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Mar 3, 2017 1:09 PM

Apr 2012
white people don't even know what real oppression is

bunch of crybabies

can't tell if they are the real SJWs :thinking:

they probably think they are being oppressed bc there isn't enough white people in their country

Mar 3, 2017 1:24 PM

Jan 2013
I feel it bro, life's a struggle for whitey.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 3, 2017 1:30 PM
Jul 2018
woah there bubby, i didn't specify that i think only one form of "superiority" is dumb, i think they all are! that includes the people you mention in the OP! but that hatred isnt an excuse to hate on all nonwhite people either, ya hear?

racial pride is pointless, what's it gonna accomplish? it just leads to unnecessary aggression & conflict no matter who the hell does it.

and if i never needed any reason to find a statement dumb, it would, with utmost certainty, be the unironic (and always, always incorrect) usage of 'cuck'.

Carto738 said:

Of course, not every black person is as retarded as I'm explaining, but that's simply because of inter racial breeding, which is sickening, especially between whites/asians and blacks.

if this isn't a racist, then I don't know what it is.
here's to hoping that you never breed.

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
RawrbertoMar 6, 2017 10:59 PM
Mar 3, 2017 2:15 PM
Apr 2013
white people don't even know what real oppression is

bunch of crybabies

Tell that to the Rhodesians.
they probably think they are being oppressed bc there isn't enough white people in their country

You mean like how Oxfam gives schools that are "too white" bad ratings; or how about Gary Bettman who launches a campaign to make hockey less white(he's also made a lot of shitty decisions), or how about how in Canada you can't have a scholarship for English Canadians but you can for others.
Shoryu said:
Life-enhancing-body-suits are good and all, but they can't protect you against the void.
Shoryu said:
Hopefully a better quote in the near future
Become a friend of Blahkabelison, they're a female.
Mar 3, 2017 2:24 PM
Jun 2015
clandestine said:
NiBer said:

Being proud of being white is not racist you cuck..

woah there bubby, i didn't specify that i think only one form of "superiority" is dumb, i think they all are! that includes the people you mention in the OP! but that hatred isnt an excuse to hate on all nonwhite people either, ya hear?

racial pride is pointless, what's it gonna accomplish? it just leads to unnecessary aggression & conflict no matter who the hell does it.

and if i never needed any reason to find a statement dumb, it would, with utmost certainty, be the unironic (and always, always incorrect) usage of 'cuck'.

Carto738 said:

Of course, not every black person is as retarded as I'm explaining, but that's simply because of inter racial breeding, which is sickening, especially between whites/asians and blacks.

if this isn't a racist, then I don't know what it is.
here's to hoping that you never breed.

I agree.

Although what I said wasn't exactly my 'erm.. ideals, since more or less I don't care. I look at things from a factual standpoint ,so when I see higher iq's mixing with lower iq's it makes me feel sick. Of course their are some outliers. I see no problem with an intelligent black mixing with other races, but not the average city dweller.

As humans we strive to become more than ourselves, and as such doing something like that is setting us back.
Mar 3, 2017 2:29 PM

Oct 2014
JustALEX said:
Altairius said:

The right wing isn't going around trying to violently suppress free speech.

Oh and I suppose the ENTIRE Left is, right?

Oh's just retarded SJWs that you people seem to think is representative of the entire left side of the political spectrum.

Oh and you might want to ask CONSERVATIVES what they think about free speech when it comes to allowing people with controversial comments speak at their events.

False Equivalence.

Not giving your own platform to others for use =/= Actively preventing others from using ANY platforms by threat of violence (or government force).
Mar 3, 2017 3:23 PM
Feb 2016
Me trying to navigate this thread be like

Hello darkness my old friend...I've come to talk with you again....

Mar 3, 2017 7:02 PM

Jan 2014
NiBer said:
RedRoseFring said:

there's nothing SJW about that statement, and I'm definitely not an SJW if you are new to MAL.

"Whites", or to avoid generalizations, "European empires" exploited Africa and colonized every region outside of Ethiopia, so "white people coming to help them" is a statement that causes a double take.

Yelling racist at everything is a SJW trait.

Good thing I only wrote "racist" for something that was in fact racist, the claim that white people are all that's stopping black people from "chimping out."

Even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles can see Carto738 is making some pretty racist statements.
RedRoseFringMar 3, 2017 7:06 PM
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 3, 2017 7:30 PM

Aug 2013
Altairius said:
The US was one of the big reasons why Europe (and Japan, of course) was so devastated after WWII. No one benefited more than the US from that war. Despite that, Europe built itself back up, as did Japan after the bombings. Meanwhile, you give blacks Detroit and...

If slavery benefits a civilization so much, then why is Africa still in such a state? Slavery still exists there. What benefits a society is the knowledge of how to properly organize that labor.

You can bash whites if you can come up with a valid argument as to how they are oppressing others or whatever narrative you'd come up with. All I see is whites desperately trying to drag everyone else up with them. The natives slaughtered each other constantly before Europeans arrived, and I don't see how someone can be blamed for unknowingly bringing diseases over.

Beyond any of this, no one is saying whites never did anything wrong. We're saying look at the current situation, which is white people being systematically replaced in their own countries. If this were happening to Africans, you'd scream genocide. If displacing a people is wrong, it's wrong for everyone. If you want to somehow "correct" every historical "injustice", the Turks should give back Anatolia to the Greeks.

Germany under Hitler was the one who devastated Europe with continent wide war . True America did benefit the most from WW2 but the Europeans were the ones who devastated themselves fighting among each other. Two world wars that happened not that hugely apart were bound to wreck the continent. It isn't that different from what happened during the Thirty Years War and the 100 years war where Europe was devastated from Europeans fighting other Europeans. Both America and the Soviet Union helped build back up Europe. Meanwhile you give blacks Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahamas, Botswana, Dominica, Fiji, Grenada,Namibia, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines which aren't getting blown to shit by terrorists like Europe and needing to default on debt like Greece.

