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Second Season of Chihayafuru to be Launched

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Jun 9, 2012 10:33 PM

May 2009
I am so thrilled by this news!
Jun 10, 2012 5:18 AM

Jul 2009
whoever who made Chihayafuru's Season 2 : Man, You Deserved a Medal! :D
Jun 10, 2012 5:52 AM

Jan 2011
Great news. Really hope this season does better financially than the first one.
As always, today is the most enjoyable day.
Jun 10, 2012 5:54 AM

Apr 2009
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jun 10, 2012 8:09 AM

Nov 2009
I'm not too happy, consdering i have to stand the main heroine. Ugh.
Jun 10, 2012 9:49 AM

May 2010
Oh yes, I've been waiting(/hoping) for this announcement! I can't even describe how happy I am right now!
Jun 10, 2012 9:50 AM

Aug 2011
bakuramariks said:
I'm not too happy, consdering i have to stand the main heroine. Ugh.

Is this some kind of record? It took 9 pages to get even a slightly negative comment.
Jun 10, 2012 12:07 PM

Oct 2011
mitch3315 said:
bakuramariks said:
I'm not too happy, consdering i have to stand the main heroine. Ugh.

Is this some kind of record? It took 9 pages to get even a slightly negative comment.

I would say it's not negative
it's a good series (till ep 12) but still watching Chihaya was a bit tiring - she is similar to Haruhi but without god-like powers (that we know of) and she is not jerkass
so either you follow that enthusiasm or you drown in it
Jun 10, 2012 12:18 PM

Aug 2011
Dalek-baka said:
mitch3315 said:
bakuramariks said:
I'm not too happy, consdering i have to stand the main heroine. Ugh.

Is this some kind of record? It took 9 pages to get even a slightly negative comment.

I would say it's not negative
it's a good series (till ep 12) but still watching Chihaya was a bit tiring - she is similar to Haruhi but without god-like powers (that we know of) and she is not jerkass
so either you follow that enthusiasm or you drown in it

Saying he isn't happy because the main character is in it sounds negative to me.

Oh, and the similarity to Haruhi is why I love Chihaya.
Jun 10, 2012 1:43 PM

Feb 2011
Jun 10, 2012 5:51 PM

Nov 2007
Oh yes! This is the best news of the month so far! I hope someone decided to do a second season of Skip Beat! too! /Wishes.

It's really unfair for Shoujo/Josei anime fans to not see continuation of such wonderful adaptations. But for now, I say I am plenty happy to see another season of one of my favorite anime in recent years.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jun 10, 2012 5:51 PM

Feb 2008
Anime figure reviews:
Jun 10, 2012 10:36 PM

Feb 2010
I finally did it and won at live. Thanks for the reward!!
I probably regret this post by now.
Jun 11, 2012 6:44 AM

Sep 2010
Wooooow! God, thank you! My dreams come true, this anime really needs 2 season. Sooo happy <3
Jun 11, 2012 8:55 AM

Aug 2010
Jun 11, 2012 11:25 AM

Apr 2008
Awesome, well deserved :D

Jun 11, 2012 1:44 PM

Sep 2011
Jun 11, 2012 6:22 PM

Apr 2010
I don't understand. How are they coming up with the funds to do this? Season one sold next to nothing.

Regardless, I'm stoked to see this continue.
Jun 12, 2012 2:00 PM

May 2009
peix said:
I don't understand. How are they coming up with the funds to do this? Season one sold next to nothing.

1. Reruns in other timeslots have better ratings.
2. Madhouse is best studio.
Jun 13, 2012 8:36 PM
Jun 2012
I'm really glad there's going to be a second season, MORE KIMONOS
Jun 14, 2012 4:36 AM
Jun 2011
I finished the first season 2 days before this info and was shocked that they don't make the story go further, and now here we are ^^
Jun 14, 2012 6:54 AM

Jul 2010
I thought this would never happen.
Jun 15, 2012 3:01 PM

May 2012
How come everyone is so surprised about this? When I saw the last episode all I could think of was that it was hinting of a sequel all over it.

