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Aug 15, 2022 5:01 PM
Feb 2022
struggler_sensei said:
Weeaboo_Bomber said:

Looook, okay, Lenin, tell me how eating, drinking, shitting, going to school or anything you do in your daily life is political? Of course you can't. Can you show me a japanese person who watches anime for politics? nope. Can you tell me more than 5 anime directors who explicitly make political stuff? big NOPE. But for edgy western wannabe-activists everything just has to be political.

Bro, this is about anime and anime is still not political and your argument doesn't even scratch my point.
What you eat or drink, where and how you get your food and drinks, what school you go to, and yes even how you shit are all political actions regardless of whether those are conscious or subconscious actions they are still influenced by ideology and are therefore political. Furthermore, no media is free from ideology. it doesn't matter if you watch something for politics or not, everything you watch is saturated with ideology and therefore it is political.

as the racoon man says

and I'm not some edgy western wannabe-activist, I'm a postgrad social sciences major doing a master's in cultural studies.

So this is what uni does to a nigga, take 292933020202?

Bro yes, I always ask my favorite political leader if I can take a dump, everytime I drink water, I reflect on what ideology makes me drink, haha. When japanese people make an anime they surely think of what ideology "sniffing my stepsis' pants in a dungeon" should have.
Of course you still don't answer a singe question because you can't.
Holy moly, just tell me that you're sarcastic and that you don't learn stuff like that in uni. You even sound like a literal robot, exacly like if you read your statement from somewhere.
Aug 15, 2022 5:01 PM

Aug 2022
egirlhooters said:
struggler_sensei said:
to be fair a lot of the people on this site are teenagers with at best a high school-level understanding of politics, it ain't all their fault. However, the adults have no excuse.
Yea that’s fair I can’t say I was any better when I was 15 lol
yeah same, at 15, I was an idiot. being a European in Texas gave me a little more knowledge than my peers but all I really knew was that Dubya was an idiot, socialised healthcare is good, and that my school was lying about the American civil war. I was incredibly ignorant and naive about everything else.
Aug 15, 2022 5:06 PM

Apr 2013
I swear to god someone is just making alts trying to create mayhem on this hellhole of a site.

This is the only good take in the thread:
Weeaboo_Bomber said:

For the people who don't have much time (to waste with bs):

This whole thread is literally a bunch of kids who call their feelings opinions and project them onto chinese cartoon.

Japanese people don't give a fuqq about politics, they wan't to see some guy sniffing his stepsisters panties in a dungeon.

struggler_sensei said:
egirlhooters said:
The political illiteracy of this site is going to give me a fucking aneurysm
to be fair a lot of the people on this site are teenagers with at best a high school-level understanding of politics, it ain't all their fault. However, the adults have no excuse.

Deg is a 40 year old neet and most of the other users are in their 20s.
DreamWindowAug 15, 2022 5:10 PM

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Aug 15, 2022 5:07 PM
Feb 2022
egirlhooters said:
The political illiteracy of this site is going to give me a fucking aneurysm

"lol other people are so dumb bc they are literally so dumb, lol. Over and out." - a very bright person
Aug 15, 2022 5:14 PM

Aug 2022
Weeaboo_Bomber said:
struggler_sensei said:
What you eat or drink, where and how you get your food and drinks, what school you go to, and yes even how you shit are all political actions regardless of whether those are conscious or subconscious actions they are still influenced by ideology and are therefore political. Furthermore, no media is free from ideology. it doesn't matter if you watch something for politics or not, everything you watch is saturated with ideology and therefore it is political.

as the racoon man says

and I'm not some edgy western wannabe-activist, I'm a postgrad social sciences major doing a master's in cultural studies.

So this is what uni does to a nigga, take 292933020202?

Bro yes, I always ask my favorite political leader if I can take a dump, everytime I drink water, I reflect on what ideology makes me drink, haha. When japanese people make an anime they surely think of what ideology "sniffing my stepsis' pants in a dungeon" should have.
Of course you still don't answer a singe question because you can't.
Holy moly, just tell me that you're sarcastic and that you don't learn stuff like that in uni. You even sound like a literal robot, exacly like if you read your statement from somewhere.
why do you buy coke? advertising. what is advertising? propaganda. Propaganda for what? consumerism. What is consumerism? a product of capitalism. what is capitalism? a sociopolitical economic system. In short, you bought that coke due to capitalist ideology.

Why do you take a shit in a toilet instead of squatting like in many other places? why do you use toilet paper instead of water? the answer is western cultural hegemony which is shaped by orientalism. This makes how you shit a political act.

And yes when the Japanese make an anime about sniffing their stepsis' panties in a dungeon they are influenced by ideology.

I have been giving you answer after answer my guy.

Aug 15, 2022 5:15 PM

Jan 2009
StarfireDragon said:
I swear to god someone is just making alts trying to create mayhem on this hellhole of a site.

if youre implying im making alts then no i never made one
Aug 15, 2022 5:15 PM

Aug 2022
StarfireDragon said:
I swear to god someone is just making alts trying to create mayhem on this hellhole of a site.

This is the only good take in the thread:
Weeaboo_Bomber said:

For the people who don't have much time (to waste with bs):

This whole thread is literally a bunch of kids who call their feelings opinions and project them onto chinese cartoon.

