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Do you think that people who have a MAL mean score below 4.00 hate anime?

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Jun 29, 2016 6:41 AM

Mar 2012
Maz said:

Really just boils down to how well people can argue their position. I think a lot of problems boil down to this; people who aren't good at critiquing and expressing their opinion tar everyone with a bad name. So many problems would be solved if people took a little more time into explaining the whys and hows.

yea seems really fake to me.... then again, too many things seem fake to me.....

all i can think when i see that shit is "you fuckin masochist" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jun 29, 2016 6:41 AM

Jan 2015
I don't think they'd still keep watching anime if they don't like it, they probably have high standers in anime and they rate it based on precise calibers, personally I prefer to only rate anime I like so much cause if I'd rate the anime I didn't like my mean score would reach the seventh hell
Jun 29, 2016 6:42 AM

Nov 2015
Mamster-P said:

no one said you did anything wrong, the problem with these things is that they DO affect people. you can't pretend with all the insecurity we see on this site, that people are not affected by other peoples comments, trolling, shitposting or not

So people having mean scores below 4 affect people.
If criticizing shows affects people it's their own fault for being so sensitive and spineless..

lets take the ecchi thing for example, since you know, i never seem to shut up about it, or at least, thats all ppl pay attention to me not shutting up about. anyway NO ONE can deny that theres MANY MANY people out there and on this site who are afraid of what others will think of them if they find out that they like ecchi. correct?

well guess what... its more important to me that the ecchi fans see someone who'll willing to to fight against the hate it gets more so than it is to change anyone's mind, which was never my goal

Again. Everyone has to stand up for themselves.
Besides, haven't you seen users like JustALEX and Haxxspetten?
No one hates on them.
No one hates fans of echchi, the people that do are a vocal minority.

But that's not the point here.
The point is that how does someone pointing out flaws about a show affect you guys?
Isn't that what we're talking about here?

ive been told many times that i've made people feel better about the things they like in anime, as im obviously not someone who allows themselves to be walked all over. i don't think anyone truly wants to be walked all over. well if i can help ppls self esteem even just a little bit, im going to keep doing it no matter how much backlash i get from ppl with opposing viewpoints

By doing what?
Generalizing and attacking them?

Look, we're not idiots, whatever we're doing it, we're doing it for our own reason. We do it because we enjoy it.
We want to be left alone just the way you guys do, but the only difference is calling 'XX' show bad and criticizing it doesn't affect anybody.
What does affect people is saying something like "I don't understand why people would watch 'YY', anyone who watches this shit is retarded".
Jun 29, 2016 6:53 AM

Mar 2012
Gesu- said:

So people having mean scores below 4 affect people.
If criticizing shows affects people it's their own fault for being so sensitive and spineless..

theres plenty of people who avoid shows due to the score or a non harsh review they read, i even know ppl irl who've done that

Gesu- said:

Again. Everyone has to stand up for themselves.
Besides, haven't you seen users like JustALEX and Haxxspetten?
No one hates on them.
No one hates fans of echchi, the people that do are a vocal minority.

But that's not the point here.
The point is that how does someone pointing out flaws about a show affect you guys?
Isn't that what we're talking about here?

im pretty damn sure ive seen ppl hate on my boi @JustALEX

@Haxxspetten is an ecchi fraud ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

yes, theyre the vocal minority, BUT theyre also the most common type of hater, so you know, especially as a fan.... after you've seen it 446435q3642435451451535151451541 times, everywhere you go anime related, you might get annoyed

Gesu- said:

By doing what?
Generalizing and attacking them?

