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Over analyzing an anime to an unreasonable level

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Jul 14, 2016 3:28 PM
Nov 2009
kamisama751 said:
Mamster-P said:

i know what you're talking about and thats not what i care about, i don't care about the finished product, i was talking about appreciating the effort that goes into it

Appreciating the effort gone into it has nothing to do with criticism at all. Which, your original statement wants to say otherwise.

Mamster-P said:
i personally think people like Digibro spend too much time harping on every little detail in the plot/story w/e while i think some other ppl whine about things that require needing to know how hard it is to make before saying something

i wasn't necessarily agreeing that Digibro himself needs to know the effort put into making the show, im just saying i think he'd have a better appreciation for it if he knew what it was like

Your original post says otherwise:
Mamster-P said:
sometimes you just HAVE TO be part of a group/have some experience to at least some degree in order to really be able to criticize

There is nothing wrong with him doing that and he still got the rights to do it in the future. Your original statement is still wrong. And those people who are really whiny are NOT representants of critics. So don't say somethinng stupid as your original statement where you point out a very big group of people who has completely nothing to do with it when you actually only mean a certain little group.

Mamster-P said:

so put it this way, you @Kamisama751 are a critical watcher who likes to analyze what you watch, BUT lets say you joined in the team and had to work 12 hours a day for 3 months to help finish the product. are you not then gonna be a bit more lenient or at least complain a bit less about anime after that?

I will stay the same. (I got you.) :P

animezinghayden said:
the relation is that it you are happy with a 5/10 then you have abosultely no standards and need to aim higher. That's not aimed at you. 5/10 is not a good score, it is not an average score either. A 5/10 song, not a good song. A 5/10 movie, not a good movie. A 5/10 anime, not a good anime. So when someone list is filled with mostly 5/10 anime, what is the point of watching them all because they clearly don't enjoy them all that much.

This is where you missunderstood the whole thing. People who have no standards rate shows higher. People who got one rate lower.
Additionally, what I wanted to know from you is: Why should exactly the school scoring system and not other scoring systems being used.
You need to answer this one.

There are enough reasons of why to watch certain shows you don't enjoy. Since I am too lazy I will just give you a link:
no because I said if you are HAPPY to watch a 5/10 then you have no standards. If something to me is a 5/10 I'm not gonna finish it because I don't like it. It relates to any form of scoring, I used school but in any facet of life a 5/10 is a shit fucking score and I honestly can't believe people are arguing that. Nothing that is 5/10 is worth indulging in, if I go to a restaurant and I think it's 5/10 I'm never gonna go back, so if I watch 3 episode of anime, think they are all crap, I'm not gonna continuing going back to watch it. It is honestly ridiculous that people have nothing better to do with their time than sit there and watch a show they're not really enjoying for some of the piss poor reasons mentioned in that link. You could spend that time doing something actually worth the time
I am me, we are we
Jul 14, 2016 3:34 PM

Jan 2011
It can be bad similar to how some brony critics are to mlp, but sometimes we shouldn't shoot down educated videos of people who take their time.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 14, 2016 7:55 PM

Mar 2012

1. were clearly not talking about all the same things

2. i said sometimes

3. no one said he can't and again, i don't think were talking about the same things

4. no one said you shouldn't
Jul 14, 2016 11:06 PM
Nov 2009
kamisama751 said:
animezinghayden said:

Mate your a silly cunt if you don't understand the correlation. You make something and you are given a score. he animation studio has made something, and the general population are giving it a score. 5/10 is a fucking shit score. You have completed so many anime titles that its fucking embarrasing that you have nearly spent a year of your life watching tv so your brain is probably fucked up by now anyway, but in the small chance that it isn't you have almost spent a year of your life watching absolute fucking rubbish that you don't ebven enjoy because your mean score is 5. Your fucking embarrasing

Correlation does not lead to causation.
Then, once again: You still haven't understood it.
Yes, you make something and someone else gives a score but why exactly should that person use the school scoring system and not another scoring system? That is what I have been asking you all along.

