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Jul 26, 2010 8:52 PM

Nov 2008
Both King Yuri and Estelle have disappeared along with there royal guard leader Alice Princess Huni-Chan the Official non-blood princess of the wolf kingdom has ruled with fairness fighting no unnecessary wars using diplomats more then anything but there is trouble in the barg kingdom ruled by the wolf family there is talk of the rise of the Bargon and ancient clan of bargs that use dark magic to threaten the land in the kingdom there is a grizzled man much the age and look of the former king Yuri with three young men accompaning him seeming to head towards the castle of the Wolf Family
WolftigerkingAug 4, 2010 12:48 PM
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Jul 26, 2010 9:03 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri walks to the guard of the wolf castle and the guard says
"You stop right there you have no right to tresspass on the soil of our fair lady hunni"
Yuri looks up at the guard and reconizes him as part of the former wolf clan he removes his hood and says to the guard
"Why yes I think I do have a right to go into my own home"
The guard kneels and says
"My lord What I didn't how are you alive my lord don't answer I have no right to know of my lords business please enter"
The guard signals for passage and yuri with his three sons accompanying him follow he starts to wonder what he means by fair lady hunni when yuri enters the throne room hoping to see estelle he see's his adoptive daughter Hunni sitting at the throne thinking estelle must be busy he looks and hunni and says
"Where is estelle my daughter"
hunni looks at Yuri and stares then goes into a state of panic then collapses and awakens later to see yuri and three hooded men standing over her and says what are you doing here you cannot be here you are dead and yuri responds
"I know I'm getting older but you know wolves stay the same age and of course look the same now where is estelle"
Hunni looks at yuri with shock and says
"You haven't heard mothers been gone for over twenty years we thought she died with you even though we found no body we knew the chances of someone taking you alive were very slim"
Yuri looks at hunni then stands up and heads to his sons and talks to them in the ancient wolf family language then heads for the trophy room and looks for the wolffang sword and finds it he takes it and heads out with the three hooded figures following him he then heads for the castle he left alice and his daughters hoping that his sons and daughters could finally be reunited and that alice could help him find his love
Jul 26, 2010 9:23 PM

Sep 2008
*snapping her fangs at her oppenent, and bites the wolf, and snarles at it, then final blow kill it*
Men: wow what a wolf? is she urs?
Men 2: yes we got her while hunting, she is beautiful killer all right
Men: wow, she could win the Fighers wolf tournement
Men 2: i know that what im going to do *calls estelle and gives her meat and hooks her and takes her to her cage*
*lays there and falls asleep*
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Jul 27, 2010 4:33 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks smiling at Yuna and Risa while they are sparring with the guards. They grew up so fast and are now almost undefeated. Only she can win from them now. They are well educated as well. Alice learned them everything she knows, even battle strategies. And they are beautifull, just like they're mother and father*
"Yuna, Risa, don't play with them. I told you to finish your opponent as soon as possible. In real battle, you don't have time to do such foolish things."
*They don't have any experience, though, so they make many mistakes, like playing with their opponent for a while. But Alice smiles and looks at them like a real mother would do. She's almost like one, because she took care of them for 20 years. But they know they do have a real father and mother. Suddenly, she hears something. Risa and Yuna heard didn't hear it, they're too busy having fun, so Alice jumps on the wall and then looks around. When she sees Yuri, she so surprised and happy that she jumps of they wall en runs towards him. Of course they saw her and the three men, probably his sons, were already prepared to attack her, but she was so fast that they didn't have the time to hit her. Alice jumps towards Yuri and hugs him while crying*
"My Lord, it's been so long! You never said you would leave me alone for 20 years!"
Jul 27, 2010 8:15 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks down at the hugging alice even after twenty years she is still as graceful and beautiful as the day he recruited her luckily yuri had warned his three sons before alice had come even though they were trained to wait before attacking they'd been in real battle cleaning up bandit and warlock holes yuri smiles then starts to cry at the two figures approaching him his daughters that he had not seen at birth so beautiful like there mother yet graceful and strong like there father obviously well trained by alice
"Alice you've trained them well and I did not mean for my children to be in solitude for so long I would of liked to give them more time to train but me and my sons have discovered information of importance to the wolf kingdom but now there is something even more importan I have something important that must be said but first let me be with my children for a while in private I must tell them something of great importance"
WolftigerkingJul 27, 2010 10:44 AM
Jul 27, 2010 8:40 AM

