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Jul 17, 2013 10:23 PM

Jun 2011
metamorphius said:
Are you watching the English dub? It adds to the hilarious insanity and idiocy of the show quite a bit.

There would be no other way to go.
Jul 21, 2013 12:04 AM

Jun 2011
Alright so I have a question regarding Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan).

If you've seen up to episode 14, you should be safe to click below.

I'd just like a simple explanation or any opinions. To the manga readers, do they address this or what?
Jul 21, 2013 12:10 AM

May 2012
ForgoneReality said:
Alright so I have a question regarding Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan).

If you've seen up to episode 14, you should be safe to click below.

I'd just like a simple explanation or any opinions. To the manga readers, do they address this or what?
My totally random guess with no evidence to back it up would be that
Jul 21, 2013 12:13 AM

Oct 2012
Forgone, it's not explained in the manga. Actually, that's one of the minor plot holes in the story. Bigger issues arise when it comes to the things-no-one-noticed-until-now cliche that SnK seems to enjoy like prison rapist enjoys a bar of soap.
Jul 21, 2013 12:13 AM

Nov 2009
ForgoneReality said:
Alright so I have a question regarding Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan).

If you've seen up to episode 14, you should be safe to click below.

I'd just like a simple explanation or any opinions. To the manga readers, do they address this or what?

Jul 21, 2013 12:15 AM

Jun 2011
@Rarity - Alright, well at least that is something.

Thanks for the feedback.

EDIT @ Pirate -
ForgoneRealityJul 21, 2013 12:18 AM
Jul 21, 2013 12:23 AM

Nov 2009
ForgoneReality said:
@Rarity - Alright, well at least that is something.

Thanks for the feedback.

EDIT @ Pirate -
Probably just another plot hole then, their are quite a few I guess (I think one of the chapters, the editors at the end left a few pages of all of them but it was quite long, didn't have the patience to read all of them, it also could have been a blog or forum post a friend linked me too, don't remember where just remember quite a few listed on some page...). Dunno, if it isn't a plot hole, and will be explained, it hasn't happened yet, although since it hasn't been explained yet I doubt it will be.
Pirating_NinjaJul 21, 2013 12:27 AM
Jul 21, 2013 5:45 AM

Mar 2012
So I went to see This is the End today. I enjoyed it a lot. It's been a very long time since I've seen a comedy at the cinema that's kept me entertained for the full 2 hours. Although that's not saying much considering those movies include The Dictator, Project X and Hangover III.

If I had anything bad to say about the movie, I found the grossout humour to be a bit hit and miss. Although I'm generally against all humour of that kind so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

It's no Shaun of the Dead, but it's still very funny when it comes to parodying disaster movies.
Jul 22, 2013 1:50 PM

Sep 2012
I planned to watch some if not all the anime of the enlightenment list I haven't seen. Is there a special thread in this forum when I can post my opinion of an anime when I'm done with it, cause it doesn't seem the Anime Enlightenment camp thread is made for this.
Jul 22, 2013 1:57 PM

Dec 2011
@Setsuko Here is good I think. Maybe throw in a spoiler tag and you should be fine
Jul 22, 2013 2:02 PM

Apr 2012
SetsukoHara said:
I planned to watch some if not all the anime of the enlightenment list I haven't seen. Is there a special thread in this forum when I can post my opinion of an anime when I'm done with it, cause it doesn't seem the Anime Enlightenment camp thread is made for this.

This thread exists to not derail the other threads, so I assume you can post here, which is why it's called the random tangential thread.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 22, 2013 2:02 PM

Oct 2011
SetsukoHara said:
I planned to watch some if not all the anime of the enlightenment list I haven't seen. Is there a special thread in this forum when I can post my opinion of an anime when I'm done with it, cause it doesn't seem the Anime Enlightenment camp thread is made for this.

Yeah, post it here and I'll discuss anything that you watch.
Jul 22, 2013 3:06 PM

Mar 2012
Be sure not to forget Cipher. It's an important part of our list
Jul 23, 2013 10:26 AM

Sep 2012
Ok, thanks for the reply guys.

