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FUNimation Acquires Baka Test & Dance in the Vampire Bund

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Mar 5, 2010 10:07 PM
Jun 2007
garfield15 said:
Whoa whoa, don't get crazy. Not while they're still the only hope of getting anything that isn't Gundam over here, namely Sgt. Frog, Evangelion and especially One Piece (seriously, do you want to go back to the dark One Piece days?)
What. Hardly anything Gundam gets released outside of Japan, unless it's trash like 00 or SEED.
Mar 5, 2010 10:49 PM

Sep 2008
Druozo said:
Funimation blows, all of their dubs are just miscast and rushed pieces of garbage. Man, and I was plannig on watching "Dance in the Vampire Bund" in a few days. Way to ruin my fun Funimation!

Never buy Baccano DVD from funi eh, pal ?

lol all of theirs dub
Mar 5, 2010 10:52 PM

Jan 2009
So much funimation hate this just isn't right. >:
Mar 5, 2010 10:57 PM
Jun 2007
Animefan710 said:
So much funimation hate this just isn't right. >:
You aren't allowed to like US anime companies and/or dubs on MAL, son. You are obligated by the anime gods to make ridiculous claims about R1 anime companies, even if you know nothing about them. In fact, it's easiest if you just pretend all anime is licensed by 4Kids and will then be released as a dub only hack job.
Mar 5, 2010 11:13 PM

May 2009
Nyktos said:
My guess: they think that this show has the potential to go mainstream. Vampires are "in" right now after all. They, probably rightly, think that the lolicon aspect will weaken that mainstream potential, so they're downplaying it by editing. Strike Witches, on the other hand, is never going to have any mainstream appeal in the US so there's no point editing it.

You're probably right about the vampire mainstream thing, but the reason for editing is due to the nature of the material itself. Better put, it's not that the loli aspect will weaken the mainstream potential, it's more that an idiot with a sensitive nerve can sue FUNi for 'promoting child pornography' when they see (what looks like) a little girl dancing naked across the screen.

And does anyone else think that if the whole mainstream thing is true, that FUNi had the wrong target audience in mind when they expressed interest in the show? If you ask me, Vampire Bund is definitely NOT a mainstream show, even with all the edits.

Oh well, judging by a lot of reactions across several forums, this is going to hit them hard, assuming all the complainers keep their word. I know I won't buy it, as I want to have it as it was intended, not how they think I should watch it. I'm old and wise enough to know what I can handle, I don't need FUNi (or any other company) to make that decision for me.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 6, 2010 12:04 AM
Jun 2009
godlike said:
I hate Funimation...

yeah.. ,, :P
Mar 6, 2010 1:08 AM

Feb 2010
Hraesvelgr said:
Animefan710 said:
So much funimation hate this just isn't right. >:
You aren't allowed to like US anime companies and/or dubs on MAL, son. You are obligated by the anime gods to make ridiculous claims about R1 anime companies, even if you know nothing about them. In fact, it's easiest if you just pretend all anime is licensed by 4Kids and will then be released as a dub only hack job.

Mar 6, 2010 1:18 AM

Oct 2008
This one shocks the heck out of me, I mean really? All of the stuff FUNi has been picking up recently, I guess with ADV and others out of the picture, they've cornered the market.
Mar 6, 2010 2:15 AM

Feb 2010
Wait a sec the mangas uncensored so why not this?
Mar 6, 2010 2:16 AM

Sep 2009
The move to edit (censor) is very disappointing, hopefully there will be so much backlash that they'll at least release the uncut version on DVD/BD.

A friend of mine streamed an unedited episode and said it wasn't nearly as bad as some other shows out there. It was just a bit risque because of the child-like appearance of the character. Personally I'm not a huge loli fan, my beef is with being told that something is inappropriate for me and not having the chance to decide for myself whether or not I want to watch the show.
Mar 6, 2010 2:21 AM

Mar 2010
I like Funi most of the time, and think they do a damn good job on most of their dubs. Not quite understanding where all this hate is coming from. You hate the dubs, then don't watch them. Easy enough to do.

From what I read in the article they have only stated they are editing the streamed DitVB episodes. They've said nothing about the dvd release retaining the edits. I have 100% confidence they will eventually release an uncut version only on dvd.

