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May 23, 2016 9:27 PM

Sep 2012

how about we get rid of the ridiculous porn ads, or the ones that play a fucking video you can't even silence.
May 23, 2016 9:30 PM
Apr 2013
Max said:

Opinions are taken into account, and it is impossible to claim otherwise without seeing behind the scenes.

Because you guys are keeping everything behind close doors. It is impossible to trust you guys when you keep secrets when a matter pops up involving us, the users. It has been that way since the Crave era and somehow, the practice was brought over to DeNa's like a tradition the Staff must adhere to.

Max said:

What you are describing seems to be a lack of response to unrealistic demands, such as the reversion of an update;.

No, I didn't mention anything about reversal or total abolishment of an update. I am stating the fact nobody cared about our opinions despite our best intentions for the site. What we presented are fixes and some with actual codes to the current update. And what we get from this during the profile change? Apparently nothing. If you categorise these as unrealistic demands, I have nothing more to say on this matter.

Max said:

if something has no major bugs or negative impact on efficiency, there's no problem on our end.

You just admit you guys only cared about whether the new feature has met all of functional requirements or not. User's opinions are part of the feedback form. How come you guys don't realise this?

Max said:

By denying support to a service or work's primary source of revenue (in this case, advertising), you therefore sacrifice the right to a sense of entitlement.

Big words I say. Logical too. But I wonder why Wikipedia and Google never take this approach. Oh wait, they didn't! But why???? Because customers are always right!

Max said:

A commercial development team is not required to listen to requests if they aren't being paid, hence the request for user input.

So, MAL hired a bunch of developers who just sit down, type in some code as written in the document, skip some software testing, go home and you paid apparently an arm and a leg for their subpar services. Ignoring the fact that users here volunteered for free and actually cared about the site? I don't think you guys make the best decisions.

Max said:

This much is not our fault—it's just the way the world works.

You just shifted the burden of responsibility towards a third party you bring in based on your decision and claimed it is not your fault? What the hell...

Note that the last 3 replies are directed either towards the Staff or DeNa depending on context. I don't know who is responsible for hiring the devs. I just assume it was DeNa going by what I observed. Still, the Staff has the power to request site changes.
May 23, 2016 9:31 PM

Oct 2014
I am not one typically who posts on the forums here, but I thought I would toss in my two cents.

(1.) Via the Ookla Speed test website, I have a ping of 30ms, with 65.16 Mbps download and 4.30 Mbps upload. I am on WiFi.

(2.) I do not block ads on Youtube, yet to load the main page and all of its adverts it only takes just under 8 seconds, and the ads that play do not make my computer hyperventilate in the slightest.

(3.) I just tested the behavior of the website's ads by temporarily white-listing MAL from my AdBlock and the result was alarming...

Just checking out the homepage and this forum I was met with:
--two ads for content related to sites I frequent (e.g. Barnes & Nobel),
--some clickbate garbage with a gif of Ellen Degeneres crying on it for who know/cares why,
--two banner ads entirely in moon runes (I cannot read Japanese, so I cannot vouch for whether they are relevant or not),
--and two of the "girl-in-the-wall" ads right next to eachother while in this thread.

Additionally, the pages entered a constant state of refresh in Chrome (i.e. never fully loading (due to the ads), my browser slowed way down, and my laptop decided to follow its dreams and become a jet engine as it tried to keep up with the ads that kept loading.

...I'll pass on the ads for now. Sorry.
Black_FlamingoMay 23, 2016 10:19 PM
May 23, 2016 9:36 PM

May 2008
Max said:

Opinions are taken into account, and it is impossible to claim otherwise without seeing behind the scenes. What you are describing seems to be a lack of response to unrealistic demands, such as the reversion of an update; if something has no major bugs or negative impact on efficiency, there's no problem on our end.

Except that people keep complaining about functionality of the search feature and that still hasn't been fixed. Is something like that "unreasonable"? Because if it is, that's incompetency on the developer's part.
May 23, 2016 10:03 PM

Jan 2013
I'll only unblock it if those banners call me Onii-chan (I mean it) instead.
If there's any intrusive ads it's coming back on again.
Also, are the ads generated to just display or to be clicked on to get revenue? If it is just to be clicked on I don't see a reason to ask this.
radleMay 24, 2016 1:38 AM
May 23, 2016 10:08 PM
Dec 2014
Can you please just let users make a one-time payment to disable ads? as an option, something like 5 bucks? I'd pay 30, I like the site.

