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not all opinions are equal and valid?
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Feb 14, 2:48 PM

Jan 2009
Everyone can have opinions, but I'm trusting opinions on factual stuff that are based on rationality, logic and experience more than opinions that are based on emotions or are corrupted in any form, for example scientists that get paid by big pharma concerns to give their "expert views". When it comes to matters of the heart, rationality, logic and experience may not be everything, but focusing solely on emotions and being led by them would be folly.
Thoughts are absolutely free, but some thoughts better remain unspoken.

Merve2Love said:
I really hope he's not...for his own sake.
Age isn't a guarantor for emotional maturity. He's btw far from the only one. Honestly spoken, even when there are cases where I sympathize with what you write, I have seen from your style that you get overly emotional where it seems inappropriate given that you are not really close to any of the users. But you're still far from the level of delusions that other users including the one you mentioned have - over people who do not and likely will not ever cross paths in person
I btw highly recommend reading The Enchiridion by Epictetus and The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, which can be a great inspiration
Feb 14, 2:56 PM

Sep 2016
poor deg getting poisoned by toxic queen again ^^'
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 14, 2:57 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Zarutaku
poor deg getting poisoned by toxic queen again ^^'
@Zarutaku nah does not bother me much now since she is toxic to everybody she is just projecting her loneliness

i will leave it to the moderators and others she is toxic with to deal with her
Feb 14, 3:47 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Noboru
Everyone can have opinions, but I'm trusting opinions on factual stuff that are based on rationality, logic and experience more than opinions that are based on emotions or are corrupted in any form, for example scientists that get paid by big pharma concerns to give their "expert views". When it comes to matters of the heart, rationality, logic and experience may not be everything, but focusing solely on emotions and being led by them would be folly.
Thoughts are absolutely free, but some thoughts better remain unspoken.

Merve2Love said:
I really hope he's not...for his own sake.
Age isn't a guarantor for emotional maturity. He's btw far from the only one. Honestly spoken, even when there are cases where I sympathize with what you write, I have seen from your style that you get overly emotional where it seems inappropriate given that you are not really close to any of the users. But you're still far from the level of delusions that other users including the one you mentioned have - over people who do not and likely will not ever cross paths in person
I btw highly recommend reading The Enchiridion by Epictetus and The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, which can be a great inspiration

It should be^^
But I guess you're right. One COULD be 40 and still behave like a pretentious, little boy - regardless. Agreed.

Then again, as I said: I hope that's not the case and he's just young. That would be more fitting, in my opinion...more..."normal"
Feb 14, 4:00 PM

Oct 2022
I guess every now and then we all tend to authoritarianism.

Yes, not all opinions are equal, some have huge arguments while others just base themselves over what they want to believe or what people heard. Some people will bring arguments to back their opinions or at least bring a reason while others just "redirect" the discussion to other topic that they domain.

Either way, all opinions are valid. Mainly because nobody has the absolute truth and can define what is valid and what not. Thats why every opinion is valid and have the right to be said, what doesnt have is the right to be heard (aka, you read something really stupid and decided it is not worth your time reading/replying). And this is a big problem with many today: they shield themselves on popular opinions that are baseless and accept them as truth, later they will fight and push to ban/censor any other opinion so they can install their opinion as absolute. You dont need to be a genious to know how bad can this get, specially if you understand how politics work
Feb 14, 4:50 PM

Sep 2016
KenaiPhoenix said:
Either way, all opinions are valid.
are you sure? there are opinions that can be easily invalidated such as "1 equals 0" or "the earth is flat" hence not all opinions are valid.

KenaiPhoenix said:
Mainly because nobody has the absolute truth and can define what is valid and what not.
if the definition of validity was subjective and varies for each and every individual, then quite frankly this entire topic would be completely pointless.

KenaiPhoenix said:
Thats why every opinion is valid and have the right to be said
yes every opinion has the right to be said, but that doesn't imply that every opinion is valid.

This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 15, 5:16 AM
Jan 2022

Ah, my dear interlocutor, while the notion of equality and validity in the realm of opinions may appear enticing at first glance, the intricacies of human thought belie such simplicity.

