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People will try and say this is only watchable because of the Sex, but I think it's one of the better Isekai's to come out this year.

Jul 27, 2022 5:17 PM
Mar 2021
The sex just makes it better but Episode 3 established it as more than just a "I can't believe it's not Hentai" Anime.

The way the MC uses the RPG elements of the show is very good. It doesn't just seem like the creator said "fuck it's an Isekai, better add a UI in", the skills matter and so does storing your weapon properly. Plus using his skills actually effects him, which is nice.

Onto the MC. On the surface he could be forgiven as just another Isekai MC, but he's shown to be different in the sense that he's not trying to be holier-than-hou and save the world. He does stuff that benefits him and whether you like it or not, buying a slave to use as a sex/fight partner is one of them.

Also the animation. Will always hype up Passione as being an underrated studio. They got shit for their DxD adaptation but it was more the art style that annoyed people, the actual animation quality was good. Their adaptation of Mieruko-chan was also great, and one of the better shows of 2021 imo.

Knowing MAL, I'm probably going to get the 100 replies saying I'm wrong and the Anime is generic. I think it's a solid 7.5/10, unfortunately MAL don't do 0.5 scores, so I'll probably end up giving it a 7. Which is a good score.

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KarinaraAug 19, 2022 4:19 AM
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Jul 27, 2022 5:51 PM
Apr 2022
I agree out of all the new Isekais that we have got this year, I would say this is the best or one of the best.
Jul 27, 2022 5:52 PM

Apr 2012
100% agreed.

I just wrote elsewhere how it's a bummer that this anime focuses so much on the ecchi, because it has so much to offer besides that. And the animation is really good, too. If this got a 2nd cour and focused more on an adventure story, it'd be one of the better isekai stories out there.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jul 27, 2022 5:55 PM
May 2020
The difference between a good isekai and a bad one for me is entirely down to world building. If the premise of the show is it being a new world then that world needs to be established as one that feels like people live in it.

Ascendance of a bookworm did an amazing job at that for example because the new world has so many different customs and cultures yet is reminiscent of previous civilisations. I can imagine people other than the main character living there lives in that world and they feel like real people with dreams and jobs and lives do there own separate from the main character.

This show just hasn’t done that. It’s slapped on the title of isekai to have a fantasy setting. It did that because it couldn’t be asked to write a convincing world so uses the blank template of fantasy isekai we all know. It hasn’t established anything about the world that isn’t what the main character directly interacts with. The character just has powers. Doesn’t have to discover them or understand them or train with them. That would be too much effort in the writing.

The only characters we’ve met is slave trader who just sells slaves. Bandits who bandit. Villagers who village and the main character who just buys sex slaves and wanders around a dungeon killing stick insects or slitting the the throat of bandits.

There really is nothing in this show besides the ecchi and gore that a hundred shows havn’t done before. I’ve not sat there and thought “wow, how did the author think this intricate world up?”. It’s just a generic background for the main character to do questionable things.

I do like the gore aspect and I can’t criticise the animation. Voice acting is fine. The ecchi is good ecchi. But it is just pretty generic.
Jul 27, 2022 6:00 PM
Jul 2021
the manga also the novel also great but many people complain the update very slow the story also very slow.................

slice of life dungeon.
Jul 27, 2022 6:04 PM
Mar 2021
FreshSalmon827 said:
The difference between a good isekai and a bad one for me is entirely down to world building. If the premise of the show is it being a new world then that world needs to be established as one that feels like people live in it.

Ascendance of a bookworm did an amazing job at that for example because the new world has so many different customs and cultures yet is reminiscent of previous civilisations. I can imagine people other than the main character living there lives in that world and they feel like real people with dreams and jobs and lives do there own separate from the main character.