Personally, I wish they hadn't licensed it at all since I doubt it will sell and it probably won't be worth all the trouble they went through to license and stream it.

Mar 6, 2010 2:32 AM

Feb 2010
thesilentsenshi said:

From what I read in the article they have only stated they are editing the streamed DitVB episodes. They've said nothing about the dvd release retaining the edits. I have 100% confidence they will eventually release an uncut version only on dvd.

"With this in mind and with approval of the licensor, we will edit select scenes from the series in streaming and home entertainment
release. These are scenes which are inappropriate for U.S. viewing and are not essential to the storyline."

In short learn to read
Mar 6, 2010 2:40 AM

Aug 2009
lol wut? Editing scenes from bund to avoid 'controversy'? What the fuck is this I don't even. So, even vampire bund that I though funi might have done a good job, will be also butchered by edited scenes. It's obvious that Baka to test will be bashed; it's all done.

FUNimation is FUNNY.
Mar 6, 2010 2:46 AM

Mar 2010
Hideyoshilover said:

In short learn to read

I can read thanks. I missed the part about the home entertainment because I only skimmed the article. Easy to do at 4 in the morning. No need to be rude when pointing out mistakes. I don't know why they don't just drop the series if thats true.

I still think they will eventually release an uncut version just because people are bitching so bad about it. It really depends on how much or heavy the "editing" is. I don't see how even with editing they can make that show presentable to a mainstream audience.

I can't believe they licensed this without knowing what they were getting. Huge oversight on Funi's part.
thesilentsenshiMar 6, 2010 2:52 AM

Mar 6, 2010 3:01 AM

Feb 2010
thesilentsenshi said:
Hideyoshilover said:

In short learn to read

I can read thanks. I missed the part about the home entertainment because I only skimmed the article. Easy to do at 4 in the morning. No need to be rude when pointing out mistakes. I don't know why they don't just drop the series if thats true.

I still think they will eventually release an uncut version just because people are bitching so bad about it. It really depends on how much or heavy the "editing" is. I don't see how even with editing they can make that show presentable to a mainstream audience.

I can't believe they licensed this without knowing what they were getting. Huge oversight on Funi's part.

Nope damage has been done
never buying anything from them out of principle
Mar 6, 2010 3:08 AM

Mar 2010
Hideyoshilover said:

Nope damage has been done
never buying anything from them out of principle

That's fine. It just goes to further underscore what a bad idea this whole thing was. Either way, it's not like they'll be able to stop fansubbers, especially now.

What I really want to know is if they really were targeting Twilight fans, who on earth put that idea in their head? Bund is such a specific demographic that trying to change it makes no sense.

I'm tempted to actually watch more of it now just to see how much worse it gets beyond the first 2 episodes...

Mar 6, 2010 4:08 AM

Oct 2009
stupid fun(what a joke)animation>.<

leave it to americans to ensure that only americans can see subbed anime....

you cannot see their stupid stream if you live outside the usa...

american laws do NOT apply worldwide, but try telling that to americans>.<

btw, nothing against usa - just against usa's idiotic laws and funimation
Mar 6, 2010 4:52 AM

Dec 2008
Fuck! Another reason why Dance in the Vampire Bund fails...

As for Baka to Test I'm pissed. It was a entertaining anime.
Detective said:
They've had one thing so far, the name, and they've called it "Summon the Beasts?" What the hell is this?
Fuck me!
Mar 6, 2010 5:33 AM

Oct 2009
americans and their twilight... anime does not need to resonate from that movie, nor does japan revolve around it either>.<

besides, Vampire Knight fans would be more accurate in this case...

try to keep your facts together: japanese make anime, not americans....
Mar 6, 2010 6:53 AM

Aug 2009
Hraesvelgr said:
Animefan710 said:
So much funimation hate this just isn't right. >:
You aren't allowed to like US anime companies and/or dubs on MAL, son. You are obligated by the anime gods to make ridiculous claims about R1 anime companies, even if you know nothing about them. In fact, it's easiest if you just pretend all anime is licensed by 4Kids and will then be released as a dub only hack job.

