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Sep 3, 2012 5:36 PM

Apr 2011
Caster dropped his plate... it smashed into the floor and broke
as the Elder Nuns leaped to clen up.

He paused and stared at his Master wide eyed and said "We've got trouble"
Sep 3, 2012 5:39 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine felt the need to break something. "For all what's holy,I swear to the sweet heavens,why do trouble keep sticking to me like pins?!" she nearly yelled,whining in frustration.
She whipped around,and faced Caster."I don't honestly care what's wrong.It will wait for tomorrow."

One of the sisters walked up to Diana."Miss,could you lower your tone?" she asked,obviously displeased.Noticing the seals on the girl's hand,she made a small "oh" sound.

"A master,I presume.Why are you here?The command seals mean you are active."
Sep 3, 2012 5:44 PM

Jul 2008
"Ahh, my apologies. I didn't see anyone and just assumed...." She clears her throat. "I'm here to register as is customary. Is the rep in or shall I come back at a later time."

The look on her face said it all. They had better be here...I'm not walking all the way back through that cold, again, just to register.

"Or is that not a custom here?"
Sep 3, 2012 5:49 PM

Jun 2011
"Not necessarily." the woman shook her head. "But if you had come the way,we might aswell have you fill in the papers." she replied,motioning the girl to follow her to a side chamber.It had two armchairs,three cabinets,walls covered in books,and a wooden table."Have a seat and fill this form." she smiled,quite kindly,presenting a file.It required name,the Servant's class,a signature spot and a couple other things.
Sep 3, 2012 5:59 PM

Jul 2008
"Very well. Best not to make the journey wasted~"

She smiles and follows the woman into the chamber, trying to make small talk. "'re a lady of faith, too huh? What's your faith like?" She asked as they walked into the chamber and she took a seat wherever in an odd position, she was laying across an armchair, her legs on one arm, and her body at the other.

She looks at the forms in frustration. "I'm sorry...I can't read russian. Could you tell me what all of this says?"
Sep 3, 2012 6:02 PM

Jun 2011
The woman smiled kindly,and translated each place,for the girl to complete.After they were done,she lightly scratched her chin."I assume you're from Japan.Well,our religion,Christianity,is way different.For starters,we have only one God as center deity.His Son and the Holy Spirit are forming the Holy Three.Then,there are saints,mortals who have reached the deity status trough their strong,exemplary faith."
Sep 3, 2012 6:03 PM

Apr 2011
Caster's mind seemed to be elsewhere as he tried to pinpoint exactly what he was Detecting and he said "2 of them, a Master and a Servant. The Master is about average in power... the Servant is HUGE on the other hand... probably one of the Knight Classes"

He looked directly at his Master and said "They probably can't sense us... do you still want to go to bed? Or do you want to make a preemptive strike?"
Sep 3, 2012 6:06 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine acknowledged with a tired nod."Bath.Bed.Sweet Dreams." she muttered in response."In my current state,it's suicide." she replied,trembling lightly.

Mother Elise eyed her warily."Child,I think you caught a cold." she mused,to which Maria nodded,as they had finished cleaning.

"Possibly." the girl replied,unfazed,and taking little steps towards the exit of the kitchen.She wanted to get into her bathtub,clean up,and doze off.This day had put a mental strain on her.
Sep 3, 2012 6:12 PM

Apr 2011
Caster was seething with anger... this is the 3rd time today she said he couldn't kill someone and he was FURIOUS.

But then again... she hasn't enforced a Command Seal on him yet, and while she's in the bath she can't tell him not go near the intruders.

He grinned an evil grin, marched out of the kitchen and walked slowly towards the main area of the monastery. He wasn't far from the alter, and he had a visual on the Master...
Sep 3, 2012 6:15 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine seemed to guess his thought,as she sprinted after him,after politely and properly bowing,and grabbed him from behind.She clasped a hand over his mouth.

"Listen." she whispered,sighing tiredly."A knight class could be helpful in an eventual alliance.Don't.Ruin.A plan.Before.I even.Made.One." she whispered,as she attempted,and succeeded,to slowly drag him away.
Sep 3, 2012 6:16 PM

Jul 2008
Too bad for Caster that the little miko COULD sense him. She also had enough common sense to know that where there's a servant, there's usually a master nearby. However, she chooses to ignore it for the time being. There would be opportunities and starting a fight in a place of worship left a bad taste in her mouth.

