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Nov 6, 2017 5:02 PM
Mar 2016
So a few weeks ago I posted two youtube videos, which apparently was a mistake because posting 2 videos at once means that youtube barely shows them to anyone...? (Who knew?)

Either way, the videos pretty much got no views, so I unlisted them both, hoping to reupload later to better results. But, before I did that I asked a bigger youtuber if they had some tips on getting my videos noticed. But they said that my voice needed some work. Which, I'm inclined to agree, but I just wanted some other opinions.

So, does my voice really suck that bad? Please be honest, I'm used to failing and trying again multiple times so this time won't be any different.

Here's one of the two unlisted videos I posted:
Nov 6, 2017 6:04 PM

Apr 2017
well if you want honesty, ya got some lisp and mispronounce words sometimes

pretty good analysis, the ending made me lol
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Nov 6, 2017 9:32 PM

Apr 2014
My voice sounds like shit (like a squeaky 12 year old and a rather annoying one). I always heard that you need to speak with optimism and that seems to work. Just try to be your most confident self. If you listen to markipliers first video he is quiet and monotone in the beginning.
Nov 6, 2017 10:05 PM

Feb 2015
I think voice doesn't really matter when it comes to YT. As long as your content is somewhat genuine, then it is probably fine.

Ohhh well, in the end I think it all comes down to how good you are at sucking to the big YTers nowadays...

Nov 7, 2017 1:19 AM

Aug 2014
I think your voice is pretty good, but it sounds like the microphone isn't the greatest. What kind are you using?

You use good variation in tone and you don't just read up lines with a boring monotone voice. Like Ikaros said, I do hear a very slight lisp, but I don't think it's too bad. Kinda sounds like you have braces.

_Ako_ said:
I think voice doesn't really matter when it comes to YT. As long as your content is somewhat genuine, then it is probably fine.

Disagree. A good voice helps a lot.
Nov 7, 2017 7:13 AM

Sep 2017
Voice quality and content is necessary. Maybe a better recording software or hardware will help. Whatever they are called.
"When you made this thread, I cried and screamed"

-Swagernator 2017
Nov 7, 2017 10:45 AM
Mar 2016
Thank you for the feedback, everyone.

It's odd, this is the second time I've been told that it sounds like I wear braces....I don't. That's just my voice, I guess >__< I can only imagine how terrible I'd sound it I actually did wear braces.

I've tried to re-record but it doesn't sounds too much better. Plus when I consciously try to make my voice sound better I come off as sounding fake and too happy, but then when I relax and just talk naturally, well, the tones are better but my natural voice

And, I'm also aware that I need a better microphone. Sorry to spring my sob story on you guys (cause I know it'll just sound like a "woe is me" excuse) but...I just can't afford anything right now. I'm literally going broke having to pay for premier pro to even make the video in the first place. So a new mic is kind of out of the question until I can get a job...which, well...that's just not working out right now at all. The fact that i'm so broke and finding no luck in job hunting is the whole reason why I just decided to finally try the whole youtube thing (I've been wanting to do it for a while, but I've always told myself it wouldn't work...)

I kinda had this idea that since my voice sucks I could make videos like a dating sim, but instead it would be an anime review/analysis. I'm good art art so I thought I could draw a cute avatar girl for the reviews, and I can't recall ever seeing a type of video like that on youtube. But, then I thought that no one would want to read text on screen as a replacement for actual voice over. I mean, people like to play dating sims, sure, but would they still be willing to read text if it was a review? I'm skeptical....

Sorry if I'm not making any sense. I just don't know whether to just keep doing voice overs (since apparently not everyone thinks my voice is *that* bad...) or if i should just give up. I mean, I really like reviewing and analyzing stuff, and I like to think I'm at least decent at it, but if my voice sucks then I'm never going to get anywhere with my videos...
Nov 7, 2017 11:54 AM

Jan 2015
I'll be honest, I don't like your voice. I think your lisp is more than just slight as the others have mentioned. I mean, it's not horrible, but I doubt the majority of viewers would find it appealing.

Your thoughts and analysis are okay, but you're talking about a high school couple from a recent seasonal that no one cares about. It's not exactly gripping stuff. I think talking about some viewpoint on an established, well-known series or movies would help garner more views and attention for a new anime Youtuber.

I don't know, maybe throw in some more humor like Gigguk or Demo. That wouldn't hurt.
AeroheartNov 7, 2017 11:57 AM
Nov 7, 2017 1:10 PM

Apr 2014
Pyro said:

I don't know, maybe throw in some more humor like Gigguk or Demo. That wouldn't hurt.