Then you try to offend me. Let me do that to you too: How old are you mentaly not to be able to give an answer to a question? 10?

lol mate, I could be a fucking two year old for all I care. I have answered the question, in many occasions, you ignore every point that I make and try to make yourself sound smart and too the weebs on this website that might fly but in the real, which you obviously aren't apart of, it doesn't cut it mate. Your scoring system, is shit. But please do continue to spend your time watching animes that you deem to be a 5 instead of doing things that you deem to be and 8,9 or 10 because eve in your scoring system, 5 is shit, because 5 is still 5 out of 10, there are still 6's, 7s, 8s, 9s and 10s but instead of dropping shit animes you just continue watching them, in turn wasting your time.
I am me, we are we
Jul 14, 2016 11:08 PM

May 2009
animezinghayden said:
kamisama751 said:

Appreciating the effort gone into it has nothing to do with criticism at all. Which, your original statement wants to say otherwise.

Your original post says otherwise:

There is nothing wrong with him doing that and he still got the rights to do it in the future. Your original statement is still wrong. And those people who are really whiny are NOT representants of critics. So don't say somethinng stupid as your original statement where you point out a very big group of people who has completely nothing to do with it when you actually only mean a certain little group.

I will stay the same. (I got you.) :P

This is where you missunderstood the whole thing. People who have no standards rate shows higher. People who got one rate lower.
Additionally, what I wanted to know from you is: Why should exactly the school scoring system and not other scoring systems being used.
You need to answer this one.

There are enough reasons of why to watch certain shows you don't enjoy. Since I am too lazy I will just give you a link:
no because I said if you are HAPPY to watch a 5/10 then you have no standards. If something to me is a 5/10 I'm not gonna finish it because I don't like it. It relates to any form of scoring, I used school but in any facet of life a 5/10 is a shit fucking score and I honestly can't believe people are arguing that. Nothing that is 5/10 is worth indulging in, if I go to a restaurant and I think it's 5/10 I'm never gonna go back, so if I watch 3 episode of anime, think they are all crap, I'm not gonna continuing going back to watch it. It is honestly ridiculous that people have nothing better to do with their time than sit there and watch a show they're not really enjoying for some of the piss poor reasons mentioned in that link. You could spend that time doing something actually worth the time

I don't get why you're insulting him when he's merely presenting his points in a non-puerile manner?

ἡ φύσις οὐδὲν ποιεῖ ἅλματα.


Jul 14, 2016 11:11 PM

Mar 2014
kamisama751 said:
animezinghayden said:

Mate your a silly cunt if you don't understand the correlation. You make something and you are given a score. he animation studio has made something, and the general population are giving it a score. 5/10 is a fucking shit score. You have completed so many anime titles that its fucking embarrasing that you have nearly spent a year of your life watching tv so your brain is probably fucked up by now anyway, but in the small chance that it isn't you have almost spent a year of your life watching absolute fucking rubbish that you don't ebven enjoy because your mean score is 5. Your fucking embarrasing

Correlation does not lead to causation.
Then, once again: You still haven't understood it.
Yes, you make something and someone else gives a score but why exactly should that person use the school scoring system and not another scoring system? That is what I have been asking you all along.

Then you try to offend me. Let me do that to you too: How old are you mentaly not to be able to give an answer to a question? 10?
Dude, just give up, he's equally stupid in other threads he posts in.
Jul 14, 2016 11:11 PM
Nov 2009
EggsOnToast said:
animezinghayden said:
no because I said if you are HAPPY to watch a 5/10 then you have no standards. If something to me is a 5/10 I'm not gonna finish it because I don't like it. It relates to any form of scoring, I used school but in any facet of life a 5/10 is a shit fucking score and I honestly can't believe people are arguing that. Nothing that is 5/10 is worth indulging in, if I go to a restaurant and I think it's 5/10 I'm never gonna go back, so if I watch 3 episode of anime, think they are all crap, I'm not gonna continuing going back to watch it. It is honestly ridiculous that people have nothing better to do with their time than sit there and watch a show they're not really enjoying for some of the piss poor reasons mentioned in that link. You could spend that time doing something actually worth the time

I don't get why you're insulting him when he's merely presenting his points in a non-puerile manner?