I will watch Akira tonight. I watched it like 10 years ago, so I only remember the animation was stunning, don't know if I will like this movie or not. Well, let's see!
SaberRitsu said:
Be sure not to forget Cipher. It's an important part of our list

Never even heard of that one, I will definitely watch it.
Jul 23, 2013 10:30 AM

Apr 2009
Cipher, MD Geist and IC are the pinnacle of enlightenment.

I suggest you try out the manga afterwards as well, it is really interesting to spot the differences.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 23, 2013 12:01 PM

Apr 2013
I just finished reading Ikigami last night, and I must say the ending is quite outrageous for a such good manga. I recommend it for anyone that find a liking to bokurano since the theme is quite similar (how people live their last hours of life) though Ikigami is more uplifting in most part.

btw, does anyone is or had an experience on doing scanlation on manga?
Jul 23, 2013 11:11 PM

Apr 2012
@LuvSosa69 on Saya No Uta.

The visual novel employs horror techniques and pushes them to the point of comedy. That in itself wouldn't have been a problem if the characters and plot compensated for it, however the characters are one-dimensional at best, and plot was too simple (and really shallow) when it came to the actual content. The themes were admittedly handled quite well and along with the graphics (and soundtrack. Oh God, the soundtrack) were the best part of the show, much to my surprise; my main problem with it was how the female characters were treated over the course of the series (I can't spoil anything, because I still think Saya No Uta is one heck of an experience), let's just say that Saya No Uta was the point with my love/hate relationship with Urobuchi that I wondered whether he held some kind of personal grudge against women.
The VN is definitely entertaining, but if the sexist aspects managed to tick off an anti-feminist like me, then may the Lord have mercy if Amber ever reads it, I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 12:14 AM

Dec 2012
sushi55 said:
@LuvSosa69 on Saya No Uta.

The visual novel employs horror techniques and pushes them to the point of comedy. That in itself wouldn't have been a problem if the characters and plot compensated for it, however the characters are one-dimensional at best, and plot was too simple (and really shallow) when it came to the actual content. The themes were admittedly handled quite well and along with the graphics (and soundtrack. Oh God, the soundtrack) were the best part of the show, much to my surprise; my main problem with it was how the female characters were treated over the course of the series (I can't spoil anything, because I still think Saya No Uta is one heck of an experience), let's just say that Saya No Uta was the point with my love/hate relationship with Urobuchi that I wondered whether he held some kind of personal grudge against women.
The VN is definitely entertaining, but if the sexist aspects managed to tick off an anti-feminist like me, then may the Lord have mercy if Amber ever reads it, I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it.
That's too bad. I thought the concept sounded interesting.
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jul 24, 2013 12:34 AM

Apr 2012
Yakub said:
sushi55 said:
@LuvSosa69 on Saya No Uta.

The visual novel employs horror techniques and pushes them to the point of comedy. That in itself wouldn't have been a problem if the characters and plot compensated for it, however the characters are one-dimensional at best, and plot was too simple (and really shallow) when it came to the actual content. The themes were admittedly handled quite well and along with the graphics (and soundtrack. Oh God, the soundtrack) were the best part of the show, much to my surprise; my main problem with it was how the female characters were treated over the course of the series (I can't spoil anything, because I still think Saya No Uta is one heck of an experience), let's just say that Saya No Uta was the point with my love/hate relationship with Urobuchi that I wondered whether he held some kind of personal grudge against women.
The VN is definitely entertaining, but if the sexist aspects managed to tick off an anti-feminist like me, then may the Lord have mercy if Amber ever reads it, I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it.
That's too bad. I thought the concept sounded interesting.

I think someone like you may really like it though, judging by your favorites :)
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 12:48 AM

Dec 2012
You think I'm a sexist misogynist patriarchal pig..... ;_;
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jul 24, 2013 12:54 AM

Apr 2012
Yakub said:
You think I'm a sexist misogynist patriarchal pig..... ;_;

Lol no, I think you enjoy stuff with a dark atmosphere most of the time, Saya No Uta fits the word dark to a D. Just make sure to keep the volume low at the beginning, otherwise you may piss your pants (I'm being dead serious here).
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 12:56 AM

Nov 2011
I find that most people who are anti-feminist don't actually know anything about feminism and only hear about the crazy ones you see on TV.