I *know* that's a lot more than the ad revenue that you'll ever get from the average user, and people just don't like ads, even if they're not blatantly intrusive, because they're distracting.
May 23, 2016 10:20 PM

Mar 2015
This is getting ridiculous. I agree with @worldeditor11 completely on how we simply can't trust that admins are taking our opinions into account, as any and all updates suddenly pop up without any warning and/or grace period. There are numerous threads about such things too (eg. 30 character rule, CD-CE split, etc etc) that are filled with complaints that are either unseen or just ignored.

Whatever happened to MAL being a community? It feels more like a business now, and if experience has taught me anything, the next step you guys will take is to implement a premium membership service.
May 23, 2016 10:27 PM

Feb 2016
I'm on mobile but I filtered MAL for now. 95% of the time I'm on mobile. Is there even mobile ads?

Personally, I've always used AdBlock because I hate:

- A horde of ads that actually SLOW the freaking page load time very noticeably. (Usually like porn sites but... yeah lol) Usually I think this is when a page has several flash ads for game advertisements.

- Dating Ads

- Malware Bait (Again.. Usually porn sites but throwing it out there)

- Most Ads are usually irrelevant to me. I don't really get persuaded by ads, even on tv. Just a wasted time block but whatever, its life lol.

I wouldn't mind ads on here, assuming they're namely anime related. Just don't overload a page/ just no flash ads please.

Like several others here though, I'd much prefer to just donate for premium and get no ads. I see MAL as something that I'll always use, so I don't mind supporting when I can if it was a option.

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
May 23, 2016 10:29 PM

Mar 2015
RyanEsau said:
I'm on mobile but I filtered MAL for now. 95% of the time I'm on mobile. Is there even mobile ads?

The mobile ads on here are the worst imo. Pops up full-screen and does weird things that they usually won't on PC.
May 23, 2016 10:39 PM

Aug 2013
OneTrueEmiya said:
RyanEsau said:
I'm on mobile but I filtered MAL for now. 95% of the time I'm on mobile. Is there even mobile ads?

The mobile ads on here are the worst imo. Pops up full-screen and does weird things that they usually won't on PC.

Pretty much unusable on mobile. I just hit the view desktop mode as soon as I can.
May 23, 2016 10:42 PM

Mar 2014
I mean, I would disable my adblock if you allowed your members the option of deciding which "upgrades" you should implement.
May 23, 2016 10:42 PM
Nov 2014
Grimsickle said:
Can you please just let users make a one-time payment to disable ads? as an option, something like 5 bucks? I'd pay 30, I like the site.

I *know* that's a lot more than the ad revenue that you'll ever get from the average user, and people just don't like ads, even if they're not blatantly intrusive, because they're distracting.

You can easily block all the ads' frames in uBlock Origin or uMatrix and make the site clear.
Stop supporting the goyims.
May 23, 2016 10:45 PM

Mar 2015
off_the_boat said:
Grimsickle said:
Can you please just let users make a one-time payment to disable ads? as an option, something like 5 bucks? I'd pay 30, I like the site.

I *know* that's a lot more than the ad revenue that you'll ever get from the average user, and people just don't like ads, even if they're not blatantly intrusive, because they're distracting.

You can easily block all the ads' frames in uBlock Origin or uMatrix and make the site clear.
Stop supporting the goyims.

This, and regular adblock does the job well. No need to support a site that no longer supports us. And here I thought the 30 character rule was as crazy as it would go...

Toshiya_K said:
OneTrueEmiya said:

The mobile ads on here are the worst imo. Pops up full-screen and does weird things that they usually won't on PC.

Pretty much unusable on mobile. I just hit the view desktop mode as soon as I can.

I even got linked to some maleware site. It's just ridiculous that we have to deal with things like this, and then some random mod comes in and tells us to stop being so entitled. Piss off mate, we have a right to be angry about this.
May 23, 2016 10:46 PM
Apr 2013
I don't think people realised what a premium membership means in MAL, a website that provides free service for years since creation. Ask yourself this, if you make a payment let say, 30 Benjamins for 6 months to access its services, where do the money goes to?

Is it
A) DeNa
B) Xinil

IF A, you guys are giving money to an old man smoking his cigar thinking on how to build more hotels near the offshore of Japan. Technically speaking, MAL is nothing more than a source of revenue for DeNa. Do they care about MAL? According to one moderator, they don't.

