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Jan 22, 2013 7:18 PM

Jan 2013
[]Have fun![/url]

P.S.: apparently I'm useless at bbcode...
MaegilJan 22, 2013 7:35 PM
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 22, 2013 8:42 PM
Jul 2018
Maegil said:
[]Have fun![/url]

P.S.: apparently I'm useless at bbcode...

Maegil said:
[]Have fun![/url]

P.S.: apparently I'm useless at bbcode...

First off,
His mode of delivery doesn't even strive for objectivity. he's made up his mind, and is lecturing the listener on why he's correct like someone like

Second, Araya's quest is not pretentiousness and actually does raise some questions on man's fate and worth. Araya wanted to bring an objective worthiness to mankind by ending all life. This would let him define it and categorize it; something that is impossible to do while it is still going on. Yeah, that does sound pretty bad, but since everyone is going to die anyway, he probably just thought he would wind down the clock himself. Also, the characters are very well developed . For example, Ryougi Shiki gets enough development to last for a lifetime, as far as other characters are concerned. She starts off as a rather typical blood knight, and the second and third movies confuse us further as to which of the two personalities is dead. The fourth gives us an answer but arouses new questions. Finally, the reasons behind her behavior are fully explained only in the seventh episode, though it's possible to deduct them much earlier. Nasu took a different route with the development from his other works. I liked it more so than his other works. The entire plot revolved around getting to the core of things, and is pretty well reflected in the character development style.

I will admit that the Garden of the Sinners movies are not for everyone.
While it is toned down, the movies contain a fair amount of in-universe technobabble (Like how Star Trek and Star Wars have words have only work when you put them into the universe where they are located in). Basic knowledge of the Nasuverse is recommended for pleasant viewing.
removed-userJan 22, 2013 9:11 PM
Jan 22, 2013 9:13 PM

Aug 2009
I didn't come to this series to watch people talk about philosophical stuff I may or may not already know. Couple the fact that I don't really care for some of that over the course of the 7 movies. I guess that's what I get for expecting something else in the epilogue.

And no shit not everyone thinks the same way I do. I merely suggested KnK and stated my opinion. It's not like I have a final say on what should be put on the anime relations. But hey, I guess I wouldn't understand, right?
Jan 22, 2013 9:34 PM

Jan 2013
Please forget I ever made this post...

On literature-based animes:
Gankutsuou - I know I'm probably alone on this, but I'll still speak up anyway: Alexandre Dumas is probably scratching and gnawing at his coffin's lid for what they did to his book - just try and read it, and you'll see. Not only that, it made my eyes hurt so badly that finally I couldn't take it any more and ended up dropping it...

Romeo x Juliet - For those who would like to know this Shakespeare's masterpiece but wouldn't/couldn't read the book or attend the play, please at least watch this hip-hop version: Romeo + Juliet. In any case, this anime has absolutely nothing to do with the original, and is nothing but a generic romantic fantasy abusing the name.

Since the list is tending too much for male shows, I'll venture into forbidden territory (Vampire Knight was just a foray) andl try to be imparcial on a few shoujo and shoujo ai... Girls, please lend a hand, will you?

Aa! Megami-sama - despite the pretty visuals, the bus-mired-on-mud pace and near-complete lack of character development left the protagonists to age and die virgins. Also, the only thing that distinguishes Beldandy from a Yamato Nadeshico (or a cabbage) are her jeleousy fits...
By the way, can someone please shoot that Skuld moeblob?

Aishiteruze Baby - a great premise, but with a weak plot and an extremely poor execution. Give me Usagi drop any day.

Kuttsukiboshi - There's a reason why it has such a low score: it's meant for a niche market. A quite fanatical niche market, by the way, to the point that it should be compulsorily reeducated in Siberia, forced to go naked on the gay pride parade with a ***** up their *** or just shot behind the chemicals' shed!

Maria Holic - It's just yet another school ecchi harem romcom, but with a twist - a shoujo ai twist...
MaegilJan 22, 2013 10:32 PM
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 22, 2013 10:04 PM

Nov 2011
Maegil said:
On literature-based animes:
Gankutsuou - I know I'm probably alone on this, but I'll still speak up anyway: Alexandre Dumas is probably scratching and gnawing at his coffin's lid for what they did to his book - just try and read it, and you'll see. Not only that, it made my eyes hurt so bad I that couldn't take it any more and ended up dropping it...

Romeo x Juliet - For those who would like to know this Shakespeare's masterpiece but wouldn't/couldn't read the book or attend the play, please at least watch this hip-hop version: Romeo + Juliet. In any case, this anime has absolutely nothing to do with the original, and is nothing but a generic romantic fantasy abusing the name.

Since the list is tending too much for male shows, I'll venture into forbidden territory (Vampire Knight was just a foray) andl try to be imparcial on a few shoujo and shoujo ai... Girls, please lend a hand, will you?

Aa! Megami-sama - despite the pretty visuals, the bus-mired-on-mud pace and near-complete lack of character development left the protagonists to age and die virgins. Also, the only thing that distinguishes Beldandy from a Yamato Nadeshico (or a cabbage) are her jeleousy fits...
By the way, can someone please shoot that Skuld moeblob?