Sep 2008
*sleeping in her cage, and relaxing and rolls over and then her owner walks in*
Men 2: hey girl how r ya doing?
*she barks happily*
Men 2: u ready to fight in the battle soon
*she growls and nods*
Men 2: glad to hear that!,before we go, we need to go somewhere okay
*nods and howls*
Men 2: thats my girl *goes to her cage and but leash on, and gets in a car and drives somewhere*
*sleepily on the seat*
Men 2: *wonders where they should go probably close to the wolf kingom but little part of human inn there to relax*
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Jul 27, 2010 11:20 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles, but she doesn't say a thing until he's finished*
"Of course, my Lord. I trained them well and learned them evrything I know. And I will leave you alone with Yuna and Risa. The important thing can wait. But follow me to the castle, so you can talk inside."
*She bows and then she turns around while they follow her. When they are inside, she takes them to the dinner hall where comfortable chairs and a big table stands*
"Please enjoy your time with your daughters. When you call me in again, I will bring some food and something to drink. I assume your sons drink beer?"
*She smiles at them before she leaves*
Jul 27, 2010 11:55 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri Smiles at the beer remark
"Of course they do after all they are my sons"
And yuris sons look at there father who taught them how to drink lots of beer and never feel anything as well as acting drunk
Yuri looks at his sons and daughter all in one room and smiles like he never has before
"My children I love you more then anything if I could I would have raised you with your mother but old enemys would not permit me so today it is your coronation ceromony all of these are for you"
Yuri hands each one of his children a medallion with the wolf crest
"These signify you all as my children but hide them unless the need arises no for the bad news we must now look for you mother who I had hoped had been found years ago by the hunters I sent out when news of her disappearence surfaced"
Yuri looks at the saddened faces of his children
"So now we must depart as quickely as possible for the wolf kindgom castle where you Yuri my eldest son shall rule fairly with your brothers and sister until I return with your mother then if you wish we may reunite to take down the bargon clan"
Yuri looks down
"No I can't put you endanger this is where I leave you my children do not look for me and do not worry for while I am gone I shall insure all of you are protected and your mother is returned
Jul 27, 2010 2:39 PM

Sep 2008
Men 2: Elle, come sweet
*estelle wakes up and goes to them and gets pattied and let her eat meat, and then goes to stand by the door to make sure no intruders come in*
Men 2: good girl, u can sleep on the bed alright and plz dont think u come over to me alright *looks at her*
"gets out the room and heads to the bathroom, and runs around for a while*
Men 2: *smiles, and falls asleep*
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Jul 28, 2010 2:27 AM

