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Dec 19, 2017 11:11 PM

Aug 2008
I hope you guys like my answers

Here are the answers to the interview questions you guys asked. I hope I answered them the best way I could. Bear in mind that:-
- Some questions were removed.
- I merged some of the similar questions to make answering them easier.
- I edited some questions to make the Interview easier to read.

Lolita Caramel
What motivates you to create Lolita Caramel? XD

What inspired you to create the Lolita Caramel?
Merged Answer:-
I have always wanted to tell stories, it has been on my mind for a long time. I believe I can be very good at it I really tried & improved, the feedbacks I got so far makes me think so even more. At the same time, I have always wanted to have my own characters (I so love the ones I have so far). Back when I was bad at drawing, I had something along the line of "I plan to become good at drawing & to have my own characters someday" on my MAL profile, this is all reality now. :D

There are multiples of ways to have characters & tell stories, and giving how I became good at drawing, I thought making a visual novel is the ideal choice for me. I am glad with my decision.

There's still a chance I may publish short stories that consists of text for the most part to improve my writing abilities. They will either be free or sold very cheaply. One of them is about a teenage guy who decides to stalk Aaya, the 15 years old beauty when she was doing an errand for her sister. Just like all of my stories, it will occur in Miémorrina, so anything the reader learned about it in Lolita Caramel applies there. The currency, the ruling system, corporations, places names, famous people & all ^^

Overall, I think stories can be a great idea to express myself too :>

I think I need to work a bit harder on this stories thing. Some real life issues made that hard to do, but I sure will.

Do you use any reference in making Lolita Caramel and did someone helped you in making them?

Did you make all contents in Lolita Caramel by yourself? (like the BGM and about build it in VN form) if no, who's that person who helped you? someone irl, internet or from the cafe?

Merged Answer
Absolutely, and I believe I need to use references even more. The same thing can be said about inspiration. Some of my characters were inspired from actual Anime characters. For example. Lily was inspired from this girl:-

With the exception of the background musique. All the contents in Lolita Caramel are created by moi. I drew everything in 4K resolution, then scaled it down to 720p before release.

As for the background musique, I pay for the royalties or credit the source. It all depends on the legal terms behind this.

No human being really helped me with creating Lolita Caramel, but many gave me useful feedback if that counts.

That's really nice to be developed by one person btw
Merci ^^

In the Kingdom of Miémorrina what is the specific hierarchy?
It's a bit similar to the hierarchy of the UK, but quite different. There are multiple powers that control the country:-
The royal family of Miémorrina:- And the queen in particular, who has authority to change a good amount of things on her own.
Prime minister:- Controls the government. The system clearly defines what the queen & the government can do.
Shuura Council:- The Congress Of Miémorrina, if you could say so. Consists of people with wisdom. They are the ones who choose the prime minister. It has been there since the original Miémorrina. *
The Corporation Council:- Which is something like an union between private sector corporations.
The velvet society:- The one Lolita & most of the characters in Lolita Caramel belongs to.. It includes rich people, scientists, artists & celebrities, you name it~
This society overlaps with the Corporation council a bit (rich people owns a good share in the corporations, after all, but normal people can own some of the stocks in them too).
The Femme council:- Represent media for the most part.
People:- Self-explanatory. But people have a lot of awareness in Miémorrina about things, making it easier to do hard changes to make the country better (sometimes it's the opposite). Lolita Caramel is the best example of that, since you could see how my 12-13 years old characters know a bit more than their peers in other countries.

Many of those powers overlap, but they make some good balance in the country. No one has real control over all of them, making the country run way better over the long run.

* Original Miémorrina:- The original Miémorrina formed by lord Miémorrina (named after him).
* New Miémorrina:- The new Miémorrina that Monia & Melissa established long after the collapse of the original Miémorrina. They made up the name in the fields outside of Swanvile... Right after they got exciled from there.

Are decisions made by the princess or go through a feudalistic vote of nobles? (as is it a monarchy, a democracy like England or some sad country directed by a loli xD)
It depends, the decisions within the Queen's authority get applied directly, but there are only certain things she's allowed to do. To make it hard for the queen & royal family to abuse their power, during the rule of queen Maria de Miémorrina, the daughter of Melissa, she issued what's known as "The Decree of Maria", which prevents the royal family from abusing their people. This is one of the reasons the royal family are still ruling the country to this day.

Anything outside the queen's authority is decided on by either the government or the Shuura council.

Sophie's grandmère & the queen of Miémorrina, Clarissa de Miémorrina is 55 years old, and so is not a loli (XD). But during the reign of Queen Mia de Miémorrina long ago, she was too young & not really capable of ruling, but at least she used her love for books to make decision that spread knowledge in the country. That's why her reign was called "The Age Of Knowledge" ^^

What is the direct relation between Miémorrina and this Café?
Monia Café exists within Miémorrina, and it's located outside of Monia City.

Is there a prince or it’s a matriarchal monarchy? If so.. who in the cafe qualifies to be the prince/brother?
Yes, there are male princes, of course. But it's usually women who become queens.

If I am to mention someone from here, I think it's @LeFake. No one here fits that more. ^^

Is the ban hammer a holy weapon passed on as a sign of leadership as in the case of Thor's Hammer and only wieldable by those with pure thoughts like you?
No, it has no real reference to it inside of Miémorrina. It's just something I joke around with people here (specially Ryou & HotchyPan).

The symbol of Miémorrina is the Swan. The capital used to be called SwanVille for that reason~

It looks similar to this logo I once created:-

Personal & Relationships
What's the best color to describe your personality? :D
I don't know for sure. I think the tilde ~~~~ Describes my personality a lot. Which is why it's in the logo.

If I am to choice, then it's black, white & crimson & green. I can't settle for one~

What made you describe yourself as a loli boss right now? XD
I just thought it would be fun. It also fit a lot with my avvy at the times. The title Lolis Boss is very cute & funny too. ^^

When you're making decision, are you more into emotional or logical?
What is your motto in life?

Merged Answer
I am more logical, or pragmatic as I like to call it pragmatic. But I am sweet when there's room for me to make decisions. There are times I kept members a bit longer than they deserve just to see if that would change anything.

I also take the long-term effects of my decision into account more than anything. Some of my decisions created some real upheaval around of me, both now & in my pre-café days. But the long-term effects of them was so good. There's an Arab saying I really believe in. One I follow as much as I can. It says:-
At the end, only the right stays right
في النهاية لا يصح الا الصحيح

Anything based on wrong foundation, no matter how strong it may seem, is bound to fail eventually. It's futile to defend such thing, or to even bother keeping it sometimes. That's why I emphasize on creating win-win situations between me & members. And that's why certain people are better off not being in my café..... Period.