A moment of silence for Demo.

-yelling from background, “Demo isn’t dead!”-
Nov 8, 2017 2:21 AM

Aug 2014
Do you have a webcam btw? Channels that include themselves have a lot more personality and stand out a lot more than those with only voiceovers.

Also... Girls tend to have a good shot at it if they show their face on videos. I know it's kinda shitty, but you'll get more exposure that way most likely.
Nov 8, 2017 9:47 AM
Nov 2013
Ardanaz said:
Do you have a webcam btw? Channels that include themselves have a lot more personality and stand out a lot more than those with only voiceovers.

Also... Girls tend to have a good shot at it if they show their face on videos. I know it's kinda shitty, but you'll get more exposure that way most likely.

That might be true about standing out but anime channels that involve themselves usually tend to perform poorer than the ones with just a voice over on top of some anime clips.
At least that's what I've noticed in the past year.

Overall it all depends on the topic that you're discussing. If it's something relevant and interesting, doesn't matter if you have an accent, sound weird or have bad editing, it will just draw people in.
Nov 8, 2017 6:47 PM

Mar 2015
Accent is fine, voice is mostly clear, that already puts you above most people who are still able to do well on YouTube, so yes your voice is totally fine.
Nov 10, 2017 9:11 AM
Mar 2016
Hmm...I didn't expect this much feedback on this topic (especially since the other two topics I posted got, like, no responses). But, still, thanks everyone!

It seems like people are kinda split. Some think my voice fine, some think there are issues with it but it's not unlistenable, and some just flat out don't like my voice.

So, with all that....I guess I can give it another shot? Apparently me and my voice aren't a complete lost cause just yet. So I'll re-record, re-release, and see what happens. I probably will have to pick a more relevant anime, though. Which means essentially starting from scratch on a new video -__- But, oh well. Like I said I'm very used to failure, so this is just...a regular ol' thing for me.
Nov 10, 2017 9:20 AM

Oct 2014
blackrose108 said:
Hmm...I didn't expect this much feedback on this topic (especially since the other two topics I posted got, like, no responses). But, still, thanks everyone!
Most cuz it's a youtube video and putting effort into watching a video is minimal. On the other hand, reading a webtoon or typing a decent response requires more effort. Though, I didn't see your video cuz I haven't seen that anime (Koi to Uso I think?) and I hate getting spoiled or knowing about it.
I don't know why people write that they are approachable persons,
if you were you wouldn't be on MAL.
Extended families or lovers on MAL are a farce.
Nov 10, 2017 9:35 AM
Mar 2016
Iizbakaokay said:
blackrose108 said:
Hmm...I didn't expect this much feedback on this topic (especially since the other two topics I posted got, like, no responses). But, still, thanks everyone!
Most cuz it's a youtube video and putting effort into watching a video is minimal. On the other hand, reading a webtoon or typing a decent response requires more effort. Though, I didn't see your video cuz I haven't seen that anime (Koi to Uso I think?) and I hate getting spoiled or knowing about it.

Oh, is that it? That's too bad for my comic, then >__<
Nov 10, 2017 9:58 AM

Oct 2014
blackrose108 said:
Iizbakaokay said:
Most cuz it's a youtube video and putting effort into watching a video is minimal. On the other hand, reading a webtoon or typing a decent response requires more effort. Though, I didn't see your video cuz I haven't seen that anime (Koi to Uso I think?) and I hate getting spoiled or knowing about it.
Oh, is that it? That's too bad for my comic, then >__<
Not really, keep all your creative work to one single thread and keep bumping it with new work. People also check a thread if it has more replies. XD

Also cluttering the board is frowned upon, so yeah each thread has 10k posts so people should utilize that.
I don't know why people write that they are approachable persons,
if you were you wouldn't be on MAL.
Extended families or lovers on MAL are a farce.
Dec 31, 2017 2:36 PM
Jul 2018
Well, the good news is, you don't sound bored. Do everything you can to sound anything like Pedantic Romantic or Pause and Select.

Bad news sound do I put this without being condescending...uh...
You sound too hesitant: like someone random in a crowd being picked to read a motivation speech.

Sound more confident, but not like an arrogant asshole like Mother's Basement.
Jan 1, 2018 5:37 PM

Feb 2015
your voice/ accent are ok, nothing wrong their, try to do your delivery with a bit more confidence

also look into a new mic, i think that would solve the problems, you dont sound monotone or anything.

