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Nov 11, 2009 5:07 PM

Dec 2007
Bakayaro said:
CCZilla said:
Has seen pics of nude boobs belonging to a few female users on this site.
Please forward these.

Had to delete them.

Hope he falls for that.

Huke said:
CCZilla said:
Still a virgin

Most people here are.

True...not exactly a WEIRD fact come to think of it. :/
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 11, 2009 5:20 PM

Apr 2009
i rewatched endless eight eight times.
Nov 12, 2009 4:04 AM

Sep 2008
Yeah this is a though one, hard to determin what is wierd and what is not.

I will start with some random stuff and yeah, what ever.
I am a 25 year male.

I am a Virgin, and it can bother me some days but mostly I do not care.

I shower only every second day or less, it is rare for me to shower each day.
Though I never smell bad etc, if I do I will take a shower ofc.

I do not use perfume, just that kind that do not smell but makes you less sweaty atleast ^^ I am not allergic, to anything.

I lie in stupid situations, like when I have forgotten something and get asked I act like I remember it.

I have had a beard for 6 years more or less, I shave and trim it to keep it kinnda short. I started the Beard club to, got some pic of me there, in the forum.

I hate kids alot, they just annoy me.

I have never been in love but I am interested in girls I just never make contact.
I have never really met anyone so that could be the reason for not falling in love.
This is a subject I could write alot about but choose not to since I do not feel like it atm.

I have like 3-4 different kind of foods that I pretty much always eat all the time.
I only eta different food when someone invites me for dinner or such.

I have a really hard time saying no to people asking for my help.

I never get really angry, I can get abit angry or grumpy but never really mad.
I got mad once and got a huge rush out of it, a guy cheated and well I got mad.
No one got hurt, I have never been in a fight *Boxing practice do not count*

I am better or equally skilled in Swedish/English, my point is I bet my English is better than my Swedish, I live in Sweden.

I did not intend to write this much but shit happens.
Nov 12, 2009 4:34 AM

Jun 2008
Riddos said:
i rewatched endless eight eight times.
Wow, just ... Wow! Thumbs up for that endurance.
... Even if I took time to write alot of intelligent words of deep thought and meaning in my signature, would you really care to read and comment on it? ...
Nov 13, 2009 9:17 AM

Oct 2009
I own a PS2, a Dreamcast, a Megadrive/Genesis and a defect Atari Jaguar.

I have alot of hacksaw blades in my room because I wanted to try lockpicking as a hobby, but lost interest before I could make most of them into picks.

I'll collect just about anything. From bottle caps to cans, and even the opening thingie to cans.
Nov 14, 2009 3:31 PM

Nov 2009
I'm pulling out my hair. One by one. Few years ago I had about 40% of volume I'm having today. That's some form of hurting myself

I'm afraid of wounds, blood. Really afraid, because the sight of wound etc ig going to appear in my imagination thousand times, time after time, time after time and it makes me crazy.
It makes me wanna scream.

I have good resistance of pain. So good, that some people believe I don't feel pain at all, that's not true. But I can controll it somehow.

Bissen said:

- Dislike the taste of water (unless it's during training).
- Can go a whole day without drinking anything at all, simply because I'm not thirsty

Me too! I don't feel like I need to drink water at all.
But I learnt to recognize when I should drink.

Then, I guess, I'm a ordinary girl ;)
GabriielNov 17, 2009 6:17 AM
Nov 14, 2009 3:33 PM

Feb 2009
I own anime
I own manga
I watch anime
I read manga

Damn I'm weird
Nov 15, 2009 1:29 AM

Jan 2008
I'm ambidextrous, my blood type is AB- (the rarest one), my shoe size is 33.5 EU/3 US tho I'm definitely not short (168cm; 5feet 7) and I often wonder how the hell I keep balance xD
I suffer from insomnia and like it since I think sleeping is a waste of time :]
Energy drinks and coffee have zero effect on me tho I still drink them because I like the taste xD
I hate hugging people/people hugging me or even touching me D: tho I like poking people :B
I hate the colour red but I have a lot of red clothes
I still think my right leg is about 0.5-1 centimeter shorter than my left one tho mum said they are completely equal >.>
I almost lost my left eye because of a cat when I was 3 (still have a big scar there) but cats are my favourite animals :]
I can remember a song and reproduce it almost perfectly after hearing it just once
StriderNov 22, 2009 7:17 AM
We're all insane
Nov 15, 2009 1:47 AM

