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How can humanity continue to justify meat/fish consumption?

Apr 3, 2021 1:06 PM

Mar 2019
First to justify the ethics of this horrific slaughter that occurs every year is astounding. These articles below show just how tremendous the slaughter really is on a global level.

These don't even count the number of fish that are killed which is by far the worst one...

From an ethical perspective, how the hell can people justify doing this to creatures simply on the basis of them being less intelligent or not being human? Most people would be horrified if they learned we were slaughtering retarded humans and harvesting their bodies for consumption so why does the idea of doing the same to animals not horrify us in equal measure? If a creature can suffer, then you cannot simply ignore that suffering. That is being selfish. All the animals that were slaughtered in those links I provided are creatures capable of pleasure, pain, suffering, and joy. Every single one of them has a unique personality which anybody who has worked closely with animals can attest to. These are not just machines to be used and exploited by humans at will.

Inb4: People can't afford to stop eating meat!

We can't afford to continue eating meat. 41% of all crops go towards feeding animals. 11% of humanity goes hungry every year but 41% of our food production is being wasted simply on feeding people who seek what we might call "luxurious meals." Meat is, by far, and always has been the most expensive type of food.

If you care about the environment, then you should definitely care about limiting your consumption of meat because the meat industry contributes more to greenhouse gases, land usage, and environmental destruction than any single factor in the world. Going to alternative forms of energy is not going to work. The only thing that will actually constructively work is the reduction of meat consumption.

It is actually shocking when you realize just how many problems would go away if we just committed to eliminating humanity's collective sin of killing animals for the sake of their taste buds. There is no atrocity going on in the world today that comes even close to the level of suffering, destruction, and cruelty that is caused by the meat industry.

When I was 6 years old and learned the truth about where "chicken" and "bacon" comes from, I was instantly horrified and vowed to never eat meat again. 17 years later, I have still fulfilled that promise. I have not eaten meat once since I gave it up 17 years ago. As I got older, it shocks me how many people had similar moments in their childhood that they simply dismissed with tremendous callousness. I have been dismayed to find that a disturbing number of humans have no respect for animal life and think that all these creatures exist merely for us to use and abuse. This has to end, or else, the planet will destroy humanity for our arrogance.
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Apr 3, 2021 1:09 PM
Jul 2018
i think people just want to ignore the truth about these things because it makes them uncomfortable, which is actually pretty common througout history (like the holocaust and slavery)

fortunately the mass-slaughtering of animals will probably start to stop when lab-grown meat becomes super accesible, although it sucks that people care more about comfort than morality
removed-userApr 3, 2021 1:13 PM
Apr 3, 2021 1:16 PM

Dec 2016
Reminds me of that old saying two birds, one stone. Where I ravenously consumed a steak in front of a vegan as they cried. I was doubly sated when I licked the tears off of their face afterwards.

I hate nature anyways so all this really just seems like a big win-win for me.

Most people would be horrified if they learned we were slaughtering retarded humans and harvesting their bodies for consumption

Nature slaughters the retarded you know. Human nature makes it reprehensible to massacre the tards.,which%20depends%20on%20the%20survival%20of%20the%20fittest.
Apr 3, 2021 2:00 PM

Feb 2015
I can see where you're coming from OP but this is the natural order of things.
Apr 3, 2021 2:11 PM

Jan 2021
I can see where you are coming from. I kinda agree with you. Humans slaughter animals in a inhuman way. And it needs to stop. Poor animals. But just like madcrack said that’s the way the natural order of things.
Apr 3, 2021 2:25 PM

Dec 2018
God I need a steak to read all these articles
Stuff in the streets, Stuff with drip in the sheets
Apr 3, 2021 2:31 PM

Mar 2016
I eat meat. I love it. I don't think it's "ethically sound", even if it's done in a way that prevents animal suffering though. That said, I more or less don't care about ethics per se.

For people who claim to do, however, I don't get how they can justify eating meat at all.
Apr 3, 2021 2:55 PM

Dec 2015
Well personally I justify my meat consumption with a combination of hypocrisy and apathy.
Because I like animals, but I also like to eat them and I refuse to make the effort to go vegetarian.
Apr 3, 2021 2:57 PM

Mar 2016
I would not be surprised at all if a few centuries down the line people looked at 21st century consumption of animals as a crime akin to or maybe even worse than slavery in the Americas.

Really puts into perspective how people can just accept shit cuz it's normal. Also makes me less willing to moralize over those who lived in the past.
Apr 3, 2021 3:06 PM

Dec 2019
I can understand where you're coming from but what the fuck are those sources that you includued? thevegancalculator?

Also consuming animals is, as many others in this thread have stated, the natural order of things. Humans eat animals. (Some) Animals eat humans. Animals eat other animals. That's just the way things are. We don't consume them because they are less intelligent. We consume them because we need to eat something otherwise we'd starve. And yes, I know you can survive without eating meat, but you won't get enough nutrients to stay strong. You'd have to consume a lot of plants in order for you to get the same amount of nutrients as eating meat. Or, at least that's the case with me. Just eating vegetables doesn't get rid of my hunger or give me as much energy (calories) as meat does. Believe it or not, I do a lot of physical labor so I need plenty of energy. This is just my personal experience though, it may be different for everyone else.
I know the way humans slaughter animals may be inhumane and cruel, but when you think about it nature has always been cruel. "But what humans do isn't nature! Humans have always been cruel and are crueler than nature!" Nature has been cruel far longer than we have. Cats disemboweling mice with their hind paws, dogs ripping rabbits to shreds with their mouth, the list goes on.
I'm not sure what I'm trying to achieve by typing this, seeing how most of it is kinda stupid and personal experience. One thing's for sure though, meat is awesome and delicious.
Apr 3, 2021 3:32 PM

Sep 2015
I bet that's why your test is so low you actually care about this shit and you weigh 60kg with wet boots on.