You should really watch statements like that, Sushi, because it makes you sound sexist when you say that and if you knew what feminism was you would realize that being an 'anti-feminist' is equivalant to being sexist.
Jul 24, 2013 1:02 AM

Dec 2012
Amberleh said:
I find that most people who are anti-feminist don't actually know anything about feminism and only hear about the crazy ones you see on TV.

You should really watch statements like that, Sushi, because it makes you sound sexist when you say that and if you knew what feminism was you would realize that being an 'anti-feminist' is equivalent to being sexist.
I consider myself to be anti-feminist as well, based on feminists I've met in real life and the conversations I have had with them. I don't own a television. I find that Feminism, much like White Nationalism, is not the movement it claims to be. It's the belief that equality can be achieved by focusing on advancing the rights of one group, with no regard to what's fair for the others. I consider myself egalitarian insofar as I believe wholeheartedly in equal rights. I don't know why I would call myself a "Feminist" when men suffer heavily from gender roles and bigotry as well. That would be disrespectful to all those "lucky" little boys who should be happy they got molested or raped.
PolyphemusJul 24, 2013 1:07 AM
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jul 24, 2013 1:06 AM

Nov 2011
Knowing Sushi I doubt that he has any actual knowledge of it or has actually met feminists, especially considering where he lives. =/

Edit: @ 3nvy- ACTUAL feminsim really is equal rights and the feminist movement from the 20's actually benefitted men as well.

My boyfriend is a social worker. Since it is a female dominated profession he actually will have a MUCH easier time moving up in terms of promotions due to the laws passed because of the movement way back then.

The feminists you're talking about are extremists. There are unfortunately those in everything.
AmberlehJul 24, 2013 1:11 AM
Jul 24, 2013 1:10 AM

Dec 2012
I don't really know where Jordan stands on issues of equality and human rights, compared to the rest of the Middle East.

>According to a 2010 Pew Global Attitudes survey, 86% of Jordanians polled supported the death penalty for those who leave Islam; 58% supported whippings and cutting off of hands for theft and robbery; and 70% support stoning people who commit adultery.

.........whoa. Okay Sushi, I think she has a point. It seems like being a Feminist is a very different thing in our two countries. No offense to Jordan, but yeah.

Edit: Upon further (wikipedia) reasearch, it isn't as bad as I originally thought. Still pretty bad, but my expectations have been seriously lowered by other Middle Eastern countries.

Today, Jordanian women largely enjoy legal equality in freedom of movement, health care, education, political participation, and employment. And, while the attitudes of police officers, judges, and prosecutors regarding the treatment of victims of domestic violence and honor crimes have undergone a positive shift in recent years, gender-based violence remains a serious concern. Women may be severely beaten, or even murdered, if they disobey their male family members or commit an act deemed "dishonorable," such as socializing with an unrelated man.

There remains gender-based discrimination in family laws, in the provision of pensions and social security benefits, and on the societal level due to deeply entrenched patriarchal norms that restrict female employment and property ownership. And women do not have the same status as men with respect to nationality. A Jordanian man may marry a foreigner and pass on his nationality to his children; women cannot. Nor can women pass on their nationality to their husbands.

Women are no longer required to seek permission from their male guardians or husbands before obtaining or renewing their passports, but fathers may still prevent their children from traveling regardless of the mother's wishes. Muslim women are prohibited from marrying men of other religions unless the spouse agrees to convert to Islam, while Muslim men are permitted to wed Christian and Jewish wives
And I can still understand the inherent opposition to the term, even if women still are clearly worse off.
PolyphemusJul 24, 2013 1:17 AM
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jul 24, 2013 1:10 AM

Apr 2012
Yakub said:
Amberleh said:
I find that most people who are anti-feminist don't actually know anything about feminism and only hear about the crazy ones you see on TV.

You should really watch statements like that, Sushi, because it makes you sound sexist when you say that and if you knew what feminism was you would realize that being an 'anti-feminist' is equivalent to being sexist.
I consider myself to be anti-feminist as well, based on feminists I've met in real life and the conversations I have had with them. I don't own a television. I find that Feminism, much like White Nationalism, is not the movement it claims to be. It's the belief that equality can be achieved by focusing on advancing the rights of one group, with no regard to what's fair for the others. I consider myself egalitarian insofar as I believe wholeheartedly in equal rights. I don't know why I would call myself a "Feminist" when men suffer heavily from gender roles and bigotry as well. That would be disrespectful to all those "lucky" little boys who should be happy they got molested or raped.