" is that 'way different?" She asked the nun. "I apologize if I seem rude but, our religions seem very similar. Wouldn't a holy three imply there's more than one, even if one rules over the others? Deities and gods are the same thing. Don't both of our faiths believe in heaven and hell as well? The core beliefs seem the same, the real differences are in how we practice. As the shrine maiden, I'm still allowed to marry and have children as the position is often hereditary. I'm allowed a lot more freedom in general than you nuns."

She stops there, not wishing to offend, or offend further. "Of course, those are just my thoughts on the matter. Take them as you will. I thank you for the translation."

Diana had finished filling it out, but because she can't write in russian either, she settled for english. "I hope someone knows english."
On the form...
Name: Miyako, Diana
Servant: セイバー

Her servant was the only thing in japanese. She thought this might help her in case the servant she felt's master worked in the monastery and had access to the file. With a stretch, Diana climbs off of the armchair. "I suppose I'm done here."
Sep 3, 2012 6:21 PM

Jun 2011
"Well,the small details differ.Personally,I share the opinion of one of our apprentices - a skillful girl,really - that most religions are the same picture,who had small details altered." she smiled,kindly."It is no offense...and we do speak English." she added,taking the form away.
Sep 3, 2012 6:39 PM

Jul 2009
Saber, too, could sense a nearby Servant, as she watch over her Master, Astralized. She kept her guard up, ready the Materialize and attack at a moments notice. For now, though, it seems he was keeping his Distance. Riderch was glad. Despite her eagerness to do battle with a Hero of another Era, she loathed the idea of drawing her blade on Hallowed Ground.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 3, 2012 6:48 PM

Apr 2011
Caster could still sense to Presences... but he could only see one? Chances were he thought, that the Knight Class (whichever it was) was probably in spirit mode and hiding at the moment...

But still he kept watch... and waited.
Sep 3, 2012 7:12 PM

Jul 2008
Diana bows and says "I wish you a good night." before walking back out of the door and into the cathedral, heading for her temporary home. She was glad to be out of that place and out of harms way for the time being. As she leaves though she turns around and spots caster, as he was not astralized. Her eyes of death perception show her a few lines and dots on his body, proving to her that he was a servant. She winks at him and smiles as if to say 'I know what you are' when his mistress rushes in and grabs him, dragging him away.

She simply sighs and leaves the building. As soon as she and saber are out of sight of the monastery, she asking of her servant. "Seems like a troublesome man...what are your thoughts?
Sep 4, 2012 3:35 AM

Apr 2011
At the Master's statement, instead of showing fear and/or surprise... Caster only winks at her.
Caster's thoughts at this time were perceived threats along the lines of 'I'm gonna eat your Soul'.
Sep 4, 2012 6:13 AM

Jun 2011
Catherine became suddenly dizzy.Her vision blurred considerably,and she stumbled backwards.Before she had time to cling to a wall,or catch anything to sustain her,she fell,hitting her head lightly.

Her breath hitched unsteady,and her consciousness faded into blackness,as her body laid limply in a hallway.
Sep 4, 2012 9:02 AM

Apr 2011
Caster sensing a drop or rather a variant in his Prana flow from his Master, cooly left the main area/ worshiping area to go see whats wrong.

Finding her lieing in the middle of the hallway with no one else around, he put his hands on his hips and said "If I were a more weak minded and desperate man, I would see no problem with taking advantage of you in this condition... c'mon get up"

and he lifted her with ease Princess style and began carrying her...
Sep 4, 2012 9:24 AM

Jun 2011
Catherine didn't stirred.She was lost,in the endless blackness.For a moment,she wondered where she was.

'Foolish child.This is your soul.' a voice spoke trough the darkness.Catherine's eyes widened.

"Then why is it so dark?" she questioned tiredly.

'Because you've lost yourself.' the answer came.Catherine shook her head.

"No,I didn't." she replied,sure of it.The other voice chuckled.

'Yes,you did.You are kind,yes,and you are sort of selfless...but not valuing your life is not on the list of who you are.' it mused,in a sickly sweet tone.Catherine's eyes widened.

