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Why Conservative when you can be Libertarian?

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Sep 21, 2017 12:18 PM

Dec 2016
traed said:
Soverign said:

Hey man. I would even be cool with a commie commune. Now wait! Hear me out first right!? Look, I like killing commie scum, right? This as been established. Well, obviously you would hate some jealous commie traitors trying to usurp the dream, right? See? Match made in heaven right there, you know? Win-win scenario! I get to kill commies as the head of your Intelligence Apparatus and you get to be free of traitors and maintain your iron fisted control over the commune!

Pretty sure that would still be illegal

They were basically just wanting to set up a self reliant community without a capitalist system and I pointed out how there are places in the US you can get land cheap or for free under particular conditions but no one wanted to be in the midle of nowhere.

Wait... They made it illegal to kill commies... Uh, I mean, yeah! I knew that! I was just testing you comrade!

Oh. Soft ass commie posers. DOn't want to be a dirt farmer without the luxuries of decadent Capitalism, do you? Shame on you comrade. Your resolve is weak.
Sep 21, 2017 12:27 PM

Mar 2008
Soverign said:
traed said:

Pretty sure that would still be illegal

They were basically just wanting to set up a self reliant community without a capitalist system and I pointed out how there are places in the US you can get land cheap or for free under particular conditions but no one wanted to be in the midle of nowhere.

Wait... They made it illegal to kill commies... Uh, I mean, yeah! I knew that! I was just testing you comrade!

Oh. Soft ass commie posers. DOn't want to be a dirt farmer without the luxuries of decadent Capitalism, do you? Shame on you comrade. Your resolve is weak.

That wasnt only reason some wanted it but couldnt move or couldn't or found the requirements of obaining the land were too restrictive. I wasnt going to be involved myself since I cant go anywhere anyway plus not much point with it being stuck with local laws... .
You can look it up if you want just searcing "free land" and you actually results wit lists on first page.
Sep 21, 2017 1:20 PM

Jun 2015
First of all, I'm left leaning.
I'm not criticizing the left for wanting more government control. I'm just saying how it works.

The right is for freedom from the government. Yes, that means freedom to discriminate against things such as gay marriage.
When the left wants to protect things like gay marriage, they restrict the freedom to discriminate against it.
Though that's just a generality since there's right aligned people who want to outlaw things like abortion and gay marriage, etc, but whatever. That's going against the party fundamentals.

That's what a government does. It takes away freedoms to do things like discriminate or speed or kill in return for protections.
And that's not a bad thing. It's just its purpose.

Ivich said:
Basically what I said above.
Killing people is a bit of an extreme example, but whatever.

I think freedom to hurt others verbally isn't necessarily a good kind of freedom.

Anyway, the post I was agreeing with was criticizing far lefts for making such a big deal of things as well.
codySep 21, 2017 1:26 PM

Sep 21, 2017 2:47 PM

Oct 2015
If we're using the american definition of libertarian, I'm not sure why you would want to be either.

Conservatism = cucking your own freedom for some superficial idea of an order beyond yourself

Libertarianism = cucking your own economic interests for the market
Sep 21, 2017 2:56 PM

Mar 2008
code said:
First of all, I'm left leaning.
I'm not criticizing the left for wanting more government control. I'm just saying how it works.

The right is for freedom from the government. Yes, that means freedom to discriminate against things such as gay marriage.
When the left wants to protect things like gay marriage, they restrict the freedom to discriminate against it.
Though that's just a generality since there's right aligned people who want to outlaw things like abortion and gay marriage, etc, but whatever. That's going against the party fundamentals.

That's what a government does. It takes away freedoms to do things like discriminate or speed or kill in return for protections.
And that's not a bad thing. It's just its purpose.

That's not true at least for the US. Before they focused more on outlawing gay marriage not simply removing discrimination laws. They also still focus on outlawing abortions or making it as difficult as possible to get one. They also tried to outlaw teaching evolution in schools before they gave up and switched to pushing to require schools to teach creationism too. The Patriot Act was passed under a conservative government. They have no issue with doing things like bailing out banks, subsidizing farming, and crop burning to control market prices. And the list goes on...
Sep 21, 2017 3:09 PM

Mar 2014
What do you mean? American conservatives LOVE freedom!

