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Oct 14, 2010 4:57 PM

Oct 2008

Nice work at abusing the lag. :P

The only one I recognise under your fav manga is D.Gray-Man though. and Deidara for your fav character.

I think your profile layout is nicely done. The small font for the about me section kinda hurts my eyes though. *__*

You sure do read alot of manga. And your avvy, profile pic and sig is nice and simple. :)
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Oct 14, 2010 6:33 PM

Jun 2010
@ antinelav

Your profile made me want to watch/play pokémon again...
Colorful page...

Next person to comment should ignore me... I am a void hollow little new account ^_^
**** 2d and 3d I only go for the 4d...
Oct 15, 2010 12:02 AM

Apr 2009
Errr... seriously, 5 sentences I'd consider spam, so I'll do devilbatghost instead.

Avvy & Signature:
I like black and white, but that's about it. Your picture in the sig is too stretched, just cut it to look more appealing. And change the list's text color, otherwise it's not readable and not really matching^^

Profile Picture:
Again yaoi, I recognize the artwork, though I haven't read her works. Too small and too not profile-ish for my liking^^

Favourite Anime:
None, even though you completed over 500 anime? O.o I do think that anime takes too much, so I try not to watch it much, and read manga instead, but you've already seen lots, and no favourites O.o

Favourite Manga:
I have yet to try to put that number of favourites in my list too xD I do recognize most of the titles. However, I haven't read all of them.
Ookiku - I've seen only its anime yet, and haven't touched manga, but only because scanlations are too behind the actual release, and it's pretty hard for me to read about baseball in Japanese. But it's one of my favourites too. Absolutely adorable, sports/slice-of-life-ish series.
D. Gray-man - also one of my all time favourites.Though I didn't liek how the artwork changed, but it seems to be improving again. The plot's getting a bit weird, but I'm not one of those hard critics, so I just enjoy the story.
Flat - I seriously adore this series. Aki's got to be one of the cutest kids. It's not like the guy was left alone with that kid to take care of him, but it's really interesting to see how a careless guy changes and matures learning to care about others. I love the series.

Favourite Characters:
Woo, Tajima! He's on my list too^^ At first I thought, what a pervy guy, but then he's actually showed that there's more to him, his talent, his observation, his attentiveness towards others. A great optimistic character.
Deidara - I didn't like him much. The only think I liked was when he screamed "katz" to blow his bombs up... if you can consider that as 'like' though... I'm just... indifferent to him.

Favourite People:
Sorry, don't know any of them. But checked them out, I'm not really interested in any of their works. I'm too picky about yaoi authors, because I prefer yaoi with a plot, or at least a serious psychological depth to it. I don't squeal when I see two men together.

About Me:
A nice effort at making your layout!^^ Even though the text style is Death Note-ish, I'm not a fan of this style, but I do like it in general. However, it'd be better if you sharpened it more, or increased the contrast, there are too many pictures in there and it's hard to see who's who there. All in all, nice^^
Sig Removed. Hosting site unavailable and giving fall virus readings
Oct 15, 2010 4:09 AM

Jun 2009
devilbatghost said:
I really don't get signatures that don't display what you've read or seen but otherwise its nice.
Actually I don't really know how to do a real sig that displays the updates ^^;

Oct 15, 2010 4:15 AM
Jul 2010
LeeNoriega ,

Avatar, signature : shiki theme based, huh, well I haven't seen that anime so I can't give optimal opinion towards it, I like the form of your signature, it looks great, although your text could be a little darker for my liking :p

Profile Picture ; Boys..Bah, It's so-so, since I'm boy myself so I can't say I like it XD

Favorite anime : Natsume Yuujinchou - oh yeah I liked it very much and opening song of this anime is cool, others are unknown to me :(

Favorite manga : Oh snap, you like to read manga a lot, I envy you, I only finsihed Amagami shinome manga which was 14 chapters anyway, since I'm so amagami fan so it's only one manga I readed and finished :p

Favorite chracters : I know only Natsume, Takashi , so don't expect much from me :p I can say he is quiet good, unlike his grandmother who left him you know what kind of book :p although I liked more that cat, darn don't remember the name xD

Favorite people : onto gomenasai, but I'll skip this xD

About me : If you'd let me say, I would describe it plain and simple profile layout with no unneeded shiny things and so on, since you're girl I can't blame you for choosing this kind of profile design XD
Oct 15, 2010 7:14 AM

Aug 2008

Avatar: pretty good picture though im not quite sure where its from. i think Ef but idk ive only seen a couple episodes and that was awhile ago

Profile Picture: cool picture. its even got ur name on it

Favorite Anime: Death Note is also on my favorites as well and then Higurashi and Code Geass would probably be in my top 10 or so too. great shows. ive seen Fate/Stay Night and it was pretty good though not one of my favorites. i havent watched Unlimted Blade Works yet though (i plan to eventually but its not really that high of a priority for me). as for Clannad, i never made it through After Story. i got bored and stopped watching After Story part way through. didnt really like it that much

Favorite Manga: N/A

Favorite Characters: Senjougahara and Rena are great. they dont quite make my overall favorites list but theyd both make my top 10 female characters. i quite liked Yomi as well and Kanade was pretty good too but the rest of em on your favorites i cant say i really like much or finished their respective animes even because i dropped Clannad and Amagami SS, only seen a couple episode of Ef as of yet, finished High School Of The Dead but i was rather disappointed in it, and i havent seen any of Kiss x Sis

Favorite People: dont really know them. looking at who they have voiced, they have voiced some characters i quite liked but i cant say id really even recognize them that easily though i might

About Me: cool picture. its all fancy with its lightning and all ur stuff on it and such.
Oct 15, 2010 7:43 AM

Apr 2008
Avatar is awesome xD Your profile pic is like, Lolwut :p?

Favorite anime : Death Note ofc , good choice also one of mine ^^ Sayonara zetsubou I also enjoyed, later seasons are crap though, and Baccano! is awesome as well so you did pretty good in this section for me :p I haven't watched the others though so :) But oeh, I've actually read plot Durarararara several times already but I might even try out 1st episode today, looks fun and found out just now bcuz of you that it's by same creator of Baccano ^^

Favorite Manga : sorry I don't actually read any myself so ^^

Fav Chars : HELL YEAH Isaac/Miria combo from Baccano are SO funny xD Isaac is indeed the better one ^^ L, nyeah typical but he's cool so :)

Fav People : Dir en grey, blegh :p The rest I actually don't really know ;)

About me : Oi oi oi go working on that man :)

Oh and btw, first time I found this thread and awesome man, I really like this idea, good job creator ! :D
Straw-Hat-MattOct 15, 2010 7:50 AM
Oct 16, 2010 4:48 PM

Jun 2010
@ Straw-Hat-Matt

Favorite Anime: I also love Death Note, Code Geass, and FMA:B. Started One piece and seems pretty decent so far, rather daunted by the 400+ episodes though, haha :). Not familar with Hajime no ippo, so can't comment on that.

