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May 6, 5:45 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to sjabeen
it's most likely CGI NOT AI
@sjabeen Yep not random AI design: CGI i can see the human art style here. Very good mecha car design. I like a lot the cute little car size in front of the huge whatever truck.

I guess in this universe we change size depending on what we drive

VoyageurMay 6, 5:49 PM
May 6, 7:51 PM
Apr 2022
Reply to Voyageur
@Peenutz @davi__ It's not good it's obvious AI. And again you like other before come saying I don"t see well. Show the evidence a good background construction. But you don't comment the images. You just attack me and my eyes. Too hard to do a good demontrastion of my mystakes hm? Because you can't. If you look the background you will see is not human artist work. Or a very stupid humain work. You are the one who disrespecting people for thinking they can draw a tree on a car on a bulding but the building is half here and not and oh wait again the car what I am drawing on drug?
@Voyageur you posted normal ass images with 0 proof of AI and you have the gall to pretend I'm making baseless claims? Fuck off
May 6, 8:03 PM

Aug 2015
Oh boy, the season is upon us, people. Get ready for more topics like this. Especially with MHA and Demon Slayer airing.
Controversial opinions
May 6, 8:25 PM
Jul 2021
None of those are AI. Shinji Kimura built different. You should see his art direction from Kekkai Sensen and Dorohedoro.. Some of his other works( when AI was a small talk)

Anime_SkaddielMay 6, 8:31 PM
May 6, 8:43 PM
Apr 2014
Anime_Skaddiel said:
None of those are AI. Shinji Kimura built different. You should see his art direction from Kekkai Sensen and Dorohedoro.. Some of his other works( when AI was a small talk)

this convinced me. the guy just draws shit over other shit so it looks Iike ai
May 6, 9:10 PM
Jun 2016
complaining and bitching about AI has become more annoying than AI itself. Not one time during any of these amazing episodes has the idea popped into my head to moan about the background. I actively hope AI does take over cause yall have annoyed me now
May 6, 9:18 PM

Oct 2022
bait used to be subtle
May 6, 9:52 PM

Jan 2017
Voyageur said:
it's obvious AI.

See, that's the problem people in this thread have with you.

You speak as if it was "a fact" and "obvious" that it is AI, while it is absolutely not. On top of that, the guy directing the background is a very big name in the industry, and your claim belittle his work... How do you expect people to react to that ?

You completely looks like a troll. Maybe that was not your intention, but that's what it looks like. If what you wanted was a well constructed debate, you should have completely left out such baseless claims, and just talked about AI in Anime in general.
Alexioos95May 6, 10:00 PM
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
May 6, 9:56 PM

Nov 2012
the amount of unwarranted strays kaiju no 8 is catching is insane, do people just want a reason to hate on this anime?

doesn't even remotely look like AI
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
May 7, 12:24 AM
Apr 2022
Oh....that's not.....
May 7, 3:18 AM

May 2021
Reply to Voyageur
@sjabeen Yep not random AI design: CGI i can see the human art style here. Very good mecha car design. I like a lot the cute little car size in front of the huge whatever truck.

I guess in this universe we change size depending on what we drive

Voyageur said:
I guess in this universe we change size depending on what we drive

I really hope this is not what you meant by perspective being off...

You realize its very common for anime to egsagerate size difference

Just take a look at Detective Conan, you don't really think primary school kids only reach grown-ups knees in hight irl, do you? <- rethorical question
May 7, 5:33 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to Jacut
Now I'm interested. I'm not sure they're using AI backgrounds, but that's not the point in my opinion. Let's consider they are. Would that make the anime less interesting or enjoyable if they were? I was around at the beginning of CGI and people were saying the same stuff "(I'm never gonna watch a CGI anime, I swear, it's destroying creativity and animators' jobs!"), and now every anime uses CGI and people still watch it, even though, frankly, CGI doesn't come close in terms of quality to hand drawn animation. But I get it, it's cheaper for studios, anime fans are relatively young and don't care too much about quality most of the time, is used to it by now, so nobody complains anymore. Would that make that much of a difference if you knew that Kaijuu's backgrounds were made through AI? Palworld used AI and infringed on Nintendo's IP in the process and millions of people still played it, right? Will every anime use AI in a few years (my guess is yes, by the way)?
@Jacut Long response as this addresses other comments sent to me.

CGI was in the 2000s horrible because it was the beginning. As at the time of Last Exile I didn't really see the problem, but when I rewatch the series a few years ago the 3D is really bad. Now it depends on the technical level of the CGI. I just finished Intial D and the 3D physics of the cars suits me very well in the last episodes. Demon Slayer and Fate Stay Night use CGI perfectly for the backgrounds of the fights. This results in an even crazier storyboard. Whereas the CGI in Fullmetal Panic last season is a sad joke. CGI isn't cheaper, but once you have your models it's a huge time saver. Finally on this question we see that Arcane and Spider Man Spider Verse have found a magnificent style between CGI and different digital/traditional techniques.

