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Jan 29, 2014 5:31 AM

Aug 2008
It's gonna be mighty hard to understand Setsuna without Chiaki's route. It's funny how she mostly mimics Kazusa, but is most like Setsuna. Wonder if the author was trying to say that Setsuna was a better actor then her because she was able to pretty much see right through her it seems.

I guess the author was trying to mimic the pregnant thing with the memory loss at the end.

Anyway her route was...strange. I guess if you can hold your suspension of disbelief really well it's probably the most creative route. Though I can imagine most people hate Chiaki haha.
Jan 31, 2014 5:06 PM

Jul 2011
Volkanon said:
The summaries definitely make the wait for the translation project more bearable. IC is ~95% done now, but it's crazy how that's less than 20% of the lines (counting CC+coda). Don't know the chances, but it'd be nice if an official localization was announced. We need more VNs in the west anyway.

I honestly don't think that WA2's exactly a work which can be translated while maintaining the same sentiments as the original Japanese. There's just too many things that you can't blatantly translate.

But IC's probably 1/7th or so the length of the rest of the work.
Jan 31, 2014 6:28 PM

Jul 2011
Volkanon said:
mdz said:
I honestly don't think that WA2's exactly a work which can be translated while maintaining the same sentiments as the original Japanese. There's just too many things that you can't blatantly translate.

But IC's probably 1/7th or so the length of the rest of the work.

I would assume there's always a few things, especially in text heavy Japanese games, that have no direct English translation. I've read in an interview (with XSEED, I think?), that when they encounter situations like that, they come up with the next best thing; something that's appropriate for the context and conveys the feelings that are similar enough. I'm inclined to believe that it's possible with WA2 too, but maybe that's just naive optimism speaking.

Plot is easily summarized; there's not quite a lot of ways to convey plot -- it's a matter of how it's expressed which is of the primary concern. If you read the summary, then you realize that when Kazusa was on the floor, that she barraged Haruki with four instances of 'I love you'

A 'suki' followed by another 'suki' followed by a 'daisuki' then an 'aishiteru.'

In Japanese, 'suki' could be translated to either 'like' or 'love' depending on the circumstance, with 'daisuki' being an even more accentuated instance of that. 'Aishiteru' is almost never used, as it's considered a bit over-dramatic [so instances in anime where the childhood friend uses this verb towards the protagonist, it's typically viewed as a joke, since it's that extreme]; in this scene, we see Kazusa on the floor. She utters these words continuously, in a chain; if we wanted to interpret it, it could be viewed as progressing intensity [a small 'suki' followed by a bolder 'suki', ending with an 'aishiteru']. We know their circumstances, as well as their emotional states at this particular point in time. There's no contesting the veracity of what she's saying; she genuinely means it.

Then we take into consideration that Japan's a nation that seldom shows emotion; it's more stoic than not. To have someone say the most absurd, extreme case of love, and to genuinely mean it, is abnormal. In English, 'love' isn't that conservatively used. So, much of the meaning's bereaved [of the original prose].

If I were to translate a scene like that in English, how exactly would we approach it? Four blatant 'I love you''s in a row seems mildly trite. We could say 'I really love you' -- but who exactly says that in English? It's one of the many scenes that are not possible to translate to English. WA2's like that throughout.
Feb 1, 2014 6:34 AM

Aug 2008
Eh most people pay no heed to those kinds of things. Plus a good writer could just change the scene and make the writing easier to take in. Sure it wouldn't be a picture perfect adaption but it would be more than acceptable. Much like the battle royale manga translation. The writer basically changed all the dialogue to make it easier to take in for western people, and he did a lovely job at it and it seemed very natural.

Just because Lord of the Rings has some dialogue that obviously can't be translated or hold quite the same meaning in other languages, doesn't mean the other countries can't enjoy the translation they've been given (same with any shakespeare plays).

So yeah, much as people bitch at the cross channel translation (one of the hardest to translate), it still did it's job and you can still enjoy the story plenty well.
hyperknees91Feb 1, 2014 6:38 AM
Feb 1, 2014 11:21 AM

Jul 2011
hyperknees91 said:
Eh most people pay no heed to those kinds of things. Plus a good writer could just change the scene and make the writing easier to take in. Sure it wouldn't be a picture perfect adaption but it would be more than acceptable. Much like the battle royale manga translation. The writer basically changed all the dialogue to make it easier to take in for western people, and he did a lovely job at it and it seemed very natural.

Just because Lord of the Rings has some dialogue that obviously can't be translated or hold quite the same meaning in other languages, doesn't mean the other countries can't enjoy the translation they've been given (same with any shakespeare plays).

So yeah, much as people bitch at the cross channel translation (one of the hardest to translate), it still did it's job and you can still enjoy the story plenty well.

I'm not averse to faithful, albeit modified translations [I personally do this when it comes to translating some untranslatable phrases, or idiomatic expressions which work better in English/natural sounding]. But I don't know, there's a clear difference in writing.

Cross Channel on VNDB is hardly a 8 -- Cross Channel is considered to be by Japanese readers [on EGS] as being one of the best. Most translators view Cross Channel as being written invariably well. That prose is lost when a direct translation happens, and as a result, it's not as great as it formerly was [as we can see the disparate ratings given to the work by English readers/ Japanese readers and Japanese translators. I said that it's extremely easy to summarize something well and fully. But WA2's not a work which bases its momentum off the plot. It's absolutely not one of those at all. It's one that needs the emotional writing [afforded to it by Japanese], and one that needs the medium it's given [visual novel]. To leave it bereft, to change any of that, would be too damaging to the work in the end.