Japanese people don't give a fuqq about politics, they wan't to see some guy sniffing his stepsisters panties in a dungeon.

struggler_sensei said:
to be fair a lot of the people on this site are teenagers with at best a high school-level understanding of politics, it ain't all their fault. However, the adults have no excuse.

Deg is a 40 year old neet and most of the other users are in their 20s.
well... that is incredibly depressing.
Aug 15, 2022 5:19 PM

Mar 2020
Zelkiiro said:
Most anime fall under LibCenter, leaning a bit Left.

Freedom from authority is a common theme in many anime, and Japan is all about group effort and the collective good. There are stories with single idealized heroes, but there are a lot more that involve groups of heroes (or just groups).

To demonstrate, I've helpfully plotted my favorites on the compass:

hahaa, fucking cringe. none of these show had any politically socioeconomic message of the sort
Aug 15, 2022 5:20 PM

May 2016
KuroNekoAlchemy said:
Zelkiiro said:
Most anime fall under LibCenter, leaning a bit Left.

Freedom from authority is a common theme in many anime, and Japan is all about group effort and the collective good. There are stories with single idealized heroes, but there are a lot more that involve groups of heroes (or just groups).

To demonstrate, I've helpfully plotted my favorites on the compass:

hahaa, fucking cringe. none of these show had any politically socioeconomic message of the sort

No one talks about Left-wing/Right-wing colloquially with economic positions in mind.

This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Aug 15, 2022 5:21 PM

Mar 2020
Zelkiiro said:
KuroNekoAlchemy said:

hahaa, fucking cringe. none of these show had any politically socioeconomic message of the sort

No one talks about Left-wing/Right-wing colloquially with economic positions in mind.

just looking at this thread, a lot of people do lmao

Also you seem to misunderstand what socioeconomic means, but it's ok, average age here is 12 so I don't expect much
Aug 15, 2022 5:24 PM
Feb 2022
struggler_sensei said:
Weeaboo_Bomber said:

So this is what uni does to a nigga, take 292933020202?

Bro yes, I always ask my favorite political leader if I can take a dump, everytime I drink water, I reflect on what ideology makes me drink, haha. When japanese people make an anime they surely think of what ideology "sniffing my stepsis' pants in a dungeon" should have.
Of course you still don't answer a singe question because you can't.
Holy moly, just tell me that you're sarcastic and that you don't learn stuff like that in uni. You even sound like a literal robot, exacly like if you read your statement from somewhere.
why do you buy coke? advertising. what is advertising? propaganda. Propaganda for what? consumerism. What is consumerism? a product of capitalism. what is capitalism? a sociopolitical economic system. In short, you bought that coke due to capitalist ideology.

Why do you take a shit in a toilet instead of squatting like in many other places? why do you use toilet paper instead of water? the answer is western cultural hegemony which is shaped by orientalism. This makes how you shit a political act.

And yes when the Japanese make an anime about sniffing their stepsis' panties in a dungeon they are influenced by ideology.

I have been giving you answer after answer my guy.

The mental gymnastic is just mind boggling, lol. This must be how the mind of a conspiracy theorist works. I don't drink coke, I usually drink water or tea. I buy these and many other products (like toilet paper) randomly and I don't watch any ads. Conspiracy literally deboonked.
Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world) by doing stuff that people like. And because they are not political for the most part, they like isekais or ecchi stuff. Double deboonk, bro.

It doesn't seem to make any sense to have a discussion with you since we have fundamentally different takes on that matter and I don't feel like listening to your robot like didactic theories that you repeat over and over in order to justify your mission against capitalism or whatever is the latest (bad) thing according to the people in your uni.
Weeaboo_BomberAug 15, 2022 5:29 PM
Aug 15, 2022 5:35 PM

Apr 2013
It truly baffles me that someone saying "I don't care for politics in anime" is enough to cause the reply guys to go into a fucking frenzy. Political discussions and disagreements are one thing, but it's infuriating to me that this nonsense has permeated all facets of anime discussion. People can engage with art that has political themes and not have it influence them. You are just trying to push your political agenda onto others. So stop it and just watch some god damn anime.

struggler_sensei said:
StarfireDragon said:
I swear to god someone is just making alts trying to create mayhem on this hellhole of a site.

This is the only good take in the thread:

Deg is a 40 year old neet and most of the other users are in their 20s.
well... that is incredibly depressing.

The more I see, the less I believe on this site. But I'm glad there are some reasonable people in here at least.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Aug 15, 2022 5:47 PM

Aug 2022
Weeaboo_Bomber said:
struggler_sensei said:
why do you buy coke? advertising. what is advertising? propaganda. Propaganda for what? consumerism. What is consumerism? a product of capitalism. what is capitalism? a sociopolitical economic system. In short, you bought that coke due to capitalist ideology.

Why do you take a shit in a toilet instead of squatting like in many other places? why do you use toilet paper instead of water? the answer is western cultural hegemony which is shaped by orientalism. This makes how you shit a political act.

And yes when the Japanese make an anime about sniffing their stepsis' panties in a dungeon they are influenced by ideology.

I have been giving you answer after answer my guy.

The mental gymnastic is just mind boggling, lol. This must be how the mind of a conspiracy theorist works. I don't drink coke, I usually drink water or tea. I buy these and many other products (like toilet paper) randomly and I don't watch any ads. Conspiracy literally deboonked.
Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world) by doing stuff that people like. And because they are not political for the most part, they like isekais or ecchi stuff. Double deboonk, bro.