Aishiteruze Baby - a great premise, but with a weak plot and an extremely poor execution. Give me Usagi drop any day.

Kuttsukiboshi - There's a reason why it has such a low score: it's meant for a niche market. A quite fanatical niche market, by the way, to the point that it should be compulsorily reeducated in Siberia, forced to go naked on the gay pride parade with a ***** up their *** or just shot behind the chemicals' shed!

Maria Holic - It's just yet another school ecchi harem romcom, but with a twist - a shoujo ai twist...

Oh, I uh, think you missed the point of Romeo x Juliet and Gankutsuo, and if you saw Samurai 7 you'd probably also be upset.

They are simply interpretations of the respective original play/book/movie. They're not supposed to be exactly like the originals- They're just fun, entertaining, fantastical retellings of classic tales. They are NOT striving for accuracy by any means. To me, these three works show what Gonzo is best at- Retelling classic tales in their own way with pretty visuals and a little bist of a twist on each one- Fantasy for Romeo x Juliet, Sci-fi for Gankutsuo, and Steampunk for Samurai 7. I enjoyed all three of these for exactly what they are meant to be: ENTERTAINMENT. To be honest, I wish more studios rewrote classic tales instead of coming out with the same trope-tastic crap season after season.

As for your others, I am an oldschool anime fan and know most of the old works. I am also a female in love with shoujo ai, so I shall give my two cents.

As far as Ah! My Goddes- Hi, shoujo? Uhhhh. Yeah. No. Ah! My Goddess is a shounen/seinen, through and through. Always has been. It's one of the original "Guy ends up living with a bunch of hot women psuedo harem' series- Predating Love Hina and even Tenchi Muyo (Ah! My Goddess was first published in 1988). It is for guys. Not saying it's good, but it is certainly not geared at women.!_Megami-sama! SEE THAT SEINEN TAG? Yeah.

Maria Holic is shit because it's SHAFT. Simple as that. The only worthwhile work by SHAFT is Madoka Magica. I love shoujo ai, but I dropped Maria Holic after one episode, later discovering it was SHAFT, my least favorite anime production company as all their stuff is, as I like to put it "psuedo-harem sexist lolicon bullcrap with forced edgy visuals." Now, don't get me wrong, I happen to be an illustrator and I was going to be an animator prior to that, so I love artsy stuff, but on SHAFT works it just looks pretentious and stupid, especially when they use their 'artsy' angles to give you angled panty and boob camera pans.

I tried to watch Kuttsukiboshi and I don't remember what happened, I think I just lost interest. I don't think any shoujo ai fans consider it of any real merit.

Never bothered with Aishiteruze Baby. Looked too dumb.

Now, if you REALLY wanna talk about overrated shoujo ai and shoujo...

SHOUJO SECT. I get so sick of people saying this is a cute shoujo ai and suggesting it to people looking for shoujo ai. It's a hentai and a loli harem with only girls. It's also bad. I have no idea why people love it so much, maybe just because it's got a little more talking than your regular hentai or something? I wouldn't know, I don't watch hentai and I only watched one episode of this.

Special A- I'm trying to figure out why people like this series so much. It's so, so bad. I love Gonzo but they need to not do shoujo and they need to not adapt manga, as this and the Black Cat anime would indicate.
The series is intended as a shoujo, but comes off as a weird shounen reeking of typical anime tropes.

ABSOLUTE BOYFRIEND- I read this whole series in a day. It's reverse Chobits. I expected more from Yuu Watase, a known shoujo mangaka, than a rip-off of a fellow well known manga ka (group), CLAMP. It's dumb and forced- It puts the girl and guy in a situation where they have to have sex or the guy will die. Really?
AmberlehJan 22, 2013 10:18 PM
Jan 22, 2013 10:17 PM

Jan 2013
Erm... Very well, move along, move along! It was just a huge trainwreck of a post, there's nothing to see here, move along!
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 22, 2013 10:36 PM
Jul 2018
Amberleh, I just want to say that you're on the way to being one of my favorite people on this site because I completely agree with almost everything you just said in that post.
removed-userJan 22, 2013 10:39 PM
Jan 22, 2013 11:37 PM

Apr 2012
Amberleh I agree for the most part minus the SHAFT stuff. As an example I'll use the Monogatari franchise since it's a very polarising anime in terms of whether the fan service is used for an effect or not. Some say it's gratuitous some say it's a work of art, some are in the middle. SHAFT's artsy shots aren't wasted on panty and boob shots all the time.

Exhibit E in this article I do think it's giving a bit too much credit, maybe not, but I do agree that the scene was used for some reason. If you contrast it with Exhibit F, it shows the difference between the use of fan service. The artsy style of SHAFT is used throughout monogatari, for both pandering and non pandering fanservice. But the majority I would like to believe is there to enhance the portrayal of the scene. I can see why someone would not like the art style of SHAFT, but I don't think it's there to simply look 'original' or try to be something it's not.