Most old fans of robot anime nevertheless hate CGI mecha : / Not bad in Gundam Unicorn but they took up a lot of time on each episode, we are at the level of a film.

Ai is inevitable but depending on the use the risk is the impoverishment of the diversity of the styles used. On the characters, the AI has already taken a big lead. Now when you go to the DeviantArt homepage 1) excess AI and 2) everything looks the same: For the moment it's time saved but I doubt that the industry will not end up reducing its workforce while asking more of the animators who remain. Or simply keep the teams but overload the production schedules. The crunch isn't going to go away.

As it stands, it's not yet ready. In Kaiju there are huge problems with the proportions of buildings and certain objects, perspective, light and too many details that make no sense on several occasions (strangely very little in episode 2). The AI has great difficulty knowing how to place objects correctly, which causes elements to merge or overlap in absurd ways. The majority of spectators only look at the movement in the action, but as I am interested in the subject I always have an eye on the background, and my eye picks up if there is too much error. This creates an effect of unease.

But let's ask the question differently and I take up what Alexandre Astier, a French director and actor, says. Can AI write the perfect script? Create an art as sophisticated as the masters? He does not care. It doesn't interest him. What interests him is the human and why he came to develop this style, this technique, this way of directing or writing. The Hobbit is even more memorable when you know why Tolkien started writing it. The LOR when you know its background, its participation in the First World War, its culture.

I'm a fan of Makoto Shinkai and I love seeing the city through his eyes in his films. How he uses references to make the urban more poetic. Whether AI will one day do as well as its films at recreating cities does not interest me at all.
VoyageurMay 7, 7:16 AM
May 7, 6:51 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to Armio
Anime_Skaddiel said:
None of those are AI. Shinji Kimura built different. You should see his art direction from Kekkai Sensen and Dorohedoro.. Some of his other works( when AI was a small talk)

this convinced me. the guy just draws shit over other shit so it looks Iike ai
@Armio Like thy guy said: "Kimura's direct work is cleaner, prettier, and when you zoom in it makes sense, it's not a mess like the examples I show." and "He puts lots of loving little details into his work, not random lines that don't mean anything."

Just because it's chaotic doesn't mean there isn't order in its approach. This is the basis of digital art to create concept art. The proportions make sense. The further away you go in the background, the more abstract the buildings, simple shapes.

This is what MHA does with a more classic approach:

While Kaijuu sometimes presents backgrounds with a stupid number of details without making sense and respecting simple rules. Other rearguards fit his style well. But when you're in ruined areas it feels like AI training on its job.

The proportions don't make any sense here, and fun little detail they copied/pasted this background to make the Kaijuu race. I also like that one floor of the white and red building had a big perspective problem who is typical of an AI and mix windows. The shadows are not normal under the windows also given the exposure of the building.

May 7, 6:55 AM
Apr 2012
While this background looks like his usual job.

And not here it's bad chaotic construction everywhere.

Impossible to understand the buildings on the right. The parking on the left has merged the tree, the building and the cars, which makes the east facade of the building disappear. This is the same problem as with the floor of the building that I showed in the previous post. The number of details and lines in the background behind is far too numerous for nothing. Such a background requires a huge amount of time for a simple night scene? It's a waste of money if it's handmade.
VoyageurMay 7, 7:05 AM
May 7, 8:16 AM

Apr 2020
Voyageur said:
Did I make an enemy of all myanimelist for my first topic? T_T I am a peaceful person. I just like... anime... a lot...

That‘s not the problem.

The problem is when you start saying/discrediting something and then not deliver any facts, points or proof of what you‘re saying.

It makes your argument look stupid and irrelevant. You feel me?

You can‘t say „This is AI!“ and then not answer the „Why?“

It‘s a bit silly^^
May 7, 8:27 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to Merve2Love
Voyageur said:
Did I make an enemy of all myanimelist for my first topic? T_T I am a peaceful person. I just like... anime... a lot...

That‘s not the problem.

The problem is when you start saying/discrediting something and then not deliver any facts, points or proof of what you‘re saying.

It makes your argument look stupid and irrelevant. You feel me?

You can‘t say „This is AI!“ and then not answer the „Why?“

It‘s a bit silly^^
@Merve2Love I did it this afternoon. Juste before you answer. I don"t think anymore in my original post for the second picture is AI so I deletet it because I studied more today the art style of Shinji Kimura.

