earn their respect and prove myself a prominent citizen. Honestly, that probably wouldn’t be the case!! Because the people who discriminate don’t really care about their victim and just want to feel superior without thinking of the consequences!! In my case, I would probably get fed up of it and either look for an escape or turn to a life of crime!! But meh, let's hope this scenario is actually a lot brighter than what I expect it to be!! ( ._.)

We all have those times when we hit rock-bottom. How do you think the worst time of your life affected your personality and perspective on things?
from @bringerofanan

For starters, it made me bored with everything!! You always think you need more free time!! I mean, everyone needs more time to play their favorite game a bit longer or to watch just one more episode of anime… but what if you get all the free time you need?!! You can’t do anything, trust me!! Everything starts to lose its flavor, everything starts to look bland and grey!! It becomes hard to differentiate one day from another, and weeks pass by in an instant!! It can’t really be called depressing since you can do whatever you want, but more like “what’s the point of doing it?” kinda thing!!

As for my personality… well, at least I had some humans that made me remain my usual self, so at least I didn’t change that much in that department. At least not because of the rock-bottom moment, for which I’m really glad!!

We all change throughout our lives for better or worse. Do you think you have changed lately? If so, do you think you are better this way?
from @bringerofanan

As you said, we all change throughout our lives!! Every 2-3 years, I look back at myself and realize that I’m a completely different person from before. My tastes differ greatly from the time long ago!! This is probably what growing up means for everyone!! Back to the question… have I changed lately?!! Yes, a lot!! This is probably the second biggest change I’ve seen in myself (after the eighth-grade experience mentioned before)!! It's probably weird for a lot of people to see me the way I am now since they’re used to seeing me as… uhhhh… like how I was before!! If you met me a year ago, you’d have known me as a gentleman, but over the course of last year, I’ve changed more than I thought I ever would!! But I like this change as it makes me feel like a stronger person than I ever was!! But then again, a friend once told me that we don’t really change, but just start to show our true selves with time!! I’m way more open now and don’t get embarrassed at most stuff!! The main reason for it is that I’m kinda used to the internet now!! I got used to dealing with all kinds of people and that made me adapt to myself!!

Question is… do I like it or not?!! Welps… I do, I really do!! I would have preferred my older self since he was more respectful to everything around him, but I feel like I’m stronger as a person now and I know how to deal with most of the situations better now!! It kinda feels like I grew up!! Maybe this is why everyone says growing up sucks!! But how does it affect me IRL?!! In a very good way!! I’m way more charismatic and social now and don’t hesitate to speak my mind. On several occasions, people told me that they liked what I said!! As you can see, I now really, really like to talk about myself, so I probably became way more narcissistic than I was before!!

Though it wouldn’t be far from the truth if I said I’m having an identity crisis nowadays!! I can’t decide whether I love something or hate it, as one minute it's the first, and the next it's the latter!! Lol, I just wanna go to the woods and contemplate on what kind of person I wanna be in complete peace and quiet!!

So until today, you still have no idea what kind of game Headhunter is?

Probably a crappy shooter or something like that!! I mean... we all know most of the amazing games come from the PS2 era, so if something didn't make the list, then it probably deserves to make the list!! But just for the sake of it... I'll go watch gameplay videos right now!! ( ._.)

That was... uhmmm... interesting!! Definitely outdated and really clunky, but that Metal Gear Solid feel seems nice!! Never had a PS2, but if I did, I'd probably have liked this title!! But for now, I'm thinking some secrets are best left buried!! I feel like my legacy has been ruined, but then again, what was I even expecting!! o(TヘTo)

What type of video games do you play?