But yeah, I'm quite excited. Chihayafuru was actually the first proper anime series that I started to watch so it's very dear to me. :)
Jun 15, 2012 11:06 PM

Sep 2009
This is wonderful news! people where all sad when that news came out of it not doing well in sales.
I am really happy and excited that they desided to make it regardless, now we get to see more of the beautiful animation of the show, on top of a wonderful story.
Credit to whoever made the above icon~
Sweet Banner made by Break~!
Jun 16, 2012 6:21 PM

Jun 2008
Don't mind me, I'm just here to scream in joy.
Jun 17, 2012 6:08 AM

Nov 2011
YES, THANKS! I was afraid like many others... Happily sales doesn't seem to be all that matters in the world :)

Jun 17, 2012 6:00 PM

Jul 2010
Awesome news :D
Jun 18, 2012 1:12 AM
May 2009

Jun 21, 2012 12:59 PM

Mar 2011
Jun 22, 2012 2:46 PM

Jun 2009
Now excuse me as I go to cry out of pure joy T^T
Jun 23, 2012 11:19 PM

Apr 2012
I knew it... God's still there answering my pray XD
Jun 24, 2012 2:39 AM

Oct 2011
That is so great ^_^
Jun 30, 2012 10:51 PM

Jun 2008
O___________O I believe in miracles now.
Jul 1, 2012 12:06 AM

May 2010
My wish finally came true !
Jul 3, 2012 2:26 AM

Jul 2011
. . . y o u f o u n d m e

: icon's credit :
Jul 3, 2012 9:04 AM

Jan 2012
Awesome! Loved the show! Can't wait for next season.

Jul 4, 2012 12:54 AM

Mar 2011
chihayafuru season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AmbertsarinaJul 4, 2012 12:58 AM
Jul 5, 2012 11:54 PM

Jun 2011
this information just made me smile sooooo soooo sooo very much! I can not fucking wait, WOWOWOW!! ;D going to be delightful!
Jul 6, 2012 6:20 AM

Jan 2008
skullking123 said:
I wonder how many people in this world actually believed that this would get another season. Probably only a handful. Amazing!
I did. This anime was too good to just be left hanging like this due to network politics. I had faith that there are people that work in the anime industry that actually watch and enjoy anime as well.

Jul 6, 2012 1:37 PM

Sep 2008
maybe this one will actually do some thing instead of be a mediocre piece of crap for 25 episodes and that gets nothing accomplished.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jul 6, 2012 5:58 PM

Sep 2008
jmal said:

It's cute when people can't give remotely constructive criticism and just make blanket statements like "piece of crap" and "nothing accomplished".

If you didn't see the obvious story progress and character development as the team comes together, makes headway in tournaments and in individual rankings, and deals with their own character flaws both in the sense of personal relationships and in playstyles (these are not the same people by the end as they were when first introduced), that's most certainly not the show's fault.

Everyone had character development BUT the main character. She's pretty much exactly the same by the end of the show.

Her problems with being second banana to her sister, just gets forgotten and never resolved.

Her relationship with the two male leads, never gets solved.

Does she even get better at the sport this anime is about? Nope she gives up, gets beaten quickly, lets down her team just because she has a cold, and almost gets beaten by a child and a middle aged woman.

She also has no depth what so ever, Which is usually not a problem for a typical sports anime protagonists because usually they are characters you want to be, not characters you want to relate too (example Guro from Major)

But she's neither, We are only told she is good at the game, it's never demonstrated, and she's vapid and narrow-minded to the point where only the game matters and she's inhumanly absentminded so she's impossible to relate to. Also she wants to be the best at a card game no one plays so she's hardly inspiring. The only thing she has is that she's pretty that's it.

If you just didn't like how it was presented, or didn't think the karuta premise was engaging, or were not fond of the characters' personalities, or disliked the animation style, etc etc etc, then say that. But spare us the juvenile "lol piece of crap nothing happened" nonsense, thanks.

The Karuta premise was pretentious at best "hurrr it's a sport" no it's not,

if fucking grade schoolers, 80 year old men and a middle aged Mom can compete at the top level of your so called "sport" chances are it's just a "game"

Look how demanding Baseball is or Football is. Do you think any one respect Baseball if a random middle aged mother could walk on the field and potentially compete at the highest levels?

Fuck no, your sport is not inspiring if anyone can easily get good at it. How Karuta was presented was idiotic, Heck the female protag took track, trained every day, and she still wasn't good at it, yet that top bitch who ate ice cream all summer and gained 200 pounds somehow beats everyone.

The whole show is basically a poor mans Major, it has all the same tropes, just with a boring game, and uninspiring lead, lame characters and nothing HAPPENS.
JigeroJul 6, 2012 6:04 PM
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jul 7, 2012 1:18 AM

Dec 2011
So freaking happy right now :)))
Jul 7, 2012 2:37 AM

Sep 2008
jmal said:

Even if that were true (I'd argue it is a strong overstatement, though I agree some others get developed more than Chihaya in some ways, especially Taichi), "all but one character gets developed" is not "nothing accomplished", which was what you claimed initially.

She's the main protag, of course it matters this is suppose to be the person who is the focus of the show and yet she has zero arc, zero depth and really serves no purpose.

