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Oct 15, 2009 11:45 AM

Feb 2009
Orihime is so weak!! She always relies on other people and she can't do anything on her own. So it would probably annoy Ichigo to always have to protect her.
Rukia on the other had is strong-willed and she's also dependable. She fights for her friends and will even go as far as to break the rules just to help them. And Rukia and Ichigo make a way cuter couple.
Sas-uke the name says it all.
Oct 16, 2009 9:51 PM

Mar 2008
I don't mind weak characters, defending the weak is a good reason to fight. However, Orihime is a cliche shonen female character in a cliche romantic plot;

1. Pretty with big boobs/good body and cute personality
2. Heals injuries
3. Has a one-sided crush on the main character which never realizes it
4. Thinks of herself as a burden
5. Damsel in distress with a special role to save the world

Ichigo is in a way, also a cliche character; spiky hair and big sword, acting tough and wanting to protect his friends, leveling up suddenly just when he feels he like it. But what made Ichigo stray away from the typical male-female character relationships in shonen is Rukia.

Typically, damsels in distress motivate the main heroes by being the motivation to fight and emotional support or because of love. But the beautiful thing in Ichiruki is that its not an outright obligatory romance. It stems from selflessness from Rukia's side and duty from Ichigo. Then it turns into friendship, but it's actually refreshing to see that it is actually Ichigo who depends on Rukia a lot of times and owes her so much, in dealing with his personal conflicts. It's also nice that Rukia stresses to Ichigo that she doesn't need his protection, but they would fight side by side.

So that's why IchiRuki would make much more sense than Ichihime, story-wise and in a critical point of view. I don't mind whether Kubo chooses either a platonic, parenta or romantic relationship between them(because of the issue of Rukia being a shinigami), but the two of them SHOULD be TOGETHER.
"One way, Jesus, You're the only one that I could live for! You are the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight... "
Feb 22, 2010 1:59 AM

Dec 2009
Ichigo and Rukia are destined to be together.Rukia is the one who give Ichigo her shinigami power to save his family and she is almost executed because of that.Rukia always support Ichigo and help him whether he is in trouble. But what can Inoue do for Ichigo? She always cause a lot of trouble to her friends and Ichigo almost died two times because of her. She just a weakling and always need Ichigo to save her.Ichigo is too good for Inoue.

Apr 21, 2010 8:51 AM
Apr 2010
In my view that question is simple because Rukia is there for him and isn't afraid to fight. Both Ichigo and Rukia together always fight better their so awesome! I'll be really angry if Ichigo and Rukia aren't together at the end of the series lol. Orhime is a wilting flower in my opinion when it comes to fighting she tends to step back, but that doesn't mean that she's totally useless at least she can heal people's injuries. I think Orhime and Ishida would be good together.
Jul 28, 2010 9:14 PM
Jul 2018
Orihime, herself, is NOT weak, however when Ichigo is ever around she turns into a brainless character. It's sad, because I love Orihime. The thing is people think she is weak (understandably) because her biggest plot point was her love for Ichigo. So the more her plot point is Ichigo-centric, the more she makes herself fail. Even though she is not weak when she is protecting the ones she actually loves and cares about (like Tatsuki)

I love Ichiruki because it's dynamic. Frankly all the ichihime is about is sex. What else would it be good for? Pretty much all ichihimers talk about is how ichihime will have a boob joke in the manga, or a cheesy 'hug of life'. First off, Kubo may insert some fanservice here and there, but he never, and I mean NEVER makes the fanservice degrading to the female, the fanboy!fanservice in Bleach is equal to a bleach!male taking his shirt off. I just can't stand the ichihime fandom (they like it when Ishida gets cut, Ulq dies and what-not then pretend that they actually like the characters when they're not talking to their ichihime friends), and that's probably one of the reasons I don't support it.