*As long as it benefits them and no one else
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Sep 21, 2017 3:09 PM
Jul 2018
Comic_Sans said:
What do you mean? American conservatives LOVE freedom!

*As long as it benefits them and no one else

> o wait not for u since u disagree w/ me1!!1
Sep 21, 2017 3:22 PM

Jun 2015
traed said:
code said:
First of all, I'm left leaning.
I'm not criticizing the left for wanting more government control. I'm just saying how it works.

The right is for freedom from the government. Yes, that means freedom to discriminate against things such as gay marriage.
When the left wants to protect things like gay marriage, they restrict the freedom to discriminate against it.
Though that's just a generality since there's right aligned people who want to outlaw things like abortion and gay marriage, etc, but whatever. That's going against the party fundamentals.

That's what a government does. It takes away freedoms to do things like discriminate or speed or kill in return for protections.
And that's not a bad thing. It's just its purpose.

That's not true at least for the US. Before they focused more on outlawing gay marriage not simply removing discrimination laws. They also still focus on outlawing abortions or making it as difficult as possible to get one. They also tried to outlaw teaching evolution in schools before they gave up and switched to pushing to require schools to teach creationism too. The Patriot Act was passed under a conservative government. They have no issue with doing things like bailing out banks, subsidizing farming, and crop burning to control market prices. And the list goes on...
I'm talking generalities, traed.
Do you disagree that, in general, the left is for more government control and the right is for less?

Sep 21, 2017 3:41 PM

Mar 2008
code said:
traed said:

That's not true at least for the US. Before they focused more on outlawing gay marriage not simply removing discrimination laws. They also still focus on outlawing abortions or making it as difficult as possible to get one. They also tried to outlaw teaching evolution in schools before they gave up and switched to pushing to require schools to teach creationism too. The Patriot Act was passed under a conservative government. They have no issue with doing things like bailing out banks, subsidizing farming, and crop burning to control market prices. And the list goes on...
I'm talking generalities, traed.
Do you disagree that, in general, the left is for more government control and the right is for less?

Not really no. Look at the middle East. They are conservative governments and ban all sorts of things. Look at the UK which under conservative control kept upping it's status as a nanny state. Look at Russia which you can get arrested for things like anything they consider pro lgbt propaganda.
Sep 21, 2017 4:03 PM

May 2010
How about this, maybe this'll make people calm down.

As political parties within The United States of America:

Libertarian: Freedom of failure
Conservative: Freedom of economy
Liberal: Freedom of opportunity

Libertarianism really just doesn't give a fuck. If you screw up, its your blunder. It's better if the government doesn't get involved because it's just going to fuck it up for everyone.

Conservatism prefers to sacrifice certain rights in order to ensure that the economy thrives, and that the general people can determine what they market within that economy. Services that are determined not to be economically viable for one reason or another are left to the government to handle.

Liberalism prefers to sacrifice certain rights to ensure that individuals have the highest opportunity to succeed. Individuals with naturally high success opportunities may be disadvantaged to some extent, to balance with the less fortunate. Ideas that are determined to be disadvantageous to the less fortunate are either discouraged or banned.
Sep 21, 2017 10:35 PM

Jun 2011
iLolicon said:
You said:
Tfw you don't even comprehend the second sentence on my upsized word.

And no, they're free to have an opposing views, however, the do not have right to forcefully change other's views. Fuck all those "lgbt/fapping is bad you need jesus repent now" blah blah bullshit.

Your bias is showing. It's pretty clear now that you just have a personal distaste for Christians and Conservatives and are uninterested in an actual answer to your question. "Fuck all those.. [who I don't like]". Great mentality you have there.

But for the sake of educating a child I will remedy some undeserving opinions of yours.

Conservatives and Christians are two very different things. One might choose to be both but they are not the same.

Now as for Christians, who aren't even relevant to this post. Who says fapping is bad? This is not even a christian belief. The bible does not even cover the act of masturbation. You are just pulling ideology out of your ass.

