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Oct 8, 2016 6:19 AM

Sep 2016

Moderator’s Note

Welcome to the mystery room quest. This is completely optional and you’ll not be forced to participate. The outcomes of what’s played in the mysterious room may or may not have a direct effect on your chances of survival.

Please make your choice wisely.

For more questions, please feel free to speak the moderator.

Current Moderator
Flanagan-KorayOct 27, 2016 8:12 AM

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 27, 2016 5:50 AM

Sep 2016

There was always an audience for murder. Especially so abroad the Wishmaker MV.

Whether it took its form in horror or glee, in dark humor or quiet grief, their fascination with the ultimate entertainment made it a ripe subject for exploration in fact and in fiction.

In its purest form, murder sold tickets and had packed theaters throughout history. People had pushed and shoved their way to watch humans hack each other to bloody bits. Or, to alleviate the boredom of the day, by watching humans pitted against others for the amusement of an observing audience.

Since the outcomes of these uneven matches was pretty much a sure bet, they hadn't packed the stands to see if maybe this time the humans would win the day. They wanted the results and all the blood and gore they offered. Vicarious murder was a simple way of reassuring themselves that their personal boredom wasn't really so bad after.

She, is a great fan of murder. Unable to remember a time when she wasn’t, she took pride in being a spectator but aren’t afraid of getting her hands dirty. There was something about the warmth and taste of blood that was addictive. She licked her lips in anticipation.

Their nature, and the need for such entertainment, hadn't changed very much in a millennium or two. Gone was the wild animals and in came the technology to make killings more accessible.

In a more civilized manner, of course

She flipped her hair backwards as she watched the group gathered below her. Invisible to the naked eyes, she has the front row seats to the best performance. While she was keen to be a part of the action, orders from her superiors demanded for her to control her impulses.

Punishment was her focus and murder was her specialty.

And now the curtains shall be drawn and let the fun begin.

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Oct 27, 2016 6:02 AM

Sep 2016
Chapter 1.1

The room remains dark for a moment. In the darkness, you could hear the club’s theme playing in the background- a gentle whirring purring noise. Nothing to be alarmed about. It might be a small contented motor.

Emerging from the other end of the circle, you stepped in and noticed a solitary figure of a woman standing professionally alone at the end of the street. The door disappeared behind you. Your only way out has disappear. It would only be a matter of time before you realize that you’re no longer onboard Wishmaker but you can’t seems to control your own body. It was as if an unknown force was guiding you to a set of movements and you could only watch what happen next helplessly.

Your eyes begun to adapt to the darkness and you noticed that the night was bright and still. The woman was whistling a happy tune merrily to herself.

A man’s footsteps were heard and your heart stopped a beat until you realized that he’d not noticed you at all. Baffling to say the least but there wasn’t any time to think about it as you continued your observations.

The man starts to whistle the same tune under his breath, haltingly at first, then in time with the woman. As you approached, she glanced at you over her shoulder before turning around for a better look. Her whistling stopped, so at the same moment, does the man’s.

You observed that she was a plumb, attractive brunette and still young enough to earn her a decent living on the streets. She smiled at you and was pleased with the reception. Hesitating for a long moment, she weighed the man up carefully and then as if half expecting to be laughed at, she said, ‘It will be twenty GPs…’

Evidently the man had what she asked for. She beamed with relief and threw her fur over her shoulders. Jerking her head towards the left, she sets off. The man followed behind closely. She resumed her whistling. So, under his breath, does the man who is following her.

The scene changed and you found yourself on a wider street than the last - but just as empty.

She swayed her way towards a small house and you followed at a respectful distance. She climbs the few steps which lead to her front door and glanced round at him encouragingly before unlocking the door.

She switched on a light and hurried up a flight of stairs. The man’s eyes tracked after her. She changed her tune to a slower one and so does the man who was close behind. She reached the landing and unlocks the door to her room before going inside.

Switching on the light, she dropped her fur onto a chair, lighted the gas fire then turned round. You stand behind the man and watches intensely. With your eyes on her, she was staring at something with great curiosity. It turned quickly to bewilderment and that changed to fear. She tried to step away from the man but he won’t have it. She was now staring at something in horror--she opened her mouth to scream when a shadow fell across her face.

The screen fades out and so does your consciousness. When you woke up later on, you had no clue how much time had passed but you found yourself strapped to a chair with no way of escape.

You notice a man raising his cine-camera and began photographing you from all different angles. He appeared to take delight in what he was doing and when questioned by you, merely smiled, slinged his camera over his shoulder and strolled away.

He would return soon though this time with a friend of his. He keeps his silence while his associate studied the captives he had caught. Tapping his fingers on his chin, a smile spreaded and he leaned in closer for a better look.

