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Jul 5, 2017 11:30 PM

Dec 2009
I wanted to present this, though once i started i again clued into how big a fish this is to fry.

I'll start off with a very bold statement: little of what is talked about in this series relating to Kado and the "anisotropic" is science fiction, it's science fact. What makes this series definitionally science fiction, is the "what if" scenario. In this case, the "what if" is "what if someone who already had the answers we are currently verging on, and handed them to us free of cost?"

Explaining the misconceptions caused by notions such as "hyper-dimensional" are prime examples of details that are extremely important and accurate, but chronically overlooked even by decorated physicists. Dimensions are contrivances by mathematics, which are virtual representations of things (non-existential), virtual reality. Whatever you plug in, is what you're going to get out, and by so, results in an echo-chamber which cannot explain or prove anything.

When you're well versed in the geometry of nature, you'll spot the toroids (also the complex number side-on toroidal cross section), hyperboloids (and their cross sections which are what make parabolas and hyperbolas), hypotrchoids (spirograph, the vortex math toroidal top-down cross section), along with other shapes formed from interactions. These are field geometry, and you see some of them drawn even in the opening. Reality is 2 dimensions: the axial dichotomy of polarization (charge/compression and discharge/rarefaction), and the curvelinear vector of a golden ratio precession which draws out the field torus. 1/(phi)^-3 or 1/φ⁻³. The spirograph curve can map out both magnitude in radial terms, and magnitude in longitudinal (distance) terms. Think of it akin to a circle who's dimension is 1, because it's just one continuous radius that expands from an origin, and then expand that radius up one dimension spherically. The idea of 2 dimensions for a circle is nonsense, because you can't actually make a circle with a grid, you must make it with a radial precession (of a compass or something). This is where the lack of congruence in their ability to agree on what "here" means, as far as the location of Kado.

Kado's Form
Depicting Kado as a fractelline hypercube (specifically a Mandelbox) was a brilliant design choice, as it shows a visually quantized entity which does not exist within our phase, and needs to be translated into physicality in order to interact. If you're familiar with complex numbers you'll have a sense of how dimensions (if you don't, here's a video demonstrating), however these aren't actually higher dimensions, they're radial vectors that are filtered through a process that gives them a new apparent coordinate in the cartesian system (these apparently bent lines aren't actually bent, they're still straight, but we see them from a different focal perspective, this is also how optical refraction occurs, giving oddly deformed images despite the light not being redirected by any actual forces).

The term used, ihou (anisotropy 異方), which roughly translates to "different parallel/rule", is a reference to the non-cartesian principle involved in such a thing. That was a very apt choice of words, because it's referring to a shift in the complex plane. If you haven't figured out yet, what you're seeing is not actually what is (and this applies to all experienced reality, in which we assume is the only way it would be). For example, what we might see in our phase is a sphere, but what someone might see in another phase is a cube, or a cuboctehedron or something. What is straight in a simple plane, becomes circular in an imaginary plane, and can form a cross-section of a toroidal form in a complex plane. Everything is not as it seems.

Realistically speaking, Kado would have come in the form of a sphere, or hyperboloid (double-sided funnel or hourglass shape), though i guess it would depend on what phase/frequency was arbitrarily chosen to tune to for the sake of physically interacting with the phase/frequency of existence that humanity exists in (which is mostly in the RF range). Something cannot interact with something else without mutual phase (as well as mutual frequency or harmonic of) in order to cause a resonance, which is a pressure-feedback that we feel as physical contact or chemical interaction.

That said, the mandelbox has a better thematic presentation, and makes the concept openly clear to viewers even remotely versed in the subject or interested in learning. I will repeat that the idea of "hyper / extra dimensional" is conceptually misleading.

The forms shown at the very beginning of episode 10, using multi-dimensional circular fractals is more accurate to the depiction of reality than the angled forms, which are meta-structures formed as byproduct of geometrical quantization. Fractals had not been something we could generate until more modern binary computers had the ability to calculate quantized representations of them, however the mind had always been able to visualize them, as the mind itself is a fractal computer. The perceptive and real form of fractalization that isn't quantized into quantified geometry, is called incommensurability. If you look at a magnetic field, it's a torus; if ou break it in two, each one has a torus just like the first, but with half the magnitude. Repeat this indefinitely and you will always have toroids, never will you get parts of toroids. This lack of common measure, or universal relativity, is incommensurate.