You see, opinions, much like the divergent paths of the multiverse, are shaped by a myriad of factors—personal experiences, cultural influences, and cognitive biases, to name but a few. Each individual traverses the labyrinth of existence through a unique lens, interpreting the world through the prism of their own subjectivity.

However, to assert that all opinions are equal and valid is to overlook the inherent complexity of human discourse. While all individuals possess the right to their own perspectives, the veracity and credibility of said opinions are subject to scrutiny and evaluation.

Consider, if you will, the analogy of scientific inquiry. In the pursuit of truth, hypotheses are rigorously tested, subjected to the crucible of empirical evidence and peer review. Similarly, opinions that withstand the crucible of critical analysis, rooted in reasoned argumentation and supported by evidence, may be deemed more credible than others.

Yet, let us not discount the importance of empathy and understanding in the exchange of divergent viewpoints. While opinions may vary in validity and merit, the recognition of each individual's inherent dignity and worth remains paramount.

In conclusion, while all opinions may possess intrinsic value to their respective holders, the discernment of validity requires discernment, critical inquiry, and an openness to the vast tapestry of human experience. As we navigate the labyrinth of discourse, let us strive for humility, empathy, and a genuine appreciation for the kaleidoscope of perspectives that enrich our shared journey through the cosmos.
Feb 15, 5:26 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to TheMageDalamar

Ah, my dear interlocutor, while the notion of equality and validity in the realm of opinions may appear enticing at first glance, the intricacies of human thought belie such simplicity.

You see, opinions, much like the divergent paths of the multiverse, are shaped by a myriad of factors—personal experiences, cultural influences, and cognitive biases, to name but a few. Each individual traverses the labyrinth of existence through a unique lens, interpreting the world through the prism of their own subjectivity.

However, to assert that all opinions are equal and valid is to overlook the inherent complexity of human discourse. While all individuals possess the right to their own perspectives, the veracity and credibility of said opinions are subject to scrutiny and evaluation.

Consider, if you will, the analogy of scientific inquiry. In the pursuit of truth, hypotheses are rigorously tested, subjected to the crucible of empirical evidence and peer review. Similarly, opinions that withstand the crucible of critical analysis, rooted in reasoned argumentation and supported by evidence, may be deemed more credible than others.

Yet, let us not discount the importance of empathy and understanding in the exchange of divergent viewpoints. While opinions may vary in validity and merit, the recognition of each individual's inherent dignity and worth remains paramount.

In conclusion, while all opinions may possess intrinsic value to their respective holders, the discernment of validity requires discernment, critical inquiry, and an openness to the vast tapestry of human experience. As we navigate the labyrinth of discourse, let us strive for humility, empathy, and a genuine appreciation for the kaleidoscope of perspectives that enrich our shared journey through the cosmos.

@TheMageDalamar Hats off, most sophisticated reply I have ever seen in this forum. Did you write this yourself?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 15, 5:36 AM

Jun 2019
Zarutaku said:
Hats off, most sophisticated reply I have ever seen in this forum. Did you write this yourself?

It was obviously AI-generated... There were many giveaways, but I have also checked it on a couple of websites.
Feb 15, 6:24 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to Meusnier
Zarutaku said:
Hats off, most sophisticated reply I have ever seen in this forum. Did you write this yourself?

It was obviously AI-generated... There were many giveaways, but I have also checked it on a couple of websites.
Thought so too, but couldn't be bothered to check it myself. Even so it's no less impressive that machines working with likelihoods and other data are capable of constructing such replies.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 15, 7:18 AM
Aug 2013
No opinion is valid, only facts are.

Feb 15, 7:58 AM
Jan 2022
Reply to Meusnier
Zarutaku said:
Hats off, most sophisticated reply I have ever seen in this forum. Did you write this yourself?

It was obviously AI-generated... There were many giveaways, but I have also checked it on a couple of websites.

I shall divulge a secret, I fashion a response and then employ the alchemy of artificial intelligence to refine it to perfection. Thus, the wheels of destiny turn, propelling us ever closer to the zenith of revelation.
TheMageDalamarFeb 15, 8:02 AM
Feb 15, 9:27 AM

Jun 2017
Opinions are valid but they do not reflect facts or reality. Also an insult is not an opinion. And opinions can be wrong.
Feb 15, 11:39 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Merve2Love

It should be^^
But I guess you're right. One COULD be 40 and still behave like a pretentious, little boy - regardless. Agreed.