This show just hasn’t done that. It’s slapped on the title of isekai to have a fantasy setting. It did that because it couldn’t be asked to write a convincing world so uses the blank template of fantasy isekai we all know. It hasn’t established anything about the world that isn’t what the main character directly interacts with. The character just has powers. Doesn’t have to discover them or understand them or train with them. That would be too much effort in the writing.

The only characters we’ve met is slave trader who just sells slaves. Bandits who bandit. Villagers who village and the main character who just buys sex slaves and wanders around a dungeon killing stick insects or slitting the the throat of bandits.

There really is nothing in this show besides the ecchi and gore that a hundred shows havn’t done before. I’ve not sat there and thought “wow, how did the author think this intricate world up?”. It’s just a generic background for the main character to do questionable things.

I do like the gore aspect and I can’t criticise the animation. Voice acting is fine. The ecchi is good ecchi. But it is just pretty generic.

"it's pretty generic"

I don't think you know what generic means, if you're using it in that context. Ascendance of a Bookworm has many generic aspects to it, it's nothing original when it comes to the Isekai genre.

In terms of worldbuilding, were 4 episodes in. I'm not sure why you're judging a shows worldbuilding after just 4 episodes. You could argue Mushoku Tensei, a show famed for its worldbuilding took until turning point to really set its worldbuilding apart from the rest of the show. I mean, we haven't even started the proper dungeon diving part yet.

Even ignoring that, it's pretty damn obvious this is not your standard Isekai. If the fucking in the last episode didn't show that, the way it handled tension in episode 3 certainly did.
Jul 27, 2022 6:20 PM
May 2020
kriissyy12 said:
FreshSalmon827 said:
The difference between a good isekai and a bad one for me is entirely down to world building. If the premise of the show is it being a new world then that world needs to be established as one that feels like people live in it.

Ascendance of a bookworm did an amazing job at that for example because the new world has so many different customs and cultures yet is reminiscent of previous civilisations. I can imagine people other than the main character living there lives in that world and they feel like real people with dreams and jobs and lives do there own separate from the main character.

This show just hasn’t done that. It’s slapped on the title of isekai to have a fantasy setting. It did that because it couldn’t be asked to write a convincing world so uses the blank template of fantasy isekai we all know. It hasn’t established anything about the world that isn’t what the main character directly interacts with. The character just has powers. Doesn’t have to discover them or understand them or train with them. That would be too much effort in the writing.

The only characters we’ve met is slave trader who just sells slaves. Bandits who bandit. Villagers who village and the main character who just buys sex slaves and wanders around a dungeon killing stick insects or slitting the the throat of bandits.

There really is nothing in this show besides the ecchi and gore that a hundred shows havn’t done before. I’ve not sat there and thought “wow, how did the author think this intricate world up?”. It’s just a generic background for the main character to do questionable things.

I do like the gore aspect and I can’t criticise the animation. Voice acting is fine. The ecchi is good ecchi. But it is just pretty generic.

"it's pretty generic"

I don't think you know what generic means, if you're using it in that context. Ascendance of a Bookworm has many generic aspects to it, it's nothing original when it comes to the Isekai genre.

In terms of worldbuilding, were 4 episodes in. I'm not sure why you're judging a shows worldbuilding after just 4 episodes. You could argue Mushoku Tensei, a show famed for its worldbuilding took until turning point to really set its worldbuilding apart from the rest of the show. I mean, we haven't even started the proper dungeon diving part yet.

Even ignoring that, it's pretty damn obvious this is not your standard Isekai. If the fucking in the last episode didn't show that, the way it handled tension in episode 3 certainly did.

Well I suppose we can only disagree. I do wonder what you thought about ascendance of the bookworm is generic though? I’m curious.