But for my defense I didn't expect so much people being sure this is not use of AI when I posted my first message. And I need time to write in english.
May 7, 9:20 AM

Aug 2015
Your entire argument boils down to a portion of a building in the background that doesn't match up perfectly?
I am not saying this to insult you or the person who originally made the twitter thread, but frankly, neither of you have any clue what you are talking about.
This could be anything from an animation error that wasn't fixed in time to crappy streaming bitrate to an old display that can't keep up with the movement.
I don't get how someone who has over 750 anime completed can fall for something as dumb as this but I guess some people can never be asked to research or learn anything.
Controversial opinions
May 7, 9:40 AM
Mar 2024
Voyageur said:
Sorry for my english I am French. I'm surprised not to find people reacting to the fact that the backgrounds of episodes 1, 3 and 4 are generated by AI. Are you satisfied with the result?

Episode 4 examples :

You sure? They would've announced the use of AI considering how massive it's gonna be if we start getting AI anime. You got a source?
May 7, 11:58 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to voltwaffle
Your entire argument boils down to a portion of a building in the background that doesn't match up perfectly?
I am not saying this to insult you or the person who originally made the twitter thread, but frankly, neither of you have any clue what you are talking about.
This could be anything from an animation error that wasn't fixed in time to crappy streaming bitrate to an old display that can't keep up with the movement.
I don't get how someone who has over 750 anime completed can fall for something as dumb as this but I guess some people can never be asked to research or learn anything.
@voltwaffle It's exactly how work for now AI. Sometimes almost all the image look fine execpt a few details. Small but weird because for this bulding you have a lot of details. If a background artist doesn't have time he will draw more abstrait / simple, and wait for Bluray release to correct the background. Not doing a lot of weird and wrong details to fixe it later. But is not juste the issue in this backgournd. The same building is wrong proportion perspective with the buildings around. Far too small. He should be next the red building behind it.

It's hard if you don't look the details to see the issues :

I shared a link with more images from the anime if people didn't look them but I repost here:

But I like more the door. The direction is random.

First another door, very simple, same bulding, nothing wrong :

So why this very complex design and having so much time on this lines later? The source light is above in the middle so the shading is wrong left and right on the wall (except the last shades in the corners).

I don"t talk about animation most of issue are background with no movement. The character animation and fight have no issue. It's not a issue with the source and screen I use.
VoyageurMay 7, 12:41 PM
May 7, 12:03 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to ArashikageX
Voyageur said:
Sorry for my english I am French. I'm surprised not to find people reacting to the fact that the backgrounds of episodes 1, 3 and 4 are generated by AI. Are you satisfied with the result?

Episode 4 examples :

You sure? They would've announced the use of AI considering how massive it's gonna be if we start getting AI anime. You got a source?
@ArashikageX It's my analysis and and some people have the same opinion on Reddit / Twitter. I don"t think is full AI image: they draw on IA image or complete a background with AI on a base. Maybe they think if is not full AI is not so différent using filter so no need to explain.

VoyageurMay 7, 12:44 PM
May 7, 12:40 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Voyageur
@Merve2Love I did it this afternoon. Juste before you answer. I don"t think anymore in my original post for the second picture is AI so I deletet it because I studied more today the art style of Shinji Kimura.

But for my defense I didn't expect so much people being sure this is not use of AI when I posted my first message. And I need time to write in english.

Why do you think that's a good thing? o.O

You made a Thread not really knowing what you're talking about, at that time.
And you were wrong ....

Don't do this^^
Has nothing to do with "Love for Anime" xD
You said: "This is Ai" and it wasn't. It doesn't matter that you studied it later or whatever.

I dunno...maybe don't say stuff like this, when you're not even sure that what you say is the truth?....
What's the point? You were uninformed and wrong and you STILL felt the need to tell everybody what's what.
Merve2LoveMay 7, 12:47 PM
May 7, 12:51 PM
Dec 2020
Ah yes, spreading misinformation, great stuff.
May 7, 12:54 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to Merve2Love

Why do you think that's a good thing? o.O

You made a Thread not really knowing what you're talking about, at that time.
And you were wrong ....

Don't do this^^
Has nothing to do with "Love for Anime" xD
You said: "This is Ai" and it wasn't. It doesn't matter that you studied it later or whatever.

I dunno...maybe don't say stuff like this, when you're not even sure that what you say is the truth?....
What's the point? You were uninformed and wrong and you STILL felt the need to tell everybody what's what.
@Merve2Love You do the same thing right now. You just say I am wrong for sure but you didn"t comment anything I showed today and explained. : ( Like most of the answer said basically I don't know how to see, trolling or hate the anime, not why what I see not a issue / can't be AI or part AI.