Favorite Characters: Not familar with some of them. However Konata is awesome, and Gintoki might be getting into my favorites too soon.

Favorite People: Don't know them, really.

About Me: Like the beginning of it, with the pictures. However, it doesn't really say that much. :(
Oct 17, 2010 3:03 AM

Sep 2009
@ LovelyHate

You sure have joined a lot of clubs :D

Only anime we share is lucky star tho. But then maybe I'm too specific with my anime preferences so its not you its me lol.

Ouran high school is pretty decent :P
Can see you like death note, pretty intense.

Fullmetal aint bad too.
Tondemonai Fansubs
Big bag of loli desktop accessories

Oct 17, 2010 3:35 AM

Jul 2009

Happy birthday (3 days away)
Location: Varies
I'll buy you cake next time you visit :3

Profile pic looks nice :)

I'll skip favourites.

Favourite character: Yuzuyu Sakashita
-must be a loli.

You must've liked lucky star to watch an OVA, and tag as cute.
Quite a balanced list, haven't heard of a few.
Oct 17, 2010 6:09 AM

Apr 2009
Spammy spammy spammy... so I'm doing LovelyHate's

Avatar & Signature:
A screenshot of L from DN, this is a good screenie of him, but you could edit it a bit.

Profile Picture:
L again, no effects, but it looks all clean and simple, nice^^

Favourite Anime:
The only one I haven't seen is FMA, and mostly because it's so popular, I kinda don't want to watch it, though I think I'd like it.
DN, Ouran, Kuroshitsuji, Code Geass - I like them all. However, DN was a bit fail after L died and I even got bored watching Near >.> As for Ouran, I thought at first it was some stupid girlie comedy, but it appeared to be really funny, and silly in its good way, love it. Code Geass - was the second anime to make a deep impression on me. I didn't like Lelouch much, but I do respect him a lot. Kuroshitsuji - back then I didn't know about BL, yaoi and all, so I fully enjoyed each episode. I loved the atmosphere, and even its original story wasn't bad.

Favourite Manga:
Zettai Kareshi - I loved this manga a lot. More like, I loved its TV series. I can't say it's one of my faves, but it certainly is the beginner of its own genre, aka not-human lovers.
Vampire Knight - Yeah, I love it, and tons of people do too, I love the artwork, the storyline, but... they all are just DROWNING in their own emoness, it's just unbearable to watch. And I'm not a fan of vampires, but this manga really has lots of rather interesting characters, who's development we have yet see (aka Takuma, Kain, Shiki, Kaien, etc), so I'm looking forward to these, however, I have a feeling we won't get it, because Zero's emoness is contagious xD
Skip Beat! - I'm not fond of stories about celebrities, so I've never wanted to read this really.

Favourite Characters:
Almost everyone who has FMA in their faves, has Edward in their faves too xD I've seen Paku Romi voice him at one tv show, and I loved his voice, that's all I can say about him now.
Lucky Star - ... I think it's the stupidest anime, sorry >.<
Gaara - I didn't pay much attention to him at first when he was a 'bad guy', but later on he got a good character development, and now he's one of my favourite characters in Naruto. He's becoming smarter and smarter.
Lelouch - See the "fave anime section" for my opinion^^
Kyon - He really is loved, huh? xD Personally I didn't like any characters in Haruhi at all, and the anime itself too. But Kyon definitely stands out as the voice of the reason xD
Sakura - Oh good, at least one person that doesn't think "Sakura is stupid, etc etc etc" ^^ I'm neutral towards her. I prefer adult females in Naruto and Temari, but Sakura is your typical female lead, which is more like a support for male characters, besides she's become a lot stronger and she's a nice ninja now, so... I hope she won't do anything stupid again like trying to go after Sasuke alone
Light, L - I prefer L. Light is the lowest badass guy, I don't like him at all.
Itachi - I liked him at first and felt a huge respect for him after I've learned the real story about him, but now since he's dead... I kinda forgot about him. He truly was a gifted man and a great brother, though I disagree with some of his actions, but again, I didn't have to kill my own clan, so... xD
Sebastian - He's a lot more interesting in manga. He's like your perfect male character who can do anything, is cunning, scary and will obey all orders. He's one of my favourites. But what I find the most interesting about him is that you never know what he's really thinking, even when he speaks, it makes you wonder if he's saying the truth. So I'm rather curious about his real nature.

Favourite People:
Fukuyama Jun - definitely one of my favourites. His voice is easily recognizable, but he's become popular for a reason. I think he's really talented, and I love listening to cast talks in drama cds, he's always very funny and open.
I'm not fond of female seiyuus, except for a couple. But I don't like Hiirano Aya, her Haruhi is annoying, Misa's the same, the same goes for other characters.

About Me:
A nice and simple look. It's good you've put everything in spoiler tags^^ You don't have tons of animated pictures and don't display your membercards or whatever in this section. Of course, layouts are nice, but the way you did it is also nice and easily readable^^
Sig Removed. Hosting site unavailable and giving fall virus readings
Oct 21, 2010 6:05 PM

Oct 2008

Avatar & Signature:
Never seen that anime/manga, but its quite neat. What series is it from? =O

Profile Picture:
Very nice. Plain and simple. :) Also very good looking. =o

Favourite Anime:
Senkou no Night Raid <-- I've only watched the first episode, must say, some fobby chinese. x] Even my chinese cousins who DO understand and speak chinese said it was fobby. xD I must complete it.

Ookiku Furikabutte <-- Haven't watched but it sounds like H2, from the plot.

Natsume Yuujinchou <-- Heard it's a good anime, it's on my plan to watch.
Tegami Bachi

Mushishi <-- This one is also on my plan to watch list, since it's one of the classic ones to watch.

Kuuchuu Buranko <-- Looks quite weird.. but interesting.

Favourite Manga:
Out of all your favourite mangas, I've never even heard one of them. D: Some look quite good to read though.

Favourite Characters:
YES, YES, YES. HIBARI KYOUYA. I could fangirl over him anytime. :3 Frau cracks me up so he's pretty awesome as well, along with Xerxes as well, he's so random.

Favourite People:
Seems like all your favourite people are mangakas. They're alright I guess, haven't heard of them before though.

About Me:
Liking your temporary profile. Luckily I'm a fast reader so I can keep up with the animation as well.. It's a bit fast in my opinion. Everything else in the spoiler tag is good. Keeps the profile clean.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Oct 24, 2010 5:37 PM

Sep 2010
Top Anime: I haven't seen your top anime except for Spirited Away , but i have heard very good things about them.And Spirited Away was pretty good,but i personally prefer Princess Mononoke

Fav Manga:I don't read much manga except the big 3 shounen.That being said One Piece is definitely my favorite out of the 3.