Ichiruki is sweet, subtly-romantic, and they are always positive to each-other. If you like tragic-twisted tragic romance, then sure you may like ichihime, but if you like romance filled with real positive emotion, then ichiruki is the obvious answer.
Jan 9, 2011 1:10 PM

Sep 2010

Official Kubo Tite calendar art

One hell of a LAG myanimelist is!!!
viroxJan 10, 2011 6:56 AM
Jan 18, 2011 12:28 PM
Nov 2010
I don't know, that calendar seems to me like lazy drawing for someone like Kubo. Ichigo's foot is so inhuman. And what's the deal with the obscene phallic figure next to Rukia? He couldn't even draw the ice bucket right. I am disappoint.

I have seen better drawings from Kubo in the past.
Jan 21, 2011 12:40 PM

Sep 2010
Avalie said:
I don't know, that calendar seems to me like lazy drawing for someone like Kubo. Ichigo's foot is so inhuman. And what's the deal with the obscene phallic figure next to Rukia? He couldn't even draw the ice bucket right. I am disappoint.

I have seen better drawings from Kubo in the past.

You got a point there.
But even if the drawing looks kinda odd (I noticed his foot too ._.),
the message is hard to miss. Kubo is obviously an IchiRuki fan.
May 12, 2011 5:16 AM
Sep 2009
I like the calender art...LOL the bottle, and here I was thinking Ichigo had scruples...But anyway...
I L-O-V-E IchiRuki but unlike a lot of you I actually like Orihime. Unfortunaltely I'm beginning to realise that more stems from pity at her situation rather than any other feeling. I myself kinds like a guy who likes someone else so that might have something to do with it...:P. Orihime is simply just a character. With Kubo on our side there is nothing to fear...I just hope IShida's feelings for her get stronger, then we could get the whole IchiHime out of the way. *Sigh*
And as for the IchiHIme fans who say that Rukia and Ichigo cannot like each other because they fight too much - HELLO THAT'S WHY THEY FIGHT - CAUSE ICHIGO IS TOO MUCH A GUY TO OUTRIGHT EXPRESS HIMSELF.
Cannot wait for Rukia to get back into Ichigo's life. The Fullbringer arc is killing me even though it's pretty exciting.
I wonder how we seem to the IchiHIme fans???
Jul 6, 2011 4:26 PM

Oct 2008
For many reason I feel as if this relationship that Orihime longs for with Ichigo is nothing more then just an escapism for her constant loneliness since she is left with no family, and is scared to be alone so she wants and desires to rush into a dangerous relationship not knowing or having a bond to base a relationship on. I can think of one other character who is in the same boat, although from a different series, and that being Naruto Uzumaki. Only Naruto gets the pay off, where as Orihime struggles to find her “resolve” throughout the series.

For a fifteen year, Orihime's bust is rather...big. I think Kubo did this to add to dramatic effect to make her look awkward adding to her clumsy aspect. And again I know this is old, but form the chapters after the Aizen arc, I think there is a relationship blooming among Rukia and Ichigo then people assume. The sorrow FELT among that picture when Rukia begins to disappear gave their relationship a more then platonic feeling. And reading on, for me anyways, gave me the sense of longing to be a soul reaper again NOT just to protect those he cherishes, but to be by her side. And reading further into the manga, there seems to be NO indication of this blossoming love Orihime once had towards Ichigo. Yes Rukia is MUCH MUCH older, but who are we to say if someone loves someone that they shouldn't follow through because of an age difference. Although Rukia has lived a fairly long time, she still has that teenager mentality, and it is mentioned that she is not accustomed to all things of the world of the living which could indicate her lack of knowledge through out her existence putting her in the same boat as Ichigo.

Much like any other anime/manga formula, Orihimie I HIGHLY doubt will end up with Ichigo. They are too similar in so many ways, which as we seen before MANY times, never works out. Orihime is still finding herself here, and I think is confusing too many things or getting some wrong ideas from the people around her from being alone. Remember she lives alone and seems to keep MOST things bottled up, making her seem more emo then Rukia as some people have put it. Not to mention she is a teenager. Puberty sucks.

