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Attracted only to anime characters. I don't like real people.

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Dec 22, 2019 7:20 PM
Dec 2016
I know this post was made a few years ago but I stumbled upon it and had to respond to it.

I'm also a female in my earlier 20s who's attracted to only male anime characters. I'd like to be in a relationship and I'm on online dating sites but I just don't find the men on there attractive.
Dec 22, 2019 7:26 PM

Sep 2015
GrandFisher1 said:
I know this post was made a few years ago but I stumbled upon it and had to respond to it.

I'm also a female in my earlier 20s who's attracted to only male anime characters. I'd like to be in a relationship and I'm on online dating sites but I just don't find the men on there attractive.

Forcing yourself to seek out a relationship with a 3D whenever it's not what you actually want would only be doing both yourself and whoever you end up with a major disservice. If you're only into anime characters right now, then go all in on that.

I suggest finding an outlet to express yourself in this regard, though, if you haven't already. It can be something as simple as fantasizing or writing about whatever banal shit you think would be fun. Just something, because otherwise it can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. From my experience it was more cumulative and I needed to find some kind of outlet later on because it created stress, but some might handle it differently. The point is, the outlet you choose can be a fictional proxy for the relationship you desire.

Either way, just bail on 3D for now if you feel this way. Even if you want a relationship relationship, if you're not expressing interest in anybody or finding them attractive then it's not worth trying to force it, 3D carries a lot more baggage than 2D. If it's not working, then it's not working, and you already seem to know why.

And, hey, maybe later you'll change your mind and actually feel interested in 3D more naturally and not have this issue. And at that point, there's nothing holding you back from putting yourself out there again. But don't force yourself to seek out 3D if you're only into 2D, 2D-only attraction is entirely something that you can live with healthily and happily if your heart's in on it.
ManabanDec 22, 2019 7:30 PM

Dec 22, 2019 7:31 PM

Nov 2019
anime characters are made to be likeable (majority of them at least) real people however doesn't give a F about your feelings tho

get some help
Dec 22, 2019 7:50 PM

Aug 2009
GrandFisher1 said:
I'm also a female in my earlier 20s who's attracted to only male anime characters. I'd like to be in a relationship and I'm on online dating sites but I just don't find the men on there attractive.

To be fair, men are assholes; especially male anime fans because of the lack of social skills.

Have you tried dating women?

Dec 22, 2019 8:06 PM
Dec 2016
No I haven't. I don't think I'm attracted to females either. Also vaginas are gross.😂 I guess I'll just be alone forever.
Dec 22, 2019 8:13 PM

Sep 2015
FacelessVixen said:
GrandFisher1 said:
I'm also a female in my earlier 20s who's attracted to only male anime characters. I'd like to be in a relationship and I'm on online dating sites but I just don't find the men on there attractive.

To be fair, men are assholes; especially male anime fans because of the lack of social skills.

Have you tried dating women?

"Hello, I am obviously indicating that I'm a heterosexual female."


I mean, I guess you were right about anime fans and a complete and utter lack of social skills. Or at least I can't argue with the proof you're putting directly in front of me.

Dec 22, 2019 8:27 PM

Aug 2009
GrandFisher1 said:
No I haven't. I don't think I'm attracted to females either. Also vaginas are gross.😂 I guess I'll just be alone forever.

Well, nothing wrong with being asexual. If that's the road you wanna take, just live your best life.

Manaban said:
"Hello, I am obviously indicating that I'm a heterosexual female."


Some people prefer to assume. Some people prefer to ask.

Dec 22, 2019 8:30 PM

Sep 2015
FacelessVixen said:
GrandFisher1 said:
No I haven't. I don't think I'm attracted to females either. Also vaginas are gross.😂 I guess I'll just be alone forever.

Well, nothing wrong with being asexual. If that's the road you wanna take, just live your best life..

They have literally stated they are attracted to men, just exclusively anime characters.

The fuck you on about with asexuality?

FacelessVixen said:

Some people prefer to assume. Some people prefer to ask.

Iunno, there's assuming and there's "Yes I am a woman only attracted to male anime characters and I'm using dating apps and not finding any of the males there attractive."

What, do you need them to mention that they're into men a third time?