I agree mushoku tensei was a slow start and I didn’t really like it too much until a few episodes into season 1 part 2. Although I can’t remember exactly what events happen from episode 4 and earlier I do remember that all his happened in the beginning. The discovery of magic and Rudy learning it, discussions between Rudy’s parents, Roxy becoming a teacher for Rudy and the story about Superds being dangerous. Then the green haired girl being bullied/picked on. All this did quite a lot to establish the world and show that’s the author intends to do more of this is to come. We understood this world had an established magic system that could be studied as an academic subject (as opposed to just having magic and it being used immediately with little to no trouble and no explanations). We understood this world had a culture where stories were told to children to warn them of dangerous things, eventually becoming its own prejudice. We understood the roles and morals people have in this world with the interactions between Rudy’s parents. We understood that people are often educated in combat or magic and they may attend schools. There’s tiers of magic users and fighters like different qualifications. This did massive things to establish a world that felt real with cultures and people unique to that world. Far, far, far more than anything we’ve got from this anime and there isn’t really any hint as to some good and thorough world building to come.

I thought we were talking about reasons besides the ecchi that made this good and non-generic. Besides the gore being quite unique to this anime, I didn’t find anything that interesting about episode 3. He just went in a building and slit some sleeping bandits throats and teleported about a bit. I suppose we’ll just have to disagree here since I don’t doubt you enjoyed it but I just didn’t see much of note at all. Not awful, I wouldn’t claim it’s the worst thing ever and far from it. It’s just quite ‘meh’ to me in most regards.
Jul 27, 2022 6:56 PM
Mar 2021
FreshSalmon827 said:
kriissyy12 said:

"it's pretty generic"

I don't think you know what generic means, if you're using it in that context. Ascendance of a Bookworm has many generic aspects to it, it's nothing original when it comes to the Isekai genre.

In terms of worldbuilding, were 4 episodes in. I'm not sure why you're judging a shows worldbuilding after just 4 episodes. You could argue Mushoku Tensei, a show famed for its worldbuilding took until turning point to really set its worldbuilding apart from the rest of the show. I mean, we haven't even started the proper dungeon diving part yet.

Even ignoring that, it's pretty damn obvious this is not your standard Isekai. If the fucking in the last episode didn't show that, the way it handled tension in episode 3 certainly did.

Well I suppose we can only disagree. I do wonder what you thought about ascendance of the bookworm is generic though? I’m curious.

I agree mushoku tensei was a slow start and I didn’t really like it too much until a few episodes into season 1 part 2. Although I can’t remember exactly what events happen from episode 4 and earlier I do remember that all his happened in the beginning. The discovery of magic and Rudy learning it, discussions between Rudy’s parents, Roxy becoming a teacher for Rudy and the story about Superds being dangerous. Then the green haired girl being bullied/picked on. All this did quite a lot to establish the world and show that’s the author intends to do more of this is to come. We understood this world had an established magic system that could be studied as an academic subject (as opposed to just having magic and it being used immediately with little to no trouble and no explanations). We understood this world had a culture where stories were told to children to warn them of dangerous things, eventually becoming its own prejudice. We understood the roles and morals people have in this world with the interactions between Rudy’s parents. We understood that people are often educated in combat or magic and they may attend schools. There’s tiers of magic users and fighters like different qualifications. This did massive things to establish a world that felt real with cultures and people unique to that world. Far, far, far more than anything we’ve got from this anime and there isn’t really any hint as to some good and thorough world building to come.

I thought we were talking about reasons besides the ecchi that made this good and non-generic. Besides the gore being quite unique to this anime, I didn’t find anything that interesting about episode 3. He just went in a building and slit some sleeping bandits throats and teleported about a bit. I suppose we’ll just have to disagree here since I don’t doubt you enjoyed it but I just didn’t see much of note at all. Not awful, I wouldn’t claim it’s the worst thing ever and far from it. It’s just quite ‘meh’ to me in most regards.

"He just went in a building and slit some sleeping bandits throats and teleported about a bit"

This is a weird and I feel unfaithful way to describe the scene, but. He scouted a slum, identifying the bandits, proceeded to get information (which he also looked for earlier in the episode, this information lead to more information given about the bandits and then the killings happened. The whole scene did multiple things:

1. Established that the MC is not shy about killing people.

2. MC clearly has a selfish thought process and gives very little value towards things that don't benefit him.

3. The Bandits have a lot of infighting which can be manipulated

If you remember the first episode when he killed the bandits, he did so under the impression he was playing a game.