Free (practically infinite) Energy
Free energy without limitations or notable costs is actively being pursued, and has been since Tesla started the dream. It has resulted in hydroelectric, aeroelectric (wind), geothermal, solar, and so on. None of these means are solutions, but merely bandages. In more recent years, people have started taking a new approach to seeking free energy, as they look into vortex dynamics, and resonance, seeking answers in the so-called "sacred geometry". Nobody has succeeded practically yet, as everyone is missing the mark.

Matter is quantized packets of energy (dielectric) coiled into toroidal-hyperboloidal coherency, with fields proportionally smaller but parallel to magnetic fields. When you understand things like matter-energy equivalence, you can make sense of density per unit volume (E=mc^2 was an expression used to measure crop yeilds relative to size), you can make sense of matter as energetic condensates. Even with this knowledge alone you can vaguely fathom the unimaginable amount of energy readily available to be converted into motive force. That said, that particular method is the anti-material method, which would result in us burning up our planet in it's entirety. At the same time as matter being condensed energy packets, there are waves travelling through them: compressions and rarefactions of potential (voltage) from countless sources (though most predominantly the sun), which could be tapped into, resonated and utilized. The issue with this is that we would also need to change the way we use electricity, largely the way we interpret it.

For one, it's not water flowing through a pipe, and a battery is not a tank or storage device. Current (amperage) and resistance/impedance (ohms) are indeed like flowing water, and by so are limited by a rate of induction. That rate of induction is dependent on the material. The speed of light (the approximate max rate of induction of light in a virtually resistance-free medium) is not met in powerlines, and the current undergoes what is called Electromagnetic Retardation (EMR), which is resistance of material converting the current into radiance (radiation, magnetism), slowing down the rate of flow. Voltage and frequency are different. Voltage is the potential or pressure, higher voltage is a positive charge, lower voltage is a negative charge (these are relative to environment, not absolute). Lower localized pressure than ambient pressure is what we like to call a "vacuum". Frequency is a relative oscillation of propagating potential/voltage. When electricity "flows" it is a compound form of a transversal helical frequency, and a longitudinal dielectric (also known as scalar waves, but they don't wave, they compress and rarefact at an oscillation), and this form is why the coaxial cable was invented by Oliver Heaviside. Now in an electrical circuit, what you have is not energy flowing like water from point A to point B, you have an exchange of pressures, which will continue to exchange simultaneously until the imbalance is balanced and pressure is equalized.

An anode is a pressure state in which there is excess pressure +, and it must discharge outwards, but is quantized. A cathode is is a low pressure state in which there is negative charge -, and thus charging occurs. If an anode is a light bulb, the cathode is your skin. If the sun is an anode, then the cathode is earth. If a stormcloud is an anode, then the ground or adjacent atmosphere is the cathode. These terms are relative, and for there to be an anode discharge, there must be cathode charge into it to perpetuate it's state as an anode.

The binary nature of anodes and cathodes being a universal constant is what is called dielectricity, and magnetism is the "dielectric field" (Michael Faraday).

When he takes out the unlimited power marbles, these are entities in which one must be the anode, and the other must be the cathode. One is a perpetual pressure, and the other is a perpetual vacuum. They were stated to have been the same entity, making them an "entangled pair", which basically means they're 2 quantizations of a single field, one being the charge aspect, and the other being the discharge aspect. Entanglement is a fundamental misunderstanding by many quantum physicists as being 2 entities with a magical thread connecting them, when in reality they are both inverse perspectives on the same entity. The principle at work here is a continuously unbalancing circuit, rather than one being a nova and the other a black hole or something, it's like a Penrose illusion. Imagine if the drop was always farther than the climb back up because of the anisotropic shortcut.

The tesseract being within the "marbles" is a symbolism for the previously explained anisotropy, or "higher dimensional" pass-through, whereas the tesseract itself is merely a mathematical contrivance itself, the symbolism is maintained.

A note on EM affecting people: this is another aspect of resonance and harmonic breakdown which underpins the truth that is not understood due to mistaken concepts created from restrictive and particular quantitative measurements. Environments and things do affect people, and it's not some voodoo or magic or emotional coincidence, every effect has a real and concrete cause. If you lack the vision to see the cause, then you need to rethink your perspective.

We live in a holographic universe - one projected in fractal (incommensurable) geometry via the vectors and flux of dielectricity.

"I didn't understand anything." That's right, Kanata.