Dec 22, 2019 8:36 PM

Oct 2017
I'm good either way, I'd say. both 3D and 2D girls can be gorgeous, but... like I end up watching more hentai nowadays for several reasons. I follow some Japanese gravure models on Twitter and I think they are just amazingly beautiful. But 3D girls in porn are often just kind of gross. Hard to explain. Anime girls are drawn with perfect skin, proportions, perfect vaginas with no pubic hair, youthful (there's a rabbit hole lol... although I like my loli hentai, I'm just talking about anime girls in general). Plus one can imagine all kinds of things about a drawing because it's fantasy, but with 3D porn you know you're looking at a real person and it has a wierd feel to it, sometimes.

BTW, OP. Don't listen to anyone who tries to put you down for your own preferences, ideals, and ways in which you want to live your life. The ONLY thing you need to ask yourself is whether you're happy, and if you could be happier. And hell, most people won't care either way so when I say you need to ask that of yourself, it's just advice. Do whatever you want, including being unhappy if that's what you want lol.
YossaRedMageDec 22, 2019 8:39 PM
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Dec 22, 2019 9:31 PM

Dec 2018
Ah it's fine OP, typical problem of degeneracy. Not saying that as an insult, saying that as in being unable to have a family and bear kids.

It's difficult to deprive what you're enjoying now, but if you ask me whether is it a problem or not, I'd say yes, very much yes. People in modernity society have mistaken joy can be anything as long as the sole individual is indulging. But no, that is selfish and thoughtless. Don't disregard respectability.
. . .
Dec 23, 2019 12:05 AM
Jul 2018
i can see how this would be a thing seeing as anime girls are constructed to be better than females in reality and it's the same with the anime boys
Dec 23, 2019 12:12 AM

Jan 2018
Well cute boys are hard to catch, I mean in my case cute girls are maaaybe hard to catch. I like anime characters but I like it more if they get a happy ending with their lover.
Dec 23, 2019 12:31 AM
Jul 2018
In some cases anime characters have more personality than real life individuals so I can understand that.
Dec 23, 2019 6:06 AM

Sep 2015
Preachee said:

People in modernity society have mistaken joy can be anything as long as the sole individual is indulging. But no, that is selfish and thoughtless. Don't disregard respectability.

Or disregard it entirely and stop trying to adhere to bogus, irrelevant standards of what's acceptable and right at the cost of your own happiness ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're not immortal and time only goes faster the older you get. Might as well make the most of what you've got instead of just living according to how other people want you to live.

Dec 23, 2019 6:28 AM
Apr 2016
Whoever finds themselves identifying with this thread is advised to seek mental help through family/friends/social institutions before it is too late. Do not let yourself turn up in a crime new section or a medical tractate.
Dec 23, 2019 8:27 AM
Sep 2019
This is known as "Schediaphilia", which is a form of "Fictiophilia". Neither are official medical terms. As far as I can tell, there hasn't been much research on it. I'm not a psychologist, but from what I remember from the psych classes I took in college, a lot of psychological conditions aren't problematic in and of themselves. However, if these conditions begin to affect a person physically, emotionally, and socially, then there might be a major issue.

Admiring fictional, even animated, characters isn't a bad thing. Basically, everyone does it. People create headcanons of their favorite characters, they glorify them, they put them on pedestals mainly because they can. The characters are only as real as they make them out to be and I believe that it's that control that's appealing to people. It's easier to control who and what a person is when they're fictional because let's face it, real life is messy and real people are complicated.

But the fact is that people need real human connections and we need relationships. They don't have to be romantic relationships per se. But relationships nonetheless.

Take what I have to say with a grain of salt. I am not a medical professional. I d,o however, suggest that you speak with an actual medical professional to hear their take on this. I wish you the best.
Ya boy is going to Con Alt Delete 2020! See you there!

Dec 23, 2019 8:34 AM
Jul 2018
FacelessVixen said:
GrandFisher1 said:
I'm also a female in my earlier 20s who's attracted to only male anime characters. I'd like to be in a relationship and I'm on online dating sites but I just don't find the men on there attractive.

To be fair, men are assholes
Yikes. That's quite sexist unless you believe the same about women.
Dec 23, 2019 8:50 AM

Oct 2018
Well, I think it's quite normal to find anime/animated girls/guys attractive and hot, since they are not real, it's easy to animate them with perfect facial features and body that most people find extremely attractive. That's okay.