Look, we're not idiots, whatever we're doing it, we're doing it for our own reason. We do it because we enjoy it.
We want to be left alone just the way you guys do, but the only difference is calling 'XX' show bad and criticizing it doesn't affect anybody.
What does affect people is saying something like "I don't understand why people would watch 'YY', anyone who watches this shit is retarded".

i only attack people who i feel attack first

yes, but like i said before, theres nothing i say that is not in response to actions or words ive seen from someone else. so if i make an accusation again someone, its because ive seen its affects

and yes, theres been several ppl who have told me things like "thank you for what you do, im so tired of seeing this shit over and over"

you're not my problem so i don't understand why you always think im targeting you. i know you don't hate ecchi, and i know you're a more critical watcher, that is fine so are many other ppl on this site who im not talking to with my responses
Jun 29, 2016 6:58 AM

Nov 2009
KonaKoffee said:
flannan said:

1) It's fine enough argument, in my opinion. I'm not going to give up liking anime, and I'm not going to give up being russian. This is part of who I am.
I do not expect non-anime-fans to appreciate [insert anime name here], and I do not expect americans to appreciate smetana. But both are missing out on good things.

2) Similarly, just because MAL doesn't stop users from having an average rating below 5, it does not mean it's not considered wrong. see muh man...

There is a difference between having the feeling of never wanting to give up something you love, and then never even having that as an option.
And no, not a "but anime is a part of me" type of option, I am speaking biologically here...

I don't think people have the option to voluntarily start disliking something they like.
Anyway, it's not about that. It's about the fact that non-anime-fans can't be expected to be able to meaningfully not like an anime.

KonaKoffee said:
Who decides what score is wrong? You don't, I don't, and nobody else does.
We can only decide for ourselves, so you need to stop with this idea that opinions and taste cannot be that flexible.

I don't understand what you meant to say here.

zal said:
It was mentioned an example by maz, there are people that use only 1 and 2 for bad shows and 3 for average so low scores doesn't necessarily mean what you are implying.

Indeed, that's one possible explanation I did not take into account. I still think that's not using MAL rating system right. Fortunately, MAL is quite resistant to whatever people are doing with it.
Note that I used a description ("bad or worse"), not a number, to indicate I was assuming the rating scale was used more-or-less like it's marked.

zal said:
flannan said:

They're definitely using the MAL scale incorrectly. The scale says "good" is 7. A typical anime is good. That's why I watch anime, and not my country's shitty films.

I've yet to see people properly discussing the difference between scoring anime based only on other anime, or based on all works of fiction they have encountered before.
It has been said countless times that the rating is subjective and everyone should be free to rate however they want. Wit this mentality you excuse elitist that criticize whoever gives a 10 to show that for them are "unworthy". Low or high mean score, if you judge somebody else's scores just based on the numbers you are being an elitist.

Can somebody who thinks most anime are "bad" or worse be considered an anime fan? I don't think so.
People who aren't anime fans don't get the freedom to dislike anime. Just like people who aren't of african descent aren't allowed to use the N-word.
It was mentioned an example by maz, there are people that use only 1 and 2 for bad shows and 3 for average so low scores doesn't necessarily mean what you are implying. And even if somebody thinks that most anime are bad, until he likes some he can be considered an anime fan. The comparison at the end has more holes than a swiss cheese.

Nah, it makes sense. People should not care, and you should stop trying to make them care. Especially by abusing them for their choice in anime.
You and some others in this thread are doing the same thing you say elitist do: abusing them for their choice in anime.
If they have reasons for scoring so low what is the problem, who are you to say that such person is not an anime fan? Who are you to say that those scores are not right?
At times you make such hypocritecal comments...

1) Please note that I was explaining another person's point of view here. I do not necessarily agree with it.
Though I tend to agree with Mamster-P on most things. Including this one.

2) at no point I am abusing others for their choice in anime. We are discussing our scoring systems and anime-watching habits here.
I think that if a MAL user has an average rating of 4 or less, he/she is doing something wrong. Either using a rating system in a way contrary to the way it's marked, or choosing anime for watching badly, or watching anime they don't like, or watching anime in the first place.
Jun 29, 2016 7:00 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Gesu- said:

lets take the ecchi thing for example, since you know, i never seem to shut up about it, or at least, thats all ppl pay attention to me not shutting up about. anyway NO ONE can deny that theres MANY MANY people out there and on this site who are afraid of what others will think of them if they find out that they like ecchi. correct?