Also rather than SHAFT I assume you would want to blame Shinbou Akiyuki. The quirky animation and angles aren't that prevalent in SHAFT's works that Shinbou doesn't direct. E.g Ef of melodies/memories (I could be wrong it's been a while since I watched that). However, IIRC SHAFT's art style can also be attributed to the budget problems SHAFT suffered from, the style they picked up was an efficient way of reducing cost. Now it's just in higher quality, but the art style has stuck with them.

There are anime void of boob that still encapsulates SHAFT's animation such as Hidamari sketch. Not only that the artsy angles are used less, I believe the (in)famous SHAFT head tilt isn't used either. The powerpoint style of animation is still there, but much less in comparison to monogatari. In terms of psuedo-harem sexist lolicon bullcrap with forced edgy visuals", it falls under none of them.

Bottom line, SHAFT art style isn't really wasted on gratuitous crap most of the time. There are anime that isn't just "psuedo-harem sexist lolicon bullcrap with forced edgy visuals". I don't believe SHAFT's only good work to be MSMM.
Jan 23, 2013 12:49 AM

Apr 2009
The Monogatari series comes off as pretentious on the first and second look, but I don't think Shinbo and Nisio really had the intentions to actually pretend that the series is really deep.
The way I see it's basically just fucking around with art devices and see how much far they can take it. It reminds me a bit of Tarantino actually, in a way that there is a certain disregard for conventions in this matter - just a rather childish interest to play around.
I also agree with Exin on Shinbo and the budget problems. SHAFT does pander quite a bit to otakus, but at least they try to stick out with visuals - this doesn't really make it better, but some of us will surely appreciate these little changes. Actually, it shows just how much certain genres are chained to certain tropes - when just the presentation is enough to warrant different score levels for a lot of people it is obvious that there are far greater problems.

About Hidamari: It still has some headtilts (albeit nearly not as much as other SHAFT shows, I remember only one obvious instance in Honeycomb), but still features the typical SHAFt trademarks such as style changes to the (in-)famous widefaces, single frame screens with symbols/numbers and a few other things.
Still, it is as Exin says: Toned down when compared to other SHAFT works, theartsy style works perfectly for Hidamari as it fits the "plot" of the series. I for one would be a bit disappointed if an anime about art students wouldn't feature at least some visual tricks or other enhancements. Take a look at the openings and you can see that it is rather conventional for SHAFT. I also think the yuri undertones will please you, Amberleh.
Still, the first two season might turn off a few people as SHAFT didn't really gave it enough budget back then. Especially the first season looks really cheap sometimes so expect a bit of the usual SHAFT methods to hide that fact. As for pretentiousness: It's hard to pretend some deep plot exists here when all they do is live their lives as highschool girls. It's just cute girls doing cute things with widefaces and a fitting presentation.

There are also several other works from SHAFT I enjoyed: Arakawa under the Bridge is another example of where SHAFT and Shinbo are fitting the series' style as everyone in this series is absolutely insane. I would argue that SZS is another series where I can't think of other studios who would handle the adaption in such a way, although I understand why you'd probably hate it. SHAFT is not that bad once they stray away from their "psuedo-harem sexist lolicon bullcrap with forced edgy visuals" and put an emphasis on comedy or SoL elements.

Well, time to add Hetalia.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jan 23, 2013 12:56 AM

Nov 2011
SSC_Exin said:
Amberleh I agree for the most part minus the SHAFT stuff. As an example I'll use the Monogatari franchise since it's a very polarising anime in terms of whether the fan service is used for an effect or not. Some say it's gratuitous some say it's a work of art, some are in the middle. SHAFT's artsy shots aren't wasted on panty and boob shots all the time.

Exhibit E in this article I do think it's giving a bit too much credit, maybe not, but I do agree that the scene was used for some reason. If you contrast it with Exhibit F, it shows the difference between the use of fan service. The artsy style of SHAFT is used throughout monogatari, for both pandering and non pandering fanservice. But the majority I would like to believe is there to enhance the portrayal of the scene. I can see why someone would not like the art style of SHAFT, but I don't think it's there to simply look 'original' or try to be something it's not.

Also rather than SHAFT I assume you would want to blame Shinbou Akiyuki. The quirky animation and angles aren't that prevalent in SHAFT's works that Shinbou doesn't direct. E.g Ef of melodies/memories (I could be wrong it's been a while since I watched that). However, IIRC SHAFT's art style can also be attributed to the budget problems SHAFT suffered from, the style they picked up was an efficient way of reducing cost. Now it's just in higher quality, but the art style has stuck with them.

There are anime void of boob that still encapsulates SHAFT's animation such as Hidamari sketch. Not only that the artsy angles are used less, I believe the (in)famous SHAFT head tilt isn't used either. The powerpoint style of animation is still there, but much less in comparison to monogatari. In terms of psuedo-harem sexist lolicon bullcrap with forced edgy visuals", it falls under none of them.

Bottom line, SHAFT art style isn't really wasted on gratuitous crap most of the time. There are anime that isn't just "psuedo-harem sexist lolicon bullcrap with forced edgy visuals". I don't believe SHAFT's only good work to be MSMM.