It's not a matter of slicing down extraneous details, there are some details that you just can't grasp without apt knowledge of the derivative language. White Album 2 would not be as great as it is in English. In Japanese, it's cardinal, while in Chinese [as there's a translation for it in this], it's also good [since both cultures have their degrees of 'love' expressions, a less disparate culture in other words].

You mentioned that most people would not pay heed to the minor details like that. But, we're talking about a superlative novel which has the highest mean score of any visual novel on EGS. It's not a work which should be presented halfassedly. An English translation which does little justice to it just isn't that pragmatically optimal. If comprehension were the only concern, then nothing outside a cursory summary would be needed.

I've only ever read Cross Channel in English. I didn't love the work that much. But that was probably due in part to the translation than anything else [it's not that the translation wasn't good, it's just that the derivative source was exemplary].
mdzFeb 1, 2014 11:30 AM
Feb 1, 2014 11:27 AM

Jul 2011
Volkanon said:
I have to agree with hyperknees91. Knowing that that's how it is, I do not expect keeping the original meaning of lines a priority. Between not being able to enjoy it at all in English, and being able to enjoy it with liberties taken, it's a no brainer. My main concern for localization would be whether or not there's enough interest to justfy the cost of bringing it over.

I don't know. When I translate a work, I don't mind changing the casual lines [to make it less literal, more fluid]. Changing the meaning entirely, or accentuating a particular attribute while another should be [focusing on the wrong emphasis] just doesn't suit me. It's the same as a translator interpreting a work; a translator is meant to convey the work, not tell it is they view it to be.

I don't think most people know what a visual novel is. Because of that, I don't think localization is that profitable or practical. Most games are region-locked, and mostly everything with Japan does not ship overseas. When I attempt to order art books, the shipping + proxy fees at times, supersede the original cost of the product. Japan bases its product for the Japanese audience.

We could see companies like minori being vehemently opposed at times, to the translation efforts of the community. We also see companies like MoeNovel, act completely oblivious to their fan base [in delivering a work highly-edited, bereaved of gigabytes of content].

When a work gets made, a company only needs to sell a few hundred to turn a profit. A novel costs ~100 dollars to purchase. Licensing fees tend to be ridiculously expensive; to the Japanese, having 'well-known' seiyuus results in a premium being asked for, while to many English-speaking countries, they couldn't care less who was voicing it, wanting instead, just the novel release [so, sometimes, games are released without voice acting].

There would need to be a paradigm shift of sorts in order for more novels to propagate the West. But we're talking about Japan here -- historically, and generally, one of the more conservative nations in terms of economics. For now, and possibly for a long time after, we'll have to depend on the community.
Feb 1, 2014 12:15 PM

Aug 2008
Scores are meaningless and all subjective. I found Cross Channel to be one of the best stories I've read regardless of what was lost (and yes I realize stuff was lost, but the core plot, story, characters and even the execution is still all there). While I found WA2 to be very meh regardless of how poetic the writing can be. Why? Because that stuff isn't that important to me. Now are you any less wrong for loving WA2 and not liking CC, of course not.

Imagine how much is lost in a shakespear play when its translated into other languages? It's borderline non-sensical compared to any VN writing when translated (If given a straight translation). Hell its borderline nonsensical at times just due to the time period it was written in. Do people mind? Absolutely not, people love them all over the world. Why? Because prose and such is not as important to people as other elements in a story.

This is all about being open minded of course. Does every play need to be acted out the same way? No it doesn't. Different actors are going to have different takes on their characters and the play can still be enjoyed as long as they do a good job. Story translations can be seen in much the same way.

Now that's not saying a translation should be half-assed. It just needs to be worked around so it can be taken in a way that a westerner can appreciate. You have to realize that fans of the anime didn't even get most of that poetic writing. But they don't care, they just wanna see the rest of the story.
hyperknees91Feb 1, 2014 12:21 PM
Feb 1, 2014 1:04 PM

Jul 2011
hyperknees91 said:
Scores are meaningless and all subjective. I found Cross Channel to be one of the best stories I've read regardless of what was lost (and yes I realize stuff was lost, but the core plot, story, characters and even the execution is still all there). While I found WA2 to be very meh regardless of how poetic the writing can be. Why? Because that stuff isn't that important to me. Now are you any less wrong for loving WA2 and not liking CC, of course not.

Imagine how much is lost in a shakespear play when its translated into other languages? It's borderline non-sensical compared to any VN writing when translated (If given a straight translation). Hell its borderline nonsensical at times just due to the time period it was written in. Do people mind? Absolutely not, people love them all over the world. Why? Because prose and such is not as important to people as other elements in a story.

This is all about being open minded of course. Does every play need to be acted out the same way? No it doesn't. Different actors are going to have different takes on their characters and the play can still be enjoyed as long as they do a good job. Story translations can be seen in much the same way.

Now that's not saying a translation should be half-assed. It just needs to be worked around so it can be taken in a way that a westerner can appreciate. You have to realize that fans of the anime didn't even get most of that poetic writing. But they don't care, they just wanna see the rest of the story.

