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Jan 12, 6:09 PM

Feb 2014
I personally like magic circles, and I also like fairy-sized character with normal proportions.
Not sure where my love for the former started, but the one from the latter likely started with an image from the To Aru novels where there's a fairy-sized character with an eye-patch and a witch hat.

Ah, and I also like witch hats, and also girls with eye-patches.
Jan 12, 7:53 PM

May 2019
I have a huge fixation on bikini armors as a whole and smaller fixation on its constituent parts such as : brassieres, thongs, highleg or lowleg panties, pelvic curtains, tribal loincloths, open skirts, briefs, short shorts, hot pants, chaps, side faulds along with some accessories like blade sheaths, scabbards, holsters, helmets, hairbands, headdresses, crowns, tiaras, diadems, hats, forehead gems, forehead jewels, forehead protectors, capes, pauldrons, bracers, gloves, gauntlets, elbow pads, knee pads, shoulder pads, chokers, necklaces, ear rings, neck rings, jewelry rings, belly chains, body ribbons, stockings, piercings, tattoos, scars, belts, cuffs, bandages, masks, makeup, circlets, armlets, arm straps, armbands, bracelets, shin guards, thighlets, thigh straps, thigh bands, anklets, wristbands, wrist guards, corsets, capelets, collars, garters, pasties, harness, arm & leg warmers, vambraces, codpieces, high heels, Greek sandals, boots, greaves, swords, staffs, lances, polarms, axes, halberds, scepters. But despite all this, bikini armor is only as beautiful as the woman that's wearing it.

Jan 12, 9:06 PM

Aug 2014
I keep my eye out for pigeons. I also really like smears.
Jan 13, 12:17 AM

May 2018
- Mechanical designs of vehicles, mechanical porn.
- Architecture porn, especially if the story is written in such way that the layouts of the locations do matter. Labyrinths. Liminal spaces.
- "Cinematic" lighting (Dandadan had some good examples of that), especially if it changes with time.
- Neon or glowing effects.
- Action choreography which depends on the surroundings or even destroying those (which happens in mecha a lot).

thewiru said:
I personally like magic circles

You will like fantasy donghua than...
alshuJan 13, 3:35 AM
Jan 13, 2:00 AM

Jan 2021
I like cute and hot anime girls.....
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Jan 13, 2:21 AM

Jul 2017
1] - Husbandos of course, can't lie with that.

2] - cinematic shots, the way certain scenes are framed, I like to notice little details in the way characters are placed on the scene, depending on their psychological state.

3] - nicely directed OP's/ED's/MUSIC VIDEOS [in the show]

4] - Interesting locations that are unique to the setting [or living locations that are the heart of the show like ikebukuro in Durarara]

5] - random arcs, that go into completely different direction than the show was prieviously on/putting characters in completely different settings [like HXH]

6] - details in character design like unique hair, dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, scars [really nasty ones], burnt marks, freckles, beauty marks, bitten nails, fashion or just more personality [even in a simple way, as how characters wear they school uniform]

7] - perspective changes between many characters, many fractions and dynamics [anything that Narita wrote/Fate Franchise]

8] - The way Shaft directs Monogatari series

9] - choirs in OST, straight up chills

and probably few more
[​🇮​❜​🇲​ ​🇦​ ​🇵​​🇷​​🇴​​🇫​​🇪​​🇸​​🇸​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​​🇦​​🇱​ ​🇭​​🇺​​🇸​​🇧​​🇦​​🇳​​🇩​​🇴​ ​🇨​​🇴​​🇱​​🇱​​🇪​​🇨​​🇹​​🇴​​🇷​]

Jan 13, 6:15 AM

Aug 2010
- Traditional clothings, especially hakama.
- Golden hour lighting
- Hair when drawn very detailed with a lot of strands
Jan 13, 7:59 AM

Sep 2016
I love looking at the girls' knee socks.
Jan 13, 8:18 AM

Oct 2022
-Feet that are animated properly. So few anime do this. To actually make the character's feet look nice and animate and not like blocks of wood like they didn't know how to draw

-Boys school uniforms with shorts because they're cute and liberating and legs are nice. So many anime have the boys wearing these ugly disfiguring office attire- no fair
-More characters wearing boots, especially rainboots or any that are shiny.
-Females with mid-length hair... is just my favorite hair length, it's the most feminine hair length maybe. Long hair seems to communicate bitchy/tsundere traits somehow... maybe that's just me.
-Traps and femme boys... shouldn't need to explain. If they are in an anime I will watch it.
Jan 13, 8:30 AM

Mar 2023
I will always pay attention to girls in one piece suits.