I've seen a lot more SHAFT works than I even realized, once I went through my list abit after discovering that I had to drop anything by SHAFT, Bakenmonogatari included.

Works include:
Moonphase- Sexist lolicon bullcrap.
Dance In the Vampire Bund- Sexist psuedo-harem lolicon bullcrap
Bakenmonogatari- There was just something about it- Probably that after two episodes I could already see it turning into a unnecessarily stylized sexist psuedo-harem
Hidamari Sketch- Moe desu desu and may include some amount of lolicon pandering, although I will admit I have not seen it. But if it goes by other SHAFT titles, it probably panders to lolicons.
Mahou Sensei Negima! OVAs- So, while it's a stupid shoutacon harem series, I found it amusing. Then the OVAs came out- I watched about 2 minutes and had to stop. Note this was long before I knew SHAFT had taken over production for the OVAs.
Mahoromatic- Sexist lolicon psuedo-harem bullcrap WITH MAIDS, although I suppose that's redundant with sexist
He is my Master- See above.
Maria Holic- Horrible not only as a shoujo ai, but as an anime. It was just thoroughly unenjoyable and I dropped it after one episode, long before I knew of SHAFT
Uta Kata- Didn't know this was SHAFT, but I'm not surprised since they showed gratuitous panty/swimsuit shots of 12 year old girls, which SHAFT loves. Ergo: Sexist lolicon bullcrap.

That covers about half of SHAFT's titles.

I'm not faulting you for liking SHAFT, but look at it from my perspective- I am a woman. SHAFTs works are incredibly sexist and pander to lolicons, perverts, and guys who want to think they're watching something 'deep' when in reality it's just the visuals making it seem that way. Their works, with the exception of Madoka, are NOT female friendly. I know lots of people praise SHAFT, but I think they are by far the most overrated anime company out there- Even moreso than Gainax. While Gainax has produced some terrible crap, they have also changed several genres and produced some VERY good stuff. You can argue that Madoka is going to change the Mahou Shoujo genre, but I would then invite you to view Revolutionary Girl Utena, Uta Kata, Princess Tutu, Mai Hime, Nanoha, Alien Nine, etc- All of which were dark magical girl series long before Madoka, and Utena and Alien Nine are even deconstructions. In fact, you can see where SHAFT probably took a LOT of inspiration from Alien Nine and Utena.

As I stated, I love weird animation and weird art. My problem with it in SHAFT works is it has a very pretentious and forced feeling about it. It's like "Look, we're edgy! We're still lolicon perverts, but we're edgy! WE'RE LIKE MISOGYNISTIC PEDO HIPSTERS.

Bottom Line: With the exception of Madoka, I have disliked every SHAFT work I have ever seen, LONG before I even knew the works were by SHAFT or had even heard of the studio itself. I find little to no merit in the works whatsoever and they all end up disgusting me or making me roll my eyes one way or another. Some have very good premises but the execution is always so unappealing that I have to reel back.

If you like SHAFT, that's fine, but as you can probably tell, I really, REALLY don't like SHAFT, and it's more than just "Oops, it's a SHAFT work, I hate it"- I individually hate each title of theirs I have seen. Once again, with the exception of Madoka- ALTHOUGH, Madoka still even has a little lolicon pandering seeing as it's a seinen magical girl series. Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic, but not without being questionable in some ways.

@ Neanne- <3 D'aw, thank you.

Edit: @ Nid- I've had other people try to suggest it to me for having yuri undertones, but I REALLY dislike moe seinen stuff and I am very adamandtly against the moe desu loli 10 year old lesbian thing that works like Yuru Yuri like to show. I like shoujo ai because they often bring up interesting ideas pertaining to relationships- The ones that are aimed at girls, anyway. Shoujo ai for guys, like yur yuri and others are generally brain dead and more focused on fan service than being even mildly thought-provoking. Other examples include Yami to Boushi, Shoujo Sect, Kashimashi, Kannazuki no Miko (although it's a little better about that than the others), Steel Angel Kurumi, etc. You compare these to shoujo ai works made by/for women, like Girlfriends, Aoi Hana, Maria Sama, Utena, etc, and there's just no contest in terms of intellectual quality.

Edit: Holy mother of pancakes I type a lot. Sorry. D=
AmberlehJan 23, 2013 1:11 AM
Jan 23, 2013 1:36 AM

Apr 2012
>Their works, with the exception of Madoka, are NOT female friendly
That I can agree on, I also find it funny that SHAFT to my knowledge hasn't released a title for the shoujo demographic. Well I can see where you're coming from, it's nice to have a different perspective on things.

I personally love HAL Film maker (actually I just love Aria), so I'll check out the Princess Tutu --I've heard stuff like don't judge it by it's cover etc. I've heard that MSMM wasn't the first deconstruction of Mahou Shoujo genre.

Do I like SHAFT? I like bakemonogatari, HS, MSMM. Ef, SZS, Arakawa were ok. I really don't like Dance in the Vampire's Bund. That's it for my SHAFT titles. If I forgot a title, then it was probably something mediocre.