3nvy summed up what I wanted to say in a nutshell. Also, this:

And this:

"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 1:12 AM

Nov 2011
Sushi please don't act like your opinion coincides with 3nvy's. You are again posting random video rants from the internet which further proves my point- You have no idea what you're talking about.
Jul 24, 2013 1:13 AM

Apr 2012
Yakub said:
I don't really know where Jordan stands on issues of equality and human rights, compared to the rest of the Middle East.

>According to a 2010 Pew Global Attitudes survey, 86% of Jordanians polled supported the death penalty for those who leave Islam; 58% supported whippings and cutting off of hands for theft and robbery; and 70% support stoning people who commit adultery.

.........whoa. Okay Sushi, I think she has a point. It seems like being a Feminist is a very different thing in our two countries. No offense to Jordan, but yeah.

Lol, that's not the kind of anti-feminism I support.
To defend myself, I just really hate stereotypes and hypocrisy, Western feminism is so full of it. Proof? Most of the feminists I've met here (almost always part Western), talked and talked about feminism, yet they later left the country and couldn't return or state their opinions outside the country because they stopped caring.
Before you call me out on being a coward, I'm very vocal about human rights here from gay rights, women's rights and freedom of religion and I've been treated like shit in high school (and at home to some extent because of it). Not a single person here did the same, instead they ran off outside for better job opportunities and not once did they remember that women here are suffering and are treated like complete shit by society and religion.
I'm not against feminism as a cause, but most of it's supporters put the cause to shame and the cause itself is hypocritical, as most of the feminists I've met proved.
I'm not an extremist and I couldn't care less about religion, I wouldn't be here if I care about religion.
I'm willing to debate more once I go back home.
sushiisawesomeJul 24, 2013 1:25 AM
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 1:22 AM

Nov 2011
Allow me to post the definition of Anti-feminism.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines an anti-feminist as "one opposed to women or to feminism; a person (usu. a man) who is hostile to sexual equality or to the advocacy of women's rights."[1]

You can say you don't like extreme feminists, but please look more into ACTUAL feminism before parading around that you are an anti-feminist (equivilant to SEXIST) because it won't resonate well with people, I assure you.

Not all feminists are extremists and the ones that are tend to not understand the true definition of feminism.

And again, Sushi, speak with your own words, not internet videos.
Jul 24, 2013 1:22 AM

Apr 2012
The opinions and views expressed through these individuals are the opinions of the designated individuals and do not reflect the opinions or views of those bearing Y chromosomes or any individuals wishing they did.

Jul 24, 2013 1:25 AM

Jul 2012
Alright, let's make something clear here.

Claiming you're an anti-feminist is not a positive thing and not something you should admit freely without any opposition.

The feminists that you are associating with are in no way the accurate representation of what feminism is and what it stands for. Do you know how many idiots I've encountered in the feminist parts of the internet? A lot. But those people do not represent what feminism really is. They're the ones who try to claim DOMINANCE over the male gender, which is not what it stands for. Feminism is gaining equal rights for both men and women in things like the media, the law, advertising, television, etc. I literally just had a course for this in History a few months ago, it's not that complicated.

Yes, men suffer from gender roles and everything too. You know what? Feminism's original goal is to help gain EQUALISM for both men and women suffering from things like the expectations of society and how society portrays them. You think I don't feel bad that guys can hardly be accepted if they aren't thin or fit? It's harder for them honestly, because women are taught to love their curves. The feminists that go around spouting that only women deserve these rights are wrong. It's just that feminism focuses MAINLY on gaining the equality for women in terms of these things. If you want to go and fight for men to be on a equal playing field too, then go ahead! Feminists are not stopping you.

Is it really that hard to understand? Honestly? Even if your ideals are backwards in your country, you can still educate yourself on these types of things and not make such stupid and ignorant statements like "oh I'm anti-feminist because I've talked with feminists and they don't want equal rights." I mean, really? We learned this stuff in the god damn 9th grade. We learned what feminism was and how it's supposed to work.
Jul 24, 2013 1:26 AM

Dec 2011
sushi55 said:
Lol, that's not the kind of anti-feminism I support, not that at all.
I'm not an extremist and I couldn't care less about religion, I wouldn't be here if I care about religion.