Fav Chars:I don't know any of them besides Nami and i think shes alright.

Favorite People: Oda, Eiichiro i know hes the mastermind behinf One Piece so i think hes pretty cool.Other than that i don't really know the rest.

About you: Dang cool picture also im a fellow procrastinater =) And i Love Pokemon

Profile Picture I love Pokemon,but my favorite is Piplup.
Oct 24, 2010 6:22 PM

Oct 2009
Fav Anime: Code Geass is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Tengen is amazing, and school days is, like geass, a guilty pleasure, since the two are so horribly contrived.

Fav Manga: Haven't read either, but I hear such great things about One Piece. One of these days I'm going to finally pick it up.

Fav Characters: Kallen, C.C., Kamina, Simon, Teresa are all amazing characters. Others can go fuck off and die >:O

Far People: Oda seems odd.

About you: Honestly, you sound like a six year with above average grammar that just handed in his "what I want to be when I grow up, and what are my interests" paper. Haha, but it's fine man.

Profile Picture: Lelouch is gay. How did he not take Kallen >:O

Oct 24, 2010 6:31 PM

Aug 2008
@ ItachiNican

Avatar and Profile Picture: pretty cool pictures of Lelouch

Favorite Anime: Code Geass probably would have made it onto my favorites as well if I could have more than 5. School Days I have yet to finish but I plan to eventually mostly because of the ending. As for TTGL, I didn't really like it much and it didn't help that going into it I heard countless people say how amazing it was. I honestly don't get what people see in it.

Favorite Manga: I haven't read the One Piece manga but the anime is pretty good nor have I read Onani Master Kurosawa.

Favorite Characters: Rather indifferent towards Itachi and Teresa. Luffy is pretty amusing, probably my favorite from One Piece though overall I don't really like a lot of the characters from One Piece in the first place. Lelouch and C.C. are great, Karen is ok, and Suzaku annoyed me, but I loved Code Geass overall. I don't really like Kamina or Simon much at all.

Favorite People: Don't really recognize any of them except Fukuyama Jun because he voices a few characters I quite like such as Lelouch, Masayuki from Ghost Hound, Shinra from Durarara, etc. Looking at the others pages I am familiar with some of their work but I just don't really recognize them much.

About Me: Not much there though nor is there on mine

well i typed all this out only to notice someone else posted so ill just do both:


Avatar and Profile Picture: Both pretty good. I like the character but not spectacular pictures.

Favorite Anime: Only seen the first few episodes of both Ef and Toradora so I can't say much. Yu Yu Hakusho is good though. It was among my first animes.

Favorite Manga: Only one I know is Death Note. I loved the Death Note anime though I haven't read the manga yet. I've only more recently started reading manga so I haven't read much.

Favorite Characters: I liked Urameshi Yusuke. He's rather amusing. L is great. He's also on my favorites. Otonashi is pretty cool. I can't say he's one of my favorites, but overall I liked all the characters in Angel Beats. As for Lelouch see above. Haven't seen enough of the other's various animes to say much.

Favorite People: Not really familiar with any of them

About Me: That is a rather amusing picture. The Chinese Electric Batman with the regular Batman
Oct 24, 2010 7:39 PM

Sep 2010
YOU AGAIN... ohh well.

I love you profile pic, very original, we share 1 favorite anime, and have a anime compatibility of 69.6%. We have already reveiwed eachothers favorite characters in a previous thread so no need to do that again. Your bio is almost non existent but what is there is somewhat humorous. Having been on here since 2008 it seems that you arnt very interested in clubs or freinds, and i am surprised to see how low your list view count is seeing how many completed you have. But i can tell what your thinking, this is a site so that i can keep track of my episodes and not have a bunch of stupid shit about me for people i will never meet to read, which is 100% true.
Oct 25, 2010 2:48 AM

Mar 2009

Profile Pic:

I like cats, so that's a good thing. Not exactly the cutest cat I've seen but it's kinda cute anyway. LOL.

Fav Anime:

Baccano! was an entertaining watch for me. I marathoned it and liked it. I just think it's overhyped by many people.

I got into Bakemonogatari because I heard lotta good feedback about it. It was different from most anime in a way I can't quite explain. The first half of the series was enjoyable but the last few eps were pretty bad. The constant different coloured screens got annoying as hell after some time.

K-ON! was forgettable and boring for me. I lost all interest left in me when Azusa showed up. She was just there for nekomimi lovers.

Fav Characters:

Rukia is a good choice. Most Bleach characters suck, but she' s alright. Also, it's good that she doesn't have big boobs like most Bleach female characters do.

Mio was okay at the beginning but the whole exploitation of her shy and easily embarrassed side got on my nerves.

Yui is cute. I like her voice in the K-ON songs.

Jacuzzi isn't one of the standout characters of the series, but his name sure is memorable..

Hitagi is simply put- a bitch, to me anyway. I don't like her and I don't think she's even hot.

About Me:

The way you type shows that you are perhaps lazy to type in proper English with correct spelling etc. Doesn't bother me, since it's on your profile and not mine.

Image overload.. the only one I like is the one with two cats in front of a moe-filled-screen TV.

Youtube vids overload as well.
Oct 25, 2010 11:24 AM
Jul 2010
To AlexSadist-sama

Profile picture - :// so - so, quality is pretty bad (I can clearly see sharp edges..

Avatar - bewbs, all I can say...

Favorite anime/manga - Omg don't know any of them :O

Favorite characters - Yagami Light, ahh..At least I know him ^.^ he is great, and I don't quiet understand people who dislike him O.o

About me : Empty, you should write something about yourself, or request/make nice picture and put it in there instead of leaving it plain like that :/

Favorite people : only guys and I still don't know them...Don't get why you like them thought :/

P.S.I hope my post won't be considered as spamming , I wrote all I could :/
Oct 25, 2010 11:41 AM

Jul 2009
oh, someone managed to skip mine

i'll write a new rulebook c:
Oct 25, 2010 11:54 AM
Jul 2010
ciels said:
oh, someone managed to skip mine

i'll write a new rulebook c:

add no offtopic to it.... -.-"
Oct 25, 2010 12:06 PM

Apr 2009
@ Ciels:

Those few 'sentences' that you wrote can't be considered as a proper comment here. And it's unfair towards people that give a more detailed overview and put more effort into it.
If you have nothing to say about the profile, then don't bother posting here, it's simple.

AironicallyHuman said:
PLEASE don't spam, making posts with a few letters/words. A few sentences is perfectly fine, but anything below that is spam. I'm posting this in the anime section because I want detail; not single word posts.