I don't think HS would fall under lolicon pandering, as Yuno is probably the closest to actually being a loli in any way. It's more the moe, but moe inherently isn't bad, just when moe is the only thing the character or show has.
Jan 23, 2013 5:11 AM

Aug 2009
Amberleh said:
Maria Holic is shit because it's SHAFT. Simple as that. The only worthwhile work by SHAFT is Madoka Magica. I love shoujo ai, but I dropped Maria Holic after one episode

I don't think Maria Holic is meant to be regarded as a standard shoujo-ai fare. If anything, it's a parody of shoujo-ai and its tropes (e.g. all girls Catholic schools, ojou-sama character archetype; even Kanako's inner monologues starting with "Dear mother up in heaven" are reminiscent of "Oniisama e" Nanako's (note almost identical names as well) epistolary narration starting with "Dear brother").

Now, I am not defending Maria Holic or saying that it's a good anime (because it isn't really). It is genre savvy and aware of its own ridiculousness, I'll give it that. The thing is, it decides to wallow in things it ridicules, repeat its gags over and over and over until the viewer becomes numb, often be quirky and random for the purpose of quirkiness and randomness (well, it's SHAFT) and forgo plot progression most of the time. For me, it was best in its rare moments of comedy brilliance and forgettable (sprinkled with insulting) the rest of the time thanks to its bland pile of cardboard cutouts known as the characters.

Speaking of Shaft, I'm far from being a fan. On the contrary, I am mostly not fond of their shows, but there are exceptions like Arakawa under the Bridge. In regard to it, I completely agree with Nid's statement
Nidhoeggr said:
example of where SHAFT and Shinbo are fitting the series' style as everyone in this series is absolutely insane.

Amberleh said:
Special A- I'm trying to figure out why people like this series so much.

I have not figured that yet and I suspect I never will.
It is riddled with cliches used in the blandest ways possible. Well, I may not be the most competent person to criticize it as I had to drop it after 5 episodes. I hate dropping shows, but I just couldn't watch another episode as the anime didn't do a single thing to captivate my attention.

Amberleh said:
SECT. I get so sick of people saying this is a cute shoujo ai and suggesting it to people looking for shoujo ai.

There are people who do that? LOL The damn thing is hentai through and through.
metamorphiusJan 23, 2013 6:27 AM
Jan 23, 2013 9:26 AM
Jul 2018
metamorphius said:

Amberleh said:
SECT. I get so sick of people saying this is a cute shoujo ai and suggesting it to people looking for shoujo ai.

There are people who do that? LOL The damn thing is hentai through and through.

I'm a rather fond of shoujo-ai, or at least female-female relationships and personally I thought Sect was boring. Also thought Sono Hanabira was rather boring.
removed-userJan 23, 2013 9:34 AM
Jan 23, 2013 9:48 AM

Jun 2012
Shoujo-ai doesn't even exist as a genre stop using it seriously

99% of western fans are bad with yuri and don't really understand what it's about. Hence why they keep using Strawberry panic and shoujo-sect as standards for the whole genre

Death note. Every woman in that anime is depicted as a helpless bitch

on topic: why isn't Mirai nikki on the list yet? it's a trainwreck and most newbies call it a masterpiece
Jan 23, 2013 9:55 AM

Aug 2009
Valkyrion said:
Shoujo-ai doesn't even exist as a genre stop using it seriously

So what if it isn't the officially recognized and used term among the Japanese? Is the problem in the fact that it was coined by the western anime community? MAL is using it, so I see no reason why we should not be allowed to.
metamorphiusJan 23, 2013 9:58 AM
Jan 23, 2013 10:05 AM
Jul 2018
Valkyrion said:

on topic: why isn't Mirai nikki on the list yet? it's a trainwreck and most newbies call it a masterpiece

I love how the Anime Recommendtion Sub-Forum is full of them recommending it all the time along with Another. There's some good stuff in the anime Horror Genre like Perfect Blue, Mononoke (The TV Series) for example, and it's kinda tiring that the only anime that are recommended are piss-poor at best.

I agree with you about Death Note, the only good female character in Death Note was that with of that FBI agent who gave up her job to be a house-wife.

It's somewhat rare to see good female characters in Shonen series.

I can only think of three recent shonen series at this moment that have good female characters, and those are Claymore, TTGL (Desipite the fact that she has a good amount of fan-service, Yoko is pretty cool), and Fullmetal. Also Ga-Rei: Zero would count if you count the fact that the anime is name-only based on the manga.

If anyone can think of anything else, please put it down.
removed-userJan 23, 2013 10:14 AM
Jan 23, 2013 10:08 AM

Jun 2012
I wouldn't use something that indicated female pedophilia but whatever

I just want to tell that to as many people as possible so at least they know it was invented by western fans, most people don't.
Jan 23, 2013 10:33 AM

Nov 2011
Valkyrion said:
I wouldn't use something that indicated female pedophilia but whatever

I just want to tell that to as many people as possible so at least they know it was invented by western fans, most people don't.