I'm insulting him because in every thread he sticks his fucking elitist head in and tries to belittle everyone with his store bot, robotic, sarcastic and smart ass answers. Not to mention I have answered his query everytime and he just cuts those out of what he's arguing. What I'm saying makes completely sense and he is just being a dickhead.
I am me, we are we
Jul 14, 2016 11:19 PM
Nov 2009
You have to be joking. 5/10 is not good because it is a fail mark. Look how far your have to go down the top anime list to find 5/10 and then have a look at those titles. "THERE ARE ENOUGH REASONS OF WHY TO WATCH CERTAIN SHOW YOU DONT ENJOY" do you understand how embarassing that is. You want to spend your free time watching things you don't enjoy because why? You want to add anime to your imaginary list that no one actually cares about? Because you wan't to laugh at something someone has worked hard to create? Mate I'm done, I hope I get banned because this site is just FULL of weebs who care way to much about this shit. But it has provided me with enough entertainment for the past couple of days! Thanks all to anyone who took anything I said seriously as if a wanker like myself should be argued with, you are all too easy to bait, to engage and honestly, with all of my heart i really hope you like pokemon go because it seems like a lot of yall need to go outside
I am me, we are we
Jul 14, 2016 11:24 PM

Dec 2014
Well let's see. Most people just doesn't bother. Look at the scores of Attack on Titan (good music, amazing fight scenes) and it gets tons of 9-10. I don't want to go into how crappy, the story and the characters are BUT. Hey look at that we re-use a 3 min long scene from the previous episode, then we show like another 2--3 minutes literal still image. Why aren't they pointing this out ? Because they doesn't care and go with the enjoyment to give a score.

On the other hand there are some people who does this, I personally hate when some things are outstandingly well done in an anime then something crap just gets flapped into my face. Although it's not the animation in most cases. My Attack on Titan example was only there to show you it with animation (cause you made a point about it).
Jul 14, 2016 11:33 PM

May 2015
Major123 said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I have 40 anime completed and some truly negative reviews.

It doesn't matter how much someone watched, but how they argue. Do they back up their criticism? How is their grip with literary theory? Can they explain themselves, or are they just throwing 'lol this is weird'?
Well I'm not specifying anyone, its just usually those people.

People who say there isn't anything good anymore just are lazy and don't put in effort. Still, the number of completed anime does nothing to disprove someone's opinion.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jul 14, 2016 11:44 PM
May 2012
I never thought why anime really affects my lives when it comes to opinions like this...

Hell, some people ignored my every thoughts (any anime) that I've been made for some reason until I feel stressed due to disappointed..
Jul 14, 2016 11:48 PM

May 2016
animezinghayden said:
You have to be joking. 5/10 is not good because it is a fail mark.
Hmm, i don't care about rating that much but dude, this is not high school system.
If i ever bother wasting my time adding what i've watched here, my rating system would be.

Look how far your have to go down the top anime list to find 5/10 and then have a look at those titles. "THERE ARE ENOUGH REASONS OF WHY TO WATCH CERTAIN SHOW YOU DONT ENJOY"
if someone finished something, their always and enjoyment part for them. whether it's about anime itself or they enjoy laughing at how dumb the plot is. still they enjoy their experience.

do you understand how embarassing that is.
not as someone who use school rating system and think everyone should use the same

You want to spend your free time watching things you don't enjoy because why?
People can enjoy different thing in different way. don't you know that? wut?

You want to add anime to your imaginary list that no one actually cares about?
i'll talk about myself. well, i don't even bother wasting my time adding anime to my list.

Because you wan't to laugh at something someone has worked hard to create?
laughing at someone who praise flaw anime as flawless is better.
Mate I'm done, I hope I get banned because this site is just FULL of weebs who care way to much about this shit.
"mom people don't think the same way as me, let's call them weeb"

dude what?