I think a better question would be what kind of games I DO NOT play since I play mostly everything!! The answer to that would be real-time strategy games and isometric RPGs!! I tried them several times, but just couldn’t get invested!! This is why I couldn’t enjoy Divinity or… don’t kill me… Diablo 2!! I know they’re supposed to be great, but I just couldn’t get into them!! (ノД`)

But if you mean what I'm playing right now, then I play games similar to the anime I watch!! An endless one, like a long shonen, and then a singleplayer game that I play mostly for the story, like any 12-episode series!! Right now, its mostly Warframe (which feels like a waste of my life, but I’m already too invested in it to be able to quit now), and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West!! Don’t look at what my profile says, because it hasn’t been updated for a month!! And uhhh… the occasional Fortnite!! Waaaait, before you leave, I started Fortnite when it just came out, so my friend was like “dude, there’s a free PUBG, wanna try it?” so yeah, that’s basically it!! It was fun to play with friends since we mostly used it to talk and fool around, but then came the rise of the streamers and suddenly the world was filled with tryhards and sweaty people, so yeah, not as fun anymore!! I just want it to be a casual game again, is that too much to ask?!! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ) (And no, it's probably not worth it to get better at the game now).

Which are your most and least favorite Hitman entries?

Easy question!! For me, Hitman: Contracts was the purest experience the series had to offer!! From the satisfying moment I got a 'Silent Assassin' rating on my first mission, I knew this game was for me!! After that would be the second game, Hitman: Silent Assassin!! In both these games, everything in the world had a purpose, so if something exists, it can be taken advantage of!! Can't tell if they're as amazing as I remember, or if it's just my nostalgia!! ._.

As for the worst... it had to be Hitman: Absolution!! I mean, the worst should be the first part, but I never played that because it was toooo outdated by the time I started playing games!! But Hitman: Absolution was so meh for me that I couldn't even finish it!! I mean, it was definitely one of the most polished entries, but it felt more like any other stealth game than a proper Hitman title!! There was barely any assassination missions!! I don't play Hitman to sneak around corridors, but to hide in plain sight in order to approach my target (or maybe my normie mind doesn't know enough games)!! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Anyway... enough talking about this!! I feel like I'm cheating on The Witcher because that game is where my true love resides!! (ノД`)

Which MAL clubs are you most active on?

I pop up every now and then in several places to say one sentence and disappear forever!! The only place I’ve been a prominent member of is Monia Cafe because that was the first club I joined. Probably the last, too, since I’m a ghost now!! (ノД`)

But now I mostly lurk on profile comments because it makes for easier and more direct convos!! ( ._.)

How do you feel about the current state of Monia Cafe? Do you think activity in the club has been decreasing despite more users joining?

This is a difficult question to answer for two reasons!! Firstly, I haven’t been active there for some time, so I can’t really say how it's going in terms of activity!! Second, this is an important time of the year since everyone’s busy with exams and stuff, so most people can’t find the time to come online. Hence, it's not really a decline, but more like a temporary pause!!

But if I’m being honest, it's probably decreasing!! A lot of the older users don’t come anymore, and even the current ones are only active sometimes!! Back then, it would be weird if there was no one during the day because everyone was always available!!

All of this definitely has something to do with MAL being really slow!! As I said above, people are really busy, and socializing here takes too much time especially when compared to other platforms where everything is almost instantaneous!! Maybe the people who made this site don’t really care about it anymore, so they don't care to improve it. As I mentioned earlier, this site is too slow for me and probably for many others!!

I guess I started this journey at a really good time when I was able to meet some amazing people... and now they’re gone!! Or maybe I’m just pointing fingers, and the real reason is that I can’t find anyone I can connect with on the same level anymore, which is the same with many other older users!! But as a friend of mine said to me: as long as the place stands, people will come and go, so somewhere, someday, you will meet people perfect for you. This is the main reason why I love Monia Cafe!!

Do you think being active in Monia Cafe is the key to popularity on MAL?

With popularity, I assume you mean on the whole site?!! Then no!! In my experience, the only people who were known by everyone were the ones who posted on MAL forums!! But since the only thing that works there is shitposting, then I guess it's really not worth it for someone like me!!

You consider yourself a hypersocial person, yet are active on Discord throughout the day?

I assume you're saying that if I’m always online, how am I a social person IRL?!! The answer is simple… because people IRL are mostly boring!! Don’t get me wrong, if I’m waiting somewhere and my phone is dead, I become that annoying person who keeps talking to you whether you want it or not!! I mean, I’m not asking for you to answer!! Just let me talk to you, or pretend to hear me out!! I just want to kill time!! I mean, I could also daydream about random scenarios that will literally never come to pass, but meh, I only take this route when I’m in that loner “me time” mood that I mentioned above!!