Jan 13, 5:09 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to alshu
- Mechanical designs of vehicles, mechanical porn.
- Architecture porn, especially if the story is written in such way that the layouts of the locations do matter. Labyrinths. Liminal spaces.
- "Cinematic" lighting (Dandadan had some good examples of that), especially if it changes with time.
- Neon or glowing effects.
- Action choreography which depends on the surroundings or even destroying those (which happens in mecha a lot).

thewiru said:
I personally like magic circles

You will like fantasy donghua than...
alshu said:
You will like fantasy donghua than...

I have a massive negative bias against Wuxia.
Jan 13, 5:10 PM

Oct 2020
When characters say "yahoo" but it sounds like "yaho"
Jan 13, 5:41 PM

Aug 2024
Smokers look really cool to me, as well as characters with a coat or jacket (anything that counts as a second layer, really). I adore bikes too, gunslingers or fistfighters... (this is all just Kaneda I just realized LOL) I have a huge soft spot for robots and the older brother-younger sister duo (sans incest). Characters with glasses too! I also love androgynous characters, specially the tomboys.
terraliaJan 13, 5:45 PM
Currently watching: Gintama ; Up next: Vampire Hunter D (2000)
Currently reading: Golden Kamuy ; Up next: Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Jan 13, 7:44 PM

Aug 2016
Non human operated machines
Machines transforming
Machines combining
Machines (not human operated mecha) killing humans
Jan 13, 8:51 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to Spunkert
I will always pay attention to girls in one piece suits.

...did you really have to use AI for that?
Jan 13, 11:24 PM

May 2018
thewiru said:
I have a massive negative bias against Wuxia.

1. Most of the magical circles are in xianxia (aka cultivation) tho.
2. I wonder what is your experience with wuxia, since this is my favorite chinese phantasy genre. It's basically adventure, what's wrong with that?
Jan 13, 11:54 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to alshu
thewiru said:
I have a massive negative bias against Wuxia.

1. Most of the magical circles are in xianxia (aka cultivation) tho.
2. I wonder what is your experience with wuxia, since this is my favorite chinese phantasy genre. It's basically adventure, what's wrong with that?
It's mostly an aesthetic thing, I highly dislike the aesthetics of it.
This video has the gist of it, though my distaste for it came from Chinese games instead of movies way back when.
I do have a similar thing towards Korean stuff also (With the exception of stylized Korean games, for some reason those are nice, maybe because they try to copy a Japanese style on those?). I remember reading articles calling Eve from Stellar Blade a "doll", and I just thought "Well, the game is just 'Korean' artwise", since technically it has a similar approach to male/female designs to games like AION.

I guess I can really be called a capital W Weeb on how apparently I just like anime aesthetics (Mainly 2000's ones, which is funny, considering that I wasn't watching anime back then, and most anime on my list isn't even from that decade) and seem to dislike almost all others with very few exceptions.

It was like my mind put Kusuriya no Hitorigoto "in the spam filter" until I discovered it was actually Japanese then decided to watch it (I guess because of Jinshi's design?). For some reason my mind has a VERY strong reaction against "aesthetically Korean or Chinese stuff" (AKA it doesn't trigger in stuff like Mihoyo games or Blue Archive, though I don't see those as being 10/10 either), tenfold or more the reaction I have to English titles or reading "animes".
I do not know what causes it, and I know there's a small degree of irony of me making a lot of posts complaining about America's "cultural disgust for anime aesthetics" when I seem to have a reaction you could draw parallels to with Chinese/Korean stuff.
Jan 14, 12:08 AM

May 2018
thewiru said:
This video has the gist of it,

This is 90% live action and the animation is from 2016 or something. Please try something recent like Cang Yuan Tu (The Demon Hunter) - Just watch an episode or two, just to know that you actually dislike it.
And believe it or not, there's also 2D donghua. This here even has "anime aesthetics" Biao Ren: Blades of the Guardians -

thewiru said:
Korean stuff

I dislike most of the korean shows, simply because they are too melodramatic for me.