"My life holds no value...I am unimportant." she replied,murmuring aloud the last part,her eyebrows furrowed,as the voice gave a response.
Sep 4, 2012 1:57 PM

Apr 2011
"Uh huh..." said Caster knowing she was sleep talking, and Caster being an ass that he muses aloud at no one particluar "Of course your unimportant, there are scores of humans on this planet and about 10% have magic circuits, and of that 10% only 7 can participate, and of that 7 only 1 can summon a Caster, and may I add no one until now has been able to summon a Monster such as MYSELF... yeah your pretty unimportant you stupid Nun"

He growls as he takes her down the hall further...
Sep 4, 2012 2:03 PM

Jul 2009
Riderch's mulls over the question. She only got a brief look at him, so she could discipher much from it. But their was one thing that was obvious. It hung over him, shrouding him in its Strench. Whoever that man was while he was alive, he was certainly no 'Hero'. She doubt if he had ever done anything she would consider 'Heroic'.

"He's Evil. There no mistake about that."

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 4, 2012 2:15 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine still did not open her eyelids;she was trapped inside her own mind.The voice dispersed everything around,and the girl found herself walking down a hall.On each side,at each meter she walked,stood a person she knew.But...they looked at her in disdain,arms folded,or refused to look at her at all.

Cathy simply stared at everything,more confused than ever.Usually,she was in control,but now...

'Stop thinking,Ekaterina.' the same voice from earlier chimed,but the fake in the tone was there no longer.Said woman's head snipped in the direction of the voice,and couldn't prevent her jaw from dropping;she was looking at...herself.Only that there was no mirror,and she never smirked so...darkly.

"Just what are you?" Cathy questioned in disbelief,something in her tone being akin to exasperation.The other sighed.

'You are me.I am you.To put it simply,I am the other side of your soul.' it deadpanned,jade orbs flicking with a feeling unknown to its counterpart.Kate shook her head vehemently.

"You can't be." she denied,folding her arms.The figure stood silent,simply analyzing her."More importantly," the girl continued,showing the figures of the people she...they,knew,who stood stoned on the edges of the corridor,"what is the meaning of all this?"

'This is how they will react one day.They will turn their back on you.Some already did,given they consider the magic in your veins a heresy.I just want to train you for what awaits.Keep in mind,Princess...I am the darkness in your heart.For now,your light keeps me in check...but if you lose faith,I lose my mind.' and just like that,the room started to crumble;everything was falling,and the figure was engulfed by darkness.

Catherine couldn't breathe.She was in darkness,once more,and there was no air for her to feed her hungry lungs.She gasped for air,in both the dream and reality,but she was still choking.

'Open your eyes,foolish child.' the voice demanded,and this time,Catherine complied.
Sep 4, 2012 5:19 PM

Jul 2008
Diana sighs and kept walking. "I see. It's pointless of me to say it but keep your guard up. I don't know what they're planning but if I were them and they were me, and I knew they had a knight class, I'd want to play nice now and then stab them in the back later. Should leave the cloak and dagger to assassins..."

She stops and looks up at the sky and changes the subject. "The sky truly looks different up here."
Sep 4, 2012 6:01 PM

Jul 2009
Riderch simply nods her reply, though it was not like her Master could see it. It was sound Logic. Beside, she new better than to let your guard down when dealing with a person like that. If, and when, the Man tried to attack, she would be ready.

With her Masters attempt to change the Topic, Riderch follows her gaze upwards. Clouds covered the Russian Sky, the glimmer of Sunlight illuminating it.

"Yes, it truly is. So much different than that of my Homeland"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Sep 5, 2012 2:04 AM

Apr 2011
Caster walked down the hallway... and 'accidently' bumped her head into the wall. Her eyes slowly opened after that as he said "Evening, sleeping beauty? Can you walk yet or can I drop you? Because frankly speaking... your heavier than you look" Caster was just being an ass as usual...
Sep 5, 2012 11:14 AM

Jun 2011
Catherine raised a hand to clutch the injured part of her head."Oww..." she mumbled,barely coherent."I think I can walk...And I am heavy,because I'm made of muscles." she trailed off,wiggling a little in her carrier's arms.
Sep 5, 2012 1:53 PM

Apr 2011
"Muscle? I have more muscle in my ass cheeks than you do in your entire body... and if you keep wiggling like that I will drop you" said Caster as he reached the bathroom door and pushed it open with a flick of his fingers.
Sep 5, 2012 1:59 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine rolled her eyes,but stood still."I hate colds..." she mumbled,weakly massaging her temples.She heaved a sigh,thinking about her nightmare.Was that alter honest?Will everyone turn their back on her?Or...will she betray them?