well guess what... its more important to me that the ecchi fans see someone who'll willing to to fight against the hate it gets more so than it is to change anyone's mind, which was never my goal

Again. Everyone has to stand up for themselves.
Besides, haven't you seen users like JustALEX and Haxxspetten?
No one hates on them.
No one hates fans of echchi, the people that do are a vocal minority.
Pretty sure that's more about us not being prejudiced against any anime genre rather than about ecchi specifically

But if you think I don't get any haters at all then I'm sorry to disappoint you (though that tends to be more about lolis than anything else)

Alex gets some hate for always stirring up debates about SJWs and feminism whenever possible lol
Jun 29, 2016 7:04 AM

Nov 2015

idk it sure does feel like it.
I mean I don't see the point in bitching about people who score low and yet complete it.
It's not related to what you do in any way whatsoever..
Jun 29, 2016 7:05 AM

Jul 2013
Don't know if they hate anime, but I cannot help but feel pity for those people (if their list is big, of course), since if their mean score is like that, that mean the most of them doesn't enjoy the most of the shows they watch, and for people who watch anime as a hobby, that's sad.
Jun 29, 2016 7:06 AM

Dec 2015
@gesu- @mamster-p
I love you both, but you guys are cancer.
And kona knows a thing or two about that when it comes to the weeb forums...
Banner credit to @turnip
Jun 29, 2016 7:07 AM

Nov 2015
HaXXspetten said:
Gesu- said:

Again. Everyone has to stand up for themselves.
Besides, haven't you seen users like JustALEX and Haxxspetten?
No one hates on them.
No one hates fans of echchi, the people that do are a vocal minority.
Pretty sure that's more about us not being prejudiced against any anime genre rather than about ecchi specifically

But if you think I don't get any haters at all then I'm sorry to disappoint you (though that tends to be more about lolis than anything else)

Alex gets some hate for always stirring up debates about SJWs and feminism whenever possible lol

Oh yeah, he gets hate for completely different reasons.

But yeah, good for you for not being prejudiced I guess.
If you don't understand someone but they don't harm you in any way it's better to just leave them alone..

TyrelJul 2, 2016 2:56 PM
Jun 29, 2016 7:17 AM

Mar 2012

the elitist thing is just bait, i know most ppl are not elitists, and i know you're not one, ok? lol

im not gonna lie, talking to others about anime for me is sometimes like "guh... why am i doing this?" but when you really love something and you find other people who love it, its kind of hard to avoid. but hey, as if said before, all the bitching ive done about other ppls bitches has helped me find relatable people, which is always a good outcome


come on man, im in NO WAY saying people can't do w/e they want. im just spouting my opinion, all im saying is i don't personally understand.



i know im extremely annoying. but as you know, im only annoying in response to being constantly annoyed lol

im just a "fight fire with fire" person... everyone is entitled to their opinion.... well unfortunately for this site, that includes people like me lol

if people are free to criticize anime for w/e reason they want, then people are free to criticize them for criticizing anime however THEY want....... lol

a complainers right means to complain means my right complain about them complaining xD
Jun 29, 2016 7:28 AM

Jul 2015
Anybody with an average score below 6.9 must hate anime
Jun 29, 2016 7:33 AM
Jul 2018
Another day, another thread derailed by the usual suspects. What was it about, again? Low mean scores?

Well, yeah, you're always at risk of ending up with a lower mean score if you regularly watch stuff that's out of your comfort zone. But I like doing that, the 2016 Anime Challenge has been a great experience.
Jun 29, 2016 7:58 AM

Mar 2012
kamisama751 said:

The fighting back is the masochism there though.

yea you're right giving haters attention only opens up more room for masochism, but still i have my said reasons. i mean i don't go "searching" for these things, i just simply respond when i see them, so i consider it an exception

KonaKoffee said:

it's MAL though!
There is never enough nigga!

LMAO, i may have to 2nd this xD
Jun 29, 2016 8:03 AM

Apr 2015

Anyways, there's some people who wanted the show they dislike got down in the top anime rank so they score it a 1 and also make other alt to rate it a 1. What do you think guys?
Jun 29, 2016 8:04 AM

Apr 2013
flannan said:
hoopla123 said:

Must cleanse myself with some great ship goodness.