At first I'll admit when I watched the animé, I hated Orihime. I really did. I know, send me off the bridge and tie me up and put me in a body bag as well. But coming back and realizing her struggle, I'd have to say she is far worse off then Ichigo himself. On top of losing her family and being alone, it seems like she gets no where fast no matter what she tries. She's always watching from the sideline and never seems to get as powerful as the lesser of the Kurakara team (Sado and Uryu) no matter how much she trains. Again this could be because of her lack of her “resolve” that seems to play out through the whole series (up to the Aizen arc anyways).

Orihime attraction has developed from a few developments through out the series. Ichigo is a big brother, and when she see's his sisters by his bed when she sneaks in his room for this first time, maybe it's just me, I get a sense of jealousy from her. But in regard if it is jealousy or not, she is attracted to his “big brother” image. Her older brother was the ast of their family alive before she lost them all, so it's natural that she would be attracted to that image in a person. So far from what I gather, as there isn't much to compare since they don't indicate so in male characters in Bleach, Ichigo is attractive looking. I mean he doesn't look butt ugly like Omeada and Yammy. But out of the few characters in the Bleach realm he is certainly up there with Toshiro, Aizen, Uryu and Gin. Other small things that contribute to this are his overwhelming desire to protect people WHICH to some could seem like he is specifically saving just one person which makes some people wonder if he is doing it out of an act of affection or love. Misinterpretations always lead to bad outcomes. He always seems to treat Orihime with more respect then the others unless they are new to the bleach universe, Orihime has received the royal treatment from Ichigo.

Orihime has a lot problems SHE needs to address on her OWN. And until she addresses them by herself, she's going to look like the clingy person she always does. And when someone is too clingy, that's usually a bad sign for a dangerous relationship. Rukia is not as clingy as people think. There's a difference between wanting to be around someone and being clingy. Orihime is always second guessing herself and asking for re-assurance. She always needs to be re-assured about various things or events in order perform the desired action. Rukia DOESN'T need this re-assurance. She makes a decision regardless of any outcome. Orihime desires to be around the core group. Rukia doesn't. Again Orihime is clingy. Rukia is longing to be with Ichigo whther its platonic or even deeper then that.

Sep 10, 2011 7:14 AM
Sep 2011
Because Orihime belongs with Ulquiorra (I don't care if he's dead she does) and Ichigo and Rukia are the best couple ever. I don't have a reason for it but I think Ichigo is much better with Rukia, no wait, I KNOW Ichigo is much better with Rukia
Oct 23, 2011 7:06 PM

Mar 2011
rukia has always been there. He first picked up a sword because of her, got stronger because of her, and made more friends because of her. orihime is nice n all, but pretty useless, and rukia and ichigo just seem to have that deeper connection.
<img src="" />
Dec 17, 2011 1:44 PM

Aug 2010
In The Series (anime + Manga) We see that inoue has Very Definite Feelings for ichigo (Like that one bit before she leaves For Hueco Mundo Which I'm SURE EVERYONE remembers!) (That was a HORRIBLE bit) Inoue shows that she likes him, But ichigo has never even once shown that he feels the same way about inoue.

Especially the part in the beginning of the Hueco Mundo Arc when he comes across Ulquiora and he's up those steps and all... And they talk about Inoue. Then when Ulquiora Suddenly mentions Rukia, Ichigo Completely forgets about saving Inoue and tells Ulquiora "I will Save Rukia!!!" This was from Ichigo's side. Also... Hello???

This Is a Actual Picture from the manga. Ichigo's face just tells all :D

Feb 15, 2012 11:28 AM
Feb 2012
because Orihime is stupid big-titted more typical than any big whore. And between Ichigo and Rukia are real emotions ^^. And she've got nice voice.
Jul 3, 2013 12:54 PM

Feb 2013
because they have the best relationship, like how they argue. Ichihime would be sooo boring.
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