By following that saying. It's like the whole universe is working on my side, all I have to do is to withstand hard times & things will turn out good. ^^

Why do you love Ryou so much or how did you fall for him so much?
To know the answer to this question, we need to get back to where it all started.

Back in early 2017, Ryou & ShinrinPapa <3 used to talk there, and maybe I should say bickering? XD... And Ryou said something along the lines of "It's only the two of us here, others should join us here"... That's where I appeared, I appeared & said I will try to join the two.

After a while, I did manage to join them. And so it was the 3 of us. There were others of course, but we dominated the comments section at the time.

The marriage thing was random, but I am glad it worked well. We just played it that we were married for 2+ years. That Ryou just lost his memories & so didn't remember.

With or without marriage. It shouldn't be a coincidence that me & Ryou get a long, we share the likeness to many things, like games & visual novels. We also have the same view on many things, and how things should be done. And more importantly, I am aware I can be difficult to handle at times, and my Ryou seems to know how to do so~

There is one aspect of role-playing I didn't mention here, which I will do so in the answer of the next question.

When do you think you are ready to become parents together with Ryou?
Before I answer this question. Let me give you some background on how we go about it... In the whole scheme, I roleplay as Kiyoka Irisu & Ryou is my husband. Who married into the Irisu clan. We sure would love to give birth to Makina someday, and maybe Sarina too. ^^

Who do you ship in this cafe? :3
While I started many of the ships in my café. I don't advocate much to many of them. There are two ships I support really well:-
- LeFake X Ray:- This one didn't seem to work. But it felt really right. The chemistry between the two was just right. And LeFake is loyal & is near-impossible to NTR. ^^
- Mona X Mochi:- this one is obvious, but that makes it more of a reason to ship. I wouldn't be surprised if those two actually got married in the future.

Aside from Shawarma and Chocolate, what are your favorite foods and drink? ^^
Do you like Pizza? If so, what kind of pizza do you like to eat? :3

Merged Answer
I also like Pizza, it's among my favorite food. I also like chicken a lot, I order chicken often whenever I eat outside. For that reason, I like chicken pizza the most. Seafood Pizza is also good. ^^

My favorite drink is coffee..... Obviously. I also like white mocha. My favorite cold drink is Merinda Citrus. ^^

What are your favorite fruits?
If I am to say one:- Apple~ <<<< Pun unintended

I also like Tangerine

Do you prefer to eat outside or to eat (or make) home-made food? :o
I like both, but I so love to eat outside. I usually eat out with friends or family. But there's that restaurant that I usually got to alone. They know me there, they even give me a pot of coffee so that I could refill my coohee however I like. ^^

Do you ever feel like hard to approach, though you're a friendly and kind person? but since you're important person, some people might be too shy or afraid if they say something wrong
Yes, and to make things easier on new members, I tend to be the one that strike a conversation with them. I sometimes get occupied with things & the like, so there are times when I don't do that.

To make things a bit harder, some people sometimes suck up to me, and to help myself alienate those people, I tend to take longer to get people at times.

I think rule #9 made some people a bit afraid of giving me feedback, which is not a good thing. But people need to know I added that rule to ban those who are rabid about their opinions (I had those in the past), not those who just want to share their opinion with me & get my response for them.

Do you ever feel like you can't do anything? Or that you need to depend on someone?
Of course I feel that way. I am a human being after all. ^^

Do you like novels? If so what is your favorite author?
Yes, but I no longer read them much. I am not sure if I have a favorite author, but there are two novels I quite liked:-
The Rainmaker (by John Grisham):- This one is about a young lawyer that fight a case against a big corporation. Everything feels good about it ^^

- Ain't She Sweet (by Susan Elizabeth Phillips):- This lovely romance is about a girl who returned to her hometown after a long absence. She used to be the popular & the daughter of the woman who technically ruled the town. But many things has changed since then.

Do you like kitsune and what is your favorite specie of kitsune.
If I must say, it's Fox McCloud. I hope this counts as an answer. I don't really know much about kitunes, gomen >.<

How did you select your username - SweetMonia??
It's a Miémorrinian reference. Monia is the most important character I ever made, and for many reasons.

As of the time of writing this answer, Monia is the capital of Miémorrina. And it's a beautiful city that come people tell the terrorist that it's Sweet Monia ^^

SweetMonia is also the Anime division of Romance Time Inc., the 2nd most powerful corporation in Miémorrina. And that made it the ideal name to choose for MAL.

What is your favorite pokemon and why?
StarMie, hands down. That pokemon is not just beautiful & has a beautiful name. It was a beast back in the 1st pokemon generation. Specially when I used it in Pokemon Stadium. I remember how mine was:-
HP:- 282

Other honorable mentions:-
Mew:- Who wouldn't like mew? I had one with double-team, and it was fun to play with.
Articuno:- The best legendary bird, both in looks & capabilities. I used it as a key pokemon in Pokemon Stadium.
Dewgong:- I honestly like this one based on its looks. I think it's sooooo cute. I had a LV.100 one~ :3

Water pokemons are my favorite types by the way, ice comes close next.

What is your top 10 games of all times for all systems ever released?
I love this question. I once made a list of my favorite 50 games & all. The following is an approximate list of my top 10:-

Penguin Adventure (MSX).

Final Fantasy 8 (PSX)

Resident Evil 2 (PSX)

Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)

Castle Excellent(MSX)

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Sega Genesis)

Tomb Raider II (PSX)

Tales Of Versperia (Xbox 360)

Atelier Ayesha (PS3)

- Command & Conquer:- Zero hour (PC)

Some Honorable Mentions I feel bad for not including
- Tales of Xillia II (PS3)
- Mario Kart Wii. (Wii)
- Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Tomb Raider I. (PSX)
- Twister Metal 2. (PSX)
- Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
- Knightmare I (MSX)
- Knightmare II (MSX)
- Resident Evil HD Remaster (PS4) << Originally on the GameCube
- Super Mario Sunshine. (GameCube)
- Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
- The Legend Of Zelda:- Majora Mask (Nintendo 64).
- Contra (NES)
- Overwatch (PS4)
- Pikmin (Wii)
- Warzone 2100 (PC)
- Age of Empires (PC)
- Super Smash Bros (Nintendo 64)
- Resident Evil 4(PS2)
- Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
- Call of Duty:- Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360 / PS3)
- Bloodborne (PS4)
- The rest of the Atelier Series~

What makes you interested in playing games especially competitive games like Overwatch? I always wonder about things like this XD
I have always been competitive. While most of my competitiveness today goes to real life things, I still like to see how good I am at games like that. While I am not that dedicated to these games like many other players, I think I can do quite well in them.

Do you play any RPG games?!!
Yes, it's one of two key kinds of games I play, along with Nintendo games.

