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Jun 1, 2014 8:02 PM

May 2012
Well why else would you smoke? It's either to get high or to get cancer. Or in some cases to get high and assist in easing cancer if you live in a state where marijuana is medically legal.
Jun 1, 2014 8:03 PM

Mar 2014
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.
Jun 1, 2014 8:04 PM

Mar 2014
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

That's expensive.
Jun 1, 2014 8:04 PM

May 2014
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

Ah yes. It is a good day to be alive! Best go outside and have some fresh air! *lights a cigarette*
Jun 1, 2014 8:05 PM

Mar 2014
Poitato said:
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

That's expensive.
Have you seen New York prices? A pack cost around $10 per.
Jun 1, 2014 8:05 PM

Apr 2012
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

buy ciggies online nub!

Jun 1, 2014 8:05 PM

May 2012
Poitato said:
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

That's expensive.

I know people in New York have spoken of paying upwards of $15 per pack of your average cigarettes.

edit: McLovin got me by 22 seconds this topic must be attracting attention
Jun 1, 2014 8:06 PM

Apr 2012
Bayrock said:
Poitato said:
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

That's expensive.

I know people in New York have spoken of paying upwards of $15 per pack of your average cigarettes.

ty michael bloomberg

Jun 1, 2014 8:08 PM

Mar 2014
mclovinballz said:
Poitato said:
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

That's expensive.
Have you seen New York prices? A pack cost around $10 per.

Whoops, forgot what a carton was since they don't sell them here.
Jun 1, 2014 8:10 PM

Mar 2014
WhiteMarauder said:
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

Ah yes. It is a good day to be alive! Best go outside and have some fresh air! *lights a cigarette*
The rape dungeon is starting to smell like rotting corpse. It's probably healthier for me to smoke than inhale the fumes of the dungeon.
Jun 1, 2014 8:13 PM

May 2014
mclovinballz said:
WhiteMarauder said:
mclovinballz said:
Great way to relieve stress and gives me an excuse to go outside for some air. Gotta love living near an Indian Casino that sells a carton for $20.

Ah yes. It is a good day to be alive! Best go outside and have some fresh air! *lights a cigarette*
The rape dungeon is starting to smell like rotting corpse. It's probably healthier for me to smoke than inhale the fumes of the dungeon.

You do realize you're suppose to do a daily sanitizing process in it right? You want to keep your slaves alive and healthy, not slowly stinking away the place.

Unless you're a necrophiliac. Then I'd have to tell you that you're a sick bastard that deserves every disease that you will contract.

PSA: Necrophiliacs are worse than rapists. k?
Jun 1, 2014 8:14 PM

Dec 2012
Pretty sure you feeling relieved after smoking the first few times is a placebo effect. The rest is just nicotine addiction.
Jun 1, 2014 8:43 PM
Jul 2013
I adore myself too much to give myself rotten teeth, bad gums, bad breath, overall bad health. A crippling addiction.

Have nothing against those who do. Just hope they get out of it.
Jun 1, 2014 10:05 PM

Apr 2014
I never got the point of smoking cigarettes for most of my life, until recently. I stopped smoking weed about a year and a half ago, i'd smoke usually once every night about an hour before bed, when i'd smoke that was "my time" it was the only time of the day when i could think about what i was doing and aiming for in life, maybe just relax let go of any stress from the day, etc. Well when i stopped i felt that "my time" was gone, i no longer got the chance to just relax or contemplate on my life anymore so about 4 months ago a relative of mine visited and she had a electronic vapor pen and she let me try it and i really liked it it tastes good and you can get them with no nicotine, so i bought one a few weeks after that and even though it didn't make me high like pot just the act of doing that "smoking" or vaping really it was the same for me. I just needed that brief few minutes to sit there and blow smoke to center myself. I'd have to assume its the same for some people along with a mixture of chemical dependency. So it might not be that they even enjoy doing it, like with weed to be completely honest i think i enjoy getting high more then i did being high. Kinda how some people read a book or do yoga, i feel smoking is the same thing for some people its just 100x worse for you lol.
Jun 1, 2014 10:09 PM

Apr 2014
The human brain just loves those chemicals. Physical dependance is the result of our weakness to feel good chems. The tar and poison is just an added bonus!

Jun 1, 2014 10:10 PM

Apr 2014
Heikin_kokosei said:
The human brain just loves those chemicals. Physical dependance is the result of our weakness to feel good chems. The tar and poison is just an added bonus!

And don't forget early death!
Jun 1, 2014 10:26 PM

Jul 2012
I smoked cigarettes for a 2-3 years before completely dropping it. Well, I still have my last pack stored in my desk but I have no desire to smoke it, it's just there.