She didn't knew anymore.Feeling a headache coming,she decided she'll just go with the flow,letting her heart make the decision in a crucial moment.
Sep 5, 2012 2:09 PM

Apr 2011
"Uh huh... am I suppose to help you out of your clothes? Or can you handle that part yourself, you big baby" said Caster being as crude as ever towards her... he turned on the tub with another flick of his wrist.

If he sensed or cared about his Master's physical or mental well being, he sure as hell wasn't showing it.
Sep 5, 2012 2:18 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine's cheeks turned pink. "I-i can handle myself,thank you very much." She huffed,crossing her arms.

Finally,she will bathe and go to sleep.Hopefully no new nightmares will surface...But she'll have to take some aspirin,for that damned cold and headache.
Sep 5, 2012 2:22 PM

Apr 2011
"Hmph..." said Caster now leaving the room... and without turning around he waved his hand again and all her slid off and the door closed behind her.

Caster grinned in the hallway waiting for the 'Kyaaaa!' or 'Caster!' or the 'damn you!' that was to come in 3... 2... 1...
Sep 5, 2012 2:25 PM

Jun 2011
"I'm going to kill you." Catherine seethed in a yell at the closed door,her cheeks a new shade of ruby.With a huff,she picked up towels,shampoo,soap and shower gel,and slid in the tub;after she locked the door and closed the window's curtains.

Now in the water,she relaxed visibly,massaging her temples."Sweet Lord,this war will be hell..." she mumbled,sighing.
Sep 5, 2012 2:38 PM

Apr 2011
Caster rejoiced in silent pleasure, he really got a kick out of torturing and pissing off his Master... but now that she was out of the way doing her thing.

He could focus on a plan, at this time they knew of 2 Masters and their Servants. One of the Servants was most definitely an Assassin and the other was one of the Knight Classes... and the Magus Masters were pretty weak compared to his seemingly infinite Mana levels.

He felt could handle if he so wished 2 Masters and the Assassin at the same time and still come out on top... but that Knight Class. That Knight whichever it was could give him a run for his money especially if it definitely turned out to be a Saber which were known for their high Mana levels as well.

He needed an edge, a bonus, a secret weapon if you will... a tool to reveal what type of Knight he was up against and if possible: Destroy it before it made a move against him.

Caster grinned, he had an idea... and Caster's ideas usually worked out glorious for him and horrible for his enemies.
Sep 5, 2012 2:46 PM

Jun 2011
Half an hour later,Cathy was out of the bathroom.Wearing a bathrobe,her clothes neatly folded under her arm,she was sighing contently.Now,she had to put together the pieces of an attack plan,for when the war will officially start.

"Assassin will not be a handful.We can take that down any moment...Rider might be a little better,but it would be quite easy aswell.The mad dog is whimsical,hard to predict.That might rise a problem...and then,there are the Knight classes..." she mumbled under her breath,as she made sure the halls were empty."Which means,we start with Rider."
Sep 5, 2012 4:14 PM

Apr 2011
"That is" said Caster appearing silently behind his Master "If we could find a 'Rider', and defeat it like that... but since I have yet to sense one. I say we settle for the Assassin for now"
Sep 5, 2012 4:18 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine almost yelped. "Could you please not appear like that?" she hissed."You almost gave me a heart attack."

"As for that,I say nay.We can't make a move unless the first seven are all assembled.From what I've understood,they aren't yet all summoned." she sighed,rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand,and starting to walk towards her room.
Sep 5, 2012 4:22 PM

Apr 2011
Caster grinned visually upertrubed by her yelp, but silently pleased nonetheless as he said "All 7 Servants you say... what if I had an idea to speed that along?"
Sep 5, 2012 4:25 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine nodded,and turned around at his comment."I'm'll tell me when we're alone.Walls have ears around here." she whispered pointing with her head at a painting of Saint Basil.