On top of that, how many times has one ever told you that you need Jesus, repent now? Most Christians don't like to waste their time preaching at those who have no interest in Christian salvation and know that those who do (assuming they are actually christian, really do love God) only do so because they are concerned for your well-being. Which is more than I can say for Libertarians who wish death on others.


And they can't force you to change views, they can only advise and criticize you for it, so what the actual fuck are on about?

Lemme help you why I repeatedly think republicans are anti-freedom:
(being anti-porn is something conservative minded feminists also do)
*remembers fondly when Santorum was seen as crazy....*

This one is really fun for the comments section which PROVES my point that there are two very different kinds of feminists (though there are 4 very distinct ones), there is a conservative branch and a more liberal branch even if most vote democrat. lol.

Best comments
Person 1:
Imagine how far western society would get if they actually taught porn in school during sex ed class. That’s to say, what’s healthy and safe and what’s not. How it’s ok to identify with kink but not to make that someone’s identity in total. Teach boundaries and communication.

My god, people may never vote conservative again if they were actually educated.

Person 2: in response: I can see it now, classroom full of awkward kids, the teacher puts up some porn on the screen... “Now tell me, class, what can you identify that the people in this video are doing wrong?”

“He isn’t wearing a condom” one student says.
“That’s not enough lube for Anal” from another.
“That position probably isn’t very comfortable” from a third.

And imagine a world where, because none of those kids were told sex was bad, or icky, or something to hide... none of them are laughing. None of them are blushing. It’s no different than the other stuff they teach in health/biology.

The anti-sex people are terrible in both movements. They exist, even if we are also apart of them and we aren't anti-sex.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Sep 21, 2017 10:42 PM

Nov 2016
Progressist, from France, naturally.
And liberalism économicaly.

You said:

Wanna be edgy? [..] Nobody should give shit because it's their right! Everyone have the exact same right to be a special snowflake!

Freedom for everyone! Destroy social construct!!

You are the one who say so.....
Sep 21, 2017 10:48 PM

Jun 2011
Comic_Sans said:
What do you mean? American conservatives LOVE freedom!

*As long as it benefits them and no one else

I mean, who in their right mind thinks it is OK to abort a dead fetus? Take it to term or you are just a bad mother kay.

But something a little less strawman-y

A republican actually said this haha
"Nobody's got to use the Internet. … And the thing is that if you start regulating the Internet like a utility, if we did that right at the beginning, we would have no Internet. …Internet companies have invested an awful lot of money in having almost universal service now. The fact is is that, you know, I don't think it's my job to tell you that you cannot get advertising for your information being sold. My job, I think, is to tell you that you have the opportunity to do it, and then you take it upon yourself to make that choice.… That's what the law has been, and I think we ought to have more choices rather than fewer choices with the government controlling our everyday lives."

I mean, this would be the definition of "non-involvement" libertarianism but is also in line with conservatives and doing whatever is just economically pleasing to them at the moment. Strangely enough, Democrats always seem to be better with money than either group.

Cause believe it or not, starving social welfare needs actually lowers overall productivity of the country.
Energetic-NovaSep 21, 2017 10:52 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Sep 21, 2017 10:51 PM

Apr 2015
Okay this thread become a mess lol

So basically what I wanted is freedom to be whatever you want, and to change the people's primitive cultural mindset.

For instance gay marriage, I support it! But most conservative people and those where religion influenced the state, they'll mostly against it. I want to DESTROY THAT PARADIGM!! Especially if that's due to religion bullshit. In some state of my country, being gay have horrible punishment, and THIS NEEDS TO STOP.

The same with gender identity, being a nudist, being unironically like filthy frank in public, etc. I WANT A WORLD WHERE PEOPLE DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT IT

AkeHomu said:
Progressist, from France, naturally.
And liberalism économicaly.

You said:

Wanna be edgy? [..] Nobody should give shit because it's their right! Everyone have the exact same right to be a special snowflake!

Freedom for everyone! Destroy social construct!!

You are the one who say so.....

What do you mean lol
Rotton-Girl said:
Comic_Sans said:
What do you mean? American conservatives LOVE freedom!

*As long as it benefits them and no one else

I mean, who in their right mind thinks it is OK to abort a dead fetus? Take it to term or you are just a bad mother kay.