How did you get hooked on anime? Is there a certain anime that makes you interested?

What was it that got you into anime? I mean, it's probable that you watched something like Pokemon or DBZ or Sailor Moon when you were a kid, but usually people don't draw the connection that they're any different from normal cartoons until much later. So back to the question, what was it that got you into anime in general? (I text-ramble sometimes, I know.)

What was the 1st anime you watched in your life??

Merged Answer
I honestly don't know. My first subbed Anime was Slayers (Next). As for the Arabic-dubbed ones I used to watch, it happened when I was very little. But I will mention Lady Lady here, since it got a huge impact on me, and it's part of why I like Shoujo~ :3

For subbed Anime, Fruit Basket is the one that hooked me to it. Or else I always knew Anime, even without knowing that it's a Japanese cartoon or anything of that sort.

What do you think of anime reviewers?
To be honest, I don't like many of them. Some of them live in their own world. the worst kind are the Anime elitist that are part of small cliques, I know some of them who got into Anime blogging thinking they are some sort of hot shot. Only to discover that people don't really care.

Sometimes even good Anime reviewers make serious mistakes.

Sometimes these reviewers make an opinion that varies strongly with the rest of the community. Reviews on Charlotte are averaging way below the rest of the community, even while taking into account the fanboyism of community, the difference is so huge :O

Some of these reviewers seem to fail that enjoyment is important. Fully fleshed-out characters, plot or other things don't always need to be in an Anime for it to be good (and yes, they use certain terms more than necessary).

Many of the reviews I saw were so critical, more than they should be. They sometimes do that to an Anime that are meant to be simple & a l. The way some of them write can be self-centered at times too, they are not written for the enjoyment of the reader much.

I am not trying to bash all reviewers. There are certain reviewers that teaches you quite a lot of things when you read their reviews. I know some girl that made that review of Fruit Basket Manga. It was spot-on, detailed, informative & all, you name it. The girl who wrote it was not sometime I liked much. So that makes me less biased to compliment it, too bad the review is no longer there.

I think the gaming world had it better, since there are all sorts of games reviewers. One of the reasons I actually started my Anime blog is to fill the gap left by these reviewers. I probably didn't fill that gap well-enough yet. But you're more than welcome to look at my Anime blog here:-

What is that one anime you like but everyone else hates.
I don't have Anime like that. But there are some Anime I really like & some never knew about them, making me feel like a hipster. ^^

One of them is "Yumeiro Patissiere", I rarely see people talk about it. I don't know why it's that obscure. When I discovered it, I was hooked by it. It does the cute things better than many Anime. It has a wonderful story, characters, art & opening.

It's not a perfect Anime of course. The thing I really didn't like about it is how certain characters barely got enough attention in it, but that's fine.

What was your most beautiful moment and the saddest moment on MAL?
Hmmm, I don't know about "most", but I will post some examples for good moments.

1 - Compliments:- There are two compliments I received that made me so happy.

Making a club famous and then keeping it active is extremely hard. Monia's is actually like magic.

I found this while lurking another club. I will keep the name of the poster since they probably don't want publicity. The fact this was said behind my back made it feel more genuine too. ^^

The other one was told to me in my face back in 2010:-
I think you're a badass in your own way, it's not that people fear you, but it's more like they respect you

I am no longer a friend with the person who said it, but I still remember that as a good thing. don't know what's special about this, but I think of it to this day.

Another happy moment is the tremendous support I got in the face of two upheavals in 2015 & 2016. In the two cases, some party wanted to ruin my café. And in both cases, I got some real support from within people here. It helped me keep this place alive despite everything. I always intended to thank everyone for that support in a future speech, but I will use this interview as a chance for that. So............. Shokran Gazeelan ^^

As for bad moments. I will refrain from doing so here. I apologize, but I will mention them in the history of this place if I managed to publish. ^^

Do you managing your site by yourself?
Yes, I am the only person behind it. Sometimes the technical support of my hosting company helps me with few things too.

Monia Café
Is there a story behind your strictness? Especially for Monia Cafe ^^"~
I really don't like to be called strict. Specially giving the wide areas where I am lenient with people. This whole café thing requires a balance between leniency & strictness, going either way is wrong (other clubs take the "we are so lax" route).

Also, my strictness depends on the other part, if the other person is not cooperating, I may need to be strict with them. Here's an example:-

- I remember I banned this guy who refused to abide by some of my rules.
- I told him about it gently, he ignored me, and continued posting.
- I told him again, again.... Ignored me.
- Then I did it again, then he said "I seriously sometimes don't get it".
- That made me think "Is this guy only capable of whining?". I mean, this guy showed many examples of acting that way.
- Still, I kept my composure, I offered to explain things to him, and again........ he ignored it (lool).
- The squabble continued. And while the guy refused to talk with me or change his behavior, it turned out he tried to gather support against me. Which is a silly way to solve his problem.
- This kept on until I had to ban him.
- After his ban, he sent me a childish latter, I replied to it gently, but blocked him then.
- He sent people my way, and one of the tried to troll me, I banned him. My ban hammer was hot from the overuse~
- A week later, a friend of him sent me a letter, telling me that the guy was sorry, and that he was willing to appeal.
- This was nice & all, but a quick look at the guy's profile tells me he wasn't.
- It turns out that the guy also deleted some of his worst comments about me, once I already saw (too late).
- I refused the proposition. Appealing to ban should be a natural process, not something that's artificially done to get someone back.
- The guy who sent me the message apparently didn't like it, and so he stopped posting in my café for a very long time.

This scenario above is one example of the nonsense I have to go through. Mostly in the background. Sometimes I find no other option but to act strict.

Also, giving how I moderated this place for a long time, I can see through a lot of things (sometimes my member told me about things too), that makes realize some things faster than my members, and so my action may sound strict or hard to understand. That's why I require the trust of my members, since I can't really explain everything I am doing.

Here's one thing many of you need to know. Whenever a problem happen, the other person tends to badmouth me about it, sometimes a bit too much. I have a policy of not telling my side of the story until there's real a need to. Sometimes I ban & take decisions based on information I got from under the table, and telling the truth may hurt some people. I know that not knowing my side of the story can make it hard to get why I did what I did. Which is again why I require the trust of people around me.

What is the difference between this thread and the Hot Seat threads?
There're huge differences:-
- Hot Seat Threads are permanent, this one is a temporary thing.
- You can ask all sorts of questions in Hot Seat Threads. But only meaningful question can be asked in interviews like this.
- Everyone was able to create a Hot Seat Thread. This interview thing is exclusive to me for now, I may repeat it every 6 months or so.

When you started the club did you have any idea it would grow to be as big as it is now?
You can find the whole story about creating my café in the FAQs here.

