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May 6, 2021 9:53 PM
Aug 2019
Air-117 said:
I hand out 10/10s so easily because the average score is usually 8-9 and I'm not going to rate it below average.

Think of the average score as a representation of how general MAL audience collectively viewed the show rather than the bar for your typical "average" show. If the average score is 8-9, that just means that the general mal audience enjoyed it a lot, not that the show was "average." See how the meaning is a bit different?
May 6, 2021 10:22 PM

Mar 2016
i have an even stricter criteria for 10/10 but even i can still see how arbitrary ratings are, ppl have different ways to rate what they rate
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
May 6, 2021 10:46 PM
Jul 2018
I don't understand this forum,

I'm gonna say this, It's hard to give an anime of 10/10 unless it's very appealing to what you like.
May 6, 2021 11:08 PM

Jul 2010
According to MALgraph, I gave 10/10 to 0,19% of my anime. I think thats reasonable.
May 6, 2021 11:36 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
LostSpectre said:
BetaMaleUltra said:

Yeah I agree that's how it SHOULD be my preference is to keep it at a 4 or 5. Just because I think there's more levels of good then there are levels of bad. Want to give more breathing room for the GOOD anime to make it more easy to differentiate between which anime I preferred over the other.

If my base line is 6 then I only have 5 levels of good to choose from. But since my baseline is more like a 5 then I have more options to choose from when trying to show how much I liked said anime. If I have less options to choose from, I might have to give 2 different anime both a 7 even though I liked one slightly more. With a lower base line and thus more options, I can show that difference and give one anime a 7 and the other one an 8 for example.

Like to me if it's bad, it's bad, give that shit a 2 or 3 or something
Oh, that's an interesting viewpoint, but I would think you would still run out of room at some point, I have a ton of 7's and could benefit from your approach, but I don't need them to be equal or anything like that, each show is rated individually, and can't be compared to any other with the same rating, unless they're very similar in scope, like 2 ecchi comedies..

Actually if I'm being honest if I decided to rate more objectively then my graph would look a lot like yours, heavily centred on the 7 with not much in the low scores and with much more in the 8's and 9's and 10's. Because I do think that most anime end up deserving a 7/10 if I were to properly critique it. Not many anime actually deserve 1's or 2's imo because at least they all put an effort in to accomplish something.

But I rate 99% based on just my own personal enjoyment so I don't rate objectively at all, which is why I want to utilize all 10 scores to help display those different levels of enjoyment more easily. Otherwise though, my average score would definitely by in the 6-7 range instead of low 5 which it is now.

For example I actually don't think SAO is THAT bad. I think objectively speaking, it's a 5/10 anime. But I personally just can't really stand it so I gave that shit a 1 lol


May 7, 2021 12:04 AM

Jan 2013
BetaMaleUltra said:
LostSpectre said:
Oh, that's an interesting viewpoint, but I would think you would still run out of room at some point, I have a ton of 7's and could benefit from your approach, but I don't need them to be equal or anything like that, each show is rated individually, and can't be compared to any other with the same rating, unless they're very similar in scope, like 2 ecchi comedies..

Actually if I'm being honest if I decided to rate more objectively then my graph would look a lot like yours, heavily centred on the 7 with not much in the low scores and with much more in the 8's and 9's and 10's. Because I do think that most anime end up deserving a 7/10 if I were to properly critique it. Not many anime actually deserve 1's or 2's imo because at least they all put an effort in to accomplish something.

But I rate 99% based on just my own personal enjoyment so I don't rate objectively at all, which is why I want to utilize all 10 scores to help display those different levels of enjoyment more easily. Otherwise though, my average score would definitely by in the 6-7 range instead of low 5 which it is now.

For example I actually don't think SAO is THAT bad. I think objectively speaking, it's a 5/10 anime. But I personally just can't really stand it so I gave that shit a 1 lol
Oh, I don't rate anything objectively, I find that to be utterly pointless. I liked part 2 of SAO better, so it ends up being around a 5, not outright bad, but not even worth a 6, just a very "meh" type of show. Granted, I'm completely apathetic toward 5's, they have practically zero value, at least my 3-4's inspired a more intense emotion. I end up with mostly 7's because I watch mostly good shows, and my worst shows are trashy ecchi shows, but which I enjoy, so I rarely rate them below a 6, given that they often serve the purpose I expect them to.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
May 7, 2021 12:07 AM

Mar 2016
I don't think i have ever gave anything a 10, At most i will give something a 9 and that's only if it was really good anime or manga that i loved and very much enjoyed.