I am aware of the implication of the term and that the proper term would be 'yuri'. However, in the past, when I try to say yuri, people then suggest shit to me like Rin: Daughters of Mneomosyne, which has no female romantic value whatsoever and all of the female on female stuff is purely sexual and nothing else, and on top of that it doesn't even serve a purpose.

Unfortunately when you say 'yuri' now people assume you mean the more sexual kind of female romance as opposed to the romantic kind.

Fun Fact: Did you know that yuri was initially made for girls by girls who like girls? The idea of it being for men is a newer phenomenon. I think the very first yuri manga was published in the 70's and it was definitely a shoujo. The term yuri itself was coined by a by girls for girls who like girls magazine as a tongue-in-cheek name because yuri was, at the time, a very popular girls' name.

Personally I actually prefer series where the yuri is subtled and maybe only hinted at, or if it is really there I like it to be a little more realistic about it- But Aoi Hana is one of the very few that does this. The ending for the anime is fantastic. It doesn't end how you expect it to which is refreshing.

As far as Ga-Rei:Zero goes, Neane- I love the ever-living-crap out of that series. it's one of my top 10. I don't know if I'd consider the anime a shounen, maybe, but either way it really is phenomenal. Only 12 episodes and it had some of the best character development I've seen in anime. It also got a super bonus in my book because it felt like a spiritual nod to my favorite manga series of all time, X.
Jan 23, 2013 11:14 AM

Aug 2009
Valkyrion said:
I wouldn't use something that indicated female pedophilia but whatever

Fair enough.
Still the great majority of us on this site are non-Japanese, so i don't think that anyone would understand the term in that way.

Valkyrion said:

I just want to tell that to as many people as possible so at least they know it was invented by western fans, most people don't.

Yeah, I am aware of that fact, but I realize there are people who aren't.

Amberleh said:
I think the very first yuri manga was published in the 70's and it was definitely a shoujo.

That's correct. It was in 1971 if I recall correctly. And then we got Riyoko Ikeda and her works soon after.

Valkyrion said:

on topic: why isn't Mirai nikki on the list yet? it's a trainwreck and most newbies call it a masterpiece

Don't know either. I hated the characters, asspull twists and the show's LOGIC.
metamorphiusJan 23, 2013 11:31 AM
Jan 25, 2013 11:40 PM
Jul 2018
Anymore possible additions to the list?

I have not yet seen it, but the fan-base of Kuroshitsuji is pretty bad to the point of borderline intolerable and because of which I have yet to even check it out.
Jan 25, 2013 11:52 PM

Nov 2011
Neane1993 said:
Anymore possible additions to the list?

I have not yet seen it, but the fan-base of Kuroshitsuji is pretty bad to the point of borderline intolerable and because of which I have yet to even check it out.

Oh yeah add it for sure. It's one of them 'shounen' written by a woman that's pretty much just a fangirl-pandering yaoi. Kinda like Nabari no Ou.
Jan 26, 2013 12:38 AM

Jan 2008
Neane1993 said:
I have not yet seen it, but the fan-base of KuroSHITsuji is pretty bad to the point of borderline intolerable and because of which I have yet to even check it out.

Use your brain before using your keyboard!
Jan 27, 2013 1:45 PM

Jan 2013
After back-counting, excepting the indications with qualifiers, these are the current undisputed suggestions for inclusion on the relations list:
Durara - 4
Black Rock Shooter - 4
Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere - 2
Maria Holic - 2
Kuroshitsuji - 2
Shoujo Sect - 2
Hidan no aria
Lucky Star
Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Fate/Zero (included for being parent to the above)
Strike Witches
Special A
Absolute Boyfriend
Sono Hanabira

The following may have mentioned more than once for inclusion, but were disputed by others, thus requiring more discussion:
Death Note (presently in the enlightenment list)
Gankutsuou (presently in the enlightenment list)
Gintama (presently in the enlightenment list)
Monster(presently in the enlightenment list)
Senjou no Valkyria: Gallian Chronicles
Highschool DxD

These have been suggested, but also claimed to be too unremarkable:
Kuttsukiboshi (presently in the enlightenment list)
Ah! My Goddess
Moretsu Pirates
Aishiteruze Baby
MaegilJan 27, 2013 5:11 PM
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 27, 2013 5:05 PM
Jul 2018
Why is Durarara!! not on the Anime Relations list yet?
Jan 27, 2013 5:37 PM

Nov 2011
Hmm why is Kuttsukiboshi in the enlightenment list? I'm curious. I dropped it after about 5 minutes but as I recall it's supposed to be a bad smut yuri right?

The other three aren't known enough or grand enough to be in either list.

I think Death Note, Gintama, Monster, and Gankutsuo are fine where they are, GANTZ probably belongs in the relations list (although isn't it known for being bad?) and the other two aren't worth mentioning for either list.

