The idea of this challenge is to target seasonal anime that aired during a particular year. It is basically to show your accomplishment of watching so many series that aired in a single year.
Difficulty: complete ten (10) series that started airing in each season during that year, for a total of 40 series. Winter: 10 series Spring: 10 series Summer: 10 series Fall: 10 series
— No second run (x2) available for now.
Previously completed series are allowed. Re-watching isn't necessary.
— Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
— Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.
TV types mainly (any length). Other types must have:
— 10 episodes or more (of any duration) or
— 4 episodes or more (20 minutes or more per episode)
Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.
— If your previously completed shows are from too long ago and/or from before you joined the club, it will be allowed to have them without dates.
You cannot use the same entry more than once.
Please note that to receive points for a completed challenge, you must turn it in on the current "Challenges Turn-Ins" thread.
— A form that has to be followed will be provided there.
If the series continues into other seasons, it'll only count for the season it first aired in.
— For example: Hunter x Hunter 2011 would only count for Fall 2011.
This challenge is available in our Hall of Fame as a checklist that will help you complete it.
— You will need to have turned-in at least once (any challenge) to appear listed. Alternatively, you may log in via MAL.
— Check if you are in the HoF database here.
— View your challenge checklist with the following link: (replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username)
Looking for more of this kind of challenge?
(check years 2000 to 2019 on the club's main page)
Aired 2025 Challenge
[ 0 / 40 ] Sign Up Code Here Please note, the sign up code has the suggested format and the example below was modified to reduce scrolling required on page.
Feb 01, 2025 — new badges have been added, made by LunyRem Jan 05, 2025 — new badges have been added, made by mayaxiii, CsillaLoli Jan 03, 2025 — new badges have been added, made by coziitsu, LunyRem
Previously completed series are allowed. Re-watching isn't necessary.
— Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
— Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.
TV types mainly (any length). Other types must have:
— 10 episodes or more (of any duration) or
— 4 episodes or more (20 minutes or more per episode)
Start Date: Jan 01, 2025 Notes:Hall of Fame
TV type / Non-TV (10+ eps any length or 4 eps at 20 mins per) / Previously completed / Second run available
Previously completed series are allowed. Re-watching isn't necessary.
— Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
— Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.
TV types mainly (any length). Other types must have:
— 10 episodes or more (of any duration) or
— 4 episodes or more (20 minutes or more per episode)