The Atlantic slave trade clearly benefited Europe and I have posted proof showing that which you ignore. I never said slavery naturally benefits all societies. Africa isn't the only place where slavery still exists. Different forms of slavery can still be found today in different parts of the world including America and Europe. Like for example this Indonesian woman who came to America for a job but instead became a sex slave and since 2008 human trafficking (which is a type of slavery) has been on the rise in Europe

I could say the same for you. You can bash non whites if you can come up with a valid argument as to how they are oppressing whites. Different Amerindian tribes would have fought and killed each other and the Aztecs did used to sacrifice some of the warriors they defeated but the Europeans literally wiped out certain Amerindian groups like most of the Native American tribes in the US and the Taino and island Kalinago of the Caribbean. I guess you are right that they can't be blamed for unknowingly bringing diseases but they can be blamed for enslaving and killing out Amerindians through war and conquest.

LOL are you serious? How are whites being displaced or replaced in Europe? Are whites in Europe being forcefully removed from their homes and sent to Siberia so that immigrants can move in? Maybe if Merkel didn't just open the borders and invite as much refugees as possible to come to Europe, European men fucked their women more to raise Europe's pathetically low birth rate instead of just bashing non whites there wouldn't be a problem. Fun fact NO EUROPEAN COUNTRY is in the top ten list of countries that host refugees.
You cry about whites being replaced in Europe when no European country even makes the top ten yet a tiny country like Jordan is hosting 2.7 million refugees.

Rarusu_ said:

The "Middle East" or "Europe" didn't exist in the sense it does today. Greece, Italy, Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc, was its own little world.
Modern day Europeans do to a large extent derive from the people living in Mesopotamia, bringing agriculture into Europe via migrations. Northern Europe was under ice until quite recently in human history, so no wonder no civilization was thriving there before the climate allowed it to.
As for Sub-Saharan Africa, they didn't have any civilization if by civilization you mean ancient Greece, Rome, Persia or China, but they did have a few high cultures.
My point still stands that Africa and the Middle East (Mesopotamia) had civilizations way before Europe. There were multiple sub saharan African civilizations such as Axum, Benin, Kingdom of Ghana, Mali, Nok civilization,Aksumite, kingdom of Dʿmt ,Songhai, Land of Punt, etc.

Rarusu_ said:

If they didn't have Africans doing the dirty heavy work, they would just use whites instead, like they did in Europe. Sure, they did benefit from the slave trade (otherwise they wouldn't do it) but saying that slave trade somehow built up the modern West and that the West depended on it is an exaggeration. Many other groups traded slaves, also with Africans, without becoming like the West. There was even a slave trade using Europeans as slaves, in fact one reason to why the French occupied Algeria, Tunisia and other parts of Northern Africa (Barbary coast) was to put an end to the slave trade of Europeans
The British colonizers in North America switched from white indentureship to African slavery since the 18th century. Using whites would cost more since they had to be paid while black slaves didn't get a cent. Far more African slaves could be transported than European indentures since huge amounts of Africans were packed into ships like sardines to be transported and slaves didn't have a contract like indentures so they (the slaves) could remain slaves for as long as the white masters wanted.

I have already pointed out how Europe greatly benefited from the Atlantic slave trade. The Atlantic slave trade was tied to the exploitation of the Americas by Europeans and to capitalism and mercantilism. It was BIG BUSINESS . The Atlantic slave trade and the exploitation of the Americas is what fostered western capitalism. Huge never ending cheap labor force (African slaves)+ huge amount of land and raw materials in the Americas such as sugar, cotton, coffee, indigo etc. + European manufacturers in Europe that turn these raw materials into finished goods for European consumption = MASSIVE PROFITS

"After the vast majority of their workforce in the New World was killed off by smallpox, the Europeans turned to Africa for a new labor force.

Slaves were bought in Africa using gold and sugar from America.

Those slaves were used to produce raw materials and cash crops (sugar, cotton, tobacco) to be shipped back to Europe.

The factories produced manufactured goods (textiles, rum, etc.) to be sold to Africa and America. "

"Central to the growth of Atlantic commerce were two commodities: sugar and slaves. The history of Atlantic commerce is inseparable from the history of slavery, and the transfer of both labor and capital across the Atlantic is closely connected with the production of sugar. Technology and culture were intertwined in the development of the sugar industry, one of the mainstays of the new Atlantic economy."

"Before the sixteenth century, northern Europe’s only local source of sugar was bees. By the fourteenth century, the growing demand for sugar led first to cane sugar plantations on the Mediterranean coast and the islands of Cyprus and Sicily and then, by the fifteenth century,to Spanish and Portuguese plantations on Atlantic islands such as the Madeiras and São Tomé and Principe off the west-central African coast, where African slave labor was exploited, and finally
in the Americas. Sugar sold for high prices as a rare spice or medicine. Its production and trade soon became enormously profitable. With the increase in prices, expansion of sugar cultivation dominated the list of profitable Portuguese investments in Brazil and the Caribbean. The demand for sugar grew, and as supplies also expanded, new uses for sugar were found. French and Dutch merchants vied for power. Europeans came to crave the taste of sugar, especially as a sweetener for two other products from the Afro-Asian world, coffee and tea. These became popular additions to the European diet,especially valued as stimulants and comforts by workers in European factories, the products of which in turn fed the markets of the Atlantic world with cheaply manufactured goods, such as hoes and cast iron pots."

"Since neither Amerindians nor Europeans adequately answered the labor needs of the plantations of the Americas, Africans became the solution. African slaves were brought across the Atlantic within a decade of Columbus’s voyages. First in small numbers and later in astounding ones, regular supplies of slaves were provided by traders who had bought them in Africa, where most originated as war captives from conflicts between Africans. Even under appalling conditions, though, African slaves fared better than Amerindian slaves had. The African slave populations had come from often tropical environments, similar in many ways to the Caribbean; they were accustomed to heat and humidity. If they survived infancy and childhood, they already had, unlike adult Amerindians, developed resistance to the most deadly Old World (Afro-European) epidemics, including smallpox, and many tropical diseases. In the end, costs favored the use of African slaves. The lower death rate of the Africans and their agricultural and technological skills, weighed against the hostility of European free and indentured laborers who knew the master’s language, culture, and weaknesses, made African labor preferable. The reliance on slavery was so complete that by the eighteenth century Africans significantly outnumbered those of European descent in the circum-Caribbean region (by ratios typically as high as eleven or thirteen to one). "

"When the New York City banker James Brown tallied his wealth in 1842, he had to look far below Wall Street to trace its origins. His investments in the American South exceeded $1.5 million, a quarter of which was directly bound up in the ownership of slave plantations.