Sono Hanabira doesn't need to be on either list. It doesn't get nearly the attention of Shoujo Sect nor is it anywhere near as objectionable. I also don't think any hentai belong on the 'enlightenment' list except MAAAAYYYBBEEEE Kite. MAYBE. But probably not.
Jan 27, 2013 5:42 PM

Jun 2012
If we are to add any yuri to that list it has to be Strawberry Panic.

terribly overrated + got loads of fangirls + awful representation of the genre as a whole

Kuttsukiboshi is a troll anime made to alienate its audience, definitely needs to be on the enlightment list
Jan 27, 2013 5:42 PM
Jul 2018
Amberleh said:
GANTZ probably belongs in the relations list (although isn't it known for being bad?)

The anime is well-known for being bad. It's even used in Troll Anime Recommendation Charts along with stuff like Boku no Pico and Mars of Destruction.

Valkyrion said:
If we are to add any yuri to that list it has to be Strawberry Panic.

terribly overrated + got loads of fangirls + awful representation of the genre as a whole

Strawberry Panic is one of the most silliest anime I have seen, and I don't mean that in a good way. It's either a parody or it has some rather bad writing.
Jan 27, 2013 5:50 PM

Nov 2011
Neane1993 said:
Amberleh said:
GANTZ probably belongs in the relations list (although isn't it known for being bad?)

The anime is well-known for being bad. It's even used in Troll Anime Recommendation Charts along with stuff like Boku no Pico and Mars of Destruction.

Valkyrion said:
If we are to add any yuri to that list it has to be Strawberry Panic.

terribly overrated + got loads of fangirls + awful representation of the genre as a whole

Strawberry Panic is one of the most silliest anime I have seen, and I don't mean that in a good way. It's either a parody or it has some rather bad writing.

I'm not opposed to adding it to the relations list. I enjoyed it but the entire time I watched it I thought it was stupid and silly and completely absurd. It almost IS like a parody of the genre- All-girls catholic school, shoujo, men don't exist in the world, forceful 'sempai', unattractive main mary-sue girl, absurd sexual tension, immediate mollestation... And so on.
Jan 27, 2013 6:08 PM

Jun 2012
The problem is.. it's not a parody

it's not totally unenjoyable either as it has some good characters (Chikaru and Tamao), but all it does is treat the genre from a male demographic point of view so you have your generic SP fangirl going like

"Excooose me are there other yuri like Strawberry Panic?! Someone suggested me Aoi Hana but I didn't like it because there aren't girls all over each other and getting me wet all the time"

..or something like that. Most "fans" don't understand this and use this series as a standard for the whole genre when it's totally wrong

well I might be getting too detailed and offtopic but here's my reason for suggesting it.

It's kinda like the Code Geass of the yuri genre, if I were to make a comparison
Jan 27, 2013 7:04 PM

Nov 2011
Valkyrion said:
The problem is.. it's not a parody

it's not totally unenjoyable either as it has some good characters (Chikaru and Tamao), but all it does is treat the genre from a male demographic point of view so you have your generic SP fangirl going like

"Excooose me are there other yuri like Strawberry Panic?! Someone suggested me Aoi Hana but I didn't like it because there aren't girls all over each other and getting me wet all the time"

..or something like that. Most "fans" don't understand this and use this series as a standard for the whole genre when it's totally wrong

well I might be getting too detailed and offtopic but here's my reason for suggesting it.

It's kinda like the Code Geass of the yuri genre, if I were to make a comparison

Oh no I completely agree with you. I'm a yuri fan but I like the stuff that is more like Aoi Hana, or stuff that just has yuri subtext such as Utena and El Cazador. Thing like Kannazuki no Miko and Strawberry Panic! are what you watch to shut your brain down- Although I think even Kannazuki no Miko has a little tiny bit more intellectual merit than Strawberry Panic!

I remember one guy got SUUUPER offended- Like GENUINELY MAD that I had Strawberry Panic rated an an 8 and Aoi Hana as a 10. He could not fathom how I could possibly like Aoi Hana more than the grope-fest that is Strawberry Panic. Even after I explained that I prefer yuri with an intellectual aspect that are more relateable he said "BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE don't you just watch anime to go into another world?!"

I think the weirdest part of Strawberry Panic is that it was written by a woman. When I found that out my mind was completely blown, although considering the frumpy Mary-Sue main character, I guess it's not entirely unfathomable.
Jan 27, 2013 7:25 PM
Jul 2018
Personally I don't think that RahXephon should be on the Anime Relations List.


Jan 27, 2013 7:28 PM

Nov 2011
Neane1993 said:
Personally I don't think that RahXephon should be on the Anime Relations List.


While I have yet to watch it, as I am told, it's another reconstruction of the mech series much like Gurren Lagaan. Many reconstructions and deconstructions get underrated and a lot of unwarrented hate because people don't understand that they are either reconstructing or deconstructing a genre, which takes precedence over anything else.

I think even School Days is underrated for this very reason, although it's still bad.

As such I would agree it doesn't belong on the relations.
Jan 28, 2013 3:15 PM

Jan 2013
While having an unfortunate sex scene, I don't think Kite is hentai. However, I'll mark it for tomorrow's poll.
BTW, Flag is on the Enlightenment list.

As for RahXephon, it was I who suggested it for the relations list.
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 28, 2013 4:04 PM

Nov 2011
Well I mean you can look it up, it is technically a hentai. It shows actual penetration which automatically makes the rating hentai. That being said, in Kite's case, hentai is a rating rather than a genre.