May 7, 2021 12:14 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
LostSpectre said:
BetaMaleUltra said:

Actually if I'm being honest if I decided to rate more objectively then my graph would look a lot like yours, heavily centred on the 7 with not much in the low scores and with much more in the 8's and 9's and 10's. Because I do think that most anime end up deserving a 7/10 if I were to properly critique it. Not many anime actually deserve 1's or 2's imo because at least they all put an effort in to accomplish something.

But I rate 99% based on just my own personal enjoyment so I don't rate objectively at all, which is why I want to utilize all 10 scores to help display those different levels of enjoyment more easily. Otherwise though, my average score would definitely by in the 6-7 range instead of low 5 which it is now.

For example I actually don't think SAO is THAT bad. I think objectively speaking, it's a 5/10 anime. But I personally just can't really stand it so I gave that shit a 1 lol
Oh, I don't rate anything objectively, I find that to be utterly pointless. I liked part 2 of SAO better, so it ends up being around a 5, not outright bad, but not even worth a 6, just a very "meh" type of show. Granted, I'm completely apathetic toward 5's, they have practically zero value, at least my 3-4's inspired a more intense emotion. I end up with mostly 7's because I watch mostly good shows, and my worst shows are trashy ecchi shows, but which I enjoy, so I rarely rate them below a 6, given that they often serve the purpose I expect them to.

From what it seems like, a 5/10 for you is around a 3/10 for me, the score which is for the totally “meh” shows. The 2’s and 1’s for me are probably your 3’s and 4’s, the entries that we probably found offensive to our brain cells to a certain degree

You’re probably overall more lenient and accepting towards most shows, while I tend to get to get picky. But that’s a good thing for you that you enjoy most anime that you watch. That’s the whole point isn’t it xD

I hate most shows in the ecchi genre, but the ones that work for me will get a good rating. Highschool dxd for me is one of those rare gems of it being an ecchi harem that I actually dig. I mean most ecchi get the job done, there really isn’t much TO be done other than pump out consistent gratuitous over the top dumb fan service, but I get personally annoyed by most of them so I have a number of those sitting at twos and threes. Except highschool dxd though. Love that shit lol


May 7, 2021 12:19 AM
May 2020
I rate an anime a 10/10 if ever I feel like its a 10
May 7, 2021 12:24 AM

Aug 2020
rating based off of enjoyment is just preferable to some people. personally i dont get how people can sit through entire series if they dont enjoy them lol
May 7, 2021 12:37 AM

Nov 2018
Do i really have to listen or care to an unknown dude's opinion about giving an anime 10/10? You think every person on this planet have the same mindset as you do? Sorry if i'm being rude but damn this is a pretty dumb thing to ask.
May 7, 2021 2:26 AM

Sep 2018
LostSpectre said:
Nirinbo said:

Everyone purposely designs their scoring system in a certain way. What really matters is the top or bottom %. For example, if someone rated 28% of the anime they watched 10/10, I would compare that with my top 28% (8-10) and not just with my own 10/10.

I'd gladly lower all my 2-4 to 1 and scale the rest accordingly, in order to better distinguish various levels of "good" (and I don't care much about various levels of "bad"). The only reason I'm not doing it is that I still wanna comply to MAL's definition of 4=bad, which I translate as 5=something I'd never drop.
I wasn't referring to a criteria or scoring peculiarity, I was referring to the fact they intentionally have their ratings going up from 1 in terms of most watched, with decreasing frequency. I would assume there's additional trolling with giving certain mediocre shows a 10 and more critically acclaimed shows a 1, but that's all secondary and besides the point, they're clearly manipulated and can't be taken seriously, even if some are legitimate scores, there's no way of knowing which is which.

