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Account Freeze/Password Reset & Broken Applications

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May 27, 2018 2:52 AM

Aug 2017
Thanks for the heads up, it really wasn't that much of an issue for me to be honest.
May 27, 2018 3:13 AM

Oct 2007
I just want to say that I really like your post, @Maffy ! Even though I've complained about it in the past, I too love MAL a lot for its wonderful database and CSS function for lists, and I can't seriously consider ever leaving (I've been here for over 10 years, leaving would be far too weird for me!).

I also didn't have any problems with recovering my main account, but I've lost access to my archive account (which has over 3000 entries ;__;) and I'm so worried about getting access back again. Let's hope things are sorted out soon!
May 27, 2018 3:18 AM
Jun 2010
All i care about is MAL and Taiga..
hope things will get sorted soon
May 27, 2018 3:21 AM
Sep 2011
So, from what I'm getting Malgraph will never work again? Or at least until a new API is up? If it's the former then there goes my only reason for staying on MAL.
May 27, 2018 3:34 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
SaturnSkye said:
"We think your information is safe"
Great, how reassuring for MAL supporters... Frustration with the apps aside, how about peoples payment information? Should we be replacing our credit cards? Basically you're saying you don't know and don't know when you'll know? Great to know that the mods can't do anything and some mystery company owns the site. Was this malfunction due to the US change in privacy policies or was it a security breach?
I'm sorry the opening post was not clear on this aspect. Your payment information is definitely safe. This data is not stored on MAL's servers. Your credit card information is stored on Stripe, a payment processing company that is PCI DSS compliant. Even if MAL were to have a legitimate security breach (which this was not or DeNA would have had to post the potential ramifications to user data, to the best of my knowledge), your credit card number would still be safe as its stored on Stripe only.

GoukaRyuu said:
So, from what I'm getting <insert favourite app here> will never work again? Or at least until a new API is up?
I know Xinil's message sounds that way, but I personally think it's too early to tell yet. While I don't want to give anyone false hope, I'm sincerely hoping DeNA will have better news for us next week in light of all of the backlash. Don't hold me to it. But since I don't believe any of this was done with negative intentions - more poor decisions and/or communication - I'm hoping they will try to start problem solving how to repair this situation.
KinetaMay 27, 2018 3:38 AM
May 27, 2018 3:34 AM

Sep 2012

Ok so the problem is Dena here right? After reading every comments in the thread and various other threads similar like that in the past I can say that people that blame staff is like %5 or something.

I dont want to blame staff too. However as we can see things are not working. Many of them are about coding so again staff cant do something about it but there are things can staff improve too but this is not why we are here.

I think many knows how bad Crave was (ahem img ahem). As I said to @Kineta over and over again(sorry at this point you might see me like dungeon boss or something but I still believe in MAL hence I am writing this to you and other staff members) Dena might be better than Crave but that doesnt solve anything. They are still bad.

So event thought my first question is still unanswered(its fine I think everyone is busy right now) I want to add new questions and tips for the staff.

- Please @Xinil be online like you were before. Like before 2013. I have zero idea about you irl stuff so maybe this is too hard to do but people like to hear officials talk.

- As I stated many times we need Dena representatives. I dont know the length of contract with Dena I would like to learn. Is it possible?

- I dont think MALs official app is broken right now. They are probably using the new API over there. Cant we use it too as devs?

I hope someone can answer those. *Tips fedora*
May 27, 2018 3:52 AM

Nov 2009
Kineta said:
I'm sorry the opening post was not clear on this aspect. Your payment information is definitely safe. This data is not stored on MAL's servers. Your credit card information is stored on Stripe, a payment processing company that is PCI DSS compliant. Even if MAL were to have a legitimate security breach (which this was not or DeNA would have had to post the potential ramifications to user data, to the best of my knowledge), your credit card number would still be safe as its stored on Stripe only.