Nov 2009
Weird? I'm all weird. xD But you may not know that:
- I sniff everything like a dog, for example when I get an usual sheet of paper in school or... right, new books! I like the smell of new books!XD
- I write yaoi storys and fanfics about The GazettE cause I'm in love with them ^ ^
- I write a lot of emoticons everywhere; SMS, email, here... : )
- I swear very often (if my mum heard me she would kill me XD)
- I talked with my best friend about our... ekhm, you know what about ^ ^
Hey, all of you have a funny things and I wrote something stupid :3 Sorry, forgive me. If i remind something i will write it too ^ ^
jellysfanNov 16, 2009 9:44 AM
Nov 15, 2009 2:14 AM

Jul 2009
I'm an asian who is 15 years old and is 177cm tall and weighs 50kg...
I'm so lanky and i'm so weak i probably will lose to anyone in a fight.
I like the colour pink
I went from dux/top of the school to delinquent/shit cunt at school
I've been watching romantic dramas since i was 9 years old thus my list having lots of love dovey romance animes..
I'm not gay but i am not attracted to women no more o_O
I used to read 4 books a week when i was 10
I now read 4 books a year
I used to be fit doing 3 different sports 5 times a week
I'm now fat doing no physical activities during the week except for travelling to school.
I love strawberry milk
I also hate strawberry milk
I used to think anime was really gay and a waste of time
I started watching anime from about april and the most anime i watched in a day was 27 episodes of claymore o_O
I love playing games
I'm also lazy to play games
I'm contradicting myself
I'm korean and i spoke better korean when I was 5 than when i am 15.
I started learning japanese this year and i think my japanese has already surpassed my korean.
I've seen more chickflicks than movies (Wait that don't work =p)
Well 80% of the movies ive seen were crappy chickflicks shown on free tv.
I hate asians yet i'm an asian doing lots of asian things...
I hate china (sorry chinese people i'm a racist to chinese and indians/sri lankans/bangladesh/pakistan etc)
I pass out often and i go all dizzy and my face goes white (happens a lot in hot weather. I live in Australia o_O)
I like plush toys
I hate all animals although all my plush toys that i own are animals
I'm a fifteen year old asian boy who owns several plush toys...
My bellybutton is deformed...
I have a humongous adam's apple that its freaky
I saw my brother get attacked by a dog while he was pissing in a bush
I saw my other brother running around outside naked with shit smudges on his arse
I swear all the time... I only say shit at home but if i say fuck my mum would fly kick me in the face..

Uhmmm not sure about them being weird but they are all true...
Nov 15, 2009 6:30 AM

Apr 2008
i feel rather uncomfortable talking to waaay older people about anime.
Nov 15, 2009 6:35 AM

Nov 2009
- I Hate Snails.
- Doesnt Like Chicken Meat.
- Prefer Vegetables than Meats.

i hope it makes me doesnt like a weirdo =X
Nov 15, 2009 8:12 AM

Oct 2008
- I'm a 17 y.o. bisexual guy
- I studied 5 languages, though I only speak three fluently
- I have difficulties with anything mathematical
- I have no real life friends, but I' fine with it
- I get turned on faster by anime people than real life ones
- I love yaoi (mostly slash though) and shota-con
- I have a fetish for long haired men, girls and guys with glasses and girls with big boobs
- Major turn off: muscles - they disgust me
- During my final year in high school I've slept in all religion classes but one. In this particular lesson my teacher was saying really bad things about gay people so I really had to speak up...
- Used to wake up at 4:30am to play video games before going to school
- I like both funny and dark stuff
- I like history as much as I like technology
- I wanted to become a movie director
- Started gaming when I was about 7 y.o. and my first console was the Micro Genius. I still have my PS1 and also have a PS2. I also use my computer/laptop for gaming. Funny thing is that I suck at gaming lol
- Born as a Roman Catholic. By the age of 12 I developed my own thoughts and I consider myself as a strong Atheist.
- I'm short for my age, but happy with it
- I've made several suicide attempts, none succeeded
- I buy books and never read them
- I love rock and metal as much as I like classical instrumental music
- I can't stand techno, dance, trance etc.
- I had karate lessons for about 2 months
- Used to participate in a lot of fun runs
- I swear non stop and I love it :D
- I say "what the fuck" more than anything else. It's my only word I say when playing video games