"they intentionally have their ratings going up from 1 in terms of most watched, with decreasing frequency". And I intentionally have 6 as my most common score, scaling the rest accordingly; that's exactly what I meant by design choice. Both are legitimate.

Not gonna lie, it does look like he's giving high scores to anything with any small hint of LGBTQ+ or toxic relationships, while being very harsh with anything else.

The definition of "mediocre shows" is debatable. I found Happy Sugar Life (one of his favourites) much better than the 6.87 mean score seemed to indicate, whereas I don't understand how such a harsh scorer could rate a mediocre isekai like the slime one 9/10, if not for the MC being agender. Another example: I found Kakegurui average, but I perfectly understand that its over the top style could make him love it. That's how taste works: sometimes you agree with others, sometimes you don't.

Lastly, regarding highly rated shows he rated 1/10, what matters is that his 1s are his bottom 20%. My bottom 20% corresponds to my 1-4 and I do have quite a few popular and highly rated shows there (and once I was called an edgelord for that). Just because my taste is more mainstream than his, it doesn't mean that he's trolling.
May 7, 2021 2:42 AM

Oct 2017
cchigu said:
I personally can't fathom the idea of giving anime other than my absolute favorites 10s. Shouldn't 10/10 your ultimate standard?

It's the same as people handing out 1/10 for shows they don't like. For a lot of people it's just a toggle. Either 1/10 or 10/10, no in between.
May 7, 2021 2:43 AM

May 2021
Wee woo wee woo judgemental ass alert!

Why do you care? Why do other people’s ratings of shows annoy you so bad. Just agree to disagree, it’s a cartoon
Your puppet strings are just a tease.
May 7, 2021 2:49 AM

Apr 2014
I only have 2 series at 10/10.. TTGL and AOT, because I enjoyed both immensely

May 7, 2021 5:06 AM
Jul 2018
I absolutely love the show - I give it a 10. Simple as that. You can give any rating you want to any show you watched based on your own enjoyment. Shocking, I know.
May 7, 2021 6:15 AM

Dec 2018
Since I use the same rating system for anime, movies and books (and music), I haven't even given out any 10 for anime yet because none if it deserves an equal spot to a 10-rated film, for instance. And people legit dehumanize me for it.

As biased as I want to be for this discussion (because I'm the victim here), what you asked just doesn't really matter. Like sure too many 10s so tf what. And I do get why people hand it out so easily (both extremes - 10 and 1). For 10s, some people just think "as long as I like this, it's a 10".
. . .
May 7, 2021 6:33 AM
Oct 2020
i rate off enjoyment not writing and all stuff i watch anime for enjoyment so if i enjoyed it its a ten
May 7, 2021 9:02 AM

Feb 2017
There are two methods to give a meaningful rating for an anime.

One is that you treat one show as an individual entry and rate it based on the enjoyment you had with that particular show, ignoring any previous connections or plot similarities with other previous similar anime.

Another is to watch a lot of anime and get exposure towards different kinds of anime to judge which is the best and then give ratings based on it.

The first approach is the easiest and defines the "casual" viewer. The second is for the people who are the "not-so-casual" viewers.
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
May 7, 2021 9:09 AM

Oct 2019
It's either because I REALLY enjoyed or it blew me away
May 7, 2021 9:10 AM

Apr 2021
im not rlly a huge critique when it comes to this stuff, i only have one anime thats 10/10 but i've only watched 17

and its my all time fave ! (for now)
May 7, 2021 9:12 AM

Nov 2020
i reserve my 10s for my absolute favourite shows that blew me away and left a mark on me, usually making me cry too (aot, death note, your name).. but i‘ve also given a 10 to shows which i rlly liked watching and couldn’t think of a single way to improve them, bcos i enjoyed the plot and animation that much (your lie in april).

at the end of the day tho, everybody rates differently and there’s no right or wrong way of doing things, so don’t worry about trying to fathom it.
May 7, 2021 9:34 AM

Dec 2013
I have 25 10/10s on my list, so I'll break it down a bit.