But something a little less strawman-y

A republican actually said this haha
"Nobody's got to use the Internet. … And the thing is that if you start regulating the Internet like a utility, if we did that right at the beginning, we would have no Internet. …Internet companies have invested an awful lot of money in having almost universal service now. The fact is is that, you know, I don't think it's my job to tell you that you cannot get advertising for your information being sold. My job, I think, is to tell you that you have the opportunity to do it, and then you take it upon yourself to make that choice.… That's what the law has been, and I think we ought to have more choices rather than fewer choices with the government controlling our everyday lives."

I mean, this would be the definition of "non-involvement" libertarianism but is also in line with conservatives and doing whatever is just economically pleasing to them at the moment. Strangely enough, Democrats always seem to be better with money than either group.

Cause believe it or not, starving social welfare needs actually lowers overall productivity of the country.

I'm okay with abortion. I heavily against birth as I live in a extremely overpopulated country but to be honest it would be very very better if people just learn to use contraception or just anal during fertile days.
YouSep 21, 2017 10:55 PM
Sep 21, 2017 10:58 PM

Nov 2016
You said:

So basically what I wanted is freedom to be whatever you want, and to change the people's primitive cultural mindset.

Well, that's a fantastic idea.
But when you talk to american's about this... If they didn't vote Sanders...

You said:
AkeHomu said:

You are the one who say so.....

What do you mean lol

Should I talk about a thread where someone said that pretentious douchebags shouldn't be allowed to... ?

Sep 21, 2017 11:03 PM

Apr 2015
AkeHomu said:
You said:

So basically what I wanted is freedom to be whatever you want, and to change the people's primitive cultural mindset.

Well, that's a fantastic idea.
But when you talk to american's about this... If they didn't vote Sanders...

You said:

What do you mean lol

Should I talk about a thread where someone said that pretentious douchebags shouldn't be allowed to... ?

Ooh that review thread.

I just got triggered when good reviews get less vote and shitty reviews get more votes. I wish downvote still exists and I can manipulate the vote. Also reviews are meant to be shared. I don't care about people scores/comments since it's not to be shared and don't have helpful/not helpful votes. Seriously why there's so many retarded people who upvote those kind of reviews.
Sep 21, 2017 11:26 PM

Jun 2011
You said:
Okay this thread become a mess lol

So basically what I wanted is freedom to be whatever you want, and to change the people's primitive cultural mindset.

For instance gay marriage, I support it! But most conservative people and those where religion influenced the state, they'll mostly against it. I want to DESTROY THAT PARADIGM!! Especially if that's due to religion bullshit. In some state of my country, being gay have horrible punishment, and THIS NEEDS TO STOP.

The same with gender identity, being a nudist, being unironically like filthy frank in public, etc. I WANT A WORLD WHERE PEOPLE DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT IT

AkeHomu said:
Progressist, from France, naturally.
And liberalism économicaly.

You are the one who say so.....

What do you mean lol
Rotton-Girl said:

I mean, who in their right mind thinks it is OK to abort a dead fetus? Take it to term or you are just a bad mother kay.

But something a little less strawman-y

A republican actually said this haha
"Nobody's got to use the Internet. … And the thing is that if you start regulating the Internet like a utility, if we did that right at the beginning, we would have no Internet. …Internet companies have invested an awful lot of money in having almost universal service now. The fact is is that, you know, I don't think it's my job to tell you that you cannot get advertising for your information being sold. My job, I think, is to tell you that you have the opportunity to do it, and then you take it upon yourself to make that choice.… That's what the law has been, and I think we ought to have more choices rather than fewer choices with the government controlling our everyday lives."

I mean, this would be the definition of "non-involvement" libertarianism but is also in line with conservatives and doing whatever is just economically pleasing to them at the moment. Strangely enough, Democrats always seem to be better with money than either group.

Cause believe it or not, starving social welfare needs actually lowers overall productivity of the country.

I'm okay with abortion. I heavily against birth as I live in a extremely overpopulated country but to be honest it would be very very better if people just learn to use contraception or just anal during fertile days.

Which is why I am for top 50-100 cities giving it out for free. Save money all over the place. For every poverty child they prevent, they prevent the 30-50k charity birth at the hospital. As well as 100-200k in public education if that person was just mid to lower middle class. Which... just education savings alone provide birth control at $20 a month for one person for over 400 years.