I'm sure every single anime fan has some characters they are attracted to, who they find outstandingly hot/beautiful.
Like here I am, I find Rem from Re:Zero really beautiful, probably the most beautiful from all anime characters I've seen. I mean, there are several other beautiful characters, but she's just somehow special.
But this all ends there. I just simply find her gorgeous, but not in a way that would affect my real/social life in a bad way. I still find real girls beautiful and attractive, like a normal person.

Being (overly) attracted to nothing but animated characters is not normal at all.
-Aincrad-Dec 23, 2019 1:55 PM
Dec 23, 2019 9:06 AM

Dec 2014
GrandFisher1 said:
I know this post was made a few years ago but I stumbled upon it and had to respond to it.

I'm also a female in my earlier 20s who's attracted to only male anime characters. I'd like to be in a relationship and I'm on online dating sites but I just don't find the men on there attractive.

Well to be fair, if the guys on dating sites were generally attractive, I doubt they would had been on dating sites in the first place.
Dec 23, 2019 9:06 AM

Aug 2016
Well to be fair fictional characters (especially anime characters) are a pristine oversimplified and over exaggerated versions of the reality with appalling proportions and facial features.
They often are more aesthetically pleasing than the average real form but to say that someone is not attracted to real people....
They are shaped, both physically and pesonality wise and you can't interact with them. This is the perfect form of a platonic relationship

Perhaps your way of evaluating men is warped due to your habit of watching anime, playing games etc.
or you like beautiful facial strucutre not masculine.... I don't really know mate but it's abnormal/unnatural to feel unaffected by real people.
midascruzerJan 8, 2020 8:10 PM
Dec 23, 2019 10:04 AM

Sep 2017
Being attracted to 2D characters is normal

Being ONLY attracted to 2D characters is sad
Dec 23, 2019 10:11 AM

Jul 2016
Even if it sounds pathetic and cringy on the surface,i can actually relate to this imo.
It's just that my introverted nature makes it hard for me to form real life relationships,so i get attached to fictional characters because they evoke some sort of emotion in me wether it would be of protection,admiration,etc.Real life can be pretty boring and mundane,so some sort of escapism helps to relieve that sense of emptiness.
Dec 23, 2019 10:16 AM

Jan 2019
Alot of ppl here are the same kinda. Slowly converting to Waifu-ism and only liking 2D girls.

2D girls can literally be drawn perfect and however YOU desire them so it would make sense that you'd prefer them. It makes, alot of sense tbh.
Dec 23, 2019 10:35 AM

Aug 2009
Peaceful_Critic said:
FacelessVixen said:

To be fair, men are assholes
Yikes. That's quite sexist unless you believe the same about women.

I don't bet heavily on facetiousness/hyperbole and irony.

Dec 23, 2019 10:50 AM
Jul 2018
FacelessVixen said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Yikes. That's quite sexist unless you believe the same about women.

I don't bet heavily on facetiousness/hyperbole and irony.
I don't tend to take a joke as sexist, but when you lack the components of it such as tone and set-up, it gets hard to tell. Saying men are trash isn't hyperbolizing enough to give an impression of a joke. I suggest saying something like "men are the worst creatures on earth who cause every problem in the universe".
Dec 23, 2019 11:33 AM

Aug 2009
Peaceful_Critic said:
FacelessVixen said:

I don't bet heavily on facetiousness/hyperbole and irony.
I don't tend to take a joke as sexist, but when you lack the components of it such as tone and set-up, it gets hard to tell. Saying men are trash isn't hyperbolizing enough to give an impression of a joke. I suggest saying something like "men are the worst creatures on earth who cause every problem in the universe".

Can I ask you something?

Have you ever gotten yourself in a situation where you're bored to the point where you'll acknowledge some silly shit that people are saying to you, but not bored enough to where where you turn the encounter into either a serious discussion like the other person wants to, or just be fully immature and double-down on being an asshole and and deal with harsher repercussions later?

I ask because you've put me in that situation right now where, sure; I could explain myself and why I don't get along with other dudes. In fact, I'm 90% sure that someone who takes posting shit on the internet more seriously than I do would give a TL;DR explanation and personal stories of why men are chauvinistic pigs. And I could also double down and find at least ten ways to call you a snowflake and being on a moral high horse for no good reason other than ego. But I'm not that bored to fully go in either direction. I'm just here for shits and giggles.


Dec 23, 2019 11:38 AM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
FacelessVixen said:

I don't bet heavily on facetiousness/hyperbole and irony.
I don't tend to take a joke as sexist, but when you lack the components of it such as tone and set-up, it gets hard to tell. Saying men are trash isn't hyperbolizing enough to give an impression of a joke. I suggest saying something like "men are the worst creatures on earth who cause every problem in the universe".