I'll post more sometime :D
Nov 15, 2009 8:24 AM

Jun 2008
- I faint with blood
- I can't sleep by myself past 11 PM
- I cry easily about the dumbest things
- I can't ever hate anyone
- I believe in the Ancient Astronaut theory
- I don't want to grow up to work, I'd rather be a housewife
Nov 19, 2009 5:51 PM

Sep 2009
-I can fall asleep 10x faster in a moving vehicle rather than in my own, comfy bed.
-For some reason, in the past few days, I've been getting pissed off at every thing possible. Idk why. Usually I'm the type that never gets angry for any reason. But people have just been really getting on my nerves lately. Then, yesterday night... I had a dream. In my dream I got to yell/scream/tell off a few people. It was immensly fun. And when I woke up yesterday morning, I felt refreshed and extremely happy. XD
Took me a while to figure out why.
-Even though I looove anime, I've got absolutely no interest in cosplaying.
-I've never liked the smell of real flowers, however I love the smell of gas. And rubber cement.
Nov 19, 2009 7:28 PM
Jul 2009
-I'm alot more socialable on the net than i am in real life
-Got three tattoos that i absoutely loathe
-i hate hugs though not many people are aware of that fact
-i hate the taste and feel of the skin of an apple >_< retched
-i never complete a game once i start it
-had a fantasy when i was about nine about nosferatu (i was brought up with horror movies)
-I rarely speak to my parents though i live with them (we just say hi thats about it)
-I have grey/white hair which i developed before i started secondary school, its an inheritance that you get at an early age
-i've been bullied from the age of 5 to 15
- i have a collection of things ranging from clothes to DVDs to DS games
-I always have ketchup on the side and well all sauces
-i always have the thought of buying people presents but i never actually buy it
-i can remember songs just by hearing it once
-i can remember people too just by seeing them at a meer moment
-the dislike for umbrellas its untrue, though they keep relatively dry i rather get wet then go under one of those things...dont want me to get too deep on it trust me.
-i love cookery programmes but i never cook

thats all folks.
nancypantsNov 19, 2009 7:32 PM
Nov 19, 2009 8:41 PM

Jun 2009
» I eat Peanut Butter straight from a Spoon.
» I like HP sauce in my Mac & Cheese
» Even though the show in on TV right that moment (like say House), I'll wait the 3 hours before it shows up online to download, waiting another 20-40 minutes, to watch it. Once.
Nov 19, 2009 8:53 PM

Mar 2009
-I can confidently ride unicycles
-My favorite sandwich is balogna and ketchup (weird as hell combo amirite?)
-Even though I own a lot of white clothes, whenever I wear white clothes I manage to get something on them to OCD about
-I'm paranoid about people thinking I am lieing so people usually end up becoming suspicious of me because I try so hard to support what I am saying
Nov 19, 2009 9:41 PM

Apr 2009
Primoose said:
My favorite sandwich is balogna and ketchup (weird as hell combo amirite?)

-My favourite sandwhich is just ketchup on bread (fucking delicious)
-I think Zack De La Rocha is hot (singer of Rage Against the Machine) also Ryo Kawakita (Guitarist from Maximum the Hormone) other than that i find most IRL people ugly (MOST..)
-I find gaming more entertaining than anime (at the moment, it switches on and off)
- I used to have an unhealthy obsession with 90's gangster rap (Cypress Hill)
- I also used to have an unhealthy obsession with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (my hours clocked on it is aprox 279 hours)
- I hate most people
- I'd rather give up all of my interests and hobbies to be with my family all the time (because I know if something ever happens to them I will die inside)
- Roxas is hotter than Sora

Nov 19, 2009 10:04 PM
Jul 2009
rebekah said:
-My favourite sandwhich is just ketchup on bread (fucking delicious)

I'ma try that. i think rice and ketchup is nice together. but bread and ketchup...just sounds GOOOOD.

Nov 19, 2009 10:20 PM

Apr 2009
nancypants said:
rebekah said:
-My favourite sandwhich is just ketchup on bread (fucking delicious)

I'ma try that. i think rice and ketchup is nice together. but bread and ketchup...just sounds GOOOOD.


srsly its the best!!
Nov 20, 2009 3:15 AM
Nov 2009
This is a fascinating topic, you all are very interesting!