Instead of writing new rules read the old ones ;D

LeeNoriegaOct 25, 2010 12:10 PM
Sig Removed. Hosting site unavailable and giving fall virus readings
Nov 4, 2010 6:58 PM

Jun 2010

Favorite Anime: The only ones i've seen are Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (God that show so creepy, i wasnt able to finish it), Death Note ( I love it), Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 (That was really good, i started crying at the end), everything else i haven't seen

You have no Fav Manga but we dont share any manga anyways

Favorite Characters: The only one i know is Rena from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, after the first arc with her i never looked at her the same again 0.0

Favorite People: Dont know any of them

About Me: Lol i have to agree about the idiots thing, and of course the money i love lots and lots of money too xD

Profile Pic: Sorry I'm kinda stupid have no idea who it is

And we have a anime compatibility of about 58%
Nov 5, 2010 3:48 AM
Oct 2010
about me section:, It's got a lot of drawings...n__n I guess you want people to see them?

avatar: Could that possibly be Ryoma?? O.o just a guess.

top five:, eettoo...we don't have anything in common...o.o

favourite characters:,OMG CIEL~ AND L~ AND LELOUCH TOO`~

favourite people, you have one...n__n

clubs, you have joined a club for chibi vampires and neko...n__n

friends, she's got twenty~ n_n

comments it seems liek you like greeting people and giving cards~ n__n
Nov 5, 2010 4:46 AM

Jan 2010
about me: Hmm...its blue. :D

profile pic: its you...:D

fave people: you have none.

fave anime: hmm...some of them are into battling and some like jigoku shoujo are preety cool...n_n

fave characters: they're on your list and your profile..i gotta say you really like them.

comments: wow. it starts with apologies...xD

friends: you have one...and that's me...XD
Nov 5, 2010 6:32 AM

Mar 2009


It reflects your username. Not my kinda avatar, but since it's yours it doesn't matter to me.

Profile Pic:

3D. It would look neater if it was standardized to the MAL size, 225x350.

Fav Anime:

Drrr was below average for me. The first few eps were good and interesting, but it just went downhill from there. The ending was kinda cliched and badly done, in my opinion.

Fav Manga:

I tried reading Vampire Knight after watching it but couldn't get into it. All the characters looked pretty much the same since manga's black and white.


Izaya ain't badass or evil. In my opinion. He's just a little more on the "dark" side compared to the other Drrr peeps.
Nov 5, 2010 7:00 AM

Jan 2009

Avatar & Signature: Ahm, Have no idea who that is, can' say it looks special or something, but it's better than nothing. The signature is sort of cool, because it's simple =)

Profile Picture: Well, I'm not a fan of a typical anime female, with oversize breasts. Not appealing to me.

Favorite Anime: Slam Dunk - you already know what I think about that masterpiece =) So right on. About the Outlaw Star can't really say anything, though I've read somewhere that it's a good one, reminds you of how great anime was in the past.

Favorite Manga: Slam Dunk - That's an obvious, because manga and anime are equally amazing. Onani Master - I did not finish it, the story seems somewhat strange to me, maybe if I read the ending I'll appreciate it more. DMT - I have a feeling that it's cool, since the main character is so intriguing.

Favorite Characters: HOLD ON! Where's Rukawa? Oh, you traitor, how could you. Now I have zero known characters to look at. Well, Revy is very popular, even I know about her and her character without reading or watching the anime. She's a badass. That's all.

Favorite People: Well, never heard of them. Musical tastes are not something to discuss or judge.

About Me: Is it me or you don't have anything there?
Nov 5, 2010 7:24 AM

Jun 2007

Avatar: A fella with a big nose. Must have bad teeth since he's covering his mouth. Like the realistically-sized eyeballs.

Stats: I had no idea you had a vagina until I looked. Your tastes don't give that impression, at all.

Every one of your statistics is smaller than my own, naturally.

Top Five (anime):

Monster's too slow-paced/lead-switchy to be the number one anime. I can appreciate its qualities and Urasawa's great at writing thrillers full of twists... but his stories just go on for too damn long.

No real surprise to see LotGH ranked right behind Monster when fans of Monster are very likely to love it as well. Slow-paced, full of great characters, lots of twists, years pass, can be hard to stick with, etc etc.

The Berserk anime captures the best section of the manga and ends perfectly; screwing up the minds of children, worldwide. Terrific lead trio.

Much like Monster>LotGH, Gungrave following behind Berserk is no surprise. Settings aside, the two a very similar - revolving around best friends turning on each other, betrayal and rising up the ranks. Manly anime, where females are useless.

One Piece doesn't really fit with the above four choices... at all. You went from seinen>seinen>seinen>seinen to never-ending shounen. Must be a female brain problem?... Idk.

Top Five (manga): Berserk is something I kind of want to read and kind of don't. It seems like it's destined never to end, and the English volumes cost a ton to buy, even though they're averagely sized. And I didn't like the post-BotH volumes I read very much.

Vagabond and Sanctuary are both manly manga and, naturally, I plan on reading the two, at some point. I even own the first two Sanctuary volumes.

Characters: Out of Berserk's main three, I'd personally put Griffith last and Gutts first. Griffith betraying his comrades and raping his most loyal servant, in front of her man, kind of makes him hard to like, or respect. Gutts, on the other hand, grew a lot over the course of the story.

Your love for Byakuya must stem from fangirl affection, rather than you loving him for his depth. He was pretty cool, in an emotionlessly cool way, during the SS business, but he's really nothing special - just another elite rival for a brash shounen lead to have a rivalry with.

Never felt much love for Tenma, or any of Monster's characters. Nina was hot, so she naturally gained a few points, and that police officer with constantly typing fingers was creepishly cool, but aside from those two...

The only Gantz character I'd put on my top ten list is Kurono. I could relate to him from the get-go thanks to the realism behind his choices and thoughts, and his growth as a person over the course of the story made me start to respect him. Nishi, on the other hand, I thought was just a throwaway blogger, until I read a spoiler the other day....

About me~desu: Flags.

Comments: Translation, plz.
Nov 18, 2010 10:37 PM

Feb 2010

about me: one picture with a sexual statement...nice

profile pic: a pure white picture of an otaku in front of his computer little ambiguous

fave anime: alot of sophisticated anime i.e. code geass, death note

fave manga: i don't really read manga so i don't know how to criticize it

fave characters: its like 9 serious characters and then there's Holo

fave people: don't know them but its only two ppl and one of them is a dubber

comments: over 1000 comments more then me but you got like two years on me :P
checkdafoolNov 19, 2010 5:57 PM
Nov 23, 2010 5:57 PM

Mar 2009

Profile Pic:

It's the same one since the last time I've seen your profile.
It's quite a popular pic of Toshiro.
The outline of his figure and the round stuff in the background looks kinda nice.

Fav Anime:

Lucky Star is one hell of a fun and sometimes funny anime. I like it. It might be plotless but it's definitely very enjoyable.

I don't like Clannad for many reasons which I would not explain since it'd probably
become more of a rant.