‘I see that you’re not too comfortable now.’ the unknown figure’s voice stated the oblivious as he circled around his captives. ‘Welcome aboard Wishmaker. Have anyone done that yet?’ he announces with his hands wide spread. ‘You must be wondering where you’re right? Sorry but not telling you. That would be ruining the fun, we don’t want that correct?’

Walking around his captive, he nodded in an approving manner. Proud that he was able to read people’s minds, he ran his fingers through his hair and snapped his fingers. The woman from the previous scene appears but she was hanging from a ceiling and appears to be wounded. Her chest was barely moving and there were concerns about her dying.

‘See this lovely specimen here?’ He asked, gesturing to the woman behind him. ‘She is a guest just like you but sadly she made some very very bad choices and is now paying the price.’ he pouted as innocently as he could muster.

‘Fortunately though,’ he announced, ‘you guys can play the hero and save her life if you will.’ The woman’s eyes fluttered before closing again. ‘Well, you need to decide soon though. If not she’ll die and you can’t let a death weighs on you right?’

Walking behind you, the stranger releases the restraints place on you. Free to move, you stood and stares at him cautiously.

‘Well, what’s your decision?’ he probed.

@Byakugaran, @Uniqvoid and @November

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Oct 27, 2016 6:35 AM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

Levi ended up in a dark room with a very comfortable music playing, he ends up in a street with a woman standing in front of him. A door disappears into the nothingness and he thinks (Hmm no exit he well okay i was guessing so but i don't get why you even showed a door in the first place.)

His eyes began to adapt to the darkness in the room and he hears a man's footsteps he found it a little weird but he noticed that the man in question did not notice him one bit weirdly enough. The woman from before looked young and was a brunette she looked at the man that walked up to her and asked for money making Levi understand that she was a hooker.

The man gave her the asked amount, suddenly the changed and it was a bigger room than before weirdly enough Levi's body started to walk on its own and he could not say anything and only thought (Okay what kind of creepy shit is going on here)

His body was following the pair into a small house and the woman had turned on the lights, she dropped a piece of clothing and turned on the gas fire. Suddenly the look in her eyes turned into fear and she screamed when a shadow fell across her face from the man as she tried to step away.

The screen fades and Levi loses consciousness, he then woke up and found himself strapped to a chair. He noticed a man whom was taking pictures of him with a cine-camera and saw that the man was enjoying himself.

The man then speaks and says that he has noticed that Levi was not too comfortable which he agreed on and welcomes him abroad the Wishmaker just like the maids from before and asks if anyone else has done that. He then asks Levi if he is wondering where he is and says that he won't say it because it will ruin the fun. which Levi kinda disagreed on but he still thought (If he wants to play that way then that is fine by me)

Levi then sees a woman appear hanging from the ceiling it was the woman from before and she was wounded all over and she looked like she was gonna die.

The man asks if he sees the woman and says that she made very bad choices and is paying the price but he said that we could save her life if you would want to and says that he would have to decide soon and says that Levi couldn't have a death weighing on him right.

He walks behind Levi and releases the restraints, Levi stands up and looks at the man and the man asks for his decision at which he answers with ''I will only begin to choose my decision to save her when i know more details,like for example what is the price for saving her and what will happen if i save her. And even if you say that i would not want to have a death weigh on me i won't be killing her directly and if you know about me then you also know that i have indirectly caused death because of the weapons i made like the guns or the railgun so i don't mind it that much.''

Oct 27, 2016 8:01 AM

Sep 2016
Chapter 1.2
Levi Hunckman

'I suppose you're not entirely wrong to say that. Oh dear what a dilemma I'm in. The young boy pouted. He does not appear to be older than eighteen. One might notice his dual-colored eyes that shore brightly against his pale skin. He tapped his chin as he walked around Levi, observing him like a test subject.

'I wasn't told about this,' He complained as he turned around to see the other three unconscious guest. 'You know, I'm not exactly keen on explaining like myself over and over and over and over again. It's really tiring for me, you see. My energy level is like way lower at this time of the day. Perhaps you'd like a drink or two first while we wait? It's not like she's dying anytime soon.'

With a click of his finger, another posh chair appeared and he settled down. Crossing his legs, he adjusted the side hat he was wearing. 'Now let's have a chat shall we?


We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Oct 27, 2016 8:36 AM

Sep 2015
Coming to Kuro noticed a strange area, she saw Levi sitting in conversation with another young man. She stood and slowly walked in the direction of the other two.
Where the fuck am I?...
This isn't good...
It's best to bring her back.

Ahhhh... Shiro where are we?
I don't know sweety. Whatever he is wants to kill the girl up there. I don't know what we can do, but this doesn't seem good. I'm going to let you do the talking.
O... okay...