It doesn't seem to make any sense to have a discussion with you since we have fundamentally different takes on that matter and I don't feel like listening to your robot like didactic theories that you repeat over and over in order to justify your mission against capitalism or whatever is the latest (bad) thing according to the people in your uni.
The coke was an example dude. most advertising is subliminal and done through repetition and brand recognition, for example, you go to the store to buy tea once there you are more likely to pick out the brand that you are most familiar with unless you make an active decision to pick out another choice (in which case that choice is still one made due to ideology). there is no such thing as buying things randomly. You don't watch ads? what are you blind? aside from all the ads online that you can't get rid of there are also ads outside. you walk downtown you see ads everywhere, and your brain registers those ads even if you aren't actively paying attention to them.

"Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world)" That is literally capitalist ideology my guy. Even if all you are making is trash common denominator consumerist media for maximised profit, that is ideology, quite blatantly in fact, it is unapologetically capitalist.

Calling established sociological theory a "conspiracy" is as dumb as calling the Pythagorean theorem a conspiracy, or saying that the world being a globe is a conspiracy. I am stating established things relating to society and ideology. It has nothing to do with a mission against capitalism. I've used capitalism as an example because we live in a capitalist world hence the dominant ideology is capitalism, everything else is counter-hegemonic.
Aug 15, 2022 5:53 PM

Aug 2022
StarfireDragon said:
It truly baffles me that someone saying "I don't care for politics in anime" is enough to cause the reply guys to go into a fucking frenzy. Political discussions and disagreements are one thing, but it's infuriating to me that this nonsense has permeated all facets of anime discussion. People can engage with art that has political themes and not have it influence them. You are just trying to push your political agenda onto others. So stop it and just watch some god damn anime.

struggler_sensei said:
well... that is incredibly depressing.

The more I see, the less I believe on this site. But I'm glad there are some reasonable people in here at least.
I'm starting to think some of these fools need to take a break from anime and go read a damn book. Or like fuck watch some lectures on youtube. It really aint that hard.
Aug 15, 2022 6:14 PM

Apr 2013
struggler_sensei said:
StarfireDragon said:
It truly baffles me that someone saying "I don't care for politics in anime" is enough to cause the reply guys to go into a fucking frenzy. Political discussions and disagreements are one thing, but it's infuriating to me that this nonsense has permeated all facets of anime discussion. People can engage with art that has political themes and not have it influence them. You are just trying to push your political agenda onto others. So stop it and just watch some god damn anime.

The more I see, the less I believe on this site. But I'm glad there are some reasonable people in here at least.
I'm starting to think some of these fools need to take a break from anime and go read a damn book. Or like fuck watch some lectures on youtube. It really aint that hard.

They need a break from their political echo chambers too.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Aug 15, 2022 6:14 PM

Dec 2021
Yeah, I pretty much agree with Weeaboo. There are of course going to be some light political themes injected into stories to generate some interest here and there, but they're usually very secondary to everything else. Specific directors like to work a little politics in—I suppose Oshii and Miyazaki. Anime actually isn't that political. Most of these series are based on manga and light novels, and it's not really the same as carefully curated propaganda like you might find in the U.S., where the CIA and other gov agencies will pitch script ideas and get involved in Hollywood projects. I'm also thankful that I can easily laugh at most political messages in anime and it usually isn't a big focus.

How on earth has this thread gone on for so long without one mention of Ryosuke Takahashi?

I know why people bring up Yaginuma in this case, but has he actually incorporated politics into any of his anime work? MMO Junkies looks so bad, but I love his character acting in older shows.
Aug 15, 2022 6:16 PM

Aug 2022
StarfireDragon said:
struggler_sensei said:
I'm starting to think some of these fools need to take a break from anime and go read a damn book. Or like fuck watch some lectures on youtube. It really aint that hard.

They need a break from their political echo chambers too.
that may require them to go outside, you may be asking too much.
Aug 15, 2022 7:24 PM
Jul 2016
Aight ok

So generally, if a story is good, it has these things called “themes.” A “theme” is an idea that a story is expressing. Let’s look at an example like everyone knows. The original Star Wars movies. What are the recurring ideas in those movies? The importance of family, standing up for what’s right, believing people can be redeemed, the damage hatred and vengeance can cause oneself. There’s a level of subjectivity to themes, and you can extrapolate ideas that the authors didn’t intend, but you gotta be able to back them up with an argument and proof.

So, if stories have themes, and with how many stories there are, it shouldn’t be surprising that many stories have been written to have political themes. Looking back at Star Wars, those movies are also about overthrowing an authoritarian empire to restore a lost democracy. That is political. I think where people get all confused there is they hear “political” and think liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right, republican vs. democrat, woke vs. unwoke, or whatever buzz word. Thing is, politics refers to the organization of a society. Who has power? Who doesn’t? How is power distributed? Just because a story isn’t literally commentating on the current media headlines doesn’t mean it’s not political. And look, I’ll come forward and say I am a Marxist, but I don’t think you have to agree with the politics of a story to enjoy it, nor do I think all stories are necessarily political. I think all stories reflect the culture in which they were created, and culture is certainly impacted by the politics of that society, but I think you’re sort of getting into the weeds too deep there. Not to say it’s not worth talking about, because it is, it’s an interesting discussion, and I enjoy having it.

