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Sep 21, 2018 10:00 AM
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Sep 21, 2018 10:30 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

now that the two had all their things and supplies, they were ready to depart. The pair wanted to not only visit their homes, but also do a little sight seeing if they could. It was only a little past noon as they set out down the road from the school, leading to the Gobi deset that seperated the school from Theo's home town of Las olas. Theo would try and show Kiany how to hold the reins and other various tricks for driving before starting up a conversaton. "I'm glad we have the chance to do this Kiany." he would say
Sep 21, 2018 10:37 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She would look around excited, she really was looking forward to where would their journey lead them. She paid a lot of attention to Theo's explanation about how to drive the carriage. She would smile at his comment and said "Me too, so exciting~"

Sep 21, 2018 10:41 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would make sure to keep his eyes up as they drove down the rode, he was happy to have Kiany next to him to keep him company. "heh yeah it is, i just hope we dont run into any monsters or anything dangerous along the way." he said with a smile as he held onto her hand with one of his.
Sep 21, 2018 10:45 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She hold his hand back "Even if we do, it wont matter, because I'm here with you" She smiles at him and leans on Theo's shoulder.

Sep 21, 2018 10:54 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Hearing her words gave him a shot of confidence as he felt her lean against him. "oh Kiany, you always know how to cheer me up." he would say with a chuckle as they continued down the road.

(feel free to transition them to the desert now if you want.)
Sep 21, 2018 11:01 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She closes her eyes and said "I'm glad I do" She then felt the change of heat and open her eyes to see the desert. She gasped as she saw the big amount of sand covering the big area. "Wow! Theo, look!" She got up and pointed at it.

Sep 21, 2018 11:16 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Though it had felt like a short time since the pair started their journey, they had already been riding for a few hours as dusk was coming. luckily they at least made it to the desert before it got too dark. Kiany quickly stood up and started to point things out to Theo as they went through. Theo would chuckle a little at her excitement "yeah its like a whole new world out here, make sure you keep hydrated." he would say as he tried to reach for one of the water flasks they had brought.
Sep 21, 2018 11:34 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nod and grab the flask, then drank a little and then said "We need to give to the horses soon, they are doing most of the work. Not all because you are leading them" She smiles and gave the flask back to Theo.

Sep 21, 2018 11:38 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

taking the flask from her he would take a small drink as well before starting to speak again, "heh yeah i agree, hopefully we can find some shelter for the night, lets try to keep our eyes out for a cave or something before it gets too dark." he would say as he kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead of them. It had been a mostly quiet journey, but now some predatory eyes were watching them.
Sep 21, 2018 11:47 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nod and looked around with her full attention. Then she got an idea and share it with Theo "How about I turn unto a bird and fly for a bit, to see if I can find it easier?" She asked, ready to transform if Theo agreed to it.

Sep 21, 2018 11:54 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

as they were looking for a good stopping point, Kiany came up with an idea to help speed things along. she suggested going into her bird form to help look around eaiser, Theo would think for a moment before giving his answer. "alright yeah that sounds like a good idea, just don't go too far that you tire yourself out and i can't find you." he would say
Sep 21, 2018 12:03 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nod and got off the carriage. She closed her eyes and transform into her half-bird form. She then looked at Theo and said "Well, here I go" She jump and started to move her wings, it took her a while to get the hang of it. After all it was the first time she uses her powers, once she was high, the wind started to make it hard for her to fly forward. She kept on trying until she was able to fly forward. She uses her sight to look further and see if she finds any cave.

Sep 21, 2018 12:06 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

once the two were in agreement, Kiany would transform the moment she got off the carriage, before jumping into the sky and beginning to fly. Theo nodded to her as she said she was off, and would keep going at the same pace they had been going for a while as he kept looking for some shelter for them.
Sep 21, 2018 12:18 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She flies a bit further from Theo, stretching her view as far as she could. Finally seeing a cave to the right. She memorized the direction, then flied back to Theo. She landed a bit wobbly, almost falling on the sand. She transform back to human and climb back to the carriage. She was panting, but was able to say "There is a cave to the right, not that far from here. Maybe before night falls we can reach there." She was sweating pretty badly.

Sep 21, 2018 12:27 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

as theo continued to ride down the road on the carriage he noticed Kiany tring harder to find something, he hoped she wouldnt push herself too hard but would see when she returned. when she came back she managed to reach the ground before transforming back to normal and slowly getting back into the carrigae wobbly like. she was panting from the heat and energy she used while flying, but managed to tell him about a cave not too far off from where they were. He would nod to her "good job Kiany, ill keep a eye out for it, why dont you lie down in the back and rest for a bit." he would say a bit of concern in his voice for her.
Sep 21, 2018 1:08 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods and does what Theo told her. She was getting back her air.