Thank you for the reply. That's a relief :) Goodluck sorting out the API. These things happen on rare occasions. Always been happy to support MAL since it provides an excellent service for free. Some people seem to be forgetting that this isn't a paid service and the mods are doing the best they can. Never knew the site was externally owned until now.
May 27, 2018 4:04 AM
Sep 2011
SaturnSkye said:

GoukaRyuu said:
So, from what I'm getting <insert favourite app here> will never work again? Or at least until a new API is up?
I know Xinil's message sounds that way, but I personally think it's too early to tell yet. While I don't want to give anyone false hope, I'm sincerely hoping DeNA will have better news for us next week in light of all of the backlash. Don't hold me to it. But since I don't believe any of this was done with negative intentions - more poor decisions and/or communication - I'm hoping they will try to start problem solving how to repair this situation.

I was going more off Maffy saying goodbye to MALGraph coming off like it's dead and gone and never coming back. Perhaps I am jumping to conclusions, but, I never really used any of the social aspects of the is site; I use Reddit and other places for that. MALGraph and it's stats and achievements were a fun thing that made my experience with this site better. Without it...well need less to say until things are resolved I have set up accounts elsewhere. I do hope your optimism pays off, but life has taught me to expect the worst.
May 27, 2018 4:06 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
@sasalx Not exactly sure why you mentioned me, to be honest. Just to confirm that DeNA is at fault? Hmm, I can't say the staff was at fault so yes, it's theirs if we put it simply, but I don't think it's that simple. We think they are wrong, but they possibly think they are right. I mean, that just makes sense to me, because I doubt they would usually make decisions knowing they suck and would do no good. I think it has to do with the cultural differences as well, that's why we all want the communication between the 2 sides to be better and with the consequences this matter had, hopefully they realise our point of view is more... on point :'D Or is it just me being too trusting again, I wonder.

Personally, I can't answer any of those questions, but as a random person having an opinion about the 2nd question, I just find it hard that would happen. I don't really see that happening often and in my mind, I can see the representantive basically saying only PR stuff so what help would that be? A company (good or bad) wants to look good and that's what PR is. In our case, I think Kineta is better at representing them actually :'D Or maybe it's just me not trusting companies to be as truthful as a separate party. But in general, I think it is quite naive to wait for a company to tell you everything you want to know. Though, it would sure be nice to have someone just to assume responsibility, I suppose.

Either way, those were my 2 cents on the matter. I can't get into a conversation with you, because I simply don't know the answer to what you really seek! I just hope my point came across.

And @Kuromii, as also someone who has spent more than 10 years on this site, I get you! We got attached! I sure hope your second account gets fixed, but if not, there's a scraper tool you can use to at least get them back :) Good luck!

Edit: @GoukaRyuu Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know if it will be forever dead or something, I just know it's "dead" now and since there is no ETA on when this api gets fixed and unlocked or when the new api is out, I am just mourning. I know no details.
MaffyMay 27, 2018 4:12 AM
May 27, 2018 4:17 AM
Sep 2011
Maffy said:

Edit: @GoukaRyuu Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know if it will be forever dead or something, I just know it's "dead" now and since there is no ETA on when this api gets fixed and unlocked or when the new api is out, I am just mourning. I know no details.

I see. Sorry for my overreaction then. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon and this can all be water under the bridge.
May 27, 2018 4:28 AM
Nov 2017
Still, it is a bit concerning not knowing the timeline of the new API system or the current one getting fixed

Maffy said:

PS: Though my plan will always be one; let's buy MAL ourselves, mwahahaha.

That's not a bad idea and MAL can also assign you all the paperworks that come with it, mwahahaha.