It depends. I never thought it would be that big when I created it back in 2010, I didn't really care, I was popular in the main forum & didn't want to manage a club. But in the 2012-2013 era, I knew I was up to something. And that I could do really a lot with it.

What your opinion about Monia Cafe's customers :D
I have had all sorts of customers before. Good & bad. But in general, the customers of Monia Café tend to be more creative & open-minded. They have the ability to understand things outside what they're used for most of the time, which is partly what made them understand the system here. Unlike the mainstream people, who compare it to how they know the Internet, and reject it just because it's different. They don't even try to see the reason behind each rule & the like.

>>> It's worth noting that my café is based on the social norms of real life for the most part.

The open-mindedness & the lack of rigidness in the customers here allowed a lot of ideas to prosper here. It helped me to reshape this place in a way no other owner could ever do. And more than once.

Outside my café, people are often much less curious about each other, you mention something that doesn't interest the other person, and the conversation ends there. Some of the members I had here were like that, but I am glad that the majority of the members are not that way. I can easily say we are the leader club when it comes to many things. Just look at how many café are named after this one to know for sure. ^^

One more things I quite like about my café is the efficiency of managing it, it's done so that even when I get busy, I can still manage to keep it around & active for people to enjoy it, much easier than any other place here in MAL.

Also, I am glad no one asked me what I dislike about the customers here ^^

What's the thing you like the most about this café?^^
The answer to this question is related to the previous one. I quite like the creativity & open-mindedness of this café. I got a bit addicted to it, which is one of the reasons I don't leave my café much. Despite the fact I post in other sites than MAL, where I don't have a headquarter there like this café.

I also like the fact people can't ruin the fun on others here, as derailing game threads is not allowed. The posts quality tend to be higher too. Which fluctuates a lot in the main forum & other clubs.

The fact I could create any activity I want here is a huge plus. I once ventured into the forum games board, and I found that really good thread. And so I started posting in it. It was fun!! .... Only for me to end up creating a version of it here, giving me no reason to go back to the main forum.... Again! Nihaha~ XD

What was the story behind removing the Hot seat threads?!!
Here are the reasons:-
- Hot Seat Threads belong to an old era where I had a totally different vision than what I have in mind today. It was a vision where multiple groups could co-exist in one big friendly environment, it could be a very safe way to talk with others & the like. That vision wasn't bad or anything, but it led to many problems than it's worth it. Which is why I changed the direction of my café to make it one big group of people instead. Even if there's going to be more than once group again in my café, I will cater mostly to the main group of creative & open-minded persons.
- In their last days, many of the participants in these threads were completely isolated from the community, and they mostly talk among each other or just within these threads, which is against my new vision of my café.
- These threads gave a reason to people who weren't willing to go along my rules to stay, which can led to many problems. Last year, one of the people I banned appealed for his ban. He explicitly told me he was only willing to post in this own Hot Seat Thread. Making me realize that part about them.
- The threads were taking space to do something the participants could do in their profile comments.
- Much better activities could replace them, which I really wanted to do here too.

I think the timing to close them down was perfect too, they were not that much active (they were basically dying), and it had been exactly 4 years since I started them too...

I will use this chance to talk about people who complained about this decision. Specially those who acted like they were victims, who called it sudden as if they never saw any of my announcements. These people are judging the situation based on their own interests only, what matters to my café doesn't matter to them I guess. This makes their opinion on the matter very subjective, but very understandable to a degree.

At the end, we are talking about a dying feature here. One that was past its prime time, so it's selfish to ask me to keep it just for few people, when I could do more in its place. Again, these threads could be easily replaced by profile comments.

I agree with people who said the threads weren't exactly harmful, but based on where I want my café to go, they should be gone. It's not feasible to ask me to keep them forever too.

At the end, this is my café, and I will run it the way I think is the best. I know I can't satisfy everyone no matter what I do, so be it~ ^^

Have you ever thought about handing the torch (café) over to someone else?!!
Yes, but unfortunately, such person doesn't exist. So I will never do it. For many reasons.

For a starter, very few people fully understand the idea behind why many of the rules & decisions are made here, it's obvious of the comments I keep reading. Some think they are just whims of mines, when they are all there for a reason. The fact that my way of management is basically a huge black box doesn't make this easier.

There's also the issue of loyalty, many of the members here, and particularly the older one, swore their allegiance to me, and not my café. Those guys may not follow any new leader here. The new leader may not understand the needs some of these members too (my admins failed at that for one). Which could lead for my café to Lose those members, which will change the demographics of members here, and eventually the whole place.

Even of the new leader kept this place active, they usually won't have the mix of sweetness, pragmatism, balance, authoritarianism, perfectionism & independence I have that make this place the way it is.. There's also a question on how much they will keep it active giving the life style of your everyday MAL user.

The new leader will constantly be compared to moi, for good or bad. Which will create a pressure on them.

I don't know much people with the same knowledge of MAL history, the way I took advantages of many ideas in the past. As well as my marketing experience, which is the best advantage I have over all the other clubs.

I think I saw enough of a sample of what people could do back when I had admins, and believe me, I don't like what I saw. Even when looking at the other owners & the like, there is no other Monia out there to disrupt things in this little clubs space. I think I am the only owner that ignored Discord & kept on trying to keep their place active.

Let's not forget it would be painful to me to see someone else ruin what I built over all these years too.

Some may say that all because I don't know how to manage people, but I have many reasons to think otherwise.

I apologize if it seems like I am arrogant here. I am not saying there are not capable people of managing things, but they will never do things my way or anywhere similar.

Who is the first person that you invited to Monia Cafe? (It's fine if you don't remember :3)
The thing is, at the very beginning of this café. No one got invited, it was a small & exclusive place for certain people. And @Kairen was among the first to join. And she became an officer within 5 minutes of creating this place ^^

I don't remember who I invited first when I did start inviting people later on. But one of the earlier names I have in mind is @Izanagi, who's a tsundere that doesn't come here most of the time. XD

What is the origin of the club's name?
It's just a fancy name I came up with. The name is not in English, so there shouldn't be an apostrophe in it. So the actual name is Monia Café, not Monia's Café. It's very not genuine when people add that on their own. ^^

I so like it how people complimented the way I name things in Lolita Caramel, some quite complimented the name Lolita de Calémia for one ^^.

In the lore of Miémorrina:- Monia Café is a café that resides on the suburbs of Monia City.

What do you think about both of Lolita Caramel & Monia Café?
I like them both. Specially Lolita Caramel, which is an old passion I wanted to do. I like Monia Café too, but it's cursed to be within MAL, which makes it harder for me to do a lot of things.

Have you thought about giving up on running the cafe due to how busy you've been (in case you have been) in real life?!! (I mean recently, not from when the cafe started!!)
Yes, I thought about abandoning this place more than once. 3 times to be exact. I did actually abandon it twice throughout its history.