♥ Have a tickleish mouth, and so giggle while brushing my teeth ^_^

♥ Am sraight edge

♥ Am quite open (it comes with not being particularly concerned with peoples opinions of you ^_^). Ask anything and see if i don't answer! ^_^

♥ Take no moral issue with lies or being lied to

Hope you all have a nice day.

Nov 20, 2009 3:31 AM

Apr 2009
Lilah said:
Am sraight edge

Woo! another one on the bandwagon..I also am straight edge..(see no point of that stuff)
Nov 20, 2009 8:11 PM
Nov 2009
rebekah said:
Lilah said:
Am sraight edge

Woo! another one on the bandwagon..I also am straight edge..(see no point of that stuff)
Hooray! *Glomps you* Good for you! :)
Nov 20, 2009 9:08 PM

Dec 2007
rebekah said:
Lilah said:
Am sraight edge

Woo! another one on the bandwagon..I also am straight edge..(see no point of that stuff)
I was starting to think I was the only one on this website who was.

Nov 20, 2009 9:22 PM

Oct 2009
Wow. I suddenly don't feel so weird anymore. Haha. You guys are cool. Yay! :))
I live in my country's coolest city but I'm allergic to cold weather. Does that make the criteria? X)

Nov 20, 2009 10:59 PM

Mar 2009
does occasional social drinking (1-2 drinks) disqualify me from being straight edge? :O
Nov 21, 2009 1:17 AM

Apr 2009
GeorgeMoshington said:
rebekah said:
Lilah said:
Am sraight edge

Woo! another one on the bandwagon..I also am straight edge..(see no point of that stuff)
I was starting to think I was the only one on this website who was.

Holy crap! awesome :D

Rhastaroth said:
does occasional social drinking (1-2 drinks) disqualify me from being straight edge? :O

I think so yeah :O
Nov 21, 2009 6:33 AM
Oct 2009
im an official sociopath
I also have OCD, and i have insomnia(only sleep every 2-3 days)
my twin brother is 6ft 5, my younger sister is 5ft10, im only 4ft 9 inches tall(145cm)
im 19 but i look about 12-13
Nov 21, 2009 7:22 AM

Jun 2008
i am a nigger
Nov 21, 2009 10:13 AM

Oct 2009
litharia said:
im an official sociopath
I also have OCD, and i have insomnia(only sleep every 2-3 days)
my twin brother is 6ft 5, my younger sister is 5ft10, im only 4ft 9 inches tall(145cm)
im 19 but i look about 12-13

whats an "official sociopath"?
Nov 21, 2009 11:23 AM
Oct 2009
no idea, but thats what my psychiatrist called me D: thats why i said official
Nov 21, 2009 2:12 PM

Nov 2009
Darkii said:
i am a nigger

what. that has nothing to do with being weird. >.>

I'm a touhou fan and I like moes.

I think I forgot something...oh nvm here's my deadly laser.
Nov 21, 2009 2:38 PM

May 2009
I like sex.

surely that's weird on an anime site?

.[We Are The Ocean]. - "Nothing Good Has Happened Yet"
Nov 21, 2009 3:55 PM

May 2008
I had nerve damage in my left arm.

Nov 21, 2009 3:56 PM

May 2009
I'm can eat/test new weird things that can taste really bad or that can hurt me pretty bad, and then just laugh at it.

I can sleep at very weird places with no problem.

I have 6 different personalities. (more about them, just ask me)

I'm very clumsy and have alot of bad luck.
Even if the future is locked or erased I won't end this prayer because I want to convey my real feelings to you

Nov 21, 2009 5:08 PM

Jun 2008
I liked School Days very very much! Now THAT's weird, eh?
xEPICFAILx said:
I like sex.

surely that's weird on an anime site?
Oh yes since no one on MAL likes sex - that's a hard core fact for geeky ones like us.
... Even if I took time to write alot of intelligent words of deep thought and meaning in my signature, would you really care to read and comment on it? ...
Nov 21, 2009 6:20 PM

Dec 2007
CaMaVan said:
I liked School Days very very much! Now THAT's weird, eh?
Not really, it's not that hated of a show, there's just that one kid on this website who won't shut up about it.