Then again, as I said: I hope that's not the case and he's just young. That would be more fitting, in my opinion...more..."normal"

There can be various circumstances and reasons for those over-reactions, for example: mental health issues, trauma, etc.

He doesn't seem to lie about his age and he already mentioned his issues multiple times. Stoicism might at last inspire people a little to try and focus on the things someone can control, which is the reactions. Of course, there can be underlying issues where professional or even medical help may be needed, but it's a waste of energy to over-react without anything to gain from it (related)

"Begin therefore from little things. Is a little oil spilt? A little wine stolen? Say to yourself, "This is the price paid for equanimity, for tranquillity, and nothing is to be had for nothing." When you call your servant, it is possible that he may not come; or, if he does, he may not do what you want. But he is by no means of such importance that it should be in his power to give you any disturbance."

edit: @Merve2Love: That's fair enough. My post was mostly directed to those who over-react to stuff like what others write on the Internet

2nd edit: @DreamWindow: It's not about creating the thread, but rather about the (over-)reactions in the thread. By no means do I want to excuse poor manners and antagonistic behavior with whatever possible underlying issues. I was merely giving the most-likely reason as to why some people seem to take things here too personal and too seriously. While I can sympathize, I do pity those more who are slaves to their own emotions and get worked up over stuff like having a different mindset. This implies that they feel way too strongly about the other persons or about this place in general. Otherwise, they wouldn't let it get to themselves that much that they can have lasting grudges for months or even years even when they're over 30. I mean, even most people that are 15-20 years younger are already emotionally much more mature
I once again highly recommend anyone with anger issues to read the two books I have linked
NoboruFeb 15, 3:00 PM
Feb 15, 1:04 PM

Apr 2020
Reply to Noboru

There can be various circumstances and reasons for those over-reactions, for example: mental health issues, trauma, etc.

He doesn't seem to lie about his age and he already mentioned his issues multiple times. Stoicism might at last inspire people a little to try and focus on the things someone can control, which is the reactions. Of course, there can be underlying issues where professional or even medical help may be needed, but it's a waste of energy to over-react without anything to gain from it (related)

"Begin therefore from little things. Is a little oil spilt? A little wine stolen? Say to yourself, "This is the price paid for equanimity, for tranquillity, and nothing is to be had for nothing." When you call your servant, it is possible that he may not come; or, if he does, he may not do what you want. But he is by no means of such importance that it should be in his power to give you any disturbance."

edit: @Merve2Love: That's fair enough. My post was mostly directed to those who over-react to stuff like what others write on the Internet

2nd edit: @DreamWindow: It's not about creating the thread, but rather about the (over-)reactions in the thread. By no means do I want to excuse poor manners and antagonistic behavior with whatever possible underlying issues. I was merely giving the most-likely reason as to why some people seem to take things here too personal and too seriously. While I can sympathize, I do pity those more who are slaves to their own emotions and get worked up over stuff like having a different mindset. This implies that they feel way too strongly about the other persons or about this place in general. Otherwise, they wouldn't let it get to themselves that much that they can have lasting grudges for months or even years even when they're over 30. I mean, even most people that are 15-20 years younger are already emotionally much more mature
I once again highly recommend anyone with anger issues to read the two books I have linked


I don't really care about his mental condition and I certainly don't think Im obligated to research the guys issues beforehand^^
I answered his Thread. That's as far as it goes.
Feb 15, 2:16 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to Noboru

There can be various circumstances and reasons for those over-reactions, for example: mental health issues, trauma, etc.