1. The frequency of 10/10s is often due to sequels just adding more of the same anime you already loved. While I have 25 10/10s on my list, they are from 16 different series, so the number is inflated. Sequels then have another effect of me being able to rate a season a 10/10, but not a show as a whole(AssClass S2 I gave a 10, but S1 an 8). If I were to have to rank shows as a whole and not just seasons, my number of 10/10s would again dwindle to maybe 12 or 13.

While that number may still seem like a lot, that still goes to show how the way MAL makes seasons entirely different entrees results in the amount of 10s on my list being double what they would be otherwise.

2. On a website where the scores of shows are so readily available, it makes sense that some people disproportionately watch the best anime and the shows that are deserving of 10/10 consideration. There's not a natural distribution of viewership across quality of anime, it's skewed towards the better content, so naturally the distribution of scores will be skewed towards higher numbers. I have 12 or 13 series that I consider 10/10, but looking at them I don't think one would look at those shows and be surprised. I think anyone would look at a list and be like "yeah, that makes sense" to give shows like Cowboy Bebop, Hunter x Hunter, Steins;Gate, Attack on Titan, Code Geass, Spirited Away, etc. a 10/10

3. People on here have watched a ton of anime, so there's just going to be a lot of every score. If you've watched 500+ anime like I've seen from some people on here, it only makes sense that you'd have a decent amount of 10/10s. Maybe you could argue the ratio is off in how many 10s there are to something else, but the volume should be "high" in that instance.

4. People on here love anime. If not, what are you doing spending all your time watching this stuff and then bothering to post on a forum about it? This is a population that should be disproportionately giving higher scores probably, or at least have high amounts of 10/10 anime that form such a high love of the medium.
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
May 7, 2021 10:30 AM

Mar 2017
ghier said:
Air-117 said:
I hand out 10/10s so easily because the average score is usually 8-9 and I'm not going to rate it below average.

Think of the average score as a representation of how general MAL audience collectively viewed the show rather than the bar for your typical "average" show. If the average score is 8-9, that just means that the general mal audience enjoyed it a lot, not that the show was "average." See how the meaning is a bit different?
Obviously I understand that but my point still stands because I'm weighing my enjoyment against the average MAL user's enjoyment of a particular series. I thought Parasyte was just a "good" show which by MAL's scale should warrant a 7 but I'm not going to deviate a full 1.5 points from MAL's average which I'm using as a baseline so I gave it a 8.
May 7, 2021 10:55 AM
Jul 2020
They just want to see their fav show go on the top 10. Proper evaluation of their supposed favorite show becomes clouded with bias once they see reviews & other ratings of that show, so they feel a certain urge to rate it a 10 to give their show a certain 'prestige' (in their minds).
May 7, 2021 11:17 AM

Apr 2021
It's not easy but I judge anime and rate 'em 10/10 based on:
1) If I enjoyed it (as in I don't wanna stop watching and just keep on going cuz I'm excited to see what's gonna happen next);
2) If the quality is so good (ost, animation, visuals, the "feels", etc.); and
3) the storyline (if it's consistent, or if it is able to deliver us the message of the anime).

Because there are many anime out there that deserves a 10/10 despite its flaws.
May 7, 2021 12:17 PM

Nov 2009
I hand out 10/10 because I'm not a teacher at an exam.
Anime and anime fans are not my students and I don't have a duty to teach this world a lesson by how I rate things.
May 7, 2021 12:20 PM

Jan 2013
Nirinbo said:
LostSpectre said:
I wasn't referring to a criteria or scoring peculiarity, I was referring to the fact they intentionally have their ratings going up from 1 in terms of most watched, with decreasing frequency. I would assume there's additional trolling with giving certain mediocre shows a 10 and more critically acclaimed shows a 1, but that's all secondary and besides the point, they're clearly manipulated and can't be taken seriously, even if some are legitimate scores, there's no way of knowing which is which.

"they intentionally have their ratings going up from 1 in terms of most watched, with decreasing frequency". And I intentionally have 6 as my most common score, scaling the rest accordingly; that's exactly what I meant by design choice. Both are legitimate.

Not gonna lie, it does look like he's giving high scores to anything with any small hint of LGBTQ+ or toxic relationships, while being very harsh with anything else.