P.S. Forgive me for my terrible sense of humor :)
CybertronMay 27, 2018 4:35 AM

May 27, 2018 4:50 AM
May 2017
.......... thanks.
May 27, 2018 5:05 AM

Apr 2017
Will we be able to upgrade our Manga lists with your app?
May 27, 2018 5:16 AM

Nov 2009
Just throwing this perspective out there. The excellent service MAL has provided for all these years is free and I assume many of the staff/mods are volunteers so I think it's unreasonable to expect this to be fixed immediately. If it was a paid service that would be different. They could charge us a monthly fee if they wanted to but they let us opt to support them out of choice for less than a cup of coffee per month. There's not many anime list creation sites out there let alone ones that are also a social platform. Yes it's inconvenient not being able to use the apps. Inconvenient being the key word. Using the website is still better than Word or pen and paper.

sasalx said:

- I dont think MALs official app is broken right now. They are probably using the new API over there. Cant we use it too as devs

It's not on the App Store anymore. Wondering if they took it down until this is sorted out.
Bles-May 27, 2018 5:25 AM
May 27, 2018 5:24 AM

Nov 2015
S**t happens. MAL has always been great to its members and I trust this will be resolved quickly.
May 27, 2018 6:42 AM

Feb 2008
I've been on MAL since 2008. I still remember the great crash of 2009 and the horrible Crave ownership days. It would be nice if these companies would realize that these sites are controlled by the users without their traffic there is nothing to support so DeNA needs to treat their customers with more respect regardless if they're paying for a service or not. I feel bad for @Kineta and @Xinil who have to deal with people's frustration on a daily basis which I'm guilty of too but at the end of the day, you have to realize that this isn't a multi-billion dollar website such Google or Facebook and the site isn't being run by software engineers making $100k+/year. Kudos to the volunteers who keep this site what it is.
May 27, 2018 6:54 AM
May 2015
KyleDB said:
dbzgohan said:
Kitsu still works, not sure what they do differently but you can still link you MAL account and it will update your list.

Thanks! You've saved me a whole lot of hassle, kitsu is a very nice site, they have a mobile app to, heres your temporary solution guys!

Fair warning. After testing there's one thing that doesn't work. If you make a change on MAL it won't be reflected on Kitsu, but if you make a change with Kitsu it will be reflected on MAL.
May 27, 2018 7:05 AM

Nov 2011
Well this sucks. Thanks for letting know what’s going on and dealing with everything, staff.

Sudden unexplained developments that cause issues are in some ways worse than prolonged periods of lack of development.

Special thanks to our admins @Kineta @Luna @cyruz. Also @Xinil, though I’m not sure how his role works these days.
May 27, 2018 7:35 AM
May 2018
That feel when you forgot your e-mail from your old account :(
forgot the goddamn e-mail from my old account
May 27, 2018 7:49 AM
Jun 2014
This is my very first post after 4 years on MAL, lol. I'm rather idling in the background.

I just wanted to thank the admins very much for informing us. I'm also glad most users understand the situation and don't rush into a shitstorm.

PocketMAL is one of the apps I use the most, as I'm watching anime almost everyday on my way to and from work.

I'm fine to use the website to update stuff for the time being. I love MAL and I'm not planning to leave nor wanting you to leave.

I hope that this issue resolves quickly.

So then, I'm going back to the shadows. Kthxbai
May 27, 2018 7:53 AM
Jul 2018
Kineta said:

Why did this happen?
The red box on the website said that a "vulnerability in the API" is being worked on. If you feel the red box was not enough information and the community deserves more information, I encourage you to contact DeNA's Customer Support.

Is my account safe?
The red box on the website said "Out of an abundance of caution" and "***By entering your MAL username and/or password into services other than the official MyAnimeList website or applications provided by MAL, you are running the risk that the information could be used by the developers of those services. When using any third party service, always consider that you provide your information at your own risk."

This suggests that there has not been any data leaked or hacked. It also suggests that as long as you have not entered your password into any 3rd party applications that you do not trust, your information should be safe. If you still feel your account is unsafe, I encourage you to contact DeNA's Customer Support.

I'm sorry but this is the compete opposite of reassuring. Basically all you know is, what we know, that there was a red box on the website that asked us to change our passwords and you only "think" the website or account information wasn't hacked.

I've already sent a support request asking for more details on the situation but I really don't think they're going to answer it anytime soon.

removed-userMay 27, 2018 7:58 AM
May 27, 2018 8:19 AM

Jun 2015
Everythig happened becouse of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), if you dont know what is it jus googled it.
I hope even that they will be able to "unlock" API (or just make not-sucking app).
I was just pissed becouse DENA didnt inform the users. Out of the blue they just blocked our accounts.