Either way he is right, human males are responsible for majority of genocides, murders and corruption on planet Earth. Also see for the reference: Hitler Stalin Trump Putin British princes Epstein Rothschild Snyder. Can easily guess their gender, I bet.
Dec 23, 2019 11:43 AM
Nov 2019
I’m attracted to animes characters too...I mostly only watching cartoon/anime anyway, it’s what I like to watch. I can’t be attracted by a real people except the seiyuus.
Dec 23, 2019 11:46 AM

Sep 2015
FacelessVixen said:
I ask because you've put me in that situation right now where, sure; I could explain myself and why I don't get along with other dudes. In fact, I'm 90% sure that someone who takes posting shit on the internet more seriously than I do would give a TL;DR explanation and personal stories of why men are chauvinistic pigs.

So you weren't just being ironic or facetious, you actually are a misandrist, your belief towards why you're justified in such is entirely anecdotal and you're appealing to the notion that somebody else could potentially show up with a bunch of anecdotes about why your misandry is justified to back you up instead of just doing so yourself.

Damn. You are a real winner.

Dec 23, 2019 11:48 AM
Jul 2018
FacelessVixen said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
I don't tend to take a joke as sexist, but when you lack the components of it such as tone and set-up, it gets hard to tell. Saying men are trash isn't hyperbolizing enough to give an impression of a joke. I suggest saying something like "men are the worst creatures on earth who cause every problem in the universe".

Can I ask you something?

Have you ever gotten yourself in a situation where you're bored to the point where you'll acknowledge some silly shit that people are saying to you, but not bored enough to where where you turn the encounter into either a serious discussion like the other person wants to, or just be fully immature and double-down on being an asshole and and deal with harsher repercussions later?

I ask because you've put me in that situation right now where, sure; I could explain myself and why I don't get along with other dudes. In fact, I'm 90% sure that someone who takes posting shit on the internet more seriously than I do would give a TL;DR explanation and personal stories of why men are chauvinistic pigs. And I could also double down and find at least ten ways to call you a snowflake and being on a moral high horse for no good reason other than ego. But I'm not that bored to fully go in either direction. I'm just here for shits and giggles.


Well, if you don't want to discuss there's no point, so goodbye to you too.
Dec 23, 2019 11:51 AM
Apr 2016
Manaban said:
FacelessVixen said:
I ask because you've put me in that situation right now where, sure; I could explain myself and why I don't get along with other dudes. In fact, I'm 90% sure that someone who takes posting shit on the internet more seriously than I do would give a TL;DR explanation and personal stories of why men are chauvinistic pigs.

So you weren't just being ironic or facetious, you actually are a misandrist, your belief towards why you're justified in such is entirely anecdotal and you're appealing to the notion that somebody else could potentially show up with a bunch of anecdotes about why your misandry is justified to back you up instead of just doing so yourself.

Damn. You are a real winner.

Seems like you are trying hard through your narrative to paint misandry as a bad thing. But one group hates on criminals who misuse children. Another group hates on males. Both groups hate on something bad. Misandry is not a negative term and is not to be used as an insult. Not until the male populace starts redeeming its own gender by NOT propagating sins of their fathers... and their grandfathers, and their father, and...
Dec 23, 2019 12:26 PM

Aug 2009
Manaban said:
FacelessVixen said:
I ask because you've put me in that situation right now where, sure; I could explain myself and why I don't get along with other dudes. In fact, I'm 90% sure that someone who takes posting shit on the internet more seriously than I do would give a TL;DR explanation and personal stories of why men are chauvinistic pigs.

So you weren't just being ironic or facetious, you actually are a misandrist, your belief towards why you're justified in such is entirely anecdotal and you're appealing to the notion that somebody else could potentially show up with a bunch of anecdotes about why your misandry is justified to back you up instead of just doing so yourself.

Damn. You are a real winner.

...Can I ask you something too?

Have you ever gotten yourself in a situation where you thought that messing with someone online wasn't going to lead to anything, but it turns out that you picked the wrong person in that the other person gives less of a fuck than you do and is significantly more willing to engage in more petty arguments than you are?

Welp, I'm not a chauvinistic pig so I'll admit defeat. This is way more than I bargained for. Kudos to you good sir.

