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Jul 24, 2022 1:40 PM

Nov 2013
i spend very little on a day-to-day basis and try to save what i can - but typically every few months i'll make a large purchase based on my goals

how do you manage your money? are you an investor? are you saving for certain goals? do you not bother looking at the price tags? how much junk/fast food are you buying every week?
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jul 24, 2022 1:53 PM

Jun 2022
Big spender, for sure. I've never been good with saving money in my life.

But, I rationalize it because I do have a retirement fund that is growing and I contribute to it satisfactorily. Bills are always paid on time. Always have food. Shelter and clothing for myself and my kid, and can get him something nice sometimes (though try to make him earn a lot of the stuff he wants). Insurance to help cover me.

If all needs are met, I can have a bit of fun with the money, or just not worry about eating at a restaurant a few times a month or whatever it is.
Jul 24, 2022 2:27 PM

Jul 2014
Spender. I've been blowing a bunch of money on books, perfumes, cds, anime stuff, and clothes. Going to try to save for a while
Jul 24, 2022 2:31 PM
Jul 2018
I'd say if someone were dependent on me...they wouldn't stay alive for very long. yeah, not a spender.

...I'm just not a materialistic consumer in any way possible (I should've been the president of the US, they wouldn't be broke as they do now).
Jul 24, 2022 2:53 PM

Apr 2013
I try to be frugal as much as I can. Reserving much of my money for bigger things that I need, as well as saving for events.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Jul 24, 2022 2:58 PM
Nov 2011
This is actually a very interesting question because I don't think the opposite of big spender necessarily means big saver.

Hear me out. When you think Big saver, you think people putting money aside into an account that earns interest or invested in some way so it can grow. But the opposite of big spender might actually be, being afraid to part with money.

Being afraid to part with money is not the same as being a saver. But it certainly could be the opposite of Big Spender. I definitely feel that when it comes to Big purchases, I overanalyze and critique what I might do, and talk myself out of buying a lot of things. This happens not because I'm trying to save, oh no the money will get nickeled and dimed anyways, but what will happen is I may not buy the big purchase because I just never feel satisfied that that's what I want. And I think that comes down to being afraid to spend.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Jul 24, 2022 3:59 PM

Jun 2014
I'm mostly a saver, but there are certain times of the year, like Christmas, where I do splurge a bit.

During the summer, I go to yard sales, and most of the stuff I get at yard sales is pretty cheap.

Jul 24, 2022 4:06 PM

Jan 2009
back when i was still working and have my own income im more of a saver but not the big saver kind though
Jul 24, 2022 4:48 PM
Jul 2022
I spend most of the money I get since I'm not that good at waiting

I'm impatient as fuck lol
Jul 25, 2022 12:26 AM

Feb 2021
I haven't started earning yet (not even in college yet) but I would still consider myself to be a saver. I usually keep things for a long time and wait for the right time to use them rather than do it at once. I'm somewhat cautious I guess.
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Jul 25, 2022 12:41 AM
Small Black Frog

Jul 2020
Sadly a spender... A game on sale, some new t-shirt or a book and boom... not much is saved at the end of the month.
I'm perfectly aware that this is not optimal way to live, but at the same time, I don't have a glorious distant objective I would want to save for.
• あきらめないで •

slice of life / drama / mystery / supernatural / fantasy / sci-fi / comedy

Jul 25, 2022 12:48 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
There's no point in saving money when there is a predetermined annual inflation and negative interest rates. You are practically losing money by trying to save money.
Jul 25, 2022 1:08 AM

Jun 2022
ive got enough saved i could probably get a job b4 it runs out if im let off, so im nit too worried abt saving. i want to save slightly tho.

i basically dont worry about saving at all but am naturally frugal and earn a good income soo i end up at rhat slowly saving up state naturally.
Jul 25, 2022 1:50 AM

Mar 2016
big spender. i buy alot of stupid shit i see on the internet and i never use them most of the time.
you can also say i lack self control
Jul 25, 2022 2:02 AM
Dec 2010
Unnecessary fact: You can't save more than the amount you already had when no money is generated.

Life is sad unless you are the bank.
Jul 25, 2022 2:14 AM
Jul 2018
a spender, unfortunately, though i haven't been spending as much recently.

i am planning on saving more for future goals and such.
Jul 25, 2022 2:35 AM

Mar 2015
Saver most of the time, but I do have a habit of indulging a bit too much from time to time.
Jul 25, 2022 7:57 AM
Jan 2020
I save big if I wanna make a big purchase.
Jul 25, 2022 8:27 AM

Nov 2013
149597871 said:
There's no point in saving money when there is a predetermined annual inflation and negative interest rates. You are practically losing money by trying to save money.

do you spend all your money? what do you use it on?
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jul 25, 2022 8:29 AM
Jul 2018
I lean more on the spending side, and have expensive desires :(. I’ve been actively working on saving more and I'm doing a lot better with that.
Jul 25, 2022 8:36 AM

Sep 2018
I’m extremely frugal due to paranoid delusions regarding money. Maybe when I get a more stable income, things will get better.
Jul 25, 2022 8:37 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
I do both before I can afford too. I spent my next check on clothes and video games
Jul 25, 2022 10:30 AM
Cat Hater

Feb 2017
Sad said:
149597871 said:
There's no point in saving money when there is a predetermined annual inflation and negative interest rates. You are practically losing money by trying to save money.

do you spend all your money? what do you use it on?