I do remember growing a dependence where I would physically feel sick until I had a smoke; plus college and a long distance relationship had me beyond stressed. I didn't like people watching me smoke, it feels pretentious walking down the street blowing smoke in everyone's face. But I believe stress and appearance are usually the two reasons why people smoke.
Jun 1, 2014 11:23 PM

Nov 2012
Because they are idiots.
Jun 1, 2014 11:24 PM

Jul 2012
Wintour said:
Smoking is an art (albeit a dying one), and a viable tactic to get people to leave you alone.

Well, strangers would always ask for a light or to bum one off me lol
Jun 1, 2014 11:33 PM

Apr 2011
LadyRenly said:
Usually the question shouldn't be why do people smoke, as it's fairly obvious:addiction. The question we should ask is "How did they start in the first place"?

Rebellion? Curiosity? Either way, it all ends the same way.

Curiosity, added with the fact that I thought it looked cool. I soon learnt it wasn't (and was also harming my best friend, who had nothing to do with me smoking), which caused me to stop. To any guys who are just curious; don't start. It tastes shit and it does nothing to help you.
Jun 2, 2014 5:27 AM
Apr 2014
Because they want to look like a real boss.
"Chinese cartoons was a mistake"

Hayao Miyazaki
Jun 2, 2014 5:43 AM

Oct 2013
Pretty much as a stress releiver.
Jun 2, 2014 5:48 AM

Sep 2013
Poitato said:
goulartknight said:
How do people get addicted to smoking?

Because their body's crave nicotine.

yeah nicotine is highly addictive.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jun 2, 2014 7:37 AM

Aug 2012
I smoke when I'm with my friends. I can totally live without cigarettes, and never smoke when I'm home alone. So yeah, I guess it kinda has to do with peer pressure. But I don't feel forced to smoke because the others do, it's just that I like it, it's convivial and pleasant, outside, at a café, or during a party, I enjoy our "cigarettes-break" pretty much.
As I said, I enjoy it, and don't feel dependence, so, I don't plan to stop so far.
Jun 2, 2014 7:49 AM

Mar 2013
Everyone who smokes needs to stop. That shit's poison, son. Look into ibogaine or ahayuasca if it's too hard to stop on your own.
Jun 2, 2014 7:55 AM

Mar 2013
Mattogen said:
I started because I got into a huge accident, wasn't sure if I could ever walk again, was depressed as fuck, needed something to help me relax. Now I just can't stop because of addiction.

You need to stop. That shit's poison, son.
Jun 2, 2014 8:08 AM

May 2011
I'd do it to blow it in people's faces and laugh at them while they cough.

Then die an early death.
Jun 2, 2014 8:13 AM

May 2014
My friends use it as a "Stress Reliever"

I tried it and it gave me more problem, fucking headache

Twitter | Steam | Heartstone battle tag (Moap #1760) Please no copy pasterino cappucino KAPPA
Jun 2, 2014 8:22 AM

Jul 2013
Just like what the above users said. They think it relieves stress from what I've heard after I asked one of my friends who usually smoke.

I'm never touching those cancer sticks though.
Jun 2, 2014 8:44 AM

Mar 2012
I smoke cigars every once in a while.

It's kinda pleasant, not addictive to me either since I've been doing this for ±2 years and I'm not dependant of them
Jun 2, 2014 8:59 AM
Jan 2014
question in the title is different from question in opening post.

people smoke for different reasons:
peer pressure is reason #1 imo
#2 is curiosity
#3 would smoking as "escape"
(I have no data, deal with it)
then maybe "I want to look cool" or something
and theres plain stupidity or the desire to self-destruct

how do you get addicted? It depends on how your brain handles the drug.
For further information -> google it or ask a doctor.
throwaway111Jun 2, 2014 9:08 AM
Jun 2, 2014 9:02 AM

Jun 2013
AsianKungFu said:
Poitato said:
goulartknight said:
How do people get addicted to smoking?

Because their body's crave nicotine.

yeah nicotine is highly addictive.

I saw a graph on Wikipedia showing heroine to be the only popular drug more addictive than nicotine. Scary stuff if you think about it since it's actually legal.
Jun 2, 2014 9:05 AM

Feb 2013
They usually start by curiosity or are influenced by their friends.
Some think it's ''cool'', but one thing is certain, it's not very cool to get lung cancer and when you're smoking you're basically burning your money.
Jun 2, 2014 9:10 AM

Jan 2014
My dad used to never smoke then some girl got him hooked like 3 years ago on it. So peer pressure is what got my dad to smoke. He started around age 40.
Jun 2, 2014 11:06 AM