The definition of "mediocre shows" is debatable. I found Happy Sugar Life (one of his favourites) much better than the 6.87 mean score seemed to indicate, whereas I don't understand how such a harsh scorer could rate a mediocre isekai like the slime one 9/10, if not for the MC being agender. Another example: I found Kakegurui average, but I perfectly understand that its over the top style could make him love it. That's how taste works: sometimes you agree with others, sometimes you don't.

Lastly, regarding highly rated shows he rated 1/10, what matters is that his 1s are his bottom 20%. My bottom 20% corresponds to my 1-4 and I do have quite a few popular and highly rated shows there (and once I was called an edgelord for that). Just because my taste is more mainstream than his, it doesn't mean that he's trolling.
I'm not going to debate you on this, if it isn't crystal clear to you like it is to me, then so be it, further discussion seems pointless.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
May 7, 2021 5:09 PM

Dec 2017
Insert "I rate anime based on enjoyment" comment here x100

- Has given 30+ anime a 10
- Has a mean score between 7.55 - 8.30
May 7, 2021 8:58 PM
Apr 2020
Because people can do whatever they want lol
May 7, 2021 9:16 PM

Apr 2019
I'm not sure what happened to me because I used to rate "normally", but now I'm just a 10 giving machine. Not sure why... It just feels... Sincere? And since I like that feeling I don't really want to lose it.

It's like I've unconsciously created my own values instead of following what others think it should be. Either that or I'm just a very lucky person and everything I've watched so far just turns out to be masterpieces.
May 7, 2021 9:49 PM

Jan 2021
JAW7 said:
4. People on here love anime. If not, what are you doing spending all your time watching this stuff and then bothering to post on a forum about it? This is a population that should be disproportionately giving higher scores probably, or at least have high amounts of 10/10 anime that form such a high love of the medium.

Let me know if I'm misinterpreting what you said, but I strongly disagree with this one. Giving lots of 10's, or giving a lot of high scores, is definitely not the only way to love the medium. Some people separate the medium and the specific anime themselves.

Let's say that someone rates very critically and spams the 1-5 range. They can still enjoy the anime AND enjoy what the medium has to offer, due to its limitless potential. To some people, being critical is another step to loving the medium. It involves not only experiencing the anime, but also breaking it down into components and analyzing them. They want to see how each individual anime could have improved, with respect to the medium they highly adore and respect. It explains the users with low mean scores with hundreds or thousands of entries. It doesn't always to be involve being a critic. Some people just really like analyzing what they love. (referring to the medium itself)

I can come up with several different reasons why someone with a mean score of 4, without a single 10, can enjoy anime a lot more than someone with a mean score above 8, with plenty of 10's. What I just mentioned above can be one of those reasons.

Building up from this to your 3rd point: it's still possible to see folks with literally only 0-2 10's after 1000+ entries. It depends on what they define as a "high number of 10's". Nonetheless, it's stupid to think that those people are dumb, trolling, or not enjoying anime. I'm not implying that you assume this though. I know you're a lot smarter than that.

I can completely agree with your first two points though. Most folks tend to just watch what they feel will be great to them, and low ratings or drops could usually just imply that it was disappointing.
May 7, 2021 10:05 PM
Feb 2021
MrPer50n said:
JAW7 said:
4. People on here love anime. If not, what are you doing spending all your time watching this stuff and then bothering to post on a forum about it? This is a population that should be disproportionately giving higher scores probably, or at least have high amounts of 10/10 anime that form such a high love of the medium.

Let me know if I'm misinterpreting what you said, but I strongly disagree with this one. Giving lots of 10's, or giving a lot of high scores, is definitely not the only way to love the medium. Some people separate the medium and the specific anime themselves.

Let's say that someone rates very critically and spams the 1-5 range. They can still enjoy the anime AND enjoy what the medium has to offer, due to its limitless potential. To some people, being critical is another step to loving the medium. It involves not only experiencing the anime, but also breaking it down into components and analyzing them. They want to see how each individual anime could have improved, with respect to the medium they highly adore and respect. It explains the users with low mean scores with hundreds or thousands of entries. It doesn't always to be involve being a critic. Some people just really like analyzing what they love. (referring to the medium itself)

I can come up with several different reasons why someone with a mean score of 4, without a single 10, can enjoy anime a lot more than someone with a mean score above 8, with plenty of 10's. What I just mentioned above can be one of those reasons.

