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Why do people say Family Guy and South Park are for adults ?

Jul 7, 2016 11:02 PM

Aug 2013
To me it looks like it's directed towards edgy 12 years olds

I don't know any normal adult that would laugh at rape jokes and fart jokes
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Jul 7, 2016 11:11 PM

Nov 2011
Maybe they aren't targeted at normal adult.

Jul 7, 2016 11:15 PM

Dec 2007
Sherlupin said:
I don't know any normal adult that would laugh at rape jokes and fart jokes
You don't know enough college students or adults. I've found a high degree of support for them among those I know.

Frankly, they are aimed particularly at teenagers through college level, but not strictly there. The jokes are often indeed more juvenile, but the content is also clearly above what is considered acceptable for much of that age bracket (part of the appeal). The satirical aspects also appeal to a slightly older crowd.
Jul 7, 2016 11:17 PM

Jul 2013
Well, I'm an adult and I enjoy Family Guy and South Park.
Jul 7, 2016 11:24 PM

Aug 2013
ErwinJA said:
but the content is also clearly above what is considered acceptable for much of that age bracket (part of the appeal). The satirical aspects also appeal to a slightly older crowd.

mind to give me an example ?

Jul 8, 2016 12:11 AM
Feb 2016
I started watching both when I was like 8 or 9.
Jul 8, 2016 12:32 AM
Jul 2012
Sherlupin said:
ErwinJA said:
but the content is also clearly above what is considered acceptable for much of that age bracket (part of the appeal). The satirical aspects also appeal to a slightly older crowd.

mind to give me an example ?


Nig have you watched even one episode of either
Jul 8, 2016 12:45 AM

Feb 2014
The creators of South Park know that a lot of children watch their show. But they aren't their primary target audience. Underneath all the dick and fart jokes is a lot of social commentary, references and parodies that most 12 year olds couldn't care less about.

Just head over to A.V Club's episode reviews of South Park and read the comments section. Most of the community there is made up of 20 somethings to even parents, having the most civil debate on the issue the episode deals with (and of course, the dick and fart jokes).
Jul 8, 2016 1:25 AM

Aug 2013
Violet said:
Sherlupin said:

mind to give me an example ?


Nig have you watched even one episode of either

Yes, I've watched them

And I see nothing that contradicts the fact that it's for edgy 12 year olds
Jul 8, 2016 1:34 AM

Feb 2012
Because they deal with current political themes. Though South Park has undergone changes over the years. In the beginning it did seem to be more focused of profanity, but now it pretty much always reflects what is going on in the real world.

I prefer Futurama myself, though.
Jul 8, 2016 8:41 AM

Feb 2016
Because they make jokes, references, and have violent or sexual depictions that aren't suitable for children. It's pretty obvious really. The fart and rape jokes are actually pretty immature, but it just puts it more in that range of 18-mid/late 20s depending on the viewer.

Yeah, teens watch them, and especially "edgy 12 year olds" because they want to watch something that's meant for adults partly because they're trying to act like they're mature and partly because it's "forbidden" or at least not meant for them.
Jul 8, 2016 9:04 AM

Jan 2013
You only need to watch one episode of each to see why they're aimed at adults, it's not hard.
Jul 8, 2016 9:33 AM

Apr 2016
mecharobot said:
Because they deal with current political themes. Though South Park has undergone changes over the years. In the beginning it did seem to be more focused of profanity, but now it pretty much always reflects what is going on in the real world.

I prefer Futurama myself, though.


They criticize so many things, not only the political aspect. The jokes are funny if you like black humor. The fart jokes are just meh, either you like 'em or you don't...

I love Family Guy and American Dad. It's all about loveable/funny characters and they have the best.
Jul 8, 2016 9:37 AM

May 2015
I think Family Guy and South Park are for dumb Americans who have yet to discover the magic of anime.
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Jul 8, 2016 9:43 AM

Apr 2016
I don't like Family Guy but I love South Park.
Jul 8, 2016 9:55 AM

Jun 2016
It's obviously not geared towards kids with the content and approach of comedy.