But if I’m given the choice, I’d rather socialize online because we can choose who we can talk to on the internet, meaning we can chat with those who best suit our current mood. So yeah, much more preferable!! ( ._.)

Tell us about some of the awkward situations you have experienced.

Off the top of my head (and this happens to me A LOT)... whenever I’m talking about someone, the person being discussed will suddenly enter the room!! Like… you’re supposed to be in another city!! Did you feel me talking about you?!! Do we have a deep bond that exists beyond this plane of existence, which tells you when I’m intensively and excessively gossiping about you?!! How, just HOW?!! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

How has pride and pessimism together helped you overcome unusual or difficult situations?

Short answer… it hasn’t!! o(TヘTo)

It just makes me look either emo or a severely negative human!! Other times, it makes me look like a stubborn old fool in most people’s eyes!! This is why I said it's a disease!! (ノД`) I mean, it's just a set of morals for me!! They guide me into how I deal with every situation!! Again, this is why I said some people don’t like me!! Whereas if it's people who do see my point of view, then at least they respect me for it (I hope)!!

Do you see yourself leaving MAL in the near future?

Nope, at least not any time soon!! The thing with me is that I never let go of any place that I once liked!! This is why I still visit my childhood school just to talk with teachers and see the building again!! So yeah, my activity may vary, and I might not even say a single thing for months, but I’ll still always be lurking and checking up on other humans (and no, this totally doesn’t count as stalking)!!

Any feedback on the interview format?

Hmmmm… it went smoothly!! The questions seemed to compliment each other, so it had a nice flow!! I liked the interviewer since we also got to talk a lot, so this was like talking to a buddy!! And we were both lazy, so finishing this took a long time!! o(TヘTo)

But more than anything, there’s nothing a narcissist likes more than talking about himself, so this has been fun!! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Is there something unasked you would like to talk about?

Shhhhh… never ask me that question!! I ALWAYS wanna talk more about myself!! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Lol, apart from that… don’t think so!! This covered everything I could think of, and much more… so thanks for conducting it!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Can you recommend us three members who we can choose from to interview next and briefly explain why you would like to read their interviews?

Hmmm… I had to put a lot of thought into this, but here it goes…

@Blanchy - Because she’s a fun person and people would enjoy getting to know her!! Her interview could be an interesting read!! (*≧艸≦)

@Memor - Because I'm sure a lot of people want to know more about him and so do I!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

@TheKidon - Because I really, really wanna read his interview since he mostly keeps to himself!! His interview would be fun… even though he’s a loser!! o(TヘTo)

This marks the end of the interview. Thank you for your time, @Head_Hunter47
SkittlesAug 3, 2019 6:28 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Aug 3, 2019 7:08 AM

Aug 2017
I guess this is part when I say "Come son between my arms and let me squeeze you"
Aug 3, 2019 7:15 AM

Nov 2013
But I'm not dead, I'm just in the shadow behind the bush together with @R-unknown ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
And the person above me is indeed a himedere ._.)a
Oh one more thing.. you forgot to mention that you are a villain (◠‿◠✿)
Azer0laAug 3, 2019 7:20 AM
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Aug 3, 2019 7:34 AM
Jan 2012
This shrimp, If I would have known that he would reveal something like that, it would have been grilled by questions coming from me...
B-but his honesty is the best of this guy outside his slothness nature that would drive you carzy..
Aug 3, 2019 7:38 AM

Oct 2015
This was worth the wait Sanji-san <3

Noooo, it wasn't sarcasm Dx you're truly a man among men! I'll never forget when you said "Nope... I'd rather seppuku than be like someone else!! T^T"... I really felt that one :'3

and thanks for the nomination though I'm already doing an interview xD I hope you don't expect me to be super interesting or anything o___o;
Aug 3, 2019 7:44 AM

May 2014
That was a nice read, buddy.

Really love how you answer those questions. Now I know more about you as a friend. Of course, some people need their time alone at some point. Whether you are in a very depressed state or even in a euphoric state. And nothing's wrong about that, so don't worry. ^.^

We will always be watching you, anytime, anywhere~ so don't forget to wave "the flag" every day. (^o^✿)
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Aug 3, 2019 8:12 AM
Jul 2018
Oi oi, what do you mean I betrayed you :vhstab:

If anything you're the one that betrayed me for warframe!!