Social Philosophy

The bread allegory is one that aligns with my particular outlook on the nature of the world. Japan holds the position of being one of the most peaceful yet hardworking nations in the world, one with piles and piles of cultural heritage that persists wisdom through the background of their culture. In my case, if i were given sudden abundance, i would be first safe-keeping it, and then giving it to the deserving free of cost. Study the people who're going to use it properly, make sure to divvy it out in balance so that control doesn't coalesce anywhere.

The truth of the matter when it comes to abundance, is that if we had abundance, we would have no reason to conflict or compete, as we would all have that which we need or desire. Unlimited energy can solve starvation everywhere, it can build homes without any effort, it can get you any material desire you could think of, and even assist in reifying immaterial ones in the context of virtual realities or whatever. Population wouldn't be an issue because colonizing space would have it's largest barrier taken care of.

What would happen to the economy? Well it would be obsolete. If you can generate all materials using that energy, then you have no reason to value any item over the other, and it wouldn't cost anyone anything to make. All that would remain is sociology, and whatever socio-political environment arises in the aftermath of the obsolescence of economy.

The "Bomb"
The "bomb" is the only way to spread discovery and knowledge to the world without it being confiscated or controlled by any interest group. Realistically this is the only way. You reveal it to the world on various media and social media, giving the truth to as many as possible, to where intellectual quarantine is impossible. Free energy belongs to the world and this writer understands that entirely. An absolute truth is one that is self-evident and consistent. If anyone can reproduce it, then it is concrete fact, with no ambiguity, confusion, conspiracy, or fallacy.

Anisotropic Mechanisms
By my estimations, "wam" is a metaphysical principle, the understanding of flow and structure beyond the apparent. Making the balls out of folding paper is pretty ridiculous for a contrivance, but i'll let it slide. Wam is Tao. Tao is field. Field is universe. Getting energy from this is just an understanding of the unified field.

I cannot fully reconcile this as there is insufficient information to even extrapolate potential answers; the writer was over-stepping bounds a bit here.

This one was probably stretching beyond the writer's understanding of locus, magnitude, and longitudinal force vectors. Understanding the universality of fields paints a different picture of gravity in short order: one of privation of expansive force, rather than a mystical attractive one. Space has no properties, nor does time, both are attributes of fields and field interactions. Space is made from fields holding eachother apart in the equilibrium of charge & discharge which continues in reciprocating coherence, making them the "pillars" holding things apart. Understanding the arrangement and permittivity of dipoles will easily create an image of negative polarity oriented outwards and positive polarity inwards, making every physical object the result of a dance between compression and rarefaction, which defines magnitudes we call space. With this you have open space as low condensate, but high spatial pressure, and where there is less spatial pressure, there you have material, which has apparent mass, and therefore a gravitational effect, due to a loss of pressure, spherically draining into a condensate, only to reach a maximum charge point and reciprocate outwards to perpetuate the spatial pressure.

This manifests in electricity much more clearly and plainly, especially in plasma experiments. Things that condense, and lose spatial volume are longitudinal (inertial), be them radially longitudinal, or current longitudinal as a bolt of lightning. Things that rarefact, glow, and form into toroidal patterns like boiling, as the longitudinal exchange squeezes between. Gravity is a longitudinal vector, one that is the loss of force, and losses of force do not obey rates of induction as are restrictive of transversal(discharge/spatial), that have to force upon other fields. The loss of force flows at whatever rate necessary to keep the balance, and slips between all of the fields in whatever path is of least resistance. This effect draws out a lightning bolt before a highspeed camera even gets to see the plasma glow flow down it. Longitudinal flow, linear dielectric, scalar. Scalar is measured in volts per second, and can accelerate that voltage past light speed via resonating wave-fronts along the current, instead of relying only on the current itself. Gravitational effects are necessitatively instantaneous, else solar systems would fly apart in short order, as they'd orbit where the other bodies were, not where they are.

Transverse forms of expansion and magnitude are naught but longitudinal vectors curved into circular forms, like spirals and helices and toroids. They are slower because they must traverse greater magnitude, and must also pass through other transverse, with a finite rate of exchange.

