The story starts with our main heroine Yuki and here boyfriend/person who loves her Fuji Touya (I understood Touma but will reedit with subs). The scene is breathtaking as in the art is well done and the drama already is picking up on me.
Then out of nowhere I see that girl Yuki go towards the idolizer's crowd.THIS REALLY PISSED ME OFF! You would have to be stupid not to realize that Fuji was trying to get as well as keep the love of Yuki and trying to grasp her but she chooses the idol crap!
You must be pretty stupid to choose famous over love when love is a powerful emotion. People who worship you cause of having talent is BS! Once you lose the talent whatever it may be the person who loves you will never leave you even if you have a scar of any kind.
Real lovers will be like that but real show business throws you out if they cannot find a use for you to make money. A sad reality that the anime "skipbeat" does not show as much.
To my surprise I see Fuji waking up so it was all a dream but it does seem it is not far from reality since Yuki is seen on TV with interviewer asking about her sensei which she replies that it is Ogata Eiji and she is also asked about Okata Rina which is singer that is apparently good.
I love love love love the OP! It's great with great music and art directions! It then fast forwards to Fuji waking up with a job to attend and what it appears to be cold outside.
From the looks of how Yuki and Fuji meet they are only very good friends but Fuji wants to be more than that to her since of his dream
at the very least he wants to be more serious with her. Yuki's manager Shinozuka Yayoi is quite the handsome killer lady! She always might be a
lesbian her cold attitude towards Fuji gave some vibes to me of a future possible concerning this about Shinozuka.
The conversation that issued afterwards was with yet another character introduction, that of
Misaki Sawakura along with another friend (guy and need some subs to find out who). The reference and talking of Robert Browning was interesting and the conversation about Yuki with Fuji's job along with his situation was also interesting.
The art is very captivating so far.
Fuji with his friend in the park while walking meet another character girl yet, which is
Haruka Kawashima. It was quite funny when Fuji almost got run over by Haruka. She wanted him to go somewhere but he said he has a job to attend to.
Pretty confusing when Fuji's friend said to Haruka is she likes tennis and she seemed to have a reaction of either hating that sport or not being able to play it. Regardless Fuji managed to talk to her about it.
It goes on to a train conversation between Fuji and his male friend. It then gets to a more interesting part.
Where are introduced to Rina Okata which is very beautiful female! Her eyes are
outstanding as well as her form.
Do I HATE the acting troop that passed by her! They looky all innocent until I find out that they dirtied Yuki's dress that she was to use for her performance.
The most stupidest thing was her friends did nothing nor did Yuki's manager! So dumb, someone should have smacked that troop!
It jumps to Fuji and his friend at their job. Pretty nice place to work at. I would not mind to have such a job.
The interesting part is we are yet introduced to another character: Ogata Eiji himself! Along with the a sound pro of the name
Nagase Frank aka Frankie. That guy Frank is cool dude that appreciates music.
After that what happened was pretty weird Fuji talks with his old man then he hangs up on him! O_O WTF is that! FURIOUS! Fuji only wanted help and his old man spit at him after praying to his wife/mother of Fuji. The show with Rina was a good start to what POP idol shows are about in Japan. It was also funny to see Fuji bitch about the TV host of the show to stop touching Yuki!
The following is most confusing!
Ok so Fuji starts looking at the TV and sees Yuki sing along with two other girls wearing the same thing as Yuki together in accordance with Rina's singing.What confuses me is that at the same time Fuji gets a call from Yuki and that right away tells me that the show might have been recorded earlier already. What follows confuses me even more.
They start using a serious music when Yuki talks with Fuji on top of showing Yuki dirtying with the juices the white dresses of all and all the three girls changes appearance only to raid the show where the troop plays is at or they did it get things recorded the way they were dressed? The whole thing was like revenge against that troop or something else?
Rina appearing to congratulate Yuki on her revenge/innovation was a good sign of approval! She also wants Yuki to show to her Yuki's friend Fuji!
Well this shall be interesting to see where this anime leads to with such a direction.
1.Meet Yuki Morikawa
2.Meet Shinozuka Yayoi
3.Meet Haruka Kawashima
4.Meet Misaki Sawakura
5.Meet Frank Nagase
6.Meet Rina Okata
7.Meet Ogata Eiji
8.Meet Fuji Touya
9.Meet Fuji's friend
10.Meet Fuji's mother that is unfortunately dead.
11.Yuki changed at 360 degrees
12.White dress girls as supposed to
13. Thrash girls all changed
14.Certainly weird girls even after doing all this themselves.