IF B, you guys are giving it to the site creator. This is my preference. I support the site, not the business owners who own the site. However, in this case, a donation drive will be a more community oriented approach like what Wikipedia did every year. But I am still not sure MAL needed to be owned by another company for survival when the community is self-sustaining (assuming best case scenario with adequate donations).

But then another question pops up, why do MAL need the money? Server costs mostly. Site maintanence and development costs can be reduced if we take in volunteers. And then the Other costs which can be anything.
May 23, 2016 10:47 PM

Apr 2015
After browsing this thread and seeing the screenshots people took of the ads on this site, yeah no. Not whitelisting this site. Funny how this site has a no NSFW rule, yet it has NSFW ads. At least try to practice your own damn rules.

Good job MAL, for making me want to whitelist you guys even less!

And here I was debating whitelisting this site after seeing the banners. Really glad I decided to read through this thread before doing so, since now I know I really don't want to whitelist.
BeatlesPkmnFan42May 23, 2016 11:01 PM
May 23, 2016 10:52 PM

Mar 2015
worldeditor11 said:
I don't think people realised what a premium membership means in MAL, a website that provides free service for years since creation.

It's sad, but chances are that if this ad thing fails (and it will), they really will start a premium membership system. And chances are, once again, we'll be given no say as to whether we want it implemented.
May 23, 2016 11:07 PM

Feb 2016
TrashDax said:
The reason for me to activate adblock was that the ads slowed down my browser enormously.

Yeah same here...moreover the pages which had gifs took so much time that you can easily go and make coffee for i started using this browser which had an inbuilt adblocker and no option of whitelisting any site lol
May 23, 2016 11:07 PM

Feb 2016
OneTrueEmiya said:
RyanEsau said:
I'm on mobile but I filtered MAL for now. 95% of the time I'm on mobile. Is there even mobile ads?

The mobile ads on here are the worst imo. Pops up full-screen and does weird things that they usually won't on PC.

O.o Well, I haven't seen anything yet. My phone is rooted (Android). I might have to filter mal somewhere else as well on my phone... only did browser but that should be the main block considering the only "app" adblock I have is specifically for YT and their recent update is peeking through the adblock unfortunately...

Edit: Evidently there's been like 535 adcount or whatever so far but I haven't seen anything... o.o Must be getting blocked by something else or... something. Eh...
Don't see anything. Weird lol.

Kinda amazed though one site I use has 123k hits... haven't noticed the ads but they block downloads if you have adblock..
KiytechMay 23, 2016 11:19 PM

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
May 23, 2016 11:16 PM

Feb 2016
Praland said:

Mmhhh, yeah, remove those ones first.
Kineta said:
adding desperately needed features,

Like the 30 character limit or adding those extra buttons on the anime page that do the same thing that before without removing the old one or forcing people to change their profiles instead of leaving them to choice of using the old ones? Yeah, sure, we "needed" those changes.

There are somethings that many users asked and those gets ignored, instead we get stuff that "fix" unbroken things, now i must see a girl about to get raped in every single page of the forum and can't block it.

Good job MAL, good job.

The advertisements tend to be gentle at the beginning like ads for products, animes, some in japanese which i sometimes understand but yeah, I have also experienced the type of ads that you are DMM (to name a few) which everybody knows (well, maybe not everybody) is an adult game I think this type of ads should not be displayed on MAL.
May 23, 2016 11:26 PM

Dec 2015
I disabled my ad blocker on this domain want MAL to progress more.
May 23, 2016 11:31 PM

Oct 2014
If your advertisements weren't as intrusive, I'd consider turning off adblock. I also get redirected to fake virus scanner websites, and often in the worst of times, like when I'm typing a message. If you make it so I can pay a dollar or two to temporarily disable ads, I wouldn't mind doing that either.
May 23, 2016 11:43 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
I wouldn't mind supporting MAL as long as they actually do the right thing for the site.

Seeing from all the previous comments, many users aren't happy at all or don't mind the updates that MAL recently implemented.

Taking that into consideration, it makes sense for users to be hesitant to help MAL with disabling Ad Block if none of our feedback is taken into consideration seriously.

Bottom line is: You help us, we help you. Simple as that MAL.
May 23, 2016 11:43 PM

Mar 2015

I'm sure there is some way MAL can survive without necessarily asking users to whitelist MAL on their adblock program. I've been doing some research to viable methods of making money. Let me establish this: I'm not an expert businessman, but I do understand the mindset of MAL users and know a bit about economics. I've puts some research into it as well. Please take the following into consideration.