Dec 23, 2019 12:40 PM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
I don't tend to take a joke as sexist, but when you lack the components of it such as tone and set-up, it gets hard to tell. Saying men are trash isn't hyperbolizing enough to give an impression of a joke. I suggest saying something like "men are the worst creatures on earth who cause every problem in the universe".

Either way he is right, human males are responsible for majority of genocides, murders and corruption on planet Earth. Also see for the reference: Hitler Stalin Trump Putin British princes Epstein Rothschild Snyder. Can easily guess their gender, I bet.
I think the problem points to the overwhelmingly male victims of crimes(pg 15-16). Mainly because if you are a victim of crime you are more likely to do a crime(
Also, misandry is bad and should be used as an insult.
Dec 23, 2019 1:01 PM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Either way he is right, human males are responsible for majority of genocides, murders and corruption on planet Earth. Also see for the reference: Hitler Stalin Trump Putin British princes Epstein Rothschild Snyder. Can easily guess their gender, I bet.
I think the problem points to the overwhelmingly male victims of crimes(pg 15-16). Mainly because if you are a victim of crime you are more likely to do a crime(
Also, misandry is bad and should be used as an insult.

One day when "male" is not a name for mostly troublesome or evil species.
Dec 23, 2019 1:08 PM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
I think the problem points to the overwhelmingly male victims of crimes(pg 15-16). Mainly because if you are a victim of crime you are more likely to do a crime(
Also, misandry is bad and should be used as an insult.

One day when "male" is not a name for mostly troublesome or evil species.
Females are more likely to commit child abuse though:
" Of the 192,321 unique perpetrators in the data set, 89,028 (46%) were male and 103,293 (54%) were female."
Females can be just as violent as in this instance, they are able to commit the crime more easily. It's important to note that males, on average, are stronger than females, which gives them more power to commit the crime.
Dec 23, 2019 1:13 PM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

One day when "male" is not a name for mostly troublesome or evil species.
Females are more likely to commit child abuse though:
" Of the 192,321 unique perpetrators in the data set, 89,028 (46%) were male and 103,293 (54%) were female."
Females can be just as violent as in this instance, they are able to commit the crime more easily. It's important to note that males, on average, are stronger than females, which gives them more power to commit the crime.

The world is a complex structure. Females would mostly commit crimes against children either out of unstable state of mind (including anxiety and depression), or because they (children) are harmless and cannot defend themselves. But such females either need help or are evil, and they are a rather contained minority.
I am an educated person. A savant. I know history. I know how bad human history is. I know who had written it with their lowly deeds - males. Directly or not,a dauntingly massive percent of wrongdoings stems and keeps stemming from the sins of our fathers. Not mothers, they are as much of victims. Because males harm each other, the females can see and copy that behaviour towards even their own children.
Dec 23, 2019 1:45 PM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
Females are more likely to commit child abuse though:
" Of the 192,321 unique perpetrators in the data set, 89,028 (46%) were male and 103,293 (54%) were female."
Females can be just as violent as in this instance, they are able to commit the crime more easily. It's important to note that males, on average, are stronger than females, which gives them more power to commit the crime.

The world is a complex structure. Females would mostly commit crimes against children either out of unstable state of mind (including anxiety and depression), or because they (children) are harmless and cannot defend themselves. But such females either need help or are evil, and they are a rather contained minority.
I am an educated person. A savant. I know history. I know how bad human history is. I know who had written it with their lowly deeds - males. Directly or not,a dauntingly massive percent of wrongdoings stems and keeps stemming from the sins of our fathers. Not mothers, they are as much of victims. Because males harm each other, the females can see and copy that behaviour towards even their own children.
The same can be said for males who committed the crime. That's because historically males had that opportunity. Before, in history, females had no power since the other half of their species were physically stronger and had all the control in government. Females leaders are rarer in history and females, in general, have been sheltered from wars. Not only that, but the vast majority of people period aren't felonies. When we talk about crime, we are already talking about a minority.
removed-userDec 23, 2019 1:52 PM
Dec 23, 2019 1:53 PM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

The world is a complex structure. Females would mostly commit crimes against children either out of unstable state of mind (including anxiety and depression), or because they (children) are harmless and cannot defend themselves. But such females either need help or are evil, and they are a rather contained minority.
I am an educated person. A savant. I know history. I know how bad human history is. I know who had written it with their lowly deeds - males. Directly or not,a dauntingly massive percent of wrongdoings stems and keeps stemming from the sins of our fathers. Not mothers, they are as much of victims. Because males harm each other, the females can see and copy that behaviour towards even their own children.
The same can be said for males who committed the crime. That's because historically males had that opportunity. Before, in history, females had no power since the other half of their species were physically stronger and had all the control in government. Females leaders are rarer in history and females, in general, have been sheltered from wars. Not only that, but the vast majority of people period don't felonies. When we talk about crime, we are already talking about a minority.