Fav Manga:

RV was quite a fun read, coupled with nicely drawn ecchi parts. I've heard that the anime does not follow the manga and is just purely fanservice though.


Mizore is probably one of my fave RV chars. She may be quiet but she has presence.

Toshiro is more of the girls' fave, from what I've seen. His hyourinmaru is pretty cool though.

Kagami is awesome. I don't normally like the cutely drawn kinda chars but she's one of the few exceptions.

Shana was just annoying as hell. Esp after she started liking Yuji. And her seiyuu's voice is super annoying too.

Tomoya is one of those supposed-to-be-cool characters but ends up looking more like trying-to-be-cool, to me.

Mio was okay at first but when the anime started "exploiting" her shy nature it was unbearable.


You read very little, like most people I've seen.
Nov 23, 2010 7:24 PM

Dec 2009

Profile Pic: I like it, although I'm not much for Vocaloid but it's a good picture

Fav Anime: I've only seen Outlaw Star out of those and I liked it although the art got on my nerves at points, the plot and setting made up for it though. Been planning on watching Michiko to Hatchin

Fav Manga: Onani Master Kurosawa was awesome, glad to see that there. I may have to re-read it. I've also been planning on reading Slam Dunk.

Characters: Alphard got on my nerves quite a bit, but I began to like her later into the series. I thought Revy was pretty bad ass so I liked her and Light was just awesome in general.

Other: You've read a lot of manga.. got my respect.. and I'm digging the cat. Oh yeah and we got a pretty low Anime Compatibility.
maholloNov 23, 2010 7:34 PM
Nov 23, 2010 8:18 PM

Aug 2008

Avatar and Profile Pic - both pretty cool

Favorite Anime: Durarara is also on my favorites and all the other animes i also have as 10s with the except of TTGL which i didnt really like very much. i loved Durarara, Darker Than Black, Pandora Hearts, and Phantom though.

Favorite Manga: well i havent read any of them but i have seen the animes for Welcome To The NHK and Gantz and i quite liked both of them and plan to read the mangas for both of them eventually

Favorite Characters:
Heiwajima Shizuo - amazing character. one of my favorites from Durarara and i love all the characters in Durarara.

Zwei and Ein - i really liked both of them. i tend to like the calm characters like them (that or odd characters) and even apart from that i liked the relationship between them and such

Hei - i quite liked him as well. great protagonist

Sagara Sousuke - pretty good character and hes a funny guy

Yagami Light - i really liked Light and Death Note is one of my favorite animes though he doesnt quite make my list though and i liked L a bit better but i did really like both of them

Favorite People: n/a

About Me: more than i have at least. out of ur list of favorite songs. its mostly stuff that im rather indifferent too. i do quite like The Beatles, though i listened to them more when i was younger. i used to do lists of bands and such on profiles but it got too troublesome because i listen to a lot of music and its hard to cut stuff down to a manageable amount for me
KyzixNov 25, 2010 7:07 AM
Nov 29, 2010 9:00 AM

Sep 2010
has a good taste in favorite anime, manga and characters in my opinion :)
personality type totally different than me though ~!

Nov 29, 2010 9:55 AM

Jul 2010
profile pic seems cool. Ava also cute. Sig is simple and looks clean n stylish.
Has a lot more entries than me O_o, both manga and anime.
The kitten picture in the anime/manga list hurts my eyes =(
Shares only 19 anime and 7 manga with me, so obviously has different tastes.
For the entries we share, she seems to be a lot harsher on shounen mainsteam battle anime/manga while I grade the psychological/slice of life manga/anime lower.
Although I don't have my personality test posted, I'm an INTJ while she's INFP. While we both share the introverted trait, the similarities end there xP.
I can't relate much or even at all to her favourites. The only one I recognise is Angel Beats!
Prefers anime to manga, which is a little sad =(. Reading is better than watching IMO!
The more beautiful and pure a thing is... the more satisfying it is to corrupt it, isn't it?
Nov 29, 2010 6:57 PM

Aug 2010
Hmmm, profile picture and sig are the same? Yeahhhhhh. We don't share that much anime but that's not surprising seeing as I have very little anime and my your manga is more mainstream and mine is a bit random. Your favorites are ehhhh, most ones I haven't seen/read so idk.

All and all the profile is pretty empty. Maybe an 'about me' section could be added? Nahhh? Ohhh it's a man, okay. Lazyyyyyy. :P Okay, alright I'm done and ready for criticism on my profile.
Nov 29, 2010 8:05 PM

Feb 2008

profile pic and avatar: not sure who they are sry not a big shojo reader
favorite animes: only know soul eater i liked the first half the second half just went downhill though. I heard the manga is better.
favorite mangas: i dont know any of these sry i'm not a big shojo reader but if u dont mind id like to recommend Land of the Blindfolded and Musashi #9 these two are my favorite shojos
favorite characters: only know 3
Sesshomaru: i guess girls love the silent cool and pretty boys i can understand why hes on top of all ur favorites
Death the Kid: awesome character hes cool hes stylish hes hes funny. Though Soul Eater has a lot of good characters my favorite would be Justin Law love his beats.
Naruto: Naruto is a good series but wat made it good is the story and the way its written the characters suck... all of them and im saying this as a Naruto fan.
Favorite people: Flow... really? they did two decent songs for Naruto Go!!! and re:member but their other songs... way to mainstream and not only that theres no... kick... sry im not a music expert but i can tell wat a good song is.
About Me: wow i like it its simple but i can tell u did some work unlike mine XD
Anime/Manga list: didnt really modify it anyways
Animes: we share 4 series only one have u rated Princess Mononoke its an amazing film I agree.
mangas: we share 12 and u only rated 2. MAR its an ok shounen series but i would not give it over a 7. .Hack// Legend of the Twilight cant remember how this went been a long time since ive read it.
yunfanzNov 29, 2010 8:12 PM
Dec 2, 2010 11:52 AM

Jun 2009

Profile Pic:
Girl Duel welding sword. Looks like its kinda old but good.

About Me:
You've been watching anime about a half year longer than me. Seems like your really big into comedies. And your layout is nice and clean.

Fav Anime:
Notice that every anime on your favorite list are animes that I have started but have never finished.

Fav Manga:
I've heard of Getbackers, but never had the time to read with everything else on my plate atm. Sooner or later I'll get the chance to read it.

Looking through your character list, I dont recognize any of them but one. Which is Onizuka from GTO. (who is also on of my fav characters)

Seems you like manga alot more than anime. Which I see nothing wrong with it since I've come to love Manga more than Anime.
Dec 3, 2010 7:04 AM

Jun 2007

Avatar: Eye-catching pink. I approve.

Top Five: At some point in the future, I'll no doubt watch both Shiki and Skip Beat. I'm doubtful I'll end up loving them enough to place them as my new top two, but here's hoping I enjoy them.