Sure, a lone score in itself is negligible, and prone to mercuriality caused by subjectivity. But, when you have such a blatant pattern of rating among large cohorts [as seen on VNDB and EGS], then it tends to suggest that there's something more than subjectivity at play.

I didn't love CC's writing entirely. There was a lot of terse slice of life, followed by events necessary for the development, albeit not exactly enjoyable at the point in time. But WA2's probably one of the series that needs its core language to convey the message of the series. I believe that Cross Channel's concern with that is even greater. Take for example moogy's tier list of translation difficulty:

There's a reason an English teacher asks the kid to read the derivative text than of a simplified version of it. Most teachers do not tell their kids to read a version simple, or one laden with the latent depth of a SparkNotes summary. To some people, prose isn't important. To you, it might not be important. But to some, prose is very important. Prose is very very important when you look at the quantitative statistics behind each work. Some works, centered on storyline, do not deviate much in rating from their Japanese and English counterparts -- works that do however, exist entirely differently. I don't like reading for the most part. But it'd be inane to state that Shakespeare's writing is just as laden with the history, the political allusions, and every other novel mention of a new word in every other translatable language. All of that is lost. Shakespeare's considered one of the greatest English writers for a reason. [But please, I cared little for his work; I used SparkNotes for them, regrettably.]

If I give you my phone number in Japanese, and I ask you to translate it to English, should you do it directly, or according to whichever arbitrary fancy with numbers that you have? The role of a translator is to convey the author's intent, not the translator's intent. There's a clear-cut line. A movie can convey the message different, because it's a different medium [meaning, there's no set standard; it could easily be a direct adaptation or an inspiration of]. In delivering a different story, is the same as rewriting history as you see it fit. To that, there's not much praise or care to be had.

I know full-well that most people do not attempt to look under the surface of a work. I actually got a bit of criticism from a friend, who mentioned that I literally explained the entire work for the audience, without any care of letting them think for themselves. My writing within that entry was fairly colloquial [as to not dull the attention of a 50 page read]. I wrote engagingly, or attempt so, for the sake of keeping the attention span of the audience. If I wrote only the events, and nothing but them, it'd be a hell of a boring entry, akin to a historical text.

I don't quite have a standard of delineating the interests of a Westerner from elsewhere. I believe that the audience should listen to the story that the author wants to tell. It's the translator's role to faithfully carry it out, with some modifications if necessary [for the sake of conveying the message; archaic/foreign phrases that mean little to an odd ear, can be localized so that the intent, the sentiments remain cohesive]. I believe that a good story, regardless of the origin, will be liked, if it's able to be done correctly. If a work is dubbed a masterpiece, and its translated equivalent can only be dubbed 'very good', then it'd be mild persiflage to do so. Of course, that's an extreme side. I may as well be Chiaki in her resolute care for the way that certain, 'beautiful' stories should carry out.
mdzFeb 1, 2014 1:07 PM
Feb 1, 2014 1:41 PM

Aug 2008
The thing about it mdz. You're taking things to a fanatic level (And yes more english teachers are fanatics about this stuff, it's kind of their job). Yes some people love prose, I won't deny that. But if prose is that important to them they can read it in the original language. However it's not important to everyone. Not everyone cares about how good a piece of work is, or how well written it is. They just want that piece of work to entertain them is all.

All art, all entertainment is subjective. It either piques your interest or it doesn't. Critics might bash Twilight to eternity but it certainly did work wonders on its target audience. Does that make them wrong or stupid for enjoying it? No obviously not. Numbers are completely pointless and are only used for marketing for the most part. Just because "The last of us" got praised all across the board and is given a near perfect score in the gaming medium doesn't mean I and several gamers care for the game at all. That's the beauty of numbers, people pretty much believe a higher number is better regardless of whats actually inside. It makes marketing that much simpler.

Just remember, not everyone is a fanatic. Prose is like Lyrics in a song. Nice to have when used well, but not necessary to understand fully to enjoy it. Hence why people can enjoy foreign music even if they don't understand the words to a song (as it's the least important part of a song).

Fair warning I'm not saying that a translator should half-ass his job. He should still attempt to capture as much of the original meaning as possible. But you just have to keep an open mind with different artistic mediums is all I'm saying.
hyperknees91Feb 1, 2014 1:53 PM
Feb 1, 2014 3:23 PM

Jul 2011
hyperknees91 said:
The thing about it mdz. You're taking things to a fanatic level (And yes more english teachers are fanatics about this stuff, it's kind of their job). Yes some people love prose, I won't deny that. But if prose is that important to them they can read it in the original language. However it's not important to everyone. Not everyone cares about how good a piece of work is, or how well written it is. They just want that piece of work to entertain them is all.

All art, all entertainment is subjective. It either piques your interest or it doesn't. Critics might bash Twilight to eternity but it certainly did work wonders on its target audience. Does that make them wrong or stupid for enjoying it? No obviously not. Numbers are completely pointless and are only used for marketing for the most part. Just because "The last of us" got praised all across the board and is given a near perfect score in the gaming medium doesn't mean I and several gamers care for the game at all. That's the beauty of numbers, people pretty much believe a higher number is better regardless of whats actually inside. It makes marketing that much simpler.