He doesn't seem to lie about his age and he already mentioned his issues multiple times. Stoicism might at last inspire people a little to try and focus on the things someone can control, which is the reactions. Of course, there can be underlying issues where professional or even medical help may be needed, but it's a waste of energy to over-react without anything to gain from it (related)

"Begin therefore from little things. Is a little oil spilt? A little wine stolen? Say to yourself, "This is the price paid for equanimity, for tranquillity, and nothing is to be had for nothing." When you call your servant, it is possible that he may not come; or, if he does, he may not do what you want. But he is by no means of such importance that it should be in his power to give you any disturbance."

edit: @Merve2Love: That's fair enough. My post was mostly directed to those who over-react to stuff like what others write on the Internet

2nd edit: @DreamWindow: It's not about creating the thread, but rather about the (over-)reactions in the thread. By no means do I want to excuse poor manners and antagonistic behavior with whatever possible underlying issues. I was merely giving the most-likely reason as to why some people seem to take things here too personal and too seriously. While I can sympathize, I do pity those more who are slaves to their own emotions and get worked up over stuff like having a different mindset. This implies that they feel way too strongly about the other persons or about this place in general. Otherwise, they wouldn't let it get to themselves that much that they can have lasting grudges for months or even years even when they're over 30. I mean, even most people that are 15-20 years younger are already emotionally much more mature
I once again highly recommend anyone with anger issues to read the two books I have linked
Zarutaku said:
poor deg getting poisoned by toxic queen again ^^'

Noboru said:

There can be various circumstances and reasons for those over-reactions, for example: mental health issues, trauma, etc.

He doesn't seem to lie about his age and he already mentioned his issues multiple times. Stoicism might at last inspire people a little to try and focus on the things someone can control, which is the reactions. Of course, there can be underlying issues where professional or even medical help may be needed, but it's a waste of energy to over-react without anything to gain from it (related)

"Begin therefore from little things. Is a little oil spilt? A little wine stolen? Say to yourself, "This is the price paid for equanimity, for tranquillity, and nothing is to be had for nothing." When you call your servant, it is possible that he may not come; or, if he does, he may not do what you want. But he is by no means of such importance that it should be in his power to give you any disturbance."

edit: @Merve2Love: That's fair enough. My post was mostly directed to those who over-react to stuff like what others write on the Internet

If someone is making a thread, or opens some kind of discussion, they are putting themselves in the line of fire. This is not avoidable, regardless of what your emotional state is at the time, or whatever your personal issues are. Using such a defence is merely an excuse for the criticism in most cases. Especially when you consider a topic like this, when it can go into some really complicated territory, such as the ethics and rights of dealing with those who's views are deemed "less important" by elites. If you actually take this to it's logical conclusion and try to get to the heart of the issue, that is, and don't simply want to use a thread like this as an echo chamber to justify one's pre-existing beliefs, which is clearly all this thread was meant to be.

It's the internet. And more importantly, it's a discussion of complicated ideas. There's no reason to baby anyone. This was easily preventable if OP didn't want to engage in any kind of discussion. But he wants to have his cake and eat it too.
DreamWindowFeb 15, 2:28 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 15, 2:33 PM

Sep 2016
DreamWindow said:
There's no reason to baby anyone.

True, but there is also no reason to act like a stuck-up snob who considers their own opinion as ultra superior and belittles others as if they were educationally subnormal.
I mean it's allowed to do that (rightfully so) but there is no reason to do it other than making oneself feel good by riding the high horse (not talking about you btw).
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 15, 2:43 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
DreamWindow said:
There's no reason to baby anyone.

True, but there is also no reason to act like a stuck-up snob who considers their own opinion as ultra superior and belittles others as if they were educationally subnormal.
I mean it's allowed to do that (rightfully so) but there is no reason to do it other than making oneself feel good by riding the high horse (not talking about you btw).
@Zarutaku Do you not realize that OP does the exact same thing? Or do you just ignore that because he's your friend or something? Just look at how he reacts to pretty much any dissenting opinion. He never actually tries to engage with the other side, he just wants his views validated, or to ridicule the other side for disagreeing. There's never an attempt at real discussion, just tribalism. But for some reason, it's only a problem when people give them a taste of their own medicine.

This is a matter of favouritism. OP can claim to be a smol bean who dindu nuffin because of his mental health problems, when he does all of the same things that those who are labeled "toxic" do. He literally asked for this user to be banned just because she's not basking in his mediocrity. The only one riding a high horse is OP, but nobody seems to have the self awareness to realize that it seems.
DreamWindowFeb 15, 2:52 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 15, 2:56 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to DreamWindow
@Zarutaku Do you not realize that OP does the exact same thing? Or do you just ignore that because he's your friend or something? Just look at how he reacts to pretty much any dissenting opinion. He never actually tries to engage with the other side, he just wants his views validated, or to ridicule the other side for disagreeing. There's never an attempt at real discussion, just tribalism. But for some reason, it's only a problem when people give them a taste of their own medicine.