Brown was among the world's most powerful dealers in raw cotton, and his family’s firm, Brown Brothers & Co., served as one of the most important sources of capital and foreign exchange to the U.S. economy. Still, no small amount of his time was devoted to managing slaves from the study of his Leonard Street brownstone in Lower Manhattan.

Brown was hardly unusual among the capitalists of the North. Nicholas Biddle's United States Bank of Philadelphia funded banks in Mississippi to promote the expansion of plantation lands. Biddle recognized that slave-grown cotton was the only thing made in the U.S. that had the capacity to bring gold and silver into the vaults of the nation's banks. Likewise, the architects of New England's industrial revolution watched the price of cotton with rapt attention, for their textile mills would have been silent without the labor of slaves on distant plantations."

The Ottoman slave trade in European slaves was never this tied to commerce. In the Atlantic slave trade whites (European and American) became filthy rich off of the servitude of blacks.

ErwinJA said:

While it is true that slaves did a great deal of the menial labor in their time, they could not do infrastructure work without direction and significant supervision, and therefore mostly did farm work and unskilled labor. The major infrastructure projects needed semi-skilled labor, which was provided by whites and (eventually) Asian immigrants.
Major infrastructure projects like the White House, Capitol Hill, early government buildings were mainly built by African slaves and free Africans.

"Construction on the president's house began in 1792 in Washington, D.C., a new capital situated in a sparsely settled region far from a major population center. The decision to place the capital on land ceded by two slave states -- Virginia and Maryland -- ultimately influenced the acquisition of laborers to construct its public buildings.

"The D.C. commissioners, charged by Congress with building the new city under the direction of the president, initially planned to import workers from Europe to meet their labor needs. However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African American(s) — enslaved and free — to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings."

ErwinJA said:
When slaves were used, the slave masters had to design the bridges and infrastructure and oversee the workers to ensure the work was matching the design specifications.
The African slaves were still the ones actually physically doing the building.

ErwinJA said:
Significant black contribution to infrastructure did not, to my knowledge, occur until the 20th century.
Started since the 19th century as I have demonstrated.

ErwinJA said:
But, more importantly, most of the big infrastructure work occurred after slavery - the transcontinental railroads started in the 1860s,
The four major North American rail networks had most of their lines built and operated by African slaves and this started before the end of slavery in the South(1865).

"North America's four major rail networks — Norfolk Southern, CSX, Union Pacific and Canadian National — all own lines that were built and operated with slave labor.

Historians say nearly every rail line built east of the Mississippi River and south of the Mason-Dixonline before the Civil War was constructed or run at least partly by slaves.

Ted Kornweibel, a professor of Africana studies at San Diego State University, has documented use of slaves by 94 early rail lines. By his count, 39 now belong to Norfolk Southern, based in Norfolk, Va.; 36 are owned by CSX of Jacksonville, Fla.; 12 are part of Omaha-based Union Pacific; seven belong to Canadian National, headquartered in Montreal."

Corporate records of the time show railroads bought slaves or leased them from their owners, usually for clearing, grading and laying tracks. Enslaved workers frequently appear in annual reports as line-item expenses, referred to variously as "hands," "colored hands," "Negro hires," "Negro property" and "slaves."

The president of Union Pacific's Memphis, El Paso & Pacific Railroad wrote to stockholders in 1858 that slaves were the "cheapest, and in the main most reliable, most easily governed" laborers.

Railroad records contain thousands of lease agreements with slave owners. A single volume of records for the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad, now owned by CSX, covering just two months in 1850 contains 47 agreements with slave owners.

Slaves "formed the backbone of the South's railway labor force of track repairmen, station helpers, brakemen, firemen and sometimes even enginemen," wrote University of Pennsylvania historian Walter Licht in the book Working for the Railroad."

ErwinJA said:
Most of the earlier railroads were in the north, and built mainly by free white people.
True but I never said whites never built any railroads.

ErwinJA said:
So, even during slavery, it was still non-Blacks that did most of it
During slavery African slaves did the most of it in the south.

ErwinJA said:
Africans have contributed enough culturally and economically throughout history that there's no need to exaggerate or fabricate.
I'm not fabricating anything.
DrGeroCreationMar 3, 2017 7:36 PM
Mar 3, 2017 7:41 PM
Oct 2012
j0x said:
i like some actual statistics on that claim that racism against whites are popular worldwide when majority of the economy and even the entertainment sector run by white people are popular all around the world

Depends on the definition of popular. If you mean "do the vast majority of people in the world hate white people" then the answer is, as you know, no.

But among the subset of "opinion makers" in the world: academics, bureaucrats, and other "intellectuals" then the answer is a resounding yes.

Now, to be clear, the argument is not primarily a racial argument, what this opinion hates is not a race but a civilization or more specifically a culture - western liberal democracies. This is not a new thing by the way, it dates back to the 1930s and the myth of the "Popular Front" (which is why Stalin is the most influential person of the 20th century, Hitler a mere "also ran").

To explain all this would require a book - but basically intellectual Marxists (i.e. people who never had to live under a Marxist government) have not changed their goal, they have merely changed their arguments. Their Utopian version of Marxism (a classless, international unity of humanity - which should be called Trotskyism but a pick-axe ended that discussion), remains the same, their enemy (liberal western democracies) remains the same, they have only changed their narrative. It is no small coincidence that E Said's incredibly stupid book "Orientalism" became popular after the failed Prague Spring when even the most committed Marxist began to suspect the USSR was more about nationalism than international (something that was clear 30 years prior, but intellectuals are not always quick on the uptake - hence nearly another generation before this doubt finally died out).

Trotskyism, or "Western Marxism" or "Globalism" or "Neo-Con" all have the same goal, they merely change the name to suit the time (and to discharge the bad luggage their Utopianism causes) and the political environment.
Mar 3, 2017 7:42 PM

Mar 2013
Looks like white guilt has taken over this forum. Oh well, keep applauding the destruction of western civilization until Europe's average IQ is 80
Mar 3, 2017 8:00 PM
Oct 2012
DrGeroCreation said:
Germany under Hitler was the one who devastated Europe with continent wide war.