But if a person is already here, already going through our education system, might as well make sure they don't cost us more money:
1. Even 1 year technical program
2. not being homeless costs less money than being homeless on most towns but not top 50 cities (granted they need a solution more than anyone).
3. Lowered productivity is probably the biggest issue with homeless people not just "looking like trash" or for the person "feeling like trash".
4. Rent control needs to be a thing. Free Markets are for selling houses or hotels. Not apartments. Condos sure sure. But apartments? gouge rent on a house, I don't care. Rent on an apartment should be cheap because you are all stacked on top of each other and that is the entire point. 1 bedroom- $500, 2 bedroom- $750, 3 bedroom $1000.
Like, SSI peoples only get $740 at top amount. Only goes down from there if they are married or got any help at all from parents at ANY point to pay $950 on an apartment which they wont allow roommates for... :/

I swear most businesses failing on my street right now are due to the rent doubling in the last 3 years. :( Not for the businesses themselves but for the apartments which are all around them which used to patron them. Rent used to be $400 for a studio, $500-600 for a 1 bedroom. $700-$900 for a 2 bedroom depending on how nice the place was. Even I was in a 2 bedroom apartment fair market for $650... had a roommate. Really worked out well because of lack of restrictions on who I could "bunk up" up with.

Low income apartments have restrictions on if you can go to school or not, if you can have roommmates or not, and how much money you can make. And most often you can't do all three haha or you lose your place.

But now, $1,300 MINIMUM for any place (even if it is scum of the earth and no pool lol or anything). $900 for anywhere "low income" and they are all studios and have requirements about no going to college. And 3 year long waitlists. :D Don't forget that part.

Fair market apartments can't make over half the people in the economy not be able to afford living a place. It aint right. LITERALLY KILLING SMALL BUSINESS.
Energetic-NovaSep 21, 2017 11:44 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Sep 22, 2017 5:43 AM

Apr 2015
Answering only the forum title because it seems like the rest of this is a borderline troll post on politics.

I'm not right, I'm not left. I'm the whole bird. smirk
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Sep 22, 2017 4:34 PM

Apr 2016
What do people gain from shitposting?
Sep 23, 2017 4:14 AM

Nov 2016
Even though I am progressive, too much social change, by the way of liberty, cannot be good as we thought unless our mind has been adapted or conditioned differently ; I advise you all to read Brave New World.
Sep 23, 2017 4:31 AM

Nov 2009
code said:
traed said:

That's not true at least for the US. Before they focused more on outlawing gay marriage not simply removing discrimination laws. They also still focus on outlawing abortions or making it as difficult as possible to get one. They also tried to outlaw teaching evolution in schools before they gave up and switched to pushing to require schools to teach creationism too. The Patriot Act was passed under a conservative government. They have no issue with doing things like bailing out banks, subsidizing farming, and crop burning to control market prices. And the list goes on...
I'm talking generalities, traed.
Do you disagree that, in general, the left is for more government control and the right is for less?

Please, history taught us that right wing conservatives, especially the catholic/religious kind, are the kings of limiting people's freedom.
Sep 23, 2017 7:32 AM

Jun 2015
Bernrika said:
code said:
I'm talking generalities, traed.
Do you disagree that, in general, the left is for more government control and the right is for less?

Please, history taught us that right wing conservatives, especially the catholic/religious kind, are the kings of limiting people's freedom.
I'm not sure why it's hard to understand that exceptions/contradictions exist on both sides of the spectrum but still see general trends.

Does the right side want more government control in some ways? Absolutely.
Nearly as much as the left? Nope.

The reason that the right looks like it limits more freedoms is because it limits freedoms like gay marriage that aren't actually bad whereas the left generally tries to limit things like discrimination.
Both are freedoms.

Sep 23, 2017 7:42 AM

Dec 2014
Comic_Sans said:
What do you mean? American conservatives LOVE freedom!

*As long as it benefits them and no one else
^ Conservatives are nothing but collectivists.

Lobinde said:
Libertarianism = cucking your own economic interests for the market
for the individual*
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
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