The color of Shiro's hair had started to regain some Silvery Grey streaks back. Looking at the two in conversation she asked.
"ahhhh... excuse me... where am I?"
"Do you want a body or a soul?"
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Oct 27, 2016 2:17 PM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

It seemed to Levi that the young man before him with Heterochromia did not expect what Levi had said and was at a dilemma. He then told looked another way and Levi looked together with him and he noticed Braum and Shiro but the exorcist girl that was with them as well for some reason.

He then asks Levi if he wants a drink since the girl is not dying any time soon at which Levi answers with ''If that is allowed then i will do with a Heineken for now as sake would be a little too strong and i don't want to get drunk or anything.''

The young man clicked his finger and another chair appeared out of nowhere and he sat down crossed his legs and adjusted his hat and told Levi to have a chat with him at he then sits in the chair(like in the picture below) he was locked to before and answered with ''Okay then lets have a chat, what do you wanna talk about?'' he did not drink of his Heineken as he did not really trust what was going on.

ByakugaranOct 27, 2016 2:23 PM
Oct 27, 2016 7:36 PM

Sep 2016
Chapter 1.3
Levi Hunckman and Shiro Usagi

It would soon that another lady would join in the conversation. It’s interesting to note that they’re waking up at different timing when they had the same dosage of the knockout gases. He made a mental note to check with him later. It would be an entertaining experiment to conduct on. Hopefully there would be some amusing results learned from out of it. A curious soul by nature, he had a keen interest in human behavior. It appeared that there was a wide spectrum of reactions from the same species. Very interesting indeed.

‘Hello there,’ he greeted, tipping his hat at Shiro. Gesturing for her to move closer to where the two of them was. He was generally soft-spoken and didn’t enjoy raising his voice. Hence, he preferred speaking to a small group of people rather than a huge gathering of audience.

‘Well, I was just telling Mr. Hunkman here who is quite a hunk himself, he winked at the dashing gentleman before returning to the conversation. ‘that since she wasn’t dying soon, then perhaps we can have a drink first while we wait for the rest to wake up. Anything you might wish to have? Some Dutch courage perhaps? We do have the finest collection of alcohol and don’t worry, we don’t expect you to pay.’

Mr. Hunk over to his left proceeded to order a beer which he scowled. Who orders a beer when there are much better choices available? Of course, he had no plans to raise that up. ‘Okay, fine. A beer for the handsome gentleman here.’ he said and a table appeared before them. It was made out of oak tree and retained the original color and woodgrain. An identical smaller magic circle that was in the ballroom drew itself in midair and from it emerged a tall glass of beer for Levi.

‘Let’s see, we could definitely begin with me asking whether you’re single or not. And what qualities are you looking for in a partner.’ he asked and fluttered his lashes at the male. This was probably rather distressing to observe as he tried to flirt with the only conscious man.

With that done, he laid back casually against his chair and waited for the next move to be made.

@Byakugaran and @November

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Oct 27, 2016 9:30 PM

Sep 2015
"A... a drink... sure.
Can I get some water?"

Shiro's nervousness was evident. She didn't feel comfortable with the current situation. A slight pause then she asked, with a more stern voice. Kuro obviously.
"Can you tell us how to get out of here pretty boy?"

💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Oct 28, 2016 7:23 AM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

The man had put send Shiro to the two of them and had asked them what they wanted but before that he said a horrible pun just like Shiro had done not too long ago and Levi just ignored it.

He then weirdly enough asks for something like if he is single and what he seeks in his partner at which he notices that Kurona answered by asking directly what he wanted to know so Levi said ''I would like to get out of here as well so please do tell what we have gotta do to help her since the girl seems to be the objective here and what will happen when we do help her and i don't need to know that we will get a reward because i kinda guessing that since it was possible to dodge the vines and since more than just the three that would get chased could get here.''

Oct 28, 2016 11:19 AM

Dec 2015

Braum Stromm

Well Braum was not dead, atleast not yet. This is what he noticed after jumping into the portal. He viewed a strange series of things that happened, but Braum would just shrug them off for now. Braum was actually awake for some time already but kept his eyes shut to listen to the conversation of a unknown man and Levi. So far he heard Levi and Shiro next to him. ("Well those two are still fine i guess") He hoped that they were the only three here so far, since the talk about a dying girl kinda set him on a different train of thoughts. Right now the unknown guy seemed to just casually chat with the other two, since he was waiting for the others to wake up. ("Wait others? Did someone else jump in after us? I know Levi did, but he was already awake. It couldn't be her right?") Braums set those thoughts aside for now, he would find out when he opened his eyes anyway. Braums lowered the pace of his breath, tried not to move and kept listening, if he could drag out some intel out of him by pretending to be asleep, he would gladly do so.

AllOct 28, 2016 11:26 AM
Oct 30, 2016 9:52 PM

Sep 2016
My dream has ripped at its seam.

'So sorry to interrupt the conversation, but would you mind untying me here please? The tension is cutting off my blood supply. I don't think that's really nice and all.' Shelley smiled as Levi finished his sentence. 'I'm just saying that, this isn't really helpful now for me in particular.'