Just remember, not everyone is a fanatic. Prose is like Lyrics in a song. Nice to have when used well, but not necessary to understand fully to enjoy it. Hence why people can enjoy foreign music even if they don't understand the words to a song (as it's the least important part of a song).

Fair warning I'm not saying that a translator should half-ass his job. He should still attempt to capture as much of the original meaning as possible. But you just have to keep an open mind with different artistic mediums is all I'm saying.

I don't know if something as disparaging as mere 'entertainment' is quite accurate. But not everyone loves prose; I don't focus on the inherent nature of it as much as what it conveys. I'd prefer the audience be acquainted with a severe degree of enjoyable feelings than one attenuated. I'm not quite a big fan of reading, as I mentioned. I frequented SparkNotes more than the actual reading of the book when it came to English literature.

I never quite meant to insinuate that something fits all. I'm stating that because there's such a large cohort of quantitative statistics [on one end, viewing Cross Channel as being a fantastic novel, and on the other end, as being simply good], that there has to be a major difference separating the two. To which I suggested, that the derivative language was the most pressing reason. A rating on its own doesn't matter, but when you have large groups of people rating similarly, and when those groups of people have common qualities [a shared language], then we can attempt to form theories from what's given. In this case, the language and subsequent translation being critical factors in how great the work is perceived. I don't understand the difficulty of this concept. It's intuitive, isn't it?

I don't know if I'm a fanatic. I'm just stating that if something's good, that it should be remain good. It shouldn't be disparaged with a weak, if not, mediocre translation. If that, to you, is the cardinal consideration in fanaticism, then by all means, I'm perhaps the world's most fervent zealot.

I cannot see the instance when I claimed otherwise. Different mediums are admirable for each their strengths, whether it'd be the manga's prolific nature, or the visual novel's immersion. I never stated that one was superior to the other, nor did I mean to insinuate any of that [to that, I'm confused at where that preconception originated]. To different languages? Certainly, there's a bunch of changes to be made for the sake of localization. But when you have certain works which literally bases its reading based off of culture endemic to the country, puns and writing emblematic of the derivative language, then it just doesn't become that simple to translate [of course, WA2 isn't one of these].
Feb 1, 2014 5:29 PM

Aug 2008
Nah CC is just...not for everyone really. It's slow, it's got a highly perverted protagonist and it's just plain uncomfortable. That is generally what I hear when it comes to complaints about CC, not any writing. This is the same reason Swan Song isn't rated so well on vndb despite being higher rated on erogamescape. And once again...there is a vast difference between a site dictated by fan rating and a site dictated by marketing ratings. Take for example Rewrite. Given a fairly meh score over there and an extremely high score over here. This is due to their being a lot of key fans over here probably more than anything.

Well I wasn't saying it should be given a weak translation. It seemed to be me that you wanted no translation at all. Which I think is silly really. But if that's not the case then my mistake for assuming so.

If we are just arguing over whether or not certain lines won't carry the same sentiment. Then yes, that could possibly happen. My apologies for assuming otherwise. Hopefully the writers can write around it in a clever way if it ever does get a proper translation (though the current translator will most certainly not being doing this as english is not his first language). Though I doubt most people who actually want to read it care much more than to see their shipping get together.
Feb 1, 2014 6:10 PM

Jul 2011
hyperknees91 said:
Nah CC is just...not for everyone really. It's slow, it's got a highly perverted protagonist and it's just plain uncomfortable. That is generally what I hear when it comes to complaints about CC, not any writing. This is the same reason Swan Song isn't rated so well on vndb despite being higher rated on erogamescape. And once again...there is a vast difference between a site dictated by fan rating and a site dictated by marketing ratings. Take for example Rewrite. Given a fairly meh score over there and an extremely high score over here. This is due to their being a lot of key fans over here probably more than anything.

Well I wasn't saying it should be given a weak translation. It seemed to be me that you wanted no translation at all. Which I think is silly really. But if that's not the case then my mistake for assuming so.

If we are just arguing over whether or not certain lines won't carry the same sentiment. Then yes, that could possibly happen. My apologies for assuming otherwise. Hopefully the writers can write around it in a clever way if it ever does get a proper translation (though the current translator will most certainly not being doing this as english is not his first language). Though I doubt most people who actually want to read it care much more than to see their shipping get together.

CC has a highly-perverted protagonist? I wouldn't say that. It's simply not that pleasant to read that much utsuge while missing best girl. It's also not that pleasant to watch Haruki act with the prowess of a dull bottle of glue. I'd agree with that to an extent [on the topic of Rewrite]. But we do have to note that Rewrite has an English translation, while it's read in derivative text over there. It's true that the KEY fans tend to rate most KEY works highly [cough, I didn't care that much for LB!, and I found Rewrite not that engaging thus far]. Swan Song wasn't bad, from what I read of it [like the first 25 minutes], just not immediate enough to suck me in.

I think I said that it'd be better if it weren't translated; but I probably meant that as a means to say that the meaning won't carry over. I don't really care for a sequel adaptation either, but that's because I'm partial to the source medium. But, I wouldn't hate it, or be opposed to an announcement dubbing such; it's just silly personal sentiment.