What I don't understand though, is how The Simpsons aims for an adult audience lol...
Jul 8, 2016 10:10 AM

Nov 2008
They are for adults, they often deal with and satirize adult issues including politics.

Jul 8, 2016 10:14 AM
Jun 2015
South park is good, Family guy is utter garbage. American dad is better but meh and Cleveland are just boring. Happy tree friends if that counts is just gore for the sake of gore, Simpsons is good for nostalgia's sake, Futurama is solid and Rick and morty is a 9/10 amazing show, best adult cartoon.
Jul 8, 2016 10:19 AM

Nov 2013
I don't know it's edgy shit for kids anyways...
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Jul 8, 2016 10:41 AM

Oct 2014
Why are K-On!, Elfen Lied, and Bartender all seinen? Different people like different things.
Jul 8, 2016 10:44 AM

Jun 2015
Having 'mature content' doesn't actually mean a show is targeted to mature audiences. It's honestly the opposite most of the time.

Jul 8, 2016 10:53 AM

Jan 2016
Aka_Saber said:
Well, I'm an adult and I enjoy Family Guy and South Park.

Glad to know I'm not the only one here.
Jul 8, 2016 1:29 PM

Jul 2014
I'll grant that the early seasons of South Park were somewhat immature but it has grown into one of the best satires I have ever seen. It usually pokes fun at how people tend to overreact to and get offended by trivial things and generally does so in highly amusing ways.

Family Guy started off quite funny but has become rather stale as of late. This can be largely attributed to the use of interchangeable cutaway gags.
Take care of yourself

Jul 8, 2016 1:36 PM

Jul 2013
I kinda liked South Park when I was kid. It has a bit of all-ages appeal, the insults or the satires.
Most that say a show is too violente or rude for kids are those that don't know that nowadays thats what kids actually consume.
Jul 8, 2016 1:42 PM
Jul 2018
Are you projecting? c;

Family Guy usually has pretty mild comedy.

South Park is genious satire.

Quiadex said:

What I don't understand though, is how The Simpsons aims for an adult audience lol...
The Simpsons is meant to entertain the whole family, both children and adults. Not only are the stories sometimes kinda dark or meanspirited in the show, they do mix in some jokes that only an adult would get. I recently rewatched a couple of Simpsons episodes I hadn't seen for probably 10+ years, and I was really surprised to see how many jokes I had missed.

Example: (Watch #6 of this top list).
removed-userJul 8, 2016 1:48 PM
Jul 8, 2016 1:55 PM
Jul 2018
Family Guy for sure, but I think South Park can be genuinely smart. The most recent season was pretty fresh and great satire, which is remarkable for a show 19 seasons in. Both are juvenile shows, but the difference between the two is that South Park has some intelligence and wit to it underneath the juvenile stuff, while Family Guy is just mean-spirited and generally lacks any overall context or theme to the jokes. Family Guy might as well be a skit show like Robot Chicken with no connecting plot in each episode.
Jul 8, 2016 2:01 PM

Jul 2015
Sherlupin said:
I don't know any normal adult that would laugh at rape jokes and fart jokes

Then perhaps you don't know enough normal adults lol
Or perhaps I know too many abnormal adults that I perceive to be normal

Idk about Family Guy, but South Park has more than just silly jokes
Jul 8, 2016 2:02 PM

Oct 2015
Eve778 said:
I think Family Guy and South Park are for dumb Americans who have yet to discover the magic of anime.

What if I like anime and south park? Guess I'm some kinda of mutant freak

South Park does have more going on than it first seems. It is one of the few comedy shows to actually get better over time, as it has more social commentary and satire than bbefore. As someone else in the thread said, it has both dick jokes and genuine satirical wit.