A couple of suggestions I've seen in this forum:

I'm sure there is some way MAL can survive without necessarily asking users to whitelist MAL on their adblock program. I've been doing some research to viable methods of making money. Let me establish this: I'm not an expert businessman, but I do understand the mindset of MAL users and know a bit about economics. I've puts some research into it as well. Please take the following into consideration.

A couple of suggestions I've seen in this forum:

->Donation Program [For example, Patreon]
->Premium Membership [Add extra features for those who pay, don't take away features from free users and then make them pay to get them back as a "premium member". That would piss users off]

I don't know what method MAL is charging advertisers to put their adverts up. But I think it's most likely...

->CPC. Cost per click. You are paid based on how many clicks on the ad, the rate is a set rate. This would explain why MAL encourages users to turn off their adblock because they need to make that 3 cents per click [it's really nothing]. But what are the chances people actually click on adverts? And you don't get paid much for it anyway.

There is of course a second option called...

->Selling your advertisement space. All MAL needs to do is to create an "advertise with us" page that displays the various places advertisers can advertise on MAL and advertisers pay for it! Wow! Advertisers are usually reluctant to do this unless it's a popular website. Guess what? MAL IS a popular website! That way, MAL users can also use adblock. Everybody wins!

EDIT: I didn't realise MAL had a page for this, sorry. However, it says there "Advertise on MyAnimeList to reach over 10 million active and engaged users. ". Looks like MAL is pretty popular to me. Then why does it need to rely on [most likely] Click Per Pay ads?

and another option called...

->CPM, which means Cost Per Thousand. I don't know why it's not called CPT. Don't ask. But what it means is MAL can charge a set amount per 1000 impressions [page views] So if 1000 people visit the MAL main page and you get paid 5dollars/1000 impressions that means you get 5 bucks. This also is another option that relies more on how popular MAL is, similar to selling advertisement space. MAL users are also free to use adblock.

EDIT According to the MAL advertising page: "Each month we display 130 million page views to over 10 million unique visitors.". Sounds like a pretty good deal. For example, if you charge 0.5 American Dollars per 1000 page views, that means you would generate 65,000 Dollars!

But wait, I can hear you say, if MAL runs Pay Per Click, doesn't that suggest it's not popular enough for advertisers to pay more in? There's a solution for that as well! MAL need to increase the net traffic of itself. That means MAL needs to advertise more. I believe MAL is fairly popular already, but for the sake of the advertisers who may think it isn't, this can be done by...

->Cross advertising with other websites. Meaning MAL advertises some other website, and the other website will advertise MAL. Preferably they should be related. That way they can attract more customers, and MAL doesn't have to pay money because it's an agreement!

EDIT Apparently it looks like they are in some sort of partnership with Crunchyroll/Hulu/Daisuki. I hope it's free. Although I don't really get the point of providing the option to stream Crunchyroll/Hulu videos, that way people wouldn't need to go to Crunchyroll/Hulu. I don't know how it's working out, but sounds like it isn't if MAL has to resort to Click to Pay advertisements. Also, I've noticed on Crunchyroll I don't see any advertisements for MAL. Is MAL getting anything out of this?

There are many companies that can assist MAL with finding advertisers and charging them money [Via whatever rate you choose to be paid on. Just not Cost Per Click. That's a bad idea] such as Google Adsense [CPC], PulsePoint [CPM], BuySellAds [Place to sell your advertisement space]. If MAL does not wish to further anger the users of MAL with ads that play sound which can't be shut off or girls unfortunately stuck in walls, I beg you take all this into consideration.

I'd like to say that MAL has done a fine job of providing a good service without surviving on advertisements. Let's hope to keep it that way.

I'd like to say that MAL has done a fine job of providing a good service without surviving on advertisements. Let's hope to keep it that way.
GaryMuffuginOakMay 24, 2016 6:04 PM
“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete..." -Alphonse Elric

"Then and now, what I protect has never changed!" -Sakata Gintoki

I'll take anything like The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Anything as good as that.
May 23, 2016 11:46 PM

Jan 2009

is this what you mean by "Selling your advertisement space"
May 23, 2016 11:50 PM

Mar 2015
skitzo said:

is this what you mean by "Selling your advertisement space"

Yes that's right. I didn't know it had one. It does say..
" Advertise on MyAnimeList to reach over 10 million active and engaged users. "
which should indicate how popular MAL is. The thing I don't get is why then does MAL need to rely on [most likely] Click Per Pay ads?
“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete..." -Alphonse Elric

"Then and now, what I protect has never changed!" -Sakata Gintoki

I'll take anything like The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Anything as good as that.
May 23, 2016 11:51 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
So, you're saying that if people turn off Adblock, MAL will continue changing stuff (ugh, new list design)? Keep it on, people! Anyway, lucky for me, I don't see ads. Are they region locked (like CR anime episodes), too?