But it has provided me with enough entertainment for the past couple of days! Thanks all to anyone who took anything I said seriously as if a wanker like myself should be argued with, you are all too easy to bait, to engage and honestly, with all of my heart i really hope you like pokemon go because it seems like a lot of yall need to go outside
Thanks for you effort here, seeing someone dancing in his little world always amusing.

quite sad that i'm late to the party.
Jul 15, 2016 12:43 AM

Feb 2010
i tend to forget stuff i watched very fast what to talk about analyzing something >.> for me reason to watch anime is escapism and only shows which left their own mark in my memory counted as good. if people wants to stick with details they might not notice big picture which apparently gives most satisfaction and is base of every entertainment.
Jul 15, 2016 12:49 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
And here I thought this would be a thread about finding meaning in everything that's not even there (like I do lol).
I don't mind people finding fault in every and everything actually, but I at least hope they point of what works too. Also, it all depends on what they're watching for/what they value.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Jul 15, 2016 1:58 AM

Jan 2014
I don't get it either. Makes me wonder why people watch anime...
I'm sure you guys don't do it with movies.
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.”
Jul 15, 2016 2:04 AM

Apr 2015
yueah man I h8 wen people think about animu like wtf people should just turn their brain off and stop thinking so hard it's s000 annoying like omg!!!

they're jst a bunch of smartasses trying to impress dirty lonely weebs on the internet by analysing my favourite shows and making me realise how bad they're.

screw intelligent people!
Jul 15, 2016 2:10 AM

May 2015
Ryou said:
I don't get it either. Makes me wonder why people watch anime...
I'm sure you guys don't do it with movies.
I started trying to analyse shows with movies and later on with anime.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 15, 2016 3:28 AM

Dec 2015
JkayW said:
yueah man I h8 wen people think about animu like wtf people should just turn their brain off and stop thinking so hard it's s000 annoying like omg!!!

they're jst a bunch of smartasses trying to impress dirty lonely weebs on the internet by analysing my favourite shows and making me realise how bad they're.

screw intelligent people!

Pls u should go and analyze Masou HxH together with Ardanaz. Thats the stuffz u need m9
Jul 15, 2016 4:02 AM
Nov 2015
AssassinWolfXE said:
Just sit there and watch it without bitching. It might be explained later on. But after watching an anime and not liking it, you can talk about it however you want, cause it's called opinion.

Personally, I analyze it after watching it completely, not just after each episode or so.

Well, I hate unreasonalbe things. First sight love and increadible power .. etc
I began to hate Nanatsu no Taizai for a reason. This only details was kind of messed up. But in the latest chapters it was explained what.
Jul 15, 2016 4:05 AM

Apr 2013
I would say the best way to watch a show would be to watch it organically, without considering other's opinions on it and withholding your opinion on it to the end, while trying to enjoy it as best as you can. You can analyze it later or appreciate it for what it is and just leave it there.
Jul 15, 2016 4:27 AM

Dec 2015
Haruka said:
I would say the best way to watch a show would be to watch it organically, without considering other's opinions on it and withholding your opinion on it to the end, while trying to enjoy it as best as you can. You can analyze it later or appreciate it for what it is and just leave it there.

Couldnt write it any better, so thank you <3
Jul 15, 2016 4:30 AM

Apr 2013
Robiiii said:
Haruka said:
I would say the best way to watch a show would be to watch it organically, without considering other's opinions on it and withholding your opinion on it to the end, while trying to enjoy it as best as you can. You can analyze it later or appreciate it for what it is and just leave it there.

Couldnt write it any better, so thank you <3

You're very welcome :)

filler text for 30 chara limit
Jul 15, 2016 4:47 AM

Apr 2014
I don't think anime is a medium that warrants critical thinking as most works could be understood with little thought. It's extremely rare to find an anime that requires critical thinking. Most people have a false notion of "depth" most likely due to having no exposure to written literature. Literature students would laugh at the works you call deep. Go watch Aoi Bungaku Series (episodes 5-7 in particular) if you want a taste of critical thinking.

I don't mean to sound condescending, like an elitist or imply I am a genius of any sorts. I am just sharing something I realised after watching a lot of anime and picking up a book.
dissipatedJul 15, 2016 7:56 AM
Jul 15, 2016 5:31 AM

Apr 2016
ikato_kiyazaki said:
people like those are the ones who think they are SUPERIOR to others.
where did he state that those people think of themselves as superior?
your argument is retarded and invalid.
currently in a state of denial
Jul 15, 2016 5:43 AM

Jan 2013
TheBrainintheJar said:
Major123 said:
Well I'm not specifying anyone, its just usually those people.