So far only voltwafle had a good comment: "This could be anything from an animation error that wasn't fixed in time to crappy streaming bitrate to an old display that can't keep up with the movement." and I answered why I don"t think it is.
VoyageurMay 7, 12:59 PM
May 7, 12:57 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Voyageur
@Merve2Love You do the same thing right now. You just say I am wrong for sure but you didn"t comment anything I showed today and explained. : ( Like most of the answer said basically I don't know how to see, trolling or hate the anime, not why what I see not a issue / can't be AI or part AI.

So far only voltwafle had a good comment: "This could be anything from an animation error that wasn't fixed in time to crappy streaming bitrate to an old display that can't keep up with the movement." and I answered why I don"t think it is.

I don't^^

I, respectfully, tell you to at least know what you're talking about - before starting to spout stuff like that^^
Have a point. Do have something to say -> Then start forming an opinion and make a Thread. Not the other way around.

As I said: It's no biggie. It's just a bit silly.
May 7, 1:01 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to Merve2Love

I don't^^

I, respectfully, tell you to at least know what you're talking about - before starting to spout stuff like that^^
Have a point. Do have something to say -> Then start forming an opinion and make a Thread. Not the other way around.

As I said: It's no biggie. It's just a bit silly.
@Merve2Love I think I edited after your answer ? Here the last comment: And I didn't start with a lot of explanation because like I said a lot of background have for me obvious issues, didn't expect so much disagree, and I said in the evening I didn't have time for explanations when I saw that people didn't believe it (it's was a surprise for me) and that I need the next day for comments and start a proper debate. Mistake fixed.
May 7, 1:06 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Voyageur
@Merve2Love I think I edited after your answer ? Here the last comment: And I didn't start with a lot of explanation because like I said a lot of background have for me obvious issues, didn't expect so much disagree, and I said in the evening I didn't have time for explanations when I saw that people didn't believe it (it's was a surprise for me) and that I need the next day for comments and start a proper debate. Mistake fixed.

Exactly my point.
People didn't believe it - cause it wasn't a fact. It was wrong information. You made it up.

You didn't know what you were talking about.
Im glad that you learned something ...but that wasn't the point, you know^^
You shouldn't make a Thread about something you don't even know.

Look, this is spinning.
Feel free to use the forums as some sort of personal blog, if you want. God, you're not the only one doing it. No worries. xD

It's just irritating^^
May 7, 1:15 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to Merve2Love

Exactly my point.
People didn't believe it - cause it wasn't a fact. It was wrong information. You made it up.

You didn't know what you were talking about.
Im glad that you learned something ...but that wasn't the point, you know^^
You shouldn't make a Thread about something you don't even know.

Look, this is spinning.
Feel free to use the forums as some sort of personal blog, if you want. God, you're not the only one doing it. No worries. xD

It's just irritating^^
@Merve2Love Oh I understand now the comment of this person ahah "If you're reffering to merve... congrats! You're officially her new babysitter" ^^ Repeating is wong information but not why don"t make me saying wrong information you know ? And now sorry but you are trolling.

I don't need a blog and I didn't write on the forum since the account creation years ago. I will talk with any people who want debate about the topic but after you won't see me. Becauce like tous said, is spinning.

Did you need my art accreditation? If I use the forum for my blog I should post my art I suppose.
May 7, 1:16 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Voyageur
@Merve2Love Oh I understand now the comment of this person ahah "If you're reffering to merve... congrats! You're officially her new babysitter" ^^ Repeating is wong information but not why don"t make me saying wrong information you know ? And now sorry but you are trolling.

I don't need a blog and I didn't write on the forum since the account creation years ago. I will talk with any people who want debate about the topic but after you won't see me. Becauce like tous said, is spinning.

Did you need my art accreditation? If I use the forum for my blog I should post my art I suppose.

No need to get angry^^

As I said - you do you.
It's just silly. Your art does not matter, in this discussion. Sorry.

This is not about you.
This is about AI backgrounds. Im not interested in your accreditation. Nobody is.
You talked out of your ass. Why is that so hard to accept?^^

I don't mean to disrespect you xD
Merve2LoveMay 7, 1:24 PM
May 7, 1:29 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to Merve2Love

No need to get angry^^

As I said - you do you.
It's just silly. Your art does not matter, in this discussion. Sorry.

This is not about you.
This is about AI backgrounds. Im not interested in your accreditation. Nobody is.
You talked out of your ass. Why is that so hard to accept?^^

I don't mean to disrespect you xD
@Merve2Love I am tired, not angry. And a little disappointed in you. I was expecting at some point an interesting counter argument. Otherwise, why come back again and again to a subject that doesn't interest you and irritates you? The forum is big, there must be better to do elsewhere.