Eh, I'm probably more of an editor than a translator when it comes to helping on works. But, translating isn't that difficult, just time consuming, and done for the sake of the community [because cmon, would you rather spend 15 hours reading a work or 1500 translating one so everyone else can?].
Feb 2, 2014 6:53 AM

Aug 2008
Well yeah, trust me it's beyond me why someone would want to translate something. Seems boring, tedious and people barely even give the translators that much credit. Though it can become a job (and jobs are nice hah), but free translation...yeah Idk how they do it.
Feb 2, 2014 12:26 PM

Jul 2011
hyperknees91 said:
Well yeah, trust me it's beyond me why someone would want to translate something. Seems boring, tedious and people barely even give the translators that much credit. Though it can become a job (and jobs are nice hah), but free translation...yeah Idk how they do it.

I find translating fun, I wouldn't mind doing it more if I didn't have school. I'd totally trade 1000 lines a day for my current schedule~
Feb 17, 2014 7:57 PM

Jan 2014
Thankyou mdz for this summary, I love how you added your own opinions into it without forcing it onto the readers but maybe it did since I agree entirely with you, I really do hope they make another season for CC and Coda, disregarding these new girls ( all about Kazusa and Setsuna!), I only jest. However, I do believe Kazusa True is how the show should end, but given the emotional turmoil this show has caused me I wouldn't be surprised if the producers chose the most heartbreaking and tragic route which is Kazusa normal, where they have wild sex.
Feb 25, 2014 2:42 PM
Jan 2014
I'm considering learning Japanese (for several reasons) but was curious: At about what level of learning would I be able to play visual novels in Japanese? I consume enough media/games, etc from Japan so it would be nice to able to delve into some of the content that's produced there without having to wait for a translation, but realistically I'm not sure how far into my studies I will be before I can read a VN, for example.
Feb 26, 2014 6:37 AM

Aug 2008
Foxblade said:
I'm considering learning Japanese (for several reasons) but was curious: At about what level of learning would I be able to play visual novels in Japanese? I consume enough media/games, etc from Japan so it would be nice to able to delve into some of the content that's produced there without having to wait for a translation, but realistically I'm not sure how far into my studies I will be before I can read a VN, for example.

For WA2 some of the more poetic prose would be difficult to interpret but not entirely too much.

But it really depends, it's hard to say how much. Obviously memorizing the kanji would be the most difficult part of mastering japanese, however there are translation tools for visual novel which provide the furigana of kanji which can help. It's probably going to take a good 2-3 years at best to be able to read japanese without much assistance.

Honestly though start with something simple and short (like a 2-10 hour or 10-30 hour visual novel) use a dictionary and translation tools so that you can easily look up the words you don't know and use that as a form studying. Obviously get some books as well and possible a flash card program for memorizing kanji if your really serious about it.

WA2 is like 60+ hours long, and reading it without japanese knowledge might take well over a 100 so I highly don't recommend it as a starting visual novel.
hyperknees91Feb 26, 2014 6:46 AM
Mar 9, 2014 8:12 AM
Oct 2012
hyperknees91 said:
Foxblade said:
I'm considering learning Japanese (for several reasons) but was curious: At about what level of learning would I be able to play visual novels in Japanese? I consume enough media/games, etc from Japan so it would be nice to able to delve into some of the content that's produced there without having to wait for a translation, but realistically I'm not sure how far into my studies I will be before I can read a VN, for example.

For WA2 some of the more poetic prose would be difficult to interpret but not entirely too much.

But it really depends, it's hard to say how much. Obviously memorizing the kanji would be the most difficult part of mastering japanese, however there are translation tools for visual novel which provide the furigana of kanji which can help. It's probably going to take a good 2-3 years at best to be able to read japanese without much assistance.

Honestly though start with something simple and short (like a 2-10 hour or 10-30 hour visual novel) use a dictionary and translation tools so that you can easily look up the words you don't know and use that as a form studying. Obviously get some books as well and possible a flash card program for memorizing kanji if your really serious about it.

WA2 is like 60+ hours long, and reading it without japanese knowledge might take well over a 100 so I highly don't recommend it as a starting visual novel.

^This, at least 2 years for most people so that u don't need to check online dictionary that often while reading. Not saying that I completely grasped the story, but for me WA2 is abit easier since the protagonist also got voiced (Trust me, voices HELPS).

Also some rants, just finished 100% of this vn, as Setsuna fan, I'm kinda hurt to see that Kazusa's true end route overpowered Setsuna's. :c
Mar 9, 2014 5:00 PM
Jul 2010
trasal said:
hyperknees91 said:
Foxblade said:
I'm considering learning Japanese (for several reasons) but was curious: At about what level of learning would I be able to play visual novels in Japanese? I consume enough media/games, etc from Japan so it would be nice to able to delve into some of the content that's produced there without having to wait for a translation, but realistically I'm not sure how far into my studies I will be before I can read a VN, for example.

For WA2 some of the more poetic prose would be difficult to interpret but not entirely too much.

But it really depends, it's hard to say how much. Obviously memorizing the kanji would be the most difficult part of mastering japanese, however there are translation tools for visual novel which provide the furigana of kanji which can help. It's probably going to take a good 2-3 years at best to be able to read japanese without much assistance.

Honestly though start with something simple and short (like a 2-10 hour or 10-30 hour visual novel) use a dictionary and translation tools so that you can easily look up the words you don't know and use that as a form studying. Obviously get some books as well and possible a flash card program for memorizing kanji if your really serious about it.