Mar 2008
Because people are easily influenced by others and have a strong desire to fit in, especially when they have no confidence. They pick up the habit to look cool/fit in, and the consequence is a money pit that causes a multitude of chronic health problems to themselves and those around them. There's also an addiction they've created. Most people think, "I can get over my addiction like an on/off switch," but that's not how the brain works. When you do something extensively that's become a part of your life, it becomes programmed into your brain and written into your system. You have created a tendency to desire something, no matter how many years pass, and will continue to pop up as a "consideration," whereas if you hadn't smoked, it wouldn't at all.
Jun 2, 2014 11:07 AM
Feb 2013
People think it's cool i guess, It's actually pretty lame.
Jun 2, 2014 11:22 AM

May 2014
I smoke once in a awhile but never got addicted to it . Smoking after meals is best tho .
Jun 2, 2014 11:28 AM

Apr 2013
I used to smoke.

I did for the same reason you did. To be part of a group, but later when I wasn't obliged to be part of it, I was smoking because of stress. That changed and I stopped smoking after breaking up with my ex because as it turns out, she was the cause for most of the stress.

Good thing I broke up with her. American Spirit is expensive.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Jun 2, 2014 11:36 AM

Oct 2012
I started to smoke because i mostly hung out with older kids and i thought it would make me seem less young.

I still smoke when i drink put other than that i use e-cigs now
Jun 2, 2014 12:05 PM

Oct 2013
y'all niggas smoke to look cool?

lol, that's lame
Jun 2, 2014 12:13 PM

Nov 2012
No idea why I started, but it became a relaxing little ritual.

Glad I managed to quit though. It's nasty and bloody expensive.
Jun 2, 2014 12:17 PM

May 2012
IntervisioN said:
Pretty sure you feeling relieved after smoking the first few times is a placebo effect. The rest is just nicotine addiction.

Some new smokers get what's described as a 'nicotine buzz.' Though, I doubt that's what made them feel 'relieved' so it may very well have been placebo.

I smoke strictly grass because it does provide relief and quite frankly hasn't killed a soul. On the other hand I could care less if someone wants to smoke cigarettes or not it's just not in my best interest to do harm to myself.
Jun 2, 2014 12:22 PM

May 2014
Bayrock said:
IntervisioN said:
Pretty sure you feeling relieved after smoking the first few times is a placebo effect. The rest is just nicotine addiction.

Some new smokers get what's described as a 'nicotine buzz.' Though, I doubt that's what made them feel 'relieved' so it may very well have been placebo.

I smoke strictly grass because it does provide relief and quite frankly hasn't killed a soul. On the other hand I could care less if someone wants to smoke cigarettes or not it's just not in my best interest to do harm to myself.

yesss. i smoke that magic grass as well . its more of a way to a good time .
Jun 2, 2014 12:24 PM

May 2012
Daryl-sama said:
yesss. i smoke that magic grass as well . its more of a way to a good time .

And unless you enjoy blunts (admittedly I'm quite guilty) there aren't many dangers posed to your health as opposed to cigarettes and tobacco.
Jun 2, 2014 12:27 PM

May 2012
It was cool back in the day. I smoked for 2 years and then stopped. I've hear that people had problems with dropping it. Like wtf..just don't touch the cigarettes again?
S H O U T _ O L D _ B U T _ G O L D
Jun 2, 2014 12:29 PM

Jun 2013
iNaruX said:
It was cool back in the day. I smoked for 2 years and then stopped. I've hear that people had problems with dropping it. Like wtf..just don't touch the cigarettes again?

That's a very shallow approach you use. I admit you're sort of right though, cold turkey is the by far best method to actually quit, but it requires patience and isolation. Also a heck of a lot willpower.
Jun 2, 2014 12:35 PM

May 2014
Bayrock said:
Daryl-sama said:
yesss. i smoke that magic grass as well . its more of a way to a good time .

And unless you enjoy blunts (admittedly I'm quite guilty) there aren't many dangers posed to your health as opposed to cigarettes and tobacco.

I usually use a pipe most of the time . At parties i smoke blunts lolol
Jun 2, 2014 12:38 PM

May 2012
Wouldn't consider myself the willpower type. I just weighed the consequences against the advantages and stopped smoking. 2 years of daily social-smoking gone and down the memory lane.
S H O U T _ O L D _ B U T _ G O L D
Jun 2, 2014 12:38 PM

May 2014
iNaruX said:
It was cool back in the day. I smoked for 2 years and then stopped. I've hear that people had problems with dropping it. Like wtf..just don't touch the cigarettes again?

Yoo same here. i don't understand how people get addicted . I'm on and off with cigarettes.
Jun 2, 2014 12:42 PM

Feb 2013
In Spain there was this show where people talked aboud their problems and stuff and there was this kid who was 13-14 and he said he smoked a lot and when the presenter asked him why did he smoked his answer was "to be cool"

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