Building up from this to your 3rd point: it's still possible to see folks with literally only 0-2 10's after 1000+ entries. It depends on what they define as a "high number of 10's". Nonetheless, it's stupid to think that those people are dumb, trolling, or not enjoying anime. I'm not implying that you assume this though. I know you're a lot smarter than that.

I can completely agree with your first two points though. Most folks tend to just watch what they feel will be great to them, and low ratings or drops could usually just imply that it was disappointing.
People seem to not distinguish the difference between the "Enjoyment" rating and "Overall."

Oh, the ending made you cry? How were the characters?

"One-dimensional, inconsistent, and dumb. But my husbando sacrificed himself bravely after giving a stirring speech."

A gold star for everyone! -_-
"Tomatoes are nutritious and scrumptious."--Ryuunoske Akasaka, "The Pet Girl of Sakurasou"

Sword Art Online is mid, not utter trash. Oh yes, I'm such a rebel. 😎
May 7, 2021 10:30 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Vaguelyweebish said:
MrPer50n said:

Let me know if I'm misinterpreting what you said, but I strongly disagree with this one. Giving lots of 10's, or giving a lot of high scores, is definitely not the only way to love the medium. Some people separate the medium and the specific anime themselves.

Let's say that someone rates very critically and spams the 1-5 range. They can still enjoy the anime AND enjoy what the medium has to offer, due to its limitless potential. To some people, being critical is another step to loving the medium. It involves not only experiencing the anime, but also breaking it down into components and analyzing them. They want to see how each individual anime could have improved, with respect to the medium they highly adore and respect. It explains the users with low mean scores with hundreds or thousands of entries. It doesn't always to be involve being a critic. Some people just really like analyzing what they love. (referring to the medium itself)

I can come up with several different reasons why someone with a mean score of 4, without a single 10, can enjoy anime a lot more than someone with a mean score above 8, with plenty of 10's. What I just mentioned above can be one of those reasons.

Building up from this to your 3rd point: it's still possible to see folks with literally only 0-2 10's after 1000+ entries. It depends on what they define as a "high number of 10's". Nonetheless, it's stupid to think that those people are dumb, trolling, or not enjoying anime. I'm not implying that you assume this though. I know you're a lot smarter than that.

I can completely agree with your first two points though. Most folks tend to just watch what they feel will be great to them, and low ratings or drops could usually just imply that it was disappointing.
People seem to not distinguish the difference between the "Enjoyment" rating and "Overall."

Oh, the ending made you cry? How were the characters?

"One-dimensional, inconsistent, and dumb. But my husbando sacrificed himself bravely after giving a stirring speech."

A gold star for everyone! -_-
Eh, I wholly disagree on this. People who think that they can "accurately" judge the qualities of the show are much more obnoxious than people who just rate based on the enjoyment. I mean, I used to try and "analyze" the stuff I was watching back then-- "LoGH is a true masterpiece without any flaws, best animu ever 10/10". But as I am now, I wholeheartedly believe that rating shows based on your enjoyment is a much better option.
cchiguMay 7, 2021 11:07 PM
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
May 7, 2021 10:42 PM

Jul 2020
As long as it hits me in the feels I give it a 10.If I find an anime with no plot holes I reduce the scire of other anime I gave a 10.Simple.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
May 7, 2021 10:49 PM
Apr 2020
My earlier 10/10's like CG and S;G were purely based on enjoyment.
But now it mostly involves comparing different anime. For example take Mob Psycho 2. It was much better than the 1st season which I gave a 9 so that way I believe it deserves a 10.
"Who am I ? Where do I come from ? Where am I going ? That's all I want to think about"
-Saikawa Sohei
May 7, 2021 10:55 PM
Sep 2019
i rate shit purely on enjoyment, as i don't think there's a way to discuss opinions objectively. if anime was an objective science, someone already would've made the perfect anime and no one would be able to enjoy anything else. additionally, calling another person's opinion "objectively wrong" is unnecessarily harsh and merely serves to make u look like a bit of a jackass.