This is a matter of favouritism. OP can claim to be a smol bean who dindu nuffin because of his mental health problems, when he does all of the same things that those who are labeled "toxic" do. He literally asked for this user to be banned just because she's not basking in his mediocrity. The only one riding a high horse is OP, but nobody seems to have the self awareness to realize that it seems.
@DreamWindow I can agree on that, just not that OP is the only one. Both are on their own horse, armed with a lance and striking blows.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 15, 3:20 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
@DreamWindow I can agree on that, just not that OP is the only one. Both are on their own horse, armed with a lance and striking blows.
@Zarutaku I can concede to that. Call it slip of the tongue (or... fingers, in this case...? Idk). In either case, there is no productive discussion to be had. That's ultimately what I was getting at. I just think people need to not just hold these standards towards exclusively people who they think are "mean" and actually apply them to their own behaviour as well.

Noboru said:
: @DreamWindow: It's not about creating the thread, but rather about the (over-)reactions in the thread. By no means do I want to excuse poor manners and antagonistic behavior with whatever possible underlying issues. I was merely giving the most-likely reason as to why some people seem to take things here too personal and too seriously. While I can sympathize, I do pity those more who are slaves to their own emotions and get worked up over stuff like having a different mindset. This implies that they feel way too strongly about the other persons or about this place in general. Otherwise, they wouldn't let it get to themselves that much that they can have lasting grudges for months or even years even when they're over 30. I mean, even most people that are 15-20 years younger are already emotionally much more mature
I once again highly recommend anyone with anger issues to read the two books I have linked

Yes, I am referring to the contents of the thread as well. The point I was trying to get at, was, that reacting so strongly to other people's opinions is ridiculous, when you make yourself the centre of attention on purpose. And when you make a discussion like this, which inherently implies some level of critical thinking, and ethical decision making in order to come to some kind of conclusion on, it's only natural to become frustrated at the other person for not delivering on that. It's a social faux-pas in a way. I'm not saying the other parties made any effort into actually discussing the heart of the issue -it doesn't seem like anyone is. But what I'm saying is that the criticisms are not entirely unfounded, as they can sense that their actions do not show competence in the field they are discussing. And while I can agree, that it's extremely petty to hold grudges over a site like this, I think it's perfectly normal to discuss shortcomings in the moment, or in recent memory.

It's not so much a matter of people should not be "slave to their emotions" since none of us are robots, and we all have different personalities and temperaments. It's a matter of being able to read the room, and having some level of self awareness about yourself and the kind of discussion that you are having. It's clear that a thread like this was not made in good faith, and so, it's only reasonable that some people will see that and call it out.
DreamWindowFeb 15, 3:35 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 24, 1:42 PM

Jan 2022
But they SHOULD be equal and therefore valid. The world should be just equal and valid opinions, therefore everyone is the same, therefore the torture and loneliness of uniqueness doesn't exist. Everyone would be in the same exact situation, becoming friends with anyone is going to be much easier because you will relate to everyone around you. You will agree with anyone which will increase your level of kindness and everyone else's level of kindness. Art will be objective, everyone can take comfort that they have the same stance on art and everyone will enjoy objectively good art and no one will recommend a bad art for you to mistakenly consume.
Feb 28, 3:33 PM

Sep 2016
@deg why exactly did the "useless" topic get deleted? sorry for asking here, private message and profile comment is blocked.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 28, 8:33 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to Zarutaku
@deg why exactly did the "useless" topic get deleted? sorry for asking here, private message and profile comment is blocked.
@Zarutaku apparently the mods says it will attract trolls so bullying and suicide threads are not allowed anymore
Feb 29, 1:57 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to deg
@Zarutaku apparently the mods says it will attract trolls so bullying and suicide threads are not allowed anymore
@deg lol, I wonder how people are supposed to talk about bullying in Anime now because there are lots of these.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 29, 2:18 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Zarutaku
@deg lol, I wonder how people are supposed to talk about bullying in Anime now because there are lots of these.
@Zarutaku the rules are becoming too strict for sure damn
Feb 29, 2:39 AM