This one looks great. What anime is it from?

It's from the Kiseki series, the best JRPG series to be ever created by mankind.

Ao no Kiseki to be exact (which is the godliest JRPG in history).

Check my signature for more info~
Jun 29, 2016 8:13 AM

Nov 2009
hoopla123 said:
flannan said:

This one looks great. What anime is it from?

It's from the Kiseki series, the best JRPG series to be ever created by mankind.

Ao no Kiseki to be exact (which is the godliest JRPG in history).

Check my signature for more info~

Oh, I see. Thank you.
I think I have asked you about this series already, but didn't play it yet for some reason. Probably lack of translations. Or time.
Jun 29, 2016 8:21 AM

May 2016
Oh look! This thread has been up for a while, yet it has gone nowhere...And now there's some people shitposting nonsense...

So in the words of one Filthy Frank...: IT'S TIME TO STAAAHP!!!....IT'S TIME TO STOP, OK?!...NO MORE!
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Jun 29, 2016 8:22 AM

Dec 2015
You said:

Lmao derailing loli threads, you remind me to @OneTrueEmiya XD

cause Emiya knows the game.
The loli ones are the best ones, and so are the ones where users create alts in a post and pretend like they caught someone doing something wrong, but really they're just probably bored and so am I so let's dance.

Banner credit to @turnip
Jun 29, 2016 8:25 AM

Jul 2015
If they hated anime they wouldn't waste their time making a MAL (unless they are pathetic and have nothing better to do with their meaningless lives). So, no, if they have a mean of 4 they don't hate anime.
"Few, but ripe." - C.F. Gauss
Jun 29, 2016 8:28 AM

Apr 2015
Quazar said:
If they hated anime they wouldn't waste their time making a MAL (unless they are pathetic and have nothing better to do with their meaningless lives). So, no, if they have a mean of 4 they don't hate anime.

Oh hi there Quaz, it's me, Moe ;)

well I've seen some people who give just 1 anime a 10 while others a 1, so basically downvoting anything else than their favorite anime, Well I personally think that if they like just 1 anime while hate the others they're practically hate anime in general? dunno lol
Jun 29, 2016 8:29 AM

Nov 2014
No, it depends if they watch only bad anime but there are some people who have bad taste too and only like stuff like evangelion an tatami galaxi
Jun 29, 2016 8:29 AM

Dec 2015
HyperL said:
Oh look! This thread has been up for a while, yet it has gone nowhere...And now there's some people shitposting nonsense...

So in the words of one Filthy Frank...: IT'S TIME TO STAAAHP!!!....IT'S TIME TO STOP, OK?!...NO MORE!

I am very sure @you knew something like this could happen when he posted it.

We all know threads talking about low mean scores get derailed into casuals vs elitists.

BUT NOOoooooooOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOooo, that's not shitposting AT ALL.
Talking in circles and just getting pissy over nothing? nope, that's a healthy debate right there!

You said:

well I've seen some people who give just 1 anime a 10 while others a 1, so basically downvoting anything else than their favorite anime, Well I personally think that if they like just 1 anime while hate the others they're practically hate anime in general? dunno lol

I'm giving everything a 1 and calling it a day.

YAY, now everyone can hate me instead of getting offended by everyone else's low scores.
Banner credit to @turnip
Jun 29, 2016 8:32 AM

Apr 2015
KonaKoffee said:
HyperL said:
Oh look! This thread has been up for a while, yet it has gone nowhere...And now there's some people shitposting nonsense...

So in the words of one Filthy Frank...: IT'S TIME TO STAAAHP!!!....IT'S TIME TO STOP, OK?!...NO MORE!

I am very sure @you knew something like this could happen when he posted it.

We all know threads talking about low mean scores get derailed into casuals vs elitists.

BUT NOOoooooooOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOooo, that's not shitposting AT ALL.
Talking in circles and just getting pissy over nothing? nope, that's a healthy debate right there!