  • The first one being obviously making the Wam out of origami. There is no way i can fathom to reconcile that realistically. Such a metaphysical manifestation would require field manipulation or a stabilized resonance within a particular non-physical geometry. The only thing that could do something such as that without the aid of electricity, would be permanent magnets in some extremely particular/precise arrangement.
  • Another is the arbitrary necessity for Kado to contact a mildly coherent radial pressure balance layer we call the earth's surface. With infinite energy, an anti-gravitational dynamo in a gyromagnetic system could easily take care of opposing the discharge pressure of space (of which shadow is what we call gravity).
  • Sansa is very ill-justified. Aside from adding the concept of "dimensionality" to thought, the actual purpose of sleep is not known, and even us in the frontier of metaphysics can manage a sufficient hypothesis. Without knowing what sleep is for, one can't postulate than adding depth to the mind will obsolete rest. I have not heard of any cases of self-actualized individuals with a panscopic understanding not requiring sleep. Not to mention being able to broadcast it subliminally is also not supported. The effects on society by this are not addressed, and glossed over as if not very significant, despite the build up.
  • Episode 10: Big bang is a nice bedtime story, as is the notion of gradual formation of galaxies and solar systems, but this has been recently falsified (it will take time for it to become mainstream knowledge).
  • zaShunina's desire to bring humanity into the anisotropic doesn't make any sense, as the most information would be obtained by not interfering, as once it's interfered with, the amount of knowledge obtainable will be restricted by the knowledge of the one interfering.
  • zaShunina is a hypocrit and a fool.

We aren't far from solving the energy problem in the real world, and it may be seen within the next generation or two. With it will come a new understanding of the universe. The societal effects of such an energy revolution are something we all should anticipate. All of our difficulties are resultant of our ignorance and mistaken knowledge. We may finally be finding the most correct path once again.
GenesisAriaJul 5, 2017 11:37 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Jul 6, 2017 9:09 AM

Apr 2009
That's a very interesting post! But honestly speaking, it feels as if the creators had a great premise, did a lot of building up but apparently couldn't handle the weight of the plot they'd created and it all went down the rabbit's hole in the second half. To the point that all this philosophy becomes worthless.
Will read your post once again later with more concentration.
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Jul 6, 2017 10:40 AM

Dec 2009
@LeeNoriega Yeah, i definitely did notice, but i think what happened is that the writer ran out of information. Probably only had a vague understanding of it all and lacked a proper adviser on the subject. That said, the conclusion, although semi deus-ex-machina'd, it wasn't, because it was foreshadowed, but not really much before actually happening and it arose kind of awkwardly.

The thing that gets me is how childish Yaha-kui zaShunina was, when realistically, if someone came from such understanding, they'd be more like a Buddhist or Taoist monk, not some greedy child. The sense of oneness and clarity comes as an unavoidable consequence of understanding the nature of the universe; you can't understand and NOT have that transcendental perspective, where all dichotomies and monopolar perspectives are metaphysically irrelevant in the face of nature's truth.

Children are "pure" and emotional and "human" because they are of complete and utter ignorance. Once you gain understanding, those things become novelties only. You may be emotional at times, but once you think about it, you realize that ultimately none of it matters.

So both of the anisotropic beings were wrong. He wanted it all to be violated for his pleasure, she wanted it to be left to it's own ignorance and corruption. The true transcendental way is to "go with the flow", float on the Tao, follow the path of least resistance and convolution, which is what nature does and humans don't. If there's anything special about humans, it's our ability to misunderstand how everything works and build up fantasies around misconceptions.

For example, there is no such thing as a particle, in the sense of it being a discrete indivisible (or magically divided) billiard ball with a solid surface colliding into other billiard balls to behave physically; there never was. Not even the people who invented most of the models we use to interpret the universe believed in such contrived nonsense, yet the cult remains. No, a particle is not a "fuzzy" billiard ball, it's just not a billiard ball, it's a gradient, a field gradient, always was, and always will be. "Particles" used in quantum mathematics are naught but units of measurement. Yet the fantasy of bumping particles persists in the face of all evidence and knowledge to the contrary.

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
AlfyanJul 8, 2017 11:47 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Jul 6, 2017 7:22 PM
Feb 2016
Good analysis on the more scientific side of Kado. Sadly, this anime really jumped the shark for me after episode 8. I was ready to suspend my disbelief that folded paper can somehow create infinite energy but after that, it just became plain retardation, contrived and convoluted pseudo science.