There are nutrients and enzymes in meat which you can't find in any plant based food that's why mixed diet was and will always be the best for a human to stay healthy and strong.
Apr 3, 2021 4:19 PM

Jul 2020
Please do not force your beliefs on others. Meat is the easiest to come across when it comes to protein or vitamins. Don't forget the world is still a world of natural selection, and overpopulation and sparing of those animals could lead to more problems.
Apr 3, 2021 5:33 PM
May 2019
A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion.

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to eat any animals we want. It's as simple as that.
Apr 3, 2021 5:52 PM

Jul 2020
Sorry but I ate chicken earlier today
Apr 3, 2021 5:54 PM

Mar 2021
Yeah, I'm not going to stop eating meat.
Apr 3, 2021 5:57 PM

Nov 2015
I don't care about anyone else's diet, but I just can't bring myself to consume meat or fish. It tastes bad and just seems like a wrong choice for me. Same with dairy. It gives me a stomach ache every time.

If cutting out animal products is bad for me, I guess I'll find out at some point, but I don't feel unhealthy despite cutting animal products from my diet almost three years. My skin looks fine and I've even been told I look good.
Apr 3, 2021 6:01 PM

Aug 2009
Not another squeamish little girl who is scared of eating meat thread. I blame parents for letting their kids be pussies who refuse to eat meat.Humans are omnivores. That means we eat plants and animals just like other omnivores do.
Apr 3, 2021 6:15 PM

Mar 2021
KurtThomas said:
I don't care about anyone else's diet, but I just can't bring myself to consume meat or fish. It tastes bad and just seems like a wrong choice for me. Same with dairy. It gives me a stomach ache every time.

If cutting out animal products is bad for me, I guess I'll find out at some point, but I don't feel unhealthy despite cutting animal products from my diet almost three years. My skin looks fine and I've even been told I look good.

If you get stomach aches from eating dairy, it could mean you have lactose intolerance.
Apr 3, 2021 6:36 PM

Oct 2015
ezikialrage said:
Not another squeamish little girl who is scared of eating meat thread. I blame parents for letting their kids be pussies who refuse to eat meat.Humans are omnivores. That means we eat plants and animals just like other omnivores do.

Nobody's talking about being scared my dude. There's nothing manly or courageous about taking a processed & neatly packaged piece of product off the shelves, paying for it at the cash register and going home. A conservative's brain is a fascinating thing though. To feel masculine pride on something so trivial (and cowardly too if one's not willing to watch how such products come to your plate) must be wild.

Luftballong said:

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to eat any animals we want. It's as simple as that.

"Men are stronger than women, so they have the right to assault and violate them as they want. It's simple as that"

Hmm. It's almost like capability does not dictate morality.

Black-Pill said:

There are nutrients and enzymes in meat which you can't find in any plant based food that's why mixed diet was and will always be the best for a human to stay healthy and strong.

That is incorrect. One can very well thrive, or even receive health benefits with a plant-based diet.
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

OT: I wasn't expecting the day would come when I agree with Ryuk 100% on something but here we are. There is no justification. It is easily attestable by the fact that most of the replies do not even seem to engage with the question, but rather share what they ate recently, or simply assert that it isn't important (see proof by assertion). Needless to say, none of those are arguments.
Apr 3, 2021 6:43 PM

Nov 2017
The cycle of life.
-Animals can take more time than human to kill a prey. Actually, a lot of animals eat their prey while it's still alive.

-For example, lions. They will start eating a zebra when it's still alive and it won't die any time soon. Or some will attack the zebra and it will last for hours.

-A human can kill an animal in a few seconds.

-Do u think an animal will think twice before eating you? You think a lion will stop eating meat and start eating grass?

-Other than that, you think everyone can just stop eating meat? There are people living in poverty and all they can do is grow their own little farm and eat meat. Not everyone can go vegan/vegetarian and being able to eat all those good looking food
"he has it big as a cactus
but he won't let go of my head
and I puke on his cock bitch" - Boy by Fishball 
Apr 3, 2021 6:51 PM

Mar 2019
ezikialrage said:
Not another squeamish little girl who is scared of eating meat thread. I blame parents for letting their kids be pussies who refuse to eat meat.Humans are omnivores. That means we eat plants and animals just like other omnivores do.

This isn't about fear for fuck's sake. I wonder how much courage it took for you to follow what 98% of the population already does and agree with them here. This is about morality. If you can't philosophically distinguish between the two then you are no better than a thug who simply reigns himself in out of fear of punishment.

Luftballong said:
A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion.

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to eat any animals we want. It's as simple as that.

This is not emotional values. It is in-fact emotional values which caused you to say that. If you were logical you would realize that there is literally no justification for forcing animals to endure horrific amounts of suffering just because "tastes good brah."

Bloomberry said:
Please do not force your beliefs on others. Meat is the easiest to come across when it comes to protein or vitamins. Don't forget the world is still a world of natural selection, and overpopulation and sparing of those animals could lead to more problems.

Get out of here with that "don't force your beliefs on others" bullshit. We aren't having a fucking religious debate here, we are arguing over the lives of hundreds of billions of creatures who are being put through hell.

Madcrack said:
I can see where you're coming from OP but this is the natural order of things.

Alright then, I hope if an alien race comes to our planet and decides to eat all the humans on Earth that you will be the first one consenting to it as the natural order of things.
Ryuk9428Apr 3, 2021 6:56 PM
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Apr 3, 2021 6:53 PM

Dec 2016
Oduduwa said:
I would not be surprised at all if a few centuries down the line people looked at 21st century consumption of animals as a crime akin to or maybe even worse than slavery in the Americas.

Really puts into perspective how people can just accept shit cuz it's normal. Also makes me less willing to moralize over those who lived in the past.