Turning again on her heel,she climbed stairs and passed hallways,until she reached her room.At the third floor,room seventeen.She opened the door,and motioned Caster to enter.
Sep 5, 2012 4:32 PM

Apr 2011
Caster entered the ummmm... 'quarters' of his Master and he said rudely "This is where you sleep? How vulgar and unclassy..." and he began to form something between his 2 hands...
Sep 5, 2012 4:38 PM

Jun 2011
"Well,sorry for not being rich,didn't know it was in my job description." Catherine bit back with a click of her tongue,rolling her eyes.
Sep 5, 2012 4:51 PM

Apr 2011
"территория создания: семинар" said Caster and a light bloomed from his hands and absorbed the whole room...
The room instead of being a small dorm for nuns, just became a master bedroom of a Palace... a dark and and gothic palace. But upscale and well furnished, nonetheless.

Caster grinned saying "Welcome to my Workshop... at least a small and insignificant part of it. But still a part of my little pocket dimension... a Reality Marble through 'Territory Creation'. No one may enter or leave here without my consent... nor can we be eavesdropped"
Sep 5, 2012 4:57 PM

Jun 2011
"Not bad..." Catherine murmured approvingly,before setting herself on an armchair.She was still in a bathrobe...and she will have to look for her clothes later...but for now,she was a bit too tired,and they had things to discuss.

"I'm all ears.Let's see your 'idea'."
Sep 5, 2012 5:00 PM

Apr 2011
"Easy: I'm gonna summon a Servant" said Caster boredly pouring himself a drink... whatever it was it, it was heavy and the alcohol in it could be smelled across the room.

Caster was gonna get a kick out of the jaw dropped look on her face, in 3... 2... 1...
Sep 5, 2012 5:02 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine simply raised an eyebrow."I see.So the previous Caster wasn't the only one able to do such a thing." she mused aloud,placing a finger on her chin."And which servant are you thinking at?" she questioned,after a moment.
Sep 5, 2012 5:06 PM

Apr 2011
"A Berserker of course" said Caster as if the answer was obvious "Considering our only known opponents at this time are an Assassin and one of the Knight Classes, a Berserker is our best bet. On my own I can handle a pair of petty Masters and an Assassin with ease... but against a Knight Class. I may almost break a sweat, so... why not summon something that break the Knight Class instead?" said Caster being rather talkative... must be the drink.
Sep 5, 2012 5:13 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine felt the urge to frown.So she did."You really like to render me useless in battle,don't you." she sighed,massaging her temples,the dirty pair of clothes laying now on the floor."The Masters are mine to defeat...and eventually kill." she added,after a minute.
"And if you see fit a Berserker...then so be it."
Sep 5, 2012 5:14 PM

Jul 2008
Diana suddenly had an idea. Something to call her servant other than Saber or Riderch. "Rider-san. Where are you from, if you don't mind my asking?"

She would call her Rider as it was part of Riderch and it would fool prying eyes and ears. Everyone would think she had Rider instead. A sound plan. "As you might have already guessed, or heard, I'm from japan."
Sep 5, 2012 5:19 PM

Apr 2011
"Hmph? I expected more resistance and complaints like 'Why not summon a Knight Class yourself' or 'How do you plan on using this Berserker' or whatever horsehit your moose lips can think of..." said Caster sounding grouchy... pending drunk.
Sep 5, 2012 5:24 PM

Jun 2011
Catherine felt the need to hit something.Instead she sighed."I have no complaints,because one,a Knight Class is hard to control,and would eat a lot of your mana,thus a lot of my mana,and two,I think with my brain,not lips." she explained,rather bored.

"And stop drinking.I loathe dealing with drunkens."
Sep 5, 2012 5:30 PM

Apr 2011
"Ahhh... your forgot something very important" said Caster with another swallow

"I DONT plan on controlling this Berserker, I'm just going to poinit at the village and let it go have fun! Bwahahahahahahaah! If the 'Knight Class' is actually got some balls and and pride it and maybe a little bit of a moral compass... it'll fight the Berserker while I'm feeding excessive amounts of our Mana and Prana to put its Madness in overdrive! If we're lucky (which I am) the Knight Class will die, or if we're less than lucky I'll be short one Berserker and I'll finish off the Knight Class myself... ingenious isn't it?" said Caster, the bottle now empty and hanging in his hands and walking towards his Master...
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