Aug 2009
*When Alice leaves the room, she immediatly goes to the kitchen*
"Jenny, could you make a simple meal for six people? With a lot of meat of course. I'll get the drinks. And could you prepare something small for me too? I'll eat here."
*She goes to the room where they keep the beer and wine. Four beers and three wines. She taught the girls to drink wine, because they didn't like beer. When she comes back, Jenny is busy preparing the meal*
"Well, Alice, does it mean that you're leaving now Yuri's here?"
*Alice sighs and thinks about it*
"Probably. If he has come here, it means something happened. I have the feeling that it will be a sudden depart. But if it's Yuri, I will follow him."
*Jenny gives her something to eat, Alice thanks her and begins to eat. When she's ready, Jenny finished coocking also*
"Thank you, Jenny. For everything. If this is the last time we see eachother, than it is goodbye. But I'll come back one day. I'm sure."
*She hugs her and then calls some maids to carry the meals and drinks. Alice takes her own wine with her and waits with the girls outside until Yuri calls her in*
Jul 28, 2010 8:25 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri Jr. gets up and says
"No we shall not leave you father and this is where we help you find our mother and destroy all evil in this land and rule with you and mother"
A tear goes down Yuri Sr. cheeck and he says
"You really are my children Auron would you please get alice we must see whether she wishes to rest and stay here to live a comfortable life that she deserves or embark on a perilous journey"
Auron gets up and heads to the kitchen to get Alice and asks her if she would come into the hall to speak with yuri and his children
Jul 28, 2010 9:08 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up when Auron comes in and smiles. She askes him wich one of the trhee he is and he answers that his name is Auron*
"Of course I will, Auron. Girls, take the meals with you please."
*She goes to the hall and when the maids lay down the melas and drinks, they bow and dissappear She sits down on a chair and looks at Yuri before she looks at the children. They all look like Estelle and Yuri*
"You wanted to talk about something, my Lord?"
*She looks at Yuri again with calm eyes*
Jul 28, 2010 10:30 AM

Sep 2008
*relaxing on the forest grounds. Gets up and starts to smell and go hunt for food. She found the scent of deer, she quickly follows it, and then heads down and the deer runs faster and so she does. The deer heads deeper in the forest, and finally able to kill it and she ate her meal, and looks and see that she has gone far from the inn. Looks around and wonders up a head, and sees these lights and realize its homes*
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Jul 28, 2010 11:26 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks at Alice
"Alice I know your tired from all these years but would you come with us to find estelle you don't have to I already know you've served me better then anyone especially my daughters if you wish you may have this castle as your own to rule and I shall make you a Sir or you can come with us into danger which do you choose"
Yuri looks at Alice with yuri's daughters giggling already knowing the answer that alice is going to give and yuri's sons look at alice as well
Jul 28, 2010 11:57 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sighs and looks smiling at Yuri*
"Every time I see you, you ask me to do something dangerous or important. And you just know I can't say no to you and that I don't want you to do something dangerous alone."
*She hits his head very softly and then nods to say that she will go with him*
"So Lady Estelle got herself in trouble? Well, it's actually a relief that's she's still alive."
*She smiles and then looks at the children*
"Your children look so much like you and Estelle. Are they going with us?"
*Alice looks a bit worried at the girls*
Jul 28, 2010 2:24 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri starts to laugh after alice hits him
"Of course a wolf is always up for saving someone from there pack and the adventure thank you Alice I'll try not to put you in this position again and well work hard to make sure things are back to normal now come on the horses are waiting outside we've had reports of a wolf that looks like estelle from the hunters I sent out years ago we should check it out"
Everyone starts to leave yuri looks at His son yuri Jr. and asks him to stay and he says
"What is it father"
Yuri smiles at his son and says
"Your the oldest and I know this may be a burden but I want you to look after you sisters I'm worried they've never had any real combat like you tell your brothers as well and when your outside I have a surprise for all of you"
Yuri Jr. Smiles and heads outside Yuri follows once outsides he digs in his saddle bag and produces six hand and a half swords with the family crest built into the blade and special markings for each one
"These are for you my children metal forged from the strongest metal Barganite although it is not as strong or swift as wolffang it still holds an edge better then anyother sword and is long enough for all of you each marking significys your heir and title same as the medallion the only diffrence is only my sons and I know the meaning after this I will gladely teach you my daughters"
Yuri hands one to each of his children and then gives one to alice with a special marking of the Wolf Family
"This one's especcially for you made into a katana shape and marked as the special protector of the wolf family this was made from the metal of our familys protectors sword so that you could have to your style I hope you like it"
Jul 28, 2010 5:04 PM