The strength of the chinese live action apparently comes from TV series not movies. I am not following those, but my mom is...and she is into action/adventure/mystery/horror (I guess not your typical mom) and some of the stuff she watches doesn't look bad - for example the Lost Tomb and the Candle In The Tomb franchises (those are about tomb raiders).
alshuJan 14, 12:19 AM
Jan 14, 12:25 AM

Feb 2014
Reply to alshu
thewiru said:
This video has the gist of it,

This is 90% live action and the animation is from 2016 or something. Please try something recent like Cang Yuan Tu (The Demon Hunter) - Just watch an episode or two, just to know that you actually dislike it.
And believe it or not, there's also 2D donghua. This here even has "anime aesthetics" Biao Ren: Blades of the Guardians -

thewiru said:
Korean stuff

I dislike most of the korean shows, simply because they are too melodramatic for me.

The strength of the chinese live action apparently comes from TV series not movies. I am not following those, but my mom is...and she is into action/adventure/mystery/horror (I guess not your typical mom) and some of the stuff she watches doesn't look bad - for example the Lost Tomb and the Candle In The Tomb franchises (those are about tomb raiders).
alshu said:
This is 90% live action and the animation is from 2016 or something.

I know, it was more about "the vibes".
That being said: While I can promise you that I'll try to no longer brush aside something that looks interesting just for being Chinese, most stuff I come into contact with simply doesn't grab my attention, really.
And I say that as the guy that puts anything that has a somewhat interesting poster in their PTW list without even reading the synopsis (I don't even know what Shuffle! is about, but it's on my list because I like the ears of the girl with blue hair).
Jan 14, 12:50 AM

May 2018
thewiru said:
it was more about "the vibes".

Can you tell the vibes from several scenes which are specifically selected to be awkward and ugly? Like I wouldn't watch those titles either (I mean I watch very few live action to begin with and practically zero chinese ones).

thewiru said:
simply doesn't grab my attention, really

Yeah, that's the real answer I was searching for, this is fair.
This is also totally different than "I have a massive negative bias against Wuxia". To hate something you should experienced it and I don't think those games you talked about count. Not to mention there are tons of other genres than wuxia.

So yeah, just ignore it, but don't speak ill of it till actually have negative experiences...which is very easy to have, since the most popular donghua like for example Soul Land and Battle Through The Heaves are as trashy as the anime battle shounen...but this is a conversation for another day.

Jan 14, 1:24 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to thewiru
...did you really have to use AI for that?

I found it on Google images.

Jan 14, 1:55 AM
Feb 2024
I like it when Girls With Guns anime showcase proper trigger discipline
Jan 14, 8:12 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to thewiru
It's mostly an aesthetic thing, I highly dislike the aesthetics of it.
This video has the gist of it, though my distaste for it came from Chinese games instead of movies way back when.
I do have a similar thing towards Korean stuff also (With the exception of stylized Korean games, for some reason those are nice, maybe because they try to copy a Japanese style on those?). I remember reading articles calling Eve from Stellar Blade a "doll", and I just thought "Well, the game is just 'Korean' artwise", since technically it has a similar approach to male/female designs to games like AION.

I guess I can really be called a capital W Weeb on how apparently I just like anime aesthetics (Mainly 2000's ones, which is funny, considering that I wasn't watching anime back then, and most anime on my list isn't even from that decade) and seem to dislike almost all others with very few exceptions.

It was like my mind put Kusuriya no Hitorigoto "in the spam filter" until I discovered it was actually Japanese then decided to watch it (I guess because of Jinshi's design?). For some reason my mind has a VERY strong reaction against "aesthetically Korean or Chinese stuff" (AKA it doesn't trigger in stuff like Mihoyo games or Blue Archive, though I don't see those as being 10/10 either), tenfold or more the reaction I have to English titles or reading "animes".
I do not know what causes it, and I know there's a small degree of irony of me making a lot of posts complaining about America's "cultural disgust for anime aesthetics" when I seem to have a reaction you could draw parallels to with Chinese/Korean stuff.
thewiru said:
It was like my mind put Kusuriya no Hitorigoto "in the spam filter" until I discovered it was actually Japanese

You couldn't tell from the Japanese title?
By the way, do you like Japanese adaptations of Chinese and Western stories?
LucifrostJan 14, 8:15 AM
Jan 14, 8:27 AM

Feb 2020
Usual answer for me, panties/pantyshots.
Girls socks also, from thigh high ones to small thin frilly ones.
Jan 14, 11:07 AM

Feb 2014
Reply to Lucifrost
thewiru said:
It was like my mind put Kusuriya no Hitorigoto "in the spam filter" until I discovered it was actually Japanese

You couldn't tell from the Japanese title?
By the way, do you like Japanese adaptations of Chinese and Western stories?
Lucifrost said:
You couldn't tell from the Japanese title?