Sep 21, 2018 1:26 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would smile as she started to relax and regain her breathing. He was glad nothing was wrong for now. Soon enough the sun was setting and Theo managed to find the cave Kiamy told him about before. It would only be a short distance more before they would stop for the night.
Once the carriage stopped moving, Theo would check on Kiany first before lossening the horses reins to let them roam a little. If Kiany was still awake he would speak to her "how are you feeling?"
Sep 21, 2018 1:30 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She looks at him and smiles a bit sleepy "Just a bit drain, the desert sure is hot" She sits and gets out to help Theo settle for the night.

Sep 21, 2018 1:43 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would gently pat her on the head as he watched her sit up and move to help. "just rest i got this, the sleeping bags will be ready soon. Do you want me to make a fire or just go right to sleep?" he would ask her.
Sep 21, 2018 1:51 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She wonders, then says "Deserts get pretty cold, so you should make one" She kept sited.

Sep 21, 2018 2:01 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would nod to her before looking around for whatever he could use as firewood. He didn't find much else beside some old branches but luckily ir was enough to start the fire at least. By the time Theo finished getting the bags out and starting a fire the sun had already set, leaving them on the cold empty desert. He would look to her and smile "what do you wanna eat tonight?"
Sep 21, 2018 2:07 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She wonders, then says "I can check what I can hunt" She stand and walked to him "If not you can go and eat, I'll go rest for now. Still full after eating in the contest" She smiles

Sep 21, 2018 2:25 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would listen to what she had to say, shaking his head when she offered to hunt for him. " no no, you don't have to go thay far, if your not hungry than I'll just have some of the trail mix i packed to hold me over till breakfast." he would say not minding doing that, but worried she might react poorly to the idea.
Sep 21, 2018 2:31 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She wasn't convince, but she was tired "Well, at least cook some potatoes, ok?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, then walked to the sleeping bags and laid on one of them.

Sep 21, 2018 2:52 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would sigh as she quickly saw through his intentions telling him to eat a little more than that at least. He would nod and agree before giving her a kiss goodnight and letting her go to her sleeping bag. He would then get out a pot and some potatoes to cook before getting to work. Not much more than ten minutes later would the two be surprised by a voice coming from the entrance of the cave, but it wasn't just a voice, rather a woman's song.
To Kiany would it simply sound like a normal person singing a soft and gentle tune. But to Theo, the unknown singer's voice seemed to have an effect on him. It seemed like the song was wrapping him up in a gentle caress, to where it felt like his body was just floating in place. He wondered if he should go investigate, but didn't want to leave his food, the fire, or Kiany alone at this point. But by the time he had made that decision it was already too late. His head was drooping as if he was falling asleep, but rather he was losing control. When he could resist no longer, his head fell for a few moments before his entire body suddenly shot up and started to walk towards the cave entrance. At the same time he would knock over his pot of potatoes making some noise to wake up Kiany if she had managed to stay asleep by this point.

It was now up to Kiany To figure out what was going on, she could try and stop Theo from moving, try and snap him out of the trance somehow, or go straight for the source of the singing to confront the problem.
Sep 21, 2018 3:24 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She was not yet asleep, was watching Theo while he made his dinner. Suddenly they heard the voice, when she was going to talk to Theo about it she saw him getting unconscious. She got out of her sleeping bag to see Theo walking toward the entrance of the cave. She turn her attention toward where Theo is heading. She got her bow and arrow ready as she walked toward the entrances faster then Theo.

Sep 21, 2018 3:59 PM

May 2013
As Kiany would push past Theo towards the entrance of the cave, she would soon find out that the person singing wasn't a person at all. Hanging its head just barely into the cave entrance from above, before slowly slithering out of place and onto the ground was a Lamia

The creature would stop its song for now as it noticed the weapon in the woman's hands, the lamia would stay close to the ground as it began to chant something. It's hands began to glow red as it prepared a low level fire breath attack. Normally this attack wouldn't pose much threat as its easy to dodge, but not only were they caught in a cave, Theo was still unconsciously walking forward and would be caught in the attack unless Kiany did something fast.
Sep 21, 2018 4:32 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She gasped seeing the monster. But she didn't waited long to shoot at the monster, trying to call the atention away from Theo. She activated her Half-Lizard powers getting invisible together with her weapon. She kept walking toward the monster while shooting at the monster.

Sep 21, 2018 5:16 PM

May 2013
The monster would let out a small grunt as one of the arrows managed to strike her before she started the fire breath attack. Melting all the arrows following behind to prevent them from hitting it. The creature would then turn its attention to Theo as it could no longer see Kiany, and hit him directly with the fire breath.
Theo and his clothes were now set ablaze, the pain quickly snapping him out of the trance and causing him to scream out in pain. "arruugghh shit, hot hot!" he would say as he panicked while trying to put the fire out.
With the Lamia's breath attack over, it would now try and close the distance between itself and Theo as it didn't know where the woman was hiding.
Sep 21, 2018 5:26 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She grunt as the monster kept dissolving her arrows. She gasped in terror seeing Theo being burned, but thankfully that got him out of the trance. She then jumped on the monster's back and inserted an arrow on the back of the head all the way to the front. Meanwhile, with her tail, she would pull the monster close to her trying to stop her from going closer to Theo.