Nov 21, 2009 6:39 PM

Aug 2009
something weird? ok this one's anime-related

I love when characters in anime get sick. Like, especially when they get fevers. It kind of turns me on actually. I think it's the cuteness/ vulnerability lol

I'm white but want to be Asian. I think Asian girls are the ideal of beauty. Also if I was Asian I could wear gothic lolita clothing and other crazy styles without being looked at like I was crazy.

sevenayNov 21, 2009 6:45 PM
Nov 21, 2009 6:48 PM

Nov 2009
-I have to have the bathroom door lock to even try to go I seriously try but I can't when it isn't locked
-I prefer coke to pepsi
-I stick up for emo goth and scene kids
-after I watch tv or something the night I go to bed I dream I am the main character in the show
-I watched 2 girls 1 cub and didn't find it gross 0_0
I'll take a potatoe chip... AND EAT IT!!!!!
Nov 21, 2009 8:21 PM
Nov 2009
Hmm... a few weird facts about me?

I somewhat like sauerkraut. WHAT? I'm German. It's in my Kekkai... er... bloodline. Sorry. Bad Naruto joke.

I have Inoue fantasies. As in Orihime. From Bleach. Have not the slightest clue why.

I am an avid metalhead. Pantera and Disturbed are my staple bands. Yet I hate bands that do too much shouting and barely any rhythm.

I am probably the only person on Earth that likes to talk in full sentences, 100% of the time, even when on the internet.

I am a bit of a Tetris whore. I love Tetris and its exhilarating style of gameplay that keeps you thinking to the very end.

I am a huge fan of PopCap games. Bejeweled Twist is one of my staple games.

While I have an XBox 360, I may be the only person with the console not to have Gears of War 1 or 2. I do, however, own Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST.

I am completely addicted to COD: Modern Warfare 2. Okay, who am I kidding? That's normal.

Am I the only person out there that thinks Naruto actually had a somewhat decent plotline? I'm not a Narutard by any means any more, but I don't hate the series either.

Obviously if thinking Vegeta from DBZ was a badass were weird, I'd be the king of that territory.

And that's just a few things weird about me. I hope we all strive to find things that are unique or different about ourselves!
Nov 22, 2009 6:12 AM
Jul 2009
BrianH1988 said:
I am a huge fan of PopCap games. Bejeweled Twist is one of my staple games.

Totally with you on this one! Its DE Best. I hate it when there's no more matches, really ticks me off but other that good game ^_^
Nov 22, 2009 6:49 AM
Oct 2009
BrianH1988 said:

Am I the only person out there that thinks Naruto actually had a somewhat decent plotline? I'm not a Narutard by any means any more, but I don't hate the series either.

not the only one, i personally think naruto has an amazing plot in theory, it just wasnt pulled off very well imo
Nov 22, 2009 10:34 AM

Jul 2008
BrianH1988 said:
While I have an XBox 360, I may be the only person with the console not to have Gears of War 1 or 2. I do, however, own Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST.



I am the senpai that notices you.

Nov 22, 2009 10:49 AM

Nov 2009
I can't say specific correctly.

Nov 22, 2009 12:10 PM

Aug 2009
-I talk to myself and always learn something new. :)

Nov 22, 2009 12:25 PM

Nov 2009
Leebness said:
-I talk to myself and always learn something new. :)

Hahaha that made my day.

: )
Nov 22, 2009 12:55 PM

Sep 2008
- I love mature women and also crazy girls i knew one in mal

- I should Care about some important things but Im lazy

- I dont believe it in any religion all bullshit

- Iam Shy

- Anime is the best to watch

- About games i say always i will quit playing unrealtournament 99 and Lineage II but i cant.
AnotherDayNov 22, 2009 1:01 PM
Nov 22, 2009 1:45 PM

Mar 2009
Unlike most girl's my age I don't care for the bad boys;p
Most the time I fall for the good boys "^^"
I usually like younger boys.
I hate things that spin >.<
I don't like scary movies.
I went to see New moon x3
I love cute girly things ;D
but my room looks like a boys.
I stalk people I like ;]
I have two compeletly different voices,
when talking to friends & talking to close friends.
Nov 22, 2009 6:56 PM
Jun 2007
i am random
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