Do tell, what kind of "anti-feminism" do you support?
But before you even answer, I can tell you that your idea of feminism is NOT what feminism actually is, and it's clear that you've let common misconceptions from the internet that generalize an entire group shape how you see them. Feminists promote and aim for equality of the sexes, not a matriarchy or misandry or to deprive males of their rights.

Are feminists angry by the burdens that a patriarchal system (YES, we do have one and the majority of the world has always functioned under one) have put on them? Yes! But it doesn't change the fundamental goal of feminism, and like any group, there are extremists, but they are a minority. Please do yourself a favor and do some research.
Jul 24, 2013 1:27 AM

Nov 2011
I want to note again that because of laws put into place through feminism my boyfriend is more likely to advance in position in his field of work because he is in a primarily female dominated field (Social Work).

As Eve said, REAL feminism benefits BOTH genders.
Jul 24, 2013 1:28 AM

Dec 2012
Amberleh said:
Edit: @ 3nvy- ACTUAL feminsim really is equal rights and the feminist movement from the 20's actually benefitted men as well.
I agree, but I think the name could be changed as men now have a lot of pressing issues and bringing them up in a feminist setting often results in a reply of "oh, so you're one of THOSE people, huh?" I've had people tell me that misandry doesn't exist and that men can't get raped. Those comments hurt me. I'm not going to lie, I was raped when I was 14, and I never told anybody precisely because of people like that. I was afraid I'd be ridiculed rather than pitied or empathized with. I think if the movement was nominally expanded to include everyone, then it would be easier to defend against those extremists. Times have changed, and the modern feminist movement doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about half of the world population.

My boyfriend is a social worker. Since it is a female dominated profession he actually will have a MUCH easier time moving up in terms of promotions due to the laws passed because of the movement way back then.
But isn't it more commonly the other way around? I think we need to get rid of all laws that make it easier for one gender to advance in a given profession.

The feminists you're talking about are extremists. There are unfortunately those in everything.
But what happens when the extremists take over the movement? What happens when more and more of the moderates cease associating themselves with the group due to those extremists? I used to consider myself a feminist as well. I think it was Andrea Dworkin and the wave of mindless drones she influenced who originally ruined that for me. Then the radicals from the opposite end of the spectrum began to take over and they were almost as bad. Dworkin even got criticized by "real" Feminists, but the third wave of Feminism is much more unified, it seems to me.
PolyphemusJul 24, 2013 1:31 AM
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jul 24, 2013 1:34 AM

Jul 2012
Yakub said:
Amberleh said:
Edit: @ 3nvy- ACTUAL feminsim really is equal rights and the feminist movement from the 20's actually benefitted men as well.
I agree, but I think the name could be changed as men now have a lot of pressing issues and bringing them up in a feminist setting often results in a reply of "oh, so you're one of THOSE people, huh?" I've had people tell me that misandry doesn't exist and that men can't get raped. Those comments hurt me. I'm not going to lie, I was raped when I was 14, and I never told anybody precisely because of people like that. I was afraid I'd be ridiculed rather than pitied or empathized with. I think if the movement was nominally expanded to include everyone, then it would be easier to defend against those extremists. Times have changed, and the modern feminist movement doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about half of the world population.

For one, I'm really, really sorry about what happened to you and you should in no way whatsoever have to feel less about what happened in your past because of what people may say. Men being raped is just as bad as women being raped. There is no worse rape. Man, women, child, trans, whatever, rape is rape. And whichever people have put it in your head that "men can't be raped" and shit like that aren't feminists at all. They're ignorant idiots flaunting off feminism as "women are superior and deserve more attention in everything."

I've seen quite a lot of people actually in the feminist movement that support things that are in favor of both men and women. I saw a poster that said "What if it's a man? What if it's a child? Where's the excuse "her tits are showing?" or something like that.