But thanks to MAL stuff i was able to get my account back. Thank you!
May 27, 2018 8:19 AM
Jul 2014
I used to access the Pocket MAL application every day since 2014. Too much of a bloody thing they did. If you intend to launch an official application, why not remove the licenses of the unofficial when they were to release this official apk? now we will have to wait an eternity until they launch this Officer. Very sad.
May 27, 2018 8:26 AM
May 2018
I'm so upset :'( Thanks to all this password changing I can't log in anymore because my mail doesn't work anymore. don't know what I should do. I contacted the help center, but I received an automatic mail. I also contacted the owner. What should I do now? I don't want to make a new account, I'm proud on my 2013 profile. Will they fix this? I'm getting frustrated because a lot of people can log in, but I can't...

A reply would be very nice.
May 27, 2018 8:41 AM

Oct 2015
For a while I thought it may have to do with a certain policy changes called GDPR because the lockdown seems to be happened on the same day the GDPR is established, but thanks for nice explanations, staffs :) And hope the apps like Pocket MAL can be used again when it's ready.
May 27, 2018 8:50 AM
Feb 2018
MalGraph is now working!
May 27, 2018 9:12 AM
May 2018
I changed my log-in e-mail years ago because I lost access to the one I signed up with. Specifically just in case something like this happened. But does it help? NOPE! Why would it? Now that the situation is here it turns out it doesn't matter in the god damn slightest. I can't get into my account of ten years without the e-mail I registered with. Despite having changed that e-mail years ago. Despite not needing that e-mail to login for years. Despite MAL having no problems sending me worthless e-mails to watch the latest episode of One Piece. But can they send the e-mail that actually matters to that same account? NOPE! Why would they? And yes by the way, I'm absolutely livid. This goes beyond user unfriendly. What a fucking joke.
May 27, 2018 9:24 AM
Apr 2014
Nap said:

I'm sorry but this is the compete opposite of reassuring. Basically all you know is, what we know, that there was a red box on the website that asked us to change our passwords and you only "think" the website or account information wasn't hacked.

You've made a good point here. I think that among the staff there must be someone who knows more details about the situation but can't share it because they are tied and bound by DeNa's orders. Otherwise, it would mean that even the admins where left in the dark just like us, and DeNa would be running this site from the shadows...

I would like to know which one is it. There must be some communication layer between DeNa and the staff... Right?
May 27, 2018 9:41 AM
Aug 2017
Reirugan said:
Everythig happened becouse of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), if you dont know what is it jus googled it.
I hope even that they will be able to "unlock" API (or just make not-sucking app).
I was just pissed becouse DENA didnt inform the users. Out of the blue they just blocked our accounts.

But thanks to MAL stuff i was able to get my account back. Thank you!

hahaha you think GDPR is the reason for the API failing? It's more or less likely the excuse MAL and DeNA used to rid itself of people stealing their ad revenue. I guess its expected that people would fall for this stuff so easily, most people don't know what an API is, what it does and what its good for.
May 27, 2018 9:48 AM

Jul 2016
Eteor said:
MalGraph is now working!

I see it's using fresh data now, so looks like they found a workaround to scrape the user's list without the API. The rest of the apps and websites still don't work though, and I guess those that require a login won't be able to work without the API. But some of the sites could use temporarily that workaround, which I guess it's loading directly the website and having some script scrape the user page. Here's how the graph of the queue looks like:

May 27, 2018 9:59 AM

Jun 2015
Keiggard said:
Reirugan said:
Everythig happened becouse of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), if you dont know what is it jus googled it.
I hope even that they will be able to "unlock" API (or just make not-sucking app).
I was just pissed becouse DENA didnt inform the users. Out of the blue they just blocked our accounts.

But thanks to MAL stuff i was able to get my account back. Thank you!

hahaha you think GDPR is the reason for the API failing? It's more or less likely the excuse MAL and DeNA used to rid itself of people stealing their ad revenue. I guess its expected that people would fall for this stuff so easily, most people don't know what an API is, what it does and what its good for.