Sep 21, 2018 5:38 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

It took some time, and most of his clothes fabric before he finally managed to put out all the fire that was on his body. When he finally turned around to see what Kiany was doing, blood would splatter forward onto him as she had pushed an arrow through the back of the monsters skull, causing its body to go limp. Theo would get a chill from the breeze as his clothes were all by burnt up and the cold blooded monster blood didn't help. Quietly he would look to where he thought Kiany was and spoke "are their any more? Should i try and find a weapon?" he would ask still partically confused on what was happening, though it would now seem he had some burn tissue to add to his list of scars.
Sep 21, 2018 5:51 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She turn to his human form, her face covered in blood. She said while panting "Heal yourself" She then turn around waiting to see if more would appeared.

Sep 21, 2018 6:03 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would nod to her as he took a knee and started to concentrate on healing himself. Luckily it would seem no more enemies planned on appearing for now. When he finally finished healing himself he was sweating and panting as well "h-hey....did you get hurt at all? Do you need... healing?" he would ask as he tried to move closer to her.
Sep 21, 2018 6:07 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She felt he was close, she jump on him and hug him tightly "I'm fine... I got so worried, I let you get burn, I'm sorry..." Some tears felt, she really believe she was not strong enough to defend both of them.

Sep 21, 2018 6:39 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

As he moved closer to her, she would suddenly jump and hug him when the coast was clear. Saying she was fine, and more worried about how he got burned, before she started to apologize and cry. When he would see some of her tears start to fall he would quickly hold her back, tightly in his arms before speaking. "it's okay Kiany.... It's not your fault, I'm just glad you were able to stop that creature before it did anything worse. Thank you for saving me Kiany." he would say as he continued to hug her tighter.
Sep 21, 2018 6:44 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods while holding onto Theo without wanting to let go.

Sep 21, 2018 7:10 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would hold onto her as well for a while longer, staying silent as they embraced each others warmth. When they both seemed ready he would start to move apart from her before speaking "hey, let me get some new clothes on, and then why don't we try and get some rest for tomorrow." he would say and of she agreed he would move towards their bags and get himself a change of clothes. Theo would then move his sleeping bag closer to hers before lying down in it.
Sep 21, 2018 7:17 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She let go slowly and nod to his words. She stared at him and follow his every movement. When he finally laid down, she did too and sneak a hand on his sleeping bag and hold his hand.

Sep 21, 2018 7:50 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

The couple had a tougher first day than they thought they would, but it was now finally time to get some rest. When Kiany put her hand out to hold his, he would hold onto her hand as well before finally drifting off to sleep.
Sep 21, 2018 7:54 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She barely slept that night, she had her senses on point for any secret attack. Finally morning arrived, she stand up trying not to wake Theo. She picked her bow and the few arrows not broken, went out of the cave to hunt.

Sep 21, 2018 8:09 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

While he was sleeping, he would slowly feel Kiany's hand slip out of his reach, bringing an unpleasant expression to his face while he continued to sleep. When he would finally wake up, he would notice Kiany and her weapon was gone. He wondered if she was alright, but figured he better not just sit around. Theo would go to get the horses some water before starting up the fire again in case Kiany came back with anything.
Sep 21, 2018 8:13 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

The sun was already set firmly in the sky when she returned to the cave. She carried 3 cat-size-rabbits. She notice Theo was awake, she placed the rabbits in the carriage and went to him "Hey, sorry for leaving without telling you. Just wanted you to rest some more... I hunted 3 rabbits. Want to eat them?" She smiles while covered in dirt.

Sep 21, 2018 8:18 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Even inside the cave he could still feel the desserts heat, he hoped Kiany was okay, and thankfully she was as she managed to return with three rabbits in tow. She then came to talk to him while smiling and covered in dirt, he would let out a quick hmpf before speaking "it's fine as long as your alright Kiany. And sure we can have some, I got a fire going so we could cook them." he would say
Sep 21, 2018 8:23 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nod and went to get them "We need to clean them and divided them in portions. We may not find food for a while, we must storage some." She went to look for some knifes to skin them and the do the rest.

Sep 21, 2018 9:08 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would nod, "yeah i agree with ya. Thanks for hunting." he would say as he would help skin a different rabbit.
Sep 22, 2018 4:48 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

They finishing getting the skin off, cleaning it and dividing it. They saved some pieces which the season to preserve them. The other ones were seasoned to be eaten now.

Sep 22, 2018 5:42 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would help where he could and watch over what was cooking while she preped the rest for later. Once they were ready to eat he would offer her the first bite, "are you gonna be alright today? Not too tired out from yesterday? Hopefully we can find somewhere to bathe soon." he would add
Sep 22, 2018 6:15 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiled at him aand took the bite, then said "Is good~ Yeah, no worries. Out here we can never be at ease. Is eat or be eaten. But a bath does sound great, more after this heat." She roll up the meet in the clean skin to preserve them. Then put them on the carriage and went to eat next to Theo

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