You said:

well I've seen some people who give just 1 anime a 10 while others a 1, so basically downvoting anything else than their favorite anime, Well I personally think that if they like just 1 anime while hate the others they're practically hate anime in general? dunno lol

I'm giving everything a 1 and calling it a day.

YAY, now everyone can hate me instead of getting offended by everyone else's low scores.

Hey" having low mean score doesn't make you an elitist either lol

You can have a 10 on SAO and Mayoiga while giving shows like LoGH, Mawaru Penguindrum, Aria, Ping Pong, NGE a 1/10 and have a below 4.00 mean score.
Jun 29, 2016 8:32 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
KonaKoffee said: see muh man...

There is a difference between having the feeling of never wanting to give up something you love, and then never even having that as an option.
And no, not a "but anime is a part of me" type of option, I am speaking biologically here...

I don't think people have the option to voluntarily start disliking something they like.
Anyway, it's not about that. It's about the fact that non-anime-fans can't be expected to be able to meaningfully not like an anime.

KonaKoffee said:
Who decides what score is wrong? You don't, I don't, and nobody else does.
We can only decide for ourselves, so you need to stop with this idea that opinions and taste cannot be that flexible.

I don't understand what you meant to say here.

zal said:
It was mentioned an example by maz, there are people that use only 1 and 2 for bad shows and 3 for average so low scores doesn't necessarily mean what you are implying.

Indeed, that's one possible explanation I did not take into account. I still think that's not using MAL rating system right. Fortunately, MAL is quite resistant to whatever people are doing with it.
Note that I used a description ("bad or worse"), not a number, to indicate I was assuming the rating scale was used more-or-less like it's marked.

zal said:
It has been said countless times that the rating is subjective and everyone should be free to rate however they want. Wit this mentality you excuse elitist that criticize whoever gives a 10 to show that for them are "unworthy". Low or high mean score, if you judge somebody else's scores just based on the numbers you are being an elitist.

It was mentioned an example by maz, there are people that use only 1 and 2 for bad shows and 3 for average so low scores doesn't necessarily mean what you are implying. And even if somebody thinks that most anime are bad, until he likes some he can be considered an anime fan. The comparison at the end has more holes than a swiss cheese.

You and some others in this thread are doing the same thing you say elitist do: abusing them for their choice in anime.
If they have reasons for scoring so low what is the problem, who are you to say that such person is not an anime fan? Who are you to say that those scores are not right?
At times you make such hypocritecal comments...

1) Please note that I was explaining another person's point of view here. I do not necessarily agree with it.
Though I tend to agree with Mamster-P on most things. Including this one.

2) at no point I am abusing others for their choice in anime. We are discussing our scoring systems and anime-watching habits here.
I think that if a MAL user has an average rating of 4 or less, he/she is doing something wrong. Either using a rating system in a way contrary to the way it's marked, or choosing anime for watching badly, or watching anime they don't like, or watching anime in the first place.
I don't think you need to explain other people's opinion, explain yours. Maybe they are doing something that doesn't maximize their enjoyment or whatever but unless it is blind hate it is not wrong. Moreover the MAL score takes in account the average grade and weights the score accordingly so if all the shows are 1 their 1s have less impact than yours and mine 1s on the overall score.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 29, 2016 8:35 AM

Nov 2009
zal said:
I don't think you need to explain other people's opinion, explain yours.

That's a habit. Because I am occasionally translating stuff.

zal said:
Maybe they are doing something that doesn't maximize their enjoyment or whatever but unless it is blind hate it is not wrong.

Maybe. But it's the topic of this discussion, isn't it?

zal said:
Moreover the MAL score takes in account the average grade and weights the score accordingly so if all the shows are 1 their 1s have less impact than yours and mine 1s on the overall score.