Shana had a great opening episode; one which made me have high expectations. Then, all I got were shounen cliches and melon bread. It got worse as it progressed.

True Tears also started out strongly. The chicken metaphor girl and the lead randomly 180ing on his decision, resulting in two extra, pointless episodes made me dislike it.

Everything I've read about Umineko suggests it's a terrible anime that fans of the VN 10/10, regardless.

Top Five (manga): Back in the day, I loved Biter Virgin. I even read it in one-sitting. The story of a sexual abuse victim attempting to recover from her emotional wounds by entering into a relationship was quite moving. But it ended so abruptly and horribly that it can't get a 9-10/10 score.

Daisy's pretty good, for a shoujo, and that's probably due to the mangaka being male. The drama is on the OTT side but I like the humour, and the 'white knight' romance hasn't been too bad, up to yet. Need to read more to judge better.

The NHK manga is the worst version of its story. There's a lot of poor filler content, and the final volume - with its apartment demolition story - was fairly awful. I enjoyed the anime MUCH more.

Characters: Your #1 was part of a love square that never was. Not in any way a memorable character, so I'm not sure why you like her so much; superficial reasons aside.

Kami's premise is great, and Keima's nerdy aversion to real girls makes the show entertaining. But Keima as a character? In the land of the real, he'd be a loser sat alone in a corner, playing his games.

Shana's vocabulary doesn't extend far beyond 'melon bread' and 'Flame Haze'. An annoying tsundere loli.

Ryuuji from Toradora is your typical lead of a haremish show who gets lots of pussy choices but plays it safe. Going for a child over fully grown hotties ain't cool.

People: Mamoru has my undying love for nailing Light; becoming the character. Not so sure about his other performances, though...

Fukuyama was great as Lelouch, changing his voice as required and doing the more epic moments justice. And I recall liking his exchanges with Horo in S&W, too.

About me-desu: Attractive. The text itself/content isn't great but the choice of colours appeal to me. Black FTW!

Dec 3, 2010 7:44 AM

Sep 2010
about me: haha wooow

profile pic: i imagine this how you are usually ~

fave people: only 2 :o?

fave anime: you have a much more... manlier taste than me i can see, but i like it. ive only seen a bit of the kimagure series :( i wanna finsih that!

fave characters:
your favorites... are very interesting XD Spiegel, Spike <-- yes =w=

comments: a frickin long ass one oAo

friends: 8 and it sounds all like guys haha :)

Dec 3, 2010 9:23 AM

Aug 2008

Avatar and Profile Pic: both r pretty good

Favorite Anime: i also really liked Higurashi, Angel Beats, Bakemonogatari, and To Aru Majutsu No Index. none of them r on my top 5 but all 10s except for Index which i have as a 9. i havent seen Neon Genesis Evangelion yet. ive heard good things about it but i tend to not really like mechas

Favorite Manga: Mirai Nikki is also one of my favorites and i recently started reading Deadman Wonderland and im loving it so far. the other three i havent read so i cant say much

Favorite Characters: i quite like Keiichi and Ayato. i watched some of Toradora and i didnt really like Taiga at all. i really dont have all that much of an opinion on Shinobu yet but i am really looking forward to Kizumonogatari getting an anime adaptation. the mysterious boy from Angel Beats was a good character too but he just wasnt really in it much. dont know any of the other characters as i havent seen their animes (save for some of Umineko but i havent gotten to Sakutaro yet)

Favorite People: i know Ono Daisuke, Fukuyama Jun, and Ishida Akira as they each voice some of my favorite characters but i dont know the other ones really though i might recognize their voices

About Me:quite a different personality thing than mine and i dont like the music u have listed either but i do like the Bakemonogatari picture.
Dec 30, 2010 8:26 PM

Dec 2008

Avatar + Siggy - Zetsubou Sensei is Zetsubou sensei/Depressing. :p

Profile Pic - Being better for night, and dark MAL, makes a slight liability in my opinion in it. I get the gag,

Fav Anime -
Durarara! - One of my top 5 animes of 2010. This not only had an entire enjoyable cast, but also the plot, music, and soon to be dub are fine examples of what a great anime can be.

Zoku Zetsubou - I haven't seen it in forever, I laughed, but literally died every time from the dark humor, which in this case is a fine example/host for.

Baccano! - Same concept of look as DRRR!. Except that Czelaw, and Eve annoyed me quite a bit. My 2 cents of proof of how good Brains Base can get.

Death Note - It's okay, I try to just pretend episode 27 - 37 didn't happen, but that'd be ridiculous, for the L arc it was great, afterword it just fell apart.

Fav Manga-

Mirai Nikki, Goth, and Doubt. You have good taste in horror. I've yet to try Deadman Wonderland, as i'm waiting to give the upcoming anime a shot, but my my fine tastes indeed.

Fav Characters
Yuno - :3
Nozomu - :X
Izaya - XP
L - :>
Isaax - XD
Shizuo - :D
Hitagi - X>
Kafuka - :<

Fav People
The only one I've heard of is Hormone, and I didn;t care for their performance in Death Note. "ERASER RAIN!" was catchy, but old fast.

About Me
Blood Brothers you say? Very nice.
Jan 12, 2011 12:37 AM

Mar 2009


It looks like fan art to me.

Profile pic:

An okay pic of Hideyoshi, not one of the better pics though.

Fav Anime:

FLCL- I don't mind random stuff in anime but FLCL just didn't present all the randomness and wackiness in a good and enjoyable way, in my opinion.

Higurashi- Really liked it, despite the poor quality in art and animation. I still prefer the manga series though.

DtB- I've wanted to watch this for a long time but never got around to it.

Baccano!- Good marathon material. it was very enjoyable.

Panty Stocking- One of the better anime of 2010. I liked the kind of dirty humor the series had, it was also funny at times. Most of all, a really good cliffhanger ending for the last ep.

Fav Manga:

Air Gear- I gave it a try but it just didn't quite interest me.

Dogs- Interesting stuff.

Onani- AWESOME. It was different than what I thought it'd be.

Fav Chars:

Lelouch is just a douchebag to me, he's apparently "smart" but his actions tell me otherwise.

I don't see the deal bout Hideyoshi...

Kurosawa is indeed the master of onani. Lol.

Misaka- She's okay, but nothing special about her really.

Saeko- The only character in the series that I can tolerate. Even so, I don't like her.

Haine- He looks insane but he doesn't seem to act insane.

Hei- I read the manga and he's alright.

Itsuki- I only remember that he liked that pink haired girl.

Rin- She's boring, just like the series itself.
Jan 12, 2011 1:18 AM

Sep 2008
@ AlexSadist-sama

Av + Sig - doesn't really match your nick. You should be called Alex Debonair-sama with that sig alone...

Profile Pic - I like the profile pic, but trying to guess where she's from. Game girl or anime girl?