Implementation date of GDPR: 25th may
Disabled API and forced password change: 24th may

Ahhh whatever...
believe what you want to believe.
(many of minor sites and online games are shut down becouse of GDPR)
May 27, 2018 10:10 AM

Mar 2010
thank you for the update! did not realize mal had new owners
May 27, 2018 10:43 AM
Jul 2018
So that's explain alot why I have to reset my password a few times and why most apps won't work properly. Ithought it has to do with my account.
May 27, 2018 10:55 AM
Oct 2015

This GD crap is why I have so many f***ing issues resetting my devices here every <i><u><b>GDF COUPLE MONTHS!</b></u></i> Get your shit together you dipsticks!
May 27, 2018 11:07 AM
Jan 2015
Reirugan said:
Keiggard said:

hahaha you think GDPR is the reason for the API failing? It's more or less likely the excuse MAL and DeNA used to rid itself of people stealing their ad revenue. I guess its expected that people would fall for this stuff so easily, most people don't know what an API is, what it does and what its good for.

Implementation date of GDPR: 25th may
Disabled API and forced password change: 24th may

Ahhh whatever...
believe what you want to believe.
(many of minor sites and online games are shut down becouse of GDPR)

Assuming GDPR was really the reason, it still doesn't excuse the fact that they knew this was coming years ago.
May 27, 2018 11:07 AM
Aug 2017
Reirugan said:
Keiggard said:

hahaha you think GDPR is the reason for the API failing? It's more or less likely the excuse MAL and DeNA used to rid itself of people stealing their ad revenue. I guess its expected that people would fall for this stuff so easily, most people don't know what an API is, what it does and what its good for.

Implementation date of GDPR: 25th may
Disabled API and forced password change: 24th may

Ahhh whatever...
believe what you want to believe.
(many of minor sites and online games are shut down becouse of GDPR)

My point is this has been known for quite a while, if they literally waited for the 24 hours before the deadline to even investigate what they should do, doesn't that make them completely incompetent? Or is it just the type of excuse they needed to purge parts of the site they no longer wanted to maintain? Can you really not see through the fluff they presented? Why was there not an official post a week before the change? Saying hey we are going to update the API to better suit the upcoming new rules and regulations and provide better service to our customers??? No they didn't say shit, they went oh this is perfect, disable the API and only after uproar come up with the story of another API. Some devs have said they were working on another API, but yet that information wasn't made public. Even if they weren't going to post the API information just yet, just an update hey we are working on this... Not done. This post by the admin was decent but after the time delay its merely just damage control and damage control is not necessarily synonymous with truth and reality.
May 27, 2018 11:07 AM
Jul 2018
It's all fine as far as I'm concerned, people get too worked up over these things.
May 27, 2018 11:10 AM
Aug 2017
cpc2 said:
Eteor said:
MalGraph is now working!

I see it's using fresh data now, so looks like they found a workaround to scrape the user's list without the API. The rest of the apps and websites still don't work though, and I guess those that require a login won't be able to work without the API. But some of the sites could use temporarily that workaround, which I guess it's loading directly the website and having some script scrape the user page. Here's how the graph of the queue looks like:

I figured that malgraph never used the part of the api that actually interacted with the account right? I don't recall ever actually logging into malgraph, in that case why was that part of the api frozen as well?
May 27, 2018 11:13 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Eteor said:
MalGraph is now working!

HOORAY! My 2.500 completed manga achievement is still alive *-* (Not that I'm done with it anytime soon, but still, nice to know it'll be there!) Yay for the good news!

Edit: Well, not everything on malgraph works, but.... better than nothing! Nope, all is ok, it's just slow. LONG LIVE MALGRAPH!
MaffyMay 27, 2018 11:22 AM
May 27, 2018 11:20 AM

Oct 2010
KyleDB said:
Steeljackrabbit said:
too little too late im afraid. i have moved to Anilist.