Not quite true. Hitler certainly did not help, but Europe's devastation occurred during WWI.

DrGeroCreation said:
The Atlantic slave trade clearly benefited Europe

This is a tautology. The "Atlantic" was entirely European so of course they benefited from it, but it was the 4th largest slave trade at that time (1st, African vs. African, 2nd the Saharan Slave trade, 3rd (or maybe 2nd) the Arabian slave trade). This highlights the fact that "slavery" was not a ticket to advancement, it may have helped, but it was not crucial.

DrGeroCreation said:
Like for example this Indonesian woman who came to America for a job but instead became a sex slave

Sorry stop. That an immigrant to a country engages in slavery is not an indictment on the host country. The question is: when it became known to the governing power was it ignored or punished. In India, Saudi Arabia or Indonesia, the answer is no. In the US, the answer is yes. To compare the two situations is beyond ignorance, it is pure evil.

Now I will confess, I could be wrong about your meaning, but in just reading what you wrote, this is what it suggests. If you agree with me, please tighten your arguments.

DrGeroCreation said:
the Aztecs did used to sacrifice some of the warriors they defeated but the Europeans literally wiped out certain Amerindian groups like most of the Native American tribes in the US and the Taino and island Kalinago of the Caribbean

"Some" the Aztecs butchered 10,000s in a single day. And the Caribbean natives died of disease, not violence. Seriously, put down Zinn, he only makes you dumber. Until Pasteur, the Germ Theory of Disease was not accepted as truth, so now, Europeans did not use "disease" as a weapon.

DrGeroCreation said:
I guess you are right that they can't be blamed for unknowingly bringing diseases but they can be blamed for enslaving and killing out Amerindians through war and conquest.

But no, disease was over 90% of it, so while you tacitly accept it, you don't really accept it. As for the rest, every civilization, including every African and American civilization, killed and enslaved. As I stated above, the Aztecs butchered 10's of thousands of people every year just to ensure that the sun rose. Were the Europeans horrific, yes, no question, but the alternatives were, much, much, much, much worse.

In the interest of space I will drop the rest of your post, if you think you have a better argument than you have made, please feel free to state it again.

Otherwise, drop the ideology, find some good history books, and please educate yourself.
Mar 3, 2017 8:02 PM
Jul 2018
Ivich said:
Looks like white guilt has taken over this forum. Oh well, keep applauding the destruction of western civilization until Europe's average IQ is 80

I know right?

We whites should stick together and make a clan of some sorts about how we are superior to other ethnicities and whoever disagrees with us just wants BBC.

Mar 3, 2017 8:08 PM

Mar 2013
Veneficia said:
Ivich said:
Looks like white guilt has taken over this forum. Oh well, keep applauding the destruction of western civilization until Europe's average IQ is 80

I know right?

We whites should stick together and make a clan of some sorts about how we are superior to other ethnicities and whoever disagrees with us just wants BBC.


I'm sure it's very easy to act like you love all races while living around only white people
Mar 3, 2017 8:13 PM
Jul 2018
Ivich said:
Veneficia said:

I know right?

We whites should stick together and make a clan of some sorts about how we are superior to other ethnicities and whoever disagrees with us just wants BBC.


I'm sure it's very easy to act like you love all races while living around only white people

People are people. Some good, some bad. Also, Dude I don't even live in a predominantly white neighborhood so that's out the window.
Mar 3, 2017 8:28 PM

Jan 2012
NiBer said:
aedonis said:

Pretty much. Things escalated quickly I'd say. I didn't know MAL was so extreme. It's sad seeing a forum post like this :l.

It's sad that people would rebel to such disgusting anti-white hatred, right. Stay ignorant.

all part of Zionism project , they have started this for while of time now

If a Nation is too ethnically diverse and engaged in infighting, it has less strength to oppose Jewish exploitation (banking system, cultural marxism, anti-white propaganda, etc.).

the intro is in my city Stockholm

Mar 3, 2017 9:38 PM

Apr 2014
DrGeroCreation said:
Germany under Hitler was the one who devastated Europe with continent wide war . True America did benefit the most from WW2 but the Europeans were the ones who devastated themselves fighting among each other. Two world wars that happened not that hugely apart were bound to wreck the continent. It isn't that different from what happened during the Thirty Years War and the 100 years war where Europe was devastated from Europeans fighting other Europeans. Both America and the Soviet Union helped build back up Europe. Meanwhile you give blacks Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahamas, Botswana, Dominica, Fiji, Grenada,Namibia, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines which aren't getting blown to shit by terrorists like Europe and needing to default on debt like Greece.

The Atlantic slave trade clearly benefited Europe and I have posted proof showing that which you ignore. I never said slavery naturally benefits all societies. Africa isn't the only place where slavery still exists. Different forms of slavery can still be found today in different parts of the world including America and Europe. Like for example this Indonesian woman who came to America for a job but instead became a sex slave and since 2008 human trafficking (which is a type of slavery) has been on the rise in Europe

I could say the same for you. You can bash non whites if you can come up with a valid argument as to how they are oppressing whites. Different Amerindian tribes would have fought and killed each other and the Aztecs did used to sacrifice some of the warriors they defeated but the Europeans literally wiped out certain Amerindian groups like most of the Native American tribes in the US and the Taino and island Kalinago of the Caribbean. I guess you are right that they can't be blamed for unknowingly bringing diseases but they can be blamed for enslaving and killing out Amerindians through war and conquest.

LOL are you serious? How are whites being displaced or replaced in Europe? Are whites in Europe being forcefully removed from their homes and sent to Siberia so that immigrants can move in? Maybe if Merkel didn't just open the borders and invite as much refugees as possible to come to Europe, European men fucked their women more to raise Europe's pathetically low birth rate instead of just bashing non whites there wouldn't be a problem. Fun fact NO EUROPEAN COUNTRY is in the top ten list of countries that host refugees.
You cry about whites being replaced in Europe when no European country even makes the top ten yet a tiny country like Jordan is hosting 2.7 million refugees.