Close, but no cigar. Meat is going to go synthetically grown. All those cows, pigs and chickens (etc) are going to be mass euthanized eventually. As humans live more and more in hermetically sealed bubbles, animal to human disease (Covid-19) transmission will skyrocket. Think pet allergies on growth steroids that have been force fed antibiotics. Your domesticated pets will be euthanized for public safety.



Aktually though, being a meat eater is anti-fascist and is the secret condition that makes you a part of Antifa. Being vegan or even slightly vegetarian makes you anti-Semitic and racist.
Hitler was a veggie man you know? >:3

Which makes Jesus very sad.
SoverignApr 3, 2021 7:23 PM
Apr 3, 2021 7:18 PM
May 2019
Auron_ said:
ezikialrage said:
Not another squeamish little girl who is scared of eating meat thread. I blame parents for letting their kids be pussies who refuse to eat meat.Humans are omnivores. That means we eat plants and animals just like other omnivores do.

Nobody's talking about being scared my dude. There's nothing manly or courageous about taking a processed & neatly packaged piece of product off the shelves, paying for it at the cash register and going home. A conservative's brain is a fascinating thing though. To feel masculine pride on something so trivial (and cowardly too if one's not willing to watch how such products come to your plate) must be wild.

Luftballong said:

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to eat any animals we want. It's as simple as that.

"Men are stronger than women, so they have the right to assault and violate them as they want. It's simple as that"

Hmm. It's almost like capability does not dictate morality.

Black-Pill said:

There are nutrients and enzymes in meat which you can't find in any plant based food that's why mixed diet was and will always be the best for a human to stay healthy and strong.

That is incorrect. One can very well thrive, or even receive health benefits with a plant-based diet.
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

OT: I wasn't expecting the day would come when I agree with Ryuk 100% on something but here we are. There is no justification. It is easily attestable by the fact that most of the replies do not even seem to engage with the question, but rather share what they ate recently, or simply assert that it isn't important (see proof by assertion). Needless to say, none of those are arguments.

You have my argument all wrong. You cannot compare an animal to a human. Put simply: we breed animals to serve a certain function. We breed chickens for food, we breed pigs for food, etc. Other than making sure conditions are sanitary so our food doesnt get contaminated, why does it matter how we treat a pig that we're gonna kill anyway, we dont breed slaughter house animals to be loved. Whats even worse is when people compare animal conditions to that of actual human attrocities. No its not the same as murder, its for food, FOOD. We breed them so we can eat them, chickens pigs and cows exist in their current form because we created them, FOR FOOD. Murder is just violence for the sake of it, and youre killing a human who has a family and loved ones your not just ending one life your taking away someone from multiple peoples lives, killing a chicken isnt comprable to that. I think maybe it comes from people personifying animals, and perceving their minds and thoughts as more complex than they actually are. A chicken is just a chicken, and it probably doesnt really give that much of a fuck about anything. And even if it did, why shouldnt we mass farm them so we can feed people, global warming maybe, but unless vegans can convice an entire species of omnivores to stop liking meat there's no point in trying to stop mass farming. Its done more good for humanity than anything, feeds more people than ever before, and I'd rather live in a world where people are more likely to die from obesity than starvation.
Apr 3, 2021 7:22 PM
Discord Moderator
Feb 2014
Sure I get your point, but I don't really see it ever stopping or changing properly, because like me, loads like eating meat and fish and as mentioned above, it's just the order of life.
Apr 3, 2021 7:23 PM

Sep 2018
Humans are animals, and animals often consume other animals. I do not consider eating meat bad, but I do consider wasting food to be far worse.
Apr 3, 2021 7:34 PM
May 2019
Ryuk9428 said:
ezikialrage said:
Not another squeamish little girl who is scared of eating meat thread. I blame parents for letting their kids be pussies who refuse to eat meat.Humans are omnivores. That means we eat plants and animals just like other omnivores do.

This isn't about fear for fuck's sake. I wonder how much courage it took for you to follow what 98% of the population already does and agree with them here. This is about morality. If you can't philosophically distinguish between the two then you are no better than a thug who simply reigns himself in out of fear of punishment.

Luftballong said:
A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion.

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to eat any animals we want. It's as simple as that.

This is not emotional values. It is in-fact emotional values which caused you to say that. If you were logical you would realize that there is literally no justification for forcing animals to endure horrific amounts of suffering just because "tastes good brah."

Bloomberry said:
Please do not force your beliefs on others. Meat is the easiest to come across when it comes to protein or vitamins. Don't forget the world is still a world of natural selection, and overpopulation and sparing of those animals could lead to more problems.

Get out of here with that "don't force your beliefs on others" bullshit. We aren't having a fucking religious debate here, we are arguing over the lives of hundreds of billions of creatures who are being put through hell.

Madcrack said:
I can see where you're coming from OP but this is the natural order of things.

Alright then, I hope if an alien race comes to our planet and decides to eat all the humans on Earth that you will be the first one consenting to it as the natural order of things.

There may be some wording issues with my original statement. Point is, everyone has different moral codes. your moral opinions are those that you think other people should abide by. And if you want a functioning society with law and order, you'll need to collectively debate on which morals are the ones that are important to make laws, and which ones are personal and shouldn't be enforced on other people. Most people agree that murder is morally bad, so we make murder illegal. Only some people agree that eating meat is morally bad, so we don't yet make eating meat illegal, etc., but vegans can still say it's immoral because that's their personal opinion.
Apr 3, 2021 7:36 PM

Oct 2017
There is a point that we over-consume meat and the environment impacts that it can cause. The moralistic reasoning behind vegans though outside of maybe support free range meat I don't get.

Chicken is pretty tasty though I got to say. I mean if they ever did figure out how to replicate the taste through growing it I wouldn't have a problem switching but I don't particularly care that a chicken was killed for my food as long as it's clean and the chicken got to live a life of some freedom/good diet (again why you buy free range). I mean the animal kingdom is pretty cruel anyway and ultimately we would have to kill off significant portions of cattle and other animals to cut down on the feed for them as ranchers would go out of business and lose the ability to feed them if say regulations were put into place for selling meat or meat consumption drastically dropped.