Sep 2008
*sniffs, and goes in quietly, wonders but wont go near it instead go around it. on the other side, having fun and just walking around and checking out the grounds and smells, suddenly she smell horses coming 2 miles away, and goes into a hiding position*
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Jul 29, 2010 3:38 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles and goes outside with Yuna, Risa, Hans and Auron. Then she starts to talk to the girls*
"Look guys, I'm warning you. Don't do anything stupid and remember what I said about playing with your opponent."
*The girls nod and Alice smiles at them. Yuri comes outside and she looks at himl shile he gives the swords to the children. When she gets one as wel, she's surprised. She weighs it in her hand and then swings with it a few time*
"It's perfect. Thank you, my Lord."
*She bows and then walks to her horse. She jumps on it and looks at the rest*
Jul 29, 2010 9:19 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri smiles then gets on his horse and heads to the barg border along the way they find and inn two miles away from the wolf kingdom and decide to stay a shadowy figure appears
"Its good to see you again William"
The figure looks at yuri and hands him a scroll then disappears
Yuri reads it then looks at his party and says
"It seems there have been reports of a wolf matching the same discription as estelle in this area will set up base at the inn Alice take the girls at get the rooms me,Yuri,Hans,and Auron will search the forest in pairs"
Yuri and his sons start to walk off he's worried
"Hans and Yuri your the oldest make your way around the inn and report anthing to me or alice Auron your with me"
Auron looks at Yuri and says
"But Father i want to go with yuri he always gets into fights"
Yuri looks at his son yuri and says
"Will talk about that later come on Auron"
Auron and yuri head off in the opposite direction of the inn when they smell something
WolftigerkingJul 29, 2010 5:41 PM
Jul 29, 2010 5:01 PM

Sep 2008
-sniffing and decides to run back to the inn. While running back she encounters meat and attacks it and eat as usually. Hoping to get there before her owner realize not back yet. She races and she hides becuz heard a sound and crounch down in the bushes and see men-
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Jul 30, 2010 3:44 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice bows and takes the girls inside. She talks softly with the owner and gets the last two rooms, one for two persons and one for three. She wishes she could get bigger rooms, but that isn't possible. So they head for the room with two beds and Alice tells the girls that they can sleep on the beds and she begins to inspect the room. Then she goes to the other room and looks around. When she's ready, she goes back to the girls*
"Let's sit downstairs. You never know what kind of information you can gather. And talk about something normal, like the weather or something. They don't have to know what we're doing here, alright?"
*When the girls agree, they go to the common room and order wine. Alice sits down and looks around. From here, she can see everything*
Jul 30, 2010 7:40 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri dimisses the smell and grabs Yuri and Hans then go back to the inn once alice gives them there room yuri goes to alice and gives him there key to the room
"Alice here you and the girls can sleep in the three person the boys and I will be fine"
Yuri sits down at the table with his sons worried he may never find estelle and orders beer for him and his three sons
WolftigerkingJul 30, 2010 10:28 AM
Jul 30, 2010 9:46 AM

Sep 2008
-gets up and heads to the inn. Barks amd then gets in and see more pol like 3 men and 3 women, passes them after sniffing and goes to open the crack that her owner did fir her. She then gets up and lays on the bed-
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Jul 30, 2010 11:27 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri and she wants to say that they will take the other room, but she knows that he's very stubborn, so she keeps her mounth shut*
"Thank you."
*She looks at the guests in the inn and smiles sadly when she thinks of her friends from the Wolf squad*
"I guess that everyone still thinks that we're dead."
Jul 30, 2010 11:50 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks at alice and what she said saddened
"It won't be for much longer I'm sure word has already spread that me and my sons have returned as a matter of fact you should hear the storys the people at this Inn are telling will continue the search in the morning alright I'm turning in early"
Yuri gets up as well as his sons
"No My sons you can stay here enjoy yourselfs"
Yuri starts to walk away heading out the inn door changing his mind and his three sons following him
Jul 30, 2010 12:38 PM