It's really hard to do that since FUNi releases bilingual DVD's and 4Kids...doesn't :P
Hideyoshilover said:


I knew they couldn't get One Piece that easily!
Mar 6, 2010 7:11 AM
Manga Moderator

Jul 2009
Funimation is just a down right dirty company. I never had any issues with them licensing shows, but they take their "official" rights to far. Attacking fan groups and sites. I'll never forget when tokyotosho received copyright violation notice from them. Literally killed the site for almost a month. Why send a Index site a DMCA notice? Never understood the logic behind that. If anything Shaft should let Crunchyroll have all their shows. I'm sure the rewards would be better. Not to mention the shows aren't butchered. Translations are actually acceptable as well.
Mar 6, 2010 7:56 AM

Dec 2008
Sempie said:
The edits are somewhat understandable for Bund probably because of the recent Chris Handley lolicon court case.

I'm going to reiterate this.

The show does in fact have moments where lolicon kicks in

The only thing that i'm pissed off at Funi for is why they got it general. Their reasons to get it are entirely stupid. It's just like the Elfen Lied - Adultswim fad if it's going to be edited to pieces then it isn't worth it whatsoever.
Mar 6, 2010 4:25 PM

Aug 2009
So I need to quickyly watch episodes online before they are gone then? :(
Mar 6, 2010 6:53 PM

Oct 2009
Oh My Goodness, i HATE funimation with a burning passion.... *Sigh..*

♥*♡∞:。.。 True Love 。.。:∞♡*♥
Mar 6, 2010 9:31 PM
Jun 2007
garfield15 said:
It's really hard to do that since FUNi releases bilingual DVD's and 4Kids...doesn't :P
It isn't that hard for some people. Some people honestly think that most anime released in North America is dub only. I suppose that level of ignorance makes it easier for people say "I watch fansubs because there are no official subs!"
TheFallenOne said:
Funimation is just a down right dirty company. I never had any issues with them licensing shows, but they take their "official" rights to far. Attacking fan groups and sites. I'll never forget when tokyotosho received copyright violation notice from them. Literally killed the site for almost a month. Why send a Index site a DMCA notice? Never understood the logic behind that.
If you really don't understand that, then I--
TheFallenOne said:
TheFallenOne said:
TheFallenOne said:
TheFallenOne said:
...nevermind. I do think DMCAs and C&Ds are a waste of time, though.
Mar 6, 2010 10:12 PM

Aug 2007
Censorship in any form is bullshit and I hope nobody is stupid enough to purchase the DVD. Funimation was a company I contemplated buying the dubs from. I refuse to ever buy anything they do now.
Mar 6, 2010 10:36 PM

Oct 2008
Well, I'm offcially convinced that I'm not into watching popular anime titles and being hyper-aware of the insane fanbase behind it, at least not until the fanbase itself simmers down. Seriously, I had to watch through episode 2-5 of Vampire Bund and read enough of the Chris Handley case just so I can be on the same page as everyone else about this censorship issue, when I could've caught up on Sound of the Sky or Durarara instead.

While I don't want to share my exact thoughts about it, I have come to the conclusion that I don't have any intention of interacting with the fanbase of any anime title in any way unless it's with my friends. I may say my own opinions on episodes or chapters or the anime/manga itself from time to time at discussions, but other than that, I'm not going to discuss with other people that present a biased attitude towards or against anything that has to do with that anime/manga title. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was one thing, and now Dance in the Vampire Bund was the straw that just brokethe camel's back. It just ruins whatever appeal there could be of watching any show for me.
Mar 7, 2010 12:48 AM

Feb 2009
I honestly don't understand their logic behind releasing either Baka Test or DitVB. If anything they should follow through with finally licensing and dubbing Higurashi Kai and Rei. According to them Higurashi sold well, why they haven't token the initiative to license them is beyond me (unless they lied).

I'm actually kind of curious what kind of ninja edits they are going to throw in Strike Witches though (I don't buy their promise to leave it unedited).
Mar 7, 2010 12:02 PM

Jan 2008
A little disappointing.
Mar 7, 2010 12:43 PM

Sep 2009
Well, it would appear that FUNi have already started having the videos taken down.

What assholes.
Mar 7, 2010 4:33 PM

Jul 2007
You know, at least when Seven Seas realized what they got themselves into with the KoJikan manga, they had the decency to drop the license instead of result to censorship.