WA2 is like 60+ hours long, and reading it without japanese knowledge might take well over a 100 so I highly don't recommend it as a starting visual novel.

^This, at least 2 years for most people so that u don't need to check online dictionary that often while reading. Not saying that I completely grasped the story, but for me WA2 is abit easier since the protagonist also got voiced (Trust me, voices HELPS).

Also some rants, just finished 100% of this vn, as Setsuna fan, I'm kinda hurt to see that Kazusa's true end route overpowered Setsuna's. :c

If I am fluent in speaking and vocab, how long should I expect to become fluent in reading? (I was rasied bilingual).
I can't read the kanji but I can easily read furigana or katakana, or just listen to the voices
Mar 11, 2014 8:55 AM

Aug 2008
Well then with an offline reader it's pretty easy to read the majority of VN's then if you know that much. You might miss out on some things by not memorizing the kanji though.

The main problem with japanese is memorizing all the kanji, so yeah. WA2 should be pretty easy to understand regardless as it's not like it has an sci-fi explanations or whatever.
Apr 9, 2014 9:33 AM
Dec 2013
Finally they finish IC translation and CC is on the way.
Apr 9, 2014 6:28 PM

Jan 2014
zombiemojo said:
Finally they finish IC translation and CC is on the way.

Thankyou for telling me this! Downloading now
Apr 29, 2014 7:15 PM

Mar 2013
Even though I just read the summary, it still pierced through. Man that Kazusa True end and Setsuna's song and last phrase. TT__TT Every line of the song gave me goosebumps now it's still ringing in my ears. This is one of the best indeed.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 18, 2014 11:38 PM

Jul 2011
Site domain renewed.
Sep 18, 2014 4:49 PM

Jul 2011
Further discussion included, and grammatical revisions made .

New analysis up:
Oct 1, 2014 1:07 AM
Mar 2013
mdz said:
Further discussion included, and grammatical revisions made .

New analysis up:

thank you MDZ. I hope a s2 is announced soon :')
Oct 1, 2014 8:56 AM
Dec 2013
I played original VN. Becouse i'm japanese
and I'm not happy with IC of anime. cos it was too short to tell the all Characters feeling.
anime was okay,but VN was way better.or I should say this plot is not for anime.

this is totally different way from fucking school days.
this VN is the second my favorite, next to the Steins;Gate and if you intrested in anime
and VN will be translated, I suggest you playing VN first. befour waching s2or s3anime.
Oct 16, 2014 8:37 AM

Aug 2008
sh_1990 said:
I played original VN. Becouse i'm japanese
and I'm not happy with IC of anime. cos it was too short to tell the all Characters feeling.
anime was okay,but VN was way better.or I should say this plot is not for anime.

this is totally different way from fucking school days.
this VN is the second my favorite, next to the Steins;Gate and if you intrested in anime
and VN will be translated, I suggest you playing VN first. befour waching s2or s3anime.

Doesn't seem like there will be a season 2. Guess the anime really was just an advertisement for the game.

Anyway while I agree that season 1 isn't nearly as good as the visual novel, if they made a second season I bet I would enjoy it far more than the visual novel for the better pacing and not going with the silly structure the visual novel had (as long as its well directed). Still I think season 1 is a much better adaption than most visual novels, so I still give kudos to the director.
Oct 17, 2014 9:37 PM

Mar 2013
hyperknees91 said:
Doesn't seem like there will be a season 2. Guess the anime really was just an advertisement for the game.

Anyway while I agree that season 1 isn't nearly as good as the visual novel, if they made a second season I bet I would enjoy it far more than the visual novel for the better pacing and not going with the silly structure the visual novel had (as long as its well directed). Still I think season 1 is a much better adaption than most visual novels, so I still give kudos to the director.

RIP x.x a CC and Coda adaptation would seriously be great if consistent with the quality of IC's adaptation. Yeah, I pretty much lost hope on that already.
Dec 1, 2014 2:37 PM

Jul 2014
Welp, that was a great read IMO. I actually loved all the cringeworthy drama that WA2 created. So many emotions resulted from this series. I picked Kazusa True, seeing that I see Setsuna as the manipulative one in the anime.
Dec 25, 2014 11:48 AM

Jul 2011
Merry Christmas.

The summary for White Album 2's Extra Chapter is now out.

It's certainly a fulfilling Christmas read.
Dec 26, 2014 3:01 AM
Oct 2013
The afterstory is out, do you the summaries for this too?
Feb 6, 2015 7:00 PM
Feb 26, 2015 1:31 PM
Dec 2013

I enjoy reading your summaries and character analysis

Will the VN ever be translated? just like with the Fate/Stay Night anime I really want to read the VN
Mar 2, 2015 2:27 PM

Jul 2011
Journey_95 said:

I enjoy reading your summaries and character analysis

Will the VN ever be translated? just like with the Fate/Stay Night anime I really want to read the VN

It likely won't be translated completely in the near future. You have a greater chance of reading it completely and accurately were you to start learning Japanese now.
Mar 4, 2015 2:31 AM
Sep 2013
Oh come on! I thought he was having difficulties with choosing between two girls and now they add THREE more!? I know he's your typical weak indecisive douchey hetare harem/love triangle protagonist but come on, even Takayuki from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien wasn't this bad. Okay, maybe Takayuki was worse but this guy isn't far behind.
Mar 18, 2015 8:19 AM
Apr 2011
MrNTR said:
Oh come on! I thought he was having difficulties with choosing between two girls and now they add THREE more!? I know he's your typical weak indecisive douchey hetare harem/love triangle protagonist but come on, even Takayuki from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien wasn't this bad. Okay, maybe Takayuki was worse but this guy isn't far behind.