Anyway, good interview, it was a nice read, but you used!! too!! much!! exclamation!! marks!! >3>
Aug 3, 2019 8:13 AM
May 2017
Omg what did you do to @Memor to praise you that much? ._.)
But you know what I liked the most about your interview? that it is so you
it's nice to read something genuine

Let's act as if I didn't read that brackets which made realize how my profile boosts what you said
Aug 3, 2019 8:21 AM

Oct 2015
Dyurna said:
Omg what did you do to @Memor to praise you that much? ._.)

You're saying he's not the man I thought he was?? masaka ._.

also @Head_Hunter47, I forgot to mention my shock when I saw full stops in your interview >3<
I thought that was against your policy e.e
Aug 3, 2019 8:27 AM
Jan 2012
Yes, you soft Squirrel... how have you manipluted him to give you actaully good comment. Have you bribe him with your nuts?
Aug 3, 2019 8:32 AM

Oct 2015
Now I'm wondering what you all did to receive not-good comments =w=
Aug 3, 2019 9:00 AM

Aug 2008
Thank you for the mention, dear Sanji. I am glad to see my café is always in your heart ^^

Never knew you were into history, and... Politics. I like those as well, in my own way, nihaha~

>>> Also, never thought you would get over Fortnite someday..... :O

I hope you enjoy your time in MAL~
Aug 3, 2019 9:11 AM

Nov 2017
Wait this isn't the new chapter discussion of Promise Neverland (._.)

But still.. guud to read.. and oii what do you mean you weren't gonna mention me?? I own you just like my pet rock >:)

And yes I learned a lot about you from here :O
Aug 3, 2019 11:14 AM
May 2017
White_Knight-37 said:
Wait this isn't the new chapter discussion of Promise Neverland (._.)

pffft good one
Aug 3, 2019 12:47 PM

Oct 2017
Whaaa... its finally here!! I'm so glad!! (づ´•﹏•`)づ

Blanchy said:
I guess this is part when I say "Come son between my arms and let me squeeze you"

Oi oi oi... I didn't mean literally!! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

Dyunoctis said:
Oh one more thing.. you forgot to mention that you are a villain (◠‿◠✿)

That's something I show people, rather than telling them!! (◡‿◡)

infierno said:
This shrimp, If I would have known that he would reveal something like that, it would have been grilled by questions coming from me...
B-but his honesty is the best of this guy outside his slothness nature that would drive you carzy..

I have other good qualities too, I swear!! (ノД`)

Memor said:
This was worth the wait Sanji-san <3

Noooo, it wasn't sarcasm Dx you're truly a man among men! I'll never forget when you said "Nope... I'd rather seppuku than be like someone else!! T^T"... I really felt that one :'3

and thanks for the nomination though I'm already doing an interview xD I hope you don't expect me to be super interesting or anything o___o;

Whaaa... shush, don't compliment so much or I'll blow up!! (⊃‿⊂)
And yesss, I'm totally hyped for yours!! Make us proud, memsy!! (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧

CecaniahCorabele said:
That was a nice read, buddy.

Really love how you answer those questions. Now I know more about you as a friend. Of course, some people need their time alone at some point. Whether you are in a very depressed state or even in a euphoric state. And nothing's wrong about that, so don't worry. ^.^

We will always be watching you, anytime, anywhere~ so don't forget to wave "the flag" every day. (^o^✿)

Thanks, buddy... I knew you'll understand it!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

LLENN said:
Oi oi, what do you mean I betrayed you :vhstab:

If anything you're the one that betrayed me for warframe!!