Aug 2009
*Alice sighs and looks away*
"That doesn't mean they'll think that I'm alive."
*She lays her head on the table and looks how Yuri and his sons walk away*
"Always busy."
*She closes her eyes and thinks about Estelle. She hopes that she's safe*
Jul 30, 2010 1:24 PM

Nov 2008
Auron Being the youngest is curious about his mother he stays behind and walks back sitting next to alice he smiles
"Alice could you tell me more of my mother"
Auron looks with his saddest looking face one that even worked on Yuri a few times
While auron talks with Alice yuri and his sons head outside his two sons break off into the forest as usual there going to try and catch yuri off guard yuri walks through the forest smelling a faint scent he reconizes but can't quit recall later in the forest yuri's sons attack him he fends them off with his sword then disarms both within seconds
"I told you Hans never draw your sword till the attack it reflects in the moonlight as well as the sun and Yuri you did well but try not to step on anything especially that twig I heard a half mile back alright thats it for the day lets go back"
Yuri's sons put there swords away yuri does the same and they head back Yuri Jr. says
"Race to see who can get there faster"
Yuri Sr. Smiles
"Only if I give you a head start ready set go"
Yuri's sons take off and once there half a mile away yuri runs and catches up with them amazed at how fast they've gotten over the years once they reach the in Yuri tells them to go inside and get some food then rest Yuri stays out side and finds a log a bit from the inn sits on it and stares at he stares then starts to think
Jul 30, 2010 8:46 PM

Sep 2008
* Laying down on the bed, but still wants to run in the forest some more. She decides to head into the forest and does a belly dive and rolls over finally, and thinks about her past but doesnt remember it some reason. Walking around and sleeps on the grass and lay there for some time.*
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Jul 31, 2010 12:16 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri gets up and heads for his bedroom and finds his sons sleeping on the floor except for the youngest yuri picks up Yuri Jr. and Hans and lays them together ont he bed then Yuri goes to a spot on the floor and sleeps until morning
Aug 2, 2010 10:52 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks up and smiles at Auron*
"Maybe that look works on your father, darling, but not on me. I will tell you later about your mother. It's late and you should get some rest. But I'll say one thing. She is the best mother you could ever imagine. She's nice, brave and would do everything for you if she likes you. Yuri, your father, loves her so much. But he makes wrong choices sometimes."
*She looks a while at the ceiling and closes her eyes. Then she stands up*
"Let's go to our romms. It will be a long day tomorrow."
*She looks at the girls, but they already are ready to go to the room. The all go upstairs and she kisses Auron on his cheek before he goes to his room*
"Good night."
*Then she walks into the room and smiles at the girls, who already are in bed*
"Aren't we tired? Good night."
*She gives them both a kiss on their forehead before she turns out the light and goes to bed herself*
Aug 2, 2010 1:05 PM

Sep 2008
-lays on the grass and falls asleep on the grass-
-looks at the moon and thinks alot of thoughts -
-wonders about her owner-
-goes to the inn and lays on the carpet-
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Aug 2, 2010 4:34 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri wakes up and without waking his sons leaves the room and heads out of the inn and starts to smell something a familiar sent Yuri sees a man next to a vehicle that smells of estelle and yuri walk up to him
"Excuse me sir you haven't by chance been in contact with a she-wolf"
The man looks at yuri and says
"No can't says I have but I'll be sure to tell you if I mr."
Yuri knows he's lying but says
"Mr.Wolf and if you come across anything about the she-wolf feel free to contact me I'll be here for awhile"
The man starts to laugh and says
"So is Mr.Wolf looking for Mrs.Wolf then"
Yuri looks at the laughing man not amused and says
"No that is not the case but that wolf is of great importance to me and I would be willing to pay handsomely for her"
the man looks at him seriously now
"Well I'll be sure to look for then you have a good day then Mr.wolf"
Yuri looks at him one last time and then goes inside he sits at the farthest corner of he common room and eats and watches the man when he comes in and yuri follows him to his room without him knowing
Aug 2, 2010 8:01 PM