Jan 2, 2018 12:37 PM

Jan 2012
Many people on the internet give false compliments. I hate that.
People already pointed out the faults in your voice. What I could add is that you're not very charismatic. You have many faults, but you are not a lost cause. Most of them can be fixed through practice. Some of them can be overlooked if you find some ways to make up for them. But the biggest problems are...first one, you picked one of the anime I hated. Ok, this is just me, ignore it. I can't see how an anime reviewing YT channel can be successful. Ok, I admit, I am not familiar with them. Maybe some people like them. I don't. I find them boring, useless. And I believe I am not the only one. Who would watch a review of an anime they plan to watch, just to get spoiled? Who would watch an anime analysis? Anime watchers would rather have an open discussion about anime, not just listening to someone talking about them. I'd say before fixing your voice, find something more appealing. Making game reviews is a much better choice. YT game reviews are very popular these days. People even watch others play games on (live).
You mentioned you are good at art. You could focus on that as well (depending how good you are). There are artists who draw live on There are artists to make tutorials, show their own drawings and whatnot. That is also a good idea. But if you want to go with anime reviewing/analysis, well, what I can say, good luck. If you think I'm being mean, well, I am sorry, just ignore me.

Jan 2, 2018 2:57 PM

May 2014

Many of your complaints seem more like your own personal issues.
Anime review channels are open market on yt, pretty good place to start making videos.

Anyway op, you got solid editing which really carries your vid forward, the humour will probably get better as you keep making videos so I don't really have pointers, you'll develop it yourself.
And yeah you do need a good mic, it makes a huge difference between wanting to watch the vid, also important is tempo, knowing when you don't need to talk much can help with the parts where you do have a lot to say.
I've been here way too long...
Jan 2, 2018 4:16 PM

Aug 2014
KanaAoi said:
But the biggest problems are...first one, you picked one of the anime I hated. Ok, this is just me, ignore it. I can't see how an anime reviewing YT channel can be successful. Ok, I admit, I am not familiar with them. Maybe some people like them. I don't. I find them boring, useless. And I believe I am not the only one. Who would watch a review of an anime they plan to watch, just to get spoiled? Who would watch an anime analysis? Anime watchers would rather have an open discussion about anime, not just listening to someone talking about them. I'd say before fixing your voice, find something more appealing. Making game reviews is a much better choice. YT game reviews are very popular these days. People even watch others play games on (live).

Wow okay. How nice of you....?

Anyways, to the person questioning, I think that the video is a little bland, in that you might want to turn up the background music a little? It can tend to be a little dull if its just a person's voice with minimal to practically no music. I really do enjoy the way that you speak in a more emotional way rather than monotone like, it would be even better if you could bring that part of your character into your speech even more. I can tell that you get more emotional as you progress into the video, so it would be super awesome to hear it from the get go as well. Your voice is loud and clear, but there is a little bit of a lisp. However, I can still understand what's going on. I also really liked 2:50, the way you expressed your frustration was really nice.

*it might be useful to put a large spoiler alert at the beginning of the video to prevent anyone who falls onto this video from getting spoiled.

Jan 2, 2018 7:12 PM
Jul 2018
My computer makes a lot of noise and my mic is basically my noise cancelling headphones. Yet they don’t cancel out my computer noise. I recently got a new and better computer for Christmas, but it’s a macbook and the amount of space it has on it is..... lacking, so I’m already peeved off that I’m gonna have to try and accommodate all my shit onto a separate offline drive in order to access it bc I have way more than 250gb on my win computer and I really needed a fuckin’ tb of space on that macbook. Beggars can’t be choosers, I guess, and there’s no way for me to expand the amount of space without using an external drive, because the MB air is too slim to add an extra HDD. And I would feel like a greedy bitch for complaining about the lack of space when it’s a thousand dollar computer already and adding the extra space apparently increases it by like another thousand dollars. If I didn’t have these annoying constraints I’d love to reduce the space on my win computer while still keeping it and use the Mac for multimedia and editing, but my sisters laptop is dying, so I’m going to be forced to give my terabyte on my HP windows laptop to her. Bleehhhh.
Jan 5, 2018 7:36 PM
Nov 2016
Yeah, I'd definitely prefer listening to you talk rather than some of the current 'anime YouTubers'.

Jan 5, 2018 7:38 PM

Jan 2017
Go ahead i think its fine

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