in regards to my giving out a high volume of 10/10 scores, it mainly stems from what i interpret a 10/10 to be. for me, a 10/10 is an anime that emotionally engaged me from start-to-finish, remained memorable throughout, had fully three-dimensional characters, and became a contender for my favorite anime. supposedly "objective" criteria such as directing, writing, music, animation, etc. do factor into my enjoyment, i simply view them as another way to emotionally engage me. i used to try to rate things "objectively," but i realized that i was emotionally distancing myself from what i was viewing and wasn't true to how i actually felt. for me, ratings are simply way for me to summarize my feelings in numerical form; they're not an indicator of quality so much as an indicator of enjoyment.

also i just love a ton of the shit i watch lol
literal commie
May 7, 2021 11:02 PM

Mar 2020
When it really deserves it. And yeah my favorite animes too.
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
May 7, 2021 11:09 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Scordolo said:
As long as it hits me in the feels I give it a 10.If I find an anime with no plot holes I reduce the scire of other anime I gave a 10.Simple.
This kind of stuff is not even applicable on shows without plots.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
May 7, 2021 11:11 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Blaze919 said:
My earlier 10/10's like CG and S;G were purely based on enjoyment.
But now it mostly involves comparing different anime. For example take Mob Psycho 2. It was much better than the 1st season which I gave a 9 so that way I believe it deserves a 10.
Why not decrease MP100 S1 to an 8 and then give MP100 S2 a 9? I mean, this is what I do
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
May 7, 2021 11:20 PM
Apr 2018
I give 10 to these ANIMEs :

-- My Absolute Favorites, & will most likely not change.
-- Where the STUDIOs have put a lot of dedicated work (like KNY + Kaguya Sama...... , etc.)
May 7, 2021 11:33 PM

Jan 2021
cchigu said:
Vaguelyweebish said:
People seem to not distinguish the difference between the "Enjoyment" rating and "Overall."

Oh, the ending made you cry? How were the characters?

"One-dimensional, inconsistent, and dumb. But my husbando sacrificed himself bravely after giving a stirring speech."

A gold star for everyone! -_-
Eh, I wholly disagree on this. People who think that they can "accurately" judge the qualities of the show are much more obnoxious than people who just rate based on the enjoyment. I mean, I used to try and "analyze" the stuff I was watching back then-- "LoGH is a true masterpiece without any flaws, best animu ever 10/10". But as I am now, I wholeheartedly believe that rating shows based on your enjoyment is a much better option.

I do agree that there's no objectivity in art forms. Being critical and subjective is always possible. Even being critical on enjoyment is also possible, based on what parameters one would give when scoring based on enjoyment (i.e. a 10/10 is life-changing vs. a 10/10 is very re-watchable).

I guess this is one way you can think about it:
- Rating on enjoyment is based on how they felt about the anime itself.
- Rating critically (A.K.A looking into the technical bits) is based on how they felt about how the anime applied itself to the medium.
Of course, these two can still overlap, hence "enjoyment = overall" for some people.

One can think critically and still give classics a really low score, based on whatever they try to analyze or believe what makes something subjectively good. There's no wrong way to go about it. The only thing that's wrong is when one says that their opinion is fact, which it isn't, since it's all subjective interpretation, at the end.
May 7, 2021 11:35 PM
Jul 2018
I rate anime based on how I like it. An anime which I rate a 10 could be a 1 for someone else. Everyone has different opinions.
May 7, 2021 11:40 PM

Oct 2015
Because I don't compare anime (anymore).

I find that each anime does something I find to be very interesting. Never will any of my 10/10s have the same meaning.

There is so much meaning and reason behind why. There's only so much feelings that... 10 numbers can convey, especially depending on whose lap those numbers fall onto. (that is to say, a 10/10 will always mean something to somebody else, and if you see somebody else's 10/10s, they won't always mean the same thing. I get the scoring system, but sometimes it can be too simple to convey complex human thoughts and viewpoints.)