All of this is to say though, this whole “anime isn’t political” “Japanese people don’t care about politics” “stop forcing an agenda” is absurd. Please, stories are about things. People make them cause they have things to say, politics included. The creators behind these stories do want you to think about what is being said in the stories. Look at any interview behind your favorite works and you’ll see the creators talk about what themes they wanted to express. Stories are entertaining, but they do also make you feel and think about things.
digitaldevilgalAug 15, 2022 7:48 PM
Aug 15, 2022 7:43 PM

Jul 2019
egirlhooters said:
Aight ok

So generally, if a story is good, it has these things called “themes.” A “theme” is an idea that a story is expressing. Let’s look at an example like everyone knows. The original Star Wars movies. What are the recurring ideas in those movies? The importance of family, standing up for what’s right, believing people can be redeemed, the damage hatred and vengeance can cause oneself. There’s a level of subjectivity to themes, and you can extrapolate ideas that the authors didn’t intend, but you gotta be able to back them up with an argument and proof.

So, if stories have themes, and with how many stories there are, it shouldn’t be surprising that many stories have been written to have political themes. Looking back at Star Wars, those movies are also about overthrowing an authoritarian empire to restore a lost democracy. That is political. I think where people get all confused there is they hear “political” and think liberal vs. conservative, left vs. right, republican vs. democrat, woke vs. unwoke, or whatever buzz word. Thing is, politics refers to the organization of a society. Who has power? Who doesn’t? How is power distributed? Just because a story isn’t literally commentating on the current media headlines doesn’t mean it’s not political. And look, I’ll come forward and say I am a Marxist, but I don’t think you have to agree with the politics of a story to enjoy it, nor do I think all stories are necessarily political. I think all stories reflect the culture in which they were created, and culture is certainly impacted by the politics of that society, but I think you’re sort of getting into the weeds too deep there.

All of this is to say though, this whole “anime isn’t political” “Japanese people don’t care about politics” “stop forcing an agenda” is absurd. Please, stories are about things. People make them cause they have things to say, politics included. The creators behind these stories do want you to think about what is being said in the stories. Look at any interview behind your favorite works and you’ll see the creators talk about what themes they wanted to express. Stories are entertaining, but they do also make you feel and think about things.

Out of every responses that this thread has generated, this is the one. The most grounded and logical way of looking at Media.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Aug 15, 2022 10:27 PM

Mar 2018
Honestly, I just want politics out of the story, unless I agree with the politics, then I want it in the story. And I'll get really angry with you if you disagree. That's because I'm constantly angry. I just wanna watch anime, and NOT BE CONSTANTLY ANGRY. But I AM constantly angry, and that is because I am on the opposite side of the park from you, and that makes me...oh, so very ANGRY. If I were by your hotdog stand on the other side of the park, I'd be calm, and collected. But I am silly, unfortunately. Truly, truly foolish, I am. I have stood by the other hotdog stand on the OTHER side of the park, and our hotdogs ARE BETTER THAN YOURS. And the FACT you SUGGEST your guys' hotdogs are better than ours on my TV screen...ohhhh, it makes me IRRATIONALLY, AND UNCONTROLLABLY ANGRY.
hypergoobAug 15, 2022 10:32 PM
Aug 15, 2022 11:18 PM
Jun 2022
Wolf and Spice is very capitalist so right wing?
On same vein you can buy anything in Log horizon, they even solve an arc using real estate, so probably right wing too.
Maouyuu is very kin on improving crops, and beating slavery, so capitalism again.
Mayne was extra into creating book market and patents, very right wing?
Slime first season is a mix of solving stuff by producing goods and luring people with manga to beat revolutions and promote everyone can work and comercialize, even if main character can just clone stuff. Sounds to me like a big mix of ideas, he also invests in external propaganda, so it can kinda be both... but he is more in patriotism.

I know nothing about politics but it sounds like it is way less binary and unidimensional than what you make it sound.
Aug 16, 2022 3:04 AM

Oct 2015
First of all I love how nobody have pointed out that OP shamelessly just copypasted this thread entirely:

Okay so GATE is pro-imperialism (right wing) while Outbreak Company is anti-imperialism (left wing).

Code Geass is left-wing (pro-revolution) whereas that Episode in Kino no Tabi where they keep annually make tower just to destroy it and Mushishi where the kid is forced to be a mushi host and being worshipped by the villagers are right-wing (straw conservatism).

Miyazaki's anime are tend to be environmentalist, anti-war. Environmentalism is mostly left-wing but it also can be used by right-wing imperialists to stop the Global South to Industrialize themselves to they will rely to the imperialists for most products, which they will sell in an unfair trade.

Ikuhara works, Sukasuka, Cross Ange, Kill la Kill, Lupin III Fujiko Mine, and possibly Violet Evergarden are somewhat feminist friendly. Whereas Darling in the FranXX is somewhat anti-queer.

Zelkiiro said:
inim said:
and Crest/Banner of the Stars.The latter even adds racial supremacy ideas.

Ruh roh. That's on my PTW list.