Anyway, good interview, it was a nice read, but you used!! too!! much!! exclamation!! marks!! >3>

I can't help itttt!! o(TヘTo)

Dyurna said:
Omg what did you do to @Memor to praise you that much? ._.)
But you know what I liked the most about your interview? that it is so you
it's nice to read something genuine

Let's act as if I didn't read that brackets which made realize how my profile boosts what you said

I just uhhh... talked to him like my usual self!! ( ._.)
Whaaa... glad you liked it!! That was the whole intention, to just be myself!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Memor said:
also @Head_Hunter47, I forgot to mention my shock when I saw full stops in your interview >3<
I thought that was against your policy e.e

Lets just say that's the parts where the editors did their work in!! ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

SweetMonia said:
Thank you for the mention, dear Sanji. I am glad to see my café is always in your heart ^^

Never knew you were into history, and... Politics. I like those as well, in my own way, nihaha~

>>> Also, never thought you would get over Fortnite someday..... :O

I hope you enjoy your time in MAL~

Haaaii, of course!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Yeah, I'm not really, but those are still one of the best sources of getting wisdom, so how can I resist!! (≧▽≦)/
It kinda stopped being fun, so I couldn't help but jump ship!! o(TヘTo)
Thanks, I'll try my best!! >w<

White_Knight-37 said:
But still.. guud to read.. and oii what do you mean you weren't gonna mention me?? I own you just like my pet rock >:)

While we're on the topic... I stepped on the rock!! Its powder now!! ( ._.)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Aug 3, 2019 1:05 PM

Jul 2009
Memor said:
also @Head_Hunter47, I forgot to mention my shock when I saw full stops in your interview >3<
I thought that was against your policy e.e

Oh yikes, this was my entire fault lol. Was splitting many of the lengthier sentences into fragments, but I forgot to end the new ones with exclamation marks.

Will add them a bit later when I have the time. Thanks for noticing that!
Aug 3, 2019 1:15 PM

Oct 2017
Skittles said:
Memor said:
also @Head_Hunter47, I forgot to mention my shock when I saw full stops in your interview >3<
I thought that was against your policy e.e

Oh yikes, this was my entire fault lol. Was splitting many of the lengthier sentences into fragments, but I forgot to end the new ones with exclamation marks.

Will add them a bit later when I have the time. Thanks for noticing that!

Whahaha, no no, its fine the way it is!! Makes it an interesting find!! >~<

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Aug 3, 2019 1:35 PM

Aug 2012
I stopped reading at the part where OP says: "I love adding exclamation points at every sentence". Great interview.
Aug 3, 2019 4:12 PM

Feb 2014
Skittles said:
Memor said:
also @Head_Hunter47, I forgot to mention my shock when I saw full stops in your interview >3<
I thought that was against your policy e.e

Oh yikes, this was my entire fault lol. Was splitting many of the lengthier sentences into fragments, but I forgot to end the new ones with exclamation marks.

Will add them a bit later when I have the time. Thanks for noticing that!

When I saw Memor's post, I quickly went to check if it was from the proofreading. Only to see that it was. haha

I have to admit it didn't cross my mind to use exclamation marks instead of full stops.
SuzakuTsubasaAug 4, 2019 5:16 AM
Aug 3, 2019 9:36 PM

Aug 2008
Yes, that's quite wise of you to say. Considering that you're a sailor ^^

I see. I am still surprised by that. Let's say I learned one little things about you today~
Aug 4, 2019 10:27 AM

Jan 2017
The part about me seems accurate, this interview represents you well even though i hate you  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
no remorse holds no recourse
now i'm leaving slowly
oh won't you hold me?
Aug 4, 2019 11:24 AM

Jul 2017
What is this place?
And I am not depressed smh o3o
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 5, 2019 10:39 PM

Jul 2017
It's sad that you didn't mention animeilian T^T
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 6, 2019 12:13 AM

Jul 2009
Head_Hunter47 said:
Whahaha, no no, its fine the way it is!! Makes it an interesting find!! >~<

Alrighty then, if you said so! Just thinking that it looks irregular, haha.

SuzakuTsubasa said:
When I saw Memor's post, I quickly went to check if it was from the proofreading. Only to see that it was. haha

I have to admit it didn't cross my mind to use exclamation marks instead of full stops.

Aaaahh we failed as proofreaders, Suzaku T_T

Yarub said:
I stopped reading at the part where OP says: "I love adding exclamation points at every sentence". Great interview.

Ngl I laughed at this.
Aug 6, 2019 6:05 AM

Oct 2017
Yarub said:
I stopped reading at the part where OP says: "I love adding exclamation points at every sentence". Great interview.

Can't blame you, it weirds a lot of people out at first!! ( ._.)