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
May 23, 2016 11:53 PM

Jan 2009
GaryMuffuginOak said:
skitzo said:

is this what you mean by "Selling your advertisement space"

Yes that's right. I didn't know it had one. It does say..
" Advertise on MyAnimeList to reach over 10 million active and engaged users. "
which should indicate how popular MAL is. The thing I don't get is why then does MAL need to rely on [most likely] Click Per Pay ads?

well i got no idea, honestly im interested too like you if MAL is using pay per click method ads or pay per number of views method ads
May 23, 2016 11:55 PM

Jun 2015
Never used adblock(except for youtube because it's youtube). Although there was a time when some ads puts up some popups which was annoying. Not here anymore though so thanks for that.
May 24, 2016 12:00 AM

Aug 2013
BatoKusanagi said:
So, you're saying that if people turn off Adblock, MAL will continue changing stuff (ugh, new list design)? Keep it on, people! Anyway, lucky for me, I don't see ads. Are they region locked (like CR anime episodes), too?

They're probably so obtrusive that your browser's built in security blocked them out. It happened in my Firefox safe mode too.
May 24, 2016 12:03 AM

Mar 2015
skitzo said:
GaryMuffuginOak said:

Yes that's right. I didn't know it had one. It does say..
" Advertise on MyAnimeList to reach over 10 million active and engaged users. "
which should indicate how popular MAL is. The thing I don't get is why then does MAL need to rely on [most likely] Click Per Pay ads?

well i got no idea, honestly im interested too like you if MAL is using pay per click method ads or pay per number of views method ads

If what MAL says is true, that
"Each month we display 130 million page views"
For example, going with the CPM method, if you charge 0.5 American Dollars per 1000 page views, that means you would generate 65,000 Dollars! That IS A TON OF MONEY. PER MONTH! IF MAL COULD MAKE THAT MUCH THEY WOULD BE SWIMMING IN MONEY! THE SITE COULD BE GENETICALLY ENGINEERING ANIME GIRLS FOR USERS!
“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete..." -Alphonse Elric

"Then and now, what I protect has never changed!" -Sakata Gintoki

I'll take anything like The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Anything as good as that.
May 24, 2016 12:07 AM

Jan 2009
GaryMuffuginOak said:
skitzo said:

well i got no idea, honestly im interested too like you if MAL is using pay per click method ads or pay per number of views method ads

If what MAL says is true, that
"Each month we display 130 million page views"
For example, going with the CPM method, if you charge 0.5 American Dollars per 1000 page views, that means you would generate 65,000 Dollars! That IS A TON OF MONEY. PER MONTH! IF MAL COULD MAKE THAT MUCH THEY WOULD BE SWIMMING IN MONEY! THE SITE COULD BE GENETICALLY ENGINEERING ANIME GIRLS FOR USERS!

lol ye and some of us on this old thread have been discussing about that total monthly page views of MAL it was 120 million views per month during that time
May 24, 2016 12:10 AM

Oct 2015
I'll disable Ad-block for the time being and see what it's like, I use to to ad-block this site but some of the advertisements eventually started playing audio automatically and it was annoying.
May 24, 2016 12:14 AM

Dec 2010
I am REALLY trying to leave adblock off, but those animated ads in the middle of the page slow down the loading time greatly (some of them) and are just painful for somebody who gets distracted easily.
GomizillaMay 24, 2016 12:20 AM
Sacrificing sleep and sanity for more anime-induced dopamine.
May 24, 2016 12:19 AM

Dec 2008
Seeing that a lot of people seem to not like the NSFW ads, why is it that I often see forum signatures that seem NSFW? Can we see those go away?
May 24, 2016 12:24 AM

Jun 2014
Considering the fact that you didn't bother to listen to thousands of people complaining about the new profiles, why would I bother to support this website? There were also other bad changes made to MAL, the pre-Dena days were actually better.
May 24, 2016 12:25 AM

May 2012
Just gonna say this, detecting addblocking software might be illegal in the EU. (Source)

But instead on bashing on that, here is my 2 cents. Offer a montly subscription for an ad free MAL. Besides removing the adds, offer some additional features too. (ex: more personalised list theme, acces to a premium forum board, and perhaps you can get a deal with those streaming services, giving a better deal on 1 of their services?)