May 2022
One of the first things i learned in my philosophy classes in highschool is that not all opinions are equal. Some of them are wrong and harmfull and should not be allowed. That's all i've got to say
Feb 29, 3:18 AM

Jun 2008
I mean yeah. I guess it depends on the concept and topic.
Feb 29, 3:36 AM

May 2021
Reply to Zarutaku
@deg lol, I wonder how people are supposed to talk about bullying in Anime now because there are lots of these.
@Zarutaku I don't think it was the topic of bullying/suicide itself, but rather the question of "should useless people ... themselves?", i mean just answering "yes" to that question is bullying, pushing someone to do it
DigiCatFeb 29, 3:39 AM
Feb 29, 3:37 AM

May 2021
Reply to trinitroglycerin
One of the first things i learned in my philosophy classes in highschool is that not all opinions are equal. Some of them are wrong and harmfull and should not be allowed. That's all i've got to say
@trinitroglycerin Any examples of what got tought in your philosophy class?
Feb 29, 4:16 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to DigiCat
@Zarutaku I don't think it was the topic of bullying/suicide itself, but rather the question of "should useless people ... themselves?", i mean just answering "yes" to that question is bullying, pushing someone to do it
@DigiCat Probably, but that means it got deleted for wrong phrasing. If deg asked the same thing in a different way, then the topic still might be up.
This is forcing circumvention methods to ask an essentially equivalent question, which seems kind of redundant to me.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 29, 5:16 AM

May 2021
Reply to Zarutaku
@DigiCat Probably, but that means it got deleted for wrong phrasing. If deg asked the same thing in a different way, then the topic still might be up.
This is forcing circumvention methods to ask an essentially equivalent question, which seems kind of redundant to me.
Zarutaku said:
This is forcing circumvention methods to ask an essentially equivalent question

?? I don't get what you mean by this 🤔
Feb 29, 5:27 AM

May 2022
Reply to DigiCat
@trinitroglycerin Any examples of what got tought in your philosophy class?
@DigiCat Wym tought? English isn't my mother tongue sorry.
Feb 29, 5:36 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to DigiCat
Zarutaku said:
This is forcing circumvention methods to ask an essentially equivalent question

?? I don't get what you mean by this 🤔
@DigiCat Circumventing topic lock/deletion by phrasing the same question in a different way that does not lead to the aforementioned.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 29, 5:43 AM

May 2021
Reply to trinitroglycerin
@DigiCat Wym tought? English isn't my mother tongue sorry.
@trinitroglycerin About this "not all opinions are equal. Some of them are wrong and harmfull and should not be allowed", what are the opinions you learnt in philosophy class that aren't equel and/or are harmfulland shouldn't be allowed?
Feb 29, 5:44 AM

May 2021
Reply to Zarutaku
@DigiCat Circumventing topic lock/deletion by phrasing the same question in a different way that does not lead to the aforementioned.
@Zarutaku Oh it means lock/delete

I still don't get how the question could've been phrased differently, considering the topic included a poll where you could literally vote "yes they should ..."
Feb 29, 5:53 AM

Aug 2014
trinitroglycerin said:
One of the first things i learned in my philosophy classes in highschool is that not all opinions are equal. Some of them are wrong and harmfull and should not be allowed. That's all i've got to say

You can't dictate what opinions people are allowed to have. I can have whatever opinions I want, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Feb 29, 6:01 AM

May 2022
Reply to SmugSatoko
trinitroglycerin said:
One of the first things i learned in my philosophy classes in highschool is that not all opinions are equal. Some of them are wrong and harmfull and should not be allowed. That's all i've got to say

You can't dictate what opinions people are allowed to have. I can have whatever opinions I want, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
@SmugSatoko You can have an opinion but it can be wrong. Simple as that.
Feb 29, 6:03 AM

Aug 2014
trinitroglycerin said:
You can have an opinion but they can be wrong. Simple as that.