Is it confined to the setting, or does it get icky and make real-world connections?
Banner of the Stars 2 literally is about visiting a planet where there is a war between incel and woman abusers dickos vs groups of feminists.
DesolatedAug 16, 2022 3:13 AM
Aug 16, 2022 3:28 AM

Mar 2018
NO!! Fuck politics...!!

If I feel like a series tends to be a story where the Left-wing/Right wing is shown in a positive light intentionally instead of ending up being an extension of the thematic exploration, I call out propaganda and drop the respective series in the next second...!!

Not everything needs to be political/an object for a political discussion....(Very controversial...I know...(-_-) !! )

And BTW... Writers like Kishimoto are not right wing supporters who " 'puts women in their place' by making them useless satellite characters".... It's just that he doesn't really know how to write good female characters, like many others in this medium.
Aug 16, 2022 3:43 AM

Mar 2008
Kaiba is a critique of capitalist commodification of everything and how it alienates people.

Yurei Deco seems to be subtly mocking neoclassical capitalist economics as a popularity contest and warning about the current shift into a gig economy. Though narrative in that aspect seems unclear where they will go with it still but they also comment on surveillance and censorship.

Aug 16, 2022 3:43 AM
Feb 2022
struggler_sensei said:
Weeaboo_Bomber said:

The mental gymnastic is just mind boggling, lol. This must be how the mind of a conspiracy theorist works. I don't drink coke, I usually drink water or tea. I buy these and many other products (like toilet paper) randomly and I don't watch any ads. Conspiracy literally deboonked.
Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world) by doing stuff that people like. And because they are not political for the most part, they like isekais or ecchi stuff. Double deboonk, bro.

It doesn't seem to make any sense to have a discussion with you since we have fundamentally different takes on that matter and I don't feel like listening to your robot like didactic theories that you repeat over and over in order to justify your mission against capitalism or whatever is the latest (bad) thing according to the people in your uni.
The coke was an example dude. most advertising is subliminal and done through repetition and brand recognition, for example, you go to the store to buy tea once there you are more likely to pick out the brand that you are most familiar with unless you make an active decision to pick out another choice (in which case that choice is still one made due to ideology). there is no such thing as buying things randomly. You don't watch ads? what are you blind? aside from all the ads online that you can't get rid of there are also ads outside. you walk downtown you see ads everywhere, and your brain registers those ads even if you aren't actively paying attention to them.

"Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world)" That is literally capitalist ideology my guy. Even if all you are making is trash common denominator consumerist media for maximised profit, that is ideology, quite blatantly in fact, it is unapologetically capitalist.

Calling established sociological theory a "conspiracy" is as dumb as calling the Pythagorean theorem a conspiracy, or saying that the world being a globe is a conspiracy. I am stating established things relating to society and ideology. It has nothing to do with a mission against capitalism. I've used capitalism as an example because we live in a capitalist world hence the dominant ideology is capitalism, everything else is counter-hegemonic.

Holy shit, you're such a bot, literally everything you write sounds like you're reading from a teleprompter :D And now you even go whine about me on the shoulder of other people?

You can repeat your crude theories over and over and justify being an over-politizised ideologue with a mission. Most people still don't give a fuck, Adolf. Doesn't matter what I buy, I'm not a particular fan of any brand, so yes, I often buy stuff randomly. I use ad-blocker online and don't watch ads in genereal, you clown. That's not even hard, as long as you're not a pathetic consoomer.

Japanese directors are not (! ! !) political bc they don't give a fuck what they promote, they just wan't money like everyone. How is it political to have a need for money? Of course you don't answer this question, ideologues don't do things like that.

I cannot put it in any easier words and as already mentioned, discussing with you doesn't make any sense. Feel free to just stfu if before you promote your "everything is political!!!!111" -cult and carry out your mission in other places.

"EvERyTHinG Is PoLiTIcAL (so whe HAVE to fight for or against anything" could literally be a quote by Goebbels and is the perfect justufication for never ending political terror. Concratulations.

"Imagine there's a war and nobody is going to fight" - "B-but EVerYThIng Is a War, sO..."
Aug 16, 2022 6:04 AM

Sep 2010
Desolated said:
First of all I love how nobody have pointed out that OP shamelessly just copypasted this thread entirely:

This is no coincidence. It's always the same 5 people and their fake accounts creating threads about these topics here on MAL. You just need to check their profiles and immediately know what their agenda is. Literally have pictures of dictators and right wing terrorists as their profile pictures. For some reason they never get banned and it takes multiple days for their threads to get locked so they just make them over and over again and get away with it.
Aug 16, 2022 6:51 AM

Jun 2015
4esthetics said:
I just realized that this thread is actually an exact copy of one of Deago’s threads lol. No wonder it looked so familiar to me.
My troll thread got plagiarised I guess.
Aug 16, 2022 7:16 AM

Feb 2022
struggler_sensei said:
The coke was an example dude. most advertising is subliminal and done through repetition and brand recognition, for example, you go to the store to buy tea once there you are more likely to pick out the brand that you are most familiar with unless you make an active decision to pick out another choice (in which case that choice is still one made due to ideology). there is no such thing as buying things randomly. You don't watch ads? what are you blind? aside from all the ads online that you can't get rid of there are also ads outside. you walk downtown you see ads everywhere, and your brain registers those ads even if you aren't actively paying attention to them.

"Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world)" That is literally capitalist ideology my guy. Even if all you are making is trash common denominator consumerist media for maximised profit, that is ideology, quite blatantly in fact, it is unapologetically capitalist.