Sep 2008
-in the room and waiting for her owner come and feed her-
- still sleeping and hears a noise and get to the door-
-barks and waits-
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Aug 3, 2010 5:26 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice opens her eyes and looks at the ceiling. She stands up and looks outside the window. There she stands for a while, wondering what she should do after they find Estelle*
Aug 3, 2010 8:59 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri sneaks in with the man into his room and watches him
Aug 3, 2010 11:03 PM

Sep 2008
-barks and rushes in and licks his hand and sits
men -smiles- good girl but u know I have to do this - take his knife and slits her thigh and arm-
this is ur punishment -giggles-
-she falls and bleeding alot and whimpers but he stares only and just watch her suffer-
be a good girl and stay there until I feel like saving u Elle.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Aug 4, 2010 12:29 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri watches what the man does to the wolf at first he hesitates thinking he may lead him to estelle but he takes a chance he comes out of the shadows behind the man and slits his throat then rushes to the wolf
"You poor thing I can't believe somenone could do this to a wolf"
Yuri quickely bandages up the she-wolf then lays her on the bed he smells he and notices a faint scent of estelle perhaps the wolf was with her at a point it's to faint covered by mostly blood and years of dirt yuri watches the wolf then once it is asleep he takes the mans body and stuffs it in a nearby trunk and then runs to get alice in her room he knock on her door franticly Alice opens the door and Yuri enters
WolftigerkingAug 4, 2010 9:28 PM
Aug 4, 2010 8:35 AM

Sep 2008
-moans and licks his hand and gets up and rubs u and lays downand goes to sleep-
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Aug 5, 2010 4:38 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks quiet at Yuri when she opens the door. She let him in and goes stand at the window*
"You should wash your hands, my Lord. The blood of a wolf is intens, you know?"
*She turns around and tells him to sit down in the chair. Then she takes a bowl and fills it with water. She takes some soap and walks to Yuri*
"Give me your hands and tell me what happened."
Aug 5, 2010 9:37 AM

Nov 2008
yuri gives alice his hand and she washes them while he says
"Alice I have the greatest news I saved a she-wolf that has the faint scent of estelle its really faint from the years of blood and dirt but I can smell it"
Alice finishes washing his hands he jumps up
"Come on I'll show you she's really hurt though"
Yuri runs out the door to the she-wolf with alice once they enter the room yuri takes a real look at the the wolf and see's that it's estelle but why didn't she turn back
"Alice it's estelle it really is estelle"
Aug 6, 2010 1:57 PM

Sep 2008
-sleeping and looks at alice and yuri-
-barks n whimpers a bit-
-looks at them while they talk-
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Aug 7, 2010 5:24 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice washes Yuri's hands while she listens. When she's done, they go to the other room. She looks at the she-wolf and when Yuri says that it's Estelle, she looks better. She does look like her and she smeels a bit like her*
"It's possible."
*She wants to go to her, but she stops. Maybe Estelle -if it's her- doens't recognize her anymore and is she afraid. Alice sighs and transforms in a wolf. She lays down and let her see that she doen't want to hurt her*
Aug 7, 2010 9:56 AM

Nov 2008
yuri looks at alice and says
"don't wory she won't hurt anyone"
Yuri goes up to the wolf and looks into it's eyes and says
"Estelle are you there it's yuri come on quit playing around you don't have to stay in wolf form you know to heal you heal faster in human form it absorbs less energy"
Aug 7, 2010 10:09 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice walks closer to Estelle and lays beside her. She looks at Yuri when he talks to Estelle*
Yuri, she's far away.
Aug 7, 2010 12:54 PM