Sure no need to draw to comment art, but drawing help to see what you don't see.
May 7, 1:33 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Voyageur
@Merve2Love I am tired, not angry. And a little disappointed in you. I was expecting at some point an interesting counter argument. Otherwise, why come back again and again to a subject that doesn't interest you and irritates you? The forum is big, there must be better to do elsewhere.

Sure no need to draw to comment art, but drawing help to see what you don't see.

Okay^^ Thats fine.

It's not that Im not interested.
I was, remember?

I asked you what you mean.
Why is that AI and why is it bad? These were my questions. couldn't answer. Cause you didn't know.
So did you beeing an artist really help you to comment on art, in this case? No. Did your Thread help anyone or encouraged discussion? Well, helped you, one person on MaL, to realize that you're wrong. Not really the point of the forums, tho^^

And that's alright. I don't mind. I don't know you. The irritating part is that you felt the need to make a rather self centered Thread about it all and then updated it, like this was your personal blog.

But...nevermind...I guess.
You just said that you were worried about upsetting people with your very first Thread, here.
So that was why I commented.

May 7, 1:44 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to Merve2Love

Okay^^ Thats fine.

It's not that Im not interested.
I was, remember?

I asked you what you mean.
Why is that AI and why is it bad? These were my questions. couldn't answer. Cause you didn't know.
So did you beeing an artist really help you to comment on art, in this case? No. Did your Thread help anyone or encouraged discussion? Well, helped you, one person on MaL, to realize that you're wrong. Not really the point of the forums, tho^^

And that's alright. I don't mind. I don't know you. The irritating part is that you felt the need to make a rather self centered Thread about it all and then updated it, like this was your personal blog.

But...nevermind...I guess.
You just said that you were worried about upsetting people with your very first Thread, here.
So that was why I commented.

@Merve2Love I answered today to your questions but you didn't read for sure or comment it with argument ^^. Fascinating person, full of lovely contradictions. I think you have some confusion about what a forum is and twitter. You are looking for a reaction, not a debate. Have a good day.
May 7, 4:39 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to DigiCat
Voyageur said:
I did not want to argue from authority and experience but only base myself on calm and polite debate.

Why not caml and polite and informed experience on the topic? Is it not possible for those to coexist?

Voyageur said:
Since everyone tells me that I don't know how to see, without talking about their experiences, you will all have to explain to me what knowledge you have that is beyond me. Because almost no one discussed the substance and the problems that I pointed out. And that's what interests me, the arguments, not asking me to adjust my glasses.

And a little exercise that I like to do. Go to Deviant Art and find the AI-generated images before clicking on them and confirming it. 9/10 I'm right.

But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I don't have a crusade to win. I'm just waiting to be proven wrong with interest if that's the case.

You mentioned perspective, blured backgrounds and possible merging, although the perspective isn't perfect and backgrounds get more blured and less detaild the further they are in the distance, what i see when i zoom into those more blured ares is actually layering (maybe i got the term wrong but i don't know how else to describe how the various patterns and colors are layerd onto eachother to give the illusion of there being buildings in the distence), not merging which is typical of AI, the former, unlike merging, has distinguishable shapes even when blured (of course they don't look like what they're suppost to when looking close up, one shape might be contributing to make 2 or 3 buildings)

As for blurring and perspective, i wouldn't say either of them are definite proof of it being AI, bluring can be used as an effect to give contrast between the backgrounds and the characters, while the perspective not being perfect falls easily in the margin of human error, i mean by that logic, would you say Attack On Titan manga is AI because the perspective is off a lot of the time? Of course AI has it's own problems with perspective, but they tend to have different characteristics from human error, a lot of AI's problems with perspective have to do with warping, to give a simple example, if a human draws a circle it might come out slightly oval, while if an AI drew a circle it'd look like... imagine trying to pour slime onto a table and make it as circular as possible, you'll notice the edges start to warp, ooze, it'll tend to have slight dents in it that don't really make sense

The door background is actually the one i'm least sure about, but that could be a case of the scene not being complete, it's not uncommon for small details to be adjusted later on with DVD and BluRay releases
@DigiCat Oh shit I forgot to reply to you even though you commented on the images the most and thx you. The problem here is that the blur is sometimes extremely detailed, which means you have to draw a lot and then use a filter for bluring. This is precisely what I criticized the door for. This is technically improbable. Huge waste of time for not very good result.