Family Guy however is garbage.
Jul 8, 2016 2:36 PM
Apr 2016
I can remember being about 12/13 and sneaking at night to watch South Park. XD I guess I was an edgy 12 year old.

In all honesty most parents don't want their younger children watching shows that use profanity, make racist generalizations, poke fun at serious world issues, show drug/alcohol use with little concern, or promote promiscuity. My mom once told me that Family Guy was blasphemous because it does at times make jokes about the Bible/God. Those were her reasons she didn't want me watching them.

I never was very fond of them then and I'm still not now. Occasionally I'll watch Family Guy, but really the only adultish cartoon I like is King of the Hill.
Jul 8, 2016 2:48 PM

Apr 2015
Because they're rated for adults. (Except for France, I think, where they're rated for ages 10+.)
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Jul 8, 2016 3:02 PM

Jun 2016
I watched family guy and south part when I was about 10 years old. I truly do not know why it's for adults.
Jul 9, 2016 1:50 AM

May 2015
Some people think that farting, blood, fucking and such thing is 'content for adults'. They always happen to be very young.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jul 9, 2016 2:42 AM
Jul 2018
south park is definitely not for 12 year olds.It has inappropriate scenes and dirty jokes
Jul 9, 2016 6:05 AM

Dec 2015
shotz_ said:
i am a full grown well educated adult. i've watched both since i was a young teen and still think they're hilarious.

obviously south park has maintained its quality longer than family guy.

but tbf it's also just cool to hate family guy now. i guarantee you most of these band-wagoners were laughing at it in its peak 10 years ago. i like current shows like bo jack horseman and bob's burgers alright but they still don't have shit on family guy in 2005.

and yeah nothing wrong with stupid humor either. i like many types of humor. i'm sorry the stick up your ass keeps you from laughing at a fart joke. sounds like a fun life you must lead.

I'm in pretty much the same boat as you.

I've been watching Family Guy and South Park for well over ten years. I found them hilarious back then and I still find them hilarious now. Yeah it's not exactly Frasier levels of classy humour but I think people would be surprised to find out just how intelligent and talented Parker & Stone and MacFarlane are if they ever gave them the chance.
Jul 9, 2016 7:17 AM

May 2015
They aren't, animation is for children.
Jul 9, 2016 7:29 AM

Aug 2013
Hatred said:
south park is definitely not for 12 year olds.It has inappropriate scenes and dirty jokes

but these jokes ARE for 12 year olds.
Jul 9, 2016 7:33 AM
Jul 2018
Sherlupin said:
Hatred said:
south park is definitely not for 12 year olds.It has inappropriate scenes and dirty jokes

but these jokes ARE for 12 year olds.

no they aren't?i don't think that they would be able to get any of the jokes if they watched south park
Jul 9, 2016 7:52 AM

Aug 2013
Hatred said:
Sherlupin said:

but these jokes ARE for 12 year olds.

no they aren't?i don't think that they would be able to get any of the jokes if they watched south park

In that case give me an example of a funny joke that 12 year olds wouldn't understand.
Jul 9, 2016 7:59 AM
Jul 2018
Sherlupin said:
Hatred said:

no they aren't?i don't think that they would be able to get any of the jokes if they watched south park

In that case give me an example of a funny joke that 12 year olds wouldn't understand.

i'm too lazy to rewatch south park just so i can type one of the jokes on here
Jul 9, 2016 8:13 AM

Aug 2013
Hatred said:
Sherlupin said:

In that case give me an example of a funny joke that 12 year olds wouldn't understand.

i'm too lazy to rewatch south park just so i can type one of the jokes on here

yeah right

the truth is you can't prove anuthing you say
Jul 9, 2016 8:21 AM

Dec 2015
Sherlupin said:
Hatred said:

no they aren't?i don't think that they would be able to get any of the jokes if they watched south park

In that case give me an example of a funny joke that 12 year olds wouldn't understand.