Calling established sociological theory a "conspiracy" is as dumb as calling the Pythagorean theorem a conspiracy, or saying that the world being a globe is a conspiracy. I am stating established things relating to society and ideology. It has nothing to do with a mission against capitalism. I've used capitalism as an example because we live in a capitalist world hence the dominant ideology is capitalism, everything else is counter-hegemonic.

Think of it this way, do the op or weaboobomber or most people define "politics" in this way? Does the word "politics" mean something wrt the context of this thread and most people's layman undertstanding (mostly western people of this thread)? not to be offensive mate, just brainstorming. I think this is the wrong way to interpret this thread and its responses. It's more like you will see less winged politics (which is passionate by its nature) in their media (even accounting for the cultural differences in what would constitute their wings, i feel), and that's what everyone seems to be talking of. Their wings are less polarised too and less vitriolic.
Weeaboo_Bomber said:
For the people who don't have much time (to waste with bs):

This whole thread is literally a bunch of kids who call their feelings opinions and project them onto chinese cartoon.

Japanese people don't give a fuqq about politics, they wan't to see some guy sniffing his stepsisters panties in a dungeon.

Here's that initial comment ^, it is a compeltely fine and good comment when you consider anime won't fall into the polarised/ passion inducing kind of "wings" which we mean when we say less "politics". The passion part seems important, it's passionate politics that we perceive as politics. Again, just a thought.
ChouunShiryuuAug 16, 2022 7:34 AM
Aug 16, 2022 7:20 AM
Apr 2019
Most anime are left-wing (strong women, ethnic diversity, LGBT characters, etc)
Aug 16, 2022 7:39 AM

Aug 2022
Weeaboo_Bomber said:
struggler_sensei said:
The coke was an example dude. most advertising is subliminal and done through repetition and brand recognition, for example, you go to the store to buy tea once there you are more likely to pick out the brand that you are most familiar with unless you make an active decision to pick out another choice (in which case that choice is still one made due to ideology). there is no such thing as buying things randomly. You don't watch ads? what are you blind? aside from all the ads online that you can't get rid of there are also ads outside. you walk downtown you see ads everywhere, and your brain registers those ads even if you aren't actively paying attention to them.

"Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world)" That is literally capitalist ideology my guy. Even if all you are making is trash common denominator consumerist media for maximised profit, that is ideology, quite blatantly in fact, it is unapologetically capitalist.

Calling established sociological theory a "conspiracy" is as dumb as calling the Pythagorean theorem a conspiracy, or saying that the world being a globe is a conspiracy. I am stating established things relating to society and ideology. It has nothing to do with a mission against capitalism. I've used capitalism as an example because we live in a capitalist world hence the dominant ideology is capitalism, everything else is counter-hegemonic.

Holy shit, you're such a bot, literally everything you write sounds like you're reading from a teleprompter :D And now you even go whine about me on the shoulder of other people?

You can repeat your crude theories over and over and justify being an over-politizised ideologue with a mission. Most people still don't give a fuck, Adolf. Doesn't matter what I buy, I'm not a particular fan of any brand, so yes, I often buy stuff randomly. I use ad-blocker online and don't watch ads in genereal, you clown. That's not even hard, as long as you're not a pathetic consoomer.

Japanese directors are not (! ! !) political bc they don't give a fuck what they promote, they just wan't money like everyone. How is it political to have a need for money? Of course you don't answer this question, ideologues don't do things like that.

I cannot put it in any easier words and as already mentioned, discussing with you doesn't make any sense. Feel free to just stfu if before you promote your "everything is political!!!!111" -cult and carry out your mission in other places.

"EvERyTHinG Is PoLiTIcAL (so whe HAVE to fight for or against anything" could literally be a quote by Goebbels and is the perfect justufication for never ending political terror. Concratulations.

"Imagine there's a war and nobody is going to fight" - "B-but EVerYThIng Is a War, sO..."
Whine about you? get over yourself.
You appear to not understand what I mean by political and ideological, everyone has an inherent ideology even if that ideology is nothing more than a reductive nihilistic view such as "nothing matters politics are dumb and stupid" that is still an ideological view, on top of that beyond our conscious ideas that form our own personal ideologies there is still our subconscious ideas that are formed through our own upbringing, where we grow up what we are exposed to, what we are taught these things also form an aspect of our ideology, though it is harder to recognise this as ideology because it is the norm where we live. For example, someone growing up in Texas is more likely to value gun rights over someone who grew up in Sweden. You act as though your mind and thought process is independent of outside influence but it isn't, no one's is, the things you see and hear, the conversations you have, etc, all influence you on an ideological level. You say you don't ever see ads because you have ad blocker, so what? do you never go outside? do you live in a cave far removed from human society? if not then you do see ads, billboards, bus stops, stores, movies, and even people's clothing contain ad placement; you see some dude wearing Adidas or Nike, congratulations you've just seen an ad.