What are your plans for the future of this cafe?

Now you clearly have quite the amount of events within your personal life, that I won't get into, but would you say "Monia Cafe" is quite an important part of your life for this moment? I understand you oversee the club and I see you quite often, but what I really mean by this question is, do you believe if you lost it suddenly or had to give it up (perhaps to someone else) that you would be emotionally affected? I understand you've had this establishment for a long time so I imagine you may be rather attached, but I would like to get your clear feelings on this matter, of course, this is out of simple curiosity and you may choose not to answer this question if you wish.

Merged Answer
This is a very complicated question to answer easily. Because the answer depends on many things, some of them are out of my control.

For a starter, it's clear by now that no one will succeed me in running this place. This place will be ran by Monia throughout all its life.

It's worth noting that the importance of Monia Café in my life is mostly an emotional ones.

By the time I have to give it up. I know I am going to start something else that's much better & more rewarding. This would be the 3rd time in MAL alone I go down only for me to rise up again. ^^

There's also chance I may replace it with something similar but bigger, it's an idea I had long ago but died out. Who knows? Let's not forget that I have Lolita Caramel & my site to work on too.

While I have many good plans in my mind for Monia Café. It's worth noting that there are many things that are against me keeping this place. I am not talking about Forum Games or Discord really, those don't matter & I already proved I could keep my café active despite them being around (they benefit my café to a degree). It's something bigger than that. It has to do with my life & the community of this place. To be honest, I am starting to lose faith in the idea of having a place like this, at least in MAL, despite all of the success it had.

That concludes the interview. I hope you guys like it. And any feedback or questions about my answers is always welcome. ^^
SweetMoniaSep 5, 2018 7:25 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 20, 2017 12:07 AM

Jan 2016
I'm really surprised that you give such a great answer to all questions Moon-nya ^^
I'll try to give my opinion to some questions on every Q&A~ even though mine will be worse than yours ofc :x
Dec 20, 2017 12:15 AM

Oct 2017
Well. that took a long time to read!! (30 minutes, lol!!)

- Umm... first of all, Hime-sama, I'm feeling guilty, and have to confess!! When I started posting in the comments section... I used to end our conversation way to quickly (even the first time we talked, I was the first to say bye)!! It was because I thought that you're such an important person... and just have to reply out of duty... and wouldn't like it if I dragged the convo for too long!! But as the time went on, I've come to realize that that wasn't the case, and you actually liked being around other members... which you also stated above!! I'm sorry that I made an assuption before knowing more about you... gomenasai!!

-Secondly.... WHAT?!! You guys aren't actually married?!!

-Third... You're arabic?!! (Wow, revelations... revelations everywhere!!)

-Fourth... that was a good point about HSTs being the same as profile comments section, lol!!

-fifth... you were right about people not following the new leader!! Even if... for some reason... you do have to abandon the club.... the leader has to wear the same mask as the previous leader!! (Hope you understand what I mean!!)

-Nyuuu... I just saw that you play C&C: zero hour!! My friend insists for me to play that, but I just can't abandon Age of Empires 2!! ( ╥ω╥ )

And another edit... it seems you play age of empires too!! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

Ooh, we can play together sometime... when you are free, and are feeling better!!

These are all for now!! Hope you like my feedback, Hime-sama!! ^_^
Head_Hunter47Dec 20, 2017 3:12 AM

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Dec 20, 2017 1:33 AM

Mar 2016
Interesting o.o
I shall put in my two cents as well xPP

Well, I'll keep it short, hope you don't mind x)
Leaving the praise aside, the point I'd like to refer to is about handing the torch to someone else...

I know that what I'm about to say is not what you meant and intended to clarify with that wall of text, but I'd still like to tell you xP
So yeah, it's true that anoher 'leader' wouldn't have the same mix of sweetness, balance, .... like you... and it's good that they in fact don't imho (Not saying that you're bad here xP)
What I'm trying to say is that another person trying to imitate you would be the most awkward and worse thing that could happen... (Putting aside that that would most likely result in a disaster in the long-term anyway)
Of course another person would act differently... of course another person would make different decisions... and of course, a lot of things would change; would have to change! - that's just how it is and it's good the way it is xP
There's only one Monia after all (Well, you... not people who are named Monia.... there are a lot of Monias around the world o~o)
So if you don't want anything to change, that's another reason for you to stay here; and to join my harem xPP

I hope you got the point xDD
*pets head*
MochigiDec 21, 2017 1:16 PM
Dec 20, 2017 2:50 AM

Jan 2016
lol XD
I think we won't appear here if we're actually married :x
Dec 20, 2017 3:01 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
I'm really surprised that you give such a great answer to all questions Moon-nya ^^
I'll try to give my opinion to some questions on every Q&A~ even though mine will be worse than yours ofc :x

I tried my best to be as detailed & honest as possible. ^^

I thought you knew about the details I made about Lolita Caramel. I mean, I even showcased many of the upcoming characters in that drawing I made. There are even more interesting details I am hiding because of spoilers. That hierarchy question may not be fully revealed in Lolita Caramel, but since it was asked, I simply answered it.

What do you think about the story idea I mentioned above?

My favorite color if crimson. But I like these colors I mentioned, as they describe moi. I didn't mean to trigger Hotchy, but I really think that LeFake is near-impossible to NTR ^^
>>> I am glad you like that answer, love~

As for the games. I actually edited my post. Since there's that PC game I quite liked. And so there are PC games now. I added more games to that list too.

I am glad you think so, what I said applies to all Anime reviewers, not just in MAL :>

>>>> Gomen love. I just mentioned samples of happy moments >.<

It's okay love. Just stop calling me strict.
That person is super annoying, yes.
I am glad you agree ^^

Yes, I will discuss that with you before anyone else. There are some updates you may want to hear too ^^
Dec 20, 2017 3:05 AM

Aug 2008
Head_Hunter47 said:
Well. that took a long time to read!! (30 minutes, lol!!)

- Umm... first of all, Hime-sama, I'm feeling guilty, and have to confess!! When I started posting in the comments section... I used to end our conversation way to quickly (even the first time we talked, I was the first to say bye)!! It was because I thought that you're such an important person... and just have to reply out of duty... and wouldn't like it if I dragged the convo for too long!! But as the time went on, I've come to realize that that wasn't the case, and you actually liked being around other members... which you also stated above!! I'm sorry that I made an assuption before knowing more about you... gomenasai!!

-Secondly.... WHAT?!! You guys aren't actually married?!!

-Third... You're arabic?!! (Wow, revelations... revelations everywhere!!)

-Fourth... that was a good point about HSTs being the same as profile comments section, lol!!