If a 10/10 meant one thing and only one thing to you, and not something different with every anime, that's one of many reasons as to why it might be harder for you. (Actually, depending on the case, it might be a reason as to why it's easier for you to give a 10/10.)

I also watch anime with a level of nuance. Sometimes I watch it to think and reflect, other times I watch it to merely enjoy, most times it's a middle ground between both. So sometimes there's a chemistry between how much I enjoyed something, how much I respect a piece of work, and then there's so many factors such as technical factors (sound, animation), and then creative writing comes next... so while these are some things that the "overall score" might depend on, it's not the be all and end all, because there are so many other things I take into consideration depending on said anime.

For example, I absolutely appreciate Dragon Ball Z and score it highly for its clear level of influence on anime. Does 9/10 or 10/10 make it one of my favorites? No. In fact, there are times where something I consider a 7/10 might be one of my favorites, but I digress, since that may be a different subject to hop into.
And I rated it a 9/10 or a 10/10, with one of the key factors being that it has a huge influence on anime, and it's interesting to see it as moment in history. Do I feel that way about all of my other 9-10s? Definitely not.

Basically (TL;DR), simple numbers will never tell you my complete thoughts on a single anime, let alone a bunch. Only a bit of an idea.
ChartTopper60May 7, 2021 11:49 PM
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May 7, 2021 11:40 PM
Apr 2020
cchigu said:
Blaze919 said:
My earlier 10/10's like CG and S;G were purely based on enjoyment.
But now it mostly involves comparing different anime. For example take Mob Psycho 2. It was much better than the 1st season which I gave a 9 so that way I believe it deserves a 10.
Why not decrease MP100 S1 to an 8 and then give MP100 S2 a 9? I mean, this is what I do

Yeah I can do that but then I'll have to compare every anime I gave 9.
And if I give MP100 an 8 then I'll have to shift other anime down too. Too much work for a lazy dude
Basically my definition of 10/10 is not masterpiece but anything thats better than 9/10.
Maybe when I've seen a lot of bad anime and start to use the entire rating scale I'll try scoring like you.
"Who am I ? Where do I come from ? Where am I going ? That's all I want to think about"
-Saikawa Sohei
May 8, 2021 12:02 AM

Jul 2020
Blaze919 said:
My earlier 10/10's like CG and S;G were purely based on enjoyment.
But now it mostly involves comparing different anime. For example take Mob Psycho 2. It was much better than the 1st season which I gave a 9 so that way I believe it deserves a 10.

I mean you're still giving out 10s based on enjoyment lol.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
May 8, 2021 12:06 AM

Jul 2015
if an anime makes me wanna watch the remaining episodes then a 10/10 it is..
May 8, 2021 12:17 AM
Apr 2020
Scordolo said:
Blaze919 said:
My earlier 10/10's like CG and S;G were purely based on enjoyment.
But now it mostly involves comparing different anime. For example take Mob Psycho 2. It was much better than the 1st season which I gave a 9 so that way I believe it deserves a 10.

I mean you're still giving out 10s based on enjoyment lol.

Yes lol. I think I framed it the wrong way. While rating CG I didn't compare it to any other anime. I was like "It felt awesome lets give it 10".
Nowadays its "It felt awesome but not as awesome as that "
"Who am I ? Where do I come from ? Where am I going ? That's all I want to think about"
-Saikawa Sohei
May 8, 2021 12:25 AM

Nov 2020
While this thread is already saturated with answers, for me personally I'll give 10s to things that have effected me on a personal level (not just anime, entertainment in general). Whether it be through shaping my tastes further, managing to conjure up many feelings, and/or generally effects how I view the world and the things around me, if a piece of entertainment can effect me that much it definitely deserves the highest rating it can get. There can be flaws or things wrong with it, so my 10s are only in a subjective sense and only a 10 to me personally.

If I think something is objectively good and I can't think of many flaws I'll usually limit my rating to an 8 or a 9 (albeit I tend to give those out a lot) seeing as I don't think something can be made perfectly to match everybody's taste, which I guess is the issue with the notion of a "perfect" score, so I imagine that's why many people will throw out 10s just because otherwise it'd be very rare and hard to do.
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