She yawned but before the young stranger could reply, she shrugged and stood up to stretch, the ropes miraculously shredded to pieces. It was clear that she'd done something but nobody knew what for certain.

'So you were saying something about saving somebody right? Does that meant that as long as we do what you asked us to do then we're able to get out of here?' she asked, her voice more confident than she was previously in the ballroom. It was as if her true nature was reawakening from the depths of darkness. She pulled her hair behind her ears and dragged her chair to where the others were.

'I'd like a glass of OJ, chilled please.' she smiled and turned to face Braum, 'Haven't you woke up already sir?'


We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Oct 30, 2016 10:16 PM

Sep 2016
Chapter 1.4
Levi Hunckman,Shiro Usagi, Braum Stromm and Shelley Allison

He made an obliviously sad face as it appeared that nobody appreciated his efforts and lightening the situation for everyone here. Considering that it was rather traumatic for them, he thought he was demonstrating kindness and understanding. But alas, it'd fallen unappreciated. Oh well. Now that's the thing about humans in general. He made yet another mental note about his observation.

Before he could reply, he heard Shelley's voice. He beamed and was approaching her when she stood up like nothing's wrong. 'Of course definitely. A glass of OJ for this young gorgeous lady here.' he winked and another magic circle appeared with her order.

'Yeah, Mr. Stromm, you're really bad at pretending you know. I've noticed that immediately. Your breathing rhythm changed,and it really oblivious for me. I would really rather you don't play this with me. Makes me doubt about your, you know what, intelligence or something. He sighed, 'Any drink for you?'

'And Mr. Hunk here. Err... How do I say this? But you might really wanner consider pausing in your sentences you know. I'm really impressed that you can say like seventy-eight words straight without taking a breather. While listening you go like a train was really impressive, it makes me wonder if your ability is to be able to breath under water or you have a better lung capacity or something along that line. But either way, kudos to you. I'm really weak you see, so I can't do what you did there. I need to take a breather, in like every four or six words. So jealous of you.'

He took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead before putting it carefully back to his pockets. 'Now that everyone's up, shall we begin? Oh and I've forgotten about my manners. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shion. Welcome to the Serpentes Scalaria and I'm glad to be of assistance.' The young gentleman who'd just introduced himself, cocked his head in amusement as he eyed the four participants in the room.

@Byakugaran , @November and @Uniqvoid
Flanagan-KorayOct 31, 2016 12:29 AM

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Oct 31, 2016 4:01 AM

Dec 2015

Braum Stromm

Braum's idea op pretending was found out apparently, he should have slowed his breathing down more naturally. He didn't like that the man mocked his intelligence. Braum twitched the corner of his mouth a little, but regained his neutral face shortly after. He faced towards the rest and asked for something light. "I will take a glass of water, and a aspirin please." He could use something against his light headache, the cause? None other then that his hunch that came true, Shelley jumped in after them. "Shelley you are an idiot. I'm happy that you came for us, but that was a stupid thing to do." He said this quickly towards Shelley. There were like 20 other people in the ballroom and it had to be Shelley that jumped in for them, just the person Braum didn't want to have here. Well atleast there are only four of them. As he turned his face towards the man named Shion and said "I assume you know our names already?

AllOct 31, 2016 5:07 AM
Oct 31, 2016 4:45 AM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

Levi would say to Shion after Braum had said what he wanted to say and they young man had introduced himself ''Well Shion its good to meet you and thanks for the compliment on the lungs but i find my memory better because there were seventy nine words and not seventy eight. And sadly enough i can't breathe underwater no matter how much i would love it to be true. And i know i am really skipping the formalities but i would like the important things to be answered first.''

Nov 1, 2016 7:47 AM

Sep 2016
Chapter 1.5
Levi Hunckman, Braum Stromm and Rinnasai Kamikaze

Room Assistant: Shion

'Ah!' said the room assistant who slammed his fist against his palm to make a point. It was as if he remembered something that he'd forgotten. 'Be right back! Help yourself to the drinks, really. I promise it'll take only a minute. I think I might have left someone in the back.' He disappeared into the darkness after throwing an air kiss to his eyecandy.

True to his words, he would wheel a brand new participant into the room. An unconscious young woman with hair the color of fire. She was tied similiarly like the others and her expression was one like a baby. He placed her next to Shelly who was to the right of Levi.

'Don't judge me, I have a really bad memory. She'd just jumped in the portal. I think I should really close that now, shouldn't I? Wouldn't want any more people joining but then again, the more players there are, the more fun it'll be right?' Shion explained as he hurried back to his seat. He sighed a sigh of satisfaction as he shifted his weight to make himself comfortable against the chair.

