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Apr 13, 2015 11:09 AM

Jul 2012
Highschool DxD tops Logh anyday.
Apr 13, 2015 11:16 AM

Jun 2014
DoctorCaim said:
Ezekiel said:
The setting isn't even that similar. Star Wars is fantasy. It's space magic and funny puppets. It never pretends to be realistic.

Finally somebody else who has basic knowledge of Star Wars on this forum...
Apr 13, 2015 11:51 AM

Apr 2010
Thread moved

Thread moved to the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu board.
Apr 13, 2015 12:41 PM

Nov 2014
I don't know, I've never met anyone who's said that his/her IQ because of watching LotGH, nor anyone that shovel's it anyone's throat for not watching LotGH, but, that's me probably, because I don't visit much of the threads to know what they're "debating" about or if they're a vs. threads and people to compare or to boast that they have better taste, when it's pure subjectivity and ones own taste.

I don't know, but, the things I enjoyed about LotGH were the politics, the philosophy of whether one ideology is better over the other or not and the depth of the characters, at least the main, altho even some the side characters had three dimensional personalities. But, like any other show, book or movie it had it's own faults, whether some noticed it or not, for example, I found Yang's "psychic" ability to predict everything annoying because the FPA and the GE sides were not balanced, so, in order to balance things out, they had to make Yang predict every move the GE would do, and, although there are couple of great strategist in the history who've never been defeated, even they couldn't have predict things, and, in recent history, WW2, General Zhukov of the USSR, who fought against equally skilled general(Manstein) won the war.

The tactics used are nothing to brag about, as, they're quite awkward, so, yeah...
I gave it a 10/10 because I found the characters to be much more interesting than many other, even from movies and other west series that I've seen. It is also the political intrigue, which for some reason both the manga and anime industry seems to be afraid of touching upon, and, sadly, anime and manga that have political intrigue are few and can be counted on the fingers of one hand.


Edit; and the terraist were quite annoying, they were the villainous archetype everyone finds annoying, and Rubinsky's questionable goals after Fezzan was being taken over and him losing his power.
ourielApr 13, 2015 12:52 PM
Apr 13, 2015 7:08 PM

Aug 2007
Pretty sure those 'elite' types were just rusing everyone. They did it as a response to people who complained that people that liked LoGH actually did act similar to that, so they did it in jest.

I think the only user I've seen who was completely unironic in their obnoxious behavior was Confucius

Apr 13, 2015 8:46 PM

May 2012
GoldSlash said:
AnnoKano said:
I don't think anyone thinks they are smart for watching LOTGH, I think they just think the anime you like is moronic, shallow or inferior in some regard and either because you are overly attached to the anime series you like or are perhaps rather insecure, you have taken their comments as a criticism of you as an individual and it upsets you. Perhaps you even think that LOTGH really is too smart for you and you are accusing its fans of being snobs as some kind of coping technique for your low self worth.

Maybe that is the problem?

Speculation, speculation, speculation.

And both of you just proved the purpose of this thread. I rest my case. *runs off.
Apr 13, 2015 9:18 PM

Jun 2014

Let's not talk about season 2.

Season 2 of SAO was the equivalent of Dragon Ball GT, except worse because we had pointless moments.

Season 3 had some interesting gunfire concepts but absolutely died in the latter portion.

Well, it sort of went from action -> no action -> Slice of Life...dead.
A great protagonist once said, "It's only overpowered if you can't return the favor!"

Apr 13, 2015 11:22 PM

Jan 2015
I would have liked SAO quite a lot more if it just ended at episode 15.
Apr 14, 2015 2:43 AM

Jan 2008
While LoGH is one of my favorite anime, the fanbase itself is strongly cancerous, especially the "liking LoGH = superior taste" group and the above mentioned "I haz intelluctuul abulitiez becuz I huv wutched dis" users. And to double the hell they are doing this with lack of self-irony - they are dead serious.
Use your brain before using your keyboard!
Apr 14, 2015 8:35 PM

Dec 2013
sullynathan said:
Zetto92 said:
All the fanboys who hype LoGH just discourage me from getting started on it. Whether it's good or not, I'll end up being more critical about it.