People who say there isn't anything good anymore just are lazy and don't put in effort. Still, the number of completed anime does nothing to disprove someone's opinion.
It can if they make statements that generalize entire categories/groups of anime with only a single opinion for them.
Jul 15, 2016 6:04 AM
Sep 2015
v1talized said:
ikato_kiyazaki said:
people like those are the ones who think they are SUPERIOR to others.
where did he state that those people think of themselves as superior?
your argument is retarded and invalid.
oh u one of those as well? Your comment is retarded as well.
Jul 15, 2016 6:38 AM
Feb 2014
JkayW said:
yueah man I h8 wen people think about animu like wtf people should just turn their brain off and stop thinking so hard it's s000 annoying like omg!!!

they're jst a bunch of smartasses trying to impress dirty lonely weebs on the internet by analysing my favourite shows and making me realise how bad they're.

screw intelligent people!

Ah yes, those people are very annoying. This guy below will tell you what's up! #IgnoranceIsBliss

Jul 15, 2016 6:48 AM

May 2015
Nico- said:

Ah yes, those people are very annoying. This guy below will tell you what's up! #IgnoranceIsBliss

I feel like you have point here, it's just misapplied.

It's about criticizing a specific anime(to unreasonable degrees), not anime in a broad sense.
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Jul 15, 2016 6:50 AM

Apr 2016
ikato_kiyazaki said:
v1talized said:
where did he state that those people think of themselves as superior?
your argument is retarded and invalid.
oh u one of those as well? Your comment is retarded as well.
i don't even know how braindead a person can get, but this may aswell be the cap.
currently in a state of denial
Jul 15, 2016 6:52 AM
Feb 2014
ashfrliebert said:
Nico- said:

Ah yes, those people are very annoying. This guy below will tell you what's up! #IgnoranceIsBliss

I feel like you have point here, it's just misapplied.

It's about criticizing a specific anime(to unreasonable degrees), not anime in a broad sense.

Same shit. The Western anime community as a whole is too irrational to even come up with good criticism anyways. For the most part it really is someone who is all sour grapes/trolling despite what their words indicate. But it's the current year and that's what's in, right?
Jul 15, 2016 7:21 AM

Dec 2015
kamisama751 said:
Ryou said:
I don't get it either. Makes me wonder why people watch anime...
I'm sure you guys don't do it with movies.

Who does not do that with movies? o_O

Everyone who cant be bothered to analyze anything aka...99% of people

I mean ofc everyone analyzes movies, ofc ofc
Jul 15, 2016 7:55 AM

May 2016
Nico- said:
ashfrliebert said:

I feel like you have point here, it's just misapplied.

It's about criticizing a specific anime(to unreasonable degrees), not anime in a broad sense.

Same shit. The Western anime community as a whole is too irrational to even come up with good criticism anyways. For the most part it really is someone who is all sour grapes/trolling despite what their words indicate. But it's the current year and that's what's in, right?

a.k.a. "I don't like it when people point out gaping flaws in the things I like, so I'm just going to tell myself that they're secretly in love with the things I like and are only saying mean, hurtful things about it to get a rise out of me and why do people have to criticize anything and try to make the industry better they should just be happy with boring cash-grab trash!"

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Jul 15, 2016 8:57 AM

Apr 2015
Robiiii said:
JkayW said:
yueah man I h8 wen people think about animu like wtf people should just turn their brain off and stop thinking so hard it's s000 annoying like omg!!!

they're jst a bunch of smartasses trying to impress dirty lonely weebs on the internet by analysing my favourite shows and making me realise how bad they're.

screw intelligent people!

Pls u should go and analyze Masou HxH together with Ardanaz. Thats the stuffz u need m9

Now you're just being an elitist douche. I was clearly joking and making fun of you
Go fuck yourself
Jul 15, 2016 9:37 AM

Dec 2015
JkayW said:
Robiiii said:

Pls u should go and analyze Masou HxH together with Ardanaz. Thats the stuffz u need m9

Now you're just being an elitist douche. I was clearly joking and making fun of you
Go fuck yourself

Hahaha i was just messing with you xD
Masou HxH is a good show, i gave it a 9 :p
Jul 15, 2016 11:39 AM

May 2015
JkayW said:

Now you're just being an elitist douche. I was clearly joking and making fun of you
Go fuck yourself

Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast!