While the movement may not be all that great, it doesn't change the fact that claiming you're antifeminist as a whole is claiming to be against the original definition of it, which again, isn't positive.
Jul 24, 2013 1:38 AM

Oct 2011

I admire your courage to share your personal experiences with us, even if they were life changing and painful. I agree with a bit that you said, even if some of it might just be perception. I don't think the 'modern feminist' movement is what you quite think it is. I think it's mostly the bigots and ignorant loud mouths of the feminist movement that get the attention and are typically the ones in your face about it. Kind of like how all of Islam gets slammed on because a group of extremists decided to crash couple planes into buildings more than a decade ago.


Man, you just can't ever get it right. Form your own opinions with your own words, and don't use someone else's opinion as your own in a debate.
Jul 24, 2013 4:00 AM

Apr 2012
3nvy, I really apologize for my inconsideration to your feelings. I believe that rape is a horrific crime to commit regardless of sexual orientation or gender, I feel terrible at how you must have felt listening to inconsiderate asshats saying all sorts of things. Thank you very much for your bravery in sharing your opinion with us.

Well, my arguments seem really shallow at this point, I guess I'll shut up.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 4:08 AM

Dec 2012
You don't have to apologize for anything. You don't have to step on egg shells around me either. I'm not entirely over it, and maybe I never will be, but I'm not going to ask the world to stop just for me. It happened and I'm working through it, but I'm alive. The worst of it is over and I'm not afraid anymore. I'll be fine.
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Jul 24, 2013 4:11 AM

Mar 2012
I'm not against feminism, but I really dislike it when people from minority groups flip out at the most minor of comments.

There was an incident recently where one of the higher ups in the AFL (Australian Football League) was being interviewed on the radio. He made an innocent joke where he compared one of the players to King Kong since he was hairy and had a large build. Why did he get in deep water for such an innocent joke? Because the player in question also happened to be an Aboriginal.

The media took it as an opportunity to portray him as a racist pig and ramble on about racism in society. Sure there are minority groups that get a lot of shit for no good reason, but I can't sympathise with someone who would overreact at such a minor comment. Especially considering he's no doubt making millions every year playing in the AFL.

If someone is proud of their upbringing then I see no reason to make them feel bad about it. But if that someone were to think that being part of that group is enough to justify any mean and nasty comments they can conjure up about other groups in society without any reason for doing so they've got another thing coming.
Jul 24, 2013 4:12 AM

Apr 2013
Ooohhh, 3nvy... *hug* *hug*
Jul 24, 2013 4:27 AM

Apr 2012
*brohugs 3nvy*
Dude, if you ever pass by Jordan please tell me, you're always welcome :)

SaberRitsu said:
I'm not against feminism, but I really dislike it when people from minority groups flip out at the most minor of comments.

There was an incident recently where one of the higher ups in the AFL (Australian Football League) was being interviewed on the radio. He made an innocent joke where he compared one of the players to King Kong since he was hairy and had a large build. Why did he get in deep water for such an innocent joke? Because the player in question also happened to be an Aboriginal.

The media took it as an opportunity to portray him as a racist pig and ramble on about racism in society. Sure there are minority groups that get a lot of shit for no good reason, but I can't sympathise with someone who would overreact at such a minor comment. Especially considering he's no doubt making millions every year playing in the AFL.

If someone is proud of their upbringing then I see no reason to make them feel bad about it. But if that someone were to think that being part of that group is enough to justify any mean and nasty comments they can conjure up about other groups in society without any reason for doing so they've got another thing coming.

To make myself clear, I find it highly amusing as well when millions of people protest because someone drew a cartoon over the prophet Mohammed. Sure, the guy did a racist slur towards us Muslims...and I honestly don't see why I should give a fuck. I really wish people would grow up over stuff like that. Just today I had someone saying Hitler is amazing and how because I'm Palestinian I should love him. He then proceeded to lecture me that Jews are shit. I tried really damn hard to attack back, saying that some of my best friends are Jews and I can coexist with them despite differences in opinion. Alas it was to no avail, society in general is a complete bitch. If I offended anyone in this thread (Amber is going to shoot me at this rate), I apologize. It's our duty as educated people to fight against the stereotypes of society, today I learned something new about feminists and will bear in mind that before saying I'm anti-feminist. The key to grow up in life is to always remember that not all people who follow a belief are evil (unless it involves hurting others), just there are assholes who use it to their advantage.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 24, 2013 5:48 AM

Dec 2012
ihateeveryone said:
Men being raped is just as bad as women being raped. There is no worse rape. Man, women, child, trans, whatever, rape is rape.