That's the first time I've heard about it. But it sounds like a good idea.
Jun 29, 2016 8:36 AM

Jul 2015
Either they watch bad anime, or they are very difficult for them to like one, because they have too many expectations, and they should lower their standards
Also, maybe anime is not for these kind of people.
Jun 29, 2016 8:37 AM

Dec 2015
You said:

Hey" having low mean score doesn't make you an elitist either lol

tell that to all the assholes trying to say it did on the earlier pages...or on every single other thread on AD.

People...these people on anime discussion, man...
I swear to god you fucking people lol, this is why I shitpost..I cannot take majority of these threads seriously because people care more about score then they do ACTUALLY FUCKING DISCUSSING THE ANIME ITSELF.
You guys want serious debates, but then say bull shit like "people with low mean scores are elitist!". Like how the fuck do you want me to respond to that seriously? Even if someone truly believes that deep down then it just makes me want to shitpost more haha
KonaKoffeeJun 29, 2016 8:41 AM
Banner credit to @turnip
Jun 29, 2016 8:37 AM

Apr 2014
On the contrary, they LOVE anime so they need to have judgment.
(But, perhaps, below 4... it's a bit exaggerated. I guess they have seen many series.)
Jun 29, 2016 8:39 AM

Feb 2016
So much to gain attention...sigh -_-
Jun 29, 2016 8:41 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
zal said:
I don't think you need to explain other people's opinion, explain yours.

That's a habit. Because I am occasionally translating stuff.

zal said:
Maybe they are doing something that doesn't maximize their enjoyment or whatever but unless it is blind hate it is not wrong.

Maybe. But it's the topic of this discussion, isn't it?

That's the first time I've heard about it. But it sounds like a good idea.[/quote]Not really because having a low mean score is influenced by many factors, one of which can be blind hate. However generalizing and saying that everyone that have low mean score is because of hate is prejudicial.

You said:
Hey" having low mean score doesn't make you an elitist either lol

You can have a 10 on SAO and Mayoiga while giving shows like LoGH, Mawaru Penguindrum, Aria, Ping Pong, NGE a 1/10 and have a below 4.00 mean score.
Tell that to them though
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 29, 2016 8:42 AM

Nov 2013
I currently have an average score of 7.6 on finished and 6.6 overal and 4.6 of dropped. If I started watching anime randomly without selecting at all I would expect all of the scores drop.
Jun 29, 2016 8:43 AM

Mar 2012

well what can i say other than i guess maybe im guilty of masochism too
Jun 29, 2016 8:45 AM

Feb 2015
why they are in MAL if they hate anime then ?
it would be very very stupid AF if they made an account in MAL just for shitting of anime, trolling and baiting like an immature person.
Jun 29, 2016 8:45 AM
Jul 2011
I pick my anime to watch randomly, without much thought given to genre or quality, so naturally my mean score is about 5.5. It looks like I'm picky, but really, it just means that I watch everything.
Jun 29, 2016 8:52 AM

Feb 2015
You said:

Anyways, there's some people who wanted the show they dislike got down in the top anime rank so they score it a 1 and also make other alt to rate it a 1. What do you think guys?

THIS. i really hope the Mods, MAL can hadle that. i always wonder what MAL would do if many people were doing that, but i just can't seem to come up with a solution. it would be good for MAL and anime community if MAL could just erased those cancer, THOSE IMMATURE PEOPLE from this site
Jun 29, 2016 8:53 AM

Jun 2016
This topic is so shitposty, that I want contribute shitposting stuff.
Still, most of the time, those who have low mean scores
-want to get attention
-watch a lot of shit anime
-want to show to the others that they don't have shit taste (if it even exists)

𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾

Jun 29, 2016 8:54 AM

May 2015
Tevens said:
You said:

Anyways, there's some people who wanted the show they dislike got down in the top anime rank so they score it a 1 and also make other alt to rate it a 1. What do you think guys?