The Soviet Union killed the most people during WW2. You're oversimplifying the cause of the war. Any country under the Treaty of Versailles would revolt against it. Then the US got involved due to the UK's and Roosevelt's powerful Jewish connections, and the war became orders of magnitude more devastating than it had to be. Pat Buchanan has a very good, if incomplete explanation of this.

Yes, you give blacks those places... and they're shit. Again, come up with a counter example.

Really? Some Indonesian woman? You're presenting some bizarro, isolated case as an argument? Slavery still goes on in Africa and the Middle East on a large scale, and yet they're complete shit. They reached their genetic limit. Nothing else explains the difference.

I'm not saying non whites are oppressing whites. They're a drain on white societies, in terms of welfare and crime rates, and they're displacing European culture with their own. In a way that is oppression though, in that we can't go to space anymore because Africans are starving and Muslims need democracy, etc. Affirmative action is a clear cut oppression of whites.

Put it this way, is modern South America worse off for the Spanish invasion?

Depressingly enough, some people in Sweden and I think Germany are literally having to give up their houses for migrants. Beyond that, it's the economic burden, crime rates and the fact that their society is being displaced. What happens if the country becomes majority Muslim? They're already extremely aggressive as it is.

You might not get what I'm doing here. This is called having agency. It means you can see where things are going and thus can plan for the future and avert an undesirable outcome. It's probably a result of the cold climate that my ancestors lived in.
Mar 3, 2017 9:46 PM

Mar 2016
NiBer said:
clandestine said:
I just
Don't care anymore
I don't care about what race I am or what another person's race is
Are these people dumb? Absolutely.
But the people in this thread who are defending white "superiority" and "supremacy" are equally dumb.

Fighting racism with more racism juuuust stirs the already boiling pot.

Being proud of being white is not racist you cuck..

Black person proud to be black = not racist
Asian person proud to be Asian = not racist
White person proud to be white = racist
Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Wake up!

Being proud to be white is not racist.
However if that white person starts saying there are the best race, the most powerful, they are better then everybody with the white power bullshit..
Being proud to be white is not racist.
Being a Asshole or a bitch about it is racist.

The same can be said for Blacks and Asians to.
Like if us Asians are like..
We so smart why white people so stupid we more smart then you we better at math even school why so stupid white people?
^Yeah that be getting racist with it and if you read that with a racist Asian accent.. you might be little racist.
I will admit I did and I'm Asian. XD

Zeally said:
white people don't even know what real oppression is

bunch of crybabies

can't tell if they are the real SJWs :thinking:

they probably think they are being oppressed bc there isn't enough white people in their country

Lets all open up a History book and see who white people oppressed and did wrong stuff to.
... Almost anybody who is not white.
Lets see who White people used as slaves back in History.
Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
I can go on with a list of stuff. XD

Carto738 said:

that's simply because of inter racial breeding, which is sickening, especially between whites/asians and blacks.

Would you kindly go impale yourself on a bamboo Punji stick please.

Mar 3, 2017 10:12 PM
Apr 2013
Lets all open up a History book and see who white people oppressed and did wrong stuff to.
... Almost anybody who is not white.
Lets see who White people used as slaves back in History.
Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
I can go on with a list of stuff. XD

Hispanic is a cultural group. You are aware that whites were also enslaved by other races, they just used force to end it.
Shoryu said:
Life-enhancing-body-suits are good and all, but they can't protect you against the void.
Shoryu said:
Hopefully a better quote in the near future
Become a friend of Blahkabelison, they're a female.
Mar 3, 2017 10:17 PM

Mar 2016
Aureolus said:
Lets all open up a History book and see who white people oppressed and did wrong stuff to.
... Almost anybody who is not white.
Lets see who White people used as slaves back in History.
Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
I can go on with a list of stuff. XD

Hispanic is a cultural group. You are aware that whites were also enslaved by other races, they just used force to end it.

I just say Hispanics cause when I use to refer to Hispanic People as Mexican some of them got upset cause they was not Mexican.

Yes they where but not as much.
Reason is it's the white people who use Force almost all the time.
You can look at stuff going on to this day and see that.

Mar 3, 2017 11:01 PM

Dec 2012
IJN_Musashi92 said:

Lets all open up a History book and see who white people oppressed and did wrong stuff to.
... Almost anybody who is not white.
Lets see who White people used as slaves back in History.
Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
I can go on with a list of stuff. XD
Let's all open up a history book and realize I wasn't alive during the colonial slave trade, the Civil War, or Jim Crow segregation. How about we stop playing this daft game of identity politics and group responsibility and realize each individual person is responsible solely for his or her own actions. Also your history book conveniently starts in the 1600s. How about you go back to the Ottoman Empire and ancient African kingdoms. Slavery is not a white construct.
Mar 3, 2017 11:32 PM

Mar 2016
Ratohnhaketon said:
IJN_Musashi92 said:

Lets all open up a History book and see who white people oppressed and did wrong stuff to.
... Almost anybody who is not white.
Lets see who White people used as slaves back in History.
Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
I can go on with a list of stuff. XD
Let's all open up a history book and realize I wasn't alive during the colonial slave trade, the Civil War, or Jim Crow segregation. How about we stop playing this daft game of identity politics and group responsibility and realize each individual person is responsible solely for his or her own actions. Also your history book conveniently starts in the 1600s. How about you go back to the Ottoman Empire and ancient African kingdoms. Slavery is not a white construct.

Still don't change the fact it happen in History. XD

Mar 3, 2017 11:52 PM

Oct 2013
id be fine if all cumskins got killed tbh
Mar 4, 2017 1:05 AM

Feb 2016
I fully believe that anti-white propaganda is very prevalent in mainstream media but that doesn't give some of the posters in this thread the green light to insult other races. Oh and FYI America was not built by white people it was built by Native American and African slaves. And the reason that the industry boom that happened in the late 1800s and early 1900s were driven by only white people is because of a little thing called slavery and Jim Crow laws preventing blacks from receiving any type of education at all.
Mar 4, 2017 3:34 AM

Oct 2015
I acknowledge that there is definitely a trend of "anti-white" messages in the (mostly liberal) media such as Buzzfeed and other crap, but to say that this is evidence of white genocide is nonsense. All identity politics is cancer.