-fifth... you were right about people not following the new leader!! Even if... for some reason... you do have to abandon the club.... the leader has to wear the same mask as the previous leader!! (Hope you understand what I mean!!)

These are all for now!! Hope you like my feedback, Hime-sama!! ^_^
Sorry if I wasted your time, lool ^^

- I am glad you realized that. I hope this will lead to more interesting conversations between us. I hope you will try to know about me directly, rather than make judgement about moi (which happens a lot, as you can see).

- Lool, that reaction ^^

- Yes, people always tend to be surprised about that ^^

- Oui, that's more of a reason not to waste the space here on them.

- I get what you're trying to say. It won't be a happy experience to anyone really....

I sure liked your feedback. It makes me wonder if you have feedbacks on the other things I mentioned too. ^^
Dec 20, 2017 3:06 AM

Aug 2008
Mochigi said:
Interesting o.o
I shall put in my two cents as well xPP

Will edit this soon xD
Okay Mochi love~
Dec 20, 2017 3:20 AM

Jan 2016
Dec 20, 2017 3:27 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
Yes :>

mhmm, since we didn't talk about it that much.

I am glad you think so.

No, it's just a joke, I am sure he knows about it :>

Yes. And despite that. I am not a PC gamer.

Hmmm, okay.

Hai, hai.

Very different, people would leave in droves.

I will do that soon~
Dec 20, 2017 3:28 AM

Aug 2008
I will give you a detailed reply once you reply to moi, so I won't have to reply twice.. Nice to see you know that game ^^
Dec 20, 2017 3:31 AM

Oct 2017
SweetMonia said:
I will give you a detailed reply once you reply to moi, so I won't have to reply twice.. Nice to see you know that game ^^

R-Reply to you for what... the game?!! (✧ω✧)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Dec 20, 2017 3:31 AM

Aug 2008
Head_Hunter47 said:
SweetMonia said:
I will give you a detailed reply once you reply to moi, so I won't have to reply twice.. Nice to see you know that game ^^

R-Reply to you for what... the game?!! (✧ω✧)
My post above :>
Dec 20, 2017 3:33 AM

Jan 2016
Yes I would love to hear more about it :3 (the story)

Yes I think he understand Moon-nya XD (hazelnuts)

Both of them are really good after all >.< (even though you haven't tried Firis yet :x)

Mhmm I think some people wouldn't like it ^^"

Okie~ :3
Dec 20, 2017 3:36 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
Yes I would love to hear more about it :3 (the story)

Yes I think he understand Moon-nya XD (hazelnuts)

Both of them are really good after all >.< (even though you haven't tried Firis yet :x)

Mhmm I think some people wouldn't like it ^^"

Okie~ :3
I can tell you about it ^^
The protagonist is not a creepy stalker or anything. Just a normal guy who saw a girl he really liked. So he followed her. She (Aaya) is of the calm type. Or the book reading type if you say so. And he knows about her home & actually manages to speak with her. ^^


I will play it soon~

I agree~
Dec 20, 2017 3:40 AM

Jan 2016
SweetMonia said:
I can tell you about it ^^
The protagonist is not a creepy stalker or anything. Just a normal guy who saw a girl he really liked. So he followed her. She (Aaya) is of the calm type. Or the book reading type if you say so. And he knows about her home & actually manages to speak with her. ^^


I will play it soon~

I agree~

Hmmm I see.. The story kinda remind me of Usa and Kawaii from Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou :3 (if you know about it)

Don't strain your hand though :P
Dec 20, 2017 3:41 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
SweetMonia said:
I can tell you about it ^^
The protagonist is not a creepy stalker or anything. Just a normal guy who saw a girl he really liked. So he followed her. She (Aaya) is of the calm type. Or the book reading type if you say so. And he knows about her home & actually manages to speak with her. ^^


I will play it soon~

I agree~

Hmmm I see.. The story kinda remind me of Usa and Kawaii from Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou :3 (if you know about it)

Don't strain your hand though :P
I never heard of it... Do you like it so far??

The game? No, if my hand is rested & I didn't play for long, then it's okay~
Dec 20, 2017 3:44 AM

Jan 2016
SweetMonia said:

I never heard of it... Do you like it so far??

The game? No, if my hand is rested & I didn't play for long, then it's okay~

Yes I like it ^^ Do you have their character design? Like is Aaya wearing a glasses or not? :x (I hope she's not btw XD)

Yes for the game >.<
Ah I see that's why you always took your Monia time when playing games :3
Dec 20, 2017 3:46 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
SweetMonia said:

I never heard of it... Do you like it so far??

The game? No, if my hand is rested & I didn't play for long, then it's okay~

Yes I like it ^^ Do you have their character design? Like is Aaya wearing a glasses or not? :x (I hope she's not btw XD)

Yes for the game >.<
Ah I see that's why you always took your Monia time when playing games :3
I have a sketch for Aaya. She is a beauty, a silent beauty. She doesn't wear glasses at all.

Not really, I just don't like to have long sessions in general ^^
Dec 20, 2017 3:47 AM

Oct 2017
SweetMonia said:
Head_Hunter47 said:
Well. that took a long time to read!! (30 minutes, lol!!)

- Umm... first of all, Hime-sama, I'm feeling guilty, and have to confess!! When I started posting in the comments section... I used to end our conversation way to quickly (even the first time we talked, I was the first to say bye)!! It was because I thought that you're such an important person... and just have to reply out of duty... and wouldn't like it if I dragged the convo for too long!! But as the time went on, I've come to realize that that wasn't the case, and you actually liked being around other members... which you also stated above!! I'm sorry that I made an assuption before knowing more about you... gomenasai!!

-Secondly.... WHAT?!! You guys aren't actually married?!!

-Third... You're arabic?!! (Wow, revelations... revelations everywhere!!)

-Fourth... that was a good point about HSTs being the same as profile comments section, lol!!

-fifth... you were right about people not following the new leader!! Even if... for some reason... you do have to abandon the club.... the leader has to wear the same mask as the previous leader!! (Hope you understand what I mean!!)

These are all for now!! Hope you like my feedback, Hime-sama!! ^_^
Sorry if I wasted your time, lool ^^

- I am glad you realized that. I hope this will lead to more interesting conversations between us. I hope you will try to know about me directly, rather than make judgement about moi (which happens a lot, as you can see).

- Lool, that reaction ^^

- Yes, people always tend to be surprised about that ^^

- Oui, that's more of a reason not to waste the space here on them.

- I get what you're trying to say. It won't be a happy experience to anyone really....