THIS. i really hope the Mods, MAL can hadle that. i always wonder what MAL would do if many people were doing that, but i just can't seem to come up with a solution. it would be good for MAL and anime community if MAL could just erased those cancer from this site.
They already have a way to counter that with the weighted score. If an account has mostly 1 then their 1s will have less impact on the overall score than someone with a higher average score or so I remember reading it somewhere around the forums.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 29, 2016 8:56 AM

Jul 2015
You said:

Oh hi there Quaz, it's me, Moe ;)

well I've seen some people who give just 1 anime a 10 while others a 1, so basically downvoting anything else than their favorite anime, Well I personally think that if they like just 1 anime while hate the others they're practically hate anime in general? dunno lol

Oh wow hey Moe, what a strange place to run into you a forum on MAL. Not a bad topic I must say but I tried reading through the comments and nearly had a stroke because of the loss of brain cells. Anyways, the people who give anime 1 and 10 to rig the scores are stupid and think they're being cool by influencing the ratings on an anime website, way to go guys. They don't hate anime but they may hate themselves because of a lack of self esteem. I thought you meant just regular people who give low scores and are extremely critical and maybe spend too much time on bad anime which is why I said they wouldn't hate anime but I do also believe that if they truly hate anime they woudln't be on an anime focused website.
"Few, but ripe." - C.F. Gauss
Jun 29, 2016 8:57 AM

Feb 2015
zal said:
Tevens said:

THIS. i really hope the Mods, MAL can hadle that. i always wonder what MAL would do if many people were doing that, but i just can't seem to come up with a solution. it would be good for MAL and anime community if MAL could just erased those cancer from this site.
They already have a way to counter that with the weighted score. If an account has mostly 1 then their 1s will have less impact on the overall score than someone with a higher average score or so I remember reading it somewhere around the forums.

thanks that it got solved :D
now i don't have to worried anymore lol xD
Jun 29, 2016 9:10 AM

Nov 2015
MechaGuy said:
No. Maybe they just watch a lot of bad anime.

Exactly.. maybe that person loves certain things and isn't finding them in the majority of shows they watch.

See: Sturgeon's Law
Jun 29, 2016 9:28 AM

Jan 2013
Not necessarily, but I wouldn't be watching this medium anymore if I thought most shows I watched were bad.
Jun 29, 2016 9:33 AM

Jan 2016
zal said:
JustALEX said:
They're probably elitists who think giving anything higher than 6 is reserved for like 1 or 2 anime.
kryptic2g said:
Nah but they are elitists or as i like to call them ''special snowflakes''.
Natsu_No_Shiro said:

Thats most likely whats happening.
How does a low mean score define someone as elitist? How does even hating on anime make someone elitist?
Bruh cause they don't like anything,either they are too retarded to enjoy something or they're elitists.
Jun 29, 2016 9:35 AM

Dec 2015
kryptic2g said:
Bruh cause they don't like anything,either they are too retarded to enjoy something or they're elitists.

Good job

Ladies and gentlemen, you all wanted your very serious comments that are 100% no shitposting...HERE YOU GO!
exactly what you fuckers asked for! yaassssss
Banner credit to @turnip
Jun 29, 2016 9:36 AM

May 2015
kryptic2g said:
zal said:
How does a low mean score define someone as elitist? How does even hating on anime make someone elitist?
Bruh cause they don't like anything,either they are too retarded to enjoy something or they're elitists.
You can't really determine that they don't like anything from just the average, some people could rate low even if they like a show a bit. Also scores have nothing to do with being an elitist.
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Jun 29, 2016 10:03 AM

Apr 2011
No, they simply have good taste.,.,
Jun 29, 2016 10:34 AM

Apr 2015
Valaskjalf said:
No, they simply have good taste.,.,

How does mean score correlate with taste?
Jun 29, 2016 10:43 AM

Sep 2015
Remember kids, it's your only fault if you are bothered by someone else's score.
Jun 29, 2016 11:14 AM
Aug 2015
Certainly not, people could watch loads of anime meaning there will be lots of poor ratings as not all anime are good. Plus, they could have a rating scheme that differs from how everyone else does it :)
Jun 29, 2016 11:22 AM

Feb 2016
Not really, it's probably because they don't use the scoring system proberly.
I'm perfect example I only use a score to 6-10 usually and some people just score 1-5.
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