Don't be like that. I highly doubt that you know anyone in real life who is a fanboy of LOGH, so people online shouldn't discourage you from watching a cartoon.
Sadly, I do know some irl. Of course, I give everything a fair chance but wish they wouldn't hype it some much, that's all :/
Apr 14, 2015 9:46 PM

Aug 2007
Junchi said:
While LoGH is one of my favorite anime, the fanbase itself is strongly cancerous

Like almost every other fanbase out there, it has some people who take it to the extreme. I may not lurk every thread on every anime forum on the net, but I still don't see that behavior from LoGH fans that often. If anything, the hype has died down considerably over the years.

I've observed much more obnoxious fanbases before, personally.

Apr 14, 2015 9:53 PM
Apr 2014
Hias said:
Like almost every other fanbase out there, it has some people who take it to the extreme. I may not lurk every thread on every anime forum on the net, but I still don't see that behavior from LoGH fans that often. If anything, the hype has died down considerably over the years.
The obnoxious LoGH fans mostly reside on YouTube and Hummingbird these days.
Apr 15, 2015 1:23 AM

Jan 2015
Gholy said:
Hias said:
Like almost every other fanbase out there, it has some people who take it to the extreme. I may not lurk every thread on every anime forum on the net, but I still don't see that behavior from LoGH fans that often. If anything, the hype has died down considerably over the years.
The obnoxious LoGH fans mostly reside on YouTube and Hummingbird these days.

Elitists. On Youtube. Elitists. Using. Youtube. Comments.

Apr 15, 2015 12:05 PM

Sep 2008
Lol. Threads like this one are so amusing. Most lotgh fans don't really care. When they come across something like this, they just laugh on the inside and move on with their lives.
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Apr 15, 2015 8:10 PM

Jun 2011
Pointless thread. Why concern yourself with such people anyways?
Apr 20, 2015 10:32 PM

Feb 2015
I haven't watched this one yet but I'd like to do it since the anime look so cool. But the only thing that made me mad that an old friend of mine added this one in his favourite list despite the fact that he hasn't watched/completed. I hope he didn't do it because he want people think he has good taste.
May 9, 2015 10:37 PM
Jul 2012
It's simple, anime fans don't know better. logh is a very detailed anime with a huge scope, that's what people usually debate about on "what is the best anime" discussions, therefore logh is much easier to defend online than shows that are not to be taken at face value or shows whose main appeal is the directing, since anime fans usually don't know anything about what makes a good film, so it's easier to just say "but logh is epic and has a bunch of characters that matter to the story and has politics etc etc best anime ever". oh and anime fans don't know shit about history so they think logh is perfectly realistic when if you actually studied WWII laugh is very laughable on that aspect since you see the world from the main chars' eyes and that's it, very little showing of the people, soldiers, politicians/religious people that aren't one dimensional as hell... Rose of Versailles is even older than LOGH and it did it much better. Sure logh isnt totally based on WWII but it really doesnt even have a tenth of it's detail/plausibility
May 12, 2015 6:15 AM

Jan 2013
Not sure about LOGH, but the Evangelion fanbase is definitely like that.
Aug 20, 2015 5:36 AM
Jul 2018
marian11 said:
Not sure about LOGH, but the Evangelion fanbase is definitely like that.
Aug 20, 2015 6:26 AM

May 2014
It doesn't make anyone smart , but the show itself is smart 90% of the time .
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Feb 18, 2016 9:45 AM

Nov 2014
welcome2NHK said:
Highschool DxD tops Logh anyday.
Are you trolling, right?
Feb 18, 2016 10:10 AM

Jul 2012
BlancaXLobo said:
welcome2NHK said:
Highschool DxD tops Logh anyday.
Are you trolling, right?

No. Highschool DxD is more intelligent than Logh.
Feb 18, 2016 10:12 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
welcome2NHK said:
BlancaXLobo said:
Are you trolling, right?