That doesn't make any sense. Yes there is worse rape.
Jul 24, 2013 6:46 AM

Jun 2011
tsudecimo said:
ihateeveryone said:
Men being raped is just as bad as women being raped. There is no worse rape. Man, women, child, trans, whatever, rape is rape.

That doesn't make any sense. Yes there is worse rape.

I'm tired of your quick and callous remarks tsudecimo. Rape is a violation of the human spirit to the highest degree. Do not belittle such a heinous crime that is severe in all its forms because you feel like being obtuse to the whole discussion.

From the rules of club, I feel you have violated the first three with that comment.

1. Be friendly and respect your fellow [humans].
2. Don't be dumb.
3. DO NOT BE DUMB. Common sense applies to the internet as well.

I am now issuing you your first strike in this club.
Jul 24, 2013 7:03 AM

Dec 2012
ForgoneReality said:

I'm tired of your quick and callous remarks tsudecimo. Rape is a violation of the human spirit to the highest degree. Do not belittle such a heinous crime that is severe in all its forms because you feel like being obtuse to the whole discussion.

Did you actually understand what I meant? I said there is worse rape which is just common sense/something factual. A male raping a female is worse than a female raping a male. Both have psychological/emotional damage but the former also has physical damage/impact. I don't see how is that belittling anything. I'm only belittling female on male rape if I don't acknowledge it as rape.

From the rules of club, I feel you have violated the first three with that comment.

1. Be friendly and respect your fellow [humans].
2. Don't be dumb.
3. DO NOT BE DUMB. Common sense applies to the internet as well.

1. How was I hostile or disrespectful to anyone with that?
2. Saying something factual is not dumb.
3. I applied common sense.
Jul 24, 2013 7:11 AM

Jun 2011
tsudecimo said:
A male raping a female is worse than a female raping a male.

You are treading on very dangerous ground and I will not tolerate your close-mindedness any further. This is your first and last warning to drop this subject otherwise you will receive your second strike and will be on the verge of expulsion from the club.
Jul 24, 2013 7:15 AM

Jun 2012
tsudecimo said:
ForgoneReality said:

I'm tired of your quick and callous remarks tsudecimo. Rape is a violation of the human spirit to the highest degree. Do not belittle such a heinous crime that is severe in all its forms because you feel like being obtuse to the whole discussion.

Did you actually understand what I meant? I said there is worse rape which is just common sense/something factual. A male raping a female is worse than a female raping a male. Both have psychological/emotional damage but the former also has physical damage/impact. I don't see how is that belittling anything. I'm only belittling female on male rape if I don't acknowledge it as rape.

From the rules of club, I feel you have violated the first three with that comment.

1. Be friendly and respect your fellow [humans].
2. Don't be dumb.
3. DO NOT BE DUMB. Common sense applies to the internet as well.

1. How was I hostile or disrespectful to anyone with that?
2. Saying something factual is not dumb.
3. I applied common sense.

Phyisical damage is irrelevant here since they were discussing the act itself of raping and that it's equally wrong (morally) if done by a male or female. You are not native english but please put more effort into reading and understanding other people's posts, it's not the first time you don't actually get what people are saying (including a few posts of mine as well) or derail discussions into tangents that have little relevance with the subject.
Jul 24, 2013 7:25 AM

Mar 2012
Wait, what!? Tsud, that is really awful. I'm genuinely horrified that you could say such a thing. No more
Jul 24, 2013 7:26 AM

Dec 2012
This looks like a lost cause. Quoting what I said separately is just manipulating with what I said.
Valkyrion said:

Phyisical damage is irrelevant here since they were discussing the act itself of raping and that it's equally wrong (morally) if done by a male or female.

I'm in agreement with this. I was merely talking about the physical aftermath/damage. If they were only talking about the moral and psychological side then I apologize.
tsudecimoJul 24, 2013 7:30 AM
Jul 24, 2013 7:31 AM

Jun 2011
tsudecimo said:

Then I'll consider the matter closed.
Jul 24, 2013 8:04 AM

Mar 2012
Moving right along, I'll just leave this here
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