Ryou said:
I don't get it either. Makes me wonder why people watch anime...
I'm sure you guys don't do it with movies.

It happens all the time actually.

On one hand, there is a pretty good chance this is satire. On the other hand, it's satire of real people.

Here's maybe a better example

ashfrliebertJul 15, 2016 2:32 PM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Jul 15, 2016 11:48 AM

May 2009
Nico- said:
ashfrliebert said:

I feel like you have point here, it's just misapplied.

It's about criticizing a specific anime(to unreasonable degrees), not anime in a broad sense.

Same shit. The Western anime community as a whole is too irrational to even come up with good criticism anyways. For the most part it really is someone who is all sour grapes/trolling despite what their words indicate. But it's the current year and that's what's in, right?

This. Oh this anime's full of generic characters. It's edgy and contrived. Okay.

ἡ φύσις οὐδὲν ποιεῖ ἅλματα.


Jul 15, 2016 1:32 PM

May 2015
Major123 said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

People who say there isn't anything good anymore just are lazy and don't put in effort. Still, the number of completed anime does nothing to disprove someone's opinion.
It can if they make statements that generalize entire categories/groups of anime with only a single opinion for them.

If someone makes a generalization, ask them to back it up. Going over their list is just silly ad hominem.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jul 15, 2016 3:30 PM

May 2015
Nico- said:

Same shit. The Western anime community as a whole is too irrational to even come up with good criticism anyways. For the most part it really is someone who is all sour grapes/trolling despite what their words indicate. But it's the current year and that's what's in, right?

Eh, seems too generalized. ,_,

also not exactly what i was saying but interesting
lelsuckers said:
You have to be joking. 5/10 is not good because it is a fail mark.

Pullman said:
do you live in school? why are the school methods of scoring the nonplusultra? Personally I find it stupid to think that schoolwork and art can be rated the same way. In one case you have a clear 100% that can be reached objectively, in the other case you have vague levels of enjoyment being somewhat represented by numericals for a lack of better options.

good point from pullman brought up on another totally different thread.
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
Jul 15, 2016 4:52 PM

Oct 2010
Actually, one could make the point that 5/10 in MAL is a fail mark, because the rating system is 1-10 instead of 0-10 and therefore 5 falls below the numerical average. Not that I agree but it's not that unreasonable.
Jul 15, 2016 5:05 PM

Jun 2015
I agree people overanalyze anime. Even if the anime isnt meant to be deep, they will complain is isnt deep. They will nitpick the smallest of things and say the whole anime is shit. If one frame has an off model face, its losing lots of points for animation. I saw people say they will drop qualidea code because in one scene the animation was off model. Despite the rest of the show looking good, they dropped it, or called the animation shit, just because of one second of animation. Some people are rediculous
Grimgar season 2 please!!!!
Jul 15, 2016 5:19 PM

May 2016
Lol! All this discussion about if 5/10 is good or bad...The name of the score is AVERAGE for a reason ya know?
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jul 15, 2016 5:52 PM
Nov 2009
It's NOT AVERAGE that's not how averages work for fuck sake. You are wrong, MAL is wrong pls learn mathematics
I am me, we are we
Jul 15, 2016 6:02 PM