No. Highschool DxD is more intelligent than Logh.
It even says so in the bible
Feb 18, 2016 10:23 AM

Nov 2014
HaXXspetten said:
welcome2NHK said:

No. Highschool DxD is more intelligent than Logh.
It even says so in the bible
I'm atheist, so i don't believe everything the bible says
Mar 2, 2016 5:16 AM
Jan 2015
Akabawi said:
It doesn't make anyone smart , but the show itself is smart 90% of the time .

so true.

Anime like Lain or Evangelion make people think they are smart. These anime are almost non-sense philosophical bullshit, so that people make assumption, guess, speculation about them whereas I'm pretty sure the author didn't think about such things :D

welcome2NHK said:
BlancaXLobo said:
Are you trolling, right?

No. Highschool DxD is more intelligent than Logh.

I loled so hard at your post. sorry

Ezekiel said:
Baman said:
Star Wars is action and adventure, LoGH is an epic about politics, history and drama, plus some action. The only thing they have in common is the space setting really.
The setting isn't even that similar. Star Wars is fantasy. It's space magic and funny puppets. It never pretends to be realistic.

You even don't have lightsaber in LogH xD
I don't understand people comparing it to Star Wars.... Of course, you have 2 factions battling against each other but sorry, that's all . Main characters are not the same, wars are not the same, setting is not the same, goals are not the same...I watched the orignal trilogy of Star Wars way before before LogH. Such a comparison between them didn't came to my mind.

Then how about comparing Star Wars VS Gundam VS LogH VS Captain Harlock VS Captain Future (anime or 1940 novels) VS Macross VS anything that takes place in space ?

Star Wars didn't invent the space opera's not even an anime xD
Jan 13, 2017 4:49 AM

Sep 2008
yup yup. Star wars (OT) is a family friendly science fantasy, adventure, space opera. Lotgh is a epic historical space opera, and a political drama. The genres, themes and scope are too different for them to be compared.
If any western space opera can be compared to lotgh, I think that would be
"The Expanse".
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Jun 2, 2017 7:37 AM

Sep 2010
i dont like LOGH. You are all welcome to start sending me hate mail and tell me how wrong i am and how much of a heretic i am for daring not to like LOGH, the greatest things since sliced bread. Bu i just dont.

Why? Well, despite the fact that the show does have an impressive scale, great music, and is trying to be a realistic anime show, i just found it to be a self-important, unrealistic at times, elitist story filled with mary-sue leads and propaganda.

Lets start of with the elitist part. For one, this show has a ton of propaganda. For one, it is pro The Great Man Theory. Basically, if your not Yang, Julian, Reinhard, or Oberstein, your stupid. They are the only characters that manage to do anything significant in the show, are smarter than everyone else, and can do no wrong. Yang knows everything and never loses a battle. Reinhard knows everything and never loses a battle. Julian is good at everything;somehow. Oberstiens Machiavellian methods always work and he is always right about everything.

That leads me to the next problem, Machiavellian propaganda. Some of you may say "This isnt propaganda, its just that Machiavellian methods always work and your stupid if you think otherwise". No, its propaganda. Not once does Obersteins methods fail. Not once does a alternate route of success work. Not once does a good argument against Machiavellianism ever come up. According to this show, Machiavellian methods are always the way to go and if you agree otherwise, your wrong. Screw you, people with solid moral convictions. No wonder this show hates religion so much.

The next part is mary-sue characters. Like i said before, if your not Yang, Julian, Rienhard, or Oberstien in this show, your stupid. There are several times in this show where characters basically say "we would have lost that battle if it werent for Yang". Same for Reinhard, Julian, and Oberstein. Never mind the fact that battles are won by a collection of people working together, not just great leaders telling everyone what to do.

And for those of you who dont believe me, lets go over what a mary sue is and see if each character fits the criteria.

Mary Sue:A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character.

Lets start with Yang

:Knows more about history than everyone else(does NOBODY else know anything about human history other than him?)

:Is a tactical genius

:Is loved by everyone (remember, another quality of mary sues is them being loved by everyone or generally hated by everyone, or both loved and hated by generally everyone)

:thinks for everyone else(especially Fredrica Greenhill)

Yeah, i think he fits the criteria. Yeah, hes messy at his home life, but that doesnt effect how good he is at everything else at all. Hes a mary sue.