Mar 4, 2017 3:45 AM

Oct 2014
Superpieguy said:
>People still using the term SJW in a negative connotation because they can't stand others being kind to people that don't agree with them

There's very little actual "anti-white" propaganda in existence. A lot of this media is simply misconstrued as being "anti-white" because a large majority of the people who it is targeting just happen to be white, usually male. That's just the way it is. That doesn't make it inherently anti-white.

Also, this video literally has a caption saying that because London is only 49% white, that this is "white genocide". Anything coming out of this is pure b.s. It's still a plurality of whites. Stop this shit.

SJWs are absolute fucking cancer, the fact you can't understand that shows you're part of the problem.
Mar 4, 2017 3:48 AM

Oct 2014
Ivich said:
Looks like white guilt has taken over this forum. Oh well, keep applauding the destruction of western civilization until Europe's average IQ is 80

Yes, there's still plenty of cucks. Don't worry though, more people are waking up. Just compare today to early 2010s, when no one dared to do it.
Mar 4, 2017 3:52 AM

Oct 2014
IJN_Musashi92 said:

Being proud to be white is not racist.
However if that white person starts saying there are the best race, the most powerful, they are better then everybody with the white power bullshit..
Being proud to be white is not racist.
Being a Asshole or a bitch about it is racist.

The same can be said for Blacks and Asians to.
Like if us Asians are like..
We so smart why white people so stupid we more smart then you we better at math even school why so stupid white people?
^Yeah that be getting racist with it and if you read that with a racist Asian accent.. you might be little racist.
I will admit I did and I'm Asian. XD

Being proud about being white is not racist. You got that, good.
Being asshole or a bitch about it is STILL not racist.
Being RACIST about it IS racist.
There are some Asians like that, and guess what, they're right. Facts aren't racist.
Mar 4, 2017 3:59 AM

Oct 2014
IJN_Musashi92 said:

Still don't change the fact it happen in History. XD

Wtf? So what? Nanking rape happened in 1930s, does it mean Japanese people today are responsible for it? No, ffs. Basic logic.
Sons don't inherit the sins of their fathers. Your logic is completely flawed.
Also, if you really want to play that game, once again, like I already mentioned it before, the middle eastern white slave trade was far more brutal and still lasts today, yet people like you can only bring up points you learned in school to repeat them like parrots instead of actually doing some research.
Mar 4, 2017 4:03 AM

Aug 2014
I agree that there is an anti white propaganda, its also blatant.

I believe the solution is to stand up for it, but united, talking about it on the internet will sure help in some way, but its not much, did you see how people in the USA protested against Donald Trump? i mean all those people have sooo many differences, yet they managed to be united all together.
If white people who care about their culture want to be recognized then they should be brave, stand up and dont give a fuck about others, if they are united they will achieve their goals, that's how it goes, stand up united, never give up, and you will win. If not then bye bye.

Another thing i thought of about the thread is helping some confused people here.

Here is a simple question if you want to know where is your position about this whole anti white thing
-Note: This is coming from my head, my own perspective only, I am not responsible for any group nor alt right nor nationalists, this is only my interpretation.

That's what i could manage, I know there will be flaws in it but i hope that was useful enough to some users here.

All of these questions i came up with from my experience in discussing and reading debates between these groups.
Mar 4, 2017 4:24 AM

Mar 2016
NiBer said:
IJN_Musashi92 said:

Still don't change the fact it happen in History. XD

Wtf? So what? Nanking rape happened in 1930s, does it mean Japanese people today are responsible for it? No, ffs. Basic logic.
Sons don't inherit the sins of their fathers. Your logic is completely flawed.
Also, if you really want to play that game, once again, like I already mentioned it before, the middle eastern white slave trade was far more brutal and still lasts today, yet people like you can only bring up points you learned in school to repeat them like parrots instead of actually doing some research.

There is lots of stuff the Japanese has did, some of them we are still apologizing for to this day for some reason.

Are we responsible for it as people today? No.
Are we responsible for it happening in History? A little.
Are we responsible to make sure it never happens again? YES!

You never really know my logic of where i stand to even start with so you don't know if it's flawed or not.

See now that is where we not on the same thing, YOU are talking about middle eastern stuff why I'm not.
I'm talking more about the United States so we are not even on the same page here.

Mar 4, 2017 4:35 AM

Apr 2013
Couldn't be bothered to watch all of the video....mostly cause that fat chick is boring as fuck....probably because she is white lul.

Anyways from the minute or two that I saw it seams to be more pro diversity then anti-white.

Also just gonna leave this here
Mar 4, 2017 4:38 AM

Oct 2014
astrozombie84 said:
Couldn't be bothered to watch all of the video....mostly cause that fat chick is boring as fuck....probably because she is white lul.

Anyways from the minute or two that I saw it seams to be more pro diversity then anti-white.

Also just gonna leave this here

When you're trying to be funny while being low key racist at the same time. Either that or a cuck.
Also, pro diversity = anti white
You really used your brains on this one.
BebelmanMar 4, 2017 4:42 AM
Mar 4, 2017 4:55 AM

Apr 2013
NiBer said:
astrozombie84 said:
Couldn't be bothered to watch all of the video....mostly cause that fat chick is boring as fuck....probably because she is white lul.

Anyways from the minute or two that I saw it seams to be more pro diversity then anti-white.

Also just gonna leave this here

When you're trying to be funny while being low key racist at the same time. Either that or a cuck.
Also, pro diversity = anti white
You really used your brains on this one.

Apparently you don't understand that I was pointing out irony....

Mod Edit: Removed unnecessary words.
RawrbertoMar 6, 2017 10:49 PM
Mar 4, 2017 7:26 AM

Jun 2016
I'm just gonna leave something here.

Being against "white" people is racism, no question. Many people in western societies in recent days become brainwashed. Instead of thinking about what really matters, they are FORCING "diversity" which is not good.

For example there are countries which force "gender diversity" in politics and this is bullshit. Example of why:

Rule: There must be 50 male and 50 female in government.
100 people who are most suitable for being in government-90 of them is male, but as there is rule, 40 of them will be replaced with less competent females, thus ruining system and creating government which isn't working as well as it should've worked if they didn't force "diversity".

My point is we should care about how people can perform. not how they look like. This is real equality, not "diversity" bullshit humans got today commonly found in many "civilized" countries.