Mar 2014
lelsuckers said:
It's NOT AVERAGE that's not how averages work for fuck sake. You are wrong, MAL is wrong pls learn mathematics
Art doesn't have an "average" it's totally subjective. Would you say a 10/10 is absolutely perfect? No, that's ridiculous. It's not a grade, it's a score that vaguely represents enjoyment.
jal90 said:
Actually, one could make the point that 5/10 in MAL is a fail mark, because the rating system is 1-10 instead of 0-10 and therefore 5 falls below the numerical average. Not that I agree but it's not that unreasonable.
Again, not a grade. A 1/10 could theoretically have infinite badness while a 10/10 could have infinite goodness, making the "average" 0/10 regardless of what scoring system you use. You can't use objective metrics to apply a grade to art outside of frame rate or audio quality or something, which is a technical aspect rather than an aesthetic one.
Jul 15, 2016 6:09 PM
Nov 2009
merryfistmas said:
lelsuckers said:
It's NOT AVERAGE that's not how averages work for fuck sake. You are wrong, MAL is wrong pls learn mathematics
Art doesn't have an "average" it's totally subjective. Would you say a 10/10 is absolutely perfect? No, that's ridiculous. It's not a grade, it's a score that vaguely represents enjoyment.
jal90 said:
Actually, one could make the point that 5/10 in MAL is a fail mark, because the rating system is 1-10 instead of 0-10 and therefore 5 falls below the numerical average. Not that I agree but it's not that unreasonable.
Again, not a grade. A 1/10 could theoretically have infinite badness while a 10/10 could have infinite goodness, making the "average" 0/10 regardless of what scoring system you use. You can't use objective metrics to apply a grade to art outside of frame rate or audio quality or something, which is a technical aspect rather than an aesthetic one.
wel if art doesn't have an average stop FUCKING using the word average you muppets. If art can't be scored like that drop the numerics altogether because they're fucking meaningless because even the numbers are subjective to everyone so no one can even know what they really think about the series based on their number.
I am me, we are we
Jul 15, 2016 6:12 PM

Oct 2010
merryfistmas said:
jal90 said:
Actually, one could make the point that 5/10 in MAL is a fail mark, because the rating system is 1-10 instead of 0-10 and therefore 5 falls below the numerical average. Not that I agree but it's not that unreasonable.
Again, not a grade. A 1/10 could theoretically have infinite badness while a 10/10 could have infinite goodness, making the "average" 0/10 regardless of what scoring system you use. You can't use objective metrics to apply a grade to art.

Uhm, not what I am talking about here and honestly I don't know where does your conclusion come from. Objective metrics do exist: 9 is higher than 8, 3 is lower than 6. The numerical average of a series of ten numbers from 1 to 10 is 5.5. And so. What I mean here is that assuming 5/10 is a "fail mark" is not that unreasonable, considering that in several rating systems "below average" means, precisely, "fail mark". Note that I claimed to disagree with this point. And that is because the interpretation of their meaning is free and personal. "Fail mark" is an example of subjective categorization.
Jul 15, 2016 6:20 PM

Mar 2014
lelsuckers said:
merryfistmas said:
Art doesn't have an "average" it's totally subjective. Would you say a 10/10 is absolutely perfect? No, that's ridiculous. It's not a grade, it's a score that vaguely represents enjoyment.
Again, not a grade. A 1/10 could theoretically have infinite badness while a 10/10 could have infinite goodness, making the "average" 0/10 regardless of what scoring system you use. You can't use objective metrics to apply a grade to art outside of frame rate or audio quality or something, which is a technical aspect rather than an aesthetic one.
wel if art doesn't have an average stop FUCKING using the word average you muppets. If art can't be scored like that drop the numerics altogether because they're fucking meaningless because even the numbers are subjective to everyone so no one can even know what they really think about the series based on their number.
How are we supposed to make baseless judgements about each other without numerics?

You know, you're actually right, and this is probably why we get all these threads about scoring. By "average" I don't mean a numerical average, I use the word because it's what's next to the 5 on MAL. But yeah, everyone interprets it differently, I don't see it as bad because creators are generally designing shows to be enjoyable so that huge clump of shows that ends up in the middle of the bell curve that we call "average" are still positive in my eyes. Kind of like how 7.5/10 in US schools is considered average because the students (theoretically) strive to achieve higher scores, but if you quiz the general population on multiple subjects you get closer to 50%.

jal90 said:
merryfistmas said:
Again, not a grade. A 1/10 could theoretically have infinite badness while a 10/10 could have infinite goodness, making the "average" 0/10 regardless of what scoring system you use. You can't use objective metrics to apply a grade to art.