Plus again you can argue we over-consume milk products but most cows these days have been bred to fulfill that purpose and need to be milked. So really the only arguments I see are for environmental protection and treatment of the animal through it's living life but that is about it. Regardless probably could go vegetarian but probably not vegan I like my milk products too much but I could give up meat despite liking chicken, salmon etc. Though I agree about being conscious how much of it are you consuming.
BilboBaggins365Apr 3, 2021 7:46 PM
Apr 3, 2021 7:40 PM
Jan 2021
Is anyone going to tell OP about all the animals being hunted down every second by the billions of carnavores that live on this planet.
Apr 3, 2021 7:41 PM

Oct 2017
Ryuk9428 said:
ezikialrage said:
Not another squeamish little girl who is scared of eating meat thread. I blame parents for letting their kids be pussies who refuse to eat meat.Humans are omnivores. That means we eat plants and animals just like other omnivores do.

This isn't about fear for fuck's sake. I wonder how much courage it took for you to follow what 98% of the population already does and agree with them here. This is about morality. If you can't philosophically distinguish between the two then you are no better than a thug who simply reigns himself in out of fear of punishment.

Luftballong said:
A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion.

Humans are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to eat any animals we want. It's as simple as that.

This is not emotional values. It is in-fact emotional values which caused you to say that. If you were logical you would realize that there is literally no justification for forcing animals to endure horrific amounts of suffering just because "tastes good brah."

Bloomberry said:
Please do not force your beliefs on others. Meat is the easiest to come across when it comes to protein or vitamins. Don't forget the world is still a world of natural selection, and overpopulation and sparing of those animals could lead to more problems.

Get out of here with that "don't force your beliefs on others" bullshit. We aren't having a fucking religious debate here, we are arguing over the lives of hundreds of billions of creatures who are being put through hell.

Madcrack said:
I can see where you're coming from OP but this is the natural order of things.

Alright then, I hope if an alien race comes to our planet and decides to eat all the humans on Earth that you will be the first one consenting to it as the natural order of things.

Well if they decide to we would have to fight back? I mean it's not like animals aren't capable of killing and eating humans. If we ultimately can't survive then that would be the natural order. Sad as it is but hey the natural world is pretty cruel. I am happy I live in an organized advanced society because otherwise life doesn't look too bright. Honestly all of us live on the suffering of those that have come before. Just be happy no alien race has arrived and deemed us expendable.
BilboBaggins365Apr 3, 2021 7:49 PM
Apr 3, 2021 7:56 PM

Feb 2008
Im not going to stop eating fish, I hardly enjoy meat in the first place but I'm never giving up fish.
like I understand where you're coming from and yea it's a waste of money, I wish they treated the animals better.
but there's people out there that need to eat meat for dietary reasons,
unless I want to add MORE pills to the cocktail of pills I already take, to deal with my iron deficiency when meat is a better solution.

humans are omnivores we can't just stop because our feelings are hurt.
Apr 3, 2021 8:00 PM

Mar 2019
Perry555 said:
Is anyone going to tell OP about all the animals being hunted down every second by the billions of carnavores that live on this planet.

🙄 I've heard this a million times so save your breath. Carnivores need to do it to survive. We don't, its literally that simple.


Yeah, we should fight back. But I'm just saying, if an alien race chose to ate all of us, it would be karma.

Luftballong said:
Auron_ said:

Nobody's talking about being scared my dude. There's nothing manly or courageous about taking a processed & neatly packaged piece of product off the shelves, paying for it at the cash register and going home. A conservative's brain is a fascinating thing though. To feel masculine pride on something so trivial (and cowardly too if one's not willing to watch how such products come to your plate) must be wild.

"Men are stronger than women, so they have the right to assault and violate them as they want. It's simple as that"

Hmm. It's almost like capability does not dictate morality.

That is incorrect. One can very well thrive, or even receive health benefits with a plant-based diet.

OT: I wasn't expecting the day would come when I agree with Ryuk 100% on something but here we are. There is no justification. It is easily attestable by the fact that most of the replies do not even seem to engage with the question, but rather share what they ate recently, or simply assert that it isn't important (see proof by assertion). Needless to say, none of those are arguments.

You have my argument all wrong. You cannot compare an animal to a human. Put simply: we breed animals to serve a certain function. We breed chickens for food, we breed pigs for food, etc. Other than making sure conditions are sanitary so our food doesnt get contaminated, why does it matter how we treat a pig that we're gonna kill anyway, we dont breed slaughter house animals to be loved. Whats even worse is when people compare animal conditions to that of actual human attrocities. No its not the same as murder, its for food, FOOD. We breed them so we can eat them, chickens pigs and cows exist in their current form because we created them, FOR FOOD. Murder is just violence for the sake of it, and youre killing a human who has a family and loved ones your not just ending one life your taking away someone from multiple peoples lives, killing a chicken isnt comprable to that. I think maybe it comes from people personifying animals, and perceving their minds and thoughts as more complex than they actually are. A chicken is just a chicken, and it probably doesnt really give that much of a fuck about anything. And even if it did, why shouldnt we mass farm them so we can feed people, global warming maybe, but unless vegans can convice an entire species of omnivores to stop liking meat there's no point in trying to stop mass farming. Its done more good for humanity than anything, feeds more people than ever before, and I'd rather live in a world where people are more likely to die from obesity than starvation.

Yeah you can compare an animal to a human. Child's brains are also less complex than an adult brain is, that doesn't justify eating a child. Who fucking cares if its for food? People always have justifications of some kind for immoral things. Many of them probably used the same argument you are of saying the people they're killing have less complex minds or thoughts than we do "so who cares." No genocidal government in history ever went like "hehe we just doing it for the evilz bitch." They all thought they had a solid reasoning for it just like people today think we have a solid reasoning for imposing a regime of slaughter and cruelty that far exceeds the slaughter and cruelty any human regime has imposed upon other humans.