Sometimes MAL uses the Japanese title for Chinese stuff, no? I thought it was similar to the Tower of God/God of Highschool/Solo Leveling situation.
Lucifrost said:
By the way, do you like Japanese adaptations of Chinese and Western stories?

What do you mean by "Stories"?
As in, anime about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or the Journey to the West, or anime about European tales like the ones in Sekai Meisaku Gekijō?
I mean, I have never seen anything of the former, but I don't think I would have problems with either.

Or do you mean "Anime based on Chinese/Western IP's/franchises"?
Jan 14, 11:14 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to thewiru
Lucifrost said:
You couldn't tell from the Japanese title?

Sometimes MAL uses the Japanese title for Chinese stuff, no? I thought it was similar to the Tower of God/God of Highschool/Solo Leveling situation.
Lucifrost said:
By the way, do you like Japanese adaptations of Chinese and Western stories?

What do you mean by "Stories"?
As in, anime about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or the Journey to the West, or anime about European tales like the ones in Sekai Meisaku Gekijō?
I mean, I have never seen anything of the former, but I don't think I would have problems with either.

Or do you mean "Anime based on Chinese/Western IP's/franchises"?
thewiru said:
Sometimes MAL uses the Japanese title for Chinese stuff, no? I thought it was similar to the Tower of God/God of Highschool/Solo Leveling situation.

They do that when the anime is made in Japan. It's only the source material that's not Japanese, which led to my other question.

thewiru said:
As in, anime about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or the Journey to the West, or anime about European tales like the ones in Sekai Meisaku Gekijō?
I mean, I have never seen anything of the former, but I don't think I would have problems with either.

Or do you mean "Anime based on Chinese/Western IP's/franchises"?

Both, I guess. What's the difference? Is it a matter of copyright?
Jan 14, 11:16 AM

Jan 2009
i guess i like buxom women characters in anime a lot
Jan 14, 11:17 AM

Aug 2020
I like girls that dress like men but still manage to be feminine.

Jan 14, 11:39 AM

Feb 2014
Reply to Lucifrost
thewiru said:
Sometimes MAL uses the Japanese title for Chinese stuff, no? I thought it was similar to the Tower of God/God of Highschool/Solo Leveling situation.

They do that when the anime is made in Japan. It's only the source material that's not Japanese, which led to my other question.

thewiru said:
As in, anime about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or the Journey to the West, or anime about European tales like the ones in Sekai Meisaku Gekijō?
I mean, I have never seen anything of the former, but I don't think I would have problems with either.

Or do you mean "Anime based on Chinese/Western IP's/franchises"?

Both, I guess. What's the difference? Is it a matter of copyright?
Lucifrost said:
Both, I guess. What's the difference? Is it a matter of copyright?

While laying in my bed I was thinking about making a thread where I go into detail into my "preference" of Japanese stuff over Western stuff. (Might publish it later today)
Though I feel that in this case, that gives an "extra degree of separation": For all intents and purposes, those are original anime/manga.

Either way, I'm pretty sure I never watched an anime based on a Manhua, and I'm pretty sure I never watched any anime based on a western IP (Perhaps the closest thing being that I intend to watch Witchblade in the future?).

Lucifrost said:
They do that when the anime is made in Japan. It's only the source material that's not Japanese, which led to my other question.

It doesn't have a very rational explanation, it's just my entire body having prejudice and telling me "this sucks".
Jan 14, 11:44 AM

Jul 2013
I don't have any fixations in anime. Besides Vocaloid girls.
Jan 14, 12:12 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to alshu
thewiru said:
it was more about "the vibes".