I sure liked your feedback. It makes me wonder if you have feedbacks on the other things I mentioned too. ^^

Now I feel embarrassed for saying that!! ( ╥ω╥ )

Yes, it has, and I hope so too!! ^_^

But... you guys are so cute together.... how was I to know you weren't!! (╥_╥)

Because there was no clue (at least everywhere that I've been)!! But it was nice to finally know where the princess hails from!! ^_^
And now..... the game!! (✯◡✯)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Dec 20, 2017 3:49 AM

Jan 2016
SweetMonia said:
I have a sketch for Aaya. She is a beauty, a silent beauty. She doesn't wear glasses at all.

Not really, I just don't like to have long sessions in general ^^

I see will you show it to me? XD
That's good then :3

I see :o
I always have a long session if I play games that I like.. Like Devil May Cry, CoD, or Assassin's Creed :3
Dec 20, 2017 3:54 AM

Aug 2008
Head_Hunter47 said:
SweetMonia said:
Sorry if I wasted your time, lool ^^

- I am glad you realized that. I hope this will lead to more interesting conversations between us. I hope you will try to know about me directly, rather than make judgement about moi (which happens a lot, as you can see).

- Lool, that reaction ^^

- Yes, people always tend to be surprised about that ^^

- Oui, that's more of a reason not to waste the space here on them.

- I get what you're trying to say. It won't be a happy experience to anyone really....

I sure liked your feedback. It makes me wonder if you have feedbacks on the other things I mentioned too. ^^

Now I feel embarrassed for saying that!! ( ╥ω╥ )

Yes, it has, and I hope so too!! ^_^

But... you guys are so cute together.... how was I to know you weren't!! (╥_╥)

Because there was no clue (at least everywhere that I've been)!! But it was nice to finally know where the princess hails from!! ^_^
And now..... the game!! (✯◡✯)
It was funny, so..... <Insert a hammer here>

And this post is a starter maybe. :>

Awww, more compliments :3

Yes, that makes it a bit surprising...

Hmmm, I played Command & Conquer Generals more that Age of Empires (I only played the 1st).. I am very good at it. How about you?
Dec 20, 2017 3:54 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
SweetMonia said:
I have a sketch for Aaya. She is a beauty, a silent beauty. She doesn't wear glasses at all.

Not really, I just don't like to have long sessions in general ^^

I see will you show it to me? XD
That's good then :3

I see :o
I always have a long session if I play games that I like.. Like Devil May Cry, CoD, or Assassin's Creed :3
Sure. I may publish it on Kindle too.

I only have long sessions when I am captivated by the way :>
Dec 20, 2017 3:57 AM

Jan 2016
SweetMonia said:
Sure. I may publish it on Kindle too.

I only have long sessions when I am captivated by the way :>

I see....
Oh what's Kindle btw? :> (XD)

You're like me too then >.<
The other game that makes me really captivated too is Sophie~ Firis is different imo >.>
Dec 20, 2017 4:02 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
SweetMonia said:
Sure. I may publish it on Kindle too.

I only have long sessions when I am captivated by the way :>

I see....
Oh what's Kindle btw? :> (XD)

You're like me too then >.<
The other game that makes me really captivated too is Sophie~ Firis is different imo >.>
It's an E-Book device made by Amazon. But you don't need them to read kindle books. :>

Yes, and sometimes some games bore me >.<
Some of the earlier Atelier Games made me play for hours to an end ^^
Dec 20, 2017 4:04 AM

Oct 2017
RyouHayato said:
SweetMonia said:
I have a sketch for Aaya. She is a beauty, a silent beauty. She doesn't wear glasses at all.

Not really, I just don't like to have long sessions in general ^^

I see will you show it to me? XD
That's good then :3

I see :o
I always have a long session if I play games that I like.. Like Devil May Cry, CoD, or Assassin's Creed :3

*Gulp* S-Senpai.... you play Devil may Cry for enjoyment too!! M-May I ask which one is your favorite?!! o_o

Oh, and I've play ACs upto Black Flag.... but I'll replace CoD with Borderlands as my favorite shooter!! ^_^

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Dec 20, 2017 4:07 AM

Jan 2016
SweetMonia said:
It's an E-Book device made by Amazon. But you don't need them to read kindle books. :>

Yes, and sometimes some games bore me >.<
Some of the earlier Atelier Games made me play for hours to an end ^^

I see o.o I've never heard of it before :O I'm really living in a shell D:

Yes it'll take a long time for me to complete games that bore me >.>
Really? XD I think me and my friend spend 80+ hours on Sophie XD
Dec 20, 2017 4:09 AM

Jan 2016
Head_Hunter47 said:

*Gulp* S-Senpai.... you play Devil may Cry for enjoyment too!! M-May I ask which one is your favorite?!! o_o

Oh, and I've play ACs upto Black Flag.... but I'll replace CoD with Borderlands as my favorite shooter!! ^_^

Yes I cleared all difficulty if I played them :3 My favorite is Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but 4 is better~
I don't really like the most recent one though ^^

I've played AC until AC 3 and thanks to Mochi I have AC4 now :3.. My favorite FPS should be Crysis so far~ (even though I haven't play Crysis:Warhead and Crysis 2 yet) But I really like the gameplay :D
Dec 20, 2017 4:10 AM

Aug 2008
RyouHayato said:
SweetMonia said:
It's an E-Book device made by Amazon. But you don't need them to read kindle books. :>

Yes, and sometimes some games bore me >.<
Some of the earlier Atelier Games made me play for hours to an end ^^

I see o.o I've never heard of it before :O I'm really living in a shell D:

Yes it'll take a long time for me to complete games that bore me >.>
Really? XD I think me and my friend spend 80+ hours on Sophie XD
I was surprised you didn't know about it to be honest. But maybe you have other interests. :>

That's some real dedication :o
Dec 20, 2017 4:16 AM

Jan 2016
SweetMonia said:
I was surprised you didn't know about it to be honest. But maybe you have other interests. :>

That's some real dedication :o

Ah you probably don't know but I'm really a person who is living under the shell Moon-nya :x
I don't really know most of important event, things, or anything that people usually know and sometimes my friends are really surprised XD

Well it's just really interesting to play after all :3
Dec 20, 2017 4:16 AM

Oct 2017
RyouHayato said:
Head_Hunter47 said:

*Gulp* S-Senpai.... you play Devil may Cry for enjoyment too!! M-May I ask which one is your favorite?!! o_o

Oh, and I've play ACs upto Black Flag.... but I'll replace CoD with Borderlands as my favorite shooter!! ^_^

Yes I cleared all difficulty if I played them :3 My favorite is Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but 4 is better~
I don't really like the most recent one though ^^

I've played AC until AC 3 and thanks to Mochi I have AC4 now :3.. My favorite FPS should be Crysis so far~ (even though I haven't play Crysis:Warhead and Crysis 2 yet) But I really like the gameplay :D

I've played 3, 4, 5... but only up to "son of sparda" difficulties!! After those, I just start the "Bloody Palace" mode!! I didn't really hate the latest one, as I didn't compare that guy to the original Dante.... but as a Hack n' Slash fan... I still really enjoyed it!! Oh, and my favorite one is 4 too!! Hope you have tried the "Special Edition", as using Vergil changes the whole game!! (╯✧▽✧)╯

My friend said that it might only stay in the account until 23 december... so maybe you should download it beforehand... in case it does get taken down!! Btw, if you like pirates... this is the best pirate game!! (✧ω✧)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Dec 20, 2017 4:18 AM

Aug 2008
Um, let's make this thread about the interview please.