For shame, FUNimation. For shame.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Mar 7, 2010 7:28 PM

Jul 2009
well, fucking removing videos already. god dammit guys >_<

edit: whatever, I'm reading the manga anyway

also, I guess I'll just wait till the DVD is released and watch it then.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Mar 7, 2010 9:18 PM

Oct 2007
I will always be grateful to Funi for introducing me to anime through Dragonball Z, and for rescuing One Piece from the clutched of anime-raping 4kids Entertainment.

I've never really liked their policy with regard to fansubs though, especially with series ongoing in Japan. I can see their reasoning if they have already released a series - asking free distribution to stop is perfectly logical. However, in such case as there is no copy released yet for fans to buy, it is unfair to deny them the chance to watch it fansubbed in the meantime. They still have the legal highground however, but it makes them look like arses.

The streaming anime idea would be awesome, but as has already been pointed out, it is a USA only thing. So it does make their blocking fansub groups even more unfair as it denies fans from the rest of the world where there is no license, the chance to see the anime. Until the DVDs come out a year or so later at least.

I'd like to point out to those who mentioned ridiculously expensive boxsets as a reason to hate Funimation - have you seen how much anime boxsets cost in Japan?
I wanted to buy a DVD the other day - just a regular anime DVD, not even a boxset, and it was 3000yen ($33 / £21) for 2 episodes.
Recently in the UK boxsets have been getting cheaper. You can sometimes get a 13 ep series for £15 ($23) which is 2000yen. I've seen some for £30, some for £40 and some for £60, but it depends on the series length and popularity, and whether you buy online or in a shop.
In Japan, 3000yen is the average for DVDs with between 2 and 6 episodes. I saw a K-On! Bluray which was over 10,000yen (more than $100) and it only had a few episodes on.
So I think the West get a slightly better deal when it comes to price of anime now - which surprised me.
Manga is still waaay cheaper in Japan though, thank goodness.

Anyway, I haven't kept up with these series, but I'm not too pleased that Funi are planning edits for the home entertainment release. They should probably release the DVDs with an "uncut" warning and mention that it contains scenes suggestive of a sexual nature involving a character with the appearance of a minor. Maybe they should also stress that this person is a vampire who mentally is not a child.

It's like the opposite of Twilight - at least it isn't someone who looks like a concenting adult but has the mind of a baby *cough*Renesmee*cough*

It's like Interview with a Vampire, and Brad Pitt kissing a young Kirsten Dunst. Except with sunlotion and naked bodies instead of kissing... erm.. ^^;

I think annoying the fans of the series who are most likely the only ones who will buy it, is not the way forward. It's not an anime that is likely to go mainstream, even with edits. They need to cherish the loli-loving vampire fans if they want to make any money on this show.

Check out SunnyCon! The North-East of England's newest and biggest convention of anime, manga and Japanese culture!
Now a club on MAL too!

Mar 7, 2010 9:41 PM

Jan 2010
I was So Psyched to see that Baka was acquired.. especially by Funi.. they do some great work. I'll pick it up on DVD when it hits.. But then I read all these folks complaining about how they can't download it for free and I don't wanna watch streamed anime and funimation is evil because they gonna make everyone take their stuff off their sites.. is stuff like this that is KILLING anime.. Most Anime and Manga Companies are fighting to make a profit.. cause no one buys product anymore.. reason why it is so expensive is because no one Pays for it and just watches it on line.. but soon if no one is gonna wanna buy the rights to a show because just getting to the point where profits become impossible you will start to lose more and more anime companies.. has really already started.. in these last 5 years several companies have gone under and even more are declaring major losses.. So befor ya right off a company as being Evil.. remember they are the ones trying to keep this industry alive too Just My 2 cents

Mar 7, 2010 9:51 PM

Aug 2007
Netwing said:
I was So Psyched to see that Baka was acquired.. especially by Funi.. they do some great work. I'll pick it up on DVD when it hits.. But then I read all these folks complaining about how they can't download it for free and I don't wanna watch streamed anime and funimation is evil because they gonna make everyone take their stuff off their sites.. is stuff like this that is KILLING anime.. Most Anime and Manga Companies are fighting to make a profit.. cause no one buys product anymore.. reason why it is so expensive is because no one Pays for it and just watches it on line.. but soon if no one is gonna wanna buy the rights to a show because just getting to the point where profits become impossible you will start to lose more and more anime companies.. has really already started.. in these last 5 years several companies have gone under and even more are declaring major losses.. So befor ya right off a company as being Evil.. remember they are the ones trying to keep this industry alive too Just My 2 cents