Absolutely, even though I don't want to, to be honest. Normally, it is expected for prices to go lower over time since we develop new and more efficient ways to produce things, so saving money makes perfect sense. The problem is that this natural trend is replaced with an artificial inflation for the sake of consumerism since governments want people to spend money now rather than later in order to keep the economy in a (seemingly) good state.

Your order of spending should be Investing > Luxuries > Necessities, but some people would rather prefer Investing > Necessities > Luxuries. At no point in time should there be any surplus, however.. It is like playing an RTS game. If you have any resource piling up, it means you are not playing efficiently.

Disclaimer: That's not a financial advice; I am not authorized to give such.
Jul 25, 2022 11:36 AM

Dec 2019
Big saver. I am not spending my money on ANYTHING unless I know for sure that it's worth it or will be useful and last me for a long time. I hardly ever buy any clothes since what I currently have is enough, and I only buy the cheap, comfy clothes. Anything over $20 is too expensive for my taste. I only ever buy snacks from stores once in a blue moon, since I have food at home and those snacks won't last me long at all. I avoid buying anything unless I really need it. The only costly thing I've ever bought was bought to me by my dad because he wanted me to get it because I needed it: my laptop. So far it's proven to be the most useful weapon in my arsenal. The only thing I've bought online has been a $15 Logitech K120 keyboard that I've been using for everything for over a year. Gonna need a new one soon though. I want to save up so I can have some extra money in case there's ever an emergency where I'll really need it, and so I can pay for university and not fall into crippling debt-- that is if I want to go in the first place because now uni is looking like a horrible option.

My younger brother on the other hand... ugh. He's the opposite of me. He doesn't think things through before buying them. If he wants retarded sPiCy cHiPs and he has money, he's gonna fucking buy it. His reasoning for buying it? "I'm hungry bruh" WE HAVE FOOD THAT'S MUCH HEALTHIER AND FULFILLING AT HOME!!! Throughout the entire school year he's wasted over $300 on snacks at a liquor store. I'm not even joking, that's actually how much he wasted. And that's just at that liquor store! God knows how much he's spent at other stores buying snacks he'll finish in 5 minutes! And forget about how much he's spent on clothing, electronics and other useless shit! I'm willing to bet he's spent over $700 in the last year and a half on this crap. I think the worst one was when he spent $250 on fucking air pods-- ones that he lost only 2 months after he bought them. Time and time I've told him to save his money but he doesn't listen, especially now since he has a girlfriend.
Jul 25, 2022 11:56 AM

Mar 2021
Big Saver because I'm all about dat cheddar cheese
Jul 25, 2022 1:01 PM

Oct 2016
Big spender. I've been trying to be better at saving money. I used to have an 800 credit score OTL
Jul 25, 2022 10:58 PM

Sep 2019
A mixed of both I guess, I don't spend a lot of money frequently, but when I do, it usually takes quite a toll on my back account.
Aug 2, 2022 8:33 PM

Mar 2022
Honestly, I KNOW I spend wayyy too much! I definitely need to cut back, but I dont know how to budget or do anything really with money..

I was thinking of opening an investment account if anyone has any non-scammy options?

listsanime | manga⠀⠀⠀⠀
challengesawc | mrc⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Aug 2, 2022 11:17 PM

Jun 2017
Depends, sometimes I like to go on spending sprees, but some weeks / months I go without spending hardly anything. Currently I feel no need to spend on anything so I've been saving
Aug 3, 2022 4:52 AM

Dec 2021
big saver, i rarely buy things that i don't see as beneficial
good opinions on anything, block = I own you
Aug 3, 2022 5:21 AM

Feb 2010
I would say I'm neither. I don't see the need to be super frugal because there's nothing big I would want to save for, but I do try to always have a reserve for emergencies so I also don't just spend whatever I have (like a lot of people I know do). But I do spend 100€ or more each month on my comics and manga collection and also spend solid amounts on alcohol for my cocktails, but nothing too fancy. A 40€ gin bottle here and there is about as expensive as I'll go in that regard. But I definitely always look at the price tag of everything I buy so you could say I have somewhat of a 'saver mentality'. I hate overpriced stuff.

I also have some money in crypto that I basically don't touch unless it reaches a new alltime high. I don't really count that since you never know where crypto will go, but it did pay for a vacation last year and if it does that every 3 or 4 years I'm happy.
I probably regret this post by now.
Aug 3, 2022 5:42 AM
Jul 2018
Saver, I have got more than enough on the bank but when I do spend, I go for quality that will last.

I think people who live their life of credits are idiots. I know you need credit for a mortgage but most people overreach on that and that's a bad idea.
Aug 3, 2022 5:54 AM

Sep 2020
im usually a saver, but whenever there's a sale on something i want, i don't mind splurging a bit.
Aug 3, 2022 6:08 AM

Feb 2014
im a stupid big fat spender i need help
Aug 3, 2022 6:18 AM

Mar 2012
Somewhere in between, I usually don't spend that much on daily basis but when there is something anime related that I want then I end up spending a lot getting it shipped from Japan to my country, my country slapping on heavy taxes on imports just makes it worse so though.
Aug 3, 2022 9:48 AM

Oct 2016
Somewhere inbetween.
When I spend a lot of money, it's usually when it's a sale - to get the most for my money.
And I occasionally buy manga from Japan, which tend to cost a lot.
I try to save what I can though, in case something happens.
Aug 3, 2022 10:10 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
I spend close to no money aside from living expenses and some occasional things I buy on impulse. I like the idea of saving up for something, but sometimes I just don't care about it and buy stuff if I want and can.

smoochie smoochie[/center]

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