And Sanji, it looks like you forgot about our conversation..... Never mind ^^
Dec 20, 2017 4:22 AM

Jan 2016
Ah gomen Moon-nya you can delete it them if you want XD

Too bad I haven't tried it yet :x
I think I want to try it later~ :>

Yes I think I should XD
Dec 20, 2017 4:25 AM

Oct 2017
SweetMonia said:
Head_Hunter47 said:

Now I feel embarrassed for saying that!! ( ╥ω╥ )

Yes, it has, and I hope so too!! ^_^

But... you guys are so cute together.... how was I to know you weren't!! (╥_╥)

Because there was no clue (at least everywhere that I've been)!! But it was nice to finally know where the princess hails from!! ^_^
And now..... the game!! (✯◡✯)
It was funny, so..... <Insert a hammer here>

And this post is a starter maybe. :>

Awww, more compliments :3

Yes, that makes it a bit surprising...

Hmmm, I played Command & Conquer Generals more that Age of Empires (I only played the 1st).. I am very good at it. How about you?

Sumimase, Hime-sama... I got distracted!! (Points towards Ryou-senpai!!)

Nyuuu... I've only played Age of empires 2 and 3!! (╥﹏╥)

But I could pick it up when age of empires 1 gets the remake!! (Did you know about it?!!)

Noooo.... I got so excited... but hopefully, maybe we can find another game, that we have in common!! ^_^

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Dec 20, 2017 6:16 AM

Aug 2009
I feel as I have gotten to know you more better. It warms me to read all this, especially around Christmas.
You clearly are a person I can still look up to after all these years.

Even though I have been lurking after all this time.....
In a way, I am very happy this interviewed has happened.
KairenDec 20, 2017 7:44 AM
Dec 20, 2017 6:59 AM

Nov 2013
At first, @SweetMonia you must watch Princess Principle.. posting a screenshot of it reminds me again how much I enjoyed it and I'm sure you will like the relationship between the girl who you posted and someone else there ^^ Isn't this the first time I recommend you an anime? >////<

Now to the answers.. wow.. as Hayachy said, I like all your answers :3 Except one.............
- LeFake X Ray:-
which gives me this weird feeling....

But I'm very glad that you used past tense there when you described how it was.. ^^

Also, I'm glad you like apple (the fruit) so much :3 Apples are the best >/////< Right @AmphynoRingo ? :3

I also like your beautiful moments on MAL and the reason of the HST's removal ^^

And last but not least about the future of your cafe.. " ...but unfortunately, such person doesn't exist to my knowledge". That is something I'd like to add ^^ I understand there is no one for now.. but we can't predict the future >w< (in case I got your reasons correctly)
Azer0laDec 20, 2017 7:05 AM
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Dec 20, 2017 7:27 AM

Jun 2015

That are so detailed...Respect+++ and ehem dat ship XD
RorolineDec 20, 2017 7:37 AM
Dec 20, 2017 7:41 AM

May 2014
I'm satisfied none of moi questions are deleted. Thanks, boss~ I started to understand you more than I could've hope...:)
SmugdearDec 20, 2017 8:10 AM

I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often...
How greedy of me
Dec 20, 2017 8:02 AM

Dec 2015
Thanks @SweetMonia, That answered a bunch of questions and it also gave some better ideas of other people here, (mainly Ryou).

Thank you :)
It's not the Slates that is essential to people. What we need is...
A small table to share a meal... That's more than enough.

That's my conclusion. The answer I've reached as the Silver King.
Dec 20, 2017 9:04 AM

Feb 2016
This is a very interesting thing,will we see more of them?:o

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground


Dec 20, 2017 3:02 PM

Aug 2017
that's good and details answer ^^

A first-class villain doesn't target honest lives.
Dec 21, 2017 2:09 AM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
Nice to know about those things you wrote :)

RinrinkaDec 21, 2017 2:12 AM

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Dec 21, 2017 3:33 AM

Oct 2014
Yay, I got the honour of having the last question ~

Also it was very insightful, exactly the kind of answer I'd hoped to receive, well detailed and informative. Thank you kindly Monia ~

The other answers were good to know as well o.o, such as I never knew the name for this cafe was in another language o.o. Though I always thought "Monia cafe" rolled off the tongue so I don't think I've ever altered it o.o.

This was worth the wait ~ (It's not like I refreshed every day in the cafe waiting for your response or anything >.> h-humph)

Thank you very much for the answers ~

Dec 22, 2017 5:37 PM

Feb 2016
do you believe if you lost it suddenly or had to give it up (perhaps to someone else) that you would be emotionally affected?

I would like to get your clear feelings on this matter, of course, this is out of simple curiosity and you may choose not to answer this question if you wish.

The battle is over.
Show respect for the fallen
who fought so bravely.
Dec 24, 2017 2:58 PM

Mar 2016
Reading through this and realizing @SweetMonia is an arab too. What a pleasant surprise! Excuse me, but it’s not often i meet arabs here on MAL and one happening to be the creator of one of the most successful clubs here on MAL. Going by your use of “Moi” and “Oui”, I can’t help but guess whether you’re from an arab country where french is commonly spoken or by a good portion of the population like Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco etc. though it’s just a guess. Tasharfna be ma’arftek wa shokran ala kol johoudek (تشرّفنا بمعرفتك وشكرًا على كل جهودك) . Also on point on that saying. Things changed while I was absent during the semester (forgive me for that. I’m picking up right now). Also respect all your decisions.
Shishou_23Dec 24, 2017 3:03 PM
Mar 29, 2018 11:14 PM

Jul 2017
Great replies :3
*thumbs up*
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Mar 30, 2018 2:15 AM

Oct 2017
This brought back memories!! I was just a month old here!! QwQ

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Mar 30, 2018 2:31 AM

Jul 2017
Hehe xD
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Mar 30, 2018 5:11 AM

Aug 2008
Um... Let's keep this thread for the comments about the interview please, as we can chat in many threads here already~
Sep 5, 2018 7:26 PM

Aug 2008
Let's give this thread some exposure. Some people may want to see this
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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