If you didn't play before a VN then stfu. The story is not so stupid to have one guy indecisive over 5 girls.
Mar 22, 2015 6:48 PM

Jul 2011
Novel translation (After the festival ~Setsuna's 30 minutes~) released:

[Chronologically speaking, the events apparent in the novel on which this entry is based occur during the Introductory Chapter of White Album 2. Simple knowledge on the events of the IC of WA2 is sufficient to appreciate this entry. Nonetheless, the event on which this novel is based on goes onto influence much of the events in the Concluding Chapter. This is a novel which provides significant characterization to Setsuna, and more minor characterization to Haruki and Kazusa.]
Mar 23, 2015 2:09 AM
Dec 2014
Are there any sources that I can find to read the novels instead of the VNs?
Dec 27, 2015 1:51 PM

Jan 2011
Thanks for putting up this summary it helped give me some closure on the story and motivated me to actually learn the language instead of waiting on translations
Apr 19, 2016 3:14 AM

Apr 2016
thanks for writing the long and GREAT summary mbz
now I can finally leave the bad taste I have after I watched the anime
really, thank you very much

PS. I'm very much leaned to Kazusa's true ending ^^

Dec 22, 2016 8:16 AM
Jul 2018
Either I can't find these summaries through the link or they have been taken down, which is making me a bit depressed. The anime ending really fucked me up and left a void that I'm trying to fill atm.
Jan 1, 2017 4:08 AM
Feb 2016
^Ditto D:
If anyone has a mirror, would be really appreciated.
Jan 8, 2017 8:33 PM
Jan 2017
Could someone send me a mirror of the White Album 2: CC + Coda Summary that was taken down?
Jan 20, 2017 8:02 PM
Nov 2016
dude54312 said:
Could someone send me a mirror of the White Album 2: CC + Coda Summary that was taken down?
TimeBomb0 said:
^Ditto D:
If anyone has a mirror, would be really appreciated.
scottpilgrim10 said:
Either I can't find these summaries through the link or they have been taken down, which is making me a bit depressed. The anime ending really fucked me up and left a void that I'm trying to fill atm.

I was able to find a saved link through internet archive. I haven't actually posted before so I'm not sure if quoting will notifiy you.
Jan 20, 2017 8:08 PM
Jul 2018
tcman2000 said:
dude54312 said:
Could someone send me a mirror of the White Album 2: CC + Coda Summary that was taken down?
TimeBomb0 said:
^Ditto D:
If anyone has a mirror, would be really appreciated.
scottpilgrim10 said:
Either I can't find these summaries through the link or they have been taken down, which is making me a bit depressed. The anime ending really fucked me up and left a void that I'm trying to fill atm.

I was able to find a saved link through internet archive. I haven't actually posted before so I'm not sure if quoting will notifiy you.

Yep it does! Thanks tcman2000 this is really rad.
Feb 11, 2017 5:22 AM
Dec 2016
yogotah said:
MgMaster said:

While I certainly wouldn't want the same things you would from WA2(that would be too pure for me + it'd lack passion :P)

Haha yeah, I get you, but you know I think it's harder and more worthwhile to make a story really good while keeping it pure. It's also doesn't mean that passion won't be involved. It's easy to attract attention through fan service, and obscenities but harder to make use of subtlety and delicacy. There's a reason why Clannad After Story is ranked top five of the best anime ever made and not Kimi ga nozomu ein or something of the sort.

MgMaster said:

I can also see where you're coming from but not with this comment. It would turn Setsuna into an antagonist which would be a really cheap cop-out. The fact that there's no real antagonist to this story is a main reason why I believe it's so emotionally devastating(in a good way).

Actually I agree with you partially, I love a story where there's no clear cut villain because there has been no recorded “villain” observed in nature. There is nobody that is pure evil, there are bad people who do terrible actions that may or not be mentally voluntary. Naruto Shippuden did a really good job with that when they introduced Pein who just wanted to help the world but had a bad way to go about it (though I wonder sometimes). So I think making characters complex is always a plus because in the end we, humans, are influenced by a multitude of different factors.

That being said, I think that WA2 went in a completely different route. To emphasize their attempt to ensure no antagonist, they made sure that there would be equal blame to pass around each character. It's like they thought “ Well, we'll make each of these characters detestable enough to the point where anyone is justified in liking or hating any particular character in the anime. No ones is right! hahaha(in Okabe's laugh)”.....don't you think this is a form of copping out too?

I'm no one to say how to tell a story, but I think there needs to be bounds of reason.
Sure, my scenario could not be the best, but it would make sense for Ogiso to become a worldwide stalker. I think she exhibits all the characteristics of someone who would fit that role, she's been traumatize by her past abandonment and is constantly in need to remind herself that she's not alone. She's obsessed and can't move on. She just seems like the crazy stalker type.