And sure needing money for survival is a reality of life in a capitalist society but wanting to "make as much money as possible" as you put it is not a necessity, it is a desire promoted by capitalist ideology

I'm not promoting some "everything is political" cult, I'm just explaining how society functions.
Aug 16, 2022 7:48 AM

Aug 2022
ChouunShiryuu said:
struggler_sensei said:
The coke was an example dude. most advertising is subliminal and done through repetition and brand recognition, for example, you go to the store to buy tea once there you are more likely to pick out the brand that you are most familiar with unless you make an active decision to pick out another choice (in which case that choice is still one made due to ideology). there is no such thing as buying things randomly. You don't watch ads? what are you blind? aside from all the ads online that you can't get rid of there are also ads outside. you walk downtown you see ads everywhere, and your brain registers those ads even if you aren't actively paying attention to them.

"Japanese guys who make anime just want to make as much money as possible (like everyone in the world)" That is literally capitalist ideology my guy. Even if all you are making is trash common denominator consumerist media for maximised profit, that is ideology, quite blatantly in fact, it is unapologetically capitalist.

Calling established sociological theory a "conspiracy" is as dumb as calling the Pythagorean theorem a conspiracy, or saying that the world being a globe is a conspiracy. I am stating established things relating to society and ideology. It has nothing to do with a mission against capitalism. I've used capitalism as an example because we live in a capitalist world hence the dominant ideology is capitalism, everything else is counter-hegemonic.

Think of it this way, do the op or weaboobomber or most people define "politics" in this way? Does the word "politics" mean something wrt the context of this thread and most people's layman undertstanding (mostly western people of this thread)? not to be offensive mate, just brainstorming. I think this is the wrong way to interpret this thread and its responses. It's more like you will see less winged politics (which is passionate by its nature) in their media (even accounting for the cultural differences in what would constitute their wings, i feel), and that's what everyone seems to be talking of. Their wings are less polarised too and less vitriolic.
Weeaboo_Bomber said:
For the people who don't have much time (to waste with bs):

This whole thread is literally a bunch of kids who call their feelings opinions and project them onto chinese cartoon.

Japanese people don't give a fuqq about politics, they wan't to see some guy sniffing his stepsisters panties in a dungeon.

Here's that initial comment ^, it is a compeltely fine and good comment when you consider anime won't fall into the polarised/ passion inducing kind of "wings" which we mean when we say less "politics". The passion part seems important, it's passionate politics that we perceive as politics. Again, just a thought.
No, I get your point. Doesn't make it any less frustrating to see people having a whole-ass thread with such a rudimentary understanding of what politics are and failing to see the big picture.
Aug 16, 2022 7:52 AM
Aug 2018
For a left winger? Probably an anime with a lot of over sexualized children
Aug 16, 2022 9:15 AM

Feb 2010
Amines are political to one degree or another, but they wouldn't be American style politics. Most the shows revolve around Japanese political issues rather then western ones. (Which is why we get shows revolving around babies so much as of late...) The only time people call out something as "political." is when they don't agree with the politics.

Also it's extremely rare for anyone to be purely Ideologically right or left even in America.

GrimAtramentAug 16, 2022 9:22 AM
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Aug 16, 2022 9:15 AM

Feb 2016
Dawizz said:
They practice traditions that are passed on to them for hundreds of years.

Everyone everywhere does that. It has nothing to do with one's religion.

Desolated said:
First of all I love how nobody have pointed out that OP shamelessly just copypasted this thread entirely:

You're the 3rd person to point it out.
Lucifrost said:
4esthetics said:
I just realized that this thread is actually an exact copy of one of Deago’s threads lol. No wonder it looked so familiar to me.

I remember that thread too.
Aug 16, 2022 10:24 AM

Jun 2022
egirlhooters said:
And look, I’ll come forward and say I am a Marxist, but I don’t think you have to agree with the politics of a story to enjoy it, nor do I think all stories are necessarily political. I think all stories reflect the culture in which they were created, and culture is certainly impacted by the politics of that society, but I think you’re sort of getting into the weeds too deep there. Not to say it’s not worth talking about, because it is, it’s an interesting discussion, and I enjoy having it.

this is why i recommend "youre under arrest" OVA for leftists . it is 10/10. aboslute perfection.;
Aug 16, 2022 11:39 AM

Apr 2019
struggler_sensei said:
egirlhooters said:
The political illiteracy of this site is going to give me a fucking aneurysm
to be fair a lot of the people on this site are teenagers with at best a high school-level understanding of politics, it ain't all their fault. However, the adults have no excuse.

idk? even with a high school level its dumb to say there are no politics like theyre not in everything

even ancient anime like gundam 0079 have politics
Aug 16, 2022 11:47 AM

Aug 2022
kyonkyonkun said:
struggler_sensei said:
to be fair a lot of the people on this site are teenagers with at best a high school-level understanding of politics, it ain't all their fault. However, the adults have no excuse.

idk? even with a high school level its dumb to say there are no politics like theyre not in everything

even ancient anime like gundam 0079 have politics
I mean to be fair the entirety of the Gundam franchise is nothing but politics.
Aug 16, 2022 12:32 PM

Mar 2020
Piromysl said:
No, we don't want political polarization of audience in anime.
Western bullshit cartoons, who thinks that representation and diversity is a substitute for good writing already did that and it's cringe.

You guys seen this High Guardian Spice? Yes, it is as bad as people tell.