The fact is, a creature having less complex brains or thoughts doesn't justify making a creature suffer for no other reason than wanting your taste buds satisfied. And no, there's no other reason for why we raise animals for slaughter. We use a tremendous amount of food to feed those very same animals so that we can kill them so I don't want to hear about how this is necessary somehow because people would apparently start fucking starving if we didn't use trillions of crops in order to feed tens of billions of animals that we kill every year.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 3, 2021 8:37 PM

Oct 2017
Ryuk9428 said:
Perry555 said:
Is anyone going to tell OP about all the animals being hunted down every second by the billions of carnavores that live on this planet.

🙄 I've heard this a million times so save your breath. Carnivores need to do it to survive. We don't, its literally that simple.


Yeah, we should fight back. But I'm just saying, if an alien race chose to ate all of us, it would be karma.

Luftballong said:

You have my argument all wrong. You cannot compare an animal to a human. Put simply: we breed animals to serve a certain function. We breed chickens for food, we breed pigs for food, etc. Other than making sure conditions are sanitary so our food doesnt get contaminated, why does it matter how we treat a pig that we're gonna kill anyway, we dont breed slaughter house animals to be loved. Whats even worse is when people compare animal conditions to that of actual human attrocities. No its not the same as murder, its for food, FOOD. We breed them so we can eat them, chickens pigs and cows exist in their current form because we created them, FOR FOOD. Murder is just violence for the sake of it, and youre killing a human who has a family and loved ones your not just ending one life your taking away someone from multiple peoples lives, killing a chicken isnt comprable to that. I think maybe it comes from people personifying animals, and perceving their minds and thoughts as more complex than they actually are. A chicken is just a chicken, and it probably doesnt really give that much of a fuck about anything. And even if it did, why shouldnt we mass farm them so we can feed people, global warming maybe, but unless vegans can convice an entire species of omnivores to stop liking meat there's no point in trying to stop mass farming. Its done more good for humanity than anything, feeds more people than ever before, and I'd rather live in a world where people are more likely to die from obesity than starvation.

Yeah you can compare an animal to a human. Child's brains are also less complex than an adult brain is, that doesn't justify eating a child. Who fucking cares if its for food? People always have justifications of some kind for immoral things. Many of them probably used the same argument you are of saying the people they're killing have less complex minds or thoughts than we do "so who cares." No genocidal government in history ever went like "hehe we just doing it for the evilz bitch." They all thought they had a solid reasoning for it just like people today think we have a solid reasoning for imposing a regime of slaughter and cruelty that far exceeds the slaughter and cruelty any human regime has imposed upon other humans.

The fact is, a creature having less complex brains or thoughts doesn't justify making a creature suffer for no other reason than wanting your taste buds satisfied. And no, there's no other reason for why we raise animals for slaughter. We use a tremendous amount of food to feed those very same animals so that we can kill them so I don't want to hear about how this is necessary somehow because people would apparently start fucking starving if we didn't use trillions of crops in order to feed tens of billions of animals that we kill every year.

Well I mean it's on the basis once again that I should value their lives more than a human beings life I don't. If I had to choose between my family and my past dog the dog is going to die without even a second thought. Like sure I miss my pets but not even close to the same degree as I miss my grand parents.

Secondly again all those ranches how they are going to sustain themselves if we went to a pure vegan diet? Turning them into zoos isn't going to pay for every rancher nor should say Americans prioritize feeding and taking care of 95 million cows compared to the human population.

Again to reduce production of all this food for them and cut down on eco systems being cut away to provide for them we have to reduce the population significantly. I mean I guess you could just sterilize them and slowly let them die normally but you can't have high populations if we are going to use them for nothing but basically a comfort pet (I guess their dung is good for some products but still very limited). You still would have to provide for them to ensure those populations die off.

Plus I never said anything about necessity I just said I don't get the moralistic arguments when they go against nature itself where animals kill each other often in cruel ways all the time. I don't see why it matters that I kill a chicken when if I left in the wild it would be quickly eaten by a wolf. You are going to need meat production anyway for some carnivorous pets we keep around like cats to some degree. So you are going to have to kill some animals to allow others to exist. It's kinda dumb that some vegans are even against test tube grown meat or deliberately don't feed their cats proper food they need to survive.

Also eh I don't believe in such things as karma. That isn't how the world works good people live short horrible lives plenty of evil people die peaceful fulfilled lives. We aren't morally evil for eating animals nor our actions out of turn with the rest of the world we are just better than anyone else at changing the environment and taking care of ourselves. I am pretty misanthropic at times too but if anything it's more just that humans beings fit neatly into the world. That is what disappoints me.

Regardless Vegans like yourself really need to drop the moralistic stuff if you are going to get people on board. Focus on the industrial factory farming and environmental costs.
BilboBaggins365Apr 3, 2021 8:51 PM
Apr 3, 2021 8:39 PM

Jul 2019
That's life LMAO. the strong will always be on top of the weak, that's just how it is. Survival of the fitest
Apr 3, 2021 8:46 PM
Jul 2018
You get vitamins and nutrients from meat that you can't get from plants. It helps with normal bodily function. Plus, you have to think to yourself if animals share the same empathy for human life as we do for their lives? An animal wouldn't think twice about eating a human if it had no other sources of food. That's a part of survival. There's also more other damaging effects to the environment than simply eating meat, such as car pollution for example. Despite the negative effect it has had on our environment, people are still driving around like it's not an issue. As a result, our climate has changed significantly.
Apr 3, 2021 8:54 PM

Mar 2019
guych said:
That's life LMAO. the strong will always be on top of the weak, that's just how it is. Survival of the fitest

I present to you... Your citizenship to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

With that attitude, this is the country you belong in since you think all that matters is strength and survival of the fittest, you are not fit for civilized society where we have learned to develop something called... Morals, which informs us that behavior is not good "just because we can" and the person you are doing things to is too weak to stop you. Have fun getting fucked in the ass by a guy in the Congo who you are too weak to stop.