I will take the example of the building that I spoke about earlier because it alone concentrates a large number of details which are typical of an AI. But I had to draw on it quite a bit for explain and it's two days of vacation in France. I'll take care of it as soon as possible and we'll see what people think.
May 7, 7:42 PM
Jun 2023
I don't care if they use AI. I care if it's good.
May 7, 7:50 PM
Jun 2023
see it's not Ai generated if it was then there would not be that great quality and detail.
it is possible that animators used AI to get references but Ai hasn't made it.
I am a experienced artist specializing in digital art so I can better guide you
May 7, 8:13 PM

Aug 2015
Voyageur said:
@voltwaffle It's exactly how work for now AI. Sometimes almost all the image look fine execpt a few details. Small but weird because for this bulding you have a lot of details. If a background artist doesn't have time he will draw more abstrait / simple, and wait for Bluray release to correct the background. Not doing a lot of weird and wrong details to fixe it later. But is not juste the issue in this backgournd. The same building is wrong proportion perspective with the buildings around. Far too small. He should be next the red building behind it.

It's hard if you don't look the details to see the issues :

I shared a link with more images from the anime if people didn't look them but I repost here:

But I like more the door. The direction is random.

First another door, very simple, same bulding, nothing wrong :

So why this very complex design and having so much time on this lines later? The source light is above in the middle so the shading is wrong left and right on the wall (except the last shades in the corners).

I don"t talk about animation most of issue are background with no movement. The character animation and fight have no issue. It's not a issue with the source and screen I use.

Again, you simply don't know what you're talking about. I'm not going to debate with you when your claims are overblown nonsense. Go back and look at animated (not just anime) pre-digital backgrounds and you'll see the same thing. Stop arguing about things you clearly don't understand and maybe pick up a book on animation.
Controversial opinions
May 7, 8:45 PM

Feb 2021
bro's tripping lmao
May 7, 9:07 PM

Mar 2018
Reply to sjabeen
it's most likely CGI NOT AI

AI has become the new buzzword since CGI doesn't have as much impact as it used to anymore
May 8, 3:41 AM

May 2021
Reply to Voyageur
@DigiCat Oh shit I forgot to reply to you even though you commented on the images the most and thx you. The problem here is that the blur is sometimes extremely detailed, which means you have to draw a lot and then use a filter for bluring. This is precisely what I criticized the door for. This is technically improbable. Huge waste of time for not very good result.

I will take the example of the building that I spoke about earlier because it alone concentrates a large number of details which are typical of an AI. But I had to draw on it quite a bit for explain and it's two days of vacation in France. I'll take care of it as soon as possible and we'll see what people think.
@Voyageur Ok i'll await your draw-over to continue the debate

Enjoy your vacation :)
May 8, 7:01 AM

Mar 2023
They look hand-drawn and not AI generated,

For fun I asked the most powerful publicly available version of gpt to give it's opinion on the backgrounds and if it thinks they are AI generated (from the OP, 2 images). The module for detecting AI generated images is up to date and was updated this week.
I didn't tell it anything beyond giving it the 2 images and asking simply "are the backgrounds in those images AI generated?" :

The backgrounds in the images you provided, typical of many anime, are carefully crafted to enhance the setting and atmosphere of the scenes. They are often created by skilled background artists using a combination of traditional painting techniques and digital enhancements. These backgrounds are known for their detailed and often realistic depictions of environments, whether they be urban landscapes, natural settings, or interior spaces.

In the first image, the depiction of Kokubunji, Tokyo, shows a detailed and moody urban scene at night, with a high level of detail in the lighting, the texture of the buildings, and the overall composition, which helps set the tone and context of the scene. This level of detail and artistic consistency is generally beyond current AI capabilities, which can sometimes struggle with such intricate and consistent detail over large, varied areas.

The second image's background features a more stylized, possibly futuristic setting with architectural elements that provide a stark, clean contrast to the character in the foreground. This kind of background is designed to reflect the mood and theme of the story, showing a meticulous level of design that is characteristic of human artists in animation.

These backgrounds are most likely the result of professional artists' work rather than being AI-generated, due to the detailed, consistent artistic style and integration with the narrative elements of the anime.
watsymMay 8, 7:04 AM
May 8, 7:19 AM

Mar 2023
Also for first image, here's a comparison in detecting it's not AI generated vs an AI generated one:

In the first image, the depiction of Kokubunji, Tokyo, shows a detailed and moody urban scene at night, with a high level of detail in the lighting, the texture of the buildings, and the overall composition, which helps set the tone and context of the scene. This level of detail and artistic consistency is generally beyond current AI capabilities, which can sometimes struggle with such intricate and consistent detail over large, varied areas.


An AI generated with a similar prompt:

Based on the image you provided, it appears to be a highly stylized depiction of a residential area at night with a mixture of traditional houses and modern buildings under a starry sky. This could be either digitally painted by an artist or created using AI. The precision in lighting and the uniformity of the houses can often be indicative of AI-generated art, where patterns and textures are replicated with high accuracy.
May 8, 7:36 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to Voyageur
@sjabeen Yep not random AI design: CGI i can see the human art style here. Very good mecha car design. I like a lot the cute little car size in front of the huge whatever truck.