Next Julian.

Julian is

:An expert at axe battles

:An expert on ship battles

:A master strategist

:A master leader.

:loved by everyone

:and essentially thinks for everyone else once Yang dies.

he is also a mary-sue

Next, Reinhard

: Is a tactical war genius

:Is a flawless leader(yes, hes arrogant, has a ego, and is reckless at times, but that never harms him in the long run or affects how much of a genius he is at everything)

:Is too perfect of a leader(every decisions he makes is always right, he can do no wrong)

:Is loved and hated by most

: Always thinks for everyone, except Oberstien.

Speaking of which

Oberstien is

:always right about everything.

:a master strategist when it comes to important decisions

:thinks for everyone, including Rienhard at times( like at Westerland)

So, yeah, their mary sues.

And now for the rest of the problems i have with this show.

: characters constantly praising the other side before or during battle, even when they just wiped out millions of their men. Unrealistic much!

:Rienhard praising Yangs battle skills and hoping that they will battle again (in episode 2), like they just played a friendly game of chess as opposed to a real battle in a real war. Uh, Rienhard, this a war, not chess. You just killed millions of innocent people and lost millions of your men in battle. Try acting like a adult instead a pompous whim bag.

:Yang, please treat you job with more seriousness instead of praising the enemy and being mellow about every single subject 90% of the time. Sit properly in your chair when in battle. Stop slouching and stop wiping all the time. And stop with that pompous "i know everything" tone of voice you have at times. You also need to get beaten up a bit by the sergeant from Full Metal Jacket

:Rienhard, i know your a good person and all, but damn if you didnt cause a lot of death in this because of your lust for war and stupid ambition. You had one job, defeat the evil nobles, earth cult, and phezzan and establish a good government. You did that job, but you sure did it in the most bloody way possible. Are we sure Oberstien didnt get a hold of those mind controlling drugs that the Earth Cult had and used them on Reinhard at one point?

:In episode 22 or something, Rienhard is getting ready to go out and battle the nobles and he decides to call his independent fleet "The Rebel Fleet". A subtitle then comes up and says "remember, the Alliance is also called "The Rebel Fleet".

Thank you show, but i already knew that and i also know the meaning behind that. I'm not stupid.

:Also, thanks for spelling certain plot developments out when i could have figured them out myself.

:In episode 1, there;s a frame when Rienhard is giving orders that shows him positioned in such a way that the Empire symbol is right behind him, making it look like he has angel wings. Subtle.

:Later on, theirs a moment where Rienhard is shown as an angel. Yes, Rienhard turns out to be a great leader, but i dont care how bad the war was(and it was bad), that was ridiculous.

; near the end of the series, someone laments on how if they had just talked things out with the enemy, so many lives would have been spared. He then goes on to prepare for another battle. Seriously? You bring up the possibly of talking things out and just say "Fuck it, i'm gonna prepare to resume the conflict". What the fuck?

:the politics and philosophy in this are way too simplistic as well as elitist.

the politics basically boil down to this. Democracy is fairer because of the whole freedom of the people to decide and its easier to get corrupt people out of government, but a autocracy is more efficient in decision making, political and military action and if lead by a kind smart leader, is MOTHERFUCKING awesome.

as for the philosophy

Heres the AMAZING lessons to be learned in LOGH

the ends justify the means(Oberstiens character being a testament to that)

;necessary evils are necessary (cough Oberstien cough)

efficiency before morality(cough Oberstien cough)

mankind is flawed(DURP!)

All religion is EVIL!( which it isnt)

Most people are stupid(check that, most people are born stupid since this shows believes in The Great Man Theory) and need to be lead by someone smarter than them.
(as demonstrated by the four main mary sue characters i talked about; seriously this is show is pro-facist)

The Great Man Theory is true and so is the Cult of Personality (as demonstrated by the four main mary sue characters)

;mercy and compassion is weakness(as demonstrated several times by Oberstiens character)

;you need to spoonfed every detail to everyone because their so stupid( the narrator for example, and the several times the main mary sue characters spell out obvious things to the characters and thus the audience)

;war is a sophisticated sport for intellectuals

;history repeats itself(DURP!)