Did you even read the thread? The complaints are that they are releasing a DVD that is censored.
Mar 8, 2010 11:22 AM
Jul 2018
Netwing said:
I was So Psyched to see that Baka was acquired.. especially by Funi.. they do some great work. I'll pick it up on DVD when it hits.. But then I read all these folks complaining about how they can't download it for free and I don't wanna watch streamed anime and funimation is evil because they gonna make everyone take their stuff off their sites.. is stuff like this that is KILLING anime.. Most Anime and Manga Companies are fighting to make a profit.. cause no one buys product anymore.. reason why it is so expensive is because no one Pays for it and just watches it on line.. but soon if no one is gonna wanna buy the rights to a show because just getting to the point where profits become impossible you will start to lose more and more anime companies.. has really already started.. in these last 5 years several companies have gone under and even more are declaring major losses.. So befor ya right off a company as being Evil.. remember they are the ones trying to keep this industry alive too Just My 2 cents

That is so not that case.
I buy all of the anime I like on DVD, The fact of the matter is that an anime that I planned to buy on DVD is going to be released censored. That's bad, Not only is censored anime utterly annoying, and I am gonna speak for the few that won't admit it, But I want my god damn loli vampire goodness ;]
Mar 8, 2010 12:14 PM

Jan 2010
I did Read the thread. There are several folks on here getting ticked off that they cannot watch it for free anymore.. several.. Is why i did not bring up the part about censorship and such cause I would prefer it uncensored too. And Seeing that these guys did Higurashi (granted bad dubbing) and Elfen Lied ya cannot tell me that will be censored to death seeing as is not aimed at lil kiddies.. I was more talking about all the folks who were crying that they cannot download it for free off fand sub sites and that they have to look for legal ways to watch it.. cause there were several people complaining about that... and again not like it ever stops anyone from finding it free I know most folks get their anime from torrent Sites any ways..

Mar 8, 2010 12:59 PM

Aug 2007
Netwing said:
I did Read the thread. There are several folks on here getting ticked off that they cannot watch it for free anymore.. several.. Is why i did not bring up the part about censorship and such cause I would prefer it uncensored too. And Seeing that these guys did Higurashi (granted bad dubbing) and Elfen Lied ya cannot tell me that will be censored to death seeing as is not aimed at lil kiddies.. I was more talking about all the folks who were crying that they cannot download it for free off fand sub sites and that they have to look for legal ways to watch it.. cause there were several people complaining about that... and again not like it ever stops anyone from finding it free I know most folks get their anime from torrent Sites any ways..

Geneon did Higurashi not Funimation. Also the only reason people want to DL it for free is because they don't agree with censorship.
Mar 8, 2010 1:09 PM

Jan 2010
Drunk_SamuraiGeneon did Higurashi not Funimation. Also the only reason people want to DL it for free is because they don't agree with censorship.[/quote said:

Ummm Genon is OWNED by Funi... and again I was not complaing about those people there are more then enough saying oh I am gonna have to buy it now or wait for DVD rips.. and that is where my argument lies.. we can both be right is not always one side =/

Mar 8, 2010 1:34 PM

Aug 2007
Netwing said:
Drunk_SamuraiGeneon did Higurashi not Funimation. Also the only reason people want to DL it for free is because they don't agree with censorship.[/quote said:

Ummm Genon is OWNED by Funi... and again I was not complaing about those people there are more then enough saying oh I am gonna have to buy it now or wait for DVD rips.. and that is where my argument lies.. we can both be right is not always one side

Yet again. Geneon did it. Funimation only bought them. Nobody is going to wait for DVD rips. Because they are all against censorship. Unless they mean the Japanese DVD rips that will be subbed by fansubbers. Also holy fucking shit. Put that in your sig not your goddamn post.
Mar 8, 2010 5:54 PM
Jul 2018
Netwing said:
I did Read the thread. There are several folks on here getting ticked off that they cannot watch it for free anymore.. several.. Is why i did not bring up the part about censorship and such cause I would prefer it uncensored too. And Seeing that these guys did Higurashi (granted bad dubbing) and Elfen Lied ya cannot tell me that will be censored to death seeing as is not aimed at lil kiddies.. I was more talking about all the folks who were crying that they cannot download it for free off fand sub sites and that they have to look for legal ways to watch it.. cause there were several people complaining about that... and again not like it ever stops anyone from finding it free I know most folks get their anime from torrent Sites any ways..