The whole episode was pretty well received. r/anime discussion thread, a sub that has a hard on for hating Isekai's even praised it. You can disagree with me, but arguing in this style isn't exactly a great way to continue a discussion.
Jul 27, 2022 6:58 PM

Feb 2021
If you like all the fantasy rpg elements then you would also like the LN, because there it goes really in depth into that.
Jul 27, 2022 8:27 PM
Jun 2020
from all isekai this season this is the most trashiest isekai without the sex
Jul 27, 2022 8:40 PM

Oct 2021
To be honest, of the isekai I'm watching, this is one of two this season that is standing out with unique elements and an interesting story with interesting characters. I don't think it's great, because it has been a slow start and the reasoning behind the mcs immoral actions is "no one will find out and it benefits me". It's kinda shallow so far, but from the little I've seen, it's really interesting and unlike most isekais I've seen. It also hasn't focused on the sex or gore as much as I thought it would and has done an excellent job of simply displaying a pure unrestricted second life that lives out all of the mcs desires.

So, it isn't great or wow, but it is well executed and interesting. The only way I'd see someone seeing it as bad or mid is if they judge shows by their first episodes story's pace and/or hook or they're not a fan of ecchi/gore.
Jul 27, 2022 9:38 PM

Jul 2015
Isekai protagonist with personality is rare nowadays, which is good by itself.
Putty, that most likely this show eill devolve into a generic harem over time.
PiromyslJul 27, 2022 11:01 PM

Jul 27, 2022 9:57 PM
Apr 2022
Though there are some bold Echhi scenes, the plot n characters are damn gd....
It's going to be a Gd Isekai!
Jul 27, 2022 9:58 PM

Aug 2016
Sorry but no, for me it's the best Ecchi of the year but Isekai, there were some better than this.
Jul 27, 2022 10:01 PM
Sep 2021
I agree with you, as someone who also read the source material 👍👍👍
Jul 27, 2022 10:06 PM
Tsumi To Kisei

Nov 2021
I think along with Overlord this is the best Isekai ever, then what's so silly about a sex scene if it's not even rape?
Jul 27, 2022 11:11 PM

Aug 2020
this doesn't even come close to the best isekai this season, never mind this year. isekai ojisan is far funnier, isekai yakyoku is far more original (it is NOT like the last pharmacy isekai, it actually has a plot, its its not similar to the saints magic is omnipotent either). honestly even tensei kenja isekai life is better imo, though that's a close call. that being said it's not literally the worst isekai I've ever seen? Idk it's pretty bad though imo. it does nothing new (other than being basically hentai), follows the basic plot of most isekai, and is like woo misogyny good because its a different world guys its totally good. the MCs entire logic seems to just be "boobs good", which is probably why you all like it so much, given mals demographics.
Call me Ren
Jul 28, 2022 12:16 AM

Jan 2021
The way he killed the bandits for the bounty and planned it out had more thought into it then most trash Isekai have for the entire story, but outside that the plot has been quite generic soo far, it's not the best isekai this season but it's not bad.
Jul 28, 2022 3:45 AM

May 2021
I know, right? The way he suppressed his guilt and somehow managed to think rationally while silently slitting the throats of the bandits, all for touching booty. Best isekai ever lol.

The sex/ecchi scenes are horrible though. Whatever the f happened to show-don't-tell or at least shut the f up and let me enjoy what I'm watching(unlikely even then)?