I guess in this universe we change size depending on what we drive

@Voyageur and for this image. Detailed explanation

The image you've provided, likely from an anime, exemplifies several attributes that go beyond what current mainstream AI-generated art capabilities usually achieve. Here are some key factors:

Narrative Context: The image incorporates elements that serve a specific narrative purpose, integrating both realistic and fantastical elements seamlessly. AI, at present, doesn't understand or construct narrative context on its own; it generates images based on patterns and data without a true comprehension of story elements.
Style Consistency: The image shows a consistent artistic style that is maintained across various objects and perspectives. AI can sometimes struggle with maintaining style consistency across complex scenes, particularly when different types of objects and materials are involved.
Detail and Precision: The level of detail in the scene, especially in terms of spatial relations and the depiction of different materials (metal, glass, foliage, etc.), is quite high. While AI can produce detailed images, ensuring the correct material properties and their interactions in a realistically inconsistent urban environment is still challenging.
Integration of Elements: The image integrates various elements like futuristic machinery and everyday urban life in a way that is coherent and visually balanced. AI often struggles with spatial and thematic integration, leading to artifacts or incongruences in complex scenes.
Cultural and Contextual Nuance: The image likely contains cultural or contextual nuances specific to the storyline or setting it portrays, which are embedded in the choice of architecture, vehicles, and technology. Current AI does not inherently understand or generate such culturally nuanced elements without explicit direction.

These factors combined showcase an artistic intentionality and depth that AI, as of now, does not autonomously possess.
May 8, 8:38 AM

Jan 2024
Reply to Jacut
Now I'm interested. I'm not sure they're using AI backgrounds, but that's not the point in my opinion. Let's consider they are. Would that make the anime less interesting or enjoyable if they were? I was around at the beginning of CGI and people were saying the same stuff "(I'm never gonna watch a CGI anime, I swear, it's destroying creativity and animators' jobs!"), and now every anime uses CGI and people still watch it, even though, frankly, CGI doesn't come close in terms of quality to hand drawn animation. But I get it, it's cheaper for studios, anime fans are relatively young and don't care too much about quality most of the time, is used to it by now, so nobody complains anymore. Would that make that much of a difference if you knew that Kaijuu's backgrounds were made through AI? Palworld used AI and infringed on Nintendo's IP in the process and millions of people still played it, right? Will every anime use AI in a few years (my guess is yes, by the way)?
Jacut said:
Would that make that much of a difference if you knew that Kaijuu's backgrounds were made through AI?

As we watch movies / music / anime / video games / the real world around us turn to shit actually it does make a difference. And I have a lot of respect for people who are shaming AI artists and boycotting them. AI is built on stolen art, plenty of lawsuits out there show it. Hollywood / Music business has been stealing shit for decades too.

But I agree with you, ultimately its not going to make a difference in the macro sense. But at least we can complain about it here in the forums. (until we can't, hehe)
May 8, 10:03 AM
Jun 2022
It's not surprising that you don't find many reactions to this, as the use of AI to generate backgrounds in anime episodes is still relatively new and not widely known to the general public. However, this could change as this technology becomes more widespread and people start to notice differences in the visual styles of various shows.

In any case, the use of AI in anime production opens up new creative and technical possibilities, and it will be interesting to see how this evolves in the future
May 8, 11:22 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to watsym
Also for first image, here's a comparison in detecting it's not AI generated vs an AI generated one:

In the first image, the depiction of Kokubunji, Tokyo, shows a detailed and moody urban scene at night, with a high level of detail in the lighting, the texture of the buildings, and the overall composition, which helps set the tone and context of the scene. This level of detail and artistic consistency is generally beyond current AI capabilities, which can sometimes struggle with such intricate and consistent detail over large, varied areas.


An AI generated with a similar prompt:

Based on the image you provided, it appears to be a highly stylized depiction of a residential area at night with a mixture of traditional houses and modern buildings under a starry sky. This could be either digitally painted by an artist or created using AI. The precision in lighting and the uniformity of the houses can often be indicative of AI-generated art, where patterns and textures are replicated with high accuracy.
@watsym It's depending of the prompt, the AI training and the hand correction.

Your AI image is a very classic prompt. You can training for having a very more complex SF background :

Sources :

Remember the AI short movie from WIT Studio (The dog and the boy) :

Step 2 and 3 are very differents AI. But they have time to redraw / correction because it's a 3 min movie.
May 8, 11:27 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to MHRX_999
It's not surprising that you don't find many reactions to this, as the use of AI to generate backgrounds in anime episodes is still relatively new and not widely known to the general public. However, this could change as this technology becomes more widespread and people start to notice differences in the visual styles of various shows.