That is not all you said, though. You said some opinions should not be allowed...but you have no way to enforce that.
Feb 29, 6:04 AM

May 2022
Reply to DigiCat
@trinitroglycerin About this "not all opinions are equal. Some of them are wrong and harmfull and should not be allowed", what are the opinions you learnt in philosophy class that aren't equel and/or are harmfulland shouldn't be allowed?
@DigiCat Well for example something like "jews are an inferior species and should all be burned". Even though some people are still thinking this way nowadays it doesn't change the fact that it is objectively wrong. I'd say all opinions promoting hatred and violence are objectively wrong. Doesn't mean you're forbidden from having these opinions though.
Feb 29, 6:05 AM

May 2022
Reply to SmugSatoko
trinitroglycerin said:
You can have an opinion but they can be wrong. Simple as that.

That is not all you said, though. You said some opinions should not be allowed...but you have no way to enforce that.
@SmugSatoko Nah i meant you shouldn't be able to express such opinions in public.
Feb 29, 6:08 AM

May 2022
Reply to trinitroglycerin
@DigiCat Well for example something like "jews are an inferior species and should all be burned". Even though some people are still thinking this way nowadays it doesn't change the fact that it is objectively wrong. I'd say all opinions promoting hatred and violence are objectively wrong. Doesn't mean you're forbidden from having these opinions though.
@trinitroglycerin Bottom line is: No, not all opinions are valid/equals but as long as you keep them for yourself then no one can come at you.
Feb 29, 6:08 AM

Aug 2014
trinitroglycerin said:
Nah i meant you shouldn't be able to express such opinions in public.

And I am telling you that you are unable to enforce such tyranny upon others. It's nothing but a fantasy.

Here in the United States, we have freedom of speech. If you want to remove that, you will have to come here and fight us. Good luck. ;)
Feb 29, 6:09 AM
Jul 2018
If they were we wouldn't need this forum now would we.
Feb 29, 6:10 AM

May 2022
Reply to SmugSatoko
trinitroglycerin said:
Nah i meant you shouldn't be able to express such opinions in public.

And I am telling you that you are unable to enforce such tyranny upon others. It's nothing but a fantasy.

Here in the United States, we have freedom of speech. If you want to remove that, you will have to come here and fight us. Good luck. ;)
@SmugSatoko And i'm telling you that if you start saying in public space that black people are inferior to white people you're gonna have to face legal repercussions. And rightfully so.
Feb 29, 6:11 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to DigiCat
@Zarutaku Oh it means lock/delete

I still don't get how the question could've been phrased differently, considering the topic included a poll where you could literally vote "yes they should ..."
@DigiCat There are countless possibilities, for example he could have asked "Is it okay to be a useless person?" with 3 options "Yes it's okay", "No it's shameful" and "No they should question their existence". Of course I can't know if this would have worked as circumvention, but there sure are some more ambiguous and different ways to find out how people think about this topic.
ZarutakuFeb 29, 6:14 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 29, 6:13 AM

May 2022
Also even if no one comes at you for sharing your hatefull/discriminatory opinions, it doesn't change the fact that they're objectively not valid.
Feb 29, 6:14 AM

Aug 2014
trinitroglycerin said:
And i'm telling you that if you start saying in public space that black people are inferior to white people you're gonna have to face legal repercussions. And rightfully so.

Speech is not a crime in the US, so someone would not be criminally prosecuted here for publicly saying that.

At most, they could be sued in a civil court and have to pay money to someone they caused damages to...but even that is unlikely to happen.
Feb 29, 6:17 AM

May 2022
I think everyone interested by this topic should really document themselves because there is no way educated people would spread such misconception. No, not all opinions are valid. Because some are objectively wrong so there is no way they could all be valid.
Feb 29, 6:23 AM

May 2022
Reply to SmugSatoko
trinitroglycerin said:
And i'm telling you that if you start saying in public space that black people are inferior to white people you're gonna have to face legal repercussions. And rightfully so.

Speech is not a crime in the US, so someone would not be criminally prosecuted here for publicly saying that.

At most, they could be sued in a civil court and have to pay money to someone they caused damages to...but even that is unlikely to happen.
@SmugSatoko Ok so i just documented myself about the american legislation regarding hate speech and you might be right. Guess that's another reason why your country is fucked up and i would never live there.
Feb 29, 6:28 AM
Jan 2021
Not going to care for the opinion of murderers, so yes.
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