Fave Anime - whilst I'll agree that Slam Dunk, One Outs and Outlaw Star are pretty good and deserving as favorites, Lucky Star just stuck out like a sore thumb.....but hey, each to their own. Also wondering why you only have 4 faves in your profile when you can have 5?

Fave Manga - well at least we share a common fave which is Onani. I've actually been meaning to read Slam Dunk as was pretty disappointed with the anime ending but just never got round to it. Same with DMC.

Fave Characters - talk about a mix bag of nuts. You got psychotics to moé lil dollies in your faves. If I had to pick my top 3 out of your list, it'd have to be Revy, Hina Ichigo and Light.

Favorite People - Ali Project, a theme singer for a few fave anime series I like so I guess not too bad at all. But only 1 fave person?

About Me - now she looks more the part that matches your nick. She definitely is an S(although not sure where she's from)
Jan 12, 2011 1:46 PM

Nov 2008
@ Scrypt

Av + Sig - Works well, although I'd add a touch of blue on Av to match it completely. (maybe every other "scrypt" in a nice blueish color.

Profile Pic - Saber? hmm kinda unexpected. Probably outdated, isn't it?

Fave Anime - I've seen only two of yours, but I liked them so fair enough. I might try to watch the other ones.

Fave Manga - Can't really say anything since I haven't read much myself.

Fave Characters - Mix of game and anime characters, just like me.

Favorite People - S.L.Jackson hehe, if it wasn't for his voice the series would be kinda nothing. I do recognize some of the other people - Hayao, also my fav.

About Me - WOW, so much colors, so different in comparison with other elements (av, sig, list etc) Someone really worked on this for a few minutes.

In addition I'd like to comment on the list - nice piece of work, but as I mentioned, its so different to other elements. Lastly, over 1000 series completed +100pts of respect on MAL hehe ;)
Web developers answer to pretty much any request: You tell me exactly what you want, and I will very carefully explain to you why it cannot be...
Jan 15, 2011 2:40 PM

Feb 2008

avatar+sig+about me+ profile pic: Assassin creed!!! lol my friend was playing it once and he kept killing all the black people he sees and when we ask him y? he says he is doing the world a favor so now every time i see assassin creed i think about that...

fav animes:
kimi ga nozomu eien: awesome anime the goodbye scene soo beautiful i was watching it with my mouth open think i drooled a little too lol
clannad: I cant stand this anime i told myself im gonna watch it once and i fell asleep in a middle of an episode soo way to boring for me

fav manga:
clannad tomoyo after: it wasnt a bad story i kinda liked it

fav characters:
Briareos Hecatonchires: i dont know wat i should say hes a good character... and the anime was good!!!
Dante: he has a red cloak!!! all characters that wears a red cloak or trench coat is bad ass like vincent valentine from ff7 Jiro Mochizuki from black blood brothers alucard from hellsing vash the stampede from trigun
Moro:... again wat could i say... its a good anime...
Gouki: aku-chan!!! lol love how evil looking he is who the hell wraps rope around their hands as gloves
Seth: omg i hate seth u dont know how much hours i spent trying to beat him for the first time... it was painful

fav people:
Key: wow so ur a guy that loves bad ass video game characters and really deep romance lol its cool!!! personally i cant stand key its just their stories and the way they tell it i find it too deep and shallow at the same time lol makes no sense eh? uhhm... id go into detail but that will take too long so... anyways i really like the animation and characters or actually just girl designs lol and some music are nice
Lia: heard some of her songs i found it too plain... yah didnt like it that much sry.

shard anime: we share 24 animes and we agreed the scores for 7 series u rated most of ur series pretty high there is 3 series im surprised by ur ratings first is doujin works only a 3? i found it laughable second the full metal panic series u liked the third season the most? well the second season is the most popular the first season is good too and the third is usually the least favorite third anime is school days u really liked this one? well i dont really mind it too much but i do question how did a romance series end up as a horror series lol and it mentally disturbed one of my friends every time i mention the name he will say omg shut up i dont want to remember that.

shard manga: we share 2 series bakuman and clannard tomoyo after and we share the same rating for bakuman

manga anime list: ok background for the anime list its cool with the colors but the titles are a little hard to see and some to the titles on the red lines are impossible to see u might wanna change that and the background i dont really like it repeating i think it will be better if its set. manga list this ones good like it better the ur anime list
yunfanzJan 15, 2011 2:54 PM
Jan 18, 2011 12:15 AM

Aug 2010
The picture profile,avatar,your favorite characters,anime,manga are all good and the wallpaper of your anime manga list is awesome,unfortunately we don't share any anime and manga series.
Feb 2, 2011 6:48 PM

Jan 2009
Damn, haven't visited this thread in a while. xD Anyways, for yakushi.

Avatar & Signature//
Major kudos to you for having Eyeshield, haha. I love Sena!

Profile Picture//
Also a huge fan of Kenshin. Though the fact that it looks like a generic image that wasn't particularly edited to make it look neater (if that makes any sense) kind of takes away from the picture.

Favorite Anime
Watching Neon Genesis Evangelion right now. It's interesting. Not particularly good, but I think I need to finish before I can make a statement. It definitely picked up though.
Rurouni Kenshin's a great series. I haven't watched the anime, but I do plan on it.
Haven't seen the others.

Favorite Manga
Naruto's overrated. I'd go on a rant about it, but that would result in an overload.
Eyeshield 21 is also on my favorites, it was an excellent series. Though I didn't particularly like the ending. It was still great either way.
I have not read the others, but I see that you're a fan of Evangelion and Cyborg 009.

Favorite Characters
Something about Rei bothers me. I don't know what, but she just irks me.
Sai pisses me off.
Saitou was such a great anti-hero. He just had an excellent character portrayal.
Sena's cute. I wouldn't have him as a favorite, but I could see why he would be on your list.
Sousuke is weird. That's all I can say, haha.
Kenshin's awesome. Enough said. Though I really didn't like when he went all emo before the end.
Shinji bothers me.

Favorite People
Megumi Hayashibara definitely has some great roles.
I love Akira Ishida. Great seiyuu.
I don't know the other dude, but he has a pretty epic fro.

About Me
It's kind of dull. A lot of spoilers and random images and videos thrown in. But it does get your point across, so.
Feb 2, 2011 7:25 PM

Aug 2008

Avatar/Profile Picture: Great avatar. Yotsuba is amazing. I don't recognize the character from your profile picture, but it is a pretty good picture.

Favorite Anime: I loved Monster. It's not on my favorites, but I do have it rated as a 10. I really liked Samurai Champloo and Spirited Away as well. Both great anime though Spirited away isn't my favorite from Miyazaki. As for Pokemon, I quite liked it as a kid, but not so much anymore. I always liked the games better than the anime anyway.