In any case, the use of AI in anime production opens up new creative and technical possibilities, and it will be interesting to see how this evolves in the future
@MHRX_999 I'm agree if they make it 100% ethical and for just saving time. If most of animation become AI with human correction not really fan.
May 8, 11:30 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to shironeko13
bro's tripping lmao
@shironeko13 I like tripping. Nice intervention and have a good day.
May 8, 11:39 AM
Apr 2012
Reply to voltwaffle
Voyageur said:
@voltwaffle It's exactly how work for now AI. Sometimes almost all the image look fine execpt a few details. Small but weird because for this bulding you have a lot of details. If a background artist doesn't have time he will draw more abstrait / simple, and wait for Bluray release to correct the background. Not doing a lot of weird and wrong details to fixe it later. But is not juste the issue in this backgournd. The same building is wrong proportion perspective with the buildings around. Far too small. He should be next the red building behind it.

It's hard if you don't look the details to see the issues :

I shared a link with more images from the anime if people didn't look them but I repost here:

But I like more the door. The direction is random.

First another door, very simple, same bulding, nothing wrong :

So why this very complex design and having so much time on this lines later? The source light is above in the middle so the shading is wrong left and right on the wall (except the last shades in the corners).

I don"t talk about animation most of issue are background with no movement. The character animation and fight have no issue. It's not a issue with the source and screen I use.

Again, you simply don't know what you're talking about. I'm not going to debate with you when your claims are overblown nonsense. Go back and look at animated (not just anime) pre-digital backgrounds and you'll see the same thing. Stop arguing about things you clearly don't understand and maybe pick up a book on animation.
@voltwaffle Again and again just attacks not argument except go back look at pre-digital work. Waiting for similiar exemples please.

Let's see if I answer like you. You don't understand at all what you see and what you are talking about. I have been drawing for 20 years and do digital art. Go open a book on animation and digital art. So now have we made much further progress in the debate? Relevant ?
May 8, 12:02 PM
Apr 2012
Reply to 24kGOLDEN
see it's not Ai generated if it was then there would not be that great quality and detail.
it is possible that animators used AI to get references but Ai hasn't made it.
I am a experienced artist specializing in digital art so I can better guide you
@24kGOLDEN I invite you to see my answer to watsym about what the AI alreaday can do. I am also a digital artist. Not a pro but experience ^^
May 8, 12:04 PM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
love how a first time poster catches all the shit because they say something people disagree with and is open for debate. Sure they could write it different than as if it was a fact but man do people need to calm down lmao. You're not defending your family here, just have a civil discussion instead of whatever most of this is here

on topic tho, it does seem a bit like ai art but at the same time like many people mentioned here already I think it to be unlikely for that to be the case for various reasons. Anyways good job OP, appreciate your love for the detail and willingness to go such length to prove your point with actual points and solidified arguments instead of nonsense

smoochie smoochie[/center]
May 8, 12:23 PM

Mar 2023
@Voyageur unlike thew Kaiju ones, all 3 of your examples also got detected as AI and this isn't using search, but just knowledge of how AI draws:

The first image (city viewed from above with a vertigo effect) seems most likely to be AI-generated due to its more abstract composition and the somewhat surreal perspective. The exaggerated use of color and perspective is typical of AI art, where the emphasis on mood and effect can overshadow precise realism.

The second image (night scene with neon lights and skyscrapers) also showcases a very polished, detailed aesthetic common in digital art. The consistent lighting and atmospheric effects are sophisticated and could suggest high-quality AI generation.

The third image (daylight with many flying vehicles and layered buildings) has a highly detailed, realistic style that could either be the work of a skilled digital artist or AI-generated. The complexity and uniform style across the image are typical of detailed digital artwork but could also be achieved by advanced AI models trained on similar scenes.

1-2 it was pretty sure it was AI, much more confident than on my image even, while third it taught it could be done with AI, but was unsure.

For your Kaiju examples I offered explanation of why you can't do it with just AI. It's too coherent across too many details. AI's don't understand how to do that at their current level.

You aren't really using any kind of argument either than you feel like it's AI which means it totally is, but with just sentiment that you share rather than a logical conclusion.
If I were to guess things that could sway your sentiment are: high number of objects, many details, cold image (which is how a city looks). You are incorrectly assuming that AI is good at having many details, when in reality it doesn't understand those details so it will either be inconsistent in how it places them creating more abstract rather than logical background or copy them and repeating many times to fill the space. Meanwhile Kaiju backgrounds isn't repeating many details and they are very aesthetically consistent, they make sense.
AI art doesn't understand the objects very well. To poke a bit at your third image, it feels like it doesn't understand what a sunny day is and adds fog bellow a blue sky in front of the background buildings. The sky and the fog are inconsistent.
watsymMay 8, 12:29 PM
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