If done right, premium services might break the deal.

An beautifull example I like is the dutch They offer an premium subscription to their news site which offers no adds, custom css for the website, discounts at certain companies, acces to premium meetings, and acces to the paying members forum board among other things. (Source in Dutch)
May 24, 2016 12:26 AM

Aug 2013
HikaruKaneko said:
Seeing that a lot of people seem to not like the NSFW ads, why is it that I often see forum signatures that seem NSFW? Can we see those go away?

How about you just report them to the mods instead of trying to derail this thread?
May 24, 2016 12:27 AM
Mar 2016
hahahahahhahahaha i blocked the anti adblock banners
May 24, 2016 12:29 AM

Jul 2010
TrashDax said:
The reason for me to activate adblock was that the ads slowed down my browser enormously.

This. It's like when you go to a store and they've asked you a million times to get the rewards card or credit card thing and you have to say for the millionth time "No". Maybe consider an alternative solution? wikipedia is add free though sometime they bother you with donation stuff. But I'd much rather see something like that then an ad I don't have any interest in. I just wanna update my list in peace. :/

What is your biggest complaint with MAL's advertisements?
the content in them and the video ones

• Which aspect of MAL's ad experience do you think doesn't need improvement (i.e. is good as it is)?
it all needs improvement

• Are there any pages on MAL where you don't mind the ads? Are there any pages where you really mind them?
maybe if they are 1x1 size in a small corner where they will be out of sight

• Would you prefer well-placed, in-content advertisements? Or advertisements on the top, sides, and end of the page?
in the bottom corner where I cant see it or at the end of the page.

• Which kind of advertisements do you like to see? And conversely, don't?
Id like to see ads that are invisible to the naked eye. I dont like to see all your ads you currently run and especally not the NSFW ones and the video ones/moving ones... they slow down my browser.

• If there were an option to subscribe monthly/yearly (by paying money) to both hide advertisements and support MAL, would you?
No. but a donate button might be a better option like wikipedia does.

• Any other comments/concerns/suggestions?
I'm concerned i'm gonna see these boxes forever now.

• Please let us know your country (or NA/EU/AS, if you don't want to say).

love you guys but you shouldn't be forcing us by giving us the ultimatum: our blue box ads or real ads.
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
May 24, 2016 12:33 AM

Dec 2008
Toshiya_K said:
HikaruKaneko said:
Seeing that a lot of people seem to not like the NSFW ads, why is it that I often see forum signatures that seem NSFW? Can we see those go away?

How about you just report them to the mods instead of trying to derail this thread?
Wow you consider that derailing? Trust me, nothing is going to stop people from talking about how much they dislike the ads in this thread.
May 24, 2016 12:34 AM

Oct 2015
I haven't had any ads blasting audio at me tonight so I'll keep Ad-Blocker off for now.
May 24, 2016 12:44 AM

Aug 2014
I whitelisted it, but then I saw just how many ads were covering my screen. If you could lower the amount of ads and not make them just everywhere, I would disable adblock.
May 24, 2016 12:50 AM

Oct 2012
The manga/anime pages have not one, not two, but seven (7) adds - only on one single page. ( & [whitelisted]) Every box has two adds, plus on the side, too. Why not round it up to ten (10) instead?! It has a better sound then seven. The front page only has three (3), and the forum only has two (2). I don't even care about those two sections as much as I want to know the information about the manga/anime itself. Even the other websites that are heavily depended on adds don't have that many adds on one page.

Dear Lord, please cut down the number of adds on the manga/anime pages. I can ignore the bottom and side adds, but having them smack down in the middle of the page is just so obtrusive.
Pretty please, with cherry on top? ^^
xxMaiMay 24, 2016 1:00 AM
May 24, 2016 12:52 AM
Feb 2016
I disabled ad block, as I try to on sites that I want to support. Unfortunately, within mere minutes of trying to browse multiple tabs (there were only like ten or so), there were so many video/animated ads that Chrome froze every time I tried to change tabs, navigate within a tab, or occasionally scroll. Eventually flash just crashed.