Can you tell the vibes from several scenes which are specifically selected to be awkward and ugly? Like I wouldn't watch those titles either (I mean I watch very few live action to begin with and practically zero chinese ones).

thewiru said:
simply doesn't grab my attention, really

Yeah, that's the real answer I was searching for, this is fair.
This is also totally different than "I have a massive negative bias against Wuxia". To hate something you should experienced it and I don't think those games you talked about count. Not to mention there are tons of other genres than wuxia.

So yeah, just ignore it, but don't speak ill of it till actually have negative experiences...which is very easy to have, since the most popular donghua like for example Soul Land and Battle Through The Heaves are as trashy as the anime battle shounen...but this is a conversation for another day.

alshu said:

Can you tell the vibes from several scenes which are specifically selected to be awkward and ugly? Like I wouldn't watch those titles either (I mean I watch very few live action to begin with and practically zero chinese ones).

What I meant with "the vibes" and "the gist" was the general idea of "Way too much focus on 'looking expensive/detailed' above anything else".
alshu said:
This is also totally different than "I have a massive negative bias against Wuxia".

I just didn't find a better word that would have the same nuances as the Portuguese "ter preconceito com":
While the word "preconceito" by itself here means "bigotry"/"intolerance"/"prejudice", to say "ter preconceito com" ("To have 'preconceito' with") means you have a negative preconceived notion of something.
e.g. "I have 'preconceito' with MARVEL movies" means that you assume bad things about them without having watched those, either because of a previous bad experience or any other reason.

alshu said:
So yeah, just ignore it, but don't speak ill of it till actually have negative experiences...which is very easy to have, since the most popular donghua like for example Soul Land and Battle Through The Heaves are as trashy as the anime battle shounen...but this is a conversation for another day.

That was the reason I went out of my way to tell you all that: I don't really think my attitude is justified here.
Jan 15, 9:00 AM

Sep 2023
Reply to Shirayukin
- Traditional clothings, especially hakama.
- Golden hour lighting
- Hair when drawn very detailed with a lot of strands
@Shirayukin ouh i fixate on these too :D especially detailed hair ! akebi's sailor uniform has some beautifully drawn hair :)
Jan 15, 9:02 AM

Sep 2023
here r some of mine :)

-scenes where characters yearn. especially when it’s melancholic and/or romantic :) the strawberry panic scenes where tamao yearns especially captivated me (╥ ̫ ╥)

-unique school uniforms. the strawberry panic and yuri is my job uniforms r my faves \(。• ̫ •。)/

-tall women ( ˵> ᴗ <˵ )

-interesting cinematography. had a shaft phase a couple years ago and their avant-garde cinematography got me to pay more attention to anime cinematography :D
Jan 15, 9:28 AM

May 2016
Girls/women with ponytails usually always gets my attention..... 👍
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Jan 15, 9:43 AM

Dec 2017
Female butt shots.

Jan 15, 9:48 AM

May 2019
Reply to Boogiepop1989
Female butt shots.

Boogiepop1989 said:
Female butt shots.

May i interest you in an anime called queen's blade, it has a tremendous amount of Female butt shots.

Jan 15, 9:54 AM
Oct 2023
Any show that is going to be somewhat aware of misunderstanding and miscommunication, and one of the involved parties actually acknowledges this and attempts to talk it out. Even if leads to the same miscommunication and misunderstanding, at least they tried and I appreciate that a lot.
Jan 15, 10:17 AM

Dec 2017
Reply to tchitchouan
Boogiepop1989 said:
Female butt shots.

May i interest you in an anime called queen's blade, it has a tremendous amount of Female butt shots.

@tchitchouan I already know it and love it. I watched it when it came out years ago, it is one of the best anime for butt men.
Jan 15, 10:21 AM

May 2019
Reply to Boogiepop1989
@tchitchouan I already know it and love it. I watched it when it came out years ago, it is one of the best anime for butt men.
@Boogiepop1989 Ah yes, a man of culture i see. Hope you enjoyed QB all those years back.

Jan 15, 11:37 AM
Nov 2024
tsundere, schoolgirls, flat girls
Jan 15, 12:59 PM

Feb 2018
Completely-Coordinated, old-fashioned Feminine-Frilly Lingerie Sets...
which, - to be perfectly honest - are nowhere near as commonly found in Anime as one might assume them to be...
considering how well such Intimate Fashions tend to suit Anime♥Hunnies... Rather Like Bread and Butter even, YMMV~

MasterTasukeJan 20, 7:13 AM

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