Or you can go to prison, that's the place for people living in civilized societies but are determined to live their life by a "survival of the fittest," "the strong will eat the weak" type philosophy anyway. I'm sure the men in prison are looking forward to your scrawny, anime watching ass sharing a jail cell with them.


I'm not saying you value an animal's life over your family's life. I wouldn't suppose it was reasonable for anyone to choose anybody's life over their own family's life. What I'm saying is that animal life still has a lot of value, they are sentient beings like us. They feel pleasure, joy, pain, and suffering just like us. So that means its not right to cause them suffering.

Its not the same when animals in nature do it because they don't have a choice. We do. Humanity does not live by the law of the jungle anymore. We built civilizations specifically so that we don't have to live that way anymore. We built it specifically to invalidate the "strong will eat the weak" type mindset. We use police forces and technology to throw people in prison when they insist on making that attitude their moral code instead of using the golden rule as their moral code. But now, we have gotten to a stage of civilization where animal meat is no longer necessary for human survival. So now, we are making a choice to eat it. And once we legitimately have a choice between good and evil, we must choose good.
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Apr 3, 2021 8:58 PM

Jul 2019
Ryuk9428 said:
guych said:
That's life LMAO. the strong will always be on top of the weak, that's just how it is. Survival of the fitest

I present to you... Your citizenship to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

With that attitude, this is the country you belong in since you think all that matters is strength and survival of the fittest, you are not fit for civilized society where we have learned to develop something called... Morals, which informs of that behavior is not good "just because we can" and the person you are doing things to is too weak to stop you. Have fun getting fucked in the ass by a guy in the Congo who you are too weak to stop.

Or you can go to prison, that's the place for people living in civilized societies but are determined to live their life by a "survival of the fittest," "the strong will eat the weak" type philosophy anyway. I'm sure the men in prison are looking forward to your scrawny, anime watching ass sharing a jail cell with them.


I'm not saying you value an animal's life over your family's life. I wouldn't suppose it was reasonable for anyone to choose anybody's life over their own family's life. What I'm saying is that animal life still has a lot of value, they are sentient beings like us. They feel pleasure, joy, pain, and suffering just like us. So that means its not right to cause them suffering.

Its not the same when animals in nature do it because they don't have a choice. We do. Humanity does not live by the law of the jungle anymore. We built civilizations specifically so that we don't have to live that way anymore. We built it specifically to invalidate the "strong will eat the weak" type mindset. We use police forces and technology to throw people in prison when they insist on making that attitude their moral code instead of using the golden rule as their moral code. But now, we have gotten to a stage of civilization where animal meat is no longer necessary for human survival. So now, we are making a choice to eat it. And once we legitimately have a choice between good and evil, we must choose good.

We literally see survival of the fitest EVERYDAY, even you do it. How do you think businesses survive? They literally have to beat everyone else. Even where you shop for your needs, you aren't supporting the other shop. Don't you feel guilty not supporting them? What if they run of out business and have to close shop and won't have enough money for medical bills? Survival of the fitest doesn't literally mean you have to be physically strong to dominate to other party, it's in all types of forms
Apr 3, 2021 9:37 PM

Apr 2020
And also I have seen a goat and chicken getting slaughtered in a muslim shop at the age of 6 and never had a problem with it.
Apr 3, 2021 9:38 PM

Mar 2019
guych said:
Ryuk9428 said:

I present to you... Your citizenship to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

With that attitude, this is the country you belong in since you think all that matters is strength and survival of the fittest, you are not fit for civilized society where we have learned to develop something called... Morals, which informs of that behavior is not good "just because we can" and the person you are doing things to is too weak to stop you. Have fun getting fucked in the ass by a guy in the Congo who you are too weak to stop.

Or you can go to prison, that's the place for people living in civilized societies but are determined to live their life by a "survival of the fittest," "the strong will eat the weak" type philosophy anyway. I'm sure the men in prison are looking forward to your scrawny, anime watching ass sharing a jail cell with them.


I'm not saying you value an animal's life over your family's life. I wouldn't suppose it was reasonable for anyone to choose anybody's life over their own family's life. What I'm saying is that animal life still has a lot of value, they are sentient beings like us. They feel pleasure, joy, pain, and suffering just like us. So that means its not right to cause them suffering.

Its not the same when animals in nature do it because they don't have a choice. We do. Humanity does not live by the law of the jungle anymore. We built civilizations specifically so that we don't have to live that way anymore. We built it specifically to invalidate the "strong will eat the weak" type mindset. We use police forces and technology to throw people in prison when they insist on making that attitude their moral code instead of using the golden rule as their moral code. But now, we have gotten to a stage of civilization where animal meat is no longer necessary for human survival. So now, we are making a choice to eat it. And once we legitimately have a choice between good and evil, we must choose good.

We literally see survival of the fitest EVERYDAY, even you do it. How do you think businesses survive? They literally have to beat everyone else. Even where you shop for your needs, you aren't supporting the other shop. Don't you feel guilty not supporting them? What if they run of out business and have to close shop and won't have enough money for medical bills? Survival of the fitest doesn't literally mean you have to be physically strong to dominate to other party, it's in all types of forms

There are plenty of small businesses that are not necessarily rich but still doing well. They don't necessarily have to beat every other business, only if they want to be one of the ambitious ones. Even if a business fails, the person who owned it can still get a job for another business.

The situation you are describing is nothing like a law of the jungle type way of living. There are rules people have to follow, they can't just do whatever the hell they want because they have a capability of doing it. A business owner cannot go to a competing business and poison their rival's food in order to make their customers leave.