'Oh yeah, where were we? Oh! That!' Shion hummed and a brand new circle appeared behind him that seems to be a gateway into the unknown. 'We were talking about saving the woman right? Yeah yeah, that's that. So, it's really simple. Either you save her or you don't. If you want to save her then play a game with me. If you lose, you die. If you win, you're a hero and of course would have an advantage when the official game starts. Of course, you're not the only one bearing all the risks here. If you guys win, then I'll die. It's that simple. Five against one sounds fair, isn't it?'

@Byakugaran , @Uniqvoid , and @Samurin
Flanagan-KorayNov 1, 2016 8:02 AM

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Nov 1, 2016 7:52 AM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

Levi would see the other person that had joined them a red haired girl join them and found that the portal should probably be closed but he did not say this and another circle appeared probably meant as a exit for this place and after this he had told them how the risks were of this game and Levi found the risks good and all so he said ''Well i don't see many problems for now but may i ask what this game that we will be playing will be, will it be a riddle like before or something else?''

ByakugaranNov 1, 2016 8:08 AM
Nov 1, 2016 8:08 AM

Sep 2015

Kurona and Shiro listened to the young man. With two polar opposite reactions. Spitting on the floor before the young man Kuro released a selection of words. All the while Shiro shocked and in fear of death.
"Listen here you pretty little fuckwit...
I doubt you'll be at any sort of disadvantage. You'd be retarded to do as such. I don't want to see the others here die. I'll take you on one to one. Just send the other four back right now. Is that a possibility?"

Kuro turned to look at the others in the room with her.
Huh? When did Shelley get here. No...

Kuro turns and walks towards Shelley. Where Shiro sheepishly asks her a question.
"I... I hope this is not the last time we can spend time with each other."
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 1, 2016 8:18 AM

Dec 2015

Braum Stromm

A new girl was wheeled in to the room, another participant. ("Haven't seen her before yet") The game that was explained after that was simple, you die and save nobody, or you win and save the girl in addition to an advantage at the game. Braum didn't need to think long, he felt like he could die at the main game too. "I'd rather you not decide for me Kurona. I will participate."

@november @flanagan-koray
Nov 1, 2016 8:24 AM

Sep 2016
My dream has ripped at its seam.

'How am I an idiot? I can't let you guys go ahead without me.' Shelley protested and finished up the last of the OJ. She placed the glassware carefully on the table as Shion proceeded to explain what he'd wanted to do.

'It won't be. She reassured her friend, Shio when she expressed concerns that this might be the last time they'll see one another. 'I appreciate your concern, but I'll participate. I don't know how useful I'll be but one more pair of hands wouldn't hurt right?'

@November and @Uniqvoid

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Nov 3, 2016 5:28 AM

Sep 2016
Chapter 1.6
Levi Hunckman, Braum Stromm, Shiro Usagi and Shelley Allison

Room Assistant: Shion

'My my, what clean mouth you have.' smiled the room assistant in response to Kuro's reaction towards him. He grinned and a magic circle appeared to his right and he reached in to pull out a pistol. Aiming it directly at her, he cocked his head not in amusement but with annoyed curiosity. While he adored humans in general, he did not take too kindly towards any rudeness against him. Pointing it directly at her, he said, 'Well, with your attitude right there, I don't see you surviving long abroad.'

He blew out a long deep breath before pulling away from Kuro. While it was in his desires to just put a bullet in her head, he wouldn't because it wouldn't be the best choice to make. He wondered briefly whether her attitude would remain the same as the game proceeded.

'Well, why don't you step in and take a look for yourself. Don't worry, it won't kill you... yet.' he winked and played with the pistol he had in his hand. Deciding that he had enough, Shion stood up and entered through the magic circle. 'I'll be waiting for you on the other side, hopefully none of you would disappoint me.' that was the last that anyone would hear from him for now.

@Byakugaran , @Uniqvoid , and @November

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Nov 3, 2016 6:27 AM

Sep 2015
Kurona activates her ability 'Fear' targeting Shelley, Bruam, Levi and Rinnasai

The ability is activated and takes effect with mental wave lengths. This ability causes targets to be stuck with fear towards Shiro as a person. You are afraid of talking to her, looking at her, being near her and touching her. Until lifted you feel fear towards Shiro.