Also I often see "pride" movements. "Black Pride" or "Helicoptersexual Pride" or whatever, being proud of biological parameters makes no sense and pride in general is bad. This pride movements seed hatred and problems in society. They have inferiority complex combined with fear and superiority complex, and inner pride looking for something for being proud of. Do you know what happens to Pride?

I've noticed something and I will probably be considered racist for this. Black people compared to Asians and Europeans have nothing great from past, no culture, art or anything made by them is comparable to those of Europeans and Asians. Europe, Middle East and Asia, this areas did almost, if not completely everything in order to create world we have today, despite all the wars and failures, overall, it's still success. (Face it. You know this is true and no, Egyptians weren't black, i'm not talking about africans here.). I'm not against black people or anything, this is just truth. Ignore races, ignore past, just think about the future. Think about present, who cares what your ancestors lacked? Don't be jealous of others, do your best and be a success yourself.

All of you are humans, this is what's important, not who your ancestors were or what color of skin you got.
Mar 4, 2017 8:49 AM

Nov 2012
NiBer said:
clandestine said:
I just
Don't care anymore
I don't care about what race I am or what another person's race is
Are these people dumb? Absolutely.
But the people in this thread who are defending white "superiority" and "supremacy" are equally dumb.

Fighting racism with more racism juuuust stirs the already boiling pot.

Being proud of being white is not racist you cuck..

Black person proud to be black = not racist
Asian person proud to be Asian = not racist
White person proud to be white = racist
Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Wake up!

When black people invented "black pride", it was in response to racial oppression and racist people claiming that blacks are of an inferior culture and that there was nothing worthy of it's existence. It's basically their way of saying "My skin color doesn't make me worse than anyone else no matter how many people say otherwise or how many try to limit my rights".

White people (Overall, not in every single case) don't face those issues to the same degree as racial minorities.

The first answer explains it pretty well.
Mar 4, 2017 9:40 AM

Jun 2016
SuperRed said:
NiBer said:

Being proud of being white is not racist you cuck..

Black person proud to be black = not racist
Asian person proud to be Asian = not racist
White person proud to be white = racist
Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Wake up!

When black people invented "black pride", it was in response to racial oppression and racist people claiming that blacks are of an inferior culture and that there was nothing worthy of it's existence. It's basically their way of saying "My skin color doesn't make me worse than anyone else no matter how many people say otherwise or how many try to limit my rights".

White people (Overall, not in every single case) don't face those issues to the same degree as racial minorities.

The first answer explains it pretty well.

They are NO LONGER oppressed, are they?

Now "black pride" became what it should've opposed. They became racists. They are outdated. Being proud of skin color makes them no different from white supremacists they opposed in past. Now they became what they opposed. "Black pride" and such bs is outdated, wake up. We all are humans.
Mar 4, 2017 10:31 AM

Oct 2014
astrozombie84 said:
NiBer said:

When you're trying to be funny while being low key racist at the same time. Either that or a cuck.
Also, pro diversity = anti white
You really used your brains on this one.

Ahahahaha another triggered alt right faggot.
Apparently you don't understand that I was pointing out irony....idiot.

Of course not wanting whites to extinct- alt right.
Mar 4, 2017 10:36 AM

Oct 2014
SuperRed said:

When black people invented "black pride", it was in response to racial oppression and racist people claiming that blacks are of an inferior culture and that there was nothing worthy of it's existence. It's basically their way of saying "My skin color doesn't make me worse than anyone else no matter how many people say otherwise or how many try to limit my rights".

White people (Overall, not in every single case) don't face those issues to the same degree as racial minorities.

The first answer explains it pretty well.

Tell that to homeless white people.

Asians make more money than white people on average as well, so what you're saying doesn't hold up, where's our white privilege in that case?
Also, university will accept a person of color instead of a white if they scored the same. How's that for white privilege?
List goes on.

Mod Edit: Removed unnecessary comment.
RawrbertoMar 6, 2017 10:33 PM
Mar 4, 2017 10:40 AM

Oct 2014
Deus said:

They are NO LONGER oppressed, are they?

Now "black pride" became what it should've opposed. They became racists. They are outdated. Being proud of skin color makes them no different from white supremacists they opposed in past. Now they became what they opposed. "Black pride" and such bs is outdated, wake up. We all are humans.

Deus said:
I'm just gonna leave something here.

Being against "white" people is racism, no question. Many people in western societies in recent days become brainwashed. Instead of thinking about what really matters, they are FORCING "diversity" which is not good.

For example there are countries which force "gender diversity" in politics and this is bullshit. Example of why:

Rule: There must be 50 male and 50 female in government.
100 people who are most suitable for being in government-90 of them is male, but as there is rule, 40 of them will be replaced with less competent females, thus ruining system and creating government which isn't working as well as it should've worked if they didn't force "diversity".

My point is we should care about how people can perform. not how they look like. This is real equality, not "diversity" bullshit humans got today commonly found in many "civilized" countries.

Also I often see "pride" movements. "Black Pride" or "Helicoptersexual Pride" or whatever, being proud of biological parameters makes no sense and pride in general is bad. This pride movements seed hatred and problems in society. They have inferiority complex combined with fear and superiority complex, and inner pride looking for something for being proud of. Do you know what happens to Pride?

I've noticed something and I will probably be considered racist for this. Black people compared to Asians and Europeans have nothing great from past, no culture, art or anything made by them is comparable to those of Europeans and Asians. Europe, Middle East and Asia, this areas did almost, if not completely everything in order to create world we have today, despite all the wars and failures, overall, it's still success. (Face it. You know this is true and no, Egyptians weren't black, i'm not talking about africans here.). I'm not against black people or anything, this is just truth. Ignore races, ignore past, just think about the future. Think about present, who cares what your ancestors lacked? Don't be jealous of others, do your best and be a success yourself.

All of you are humans, this is what's important, not who your ancestors were or what color of skin you got.

This person gets it. +1
Mar 4, 2017 12:18 PM

Apr 2012
This is pretty silly.
My Reviews and Rants:

Mar 4, 2017 12:58 PM
Sep 2015
First things first:
" You attacking right wingers today is like people attacking jews in nazi germany,"
Over-comparison much...