Well yes males are more prone to violence and crimes because this is their mindset, reproduced through the generations, out of hands of the individuals now, an image traveling throughout the social system itself. Full circle, bad males.
Dec 23, 2019 1:58 PM

Dec 2018
Manaban said:
Preachee said:

People in modernity society have mistaken joy can be anything as long as the sole individual is indulging. But no, that is selfish and thoughtless. Don't disregard respectability.

Or disregard it entirely and stop trying to adhere to bogus, irrelevant standards of what's acceptable and right at the cost of your own happiness ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're not immortal and time only goes faster the older you get. Might as well make the most of what you've got instead of just living according to how other people want you to live.

That's partially true, and it can as well lead to something partially wrong. That is correct, nothing is objectively truth to be adhered. But respectability still exists, as if entirely neglecting it would be the optimal "happiness" for society as a whole. Sometimes, one has to be selfless.
. . .
Dec 23, 2019 1:59 PM

Jul 2019
Then you might suffer from "Schediaphilia" which is also known as Toonphilia. So as Michael Jordan once said "Stop it, get some help"
Dec 23, 2019 2:02 PM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
The same can be said for males who committed the crime. That's because historically males had that opportunity. Before, in history, females had no power since the other half of their species were physically stronger and had all the control in government. Females leaders are rarer in history and females, in general, have been sheltered from wars. Not only that, but the vast majority of people period don't felonies. When we talk about crime, we are already talking about a minority.

Well yes males are more prone to violence and crimes because this is their mindset, reproduced through the generations, out of hands of the individuals now, an image traveling throughout the social system itself. Full circle, bad males.
What? No, I was saying that males have historically had more opportunities to commit crimes and be awful, evil leaders. I mean mindsets passed down might be partly to blame, but historically you see this trend because of the power males had. Anyway, I still think it's kind of silly to call males bad in general when the minority of them are felonies who commit violent crimes.
Dec 23, 2019 2:04 PM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Well yes males are more prone to violence and crimes because this is their mindset, reproduced through the generations, out of hands of the individuals now, an image traveling throughout the social system itself. Full circle, bad males.
What? No, I was saying that males have historically had more opportunities to commit crimes and be awful, evil leaders. I mean mindsets passed down might be partly to blame, but historically you see this trend because of the power males had. Anyway, I still think it's kind of silly to call males bad in general when the minority of them are felonies who commit violent crimes.

Yes this is not the thread to discuss the inherent sin of being a male in modern world, let us drop it lest this thread gets loc... on second thought, get going.
Dec 23, 2019 2:06 PM

Sep 2015
Preachee said:

That's partially true, and it can as well lead to something partially wrong. That is correct, nothing is objectively truth to be adhered.

lmao shut up dude

Preachee said:
But respectability still exists, as if entirely neglecting it would be the optimal "happiness" for society as a whole. Sometimes, one has to be selfless.

There's being selfless and there's sacrificing your own happiness and potentially introducing others to misery as a side effect of that sacrifice - unless, by some absolute fucking miracle, you think that a healthy relationship can form on such a dishonest and insincere foundation - all for some lipservice conformity, or what you're trying to describe as "selfless happiness for society as a whole." Why the fuck is it any of there business, why do they care, and what's going to do their lives whenever you're just biding your time being fucking single?

This isn't a matter of being respectable or not. This is just being so worried about how people perceive you that you're being negligent and stupid.

Dec 23, 2019 2:08 PM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Peaceful_Critic said:
What? No, I was saying that males have historically had more opportunities to commit crimes and be awful, evil leaders. I mean mindsets passed down might be partly to blame, but historically you see this trend because of the power males had. Anyway, I still think it's kind of silly to call males bad in general when the minority of them are felonies who commit violent crimes.