Sep 2008
*lays her head and lets alice be next to her, and sniffs her and licks her*
*barks to alice*
*stands up barely and looks at u and licks ur face happily, turns around and lays and put her head on the bed, and falls asleep*

estelle: *sleeping, and dreaming* *wonders why she isnt waking up and back into her body.....hoping someone will find her and save her*
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Aug 7, 2010 3:10 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri looks at alice worried
"She can't remember us but why we have to find a way to help her remember but how"
Yuri looks at estelle for a long while before he comes up with an answer
"I have to go back to wolf manor the wolf family library will most likely have somehthing on helping her restore her memory I don't know what else to do alice will you stay here and protect her while I'm gone"
Yuri looks at alice
Aug 8, 2010 4:54 PM

Sep 2008
-barks and lays down and is next to wolf Alice -
Estelle: -sighs - so lonely hope someone find me... Or something
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Aug 10, 2010 3:35 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri for a long time. Then she lats her head down*
I will. Make sure you're back as soon as possible, my Lord.
*She looks at the wolf Estelle and licks her nose*
Be patient. He's going to help you. Soon, you'll be in your human form again.
Aug 10, 2010 11:39 AM

Nov 2008
once alice says yes Yuri's off and runs as fast as he can to the wolf manor it lookd much better after renovations to it yuri enters and see's none of the guards he had assigned here or the steward he left for this manor yuri walks in and here piano playing from his fathers study and walk in there is one man the man looks at yuri and says
"Well hello it nice to finally meet you uncle Yuri "
Yuri looks at the man suspicious and says
"What do you mean uncle yuri hans had no children and I'm sure i know all of estelles family"
The man laughs
"That is were you are wrong uncle hans knew you would kill him so before he did he thought he would make sure he had an heir of course knowing your brother he wanted to make sure he was taken care of so he had me to a young widow who would take care of my training and for me to one day avenge you"
The man laughs and yuri looks at him and puts his hand to his blade the man looks at yuri and says
"Don't worry uncle I've long given up the thought of ever killing you but I need your help the great blarg wizard raided my family castle and taken my mother I wasn't there at the time so it was impossible for me to help but they took her to the blarg rebel base and i'm not strong enough to help here I don't even know how to fight my mother made sure of that when she had me put into a scholar school but uncle will you please help me"
Yuri smile at the man and says
"Yes I will help you but first I must go down to the family library and look for a book"
The man grabs a book from his satchel and hands it to yuri and says
"Your mean this one I found out about estelle along time ago I couldn't do anything so I reported it to one of your informants I suspect she must of endured a series of tortures to have her memory wiped this book should tell you how to help I'm Hansel Von Wolf at your service uncle'
Yuri looks and Hansel and says
"I thank you very much and will make sure your mother is saved but first we must help my wife alright"
Hansel says
"Of course then we'll make sure they pay for what they do"
Yuri says
"I will make sure of it now come"
Yuri runs as fast as he can to the inn with Hansel lagging behind he obviously has none of the wolf family powers he grabs him and carrys him all the way to the inn and takes him to Estelles room and yuri looks at him and says
"What do we do now nephew"
Hansel looks at yuri adn says
"Well lets see I read the book and it said to fix a broken mind you must first give them moonsbane an herb that helps for older people with memory lose it should help estelle gain hers permanetly and to have something of her past to focuse on you should do uncle and here I have some wolfbane"
Yuri gives estelle the wolfsbane and then sits in front of her telling her things that they've done in the past from the first time they met to the birth of there children waiting for something to happen hansel sits in the corner of the room reading the book
Aug 10, 2010 1:27 PM

Aug 2009
*When Yuri and a young man enter the room, Alice growls at the stranger. Then she stops, because the sent is a bit familiar. Family? When Yuri gives Estelle the herb, she gets up and walks to the man. She sits down right in front of him and looks at him for a long time. She doesn't want to ask Yuri who the person is right now, so she waits*
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