OP seems a bit too eccentric with his words, I really think some people like you over-react the actions of a few far-left activist/ BLM supports etc etc.

Of course, I won't lie, there are some case of racism against white that goes *unpunished* on news chanels, vidoes etc, more so that against blacks, however, this f "Oh No White People Are Getting Super Oppresed" is clearly an over reaction.

I also find it hard to debate with people who have the "red-pilled fellow MAL users" mentality of, "if you don't believe me, you're just not enlightened yet" get of your hourse.

"Big difference you closet white hater is we don't do it today, you Africans do. You Africans yourselves sold African slaves to America, and middle east slave trade were far more brutal and longer, still lasting today, with white slaves. Whites ended slavery. Facts don't mean anything to you anyway.

You are actually encouraging violence on whites. Disgusting. Pathetic. People like you make me sick. If we weren't kind to non whites we'd kill you all long ago and conquered your lands and make them flourish. Instead we allow you to live in our countires (no other race allows that) and you repay us by murdering and raping us."

Pretty sure theres some rasicm in there btw.
Watch Nichijou
Mar 4, 2017 1:01 PM

Jul 2014
DJBay said:

I also find it hard to debate with people who have the "red-pilled fellow MAL users" mentality of, "if you don't believe me, you're just not enlightened yet" get of your hourse.

That's part of why I hate the term "red pilled", as it implies that all other points of view are ignorant. It's incredibly pretentious and arrogant. I feel the same way about "woke".
Take care of yourself

Mar 4, 2017 1:03 PM
Apr 2013
I just say Hispanics cause when I use to refer to Hispanic People as Mexican some of them got upset cause they was not Mexican.

Most people in Central America and a large chuck of South America are mestizos.
Yes they where but not as much.

Wouldn't that mean they're inferior at it.
Reason is it's the white people who use Force almost all the time.

As do Asians, and blacks, and arabs, and Indians, etc
Oh and FYI America was not built by white people it was built by Native American and African slaves.

No it wasn't, heck the Chinese did more than the Native Americans.
And the reason that the industry boom that happened in the late 1800s and early 1900s were driven by only white people is because of a little thing called slavery and Jim Crow laws preventing blacks from receiving any type of education at all.

The economic boom happened as a result of the growing acceptance of free trade and blacks could get an education, Booker T Washington literally founded schools for blacks.
AureolusMar 4, 2017 1:07 PM
Shoryu said:
Life-enhancing-body-suits are good and all, but they can't protect you against the void.
Shoryu said:
Hopefully a better quote in the near future
Become a friend of Blahkabelison, they're a female.
Mar 4, 2017 1:08 PM
Sep 2015
razortongue said:
DJBay said:

I also find it hard to debate with people who have the "red-pilled fellow MAL users" mentality of, "if you don't believe me, you're just not enlightened yet" get of your hourse.

That's part of why I hate the term "red pilled", as it implies that all other points of view are ignorant. It's incredibly pretentious and arrogant. I feel the same way about "woke".

Pretty much.
And the pathetic name calling that has come aswell and from OP aswell.
"SJWs are absolute fucking cancer"
"Truth hurts. Hush, cuck."
"Wake up cuck."
"Muslims are totally peaceful and not rapey"
"Because we built the civilization, bitch! Can't stand cucks like you. Ugh."

Watch Nichijou
Mar 4, 2017 1:49 PM

Jul 2015
My views are basically Black Pidgeon's and TL;DR's views. These two guys are youtubers with a small-ish but slowy growing larger following... they have several videos on how crazy this kind of hate is, they do a good job of deconstructing it out for the unjustified bull that it truly is.
Mar 4, 2017 2:30 PM

Jan 2013
DJBay said:
razortongue said:

That's part of why I hate the term "red pilled", as it implies that all other points of view are ignorant. It's incredibly pretentious and arrogant. I feel the same way about "woke".

Pretty much.
And the pathetic name calling that has come aswell and from OP aswell.
"SJWs are absolute fucking cancer"
"Truth hurts. Hush, cuck."
"Wake up cuck."
"Muslims are totally peaceful and not rapey"
"Because we built the civilization, bitch! Can't stand cucks like you. Ugh."

Wtf man, you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 4, 2017 3:00 PM
Sep 2015
Cabron said:
DJBay said:

Pretty much.
And the pathetic name calling that has come aswell and from OP aswell.
"SJWs are absolute fucking cancer"
"Truth hurts. Hush, cuck."
"Wake up cuck."
"Muslims are totally peaceful and not rapey"
"Because we built the civilization, bitch! Can't stand cucks like you. Ugh."

Wtf man, you kiss your mother with that mouth?

For OP, its online, anything goes, even the overuse of the word cuck. Seroiusly, why can;t he or she put a point across without adding an insult at the end of it.

I think that the question topic is good but the person who brought it up isn't. He's come with an agenda, not a discussion,he's looking for comment that support him, and not debating, but rather attacking anyone against them with the "I'm enlighted, you're wrong, you [cuck/liberal/SJW, yada yada blah blah insert insult]. As I said before, its annoying to debate properly with people like him/her.
DJBayMar 4, 2017 3:04 PM
Watch Nichijou
Mar 4, 2017 3:24 PM

Oct 2014
DJBay said:

Pretty sure theres some rasicm in there btw.

Yes, against whites. WAKE UP
Mar 4, 2017 3:32 PM
Sep 2015
NiBer said:
DJBay said:

Pretty sure theres some rasicm in there btw.

Yes, against whites. WAKE UP

There's racism against everyone in this world. Congrats. Are you trying to say that there's no racism against other races too or what?

Thats nice, I wrote 3 posts and you yet you only reply from 1 line from 1 post. How about you reply to the other one's eh? Again, you make a point (one I disagree with since it has nothing to do with the message I wrote, you took out the context),
So why do you need to add the WAKE UP part? Again, can you not put an argument without adding unnecessary part to it?

And since I wrote:
Of course, I won't lie, there are some case of racism against white that goes *unpunished* on news chanels, vidoes etc

I'm very much awake.

@NiBer stop thinking that anyone that doesn't have your opinion is stupid or sleeping or a cuck or whatever.

DJBayMar 4, 2017 3:36 PM
Watch Nichijou
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