Yes this is not the thread to discuss the inherent sin of being a male in modern world, let us drop it lest this thread gets loc... on second thought, get going.
We are making comments on an old thread made years ago. It's going to get locked regardless of the controversial content discussed within it.
Dec 23, 2019 2:08 PM

Dec 2018
Manaban said:
Preachee said:

That's partially true, and it can as well lead to something partially wrong. That is correct, nothing is objectively truth to be adhered.

lmao shut up dude

Preachee said:
But respectability still exists, as if entirely neglecting it would be the optimal "happiness" for society as a whole. Sometimes, one has to be selfless.

There's being selfless and there's sacrificing your own happiness and potentially introducing others to misery as a side effect of that sacrifice - unless, by some absolute fucking miracle, you think that a healthy relationship can form on such a dishonest and insincere foundation - all for some lipservice conformity, or what you're trying to describe as "selfless happiness for society as a whole." Why the fuck is it any of there business, why do they care, and what's going to do their lives whenever you're just biding your time being fucking single?

This isn't a matter of being respectable or not. This is just being so worried about how people perceive you that you're being negligent and stupid.

Oh shit I'm so fucking sorry my guy. Guess you can't stand some normal debates but to add some stupid comments about my intellect and how superior you are in between. My bad, should not have wasted my time on condescending cucks.
. . .
Dec 23, 2019 2:10 PM

Sep 2015
Preachee said:

Oh shit I'm so fucking sorry my guy. Guess you can't stand some normal debates but to add some stupid comments about my intellect and how superior you are in between. My bad, should not have wasted my time on condescending cucks.

I mean, maybe I wouldn't call you a dipshit if you didn't say dipshit things?

Like, have you actually thought about what you're saying beyond WELL IT'S NORMAL SO IT MUST BE RIGHT. Because it's so negligible at best, and outright harmful at worst, to encourage the type of thing you're encouraging here. I don't understand why you seem to think that it should even be treated with an iota of respect, because this isn't an opinion that deserves it.

Dec 23, 2019 2:24 PM

Dec 2018
Manaban said:
Preachee said:

Oh shit I'm so fucking sorry my guy. Guess you can't stand some normal debates but to add some stupid comments about my intellect and how superior you are in between. My bad, should not have wasted my time on condescending cucks.

I mean, maybe I wouldn't call you a dipshit if you didn't say dipshit things?

Like, have you actually thought about what you're saying beyond WELL IT'S NORMAL SO IT MUST BE RIGHT.

Hmm.. so this is what happens when you're given enough anonymity and total freedom of speech. Such ease in saying words that one can't say in real life without anxiety is truly something MAL users would never refrain from exploiting. Conservative, superior complex, shitfully supercilious and the craving to destroy someone through internet... well not that critical, but I see.

You seem to care most about individualism and totally disregard collectivism. I mean, sure who the fuck cares anyway. Fuck this society, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter if a large fraction of the youth becomes degenerates. Let's argue what happiness is, do you want to? Or am I too much of a dipship that you obstinate little guy can't take it?
. . .
Dec 23, 2019 2:38 PM

Sep 2015
Preachee said:

Hmm.. so this is what happens when you're given enough anonymity and total freedom of speech. Such ease in saying words that one can't say in real life without anxiety is truly something MAL users would never refrain from exploiting.

Oh god, you're one of those YOU WOULDN'T SAY THAT TO ME IRL types. Fun.

I mean, if you want to travel to my location or meet up halfway just so I can call you a dipshit to your face, I've got no objections to doing so.

Preachee said:

Conservative, superior complex, shitfully supercilious and the craving to destroy someone through internet... well not that critical, but I see.

Lmao, where the fuck are you getting "conservative" from out of this, and why are you, of all people, using it as a pejorative?

Tell me, which one of us the one that's arguing to do things in the traditional way to appease social norms again?

Also, it's not a "superior complex" if I'm just capable of recognizing that there's no need to advocate trying to peer pressure people into seeking out a traditional relationship if they don't want to be in one, because that's a horrid and unhealthy foundation to form a relationship on in the first place, and it can negatively impact more people than just them to boot.

Pointing out that it's only going to be detrimental for all parties involved in the long run is just pointing out the common sense route that these things will take.

Preachee said:

You seem to care most about individualism and totally disregard collectivism. I mean, sure who the fuck cares anyway. Fuck this society, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter if a large fraction of the youth becomes degenerates.