The measurement of how advanced a civilization is would be the extent to which the law of the jungle has been subverted. Small remnants of that lifestyle remaining cannot be helped, but we definitely do not live in an environment that looks up to the law of the jungle as some ideal.
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Apr 3, 2021 10:00 PM

Aug 2019
1.Humans are special.
2.Morals only apply to humans

That's how I justify
Apr 3, 2021 11:03 PM

Mar 2019
fishyrishi said:
1.Humans are special.

None of you ever have a good answer to why humans are special.

You know, its times like these that I wonder why the fuck I care about other people's happiness so much. We are a terrible species. I should be glad that God is making y'all suffer so much given that so few of you seem to want to think about anyone other than yourselves.

I've known some people who said "I know its bad and I wish I could stop eating meat but I just can't." I can have some respect for those people. At least a person who says that shows me that they care about doing the right thing even if they find it hard to do it. I have more respect for the hypocrite than the honest asshole. At least the hypocrite has principals, they just find it difficult to live up to them. The honest asshole, however, literally has no moral principles. The people who are like "lmao, I felt like eating a steak after reading this thread!" Yeah, you people deserve the miserable lives you live.
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Apr 3, 2021 11:42 PM

Apr 2020
Tigers kill humans eat them , how can tigers continue to justify human killing just because they are hungry.
Apr 3, 2021 11:49 PM

Mar 2019
Black-Pill said:
I bet that's why your test is so low you actually care about this shit and you weigh 60kg with wet boots on.

There are nutrients and enzymes in meat which you can't find in any plant based food that's why mixed diet was and will always be the best for a human to stay healthy and strong.

Besotted said:
Please eat more protein, and not in soy form this time.

Please, I eat plenty of protein. If I was low on testosterone then how did I manage to jerk off 4-6 times a day in high school? If I do start working out, I am already able to do like 12-15 pull ups in a row within a month of starting. I can go from only being able to leg press like 130 pounds (my body weight) to being able to leg press as much as 350 pounds in about two months of only working out twice a week. That's an increase of almost 15 pounds per workout. This is despite the fact that I don't usually gain that much weight but I build up strength anyway because I build muscle strength so fucking fast. You can't do that if you are low T like y'all are claiming. I'm only skinny because I'm lazy and don't like working out and having to eat 3,000 calories a week. Testosterone does not make you an amoral asshole who doesn't care about the welfare of animals or other people. That's just you.
Ryuk9428Apr 3, 2021 11:52 PM
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Apr 3, 2021 11:59 PM

Jul 2019
Ryuk9428 said:
guych said:

We literally see survival of the fitest EVERYDAY, even you do it. How do you think businesses survive? They literally have to beat everyone else. Even where you shop for your needs, you aren't supporting the other shop. Don't you feel guilty not supporting them? What if they run of out business and have to close shop and won't have enough money for medical bills? Survival of the fitest doesn't literally mean you have to be physically strong to dominate to other party, it's in all types of forms

There are plenty of small businesses that are not necessarily rich but still doing well. They don't necessarily have to beat every other business, only if they want to be one of the ambitious ones. Even if a business fails, the person who owned it can still get a job for another business.

The situation you are describing is nothing like a law of the jungle type way of living. There are rules people have to follow, they can't just do whatever the hell they want because they have a capability of doing it. A business owner cannot go to a competing business and poison their rival's food in order to make their customers leave.

The measurement of how advanced a civilization is would be the extent to which the law of the jungle has been subverted. Small remnants of that lifestyle remaining cannot be helped, but we definitely do not live in an environment that looks up to the law of the jungle as some ideal.

I’m gonna stop taking you seriously since you have Kiss x Sis in your favorites. I will also eat even more meat from now on. You are why I do not respect vegans and vegetarians.
Apr 4, 2021 12:08 AM

Mar 2019
guych said:
Ryuk9428 said:

There are plenty of small businesses that are not necessarily rich but still doing well. They don't necessarily have to beat every other business, only if they want to be one of the ambitious ones. Even if a business fails, the person who owned it can still get a job for another business.

The situation you are describing is nothing like a law of the jungle type way of living. There are rules people have to follow, they can't just do whatever the hell they want because they have a capability of doing it. A business owner cannot go to a competing business and poison their rival's food in order to make their customers leave.

The measurement of how advanced a civilization is would be the extent to which the law of the jungle has been subverted. Small remnants of that lifestyle remaining cannot be helped, but we definitely do not live in an environment that looks up to the law of the jungle as some ideal.

I’m gonna stop taking you seriously since you have Kiss x Sis in your favorites. I will also eat even more meat from now on. You are why I do not respect vegans and vegetarians.

As if I wanted respect from a "man" like you anyway. Why would I want respect from a guy who unironically gloats about "the strong shall crush the weak" type bullshit. Losing respect from a person like you is a compliment.

Have fun watching your waistline become too big for your clothing forcing you to buy new clothes every other month. Maybe you'll realize how sick your lifestyle is when you are having a stroke caused by that high cholesterol eating meat causes. So congrats on the fact that your conversation with me convinced you to speed up your descent into obesity.
Ryuk9428Apr 4, 2021 12:21 AM
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Apr 4, 2021 12:28 AM

Aug 2019
Meruem also has a great point here
Apr 4, 2021 12:47 AM

Jun 2019
Food is important to culture traditions, culture traditions do not change quick. Maybe some day idk.