World-building has been garbage so far though that can change moving forward. Not to mention, we never even received a proper backstory of the MC. He's essentially still a plankwood.
RioFSJul 28, 2022 3:49 AM

Jul 28, 2022 9:24 AM

Aug 2020
kriissyy12 said:
Render_1 said:
this doesn't even come close to the best isekai this season, never mind this year. isekai ojisan is far funnier, isekai yakyoku is far more original (it is NOT like the last pharmacy isekai, it actually has a plot, its its not similar to the saints magic is omnipotent either). honestly even tensei kenja isekai life is better imo, though that's a close call. that being said it's not literally the worst isekai I've ever seen? Idk it's pretty bad though imo. it does nothing new (other than being basically hentai), follows the basic plot of most isekai, and is like woo misogyny good because its a different world guys its totally good. the MCs entire logic seems to just be "boobs good", which is probably why you all like it so much, given mals demographics.

1. I didn't say it was the best Isekai of the season, I said it's ONE of the better Isekai's of the year. Read first before replying please.

2. Isekai Ojisan ain't even an Isekai. The setting isn't in another world, the sitting is AFTER the Uncle returns from another world.

fine, reverse isekai, it is still an isekai in my opinion. its definitely not one of the best this year if there's several better than it just this season, lol.
Call me Ren
Jul 28, 2022 10:15 AM

Jun 2019
MyllerPhiem said:
100% agreed.

I just wrote elsewhere how it's a bummer that this anime focuses so much on the ecchi, because it has so much to offer besides that. And the animation is really good, too. If this got a 2nd cour and focused more on an adventure story, it'd be one of the better isekai stories out there.

yes agreed, first episode was fire, him realizing he was in a real isekai world followed by episodes where the MC faces conflicts with depression and killing his own kind, maybe a little less eechi and it’d be a really good anime.
Jul 28, 2022 10:16 AM

Jun 2019
Render_1 said:
this doesn't even come close to the best isekai this season, never mind this year. isekai ojisan is far funnier, isekai yakyoku is far more original (it is NOT like the last pharmacy isekai, it actually has a plot, its its not similar to the saints magic is omnipotent either). honestly even tensei kenja isekai life is better imo, though that's a close call. that being said it's not literally the worst isekai I've ever seen? Idk it's pretty bad though imo. it does nothing new (other than being basically hentai), follows the basic plot of most isekai, and is like woo misogyny good because its a different world guys its totally good. the MCs entire logic seems to just be "boobs good", which is probably why you all like it so much, given mals demographics.

Love isekai Ojisan 😭😭
Jul 28, 2022 11:14 AM

Jan 2020
I agree. has lots of substance and I actually like the main character. rare for me to enjoy Isekai generally.
Jul 28, 2022 2:22 PM

Nov 2019
Yes, indeed, since there is such great PLOT progression here and there.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Jul 28, 2022 11:48 PM

Feb 2015
I can agree that this anime pretty much tops the list at the moment, but only because the bar is so low for the year as far as isekai is concerned (second seasons aside). I do think it has a bit of charm, but at the end of the day the actual highlight of the series is the ecchi. It's quite difficult to separate that from it's overall identity at this point. The moment something even slightly better comes along it'll probably change your mind. But until then I hope this adaptation manages to pull off something nice for long time fans of the LN and casual isekai fans as well. So far it's on shaky ground, but with Passione anything is on the table.
Jul 29, 2022 2:10 PM
Apr 2019
Nah out of all the garbage harem isekai manga I've read, this one still leave mark on me as the most boring shit I've ever read. This show simply doesn't have any entertaining value, especially after he bought that orange haired girl. Other garbage isekai somehow got me engaged a bit.
Jul 29, 2022 4:09 PM

Dec 2008
To be honest the thing I look forward the most in this series is that wholesome slice of life feeling (of a slave harem, so sex scenes included).
Jul 30, 2022 7:33 PM

Jan 2021
This series is massively boring and the only good part is the sex, not that the MC has sex a lot of series with that are trash, the sex scenes itself since they are good animated. I just hope other girls won't be as boring as Roxanne tho.
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