I don't really think Kite should be on there either, I was just saying that it was the only hentai title I could think of that really belongs there if any.

I wouldn't use it for the poll honestly.
Jan 28, 2013 6:03 PM

Jan 2013
Amberleh said:
Well I mean you can look it up, it is technically a hentai.
I wouldn't use it for the poll honestly.
Ok, it was just an idea... I'll take it out, then. Actually, I had already taken it out, but forgot about it...
MaegilJan 28, 2013 6:29 PM
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 29, 2013 12:28 AM
Nov 2012
I like K because it's pwetty :3
Jan 29, 2013 12:41 PM

Jan 2013
uneglace said:
I like K because it's pwetty :3
I can't decide if you deserve to be banned for trolling, for bad orthography, or just for your bad taste...
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Jan 30, 2013 9:57 AM
Jul 2018
I think "There She Is!!" Is a must see show, even if it is a little bit of a stretch to call anime. It's an absolutely adorable and heartwarming series with great animation, a unique style, a good story, and a good moral message.
Jan 30, 2013 10:04 AM

Aug 2009
Battlechili1 said:
"There She Is!!"

Shhh, don't mention that adorable short here, this topic is reserved for bad stuff.

But I agree, that Korean ONA is really nice.
Jan 30, 2013 10:14 AM
Jul 2018
metamorphius said:
Battlechili1 said:
"There She Is!!"

Shhh, don't mention that adorable short here, this topic is reserved for bad stuff.

But I agree, that Korean ONA is really nice.

Oh. Oops. I meant to put that as a suggestion for must see shows. Moving it to the other thread.
Jan 30, 2013 10:48 AM

Jul 2008
Haakonwale said:
Gintama. Do I really need to justify why this deserves a spot? I love Gintama, but it's disgraceful that it's the top anime on this site.

you point is i don't care if it good, if it popular it shit

not every popular anime shit sametime the fans have good teast

don't hate it cuz it mainstream
Jan 30, 2013 3:45 PM

Jun 2012
If a show is moderately good and still overhyped/overrated as fuck it still belongs to the relations imo

example: Lucky Star
Jan 30, 2013 7:25 PM
Jul 2018
I only saw the first 2 episodes of Rah-Xephon, but I got a "Neon Genesis Evangelion" vibe from it.
Jan 30, 2013 8:16 PM

Apr 2012
Valkyrion said:
If a show is moderately good and still overhyped/overrated as fuck it still belongs to the relations imo

example: Lucky Star

Then by that logic, every Kyoani series would end up on the relations list.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jan 30, 2013 11:09 PM
Jul 2018
We should really consider adding Another to the list, because of how new anime watchers think it's teh bestest horror anime ever and I see nothing but recommendations for it everywhere.
Jan 30, 2013 11:15 PM

Nov 2011
Neane1993 said:
We should really consider adding Another to the list, because of how new anime watchers think it's teh bestest horror anime ever and I see nothing but recommendations for it everywhere.

I'm all for this.

@ Battlechili: RahXephon, from what I know of it, was the mech reconstruction series that came before Gurren Lagann. I believe it was created as a counter to Eva, just like TTGL. It just came first and it wasn't made by Gainax.

RahXephon examined the darker, serious sensibilities of Neon Genesis Evangelion's well-known deconstruction of anime and mixed it with more idealistic Super Robot tropes.
Studio Bones attempted this again a few years later with Eureka Seven, which was similarly well-received.
AmberlehJan 30, 2013 11:18 PM
Jan 30, 2013 11:16 PM

Apr 2012
Neane1993 said:
We should really consider adding Another to the list, because of how new anime watchers think it's teh bestest horror anime ever and I see nothing but recommendations for it everywhere.

My problem with Another is that
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jan 31, 2013 12:08 AM

Sep 2011
almozayaf said:
Haakonwale said:
Gintama. Do I really need to justify why this deserves a spot? I love Gintama, but it's disgraceful that it's the top anime on this site.

you point is i don't care if it good, if it popular it shit

not every popular anime shit sametime the fans have good teast

don't hate it cuz it mainstream
Feb 1, 2013 10:38 AM

Jan 2013
I'm seconding the inclusion of Special A.

I was thinking of also including Ouran High School Host Club, but on a re-watch I decided against it, mainly for technical reasons. Maybe Amberleh can judge it better, as it is a shoujo reverse harem (/me dives into a foxhole).
My favorite genres: good Quality, better Quality, best Quality, Über-Quality.
Scoring criteria: Existence does not precede Essence.

Current status: OFFLINE. Even if not really.
I have no Facebook, no Tweeter and no latest fashionable social network. Mail me only if you absolutely must, and I still won't promise to answer: the postman might have been shot by an automated sentry, blown up by a mine, eaten by a shark, or something.
Feb 1, 2013 3:50 PM

Oct 2010
Another one for Another here. And since that Special A is considered, might as well add Kaichou wa Maid-Sama which is way too overrated(I think).
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