Leading biologist Scott Pitnick said:
The bigger your 'nads, the smaller your brains
Apr 4, 2021 12:58 AM

Mar 2019
Stephen_MK said:
I recently finished an anime called Yakusoku No Neverland, where people (children mostly) were used as food for some creatures called demons. And in the anime people find it not fair that they were used as food, and said that they want to live too, it wasn't their choice to be born just to become food, and I was like "hmmm, if people who eat meat would think that way too towards animals".
It's not like the animals choose to be born just to become someone's food. They don't really have a saying regarding the fate of their OWN life.
But people are ignorant and say "it's my choice to eat meat", well FUCK YOU, your "choice" kills millions of innocent creatures every year.
I wish there was a superior and very intelligent species that would eat humans, so now the humans that say "it's my choice to eat meat" can't say anything to those creatures since it's also their choice to eat meant and humans are in the menu.
And let's not forget those who say they eat meat because they want to survive. Oh, come on, you don't live in the forest and hunt to be able to survive. You literally have to move your fatass to the store nearby (literally 10 minutes away, or less) and buy some food, and it's not like meat is the only thing you eat. There are tons of foods out there, so you don't have an excuse to justify that.
Humans and selfish and greedy creatures, and try to find any reason they can (or make up fake reasons if they don't find one) just to do what they want. They don't realized that they slaughter millions of lives every year just so they can "live in comfort".
Humanity is a cancerous species that should've been extinct a long time ago. We should never had the chance to exist, or to evolve from apes. Humans destroy everything they touch, and now they think of going to colonize another planets because destroying one was not enough for them.
Anyway, I guess I was angry enough for one thread, and if you are wondering, yes, I am vegetarian, I became one almost 6 years ago after watching the documentary "Earthlings", and was horrified and even cried to see the cruelty of humans towards animals.

You have every right to be angry. I'm sick of seeing people justify their unbelievable selfishness and cowardly inability to face their own moral decisions with crap like "don't force your beliefs down my throat!" or "humans are just better than animals!" "We're at the top of food chain so we can do whatever we want." People treating this shit as if we are debating which religion we believe in or we're having an argument over the fucking economy. Choosing between your taste buds and the lives of other creatures is not a legitimate choice. That's just selfishness. We are talking about creatures who's lives are a living hell from the moment they are born to the moment of death. This is reality for tens of billions of sentient creatures because of the callous and selfish attitudes of people like half of the ones commenting in this thread.

There are aliens out there, they have visited us. And I hope when we establish contact with them that they force humanity to face the reality of what a truly barbaric species we actually are.
Ryuk9428Apr 4, 2021 1:04 AM
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Apr 4, 2021 1:04 AM

Apr 2015
Firstly accessibility to meat and such can be easier for many people for different reasons. In Europe at least it often comes to money, since if you need to feed >2 children plant based option for protein often are a lot more expensive than minced meat for instance. I also see during summer time when tourism season starts local markets add more vegan options on their shelves, while during winter those options are maybe 1 or 2 different brands.

One thing also people may value more is where their food came from. Meat is usually from pretty close produced and slaughtered, but vegan brands especially when talking about soy is from over seas. People prefer to give money to their community (maybe even people they personally know) than to unknown corporation.

I have also heard reasons such as simple meat is less processed than plant based protein/dairy options, thus they prefer not to buy such things. Also heard from vegans themselves and can somewhat agree on on personal experience, if you decide to start vegan diet you need to have passion for food and be imaginable to truly be able to get different tastes in your food. Like I doubt many people know you can put nutritional yeast on pasta to get taste similar to cheese. So it is also a lot to do with effort and easier life.

Anyway reasons why I personally eat meat comes down to my upbringing. I'm from countryside (you can literally smell manure when it's spread on the fields, and when my grandparents married they got a cow as a marriage present lol) and know and have seen personally how farm animals are treated here. I actually have also visited fish farm, it was a fun experience. I like to support those families so I buy their products and I'm not that happy when someone demonizes them as people who don't care about animals at all. But saying that all my life I have eat deer, moose or roe deer instead of farm animals, since I'm from hunter family. I can say many things about hunting, but I think biggest justification to it is it is part of environment caring and population control. I still support people having once a week meatless days, cook vegan food time to time myself and approve that people these days are more concerned what they eat. But I don't really have any moral battles over eating animal based food.
Apr 4, 2021 1:08 AM

Mar 2019
konkelo said:
Firstly accessibility to meat and such can be easier for many people for different reasons. In Europe at least it often comes to money, since if you need to feed >2 children plant based option for protein often are a lot more expensive than minced meat for instance. I also see during summer time when tourism season starts local markets add more vegan options on their shelves, while during winter those options are maybe 1 or 2 different brands.

One thing also people may value more is where their food came from. Meat is usually from pretty close produced and slaughtered, but vegan brands especially when talking about soy is from over seas. People prefer to give money to their community (maybe even people they personally know) than to unknown corporation.

I have also heard reasons such as simple meat is less processed than plant based protein/dairy options, thus they prefer not to buy such things. Also heard from vegans themselves and can somewhat agree on on personal experience, if you decide to start vegan diet you need to have passion for food and be imaginable to truly be able to get different tastes in your food. Like I doubt many people know you can put nutritional yeast on pasta to get taste similar to cheese. So it is also a lot to do with effort and easier life.

Anyway reasons why I personally eat meat comes down to my upbringing. I'm from countryside (you can literally smell manure when it's spread on the fields, and when my grandparents married they got a cow as a marriage present lol) and know and have seen personally how farm animals are treated here. I actually have also visited fish farm, it was a fun experience. I like to support those families so I buy their products and I'm not that happy when someone demonizes them as people who don't care about animals at all. But saying that all my life I have eat deer, moose or roe deer instead of farm animals, since I'm from hunter family. I can say many things about hunting, but I think biggest justification to it is it is part of environment caring and population control. I still support people having once a week meatless days, cook vegan food time to time myself and approve that people these days are more concerned what they eat. But I don't really have any moral battles over eating animal based food.

I do wish you didn't eat any meat, but I at least have respect for the fact that you seem to care about the ethics of your decisions and are doing what you can to be a good person. I have no problem with you.

Some of the people on this thread, however, are just nasty human beings who deserve all the vitriol they received.
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Apr 4, 2021 1:08 AM

Apr 2020
The op is sure funny ,"how can you kill innocent creatures" lol.
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