I'm sure video ads probably pay more or whatever, but they'll slow everyone down so much more. Simple static picture ads would be so much better.
May 24, 2016 12:58 AM

Jul 2013
Remember I installed Adblock on Android especially to visit MAL. See this thread with unsolved issue
Not even mentionning the impact on browsing speed, my phone has only 1 GB of memory you know.

Just FYI, I had a similar problem on a partner website a while ago. The website showed an Adblock warning saying they were low on funding. I disabled Adblock, just to get dirty ads and forced redirects on very unsafe pages with sometimes malware.

Tried to tell the admin his ads partners should be reviewed more carefully.
I reported all the problematic ads and he removed them (about 25 or so). But he did not remove the source of the problem. The ad provider soon got back all the dirty ads, and I reactivated Adblock for good. As simple as that.

You can forget your whitelist now. You tried and failed ? No. You tried and died.

My websites will never show any ads.

I'll autoquote myself (oct. 15, 2015)
I even had a redirect on the mobile homepage this morning (not logged in).

I think this is bad for MAL's visitors "conversion rate" imo, and even for first time visitors (when I open a website with ad redirecting, I never open it again, and I'm not alone doing that).

edit : typo
NoblueskyMay 24, 2016 1:05 AM
May 24, 2016 1:00 AM

Feb 2014
Kineta said:

If there's one thing I've learned from my marketing class is that while it's good to listen to negative feedback, there is always a small vocal minority that will hate anything you do/change and is more likely to actively make it known than people who view it positively. So that vocal minority don't always represent the larger demographic, the larger demographic is usually content, thus doesn't really feel the need to say anything about it.

You guys are moving in the right direction and are becoming more professional, so I welcome the new changes and I know it'll just get better from here. Don't let the few negative comments get you down, the majority of the community is probably fine with the changes or else there would have been a major black lash and daily visits would have dropped dramatically, but that hasn't happened as far as I'm concerned. Plus, all sane users know that there are more changes that will enhance the experience in the future and instead of trying to fight the change, will look at the changes and will give fair criticism on what needs to be improved. You guys are doing fine! Keep up the good work.
Now, back on topic: I'd just say get more ads that have to do with anime and manga. I don't want to see CORT ads for furniture or UNCF promotional ads, get things that relate to this site. The hentai ads I don't mind too much since they're pretty hilarious, but it's probably best to limit those just to the hentai pages.

Get ads from Sentai, Crunchyroll, Funimation, Daisuki, Aniplex, etc. get tons of ads from the english anime distributors and services since that relates to us (not sure if Netflix and Hulu have ads related to anime, but gets those too if they exist). Japanese ads are fine too, just make sure they're related to anime.
May 24, 2016 1:00 AM

Jun 2014
Turned off Adblock for now, but if the ads start getting intrusive and annoying, I'm enabling it again.
May 24, 2016 1:10 AM

May 2008
LoomyTheBrew said:
Don't let the few negative comments get you down, the majority of the community is probably fine with the changes or else there would have been a major black lash and daily visits would have dropped dramatically, but that hasn't happened as far as I'm concerned. Plus, all sane users know that there are more changes that will enhance the experience in the future and instead of trying to fight the change, will look at the changes and will give fair criticism on what needs to be improved.

Have you read this thread? Most people are complaining because they've been asked to turn off AdBlock only to get obnoxious and malicious (and NSFW) ads. The majority of the community is usually not okay with the changes MAL implements (see: pretty much any previous thread).

I fail to see how having ads joking about anime girl rape on a PG13 website and a broken search "enhance the experience".

Nothing has been improved. Have you tried to use the features?
May 24, 2016 1:13 AM

Nov 2014
I am not okay with 106 ads on a single page, I even took a screen shot of it.

May 24, 2016 1:18 AM

Jan 2014
Still going to have adblock on

The character limit bs
The "Streaming" feature 90% of the time says "not available at your location"
The huge profile change that had no warning to the community

Sorry, but no

Oh this is a side note, alittle while ago (1 month ago ish) when Chrome was not working for me one day, I had to use firefox, and there were PORN adds on your website. I mean they didn't bother me, but cmon MAL you have PORN ads on your website. If you're implementing ads on your website then please learn to implement, well things that are not porn.

Also by putting all of these blue boxes all over the place on my screen, is not going to make me change my mind, in fact it's annoying as hell, and makes me not wanna disable it even more.
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