SweetMonia said:
Yes, that's quite wise of you to say. Considering that you're a sailor ^^

I see. I am still surprised by that. Let's say I learned one little things about you today~

Little thing?!! Does that mean you knew everything else?!! Whaaa... I would take that as a compliment!! >~<

bringerofanan said:
The part about me seems accurate, this interview represents you well even though i hate you  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Thank you thank you, this is all I wanted to hear!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Kai_N_Walker said:
It's sad that you didn't mention animeilian T^T

That's because chibi is my enemy!! >~>

@Animeilian Boo boo!! ¬o( ̄- ̄メ)

Skittles said:

Alrighty then, if you said so! Just thinking that it looks irregular, haha.

Nah, now what matters is memor's interview, so good luck to you guys on that!! (≧▽≦)/

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Aug 6, 2019 7:03 AM

Jun 2017
Eh, whats going on?

Enemy? You're my fwend UwU
"Blank will never lose"
Aug 6, 2019 8:09 AM

Jul 2017
Imoutoooo >w<
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 6, 2019 9:36 AM

Oct 2017
Animeilian said:
Eh, whats going on?

Enemy? You're my fwend UwU

What do you mean?!! BEGONE HEATHEN!! o(-`д´- 。)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Aug 6, 2019 10:17 AM

Oct 2015
Head_Hunter47 said:
Memor said:
This was worth the wait Sanji-san <3

Noooo, it wasn't sarcasm Dx you're truly a man among men! I'll never forget when you said "Nope... I'd rather seppuku than be like someone else!! T^T"... I really felt that one :'3

and thanks for the nomination though I'm already doing an interview xD I hope you don't expect me to be super interesting or anything o___o;

Whaaa... shush, don't compliment so much or I'll blow up!! (⊃‿⊂)
And yesss, I'm totally hyped for yours!! Make us proud, memsy!! (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧

Thanks, I'll do my best! (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧
Aug 7, 2019 11:30 PM

Jun 2017

Head_Hunter47 said:
Animeilian said:
Eh, whats going on?

Enemy? You're my fwend UwU

What do you mean?!! BEGONE HEATHEN!! o(-`д´- 。)

So mean...

"Blank will never lose"
Aug 8, 2019 12:07 AM

Jul 2017
Doing good?
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 8, 2019 3:53 AM

Jun 2017

"Blank will never lose"
Aug 8, 2019 8:30 AM

Oct 2015
Sanji's interview became a chat thread xD
Aug 8, 2019 11:10 AM

Jul 2017
Glad to hear.
I am also good ^^

Nihahaha... Kandy can turn any threads into chat sections like I did with your blog xD
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 8, 2019 11:20 AM

Oct 2015
Kai_N_Walker said:

Nihahaha... Kandy can turn any threads into chat sections like I did with your blog xD

H-How monstrous~! Dx
Aug 8, 2019 11:28 AM

Jul 2017
I'll do the same with your interview... if I get mentioned (._.
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 8, 2019 1:41 PM

Oct 2017
So unsure, huh!! ( ._.)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Aug 8, 2019 9:10 PM

Jul 2017
Shu shu =3=
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Aug 10, 2019 8:07 AM

Aug 2008
Head_Hunter47 said:
Yarub said:
I stopped reading at the part where OP says: "I love adding exclamation points at every sentence". Great interview.

Can't blame you, it weirds a lot of people out at first!! ( ._.)

SweetMonia said:
Yes, that's quite wise of you to say. Considering that you're a sailor ^^

I see. I am still surprised by that. Let's say I learned one little things about you today~

Little thing?!! Does that mean you knew everything else?!! Whaaa... I would take that as a compliment!! >~<

bringerofanan said:
The part about me seems accurate, this interview represents you well even though i hate you  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Thank you thank you, this is all I wanted to hear!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Kai_N_Walker said:
It's sad that you didn't mention animeilian T^T

That's because chibi is my enemy!! >~>

@Animeilian Boo boo!! ¬o( ̄- ̄メ)

Skittles said:

Alrighty then, if you said so! Just thinking that it looks irregular, haha.

Nah, now what matters is memor's interview, so good luck to you guys on that!! (≧▽≦)/
I only know what you told moi~
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