I don't blame you there, switching to an alt service while the competition sorts themselves out is a good move, should encourage MAL to improve themselves, its good for competition, plus Anilist looks quite nice, lacks the social features of MAL but other than that...

It lacks more than just social features. Some of us care about how MAL timestamps every episode you complete and other more precise stats. I also don't see rewatch stats anywhere, though I know it has option to set things as rewatched, maybe for total time watched, but no actual "Rewatched 313" and the like. It's good we have multiple options but MAL still has the most going for it. I hope API gets fixed soon.

edit: imported to Anilist as a test. It's buggy AF. It completely ignored my Rewtaches. All 313 of them. Not worth it.
KougeruMay 27, 2018 12:05 PM
May 27, 2018 11:25 AM
Sep 2015
I am sick and tired of companies posting the crap about "Have unique password for every service". Like it's possible to memorize them all, it is your god damn duty to protect such private information as password.

If you fail at it, you should face serious fines and not try to get away with some legal loophole. Disgusting
May 27, 2018 12:00 PM

Jul 2016
Keiggard said:

I figured that malgraph never used the part of the api that actually interacted with the account right? I don't recall ever actually logging into malgraph, in that case why was that part of the api frozen as well?

Some apps do need login permissions so that you are able to edit the list, but there are also websites that don't require a login but still use the API, and I think MALgraph was one of them because it didn't work at all for the past two days. There are sites that used the API without login like, RedditAnimeList or several recommendation websites based on your list. If MALgraph works is probably because they figured out a workaround to the API, because it's still down.
May 27, 2018 12:07 PM
Jul 2018
So when you reset your password, the new one is sent to you in the email. Did you think it was a good idea to cover one security hole with another? You guys do know that email isn't encrypted or anything, right? That means that anyone between my email server and MyAnimeList's could read the new password.
May 27, 2018 12:15 PM
Dec 2017
dbzgohan said:
KyleDB said:

Thanks! You've saved me a whole lot of hassle, kitsu is a very nice site, they have a mobile app to, heres your temporary solution guys!

Fair warning. After testing there's one thing that doesn't work. If you make a change on MAL it won't be reflected on Kitsu, but if you make a change with Kitsu it will be reflected on MAL.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind, thanks!
May 27, 2018 12:34 PM

Dec 2013
gapmeister said:
So when you reset your password, the new one is sent to you in the email. Did you think it was a good idea to cover one security hole with another? You guys do know that email isn't encrypted or anything, right? That means that anyone between my email server and MyAnimeList's could read the new password.

That's why the e-mail and password reset page said to reset your password again in the settings tab once you recover your locked account.

"Step 1: Request a new password from this link:
Step 2: After logging in, you MUST change your password from the account Settings page."
May 27, 2018 1:29 PM

Feb 2010
Orion_Gospel said:
Idk about others, but I have a problem with my list CSS. My previous one wasn't showing the image covers, and my currret one has a problem with the image quality

Update for you and others with this problem!

We have a new working ap and tutorial that will generate many of HD preview pics for a modern list layout, like the one you're using now

I've tested it out a few times.
May 27, 2018 1:45 PM

Jul 2015
Shishio-kun said:
Orion_Gospel said:
Idk about others, but I have a problem with my list CSS. My previous one wasn't showing the image covers, and my currret one has a problem with the image quality

Update for you and others with this problem!

We have a new working ap and tutorial that will generate many of HD preview pics for a modern list layout, like the one you're using now

I've tested it out a few times.

Thank you very much for the help. I will let you know when I fix my list :) (I changed my list after i saw that it doesn't show the image covers, at least this one does show them)
May 27, 2018 2:54 PM

Jun 2014
I just want my list covers back bro.
Previously: BlueXRam
May 27, 2018 3:00 PM
Feb 2014
Thank you guys for the explanation, I use pocketMAL and thought maybe there was a site error and had to change my password and log back into the app to find out there was something bigger going on. You guys can pull through this! Now back to watching Naruto 😊
May 27, 2018 3:10 PM
Oct 2015
Is this has something to do with GDPR? Does MAL's services/API yet to be GDPR-compliant?
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