Another thing that I don't like about this anime, and this was verified even more in the VN, is that they are totally missing the point of what love really is. While reading through the VN scenario, I couldn't help but think that Haruki isn't really in love with Kazusa or vice versa but rather they have extreme lust for each other. They don't want each other because they really understand each other, but rather because of the physical connection that they have. That was just my take on it, and this was represented by the last episode of the anime. I think nobody in this anime is truly in love, Haruki has lust for Kazuha and vice versa, and Setsuna has severe obsession over Haruki....

So anyway the challenge that the VN writers/anime directors/whatevers had was to ultimately be able to create a story where there is no clear antagonist ( which would be to your liking & mine) but also doesn't do so by creating scenarios that will force us to be absolutely repulsed by each character eventually. I think this is the part, and only part, in which this story fails miserably.

I love everything else haha

I don't think Setsuna is obsessed with Haruki. All she does is pursue him all the time. She asks him what he's gonna study at university and where. He answers economics and she says she'll do the same (and in the VN she does that). She cries like there's no tomorrow if Haruki doesn't choose her and can't move on. She also says to Haruki she can be Touma's replacament. She talks about "the 3 of us" but when Haruki tells her to spend her birthday just the 2 of them she's very happy about the idea (even though the anime shows it didn't go well for her...).

Why do you think she's obsessed with him? :D
Mar 9, 2017 3:23 PM

Nov 2016
@ Kingofmen

There is a story written by the author named Twinkle Story reverie. It is considered a parallel reality/universe, another posibility. Anyways, the Setsuna from this reality dreams about it so at the very least it reflects her feelings.

This is the base for the story: After their concert Setsuna prioritizes the "3 of us" and decides not to confess to Haruki. Kazusa takes Haruki and they become a happy couple. Both of them promise eternal friendship with Setsuna. So everyone should be happy, right?
She goes through 3 stages:

1) The first month she is happy (she said she lost something precious, but she doesn't seem to mind all that much). She can endure it.

2) Realization: She realizes she loves Haruki at least as much as Kazusa. Being in the "3 of us" hurts her very much.
Setsuna says she wanted to be number one in his eyes. Se realizes the one that ends up not being chosen by him will be hurt deeply.
And so she runs away from the group. She starts avoiding Haruki and even considers changing studies so as not to meet him (Io tells her that's absurd considering he chose those studies precisely to be with him).
And so she decides to part with the "3 of us" cause it's become something painful (much like Kazusa's situation in IC).
The song that is displayed is Twinkle snow, a very beautiful song of unrequited love for Haruki. It's very sad. She didn't know she loved him so much.

3) Decision: Haruki goes to Setsuna's house. He tells her they will always be friends, always together. He tells her Kazusa is waiting for her, that she wants to be her best friend forever.

Setsuna's decision: Her thoughts:

"I'll erase the 3 of us" "I'll erase our friendship and the fact that you rejected me" "I'll erase the 2 of you"

She kisses Haruki and thinks that as long as there is a chance to get him it's all worth it.

My thoughrs

I think the story reflects her feelings quite well. Setsuna always says she will never give up on him no matter the cost. This is the true Setsuna that has seen Haruki stolen from her.
stuartbigMar 9, 2017 3:28 PM
Mar 10, 2017 2:35 PM
Sep 2016
I myself hadn't read it that but it doesn't really surprise me.

At the very least (the times I noticed in the game) Setsuna referred twice to Haruki as 一番愛してる人 (the person I love the most).

In her ending with Haruki in Concluding Chapter where it's just the 2 of them (if Haruki doesn't choose the other 3 heroines) Haruki truly accepts her feelings and tells her she's the number one girl for him and she says:

"I'm very happy, you know? I've never felt such happiness since I was born, you know?"

Haruki even mentions she's singing all the time (even when they kiss).

Also, Haruki is the only person that makes her get into deep depressions. While she may suffer for others, it is only Haruki that makes her have countless sleepless nights of crying (shown very well in concluding chapter).

Not to mention she can't live without him. In Kazusa's ending she needs to find a replacement so she plays Haruki's guitar every day singing songs of unrequited love.

Kazusa runs away if he doesn't break up with Setsuna. Setsuna would never run away from him if she has the slightest chance of making him hers.
Gilgamesh2Mar 10, 2017 4:14 PM
Mar 10, 2017 4:26 PM

Nov 2016
@ Gilgamesh2

There's a reason why Kazusa runs away when Haruki has cheated on Setsuna without breaking up with her.
The reason is that he would become very miserable and wouldn't get over it. That's the reason she lets Setsuna have him in those endings, she sacrifices her own happiness so that Setsuna can heal him as she herself can't:

Kazusa: "No! You'll become the most miserable!"

"Only she can heal you, I cannot"

On the other hand if he properly breaks up with Setsuna there will be no scars and the only one whose life will be completely destroyed is Setsuna. Therefore she marries him:

"To have fallen in love with someone who gave their honest and pure love to me, to such a terrible girl.
To have let the girl whose personality is incapable of anything but envy, and whom everyone is turned away by, become the happiest girl in the world"

"That's right. I'm the most fortunate girl in the world right now. Even though this good fortune was exchanged by someone else's terrible misfortune, I still relish in it. To have returned to your warm embrace, and to have you returned to the best thing that ever happened in my life. Truly."

She also says Setsuna wil become the "world's most miserable girl" but even so she still can't help feeling the happiest girl in the world.
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