Pretty sure 12 year olds don't understand jokes about Johnny Cochran's legal defense of OJ Simpson.

Jul 9, 2016 8:31 AM
Jul 2018
Sherlupin said:
Hatred said:

i'm too lazy to rewatch south park just so i can type one of the jokes on here

yeah right

the truth is you can't prove anuthing you say

you are funny
i just don't wanna waste my time
Jul 9, 2016 8:33 AM

Nov 2015
OP is 2edgy4me fam.
I don't like it myself but there are adults who like satire and even fart jokes.
Jul 9, 2016 9:20 AM

Aug 2013
Bobby2Hands said:
Sherlupin said:

In that case give me an example of a funny joke that 12 year olds wouldn't understand.

Pretty sure 12 year olds don't understand jokes about Johnny Cochran's legal defense of OJ Simpson.

I'm pretty sure there are as much adults as kids that aren't familiar with Johnny Cochran's legal defense of OJ Simpson.

Jul 9, 2016 9:58 AM

Mar 2015
I'm just gonna leave it here. I don't really care about family guy.

p.s. Good Lord people on mal can be such arrogant pricks sometimes.
Jul 10, 2016 12:45 AM

May 2015
Hatred said:
Sherlupin said:

but these jokes ARE for 12 year olds.

no they aren't?i don't think that they would be able to get any of the jokes if they watched south park

I've got some 14-year-old friends and they still find dick and shit hilarious. They're intelligent dudes who'll sharpen their humor later, but this is the age group that's into profanity.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jul 10, 2016 1:01 AM

Aug 2013
Don't know any normal adults that would be into watching cutesy little girls drinking tea and doing nothing yet K-On and certain other moe shows are seinen and watched by adult otaku Japanese men. Not everything has to be super serious to be for adults and the stuff SouthPark parodies like gentrification, Scientology, double standards in regard to teacher and student relationships, gun culture, political correctness, drug addiction/ drug trafficking would go over kids heads. People who think South Park are just dick jokes are retarded and some weebs are probably still butthurt about the Chinpokomon episode.
Jul 10, 2016 1:49 AM
Jul 2018
TheBrainintheJar said:
Hatred said:

no they aren't?i don't think that they would be able to get any of the jokes if they watched south park

I've got some 14-year-old friends and they still find dick and shit hilarious. They're intelligent dudes who'll sharpen their humor later, but this is the age group that's into profanity.

true,but i have a 13 year old male acquaintance who isn't that intelligent so i doubt that he would be able to get the jokes in south park.If i watched that cartoon when i was 14 i would probably get the jokes but if i was 12 i wouldn't.I was too innocent back then.
Jul 10, 2016 3:53 AM

May 2015
South Park humour is definitely aimed, mostly, at older groups. It satires (without necessary picking a side) subjects aimed mostly at older people.

Though a good portion of it's fanbase, regardless of demographics, just like to snicker and proclaim "I'm not picking a side, I'm just laughing at everyone. I have no opinions whatsoever!". It often promotes that train of thought, sadly. I find myself going "oo that's right haha" often, but don't form your political/social opinions from South Park guys.

And I know plenty of grown adults who like Family's Guy's crude humour, I have no idea why but...
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Jul 10, 2016 11:46 PM

May 2015
Hatred said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

I've got some 14-year-old friends and they still find dick and shit hilarious. They're intelligent dudes who'll sharpen their humor later, but this is the age group that's into profanity.

true,but i have a 13 year old male acquaintance who isn't that intelligent so i doubt that he would be able to get the jokes in south park.If i watched that cartoon when i was 14 i would probably get the jokes but if i was 12 i wouldn't.I was too innocent back then.

Innocence and intelligence are different things. I didn't get Pixar films until I was a teenager finishing high school. Sure, I enjoyed it when I was young but I didn't get the big jokes or the deep psychology.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
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