That being said, with great willpower the link can be broken. As the purpose serves, her ability is also it's own weakness. The further you are from Shiro the weaker the link is. Within 5 feet is practically unbreakable and isn't he strongest effect. 5~15 feet the link gets weaker and can be broken. 15 feet and beyond its weakest and can break easily. It's like a pulse. If you are targeted you will be under effect until she "turns it off"

The ability last for 5 post count, but can be placed back into effect with getting to close.
@Flanagan-Koray @Byakugaran @Uniqvoid @Samurin
Inactive_AndyNov 3, 2016 7:43 AM
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 3, 2016 7:14 AM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

Levi would suddenly feel weird while being in the room together with the others, he would start shaking for no real reason at all, he would look around the room and when he looked at Shiro he suddenly was struck with fear but he did not get why there should be no reason for him to be afraid at all and its not like he was fearful of her before so he thought (Shiro, Kurona or the others here used a power) he would look at the others and when he looked carefully he noticed that everybody were the same, they were all shaking but not Shiro so he knew that it had to be most probably her because of this fact and because of what she had said. He experimented by almost talking and the moment that the fear increased he did not say what he was going to say and found out that talking increased the fear, he moved out of his chair and walked farther away which decreased the shaking to the others it would look weird but he was right now experimenting on Shiro's power and concluded (So talking to her, looking at her and being near her increases the fear i feel towards her interesting and i am guessing that touching will increase it even more maybe hearing as well but i am not certain yet) he would not say a word and walk towards the circle.

@November @Uniqvoid @Flanagan-Koray @Samurin
ByakugaranNov 3, 2016 7:52 AM
Nov 3, 2016 9:44 AM

Sep 2015
Kurona walked towards and entered the circle.
Uttering a maniacal and highly sarcastic word.
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 4, 2016 5:29 AM

Dec 2015

Braum Stromm

After a while a while Braum started trembling. He first assumed it was just getting colder, but the feeling was a bit different. Furthermore everyone started trembling at exactly the same time and it intensified when looking in a certain direction. This was fear, Braum remembered after a while, fear was a emotion he hasn't felt in the longest time. It was just like that time with his brother, yes that time. Suddenly it just stopped. It seemed Levi and Shiro were gone, the one who did it was probably Shiro/Kurona since they left second. "So this is her ability, how unpleasant. He turned towards Shelley and said "Sorry i made such a rude remark before, i just don't want to see you hurt. How about it, are you coming with me?"
Nov 4, 2016 6:20 AM

Sep 2016
My dream has ripped at its seam.

Sweat stung her eyes and she wiped it away from her forehead. Shelley's fingers were icy cold and her heart beat faster than usual. It had been long before she felt fear and it wasn't an emotion she missed. Fear slows her down which could be deadly in dangerous situation. She didn't appreciate that her new friend did that to her. She wondered whether the effects are limited to the space surrounding her.

Deciding that it would bring her more harm to be near Shiro/ Kuro, she made the wise decision to stay away from her. With no clue what's behind the circle, she has no desire to risk her chance of survival.

Her train of thoughts were interrupted by Braum who apologized for his previous remarks. 'It's fine really, ' she smiled, beaming brightly. While Shelley didn't like the comments made about her intellect, she understood his concern. 'Sure, I would love that.' she did a small bow before crossing the boundaries and into the magic circle.


We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Nov 4, 2016 6:30 AM

Sep 2016
Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize.

'Helloooo?' shouted the man who'd just entered the magic circle. He scratched the side of his cheeks as he stared into the darkness. Things were beginning to take a strange turn after his wise decision to step into the unknown. He was previously flirting with a staff member he'd spotted outside the ballroom when he heard the commotion. A man with morbid curiosity, he'd observed as each of the guests leaped into the magic circle.

Frankly speaking, he wasn't so keen on it in the beginning. He'd always been intuitive by nature and everything about it just screamed "DANGER" to him. But like a fool he was, the sight of ladies entering it overrode his survival instincts.

It seems that he was enjoying a little too much at the scenery that he'd missed out the exchanges between Shion and the rest. As he walked further in, he spotted the unconscious woman who was conveniently forgotten by everyone. He stepped forward and studied the scarlet-haired lady like an art piece she was.

Cocking his head in amusement, he poked her in her cheeks and prayed for a reaction. There was none and she doesn't appeared to be dead. Deciding that this wasn't worth the efforts, he shrugged and looked up to the magic circle.

'Ready? Go!' exclaimed the male in excitement as he jumped through the portal and landed on top of Braum who'd entered it last.


We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Nov 4, 2016 6:40 AM

Sep 2016
Chapter 2

A monochrome world the participants walked into. The land was barren other than the chessboard designs craved on the ground. The heat of the sun was almost unbearable yet you are not complaining of thirst. It was strange to say the least. In a distance, you noticed a throne floating against the fuzzy air. A figure sat on it whose gender was unknown from your distance.

Shion's giggles caught your attention as he descended down from above. 'Welcome,' he said to the group, his eyes meeting each and every participants. 'to the true room of Serpentes Scalaria. Once again, I'm your room assistant cum guid Shion. It's a pleasure meeting all of you. Hopefully one of you would survive until the end.'

He bowed and a huge magic circle appeared above them. In a handful of seconds, spears began raining down upon them. 'Try to escape from these, please.' he winked as he dodged a dagger aimed straight at his heart.

It was clear that Shion will be going through whatever the participants will be going through in this room.