Uhm, not what I am talking about here and honestly I don't know where does your conclusion come from. Objective metrics do exist: 9 is higher than 8, 3 is lower than 6. The numerical average of a series of ten numbers from 1 to 10 is 5.5. And so. What I mean here is that assuming 5/10 is a "fail mark" is not that unreasonable, considering that in several rating systems "below average" means, precisely, "fail mark". Note that I claimed to disagree with this point. And that is because the interpretation of their meaning is free and personal. "Fail mark" is an example of subjective categorization.
Makes sense, thank you for clarifying.
Jul 15, 2016 6:25 PM
Nov 2009
merryfistmas said:
lelsuckers said:
wel if art doesn't have an average stop FUCKING using the word average you muppets. If art can't be scored like that drop the numerics altogether because they're fucking meaningless because even the numbers are subjective to everyone so no one can even know what they really think about the series based on their number.
How are we supposed to make baseless judgements about each other without numerics?

You know, you're actually right, and this is probably why so many people get bent over scoring and create all these threads about it. By "average" I don't mean a numerical average, I use the word because it's what's next to the 5 on MAL. But yeah, everyone interprets it differently, I don't see it as bad because creators are generally designing shows to be enjoyable so that huge clump of shows that ends up in the middle of the bell curve that we call "average" are still positive in my eyes. Kind of like how 7.5/10 in US schools is considered average because the students (theoretically) strive to achieve higher scores, but if you quiz the general population on multiple subjects you get closer to 50%.
. I'm glad you didn't take offence to my muppets statement because that wasn't directed at you lol hummingbird uses the smiley face metric which is pretty barebones but maybe could be expanded on. I think I saw on another thread they had changed 5 to a meh. But seeing so many people who have watched so many shows and their mean score is 5 just baffles me because that means in my opinion they are spending a lot of times watching shows they are barely enjoying. The numbers don't make any sense and that's probably why a lot of websites nowadays stay away from numerical judgements because they don't really mean anything. I think 5 is a shit score so if I watch something I think is a 5, I drop it. Hence I have no 5s or hinder in my completed list (apart from that rubbish chaos head bullshit) but to some people 5 is apparently okay, rendering the number itself completely meaningless objectively
I am me, we are we
Jul 15, 2016 6:36 PM

Mar 2014
lelsuckers said:
merryfistmas said:
How are we supposed to make baseless judgements about each other without numerics?

You know, you're actually right, and this is probably why so many people get bent over scoring and create all these threads about it. By "average" I don't mean a numerical average, I use the word because it's what's next to the 5 on MAL. But yeah, everyone interprets it differently, I don't see it as bad because creators are generally designing shows to be enjoyable so that huge clump of shows that ends up in the middle of the bell curve that we call "average" are still positive in my eyes. Kind of like how 7.5/10 in US schools is considered average because the students (theoretically) strive to achieve higher scores, but if you quiz the general population on multiple subjects you get closer to 50%.
. I'm glad you didn't take offence to my muppets statement because that wasn't directed at you lol hummingbird uses the smiley face metric which is pretty barebones but maybe could be expanded on. I think I saw on another thread they had changed 5 to a meh. But seeing so many people who have watched so many shows and their mean score is 5 just baffles me because that means in my opinion they are spending a lot of times watching shows they are barely enjoying. The numbers don't make any sense and that's probably why a lot of websites nowadays stay away from numerical judgements because they don't really mean anything. I think 5 is a shit score so if I watch something I think is a 5, I drop it. Hence I have no 5s or hinder in my completed list (apart from that rubbish chaos head bullshit) but to some people 5 is apparently okay, rendering the number itself completely meaningless objectively
The muppets statement made me laugh, so thanks for that. And I always assume people mean the ubiquitous you rather then the specific one.

It's certainly meaningless objectively, which is why it's important to explain your thoughts on a show in these situations or at least give a general explanation of what the rating means to you.
Jul 15, 2016 7:21 PM

Jan 2013
TheBrainintheJar said:
Major123 said:
It can if they make statements that generalize entire categories/groups of anime with only a single opinion for them.

If someone makes a generalization, ask them to back it up. Going over their list is just silly ad hominem.
Well if they only have seen like 10 action shows and say all action shows are bad then that just makes them sound stupid.
Jul 15, 2016 7:30 PM

Sep 2009
Don't think that's being over analytical. That's straight up snob level nit picking.
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