The manga itself isn't complete, and the anime did not cover all of the available manga, so... Would it be rude to say "duh"? If so, then I'll say "this should not be surprising to anyone". I can't imagine the relationships will be resolved before the manga concludes. That may actually be a problem for me (I'm not too fond or Arata so having the romance dragged out too long could get annoying) but I found more than enough other stuff to like about the show, personally.

using then WELL IT'S GONNA BE EXPANDED ON IN THE SEQUEL is literally the laziest excuse in writing.

There was no reveal there was no build up, there was no nothing, you could have easily removed it and have no effect on the narrative at all.

As for her sister complex, but I feel like it's served its purpose already. The sister worship served to show us that Chihaya used to define her life in terms of another (her sister in this case), whereas through karuta Chihaya learned to think about improving hersef, to generate her own identity, rather than defining herself as her sister's lackey. I suppose it could be revisited later on too, but I feel like that plot thread already wrapped up well enough even if it doesn't.

Is by your "resolved" you mean completely ignored right? Because it never had any closure, her parents still don't give a shit about any of her achievements, her sister doesn't give a shit either and never once is there a revaluation the Chihaya needs to make her own identity when the only reason she's playing the game is cause that told her she should. She never came to any realization.

From amateur to A-class, so yes.

She's been playing for years, and she still almost gets beat by a child (the anime even says the child literally started months ago) who was also in A class.

The Karuta premise was pretentious at best
Pretentious how? Because it heavily dramatizes it? It certainly does dramatize it, but so does every "competition" anime. It's anime after all.

there's a difference between dramatizing and just trying way too hard. They can't trying to drive home the point repeatably that Kaurta was a "sport" that it was above simply being a card game, but it wasn't it's just a crappy card game.

...And the rant that follows this gets kind of bizarre. Still, does it matter if it's called a "sport" or a "game"? The important point is "competition". Running around a field kicking or hitting a ball isn't the only form of human competition. There are also literally dozens of anime about baseball/soccer/traditional popular sports. One reason Chihayafuru got such a following is likely because it's about something so unconventional. That's a big part about why I watched it, despite generally avoiding more mainstream sports anime.

it wasn't unconventional it was basically Yugi-oh but instead of duel monsters it's some game not even Japan gives a crap about.

you're not judging the game in the real world based on its presentation in an anime, I would hope. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there are probably not any 8 year old Karuta champs... fiction, and all that. Most competitive "game" (whether it fits your definition of sport or now, that's irrelevant really) anime pile on all sorts of unusual situations and opponents so you're not just facing off against 20-30 year old men all the time.

Your missing the point, if they want to drive home that this so called game is actually "sport" then it needs to present it as such, By showing how psychically demanding it is and how much skill it takes.

shoving in little kids, house wives and old men as having enough ability to compete at the top tier of this sport undermines all that. It;s fucking conflicting when we see Chihaya and her team working their ass off at this sport, then all of a sudden they are nearly beat by a child who probably just got out of diapers last week.

Go watch Major it's literally all the same themes and tropes just done 10000 times better. Guro takes a bunch of nobodies and helps them get to the paint where they can stand toe to toe witht he toughest team in the league and even though they eventually lose, it's the Hardest win the other team ever had to work for.

where as Chihaya doesn't even do that much she just goes "omgosh they are so good, I can't beat them, oh look I lost that was fun :D" and just gets demolished.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jul 7, 2012 3:25 AM
Jul 2012
The wraparound jacket band on the 17th volume of Yuki Suetsugu's Chihayafuru manga is revealing next week that a second anime season will launch.
This story, which follows a schoolgirl competing in the Japanese card game of karuta, won the second Manga Taisho (Cartoon Grand Prize). Chihayafuru also won the shōjo manga category in last year's Kodansha Manga Awards, and topped the female category of Takarajimasha's Kono Manga ga Sugoi! book listings the year before.
Jul 7, 2012 6:17 AM

Apr 2008
Jigero said:

Dude relax, go have a romp in the sheets with your significant other or just go into the bathroom with a dirty mag and get rid of some of that stress before you burst a blood vessel.
Jul 7, 2012 6:24 AM

Nov 2011
I think I'll wait till season 2 comes out before I start the first season.
Jul 9, 2012 12:55 PM

Feb 2008
wow, didnt think this would ever happen, great news
Jul 9, 2012 6:46 PM

Nov 2008
OMG!!! Yes!! I can see Taichi again, and hopefully a happy ending for him, b/c that is all I wish for in this anime : )
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jul 12, 2012 8:42 AM
Dec 2009
Gods, YES!!!! YES!!!
Jul 12, 2012 9:19 AM

May 2009
Currently catching up on the remaining 6 episodes, and forgot how good this show actually was. Will definitely watch the second season.
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