If your definition of degenerate is "somebody who's not forcing themselves into traditional relationships at the cost of their own happiness," then sure. I'd also argue that you have an extremely loose definition of degeneracy, though, to the point where it's not worth placing any value in whatsoever.

Preachee said:

Let's argue what happiness is, do you want to?

Maybe when your English isn't so awful. Some of this shit is so bad I can't read it without laughing tbh.

Preachee said:

Or am I too much of a dipship that you obstinate little guy can't take it?

Yes, this is a problem, but I could look past it if you didn't advocate disgusting ideas that involve forcing people into miserable situations that are only detrimental to them and those around them just to suit your idea of "respectability."
ManabanDec 23, 2019 2:42 PM

Dec 23, 2019 2:43 PM

Dec 2018
Manaban said:
Preachee said:

Hmm.. so this is what happens when you're given enough anonymity and total freedom of speech. Such ease in saying words that one can't say in real life without anxiety is truly something MAL users would never refrain from exploiting.

Oh god, you're one of those YOU WOULDN'T SAY THAT TO ME IRL types. Fun.

I mean, if you want to travel to my location or meet up halfway just so I can call you a dipshit to your face, I've got no objections to doing so.

Preachee said:

Conservative, superior complex, shitfully supercilious and the craving to destroy someone through internet... well not that critical, but I see.

Lmao, where the fuck are you getting "conservative" from out of this, and why are you, of all people, using it as a pejorative?

Tell me, which one of us the one that's arguing to do things in the traditional way to appease social norms again?

Also, it's not a "superior complex" if I'm just capable of recognizing the need to not advocate trying to peer pressure people into seeking out a traditional relationship if they don't want to be in one, because that's a horrid and unhealthy foundation to form a relationship on in the first place, and it can negatively impact more people than just them to boot.

Pointing out that it's only going to be detrimental for all parties involved in the long run is just pointing out the common sense route that these things will take.

Preachee said:

You seem to care most about individualism and totally disregard collectivism. I mean, sure who the fuck cares anyway. Fuck this society, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter if a large fraction of the youth becomes degenerates.

If your definition of degenerate is "not forcing themselves into a traditional relationship at the cost of their own happiness," then sure. I'd also argue that you have an extremely loose definition of degeneracy, though, to the point where it's not worth placing any value in whatsoever.

Preachee said:

Let's argue what happiness is, do you want to?

Maybe when your English isn't so laughable. Some of this shit is so bad I can't read it without laughing tbh.

Preachee said:

Or am I too much of a dipship that you obstinate little guy can't take it?

Yes, this is a problem, but I could look past it if you didn't advocate disgusting ideas that involve forcing people into miserable situations that are only detrimental to them and those around them just to suit your idea of "respectability."

Ok I've decided you are nothing but un unworthy obstinate guy, how predictable and boring. I'll stop replying for now, there's no use if you are this "conservative" to your own ideas. Good bye my cuck.
. . .
Dec 23, 2019 2:45 PM
Apr 2016
Peaceful_Critic said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Yes this is not the thread to discuss the inherent sin of being a male in modern world, let us drop it lest this thread gets loc... on second thought, get going.
We are making comments on an old thread made years ago. It's going to get locked regardless of the controversial content discussed within it.

The sooner the better. Whoever thought it is a good idea to exhume this thread was not in his right mind. I am more afraid of this being another excuse for some of the morally grey moderators here. I have already been warned for speaking up against meaningless and clearly bearing aggravating intention threads.
Preachee said:
Manaban said:

I mean, maybe I wouldn't call you a dipshit if you didn't say dipshit things?

Like, have you actually thought about what you're saying beyond WELL IT'S NORMAL SO IT MUST BE RIGHT.

Hmm.. so this is what happens when you're given enough anonymity and total freedom of speech. Such ease in saying words that one can't say in real life without anxiety is truly something MAL users would never refrain from exploiting. Conservative, superior complex, shitfully supercilious and the craving to destroy someone through internet... well not that critical, but I see.

You seem to care most about individualism and totally disregard collectivism. I mean, sure who the fuck cares anyway. Fuck this society, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter if a large fraction of the youth becomes degenerates. Let's argue what happiness is, do you want to? Or am I too much of a dipship that you obstinate little guy can't take it?

Do not worry too much about that user. He supports capital punishment and likes to see people suffer, the ones he believes to deserve it. A conflicted youth in conflicted times. Do not reciprocate hostility.
Daniel_NaumovDec 23, 2019 2:53 PM
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