The introduction of Nanohis-Heim bends the rules too much, as it gives limitless possibilities to exploit, which is bad for scifi since they're usually more grounded in reality with specific rules of what can and can not be done.
Suddenly the female ambassador was an anisotropic being all the time.
Suddenly the anistropic beings created the whole universe.
Somehow using 2 wams gives you a fregoniks negator.
Somehow za Shunina knew all along that Shindo would do that even though he was sure a minute ago that Shindo would follow him and created fake wam because of that. (?)
Somehow Shindo foresaw that his armor technique wouldn't work and had another plan.
Suddenly zaShunina is tripolar and switches his personalities within minutes. (god complex one, gay for Shindo one, angry one)
Suddenly Shindo and female ambassador had sex in the mean time and altered the time.
Suddenly the child of Shindo is somehow 100 times stronger than zaShunina even without any combat training or knowledge. (since she was raised by a normal human)
Then the child disappears and is never seen again after taking kare of zaShunina, as she was a plot device all along.

EVERYTHING is basically resetted at the end, with the technology being useless and the only thing they gained is the knowledge of the anisotropic beings, as if that helps.

They had interesting themes of political introspection, how humanity would react facing an alien godlike thing. Then there was also the theme of natural progression versus technical advancements and how it changes our daily life.

But the ending throw all of that away, with no message to take from it.
Jul 6, 2017 9:22 PM

Dec 2009
Clayer said:
Good analysis on the more scientific side of Kado. Sadly, this anime really jumped the shark for me after episode 8. I was ready to suspend my disbelief that folded paper can somehow create infinite energy but after that, it just became plain retardation, contrived and convoluted pseudo science.
Yeah i kinda lost it at the paper folding. The thing is, that the concepts were truthful, but the way they went about it is all a mistake.

Clayer said:
The introduction of Nanohis-Heim bends the rules too much, as it gives limitless possibilities to exploit, which is bad for scifi since they're usually more grounded in reality with specific rules of what can and can not be done.
Manipulation of longitudinal force vectors is not impossible by any means, but yeah it's a domain that no unprepared soul should ever enter. I intend to tackle it in my own fiction, but it's an incredibly deep and massively implicating factor. That said, manipulating longitudinal vectors is one thing, manipulating them limitlessly is another. The complexities of longitudinal forces wrapping around transverse forces is immeasurable. Having such a convenient and precise grasp on it is a stretch. Yes the universe is simplex, but it's not simple.

Clayer said:
1. Suddenly the female ambassador was an anisotropic being all the time.
2. Suddenly the anistropic beings created the whole universe.
3. Somehow using 2 wams gives you a fregoniks negator.
4. Somehow za Shunina knew all along that Shindo would do that even though he was sure a minute ago that Shindo would follow him and created fake wam because of that. (?)
5. Somehow Shindo foresaw that his armor technique wouldn't work and had another plan.
6. Suddenly zaShunina is tripolar and switches his personalities within minutes. (god complex one, gay for Shindo one, angry one)
7. Suddenly Shindo and female ambassador had sex in the mean time and altered the time.
8. Suddenly the child of Shindo is somehow 100 times stronger than zaShunina even without any combat training or knowledge. (since she was raised by a normal human)
9. Then the child disappears and is never seen again after taking kare of zaShunina, as she was a plot device all along.
1. Deus ex Machina
2. Not completely absurd, but they still used the falsified big bang model
3. Well i don't know if the author knew the full details, but using opposing polarities of waveforms in phase causes destructive interference, which is the negation of that energy. However, to have that negate other fields is a different story. For example, nullifying an EM forcefield, you would first find it's frequency, then match it's frequency with an additional device, and inverse the polarity, which would neutralize it - it doesn't make a magical anti-field, it only neutralizes with the specific thing it's tuned to oppose.
4. zaShunina laid the groundwork for the fregoniks canceller to be made by the scientist girl in the first place, meaning he anticipated it, there wasn't anything wrong with that factor.
5. Shindo guessing that the armour plan wouldn't work was definitely a stretch.
6. no comment lol.
7. time would be that way if it was something you could fuck with (pun intended) - time has no attributes, nor does space have attributes, both are biproducts of field interaction, time is the rate of induction aka interction between fields, measured in motion cycles. there is no time on it's own. anything "anisotropic" would have a perspective relative to the ætherial and also a comprehension of timelessness, meaning that time alteration would not even be noticed as he'd se all times as the same time, merely playing out the motions and knowing all outcomes as they'd have already happened before entering the universe.
8. plot contrivance, apparently the control of the anisotropic mixed with the chaos of the humans made a superbeing in a way that makes no sense at all - was a neat conclusion though.
9. indeed.

Frankly, i agree, i hate resets, there's no reason for deus ex anisotropicgirl to stay powerful, especially when the child was almightily more godly than god somehow because YAY HUMANS ARE THE BESTEST (pretentious much?).

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
AlfyanJul 8, 2017 11:47 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.

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