;Machiavellian thinking is the way to go man. Screw you morality!

;their is no such thing as talking things out with your opponent and perhaps coming to a truce.

;no co-existing with each other. We'll shed blood forever until only Democracy or autocracy wins.

;during a war,theirs always time for witty dialogue, especially after someone has died during a battle( seriously, go die in a ditch Poplan)

;young people are so much better than those stupid old people (seriously, this show has a hatred for most old people, 99% of the main characters are young people and of course Yang and Reinhard, the revolutionaries, are the youngest leaders in history).

;Yang and Reinhard are the greatest men ever and should be worshiped as gods(they might as well be)

; fuck you people, Yang and Rienhard are so FUCKING great you should go FUCK yourselves you FUCKING cunts. FUCK YOU YOU MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKER! FUCK!

;emotions are for the weak( cough oberstien cough)

;have other people speak for humanity rather than have humanity speak for itself(Yang during the court martial episode for example, Yangs constant speeches about humanity, history, and government, and Yang and Rienhards talk about government)

: A quick detour into the Democracy vs Autocracy thing, the supposed meat
and potatoes of LOGH. Heres the thing, besides speed, what does a Autocracy have going for it. For me, it seems that the only reason you would say a Autocracy is superior to a Democracy is if you believe that most people are too stupid to think for themselves and that they need someone whos smarter than them to tell them what to do.

Now i dont believe that notion, but it seems to me thats the only logical reason
i can think of of why you would think a Autocracy is better than a Democracy. All you have left if you take away that is speed, and speed isnt everything, especially if you have to sacrifice morality at times in order to establish a system in which speed is a number one priority (cough Oberstien cough). This is my opinion, of course, and your welcome to believe what you want.

I'm not saying a Democracy is perfect(the show makes sure to show that its not), but again, in my opinion, i think a democracy is fairer as its government for the people. It may not always be the most efficient form of government or even perfect, but i believe in it.

In terms of positives, like i said it has great classical music, a ambitious scale, and at times is pretty realistic(AT TIMES). I cant really call it bad, but i still certainly cant call it great. The show does try to do a lot of things, so i cant really rate it lower than 7. But it still has all the flaws i mentioned that make it come off as juvenile and snobby.

If LOGH were a person, it would a a male wearing a suit, a top hat, a monocle on one eye, and sipping tea mixed with brandy and eating crumpets, with his pinky in the air, before looking down at a group of farmers and regular townsfolk with both smugness and disgust.

The whole thing seems specifically made for elitist assholes. And surprise surprise, their are elitist assholes among this fanbase. Note, i said AMOUNG the fanbase, not the entire fanbase.

Nevertheless, that wont stop people from telling me how wrong i am and that i should kill myself for even suggesting that the great LOGH have any flaws. Thats at worst. At best i might just get ridiculed by fans because you cant criticize this anime. Its considered the Holy Bible to a good amount of the fanbase. If they could, those elitist fans would probably come over and probably beat me to death on camera.

But oh well, what can you do.Thats what happens when you have, gasp, your own opinion.
DreamerofDreams1Jun 3, 2017 9:57 AM
Jun 2, 2017 8:04 AM

Nov 2014
Gholy said:
I blame ThatAnimeSnob

Finally, sanity is coming back.
Jan 1, 2019 9:53 AM

Sep 2008
DreamerofDreams1 said:
i dont like LOGH. You are all welcome to start sending me hate mail and tell me how wrong i am and how much of a heretic i am for daring not to like LOGH, the greatest things since sliced bread. Bu i just dont.

It's your opinion dude, no one will hate you for it. I don't understand where this image of LOTGH fans came from. You are entitled to your opinion.
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Jan 22, 2019 8:51 PM

Jun 2009
Watching LoGH does not make you smart. This show is not for brainlets. Therefore, according to my undeniable logic, a prerequisite to enjoying LoGH and recognising its genius, is to already be smart.


P.S - Don't forget to rate Code Gayass and Clannad: Afterbirth 1 to prove your intellectual superiority.
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