My bad for the misunderstanding.

and you kn ow you dont have to post your signature in every post right?
Mar 8, 2010 9:53 PM

May 2007
On the plus side I have no problem with watching Baka and Test Summon the Beast(okay that name tinks) legally.
My anime list
Mar 9, 2010 2:49 PM

Sep 2009
Netwing, I wouldn't have any problem with FUNimation getting them if they would've at least waited for the series to finish first. The problem is that now we have to wait until they are released in the west.

And regarding Higurashi and Geneon, I believe they both belonged to ADV, who sold them to FUNi. However, FUNi have no plans to dub the second series, even though they bought it. And thus, they are assholes.
Mar 9, 2010 9:43 PM

May 2007
Lind_L_Tailor said:
Netwing, I wouldn't have any problem with FUNimation getting them if they would've at least waited for the series to finish first. The problem is that now we have to wait until they are released in the west.

And regarding Higurashi and Geneon, I believe they both belonged to ADV, who sold them to FUNi. However, FUNi have no plans to dub the second series, even though they bought it. And thus, they are assholes.

1.ADV never owned Geneon, they had an "alliance" that lasted two days before Geneon went under.

2.Funimation has stated they want to dub Higarashi however Geneon USA had exclusive rights to the property till I believe 2012

3.Funimation does not own Geneon, they released Geneon's shows on DVD, if you go on Anime on DVD and see who releases the shows it says Geneon.

Higarashi not coming to America is Geneon's fault, not ADV, not Funimation.
My anime list
Mar 10, 2010 11:38 AM

Aug 2009
An uncensored version may be coming.

While that's good to hear, I really wish they hadn't licensed before it finished. Not because I'm in dire straits to see it fansubbed or anything but, it's seriously only 12 episodes. Should have waited for it to end.
Mar 10, 2010 6:12 PM

Oct 2009
companies like funimation are the plague of the anime society: again an american firm trolling over japanese media... nothing new there>.<

it could have been another nations company as well, but this is just one fine example of censorship: USA only streaming, and americanizing anime

I hope they sailor moon this anime as well....

-the day funimation owns Geneon entertaiment japan is the day anime dies
Mar 10, 2010 9:23 PM

Sep 2009
garfield15 said:
An uncensored version may be coming.

While that's good to hear, I really wish they hadn't licensed before it finished. Not because I'm in dire straits to see it fansubbed or anything but, it's seriously only 12 episodes. Should have waited for it to end.

I like the announcement but it still leaves the possibility for editing, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I realize the American market isn't their bread and butter but hopefully the producers will take our market into account and not cross the line so far that our laws require the edits. Sure the laws are in place to "protect our innocence" but I swear sometimes we are too prudish.

As far as getting the license I'm glad they are on top of up and coming shows. The sooner we hear about licenses the sooner we know that it will more than likely be released here in the States. I can imagine that the industry right now is very competitive so the sooner they begin negotiating on licenses the better chance they have of acquiring the shows. Despite this current matter, FUNimation is still one of the best companies out there for bringing good quality anime to the States.
Mar 11, 2010 7:37 PM

Dec 2008

They COULD have waited. >.>
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Mar 11, 2010 9:46 PM

Sep 2008
sorsha said:
companies like funimation are the plague of the anime society: again an american firm trolling over japanese media... nothing new there>.<

it could have been another nations company as well, but this is just one fine example of censorship: USA only streaming, and americanizing anime

I hope they sailor moon this anime as well....

-the day funimation owns Geneon entertaiment japan is the day anime dies


I love you <3

Mar 12, 2010 4:00 AM

Mar 2010
It seems things played out just as I expected. They will probably make another announcement once it finishes airing with their final decision.

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