Politics exists everywhere dumbo - different countries have different political leanings overall, America is more liberal and right-wing, the UK is more left leaning but more authoritarian and conservative, France is (at least by my understanding) left leaning and very liberal but still has a strong sense of national identity for example. By my understanding, Japan merely happens to be more conservative, both in the government style and the social views. Not to say that in these countries everyone thinks that way but that they are "the norm" when it comes to politics and are largely seen as centrist by their standards. Like how in the UK, many right-wingers will support the NHS and support for it is basically common ground no matter where you go but it is ultimately a left-wing idea.

Griddy said:
KurumiTokisaki_ said:

Yet a lot of anime are political it's the reality
They may be about politics, but none of them are out right saying to vote for a political party
They would still be political though, there is more to politics than the few specific political parties that exist out there
EpiccgaymerAug 16, 2022 12:36 PM

Aug 16, 2022 12:57 PM

Mar 2020
On topic - I don't know too many anime that talk about economics, but I'd say Higurashi (at least the sound novel) is pretty lib-left. The villains are
, there is an anti-authority message (the damn conflict and the
) and there are anti-tradition themes (
). They'd enjoy it - at least if they can get past all the lolicon jokes

Aug 16, 2022 3:38 PM
Dec 2018
KurumiTokisaki_ said:
As a left-wing anime there is also the anime "86" which denounces racism

Actually, quite the contrary. In the first volume, Shin criticizes the concept of a "democratic republic" by stating that democracy's greatest flaw is the inability to make a proper decision until it is too late.

If anything, I believe 86 is more centrist.
I like dub more than sub because I am not a weeb.
Aug 16, 2022 4:58 PM

Jun 2022
PhantasistaG said:
Wolf and Spice is very capitalist so right wing?
On same vein you can buy anything in Log horizon, they even solve an arc using real estate, so probably right wing too.
Maouyuu is very kin on improving crops, and beating slavery, so capitalism again.
Mayne was extra into creating book market and patents, very right wing?
Slime first season is a mix of solving stuff by producing goods and luring people with manga to beat revolutions and promote everyone can work and comercialize, even if main character can just clone stuff. Sounds to me like a big mix of ideas, he also invests in external propaganda, so it can kinda be both... but he is more in patriotism.

I know nothing about politics but it sounds like it is way less binary and unidimensional than what you make it sound.
holo is a communist icon

character limit
Aug 16, 2022 7:37 PM
Jun 2022
rian9x said:
PhantasistaG said:
Wolf and Spice is very capitalist so right wing?
On same vein you can buy anything in Log horizon, they even solve an arc using real estate, so probably right wing too.
Maouyuu is very kin on improving crops, and beating slavery, so capitalism again.
Mayne was extra into creating book market and patents, very right wing?
Slime first season is a mix of solving stuff by producing goods and luring people with manga to beat revolutions and promote everyone can work and comercialize, even if main character can just clone stuff. Sounds to me like a big mix of ideas, he also invests in external propaganda, so it can kinda be both... but he is more in patriotism.

I know nothing about politics but it sounds like it is way less binary and unidimensional than what you make it sound.
holo is a communist icon

character limit

She is? Interesting, but Lawrence is very not. His whole dream is getting a permit to be a borgeouis in the city. And there is that arc they get found a cookie factory. I reinsert my doubts.
Aug 16, 2022 8:54 PM

Apr 2015
struggler_sensei said:
]No, I get your point. Doesn't make it any less frustrating to see people having a whole-ass thread with such a rudimentary understanding of what politics are and failing to see the big picture.
Know that you are appreciated and bring the good word of Berserk with you.
Aug 16, 2022 9:39 PM

Jan 2009
I remember watching Zetsubou sensei and wondering to myself, like hey, why is it that this show has this weird anachronistic aesthetic that just clicks with me? I didn't know Kumeta as much back then, now in retrospect I can see why he would be referred as a total radical nutcase, but Japan has widely different views on what they consider to be "extreme" and I guess Kumeta's humor was a not so subtle tip of the hat to Abe's political discourse, he even made it painfully obvious that Japan should not rely on the US for self defense at some point (don't remember when exactly though) must have been one of those satirical examples of some random analogy made by Itoshiki sensei, oh and well, Maria and the ultra nationalist Japanese sect but that was just for s*** and giggles.

From what I call tell, nationalism is probably seen in a somewhat negative light in Japan, it's kinda like a shameful stigma of times past that should probably be forgotten and not talked about but "a lot" of people still believe it's the "right" way, I remember noticing this trend in Gasaraki as well, especially when Nishida showed up and it was portrayed as a rather decadent and miserable character, it's almost as if the author has something against people like this guy, but I mean, he literally cut his own retinas open just so he wouldn't be forced to witness the current "sorry state" of Japanese society (ima no Nippon wa).

Now on the left side of things .. I guess things like Arjuna?? you see words like revolution being thrown around but I don't know. Japanese don't tend to fall for stupid s*** like leftist ideologies, they do have their own sense of self-criticism, and recognize there is something wrong with some "aspects" of their society but almost every alternative is some extreme nutcase like Kumeta who make terrible jokes on blonde girls or sings POWAA TSU DA PEEPLE on public television broadcasts.

There were probably other times when things got pretty nuanced, but obviosuly I wouldn't remember, I was too young to understand back then, but generally Japanese authors do a great job distancing their own egos from their work, it's like they don't care about using their work as a platform for social transformation, and that is something I appreciate very much.
Aug 17, 2022 3:10 PM
• Mafumafu Fan •

Apr 2018
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