@Byakugaran , @Uniqvoid , and @November
Flanagan-KorayNov 6, 2016 4:11 AM

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.
Nov 4, 2016 7:02 AM

Sep 2015
Kurona releases target off Levi


Turning towards him she says.
"I think it's better and in all fairness to allow you to your full potential here..."
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 4, 2016 7:20 AM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

Levi arrived in a monochrome world the land was barren and there was only a chessboard made from the ground, he then saw a figure sitting on top of the throne it was shion he reintroduced himself and when he looked around he saw the other arrive and also Kurona he knew it was her because of the tone she spoke in. He then noticed that the fear had been removed from him. He then noticed what she meant as he saw a handful of spears fall on all of us and he said out loud ''Are you kidding me'' he would dodge all the spears that were close enough to him to fall upon him by looking at their trajectory and he would make sure that none that would be fatal or create any real wound to surely not hit him.
ByakugaranNov 4, 2016 7:23 AM
Nov 4, 2016 7:56 AM

Sep 2015
Kurona having trained Shiro's body since possessing it, has trained her for athletic situations such as this. Dodging the spears as they fell. Anticipation and athletic skills are a skill only acquired by Shiro thanks to her mother.
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 7, 2016 7:03 AM

Mar 2016
Rinnasai Kamikaze

Rinnasai found herself in some monochromatic world of some sort, it was extremely hot and as a NEET, she strongly despised the setting. The land was barren and there were some chess board designs on the ground. After a few minute or so, spear started raining down from the sky, as she was about to dodge the spears, she caught a glimpse of Kurona and fear struck her hard, her reaction speed decreased and a spear slightly grazed her cheek, she figured she was cursed with some sort and avoided Kurona at all cost. With the help of her teleportation skill, she easily dodged the spears and secured minimum damage. "Tch, where are all these spears coming from? And this damn hot weather is starting to tire me out." said Rinnasai, hoping the spears stop raining soon.
Nov 7, 2016 12:22 PM

Sep 2015
Kurona releases target off Rinnasai
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 7, 2016 12:29 PM

Dec 2015
Levi Hunckman

As Levi was dodging the spear he would use the possible time he had between the spears he was also observing to look at the red haired girl who was dodging the spear he would notice that she was teleporting but he could not estimate how much space she could teleport as he was too busy with the spears to do that at the moment but he would remember Rinnasai's power very well.

He also noticed that Kenneth the man he had met before with the kid had come out of the portal but he decided that this was enough looking at others and paid most of his attention at the spears once again.
Nov 9, 2016 12:42 AM

Nov 2016
"You seem... odd."

Health: Perfection
Mood: Neutral
Hunger: Not applicable
Friend List: None at the moment

It was in Ceola’s original intention to meet up with her friend, Wilfredo. However, he had not made his presence known yet. It wouldn’t be a surprise for her considering that his sense of direction is non-existent, a fact that was startling when taken his statue into consideration.

Shaking her head in disbelieve, she decided that it would be much ideal for her to go in search of him instead of the other way around. The last thing she’d wanted would be to witness D taking care of his dead body because he’d died from starvation.

Her skirt trailed behind her as she walked down the north corridor. They’d agreed to meet at the Altair Ballroom. Wilfredo had always been the more outgoing counterpart and loved parties in general. She, on the other hand, prefers to keep to herself. Despite their differences and conflict of interest, they got along well, most of the time at least.

She emerged into the ballroom, wincing her eyes since the bright lights blinded her. However, she was quick to adapt to it. Her eyes scanned the ballroom, there were several familiar faces but Wilfredo was not one of it. Ceola noticed a magic circle glowing in the middle of the room. Her brows furrowed and she rubbed her temples, surely he wouldn’t enter through there, right?

Feeling her parts beating beneath her skin, she let out an audible sigh before entering the circle. She can’t afford to take the chance, however she has the liking to give him a piece of her mind if and when she’d found him.

@Byakugaran , @Uniqvoid , @Samurin and @November
Agent_No-BentoNov 9, 2016 6:10 AM
Nov 10, 2016 3:52 AM

Dec 2015

Braum Stromm

It looked like Shelley forgave him for his comment, good, relationships were crucial here. We saw what could happen if Kurona got pissed off, let alone the other participants. They entered through the circle once again. They came to a boring world to say the least, it was lifeless. Braum did see some chessboard designs ("Chessboard? Wait..") Braum didn't get much time to think however since someone fell on top of him. After he would get away from him, Braum would try hard to dodge the incoming spears. He dodged a lot in his kickboxing days so this shouldn't be too hard. It seemed Braum wasn't all to close to Kurona so she should not influence him too.
Nov 10, 2016 6:21 PM

Sep 2015
@Uniqvoid @Flanagan-Koray
Kurona releases target off Braum and Shelley
💙 Set by:Gabby_Chan💙 Strawberry
Nov 13, 2016 8:09 PM

Nov 2016
"You seem... odd."