Favorite Manga: I haven't read any of the manga on your favorites, but I have seen the anime for both Rurouni Kenshin and xxxHolic, and I quite like both of them. Rurouni Kenshin was actually my first anime even. Though I haven't read it yet, I've heard good things about Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan and plan to do so eventually.

Favorite Characters: I did like Lavi, but I can't say he was really one of my favorites from D. Gray-man. I really liked Yuuko. She is a very amusing character and close to being one of my favorite female characters though not that close for my overall list. I really liked Kenshin as well, and I always will to some degree as he was the main protagonist of my first anime, but he isn't really anywhere near my favorites. The rest I don't really know very well. I've watched some of Kimi ni Todoke and Hetalia, but I can't really say much about the characters as i dropped Kimi ni Todoke and, though I plan to continue Hetalia eventually, I don't think I've gotten to Prussia yet.

Favorite People: The only one I really know is Miyazaki Hayao. He has some great movies. I really liked Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle especially. I am not really well versed in voice actors (I think I could probably only name like two off the top of my head) though I do recognize voices and am familiar with some of the roles your favorites have done.

About Me: Not much there, but what is there is understandable.
Feb 3, 2011 4:29 AM

Jan 2009

Yay for Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei! :D

Profile Picture
I believe it's more Nozomu, or am I wrong? Generic picture, but it's really interesting.

Favorite Anime
Haven't watched DRRR yet, but I keep hearing good things about it. I just wanted to wait until the obsession died a little, haha.
I need to watch Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensi as well. I'm really liking the manga, so.
Death Note's a well deserved favorite, haha.
Baccano! I also need to watch. Damn, but I also heard that was good.
Haven't heard of the last one though.

Favorite Manga
I only recognize Deadman Wonderland of the titles you have in your favorites, but I'm curious to know what all of them are about. Other than that, haven't read any of them.

Favorite Characters
Nozomu's a really entertaining guy, haha.
Izaya's crazy, enough said. Cell phones, anyone? Though he is my favorite from DRRR as well.
L is unbelievable. He's a favorite, but not even close to my top favorites.
I fucking love Xerxes and Badou (pardon my French). ♥ Probably my favorite characters from their respective series. :D
Haven't heard of the others though.

Favorite People
Maximum the Hormone's interesting. I don't particularly love their music, but they had some alright songs.
I only know Ryohgo Narita as the man behind Baccano! and DRRR, soo. xD
Yota Tsuruoka is amazing. Enough said.
Haven't heard of the others though. ><

About Me
Nothing special, though I like your bass covers (can't hear them very well though). You get the general idea of who you are out there though, so all's good. Damn, now I'm curious to know what kind of music you like. xD
Feb 3, 2011 8:59 AM

Apr 2007

Anime compatibility with Sotoriel is:
Anime You Share (53)

Manga compatibility with Sotoriel is:
Manga You Share (134)

Avatar & Signature
I don't particularly find anything wrong with either one I'm just not fond of both of them being the same picture. I'm not particularly fond of Yotsuba either.

Profile Picture
I just keep staring at it but I honestly have no critique whatsoever about it.

Anime & Manga Stats
I never understood the need to have a plan to watch/read list especially when its larger than the watched/read or on-hold sections ...combined in your case.

Favorite Anime
*Pokemon - an instant classic, one of my all-time favorite anime and one of the very few ones I can watch over and over again.
*Spirited Away - see pokemon. Then again I enjoyed all the Miyazaki movies I've seen so far.
*Samurai Champloo - see pokemon (again).
*Monster - My feelings toward this anime are neutral, I didn't hate it but I wouldn't consider it to be one of my favorites.
*Katekyo Hitman Reborn - I haven't seen the anime yet (nor do I plan to) but I do enjoy the manga.

Favorite Manga
*xxxHolic - I forgot to add this to my own manga list. >.> But its an okay manga, definitely a lot better than Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE.
*Rurouni Kenshin - I know enjoyed this manga a lot, but I honestly can't remember anything other than the characters.
*Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan - Can't say I've ever heard of this manga.
*Eyeshield 21 - Heh, heh... my all-time co-favorite manga. Its easily the single best thing I've ever read and probably ever will read.

Favorite People
Miyazaki - if I had enough room I would have added him to my list. Maybe not but he's definitely in the top ten.
*I never heard of the rest of them except Paku and the only role I know her from is Ed.

Favorite Characters
*Hiruma - the play maker from hell. One of my absolutely favorite top five characters of Eyeshield 21.
*Dino - I enjoy his klutzy nature when his family isn't around.
*Lavi - he's no Allen or Kanda but nevertheless I do like Lavi
*Kenshin - one of my all-time favorite swordsman. His fighting skills were badass though his personality was ridiculously goofy.
ghirahimFeb 3, 2011 9:03 AM
Feb 9, 2011 2:14 PM

Jan 2009

Avatar and Signature//
Nothing special. Kind of bland, but at least it's something.

Profile Picture//
Yaoi? Yaoi.

Favorite Manga//
Eyeshield 21 is up there with good reason. :D It's such an excellent series, though I really didn't like the ending...
Beelzebub is another one I'd so add to my list if I had room. Dx
And ahh, yes. Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Another excellent series that I think is now picking up. xD
I, alas, do not know the others. Though I'm curious to know how you even managed to get more than five favorites on that list of yours. >>

Favorite Characters//
Sena reminds me of Tsuna. Except Sena actually had more balls than Tsuna, in my opinion. He's a great character though.
Toujou's amazing. I wish he appeared more often, but meh. At least the anime's just starting. :D Oga's and Toujou's interactions should be amusing.
Personally didn't like Gaou. He was just... yeah, I don't know. Pretty epic person for defense though in the All Star arc or whatever it was called. *brainfart*
Gokudera is amazing! He's such a funny character too.
Beelzebub can only be summarized in one word: DABU.
Yugi pisses me off. I never liked him, and he always bothered me. xP
I don't know the others.

Favorite People//
Inagaki only did Eyeshield, but it's definitely a good enough reason to have him on your favorites.
Same reason for Tamura, except it's Beelzebub.
I absolutely love Murata's artworks. Though it's exaggerated, it's just so amazing how much perspective is thrown in, especially in Eyeshield.
I don't know the others.

About Me//
Eh, it only has an interesting image. Other than that, you're a rather mysterious character, aren't you?
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8523 by MinakoBestGirl »»
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» Come up with a ridiculous reason to take off the user's clothes above ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Absurdo_N - May 20

338 by Little_Sheepling »»
4 minutes ago

» What will you and the above user most likely do? ( 1 2 )

IpreferEcchi - Sep 22

65 by Little_Sheepling »»
5 minutes ago

» Ask the person below you a question. v35 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

-DxP- - Jun 28

6833 by Little_Sheepling »»
6 minutes ago

» First Thing That Comes To Mind v24 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

KayKimii - Jul 29

3635 by karioka- »»
8 minutes ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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