Health: Perfection
Mood: Neutral
Hunger: Not applicable
Friend List: None at the moment

It was raining spears when she stumbled onto the scene. There were a handful of people doing their best in dodging the incoming assault. She looked up and noticed a young boy having the time of his life. Not a look of concern or fear was expressed on his flawless face. On the contrary, a hint of glee was dominant in his facial expression. She shook her head, his reasoning was beyond her understanding. Seeing that her friend was clearly not present, she turned and headed towards the way she came from.

Despite her best wishes, the gateway out of this realm was sealed. Her brows furrowed, an unknown feeling of frustration bubbled. Retracing her steps, Ceola returned to where she was previously from. She noticed that the rain was subsiding. This might be a good opportunity to talk to the room assistant. She did not see the need to remain here considering that her friend was not here.

Stepping forward, Ceola’s first words were lost because a stray spear was coming her way. She dodged it gracefully by back-stepping. However, as a result of that, she’d stepped on her own fabric resulting in her tripping over it. She fell forward and by the time she’d realized that she’s in danger’s path, it was too late.

Oh where is a hero when she needs one?

@Byakugaran , @Uniqvoid , @Samurin and @November
Nov 13, 2016 9:28 PM

Nov 2016
Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize.

Gathering himself up, Kenneth muttered a word of apology under his breath. As much as he would love to make his remorse known, there was barely any time for a formal presentation of his feelings. With great regret, he had to will himself to face the oncoming wave of spears.

As a spectator, he might find amusement in how awkward everyone was at avoiding them. Staking their safety on the table, Kenneth had to find a way to prevent himself from being pierced through like a piece of chicken on a stick. It was chaotic to say the least but despite the danger that they were in, he managed to spot an attractive young woman whose appearance was rather of a divine calibre. It was a pity that he’s too far away from her to bow to her beauty and to take her hand in his. He heaved a sigh and made his mind that once the dust had settled, he shall prove himself to be the knight she seeks. Evidently, it’d not crossed his mind that Ceola was probably not looking for a knight to begin with.
Distracted by his wandering mind, Kenneth failed to notice a spear that was aimed at his heart. By the time he’d realized the dangers he’d put himself in, it was almost too late. He managed to maneuverer his body just in time for him to avoid the vital point. But the tip of the spear pieced through his left sleeve and left a scorching red mark on his arm. He winced and cussed internally at his carelessness.

‘Erh, I don’t think you know anything about what’s going here right?’ asked the confused man to the male he’d landed upon earlier on. After Barum responded, he added, Well, I figured as well. Say, wanna work together with me? I might have a plan.’ His eyes brightened as he watched his opponent while carefully avoiding the assault.


Side note: I’m posting on Ko-chan’s behalf because he’s dying. Figuratively, not literally.
Agent_No-BentoNov 13, 2016 9:34 PM
Nov 13, 2016 11:06 PM

Nov 2016
My dream has ripped at its seam.

Shelley wasn’t expecting to be greeted by a sea of spears. Granted, she didn’t know what to expect abroad Wishmaker but she didn’t think that she would be forced to fight for her life this early. With her stomach still full from his meal previously, her movements were slightly sluggish. Instinctively, she reached out for her dagger and gasped when she realized that she’d forgotten that it was taken away from her.

Hirata appeared on her shoulders and with the wave of his locus leaf, a pillar of water appeared and blocked the spears that were targeting her. When she was out of the danger, he pinched her cheeks with all the force he could muster. ‘Are you insane?’ he declared with annoyance though it was clear that he was acting out of concern for her. ‘You can’t just stand there and do nothing. Pull your socks up already.’

She pouted, not liking how she was reprimanded by her partner. Warmth filled her heart as she’d recognized his concern and she smiled at him. This triggered another stare from Hirata so she was quick to stop it. She nodded at his words as she jumped to her left.

The whole situation was not challenging for Shelley since it was similar to the training course she used to do. Her grandfather used to put her through such deadly training and she didn’t like it one bit. It was beyond her expectation to relive through those nightmarish times again.

‘Focus!’ Hirata jabbed her on her neck as she narrowly avoided the next spear. Clearly the shower of spears aren’t stopping anytime soon and they need to figure out a way to put a stop to it.

They can’t be doing this all day long.

Side note: I’m posting on Ko-chan’s behalf because he’s dying. Figuratively, not literally.
Agent_No-BentoNov 14, 2016 6:28 AM
Nov 19, 2016 8:52 AM

Dec 2015

Braum Stromm

The man muttered something while standing up. He also asked about whats going on. "They are trying to kill us, isn't that obvious?" While dodging some spears he heard a proposal from the man , he wanted to work together with him. Safe to say Braum had no intention to do so. he had enough people to worry about. Im afraid i have to refuse, i am with a group of people already"
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